SCC eRecognition Book 2017 APR-JUN

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Recognition Program

April-June 2017

We value our people Council highly values the diversity of skills and experience

The success of the 2016 CEO Excellence Awards was

that people bring to the organisation.

testament to the diversity, talent and dedication of our

Our people reman our greatest asset – the women and men who provide the services and facilities that support the community every day and of which they are also a part. The organisation is strongly supportive of building on the existing talent, expertise and enthusiasm of employees and contractors. Their passionate commitment to the region and their willingness to go above and beyond is what sets our organisation apart from other councils.

Our values

employees. With the Employee of Year presented to popular employees Matthew Painter and Adam Stewart for their outstanding contributions to the organisation. Who will it be this year?

Working as One Team

across the organisation and with our community

Our behaviours • Collaborating to share ideas, solve problems and achieve results • Building teams involving our colleagues and community • Providing clear direction and practical support • Being respectful in our communications and team approach • Being cooperative, productive team members who are prepared to contribute

Kellie Holdsworth Katherine Hartshorne Wendy McDonald Paul Munnings Jacqui Azzopardi Nicole McNaughton Lynne Saunders Simon Ball Jenna Faith Annette Channells Steve Gurr

Project Sunshine Coast Lightning Activation Departments Economic Development & Major Projects Community Services Branches Sports & Community Venues Economic Development Communication

What have they been noticed for? Securing the Sunshine Coast Lightning was a huge deal for the region but activating it, supporting it and getting our community behind it is an equally big job. This team has helped activate the games locally and away. The local team supports Council in its major partnership role by providing game day assistance/support and managing much of the crew and activities associated with game day. Different staff have different roles from Kellie who coordinates Council's Fan Zone activation and ticketing; to Simon and Jenna that have overall game day responsibility; to Paul who coordinates media activities and features. Katherine and Wendy also support away games by organising key corporates and potential Sunshine Coast partners to attend away games. Overall, it is a fantastic team effort by all of these Council areas and it is making an impact in our community, on and off the field with the level of engagement and the community pride generated from the team being significant. Commercially it is also a great profile raiser for the region with the regular mentions across all media.

Rebecca Coffey

Department Office of the Mayor & CEO Branch Office of Mayor & CEO

What have they been noticed for? Rebecca has been a great assistance to Corporate Governance with our meeting reports during the March and April round of OM's. She has been very tolerant with our report changes and has really stepped up to the plate during Natalie's absence. Thank you Rebecca.

Paul Rosen

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Recently the Customer Contact Centre experienced a major outage of their telephony system, Engage. This had a major impact on their ability to provide service to Council residents. Unfortunately the key specialist for this platform/application was unavailable. Paul became aware of the situation and understood the angst and concern that accompanies a major outage in the Contact Centre. Although he had little to no experience with Engage, Paul called me and advised he would drop down to Customer Contact as just his presence would provide some support to the group. Paul spent the whole day assisting to determine the cause and even worked until around 7 pm that night with others to resolve the problem. During crisis meetings throughout the day, it was Paul who helped pinpoint the problem using knowledge of other systems and identifying an associated outage. The issue pointed to Telstra who had denied any problem at their end throughout the day. I know Paul's presence and support was appreciated by the Customer Contact management team. Additionally Paul gained a better insight into the Engage platform and learnt a lot on the day. Paul is to be commended on his support and OneTeam approach on the day.

Vern Butterworth

Project Pelican Walters Golf Club Re-Development Application Department Community Services Branch Community Response

What have they been noticed for? Vern provided Council's Engineering & Environment Assessment Unit very timely advice with respect to Mosquito & Biting Insect impacts in the Pelican Waters area. The information and data provided was invaluable and has supported Council's Environment Assessment team to require better Environmental Health outcomes for the Pelican Water Golf Club Redevelopment. An outstanding job, well done to Vern and crew.

Hayley Titley-Murphy

Department Community Services Branch Community Relations

What have they been noticed for? Hayley always goes out of her way to deliver Soft Skills training to Skilling Qld for Work participants, Trainees, Corporate Orientation participants and My Summer Workplace graduates. Despite a very busy role in Customer Contact, Hayley always finds time to share her expertise with others and this helps new employees to understand our level of service and our expectations. Hayley demonstrates Working as One Team at all times and is a great example and role model.

Mitch Carolan Claire Grimshaw Tania McKenzie

Project Smart Cities Video Production Departments Community Services Infrastructure Services Branches Community Relations Community Planning & Development

What have they been noticed for? Mitch, Claire and Tania all helped with production of a video for the Smart Cities Implementation Plan – a project which they are not involved with – by volunteering to be filmed, helping to find props and tidying the area where we filmed. This was all at very short notice and it was much appreciated!

Paul Munnings Katrina Rivers Rachel Thomson

Project Disaster Communications Department Economic Development & Major Projects Branch Communication

What have they been noticed for? Proactive and thorough communication through the storm following Cyclone Debbie. I was proud to point friends and family to council for up to date, relevant and interesting updates.

Kristy Taylor

Department Community Services Branch Community Response

What have they been noticed for? I often organise or facilitate workshops in the Mooloolah Room at the Caloundra Depot. Anytime I have a question or need assistance with something, Kristy is always more than happy to assist and does not make me feel as if I am putting her out. Kristy - thank you for being so friendly, professional and supportive. I really appreciate it.

Bob Jordan Marlaina Pickering

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Bob and Marlaina have provided invaluable assistance working with the Cemeteries team to aid in developing a client focussed solution which will benefit the Cemeteries team and most importantly Councils customers. Enabling the Cemeteries team to facilitate ground truthing and mapping of burial records through ArcGIS mobility solutions has enabled the team to advance the accuracy and reliability of the Cemeteries burial references. This solution will also integrate with and compliment existing records maintained in T1. Marlaina has provided exemplary support through provision of training in Icollector and ArcGIS as well as being available to assist with the use of the technology generally. Their efforts have enabled the Cemeteries team and business to advance significantly with regard to efficiency and reliability! Greatly appreciated and thank you.

Shane Bigler

Department Corporate Services Branch Human Resources

What have they been noticed for? Shane has been incredibly helpful in updating the Code of Conduct attendees into the CHRIS database. Despite now being engaged in a different project, Shane identified a concern with the reporting and promptly set about rectifying the problem. Thank you Shane, your willingness to assist and your friendly and helpful nature exemplifies all the organisation values.

Service excellence to our customers and each other

Our behaviours • Delivering our promises • Being clear and timely in our communication • Taking responsibility for assisting customers • Providing services fairly, promptly and respectfully • Creating positive customer experiences

Amanda Goody Tim McGee

Project Disaster Recovery Assistance following ex-TC Debbie Department Economic Development & Major Projects Branch Economic Development

What have they been noticed for? Amanda and Tim were extremely proactive in reaching out to the business community pre/during and post ex-TC Debbie in the week commencing 27 March 2017. Amanda and Tim contacted all the Chambers in advance and offered them their mobile numbers and assistance for them and their members. The morning of the deluge (30 March) they contacted the most affected areas directly and again offered assistance and on Friday 31 March and Saturday 1 April, they were helping businesses non-stop. We received amazing testimonials and thanks such as from Shiralee the President of the Montville Chamber who wrote "Thank you from our Montville community, its great to see such support" as Amanda arranged for QCL Logistics to send a cold-truck to The Edge restaurant who was facing a huge loss as they could not refrigerate their goods and helped the local IGA with generators, and Jeni from Eumundi Markets who wrote "On behalf of the Eumundi Township, Eumundi Square and all Eumundi Market Stallholders, we would just like to say thank you so very much for organising us power for this morning's market. I cannot tell you how much we all appreciate your help, Council and Energex" and Aussie World who was facing having to cancel a sold-out show and poor start to the school holidays, "the team is amazing." The support and focus from Tim and Amanda was outstanding in the time of need of these businesses and our community.

Vicki Shapcott

Project Rollout of Spydus 10 Department Community Services Branch Community Relations

What have they been noticed for? Vicki approached this task methodically and diligently. I could tell that she wanted our team to feel supported and be able to move to the upgraded system with the minimum of grief for each person on the team. To achieve this, she chose to be on the roll-out team (which was in itself a serious commitment), went to a number of long training sessions (meaning she had to catch up on all her other work afterwards), took part in the on-training (and proved to be a very good teacher), made sure we were ready in our branch for the change-over, supported all of us with the big changes and continues to support us as issues arise. I really feel our team has adopted the new system really well and with a minimum of fuss and this would not have happened without Vicki's careful planning and delivery, and her care and demeanour with staff (always kind and never patronising). In this sense she has provided excellent customer service to our customers and staff and she has been a solid team member and builder too. Actually, she models all of the values and I love working with her.

Damien Large

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Project Delivery

What have they been noticed for? Damian delivered the Kawana Library enclosure project on time and with no disruption to the library service. The project was funded by Cr John Connolly and we are all very pleased with the finished product. He frequently provided project updates ensuring everyone was always fully informed. His liaisons with all stakeholders ensured the public were kept well informed and not inconvenienced. This can be a very challenging deed to accomplish in a public space. He delivered service excellence throughout the project, demonstrating highly professional conduct and friendly communication. Thank you Damien.

Jody Barnes

Department Planning & Environment Branch Directorate

What have they been noticed for? Jody is an exceptional asset to your team. Every time I have I contacted Jody for assistance, she is quick to help... no matter how undesirable the task is! I appreciate her positive approach and her willingness to help out in Debbie's absence. I believe Jody needs to be formally acknowledged. Thanks Jody!

Jodie Paulsen Dianne Lambert

Department Corporate Services Branch Finance

What have they been noticed for? Both Jodie and Dianne went out of their way to complete a refund for a client from an animal rescue organisation who was in desperate need of the refund prior to Easter.

Rebecca Coffey

Project The Unflappable Meeting Management Project Department Office of the Mayor & CEO Branch Office of Mayor & CEO

What have they been noticed for? Rebecca excels in her meeting management skills. The Ordinary and Special meetings are high stress, high pressure environments, requiring quick thinking, excellent understanding of meeting protocols and interpretation of councillor motion requests and the ability to take direction from numerous people (often offering it simultaneously). It also requires an unflappable, resilient presence and Rebecca displays these attributes at all times. A most recent example is the Special Meeting on Easter Thursday, at which she was able to work through very convoluted motion amendments, remaining calm and focused at all times. Despite the high pressure, Rebecca maintains a happy and helpful disposition. Nothing is ever too much trouble for her. Her work preparing the meeting agendas is also excellent. The councillors also often comment on Rebecca's high work standards.

Tia James

Department Corporate Services Branch Procurement & Contracts

What have they been noticed for? Tia's customer service skills and patience with staff whilst we are adapting to the Open Windows program has been exceptional. Tia has demonstrated to be knowledgeable, friendly and positive through the training and numerous queries. It has made the process so much easier for myself and my colleagues in the Property Management Branch.

Brendan Rudduck

Department Community Services Branch Sport & Community Venues

What have they been noticed for? Brendan is a casual Front of House Assistant at Lake Kawana Community Centre, which is a very dynamic, busy venue. He always does whatever it takes to ensure the venue is presented in the best possible light to our customers. Brendan willingly works very erratic hours, sometimes until 1.00am, to suit the business needs. He is extremely flexible and hard working and willingly assists the whole team.

Anthony Heir

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Civil Asset Management

What have they been noticed for? Anthony was requested to produce permits that were required urgently after a resolution of council on Thursday 20 April 2017. In a period of less than one (1) week, Anthony not only produced the required permits, he had them ready for collection for Community Response. Anthony indicated that he would have these ready prior to close of business 28 April 2017 and he exceeded his timeframe. This particular event is not solely indicative of Anthony’s service excellence as he has consistently without fail provided requested permits, signs and other items that fall within his area of responsibility for the last few years without fail. Anthony’s service excellence should be recognised as his attention to detail and professionalism is greatly appreciated.

Libby Goold

Project Workplace Accommodation Department Corporate Services Branch Property Management

What have they been noticed for? I am continually impressed by Libby's great customer skills when discussing changes to office accommodation. Libby listens with respect and strives to provide the best outcomes. I most recently had a site visit of the changes she had coordinated at Caloundra Depot - it looks great and all the staff seem happy with the outcomes.

Geospatial Information Services Team

Project SCC CPS Netball Stand Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Many thanks and much praise is given to this amazing team who embraced the task of supplying Augmented Reality content for this event. Not only did they enthusiastically embrace this opportunity but they took something awesome ( the 'Build a Waste Resource Management Tuck - cardboard model of a garbage truck) and made it even better ( the 3D version of it). This entire team contributed to this event which took considerable time and energy. They ensured the information shared was relevant, accurate and engaging. Their effort was above and beyond their normal workload. This team was a pleasure to work with and is a huge credit to SCC -especially at public events who, through their work, can see the vision of the Sunshine Coast future.

Kylie Skorpil Narelle Zerk

Project Sunshine Coast Airport Local Law Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Corporate Governance were working on a very tight deadline to get the new Sunshine Coast Airport local law in place and both Kylie and Narelle went above and beyond in helping us get some new maps together for the local law. It is always a pleasure to work with both Kylie and Narelle. Again they have demonstrated the values of Service Excellence and Working as One Team.

Shelley Meador

Project Sunshine Coast Airport Local Law Department Corporate Services Branch Corporate Governance

What have they been noticed for? From the first enquiry, Shelley took ownership of the issue, undertaking extensive research and providing very timely professional advice including the benefits and risks of the options provided. This project had a very tight timeframe and Shelley worked diligently, doing a thorough job, despite other priorities that she was responsible for during the same timeframe. Her "can do" approach to her work and collaborative style make her a pleasure to deal with.

Mark Knight

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Project Delivery

What have they been noticed for? Mark Knight has been working with Community Land Permits Team to deliver on an installation of a seat and memorial plaque for a local community member who passed away. Mark has worked hard coordinating the delivery on this project and kept me up to date with emails, telephone calls and photos during the entire project. The customer was very grateful to council officers for the approval and installation for the seating in dedication for his wife and mother of his children.

Ross Daniells

Project Property Notations Department Planning & Environment Branch Development Services

What have they been noticed for? Ross continues to work on the Property Notations project which involves updating properties with information relating to development approvals. This is a great benefit to the Development Services area to offer better and consistent advice to internal and external customers. Having this information in the T1 system is a great time saver. As a follow on from this project we now have a mapping overlay to show plans of development with the latest update being an overlay showing preliminary approvals.

Environment and Sustainability Policy Branch

Project Draft Environment and Liveability Strategy Department Planning & Environment Branch Environ & Sustain Policy

What have they been noticed for? I would like to extend my congratulations to Bill Haddrill and the team in achieving this significant milestone of Council's adoption of the draft Environment and Liveability strategy for the purposes of community consultation. The draft Policy builds on the foundations of a number of current policy documents, in many cases translating the principles and extending the timeframes towards 2041. I note the significant effort by the entire team over the past year in formulating this comprehensive draft policy document which is both based on sound policy and backed by evidence/data. It is acknowledged that this is the first holistic environment policy document that I am aware of in Queensland and one that provides direction towards 2041. It was outlined by several councillors that the draft policy is both comprehensive and well drafted. The draft Policy document will clearly work with the REDS and the Social Strategy to provide a triple bottom line approach and a focus on the "liveability" of the Sunshine Coast. Well done!

Phillip Pyke

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Civil Asset Management

What have they been noticed for? Phil on his way to the next job site noticed on one road someone had decided to flatten the guide post. Phil feeling it was not safe for the public pulled up and replaced the guide post on his way past which was not included in his daily work schedule. I feel this is going above and beyond what is required on a daily basis.

Being our best

by continuing to learn, grow, challenge and change

Our behaviours • Taking personal responsibility for our ongoing improvement, learning and development and creating a great place to work • Being responsible and accountable for our own actions • Encouraging new ways of working and innovative ideas • Making health, safety and well being a priority • Celebrating both individual efforts and shared achievements

Emily Treloar

Project Business Process Model Department Planning & Environment Branch Development Services

What have they been noticed for? This nomination is for Emily Treloar who, since the introduction of EDDIE, has taken on the personal responsibility in our admin team for creating a set of 24 checklists and updating all our work instructions. Her work is now driving consistency, learning and a basis for ongoing improvement. This work has now been shared with other work teams in the branch and across the department in Major Urban Design (MUD) team based at the Caloundra office. Taking personal responsibility Emily's patience, commitment and meticulous approach has enabled Emily to complete this body of work. We now have a Business Process Model for ongoing improvement. Emily started work with council as an admin trainee and has continued to learn, grow and now helping others to adapt to technological changes. Her work has helped build confidence and develop team skills during the implementation of EDDIE. The business procedures are an excellent resource for new users and for process reviews too. Emily is always willing to help anyone in the branch, her patience and professionalism is demonstrated by her commitment to this project. Emily is going on maternity leave at the end of April 17, she is leaving the team with quality system whilst she is away. We are now in an excellent position to adjust to the external process changes that will occur with the introduction of the new Planning Act on 3 July 17. Emily has worked closely with Maddisan Down and Rebecca Theodosiou on the routine updates which means we will keep her set of WI updated and ready for her return in 2018! Thank you Emily, and also thanks to the Planning & Assessment Admin Teamning assessment unit for their engagement in the process: Leanne Gorton, Mary-Ann Vaile, Maddisan Down Rebecca Theodosiou, Selina Denaro, Traudel Joubert.

Kerrie De Clara

Project Medicinal Cannabis Industry and Licence Department Economic Development & Major Projects Branch Economic Development

What have they been noticed for? Kerrie De Clara was the first to recognise and pursue the opportunity for a medicinal cannabis industry for the region as a significant economic driver aligned to the Health and Well being High Value Industry and complimentary to the investment in the $1.8bn Tertiary Teaching Hospital and associated industries. Kerrie has worked tirelessly since the National laws (passed Feb 2016) and Queensland laws were passed (Oct 2016) to identify local proponent (Medifarm), and worked with them to secure international partners (Tikun Olam from Israel), including securing operational support from aligned agribusiness industries and political support from all three levels of Government. This work recently culminated in the awarding of a one of the first licenses for medicinal cannabis in the country, and a first for Queensland. The Medifarm submission was one of 7,000 applications received by the Federal Government.

Fiona Thomson

Project RFID tagging - Maroochydore Library Department Community Services Branch Community Relations

What have they been noticed for? Fiona was seconded to the Senior Library Officer position for four weeks. During this time there was substantial change to the expectation of the role, with the commencement of RFID tagging at Maroochydore Library. Fiona was required to roster 8 extra shifts for each hour of the day for two weeks. To do this Fiona had to analyse the already complex staff roster and devise a way to communicate how everyone was to operate each day. She had to enlist people from many other areas to fill shifts which she did admirably. She had to instigate and communicate many changes to processes to all staff. Fiona worked well past the finish of her shift on a number of occasions to make sure everything was clear and finished. She really rose to the occasion of her secondment. Thank you for your dedication Fiona.

High Standards

in our conduct, service and governance

Our behaviours • Conducting ourselves ethically and professionally • Ensuring integrity is at the heart of all we do • Making decisions based on complete information and supporting employees to implement these decisions • Inspiring a sense or purpose and direction

Brian Weychardt

Project Caloundra Library Refurbishment Tender Department Corporate Services Branch Procurement & Contracts

What have they been noticed for? Brian went above and beyond to ensure the library tender met the time constraints and deadlines while educating library staff on the correct processes. His conduct was always highly professional, ethical and friendly. Library staff have limited experience in putting together tender documents but Brian remained extremely patient and supportive as he stepped us though the process. He thoroughly reviewed all the documents and made every effort to minimise any risk. Brian challenged ideas and looked for opportunities to ensure libraries received excellent results. He liaised with other stakeholders and promptly followed up any outstanding items. His high standards and focus have enabled the library service to achieve the best value possible.

Marie Curtin

Project 2017 Flu Vaccination Program Department Corporate Services Branch Human Resources

What have they been noticed for? Marie has managed the flu vaccination program across many years seamlessly and deserves recognition for her perseverance and provision of an essential program that improves employees health and wellbeing, whilst ensuring it is still good value for money for our organisation year on year. She goes out of her way to assist on site with the nurse, and particularly this year where a last minute additional location was added, Marie's impeccable service to the organisation didn't go unnoticed.

Carise Frangos

Project New Maroochydore cycle and pedestrian bridge official opening Department Infrastructure Services Branch Project Delivery

What have they been noticed for? Carise took the initiative to assist the events team on site, to ensure that the Project Delivery Team had everything they needed to make this event a success. "I got to enjoy the experience of riding across the bridge after the official opening. It was a great experience that I really enjoyed being involved in. I was thinking back to when I sent out the project newsletter for this project and it’s a privilege to be part of the team and see our projects become reality in the community!"

Work Safe Live Well

the decisions we make at work affect our lives outside of work, so it is within your interests to follow the 7 Safety Essentials

7 Safety Essentials 1. Be fit to work 2. Look after yourself and others 3. Manage risk - if it’s not safe don’t do it 4. Follow proceedures and instructions 5. Check all plant and equipment and be competent in its use 6. Use and maintain correct PPE 7. Report all hazards, incidents and near misses


Jennifer Ison

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Transport Infrastructure Management

What have they been noticed for? Jen has recently returned to the Technical Services team following a secondment to Branch Management to assist in the documenting of an organisational review of the branch. Since her return, Jen has demonstrated a dynamic and mature approach to the management of customer requests. Jen demonstrates an enthusiasm to address requests on a "one team' approach and her efforts to resolve customer requests promptly and effectively is appreciated. Welcome back Jen. You have been missed.

Other Recognition

for exceptional efforts within council and the community

Our behaviours • Conducting ourselves ethically and professionally • Ensuring integrity is at the heart of all we do • Making decisions based on complete information and supporting employees to implement these decisions • Inspiring a sense or purpose and direction

Paul Willett Barrie Moule John Goodwin Brett Mathews Ben Hunter Andy Searle Dean Brayford Matt Flood Doug Savins Luke Jones Phil Cotter Jon Reynolds Neil Curley Rob Davis Shane Williams Lee Middleton Darren Glover Rex Bottroff Dale Deschamps Kate Broadbent Michael Grant

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Civil Asset Management

What have they been noticed for? Waste projects in an operational landfill site is challenging and the team has collaboratively worked together to deliver two new engineered landfill cells (Caloundra and Nambour Landfills) and a remediation project (Caloundra Landfill) to reprofile and apply final capping to an old landfill cell. Working within a challenging local environment has required improvements in Civil Asset Management (CAM) work delivery methodology and strict environmental construction conformance to the sites license conditions to suit WRM and Department of Environment and Heritage. The end result in completing these major projects ensure the landfill sites long term environmental performance requirements are met. CAM, led on ground by Barrie Moule and John Goodwin, have partnered with Urban Projects (Kate Broadbent) and Waste and Resources Management (Michael Grant) to deliver the construction of Caloundra Landfill Cell 10. This is a large scale 16,000 square meter civil construction project with a capex budget exceeding $3M. CAM, led on ground by Barrie Moule and Matthew Flood, have partnered with Waste and Resources Management (Michael Grant) to deliver the remediation of the existing eastern landfill batter at Caloundra landfill. This is a complex, environmentally sensitive and large scale civil construction project with a budget of $1.25M and the relocation on site of over 10,000 tonnes of waste materials for final disposal at landfill cell 9. Working collaboratively has enabled the team’s successful delivery of major landfill remediation project.

CAM, led on ground by Rob Davis and Shane Williams, have partnered with Urban Projects (Kate Broadbent) and Waste and Resources Management (Michael Grant) to deliver the construction of Nambour Landfill Cell 5.3. This is a 1,500 square meter civil construction project, undertaken in an extremely constrained area with a capex budget exceeding $1.4M. The team’s achievements have made a great improvement to the landfill sites environmental performance and future operational requirements.

Graham Smith Mark Gesler Chris Rosen Phil Bowen Dave McMullen Mark Skinner Mick Paasch Jami McLelland

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Parks & Gardens

What have they been noticed for? During the holiday period the Caloundra Cleaning Crew proved their standards remain consistently high. The team carried out their duties with high energy, receiving multiple customer compliments despite very hot conditions, parking limitations and very high volumes of people utilising the parkland and amenities. Despite these challenges staff remained flexible with their start and finish times, were willing to relocate and shift resources to where they were needed most and worked together to share responsibilities to ensure all the amenities were serviced to a very high standard. The team regularly receive positive feedback and praise from the locals around the Kings Beach area and have built strong relationships with the community who frequently send emails and write letters to express their appreciation.

Mandy Roberge

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Waste & Resources Management

What have they been noticed for? Christmas holidays is the busiest time for WRM with a very high number of extra services required by customers to cater for the waste generation needs. Last Christmas was no different with an extra 7697 services requested over the period. Each service needs to be individually recorded and entered against the property for billing purposes and checked for completion for contractor payments. Mandy took personal charge, again with a very high standard of work and attention to detail throughout the process. This is no mean feat as this extra workload needs to be completed in conjunction with all the regular duties of her role. Thanks Mandy.

Lesley Ryan

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? I nominate Lesley for employee of the month because at the last minute notice she dropped everything to assist when Redmond were on site fixing our scanner. She worked back to arrange the connectivity they required. It is only a little thing but all the many little things count.

Sonja Harrison

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Sonya always offers great service and invaluable expertise. She works well under pressure and rarely misses deadlines even when given short notice of a task needing to be done. I've been throwing a lot of work her way lately and she's been doing a fantastic job which is worth recognising.

Fiorella Maddalena

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Fiorella gave us (the PMBA team) her time for several days helping to migrate our remaining W drive documents over into EDDIE. She was patient with us as we worked through where to store them and how best to migrate them. She worked tirelessly at a very tedious job and still came out smiling at the end. We could never have achieved our deadline with out her commitment and support. Thanks Fiorella,

Tony Dougherty Paul Mitchell Tony Cleary Blair Bartholomew Troy Clark

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Civil Asset Management

What have they been noticed for? Recently a request was received by Council with a regard to a potential hazard to the public. The large steel tank which was suspended on timber posts and rails was at risk of falling due to its size and unstable supports. Following extensive public consultation by several council employees it was determined that this rusty old tank had considerable historic value and was delivered to the local historical centre where it is now prized as the new attraction. Thank you to Troy Clark, Tony Dougherty, Paul Mitchell, Tom Cleary and Blair Bartholomew for not only making the site safe but also considering the potential community value of the asset and going the extra mile to act on it.

Chris Webster Bret Mountford

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Parks & Gardens

What have they been noticed for? “During the six weeks our Parks cleaner position was vacant Chris and Bret have gone the extra mile stepping-up from their parks mowing positions to take turns filling the vacant cleaning position. This has allowed us to continue providing the high level customer service expected from our park users whilst we undertook the recruitment process. They have clearly demonstrated their commitment to Council’s values of respecting each other, being our best, working as one team, high standards and above all providing customer service excellence. Well done Chris and Bret.”

Fiorella Maddalena

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Fiorella needs to be commended for her above and beyond approach in assisting ICTS members for closure of the W drive. I discovered a whole body of work that had not been migrated and she took time out of her work to teach me the best way to transfer this valuable information, and the design of folder structure. This was outside the realm of her role; but she understood the wider benefits of taking time and care to ensure this information was managed correctly. She also assisted in Ann Yardley's area in a similar vein - highlighting that this is not a one off experience for Fiorella but business as usual for her in her ongoing provision of high quality service. She clearly has the understanding of seeing beyond being dictated by the process - but rather what is the better way (working together) to achieve a beneficial outcome.

Raeleen Draper

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Environmental Operations

What have they been noticed for? Raeleen recently gave up her Saturday to deliver a workshop for Land for Wildlife (LFW) members. Although outside of her team and usual area of responsibilities, and during a time when she already had a massive workload, Raeleen prepared a presentation specifically for LFW members on the values of Flying Foxes for forest restoration and what landholders can do to assist with their conservation. She also went to the trouble of organising a live flying fox to be present which participants adored and learnt so much from. Wonderful feedback was received from attendees. Special thank you to Raeleen from the LFW team!

Janette King

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Janette King was very helpful organising a laptop and mobile phone at a moments notice for a new employee. Janette dropped everything to make sure the employee had a smooth start. I always find Janette to be very helpful. Janette gets the job done efficiently without any fuss. Well done!

Jenny Nevin

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Jenny is available to all employees of the organisation at any time for assistance. Her knowledge covers a variety of areas within our team and is invaluable across the organisation.

Christina Palmer

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Christina has taken a huge step up in the last few months in her role as Web Support Officer. She has bounced back from a challenging time in her personal life and has demonstrated the value of 'Being our Best' by taking on the MyCouncil ASG, liaising with stakeholders, managing deployments and site issues. This is not an easy task and she is doing an outstanding job. This is just one of the many roles she plays in the Web Team and is worthy of recognition.

Tam Sing

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Tam is a quiet achiever who provides a consistent high standard of delivery in his conduct and service with his customers. Recently I had a screen issue with my personal iPhone and casually ran it past him to get his thoughts. The problem seemed to coincide with an Apple update I had recently done (or so I thought). Tam was quick to suggest what he thought the problem may be and pointed me in the right direction on how to get the issue resolved. When I took the phone to the Apple shop, it was exactly what Tam had said was wrong with it. Even though I wasn't a customer of Tam's in the business sense, he still gave me a few minutes of his time, out of a busy day, to assist me and for that I'm very grateful.

Caroline Brown

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Caroline works tirelessly providing excellent support to Clare Moynihan as well as both the Operations Team and the Archives Team. Caroline sets a great example of 'being out best' by continuing to learn and seek new skills herself. In her role as Records Management Development Officer, Caroline is responsible for our on-going improvement and development and takes on the challenge with a methodical and open mind. She has a positive attitude to her responsibilities and her work is of the highest standard. Caroline is a wonderful asset to our team and a pleasure to work with.

Wendy Tucker

Department Corporate Services Branch ICTS

What have they been noticed for? Wendy works silently and tirelessly behind the scenes supporting not only our CIO but the rest of ICT. I always find requests actioned and completed without fault, on time, every time. Her service excellence to the branch is always of the very highest standards and deserves recognition.

Stephen Porter Chris Lloyd

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Project Delivery

What have they been noticed for? For commitment and dedication to achieve and meet project delivery timelines. Stephen Porter and Chris Lloyd's efforts have been recognised in delivery of this key council project and ensuring council was in great shape for hosting the NRL Trial game held on 11 February 2017.

Waste Facility Officers

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Waste & Resources Management

What have they been noticed for? The recent arrival of Cyclone Debbie to our shores wreaked havoc across our Sunshine Coast Landfill sites. A decision by council's Disaster Management Committee saw domestic customers able to dispose of their storm damaged green waste for free over the ensuring days. This announcement resulted in RECORD SMASHING numbers of customers through our Waste Facilities over the course of the week/weekend.

Peter Hayes David Black Deon Joubert Gary Carpenter Shaun Ireland

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Transport Infrastructure Management

What have they been noticed for? The Survey Team lead by Peter Hayes has created an environment that is willing to share knowledge and willingly help those wanting to learn about surveying. Over the past weeks a work experience high school student was allocated to the survey team who they showed and explained what their work entailed. Very positive feedback has been received from the parents of the student who were grateful for the time and experience provided to their son, who is now very motivated in his studies to pursue surveying. The Survey team has also provided similar experiences to our Cade Civil Designers and we all appreciated their positive attitude to share their knowledge.

Leah Tearle

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Environmental Operations

What have they been noticed for? Council received multiple CRMs requesting response to a bad stench in one of our reserves. The smell was impacting multiple households and was unbearable. One household had discovered a very large (almost 2m) goanna deceased 10 metres from the back fence in the reserve. Leah had finished work for the day, but answered the desperate call to attend and remove the goanna. The residents met her on arrival and were so very thankful to her for her assistance. Thank you Leah!

Jill Rowan

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Environmental Operations

What have they been noticed for? Jill has actively taken responsibility to ensure that any outstanding EO files are migrated to EDDIE. This is a massively time consuming task that she has willingly undertaken on top of her own workload purely to assist other branch members who are too busy to migrate their own files. Jill's support of her colleagues is of benefit to the branch as a whole and is very much appreciated.

Kerrie White Abby Stevens Sean Elliott Helen Walker Fay Forrester

Department Infrastructure Services Branch Parks & Gardens

What have they been noticed for? Appreciation for the ongoing efforts of this team who recently took out the "Research Project Award" Parks and Leisure Australia 2017 for the Landscape Infrastructure Manual (LIM). A number of other projects collected awards however this project team has made a significant contribution with regards to the development and implementation of the LIM. The manual provides guidance during the design, development and delivery of council controlled open space. It also promotes quality, compliance and sustainability which minimises ongoing maintenance and ensures longevity. We acknowledge the hard work this team has undertaken that was rewarded during this Awards of Excellence ceremony. Well done to all and fantastic achievement.

External Awards Award


Recognition for

Queensland Park of the Year 2017

Parks & Leisure Australia

Awards of Excellence – 2017 Quota Park Youth Activity Precinct and Heroes Walk

Best Play Space Award

Parks & Leisure Australia

Awards of Excellence – 2017 Moffat Beach Fig Tree Playground Renewal

Research Project Award

Parks & Leisure Australia

Awards of Excellence – 2017 Open Space Landscape Infrastructure Manual (LIM)

Event of the Year

Parks & Leisure Australia

Awards of Excellence – 2017 2016 IVF VAA World Sprint Outrigger Championships

Workplace Wellbeing


Awards for Excellence – 2017 FRESHminds Health Initiative

Airports under four million passengers

Routes Asia

Marketing Awards 2017 Sunshine Coast Airport

Have you noticed an employee or work group doing great work?

Recognition Post Box Locations

Recognition Sharer

Caloundra Administration Building lunch room

Erin Brewer

Caloundra Depot - Regulatory Services

Amanda Zinn

Caloundra Depot - Parks and Gardens

Deb Tierney

Maroochy on First

Maddisan Down

Nambour Administration Building - Level 2

Emily Roberts

Nambour Depot (Foreman’s area)

Carmen Williamson

Wises Road Depot (Upstairs lunch room)

Bernie Pickering T 07 5475 7272 F 07 5475 7277 Locked Bag 72 Sunshine Coast Mail Centre Qld 4560

72082B 07/17.

Fill out the form online or complete a Recognition Postcard at one of these locations:

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