SCC eRecognition Book 2017 OCT-DEC

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Recognition Program

October - December 2017

To be Australia’s most sustainable region - Healthy. Smart. Creative.

We value our people Council highly values the diversity of skills and experience

The success of the 2017 CEO Excellence Awards was

that people bring to the organisation.

testament to the diversity, talent and dedication of our

Our people reman our greatest asset – the women and men who provide the services and facilities that support the community every day and of which they are also a part. The organisation is strongly supportive of building on the existing talent, expertise and enthusiasm of employees and contractors. Their passionate commitment to the region and their willingness to go above and beyond is what sets our organisation apart from other councils.

Our values


CEO Employee Of The Year Kellie Holdsworth Branch: Economic Development Department: Economic Development and Major Projects Kellie goes way “above and beyond’ in every situation she approaches and everyone she meets. She truly has a heart of gold and takes the time to offer service with a smile no matter how busy she is, whilst intuitively knowing (or noticing) how others are tracking physically and emotionally. She notices when something is not right or someone is struggling and intervenes with her own special brand of care – regardless of her personal affairs.

Kellie Holdsworth

Kellie is an incredibly intelligent and capable individual. She is enthusiastic yet realistic about life and takes responsibility for ensuring the whole branch comes together as an effective team. This year, Kellie Holdsworth has been nominated in four of the five values categories and has been a driving force in coordinating the Fan Zone activation and ticketing for the Sunshine Coast Lightning.

Some of Kellie’s Lightning fans

The happiest fan!


Left to Right: Mike Whittaker, Amanda Carter, Jenna Faith, Lynne Saunders, Kellie Holdsworth, Katherine Hartshorne, Paul Munnings, Wendy MacDonald, Luke Pownall, Steve Gurr, Simon Ball Absent: Annette Channells

Working as One Team

across the organisation and with our community Kellie Holdsworth, Katherine Hartshorne, Wendy MacDonald, Paul Munnings, Amanda Carter, Luke Pownall, Lynne Saunders, Simon Ball, Jenna Faith, Annette Channells, Steve Gurr Departments: Economic Development & Major Projects, Community Services Branches: Sports & Community Venues, Economic Development and Communication Project: Sunshine Coast Lightning Activation Securing the Sunshine Coast Lightning was a huge deal for the region but activating it, supporting it and getting our community behind it is an equally big job. This team has helped activate the games locally and away. The local team supports Council in its major partnership role by providing game day assistance/support and managing much of the crew and activities associated with game day. Different staff have different roles from Kellie who coordinates Council’s Fan Zone activation and ticketing; to Simon and Jenna that have overall game day responsibility; to Paul who coordinates media activities and features. Katherine and Wendy also support away games by organising key corporates and potential Sunshine Coast partners to attend away games. Overall, it is a fantastic team effort by all of these Council areas and it is making an impact in our community, on and off the field with the level of engagement and the community pride generated from the team being significant. Commercially it is also a great profile raiser for the region with the regular mentions across all media.brought community members, volunteers, local businesses and multiple Council departments together, working as one team.


Being our best

by continuing to learn, grow, challenge and change John Gallina (Posthumous) Department: Infrastructure Services Coordinator, Disaster Management John Gallina works tirelessly to ensure that Council is on the front foot in the event of an emergency. As the Coordinator of Council’s Disaster Management Unit, John is committed to testing, improving and growing Council’s capabilities and response. This has been exemplified in events such as the fires at Coolum and the major storm events causing damage at Mooloolaba and Dicky Beach, where John was central to coordinating Council’s response and being present at night during dangerous conditions to make sure our community are safe. John is also a great collaborator and has developed strong relationships across council and throughout our support agencies across our region. When we are in times of trial, these relationships come to the fore and help people and agencies work together to get the best results. John has also been the initiator and architect for the award winning Disaster Hub app and web site, and together with inspired staff from our ICTS Branch has helped guide and develop this Disaster Management Hub to be the best in class. Again, all aimed at keeping our community informed and ultimately, safe before, during and after a major storm. Thank you John for your efforts in helping to keep Sunshine Coast communities safe.


Lisa Austin

Being our best

by continuing to learn, grow, challenge and change Lisa Austin Branch: Community Relations, Department: Community Services Young Peoples Services Officer Lisa was tasked with implementing technology programs for school aged children across the library service. Lisa has showed incredible enthusiasm, drive and commitment to not only learn new technologies but to then create lesson plans that allow her to share her knowledge with library staff. The Digital tech team has achieved great success and feedback from the community in regard to sessions and amazing customer service they provide each school holidays. Thanks to Lisa’s leadership, enthusiasm, passion and support team members are now confident and well versed in a number of technologies and committed to learning more.


Bret Kruger

Being our best

by continuing to learn, grow, challenge and change Bret Kruger Branch: Transport Infrastructure Management Department: Infrastructure Services Senior Designer Bret consistently dedicates personal time to up-skilling himself in order to keep the design team at the cutting edge of civil design, often during his lunch time. Mentoring in a kind and courteous manner, Bret tirelessly assists other designers and cadets to understand and master new design skills, at the cost to his own time and project delivery pressures. Bret willingly acts the guinea pig to trial new software and add-on programs that can be both time consuming and frustrating. Like all technology, the field of civil design is a rapidly progressing technological arena, without Bret’s dedication to progressing council’s civil design skills, the team would certainly be poorer. Knowing the massive scale of population growth predicted for the region, Bret has been an integral player in skilling the design team to use program functionality and automation, that allows the quickest design methods possible and ability to make rapid changes to designs.


Working as One Team

across the organisation and with our community Michael Gillies, Lisa Ryan, Alexander Habilay, Leesa Kelly, Roisin Clark, Brooke Hargraves and Amanda Carter Branches: Environmental Operations, Communications Departments: Infrastructure Services, Economic Development and Major Projects Project: Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary Eco-Hunt Project The Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary Eco-hunt took place over the June-July School holidays and it was a huge success! Lisa Ryan worked tirelessly in conjunction with Michael Gilles, Leesa Kelly and Roisin Clark to establish, run and co-ordinate the Eco-hunt with the help of QuestaGame. The event was a success due to the dedication of the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary Support Group, trainee Alexander Habilay and Charlie Taylor. Volunteers and staff were on hand to help visitors download the QuestaGame app and assist with the identification of flora and fauna that were spotted. During the two week period, over 450 people participated in the hunt with 486 photos uploaded to QuestaGame. A total of 111 different species were spotted, mapped and identified with the help of citizen science. The media team, specifically Brooke Hargraves and Amanda Carter assisted with the advertising and media promotion of the event contributing greatly to its success. Local businesses such as Maroochy Nature Cruises, Whites IGA and Maroochy Rivershore Resort donated some fantastic prizes and assisted with the promotion of the event. Sunshine Coast Council was the first council to utilise QuestaGame, who have informed us that they are now being approached by different councils throughout Queensland to undertake similar Eco-hunts in their own reserves. Well done to everyone involved for a wonderful event that brought community members, volunteers, local businesses and multiple Council departments together, working as one team.


Sunshine Coast University Hospital

Working as One Team

across the organisation and with our community Mark Fox, Terri McCullough, Stephen Whitby, Brad Carey, Simon Aalbers, Richard MacGillivray, Kelly Taylor, Kylie Raymont, Marc Cornell, Danny Rundle, Katrina Patey, John Rose, Rob Sewell, Paul Gallagher, Jason Krueger, Luke Flanagan, Stefan Martin, John Borthwick, Linda Wolfenden, Nicole Braybrook, Jade Kingston, Katrina Brody Departments: Planning and Environment Branches: Development Services, Directorate, Major Urban Developments, Strategic Planning, Transport & Infrastructure Policy Project: Transition to Planning Act 2016 The project was delivered efficiently and effectively over a seven month period from January to July 2017 to ensure that Council was ‘business ready’ for the new State Government planning legislation (Planning Act 2016) that commenced on 3 July 2017. Mark Fox was the Project Manager for the project and he, along with the Project Delivery Group, were successful in leading Council in preparing for the business, system and people changes required for the legislation transition. Both internal and external stakeholders were informed and consulted about the transition which has resulted in a seamless continuation of our work. This project has also resulted in additional improvements to our work practices such as the revised Councillor notification process for development applications. The project team has demonstrated superior skills and expertise in working together as ‘one team’ for the benefit of Council, our customers and the community.


The removal of the Matahari on Mooloolaba Beach

Working as One Team

across the organisation and with our community Georgia Keeshan, Brooke Hargraves, Gavin Leese, Eric Aitken, Tom Sullivan, Peter Riseborough Civil Asset Management, Communication, Community Response, Environmental Operations, Human Resources, Parks & Gardens Project: Matahari Removal – Mooloolaba Beach In managing the recent high profile Matahari removal works at Mooloolaba Beach the following staff performed their allocated task to a very high degree. In particular:• Georgia Keeshan - overall site management, works coordination and council liaison for the full removal operation • Peter Riseborough – WH&S Advisor throughout the process, was very prompt in reviewing their safety docs sometimes with only a few hours to spare. He also attended the early pre-start on the day of the relocation & visited the demo site to ensure they were working well • Brooke Hargraves – Media contact – during the relocation she organised the interviews and location of media very well, all media was positive • Gavin Leese – Coast & Canals call out on Sunday afternoon for four hours during initial emergency winch to beside the wall from the low tide mark. He provided pedestrian controls and was Coastal representative/technical advisor when the boat was above high tide • Eric Aitken – Civil Asset Management call out on Sunday afternoon, provided pedestrian controls • Leon Marskell (resigned) – Coordinator, Response dealt with the initial stranding and called Gavin and Eric to place pedestrian controls on the beach and provide technical advice. Liaised with the owner and Claytons during the emergency phase • Thomas Sullivan – Parks Maintenance provided advice and services such as increased beach cleaning post relocation and demolition during the process. Well done to everyone involved for a wonderful event that brought community members, volunteers, local businesses and multiple Council departments together, working as one team.


Working as One Team

across the organisation and with our community Simon Crock, Alison Wright, Phil Woods, Gary Kelly, Steve Pollard, Cameron Yin, Hayley Findlay, Helen Kelly, Debbie Spann, Paul Gallagher, Matt Dagan Departments: Economic Development & Major Projects and Infrastructure Services, Planning & Environment Branches: Directorate, Commercial, Communication, Project Delivery, Major Urban Developments Project: Sunshine Coast Solar Farm The Sunshine Coast Solar Farm project undertaken by Council is the first example of a local government authority in Australia to build and operate a solar farm. Our 15MW solar farm will offset the entire electricity consumption across all Council facilities and operations from renewable energy that it generates. This includes administration buildings, aquatic centres, community and performance venues, as well as holiday parks, libraries, art galleries and sporting facilities. The solar farm will provide $22 million in savings, after costs, over a 30-year period based on today’s electricity costs, which are anticipated to increase substantially in the future. The project itself has involved many council officers across every department. Of those officers, there are a number who have lived and breathed the project since 2012 when the notion of such a large-scale game-changing project was initially mooted. If any one project embodies Council’s vision of being Australia’s most sustainable region - healthy, smart and creative - it is the Sunshine Coast Solar Farm. Every employee involved in some way in the project should be acknowledged for the role each played - and be duly proud of their efforts. We especially recognise those Council officers who brought our community’s solar farm to life.


Sunshine Coast Stadium

Working as One Team

across the organisation and with our community Simon Ball, Terrence Barnard, Stephen Parr, Ange Hagan, Chloe Horder, Jo Law, Stacey Middleton, Michael Rudduck, Leonard Rountree, Brian Perrin, David Mills, Joel Keily, Kyle Pereto, Jordan Bath, Ashleigh Bateman, Jeffrey Buchanan, Jenna Faith, Alec Wareing Project: Sunshine Coast Stadium Events The Sunshine Coast Stadium have again had a massive year of events in 2016/17, which included the redevelopment of the Stadium site to increase capacity to 12,000. This project was finalised just days before the 2017 NRL Trial Game between the Melbourne Storm and the New Zealand Warriors. This event was recently recognised as a finalist at the Australian Event Awards. This was quickly followed by Nitro Circus – both these events attracted over 10,000 patrons. The team also manages Lake Kawana and hosted the VAA World Outrigging Championships which was recognised by Parks and Leisure Australia as the best event in Queensland in its recent awards. The running of such large scale events requires an unbelievably high level of commitment and team work. Over and over again, the Stadium deliver first class event experiences for hirers, competitors and spectators. Sunshine Coast Stadium is now entrenched as one of Queensland’s premiere events destinations – the facilities are great however they are nothing without the hard work, dedication and team work exhibited by all of the staff at the venue.


Sharon Stott

The Cleantech conference 2017

Respect for each other in our working relationships Sharon Stott Branch: Environment & Sustainability Policy Department: Planning & Environment There are many examples to list on how Sharon excels at embedding the Respect for Each Other values and behaviours in everything she does, however here are some examples: Sunshine Coast Council’s partnership with the Sunshine Coast Business Women’s Network (SCBWN). For the past 3 years Sharon has worked collaboratively with honesty, trust and mutual support to build and strengthen the partnership between council and the SCBWN. Her efforts have resulted in a significant growth, interest in, and understanding of the Excellence in Sustainability award with nominations more than doubling. Sharon organises and facilitates the “Sustainable Business Women of the Year’ category for the annual event. Another example is the Cleantech Conference - the only conference, solutions showcase and networking event of its kind in Australia – each year Sharon plays a major role in organising this conference from speakers to participants. Sharon facilitates regular, respectful and open communication between those who organise all of the different event aspects of the event to ensuring that all the participants are valued for the events ongoing success. Sharon is highly reWork Safespected and valued by the branch, by others across council and by many with in businesses and community across the region. Sharon leads by example with respect to this value and delivers exceptional outcomes for council and the community.


Left to right: CEO Michael Whittaker, Bronwyn Forster, Scott Watson

Respect for each other in our working relationships

Bronwyn Forster, Belinda Bennett, Janine Lakey, Scott Watson, Warren Venaglia FRESHminds video Branches: Human Resources, Corporate Governance, Parks & Gardens, Waste & Resource Management, Environmental Operations Departments: Corporate Services, Office Mayor & CEO, Infrastructure Services The FRESHminds video is a particularly impact component of the FRESHminds program. The ten minute video features five employees authentically sharing their challenges and triumphs relating to the management and recovery of their mental illness. The initiative is underpinned by research that indicates connecting individuals with people who have personally experienced mental illness, or had someone close to them affected by mental illness, has a positive impact on reducing stigma and can encourage health seeking behaviours.The employees featured in the video courageously responded to a call-out in the HR Grapevine for people who were willing to share their stories. The video participants honesty is encouraging people to talk more about mental illness in the workplace, and letting others who may be facing a similar situation know that they are not alone and support is available. Since the FRESHminds video launch in Mental Health Week in October 2016, it has been viewed by approximately 60% of our workforce during facilitated screenings and discussions ranging from our management forum, to team based presentations. The FRESHminds program has received the following industry recognition – 2017 LGMA Awards for Excellence – Workplace Wellbeing, 2017 Finalist Queensland Mental Health Week Achievement Awards – Large Employer, and features as a case study in the Queensland Mental Health Commission’s Your voice, one vision: Consultation report 2017. Watch the FRESHminds video


Council’s Certified Agreement

Respect for each other in our working relationships

Peter Mulready, Tony Dougherty, Tom Cunningham, Chris Mehonoshen, Christian Clark, Davina Allan, Jamie McKoy, Jenny Hayne, John Castles, Jon E Angell, Nick Sheehan, Emma Bowis, Peter Meiners, Doug Savins Branches: Human Resources, Civil Asset Management, ICTS, Community Relations, Environmental Operations, Parks & Gardens, Fleet & Quarry Services, Departments: Corporate Services, Infrastructure Services, Community Services The Single Bargaining Unit (SBU) is the employees and management representative forum to negotiate the Sunshine Coast Certified Agreement(s). The SBU also includes the union officials and some members of the council Executive team. The employee representatives fulfil this function on a purely voluntarily basis and are motivated to achieve valued results both for their employee colleagues and for council. The negotiations are at times challenging as each member of the SBU seeks the optimum outcome within a complex and often competing set of factors. To date there have been nine (9) meetings commencing in late February 2017 and council is now poised to present a draft Certified Agreement to an employee vote. The Certified Agreement provides surety of employment conditions for staff as well as enabling Council to progress key objectives for the benefit of the Community for which we serve for the coming three (3) years through to 2020.


Left to right: CEO Michael Whittaker, Natalie Rossow and Rebecca Coffey

Service excellence to our customers and each other Natalie Rossow and Rebecca Coffey Team Leader Meeting Management, Meeting Management Officer, Office of Mayor & CEO Natalie and Rebecca consistently provide assistance and advice as required with regard to the council reporting process, often when they are under high pressure due to time constraints and deadlines. The systems and processes they have in place as a team to ensure that nothing slips through the gaps really works and queries are always dealt with efficiently and quickly. Each of them are always highly professional and friendly and they go out of their way to make things as easy as possible. They may not be aware of the difference they make but it’s huge!


Amanda Gooddy

Tim McGee

Service excellence to our customers and each other Amanda Gooddy, Tim McGee Branch: Economic Development, Department: Economic Development & Major Projects Project: Disaster Management Assistance following ex-TC Debbie Amanda and Tim were extremely proactive in reaching out to the business community pre/during and post ex-TC Debbie in the week commencing 27 March 2017. Amanda and Tim contacted all the Chambers in advance and offered them their mobile numbers if assistance was required for them and their members. The morning of the deluge (30 March) they contacted the most affected areas directly and again offered assistance and on Friday 31 March and Saturday 1 April - they were helping businesses non-stop. We received amazing testimonials and thanks e.g. Shiralee the President of the Montville Chamber who wrote “Thank you from our Montville community, its great to see such support”, as Amanda arranged for QCL Logistics to send a cold truck to The Edge restaurant who was facing a huge loss as they could not refrigerate their goods and helped the local IGA with generators. Jeni from Eumundi Markets wrote “On behalf of the Eumundi Township, Eumundi Square and all Eumundi Market Stallholders, we would just like to say thank you so very much for organising us power for this morning’s market. I cannot tell you how much we all appreciate your help, council and Energex” and another Aussie World who was facing having to cancel a sold-out show and a poor start to the school holidays, “the team is amazing.” The support and focus from Tim and Amanda was outstanding in the time of need of these businesses and our community.


Mark Ashlin

Service excellence to our customers and each other Mark Ashlin Branch: ICT Services Department: Corporate Services Every single time I have phoned the IT Help Desk, Mark answers. He has gone above and beyond to get me and my colleagues up and running as quickly as possible. There is never an issue to hard or too much trouble for him and he is always polite and an absolute pleasure to deal with. He is a credit to his team. Mark’s customer service skills are nothing short of outstanding. It is a pleasure to deal with Mark and is extremely helpful in every situation. Even when Mark is busy, he manages to present a positive customer service attitude which makes for an excellent customer service experience. Mark received no fewer than 5 recognition notices for his service excellence.


Service excellence to our customers and each other

Lisa Devine, Paul Tarrant, Jeff Willersdorf, Russell Crump, Katy McCrea, Tim Brock, Mick Ammenhauser, Kevin Hancock, Tim Letchford, David Gresik, Cory Josland, Matthew Bradley, Luke Frost, Jason Hall, Darren Nhan, Tanya Peters Branches: Civil Assets Management, Financial Services Departments: Infrastructure Services, Corporate Services Civil Asset Management Project: Reseal and Rehabilitation Program 2016/17 Council maintains more than 2200km or roads across the region through the road reseal program to ensure safety for all. The 2016/2017 $23 million program delivered over 80km, 67,000 tonnes, 109.4% with $361k savings. This was the biggest road program ever delivered on the coast on time and on budget which was a massive effort and collaboration by all involved, a credit to the team.

High Standards

in our conduct, service and governance

Our behaviours • Conducting ourselves ethically and professionally • Ensuring integrity is at the heart of all we do • Making decisions based on complete information and supporting employees to implement these decisions • Inspiring a sense or purpose and direction


Left to Right: Mike Whittaker, Paul Rickert, Jim O’Brien (behind Paul), Phil Tucker, Chris Sturgess, Mark Farmer, Darren Hodge, James Travis, Steve Gregoriou Absent:- Dennis Smith, Jason Algar, Kevin Crump, Glen Gordon, Brian Clark, Matt Tesch

Work Safe Live Well Paul Rickert, Jim O’Brien, Dennis Smith, James Travis, Jason Algar, Phil Tucker, Kevin Crump, Darren Hodge, Glen Gordon, Mark Farmer, Brian Clark, Matt Tesch, Steve Gregoriou, Chris Sturgess Department: Infrastructure Services Branches: Civil Asset Management, Project Delivery Project: Evans Street Upgrade Project The Evans Street project is an outstanding example of Project Delivery and Civil Asset Management - Construction Delivery teams, working together in a relationship contracting style approach. This new approach included a pre-construction project objects workshop, resulting in a project charter that set clear expectations and targets for the team which they executed with expertise and professionalism. There were not lost time injuries throughout the 18 month project and no customer complaints from residents, businesses or the school. The project was completed ahead of schedule and approximately $1 million under budget. What a great achievement from a high performing and dedicated project team. This project received High Commendation for Projects over $10 million at the recent IPWEAQ Excellence Awards 2017.

John Gallina

The John Gallina Memorial Award The Mayor made a special announcement at this year’s awards. From next year a new annual award will be introduced in honour of John Gallina’s tireless work in making our community a safer place. The annual John Gallina Memorial Award will recognise employees in disaster management in keeping John’s legacy alive. I look forward to your nominations in this new category as there are many people in our organisation playing key roles during disasters and significant weather events.

Have you noticed an employee or work group doing great work?

Recognition Post Box Locations

Recognition Sharer

Caloundra Administration Building lunch room

Erin Brewer

Caloundra Depot - Regulatory Services

Amanda Zinn

Caloundra Depot - Parks and Gardens

Deb Tierney

Landsborough Depot

Alana Macartie

Maroochy on First

Maddisan Down

Nambour Administration Building - Level 2

Emily Roberts

Nambour Depot (Foreman’s area)

Carmen Williamson

Wises Road Depot (Upstairs lunch room)

Bernie Pickering T 07 5475 7272  F 07 5475 7277 Locked Bag 72 Sunshine Coast Mail Centre Qld 4560

72082D 12/17.

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