SCC eRecognition Book 2017 JULY-SEPT

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Recognition Program

July-September 2017

We value our people Council highly values the diversity of skills and experience

The success of the 2016 CEO Excellence Awards was

that people bring to the organisation.

testament to the diversity, talent and dedication of our

Our people reman our greatest asset – the women and men who provide the services and facilities that support the community every day and of which they are also a part. The organisation is strongly supportive of building on the existing talent, expertise and enthusiasm of employees and contractors. Their passionate commitment to the region and their willingness to go above and beyond is what sets our organisation apart from other councils.

Our values

employees. With the Employee of Year presented to popular employees Matthew Painter and Adam Stewart for their outstanding contributions to the organisation. Who will it be this year?

Working as One Team

across the organisation and with our community

Our behaviours • Collaborating to share ideas, solve problems and achieve results • Building teams involving our colleagues and community • Providing clear direction and practical support • Being respectful in our communications and team approach • Being cooperative, productive team members who are prepared to contribute

Kellie Holdsworth

Sunshine Coast Lightning Project

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Economic Development Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kellie goes over and above with everything that she does. Not only did Kellie manage the council's ticketing at Lightning games, council's activation and assisted with promotion, she consistently asked where she could further help and ensured it was a smooth process. Kellie was also always on the lookout for potential opportunities for community groups. Throughout the project Kellie has to liaise with the project officer in Sport and Community Venues, Sunshine Coast Lightning, USC, Office of the Mayor and CEO and each department across the organisation. This was a big job which Kellie undertook with passion and efficiency. And this work was done on top of her usual role and always with a smile! What a star.

Tracey Goedhart

Corporate Services Department

Procurement & Contracts Branch

What have they been noticed for? I joined Council roughly 2 months ago and during this time I have had two training sessions with Tracey Goedhart. I have thoroughly enjoyed both of these sessions with Tracey as she is able to teach people in terms that are easy to understand. No question for Tracey is a silly question and she is always so happy to help. Her knowledge is unlimited, she mentioned she will be retiring this year which is a shame as in the short amount of time I have spent with Tracey during training sessions she has been so helpful to me starting out with Council. Many other Council employees who have been in training with me at the same time have also raved about how great of a trainer she is.

Lisa Ryan

Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary Eco-Hunt Project

Michael Gilles

Infrastructure Services Department

Alexander Habilay

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Charlie Taylor Leesa Kelly

Environmental Operations Branch Communication Branch

Roisin Clark

What have they been noticed for? The Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary Eco-hunt took place over the June-July School holidays and was a huge success! Lisa Ryan worked tirelessly in conjunction with Michael Gilles, Leesa Kelly and Roisin Clark to establish, run and co-ordinate the Eco-hunt with the help of QuestaGame. The event was a success due to the dedication of the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary Support Group, Council trainee Alexander Habilay and Council staff member Charlie Taylor. Volunteers and staff were on hand to help visitors download the QuestaGame app and assist with the identification of flora and fauna that were spotted. During the two week period, over 450 people participated in the hunt with 486 photos uploaded to QuestaGame. A total of 111 different species were spotted, mapped and identified with the help of citizen science. The media team, specifically Brooke Hargraves and Amanda Carter assisted with the advertising and media promotion of the event contributing greatly to it's success. Local businesses such as Maroochy Nature Cruises, Whites IGA and Maroochy Rivershore Resort donated some fantastic prizes and assisted with the promotion of the event. Sunshine Coast Council was the first Council to utilise QuestaGame, who have informed us that they are now being approached by different councils throughout Queensland to undertake similar Eco-hunts in their own reserves. Well done to everyone involved for a wonderful event that brought community members, volunteers, local businesses and multiple Council departments together, working as one team.

Gaye Kavney

Libraries RFID Tagging Team Project

Community Services Department

Community Relations Branch

What have they been noticed for? The implementation of RFID at the library service requires every item in the collection (380,000+) to be handled. Staff in the Collections team are responsible for driving the project, supporting branch staff to carry out the tagging, and doing tagging for four hours a day themselves. Gaye has willingly thrown herself into this huge project. She has so far worked at Maroochydore and Kawana Libraries for several weeks. She has done this by reprioritising of her day-to-day tasks many of which have been set aside for catch-up after the project has been completed, or wit essential tasks carried out in between times while in the branch. I have appreciated her enthusiasm, commitment and dedication to this project which is a huge undertaking on top of our normal jobs. She has lead the way for all library staff and shown that a big project like this is achievable within reasonable timeframes if everyone pitches in. I commend Gaye for her work ethic and team spirit.

Matahari Removal - Mooloolaba Beach Project

Georgia Keeshan Brooke Hargraves Gavin Leese Eric Aitken Leon Marskell Thomas Sullivan

Community Services Department Economic Development & Major Projects Department Corporate Services Department Infrastructure Services Department Civil Asset Management Branch Communication Branch Community Response Branch Environmental Operations Branch Human Resources Branch Parks & Gardens Branch

What have they been noticed for? In managing the recent high profile Matahari removal works at Mooloolaba Beach the following staff performed their allocated task to a very high degree. In particular - • Georgia Keeshan - overall site management, works coordination and council liaison for the full removal operation. • Peter Riseborough – WH&S Advisor throughout the process, was very prompt in reviewing their safety docs sometimes with only a few hours to spare. He also attended the early pre-start on the day of the relocation & visited the demo site to ensure they were working well. • Brooke Hargraves – Media contact – during the relocation she organised the interviews & location of media very well, all media was positive. • Gavin Leese – Coast & Canals call out on Sunday afternoon for 4 hours during initial emergency winch to beside the wall from the low tide mark. He provided pedestrian controls & was Coastal rep/technical advisor when boat was above high tide. • Eric Aitken – CAMs call out on Sunday afternoon, provided pedestrian controls. • Leon Marskell – Response Services Coordinator, dealt with the initial stranding and called Gavin & Eric to place pedestrian controls on the beach and provide technical advice. Liaised with owner & Claytons during the emergency phase. • Thomas Sullivan – Parks Maintenance. Provided advice and services such as increased beach cleaning post relocation & demolition during the process.

Clint Dunham

Infrastructure Services Department

Transport Infrastructure Management Branch

What have they been noticed for? Clint Dunham has provided invaluable assistance to myself and many others of us 'on the ground' staff over the years, in instances which number too many to document. Clint always takes time out from his busy schedule, sometimes at the risk of creating a larger work load for himself than he already has, to provide accurate, informed technical assistance to enable completion of works in an efficient and timely manner. Just yesterday for example, I bounced an idea off Clint for a line marking set out for an important job in the new Maud St development. Clint was able to instantly confirm that I was on the right track and provided guidance in ensuring that the job would be completed to legal standards. Clint has also intercepted many pending glitches within provided plans, which I'm sure has saved Council much expense and perhaps embarrassment. This type of assistance is much appreciated by myself and many others, and I consider Clint to be a great asset to the organisation. Clint is a perfect example of a staff member working unselfishly as 'one team', going the extra mile for all, and providing quality outcomes. I'm sure you will find many other staff members who would offer the same praise for Mr Dunham.

Jacqui Azzopardi

Horizon Festival of Arts and Culture Project

Community Services Department

Communication Branch

What have they been noticed for? The Horizon team has brought together a range of staff across the organisation to collaborate in delivering the 10 day festival.

Mark Fox (Project Manager) Terri McCullough Stephen Whitby Brad Carey Simon Aalbers Richard MacGillivray Kelly Taylor Kylie Raymont Marc Cornell Daniel Rundle Katrina Patey John Rose Rob Sewell Paul Gallagher Jason Krueger Luke Flanagan Stefan Martin John Borthwick Linda Wolfenden Nicole Braybrook Jade Kingston Katrina Brody

Transition to Planning Act 2016 Project Planning & Environment Department Directorate Development Services Branch Major Urban Developments Branch Strategic Planning Branch Transport & Infrastructure Policy Branch

What have they been noticed for? The project was delivered efficiently and effectively over a 7 month period from January to July 2017 to ensure that Council was 'business ready' for the new State Government planning legislation (Planning Act 2016) that commenced on 3 July 2017. Mark Fox was the Project Manager for the Transition to Planning Act 2016 project and he, along with the Project Delivery Group, were successful in leading Council in preparing for the business, system and people changes required for the legislation transition. Both internal and external stakeholders were informed and consulted about the transition which has resulted in a seamless continuation of our work. This project has also resulted in additional improvements to our work practices such as the revised Councillor notification process for development applications. The project team has demonstrated superior skills and expertise in working together as 'one team' for the benefit of Council, our customers and the community.

Julie O'Connor Wendy Cliff Rhonda Bordonaro Ashley Goodman

Infrastructure Services Department

Environmental Operations Branch

What have they been noticed for? In my first year with council I shared an office with a bunch of kind, helpful, hard-working and supportive colleagues - Julie O'Connor, Wendy Cliff, Rhonda Bordonaro, Ashley Goodman and Denise Lindon. What a great start this was to life with council. These people were supportive and helpful on a daily basis allowing me to find my feet, my confidence and my way around. As I was positioned in an office that was separate to my core team members I want to say a massive thanks to these people for offering their time and assistance throughout my 1 year temp contract. I was not part of their immediate team but I landed in their office and they made me feel very welcome.

Kylie Raymont

Planning Act 2016 - Qld Users Group Project

Planning & Environment Department

Directorate Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kylie has worked around the clock as well as many weekend to configure the systems that make it possible to meet our statutory requirements and deliver our business effectively. She has not only done this for Sunshine Coast Council, but has collaborated with Technology One council's across Queensland to deliver a product that provides greater levels of consistency and performance. This has been an amazing effort and involved "going the extra mile". Many people just expect systems to work without acknowledging the amazing amount of problem solving that takes place behind the scenes. Well done Kylie.

Amanda Lander

Planning Act Transition Project

Planning & Environment Department

Development Services Branch

What have they been noticed for? Amanda is always approachable, patient, professional and is always happy to assists anyone that is needing help. During the transition of the planning act, Amanda on numerous occasions, took the time to sit down with our admin team to explain business process changes, system updates and new variations to the act that effected the team. Amanda is always happy to share her knowledge and is very clear when clarifying items of discussion which reflects through the value of working as one team. Amanda is always a pleasure to work with.

Tina Joyce

Branch HR Coordination Project

Jason Wells Amanda Lander

Planning & Environment Department

Carissa Brogden Margaret Bowditch Rodney Gowlett

Development Services Directorate

What have they been noticed for? Over the past 6 months this project team has been working together to coordinate HR functions across the Branch. With a Branch of approx. 150 staff we identified the need to have key contacts in the Branch to facilitate all HR functions and to work together to support each other rather than a separate teams. The Branch approach has been highly successful with the project team meeting on a monthly basis and by: - up-skilling and training of the Business Support Officers to improve their understanding of the organisational HR processes and functions - setting up a common HR email address to coordinate HR requests for the Branch - establishing an EOI process for training opportunities - developing templates for recruitment processes etc. As the Branch Manager I would like to high commend this project team on making my job easier and also working together as one team.

Dave Moore

Draft Sunshine Coast Biosecurity Plan Project

Lynn Albert Planning & Environment Department

Environ & Sustain Policy Branch

What have they been noticed for? Dave Moore and Lynn Albert have lead a collaborative planning process across council to review existing pest management planning and prepare a new draft Sunshine Coast Biosecurity Plan in accordance with the Queensland Biosecurity Act. The one team approach to the development of the draft plan was further enhanced by involving a key stakeholder reference group with representatives from state government, utilities and catchment based natural resource management groups in the region.

Dave Burrows

Koala Food Tree Plantation (KFTP) in Pinelands Drive Park at Beerwah Project

Julie O'Connor Conor Jenkins

Infrastructure Services Department

Environmental Operations Branch

What have they been noticed for? When Glasshouse Mountains Advancement Network Inc. (GMAN) approached Council for a parcel of land to establish a Koala Food Tree Plantation, Dave, Julie & Conor were determined to find a suitable location for the plantation. Eventually through long negotiations with various areas within Council and with GMAN they found parkland on Pinelands Drive. Dave, Julie and Conor supported GMAN through the agreement process and assisted with the site preparation and planting day. They provide ongoing support to the group to ensure the long term success of the plantation and supplying food to koalas in care. GMAN recently sent a letter to Cr Baberowski praising the support from Dave, Julie and Conor. "GMAN would like to thank you for your help and support in developing our Koala Food Tree Plantation (KFTP) in Pinelands Drive Park at Beerwah. We would also like to thank Julie O'Connor, Conor Jenkins and Dave Burrows for their ongoing support and commitment throughout our project. They were a pleasure to work with and should recognised for their efforts."

Kylie Raymont

Queensland T1 Councils Users Collaboration for new Plannng Act Project

Planning & Environment Department

Development Services Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kylie Raymont had a vision and was instrumental in leading and inspiring 14 other T1 Councils across Queensland and T1 to develop a State wide solution for tracking and reporting on applications lodged under the new Planning Act 2016 that commenced on 3 July 2017. It has been over two years of hard work, negotiation, writing specifications, leading workshops, negotiating with SCCs ICTS Branch, T1, the DILGP and the other 14 Council's, testing and implementing. It was a mammoth effort, never achieved before in T1s history. Kylie has been an inspiration and has never faltered in her approach to this vision. It is now a reality and Kylie is already working on how to improve this product on behalf of SCC and the other 14 Council's. It has been a One Team, but well beyond Development Services, P&E Department and even Council. She has created a One team approach with a major vendor T1 and across 14 Queensland Councils.

Cameron Yin

Sunshine Coast Solar Farm Project

Infrastructure Services Department

Project Delivery Branch

What have they been noticed for? Throughout the construction phase of the Sunshine Coast Solar Farm, Cameron was consistently available to help us on site with all media and communication related activities. It was never a problem for Cameron to help us and he often went above and beyond, for example, on the official opening day, Cameron was onsite from 5am to supervise the set up of the marquee. Organising activities were challenging at times, but Cameron was always available to help - helping to make our job a lot smoother.

Darren Meredith

Infrastructure Services Department

Transport Infrastructure Management Branch

What have they been noticed for? Darren’s collaborative approach to his work is excellent example of working as one team at council. Darren is a civil designer who’s fundamental process is to involve other disciplines across the department to achieve the project vision. He constantly looks beyond his task at hand to ensure project outcome excellence. Many officers in the Landscape Design Unit agree that Darren’s helpful nature allows everyone to approach him with civil related questions knowing he will assist in any way he can. Not only is Darren a great collaborator he also is a talented designer. When you have Darren working on the project, you know he will do a great job utilizing that talent. Darren stays focused on the job, and has friendly nature which is great personal attribute. It is great having him around the office. He is a true asset to the organisation and deserves cognition. Keep up the good work Daz!

Kellie Holdsworth

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Economic Development Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kellie is without exception a common element in the diverse and successful activities across the branch. Her substance, commitment and energy is recognised internally and externally - she is an irreplaceable team member and team builder.

Respect for each other in our working relationships

Our behaviours • Working collaboratively with honesty, trust and mutual support • Listening to understand other points of view • Valuing individual differences, ideas, opinions and diversity • Building strong partnerships both within and outside the organisation • Communicating openly, respectfully and regularly

Environment & Sustainability Policy Branch

Planning & Environment Department

Environment & Sustainability Branch

What have they been noticed for? The branch has a really lovely culture amongst the team members and everyone is friendly, helpful and approachable. The energy throughout the office is really positive and everyone is working hard to make the Sunshine Coast Region the best it can be. Working with the team has been one of my most positive working experiences in the past 14 years.

Sharon Stott

Sunshine Coast Council's partnership with the Sunshine Coast Business Women's Network, World Environment Day and the Cleantech Effect conference Projects Infrastructure Services Department Environment & Sustainability Policy Branch

What have they been noticed for? Sharon Stott is extremely deserving of recognition for her commitment to the value ‘Respect for each other.’ To embed ‘respect for each other’ into her everyday tasks and behaviour Sharon successfully: • Works collaboratively with honesty, trust and mutual support • Listens to understand other points of view • Values individual differences, ideas, opinions and diversity • Builds strong partnerships both within and outside the organisation • Communicates openly, respectfully and regularly. There are too many examples to list that demonstrate how Sharon excels at embedding these values and behaviours in everything she does, with some of her projects listed above. Sharon’s consistent demonstration of ‘respect for each other’ is one of many reasons why she is highly respected and valued by her Branch, by others across Council and by many with in businesses and community across the region. Sharon leads by example with respect to this value and delivers exceptional outcomes for council and community.

Service excellence to our customers and each other

Our behaviours • Delivering our promises • Being clear and timely in our communication • Taking responsibility for assisting customers • Providing services fairly, promptly and respectfully • Creating positive customer experiences

Amanda Pratten

Contract Management System (Open Windows) Project

Corporate Services Department

Procurement & Contracts Branch

What have they been noticed for? Amanda has been extremely helpful and accommodating of my (many) phone calls to help walk me through the Contract Management System processes to undertake an RFQ recently. Amanda took the time to explain things properly, never rushed me and was always friendly and professional towards me. Amanda exemplifies great service, teamwork and professionalism.

Katrina Rivers

Support for project delivery Project

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Communication Branch

What have they been noticed for? The Project Delivery team would like to thank Katrina for all her hard work and support throughout the year.

Steven Lugsdin

Nambour Showgrounds - maintenance Project

Infrastructure Services Department

Property Management Branch

What have they been noticed for? In preparation for the Nambour Showground's three annual premier events – Queensland Caravan, Camping, Boating and Fishing Expo - the Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show - Queensland Garden Expo, the response and service provided by Steve was second to none. The venue has to be the best it can be for these events and maintenance issues responded to quickly and at times, creatively. Steve dealt promptly with blocked toilets, failing roofing, burst water mains, unsafe balustrade and dodgy hot water services, to name a few - always with a cheery smiley and can do attitude. Steve's no nonsense attitude to getting things done was refreshing and greatly appreciated.

Kristi Howe Jack Rea Wayde McPerson Jason Hahn Daniel Plain Mark Smith

Nambour Showgrounds - preparation Project

Infrastructure Services Department

Parks & Gardens Branch

What have they been noticed for? In preparation for the Nambour Showground's three annual premier events – Queensland Caravan, Camping, Boating and Fishing Expo - the Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show - Queensland Garden Expo, this team stepped up and delivered beyond expectation. The venue has to be the best it can be for these events and nothing was too much trouble. Prior to the Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show, the amount of positive feedback about how the venue was looking was incredible. This is a credit to this team who not only delivered their own tasks with gusto but also coordinated assistance from other areas of Parks and Gardens to make sure nothing was missed. Thank you Kristi, Jack and Co - well done - love you guys!

Sharnie Morton Karina Page

Department wide projects Project

Infrastructure Services Department

Directorate Branch

What have they been noticed for? I would like to acknowledge both Katrina and Sharnie for the great work they do in supporting / organising / coordinating department projects and activities. Katrina does excellent support work for our Disaster Management Unit / Intranet and Web. Sharnie does great work with Intranet / Web and Quality Management System / communication media. They work very collaborative each day with staff from both the department and organisation. Whilst they are both quiet achievers I know that their work is acknowledged and appreciated by many staff and myself.

Janette King

Corporate Services Department

ICTS Branch

What have they been noticed for? Janette was very responsive to a technical issue we had in the Computer Training Room first thing one morning. We had an outside trainer and a room full of staff ready to start a full day of training. Janette obtained all the information and then worked with the IT team to get us all access to the software. Resolution was very quick and enormously helpful.

Joseph Britten

Caloundra South Flood Warning Network Project

Infrastructure Services Department

Civil Asset Management Branch

What have they been noticed for? Thoughtful Willing to help Puts his hand up to do the job Works safely Understands what the job is and what will be required for the task Completes the job with pride in his workmanship

Mark Ashlin

Corporate Services Department

ICTS Branch

What have they been noticed for? Working over-and-above to sort out my computer problem late Friday afternoon on 4 August 2017 for some 45 minutes. Given the problem was bigger than we first thought, Mark soldiered on to ensure I was up and running again on my next logon even though it was well after 5.04pm. Mark's vehicle was located in the car park closing at 5.00pm, this didn't phase Mark who continued to work on the problem until rectified.

Dana Healy

Community Services Department

Jai Forest Stella Haycock

Community Relations Branch

What have they been noticed for? We would like to recognise the three junior Library Shelvers at Nambour Library, Dana Healy, Jai Forest and Stella Haycock for service excellence at Nambour Library. Library Shelvers spend the majority of their time on the floor shelving items accurately and making them easily accessible for both customers and staff. Customers are constantly approaching Dana, Jai and Stella for assistance and senior staff at Nambour Library have been observing their courteous, friendly and very helpful manner when talking with Library patrons. If the shelvers are unable to help customers, then they go out of their way to make sure a more senior staff member is alerted to their request for assistance. We would like Dana, Jai and Stella to know that we really appreciate the excellent service they provide to our clients. The Nambour Library Team.

Mark Ashlin

Corporate Services Department

ICTS Branch

What have they been noticed for? Mark's customer service skills are nothing short of outstanding. It is a pleasure to deal with Mark and is extremely helpful in every situation. Even when Mark is busy, he manages to present a positive customer service attitude which makes for an excellent customer service experience.

Jacqui Azzopardi

Horizon Festival - SCD Life&Style 8 page liftout Project

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Communication Branch

What have they been noticed for? Recently I had to take unexpected leave. I was working with Jacqui on a tight deadline to write editorial copy for an 8 page lift-out in the Sunshine Coast Daily Life&Style magazine. Jacqui didn't ask if I needed help with my piece rather she just stepped in and worked incredibly hard on organising artist interviews, writing editorial copy, searching for the images and working with Ash in graphic design to ensure the lift-out went to print on time. The lift-out is worthy of an award. Jacqui is an incredible team player who excels in her work. She constantly helps others when she sometimes is treading water herself. It's a pleasure working with her.

Kelsey O'Connor

ignITe 2017 Project

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Communication Branch

What have they been noticed for? I wanted to tag Kelsey for all of the values that she continually displayed in her amazing contribution to ignite 2017. Service excellence stood out as via her enthusiasm, innovation and patience. She successfully offered a service that consistently met and managed our expectations - and frequently surpassed them.

Bernie Pickering

Infrastructure Services Department

Civil Asset Management Branch

What have they been noticed for? As a new employee to council I was unfamiliar with councils policies around Parental Leave. Bernie went above and beyond to provide me with all the information and paperwork that I needed to process my Paternity Leave application - she was always extremely helpful and acted on everything in such a timely manner and really put my mind at ease knowing I am able to spend that extra time caring for my wife and newborn baby - without her assistance I would have been lost.

Robert Williams

Infrastructure Services Department

Parks & Gardens Branch

What have they been noticed for? The service that Rob provides to the Councillor I work for is excellent. The responses are thorough, fast and very professional. Rob deserves to be recognised for his service excellence.

Davina Allanson

Corporate Services Department

ICTS Branch

What have they been noticed for? Davina has been a pleasure to deal with, always cheerful and willing to assist, advise and educate myself and Kerri Rodgers as we learn our new duties as web authors for the Corporate Governance branch. We both really appreciate her service excellence, thanks Davina.

Jie Wells

Infrastructure Services Department

Parks & Gardens Branch

What have they been noticed for? Since Jie Wells has been in the position of Arboreal Services Delivery Leader he has demonstrated his professional ability to deal with Councillors and external customers. Trees can be a highly emotional topic for many customers and Jie seems to have the knack to soothe the most wild ratepayer that has pent up hatred for their usually beautiful footpath tree to generally come to a arrangement that suits both parties. I recognise the Arborist Leadership role is extremely demanding, however Jie with his positive attitude is always a pleasure to work with and I think he is a worthy candidate for recognition.

Jenni Hatton

Coolum Library Extension Project

Community Services Department

Community Relations Branch

What have they been noticed for? Jenni works really hard all the time to make sure everyone is ok. She always has the communities best interest at heart, makes sure the staff are all happy, safe and up to date. She has liaised with management and builders while construction of the new Coolum Library has been going on around us. Once the new half of the library was complete she has worked really hard to set up a temporary library so the community wouldn't miss out for long. One week without a library. It's been more than a full time job plus she works on the floor with staff to get the job done and keep the library operating smoothly. Jenni is a awesome role model and represents Sunshine Coast Council in the highest regard.

Kate Coulter

Community Services Department

Sport & Community Venues Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kate has a high level of service excellence. Not only does she deliver on her promises to internal and external Council customers but she is always going above and beyond to make sure that the customer has a seamless event and a positive experience with the venue. She is always assisting colleagues where possible even when she has a large workload. Kate has a wealth of knowledge about the venue which she shares with everyone and respects everyone in their roles and how they contribute to the team for the one outcome. And she does all of this with a friendly attitude and a smile on her face!

Sally Clements

Corporate Services Department

Finance Branch

What have they been noticed for? A customer, June Cooper, wanted to pass on her thanks to Sally Clements as she helped her with an enquiry recently. She wanted to pass along her comment that Sally was lovely and she was very appreciative of her assistance, as well as the wonderful service she’s received from other staff here at Council.

Kellie Holdsworth

Sunshine Coast Lightning Project Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Economic Development Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kellie's efforts went far beyond her formal responsibilities which made a significant contribution to council maximising the benefits from our partnershp with the Lightening.

Kellie Holdsworth

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Economic Development Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kellie is the embodiment of service excellence. She is absolutely dedicated to service excellence to both internal and external customers and stakeholders. Kellie has a big heart and is always there to help everyone to achieve the best possible outcome.

Kellie Holdsworth

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Economic Development Branch

What have they been noticed for? No task is ever a problem. Always has a smile on her face. Goes up and beyond what is required. Does tasks for council in her own time. Outstanding team member.

Kellie Holdsworth

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Economic Development Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kellie goes way "above and beyond' in every situation she approaches and everyone she meets. She truly has a heart of gold and takes the time to offer service with a smile no matter how busy she is, whilst intuitively knowing (or noticing) how others are tracking physically and emotionally. She notices when something is not right or someone is struggling and intervenes with her own special brand of care - regardless of her personal affairs. Kellie is an incredibly intelligent and capable individual operating in a role which is probably well beneath her abilities. She is enthusiastic yet realistic about life and takes responsibility for ensuring the whole branch comes together as an effective team. I wholeheartedly recommend Kellie to receive this award for service excellence to our customers and to each other. Thanks for the opportunity!

Being our best

by continuing to learn, grow, challenge and change

Our behaviours • Taking personal responsibility for our ongoing improvement, learning and development and creating a great place to work • Being responsible and accountable for our own actions • Encouraging new ways of working and innovative ideas • Making health, safety and well being a priority • Celebrating both individual efforts and shared achievements

Mark Fox Terri McCullough Jade Kingston Rebecca Theodosiou

Internal and External Training Program for Transition to Planning Act 2016 Project Planning & Environment Department Development Services Branch and Strategic Planning Branch

What have they been noticed for? As part of the Transition to the new Planning Act 2016 project, Development Services Branch delivered extensive training for both internal and external stakeholders prior to the 'go live' date for the new legislation on 3 July 2017. Mark Fox (Project Manager), Terri McCullough, Jade Kingston and Rebecca Theodosiou played key roles in delivering and organising these training sessions for Council. Two external industry information session (3 May and 21 June)were held in partnership with the State Government to provide information on the new Act and detailed on the amendments to the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme for our regular development service customers (developers and consultants). These sessions were attended by approximately 40-50 external customers and feedback obtained was very positive. Two internal general information session (3 May and 21 June) were held for relevant Council staff, particularly Development Services Branch and the Major Urban Development Branch, on the specific changes to the legislation and what these changes meant for Council processes and planning scheme. Extensive internal training sessions were held in May and June for staff in Development Services Branch and the Major Urban Development Branch to dive into the specific details of the steps in the new Act, ensuring all staff were business ready for the new Act go live date. Approximately 32 training sessions were organised with participation from staff in the Branches. The contribution made by Mark, Terri, Jade and Rebecca throughout this training program was superior, professional, detailed and supportive. They clearly demonstrated the value of "Being our Best" to ensure all staff were prepared and informed about this new Act and the consequential planning scheme amendments. The program was very successful and highly commended and recognised by staff across the Branches.

Bret Kruger

Infrastructure Services Department

Transport Infrastructure Management Branch

What have they been noticed for? I have worked with Bret for the past 8 years and I'm constantly amazed by his dedication to the design team, and Council as a whole. Bret consistently dedicates personal time to up-skilling himself in order to keep the design team at the cutting edge of civil design, often during his lunch time. Mentoring in a kind and courteous manner, Bret tirelessly assists other designers and cadets to understand and master new design skills, at the cost to his own time and project delivery pressures. Bret willingly acts the guinea pig to trial new software and add-on programs that can be both time consuming and frustrating. Like all technology, the field of civil design is a rapidly progressing technological arena, without Bret's dedication to progressing council's civil design skills, the team would certainly be poorer. Knowing the massive scale of population growth predicted for the region, Bret has been an integral player in skilling the design team to use program functionality and automation, that allows the quickest design methods possible, and ability to make rapid changes to designs.

Kellie Holdsworth

Sunshine Coast Lightning Project

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Economic Development Branch

What have they been noticed for? Everything! If any council employee embodies every one of our values, it is Kellie - whether she is at USC at 7am on a Sunday morning setting up for the Sunshine Coast Lightning match to meeting and greeting international visitors re their 2018 Commonwealth Games involvements. Kellie would be people's choice for "Employee of the Year".

High Standards

in our conduct, service and governance

Our behaviours • Conducting ourselves ethically and professionally • Ensuring integrity is at the heart of all we do • Making decisions based on complete information and supporting employees to implement these decisions • Inspiring a sense or purpose and direction

Neale Kurtz

iDIDIT Project

Infrastructure Services Department

Project Delivery Branch

What have they been noticed for? Neale has at every time been inspiring, calm and very well organised working with Public Art on the iDIDIT! Public Art installation. He has managed the coordination of the footings, ground works and installation without stress or worry. His expertise and attention detail without any fuss it a delight to work with. I wanted to select all points of "Which value does this employee or team exemplify? (Please select one)", its hard to just select the one :) Working across branches in collaboration is fantastic, thanks Neale. I hope to keep working with you on Public Art projects into the future!

Shelley Meador

Planning Act 2016 Delegations Project

Belinda Bennett Fiona Duce

Office of the Mayor & CEO Department

Corporate Governance Branch

What have they been noticed for? I just wanted to acknowledge the help of Shelley, Fiona and Belinda in the creating of the Planning Act 2016 delegations for the Planning and Environment Department. They have provided me and my team with countless hours of assistance and guidance in helping our team pull this together on short notice, and we were able to get the result in the time required (which is amazing in itself). You are so fortunate to have some wonderful staff working for you, and I have appreciated you allowing me to use their skillsets for our benefit.

Richard MacGillivray

Planning & Environment Department

Development Services Branch

What have they been noticed for? I would like to acknowledge and thank Richard for the commitment in his work since he commenced working with Sunshine Coast Council in 2011 as the Coordinator of the Development Audit and Response Team. He has always portray and carry out your work in a professional and customer focused approach, always aligning with Council’s corporate values. I note that his work in Development Audit and Response can be challenging at time, taking into consideration the unpredictable nature of this work and the legal compliance/enforcement actions being carried out on behalf of Council. I want to commend him on the proactive and one team approach he uses to resolve compliance issues for Council. He is always prepared and take the time required to clearly explain the issues and options to the relevant Council officers as well as to the affected community. This has been particularly evident in some recent compliance matters, such as the Static Illuminated Street Name Signs, Maudsley and Daniels excavation operations at Yandina, and the Paulger family activities at 18 Paulger Rd Kenilworth. I would like to acknowledge his work efforts and professionalism in delivering his work while working with both internal and external customer.

Michael Anderson Denis Shaw Amanda Young Georgia Keeshan Deborah McQuattie

Maroochy Groyne Field Renewal - Community Consultation Sessions Project Infrastructure Services Department Economic Development & Major Projects Department Environmental Operations Branch Communication Branch

Brooke Hargraves What have they been noticed for? Great work by each of these individuals who came together and supported each other throughout the duration of the community consultation period for the Maroochy River Groyne Field Renewal Project. Each officer conducted themselves with a high degree of professionalism at all times and frequently under difficult circumstances. They also displayed a genuine sense of teamwork and unity, and respect both for each other and members of the public.

Andrew Zarb

Box Street Excavation Modelling Project

Planning & Environment Department

Development Services Branch

What have they been noticed for? Andrew goes above and beyond what is required from his position to ensure our team has a full understanding of development proposals for assessment. In this particular case it was made abundantly clear what the issues were following his modelling exercise. He takes the time, often out of his own schedule, to guide and help others understand fully what the concepts, drawings and designs are. He is extremely patient and explains clearly what is proposed. He strives for excellence in design and has a passion to protect what is important on the Sunshine Coast. His gentle approach and caring nature make him an exemplary colleague and a great friend.

Melissa Taylor

Corporate Services Department

Finance Branch

What have they been noticed for? I have received a lovely compliment for Melissa today. A lady called to thank Melissa. She greatly appreciated Melissa’s consideration and would like to thank her for what she did.

Kellie Holdsworth

Sunshine Coast Lightning Project

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Economic Development Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kellie has been instrumental as a "Behind the Scene" operator during the Lightning's inaugural season. Her unwavering commitment has no doubt contributed to the success of the team in Year 1.

Kellie Holdsworth

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Economic Development Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kellie is a remarkable and inspirational lady. Nothing is too hard for her - always maintaining a positive attitude, big smile, goes above and beyond the standards work hours - "iron lady". A notable staff employee of council.

Kellie Holdsworth

Sunshine Coast Lightning Project

Economic Development & Major Projects Department

Economic Development Branch

What have they been noticed for? Kellie's outstanding efforts and commitment towards ensuring everyone involved in/around this project were looked after in every possible way. Outstanding service - over and beyond.

Other Recognition

for exceptional efforts within council and the community

Our behaviours • Conducting ourselves ethically and professionally • Ensuring integrity is at the heart of all we do • Making decisions based on complete information and supporting employees to implement these decisions • Inspiring a sense or purpose and direction

Wayne Brockhurst

Infrastructure Services Department

Project Delivery Branch

What have they been noticed for? Wayne has been very helpful in managing our bus stop upgrade program. Being new to council due to staff turnover, I needed assistance in managing our grant applications for bus stop infrastructure and reporting on bus stop upgrade delivery timelines and future costs. Wayne assisted me throughout the last few months, made sure we were on track and undertook a number of tasks that were not his responsibility. I did not even have to ask. Wayne took the initiative and help wherever he could to ensure we were on track. I am very grateful for Wayne's assistance and kindness to me and my team. I know we are all very busy and it is just wonderful when someone is wiling to find time in their own very busy schedule to assist others in need. Wayne has demonstrated our 'working as one team' value throughout the last 5 months.

Matt Dagan

Infrastructure Services Department

Russell Higgins Project Delivery Branch

What have they been noticed for? The new Eudlo Creek Pedestrian and Cycle bridge is an outstanding example of council's officer's Matt Dagan and Russell Higgins driving the highest standards in the Design and Construction of this new bridge. This 300m long, 3m wide aluminium and composite concrete structure was innovatively designed and constructed to keep weight and cost down while achieving the required performance outcomes of major funding partners TMR and council's whole of life asset standards. The bridge was build in a sensitive mangrove environment, adjacent a TMR corridor with a local contractor barging most construction elements in place. The high standard of finish of the bridge along with the professional management of the contractor in this difficult environment, set a very high standard all under the allocated budget for the project. Well done guys.

Colleen Penny

Infrastructure Services Department

Lee Berrill Traffic Infrastructure Management Branch

What have they been noticed for? Being passionate about cycling, Colleen and Lee put together a grant application via the 2017-18 Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program for funding of Mayes Canal Bridge - 'Construction of a 5.8m wide cyclist and pedestrian bridge over Mayes Canal. Project will include earth embankments and associated concrete treatments for approaches at the northern and southern ends to connect to existing separated cycleways'. The funding has been approved by TMR to the value of $2,578,500. A great example of seeing an opportunity and following through no matter what your position or qualification.

Daniel Saurine

Infrastructure Services Department

Parks & Gardens Branch

What have they been noticed for? Daniel has taken on all the responsibility of our Field Leader role at Wises Road, during a staff rotation of the past seven weeks. He has changed his start time to allow downloading of PDA's before other staff get to work to ensure they are not held up. He has managed all tasks associated with the Field Leader role including managing inspections to ensure sites are inspected as required and prioritising work schedules. He is doing all this extra work without higher duties to an extremely high standard. Great example of going the Extra Mile.

John Markwell

Infrastructure Services Department

Parks & Gardens Branch

What have they been noticed for? I ask that John Markwell be presented with an appropriate staff award that is commensurate with his outstanding achievements over many years and perhaps more specifically his terrific work with several projects in Division 9. I have had many dealings with John over the years and in every instance he has provided outstanding service to the community and to me personally. I can also attest to the fact that in every project he has been involved with he has provided a much better outcome than originally envisaged. To me this is a sign of someone that really takes pride in their work and is prepared to think beyond the usual project processes and look for better solutions for his community.

Campbell Finlay Kevin Laughton Paul Strachan Kenny Breen Justin Durbidge Dave Duncan Garth Fitzwater

Infrastructure Services Department

Civil Asset Management Branch

What have they been noticed for? Faced a very difficult task to complete a surface correction of asphalt footpath on Currie Street Nambour in one day with many different angels to contend with, two driveways and business trading hours to work in with and all to be done by hand as unable to get machinery into the work site. Approximately 30 tonnes of asphalt shovelled and rake by hand to produce a high quality finish and a massive improvement to what was there previously. With a mix of both Sealed Roads teams from Nambour and Caloundra depots combined and worked well as one team.

Lisa Ryan Raeleen Draper Leesa Kelly Alex Habilay Charlie Taylor Michael Gilles Roisin Clark Brooke Hargraves and volunteers from Maroochy Wetland Sanctuary Support Group (Robyn Howard, John Tucker and Judy Hewitt)

Eco Hunt Maroochy Wetlands Project Infrastructure Services Department Economic Development & Major Projects Department Environmental Operations Branch Communications Branch

What have they been noticed for? As part of the holiday program in promoting council's Centres for Conservation and Learning, council staff teamed up with volunteers of the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary, Developments of the QuestaGame App and local businesses at Bli Bli to develop a unique school holiday activity based around citizen science. Visitors to the reserve were required to upload the QuestaGame App and then photograph and have identified wildlife sitings within the reserve. By all accounts the projects was a huge success and resulted in:- over 450 participants of all ages; approximately 486 photos uploaded to QuestaGame; 111 different species spotted and mapped by the CSIRO Biodiversity Map; over 2000 citizen science identifications occurred validating species as they came in; additionally, pedestrian counters at MWS indicated a doubling of foot traffic through the sanctuary for the month of June compared with same time last year. The project has also had great media coverage promoted: On radio (ABC local, Salt FM and Sea FM), in newspapers (Great story - Sunshine Coast Daily June 29th p. 3) and on local news (WIN and Seven) The project was a great initiative in bringing together our volunteers, local businesses and promoting one of council's great reserves here on the Sunshine Coast while highlighting the unique wildlife we have. QuestaGame also indicated appreciation for the partnership with Sunshine Coast Council. According to QuestaGame, SCC is the first council to offer such a project, and how they are being approached by other councils to offer similar opportunities.

Stephen Porter

Infrastructure Services Department

Holly Archibald

Community Services Department

Project Delivery Branch Community Response Branch

What have they been noticed for? Thanks again for your assistance with this event Stephen. Following our meeting today, the event promoter rang to personally thank council (Stephen) and the project contractors for their professional attitude and ability to work with Sunshine Coast Marathon. This is great example of council units working together.

John Bisaro

Infrastructure Services Department

Amanda Young Civil Asset Management Branch Environmental Operations Branch

What have they been noticed for? Amanda was approached by a member of the public who was suffering from a suspected heart attack. Amanda asked John who was conducting maintenance work near by to assist her with the customer concerns. Together they convinced the gentleman to seek professional medical advice and called an ambulance for him. Amanda and John waited with the customer until the paramedics arrived. Well done Amanda and John.

Greg Parkes

Infrastructure Services Department

Civil Asset Management Branch

What have they been noticed for? Greg Parkes works with CAM's Asphalt and Paving Maintenance team. He was recently achieved a Certificate 4 in Workplace Health and Safety. He put his new skills to work and identified that where the flowcon trucks accesses the emulsion tank that there were no operational instructions or the safety aspects visually available to operators. Greg sort approval and cleaned up the area and attached laminated instructions to the pump outlet service point ensuring that all operators could understand the filing process and safety aspects required to handling the product during the filling operation. Under council's mantra of Working Safe and Living Well Greg displayed one of the essentials or our safety program and this is looking after yourself and your workmates. How did this improve the safety and/or business process? By putting in the administrative process Greg has reduced the risk to all employees required to use the emulsion unit a great example of "Standing in the Gap" well done Greg.

Benjamin Green

Infrastructure Services Department

Environmental Operations Branch

What have they been noticed for? Ben has only worked for council's Natural Areas team in his temporary role for six months and recently identified a new and serious weed threat on the Sunshine Coast. This was while out inspecting a site for a Strategic Property Branch enquiry for a potential new Council Environmental Reserve. Ben noticed the plant looked unfamiliar and followed up by sending it to the Queensland Museum where it was confirmed that the plant is a new weed record for the Sunshine Coast and is a significant threat to our waterways. The plant is Dyschoriste (Dyschoriste depressa) and has the potential to damage riparian areas, impact biodiversity and restrict water flow in waterways. This species can spread by seed and also vegetatively and has the potential to be moved by vehicles/machinery (e.g. slashing contractors). Large infestations of this weed have developed in parts of the Brisbane City Council district after first being detected in 20000. Ben has notified other council teams and the relevant Healthy Places weed management officers which will help to ensure this weed is caught before it becomes a bigger problem. Early detection and control is known to have the best success. Well done Ben!

Colin Benjamin

Infrastructure Services Department

Traffic Infrastructure Management Branch

What have they been noticed for? I nominate Colin Benjamin for an extra mile mention for his work designing the recently constructed Goonawarra Drive Cycleway. When Colin inherited this project it was well into its design phase and his initial brief was to complete the remaining detailed aspects and address any minor changes or corrections which may be required as we finalised the substantially complete design ready for construction. Following his review of the design and with an understanding that there were some budget, quality and community concerns still being raised and work through. Colin made a request to the project management team to allow him additional time to undertake some further review and investigation with the view to making major changes to the current design and achieving a substantially a better project outcome. The design Colin tabled and eventually had accepted and constructed addressed a large number of conflicting issues such as strategic planning requirements, design standards, community concerns, budget constraints and integration with other immediately adjacent community infrastructure and service provisions. What makes this outcome so impressive is that, due to the number of initial constraints on this project the new cycleway and pedestrian facility that would have been delivered, if not for Colin's insistence on allowing him the opportunity to review and improve the design, would have provided such a value-for-money, best-for-all-stakeholders, high quality asset that Colin was able to provide with his extra effort and commitment.

Tom Sullivan Simon Irvine Shane Revell (Labour hire) Warren Savage Dale Wegert Dave Hughes-Tulloh Tony Melmore Joe Lopez

Infrastructure Services Department

Parks & Gardens Branch

What have they been noticed for? Preparation for Channel 9's breakfast show coverage at Maroochydore beach. The staff went over and above their normal duties to ensure the surrounding landscaped areas were clean and tidy showcasing 50 years of the Sunshine Coast to millions of people across Australia. Comments from senior management & Councillor ensure we are meeting our targets:Director Andrew Ryan - Great work by our teams. Cr Jason O'Pray - These crews do an amazing job, you can really tell they take a heap of pride in the work. Looks awesome. Please pass on my thanks to every crew member on this!

Scott Dunham

Corporate Services Department

ICTS Branch

What have they been noticed for? Scott has provided excellent assistance throughout the restoration of CAB L1, he has communicated well with the Property Management team and been a continual conduit with respect to IT issues between the teams and the dislodged staff. I'd like to pass on my sincere gratitude to Scott for his efforts during this extremely trying exercise.

Christina Palmer

Corporate Services Department

ICTS Branch

What have they been noticed for? I'd like to nominate Christina for employee of the month under the value Service Excellence. Christina always goes out of her way to support our customers and provide the highest level of service. In the last few weeks she has received several commendations from various business areas, namely a nomination for employee of the month form John Gallina (June), a post in Awards and Recognition from Bronwyn Forster (HR) for helping her out at short notice on an intranet request, and a 'thank you' email from David Coleman (Smart Cities Team) for her help with setting up the Sanbot information site. This is typical of Christina's commitment to upholding this key value.

Yvette Ellis

Corporate Services Department

ICTS Branch

What have they been noticed for? I would like to nominate Yvette for all her tireless work in putting together the 2017 IgnITe Event. Working as One Team, she engages council staff to build their knowledge in IT services and continuously provides excellent customer service in all these vents as a representative of the branch. Yvette always goes above and beyond and conducts business with a smile and to be highest of standards.

Rick Espin

Corporate Services Department

ICTS Branch

What have they been noticed for? Rick has been invaluable to the DCP project. He was first involved in the project when we were learning new Microsoft team and topic site skills. Rick was great at researching the new solutions and helping the web term use this in a manner that suited. Since then he has been valuable in continuing to learn and quickly being using and testing to new technology. He is a great example of how new technology can be embraced.

External Awards



Government Stewardship

Healthy Land and Water

Recognition for Finalist Turtlecare Program

Have you noticed an employee or work group doing great work?

Recognition Post Box Locations

Recognition Sharer

Caloundra Administration Building lunch room

Erin Brewer

Caloundra Depot - Regulatory Services

Amanda Zinn

Caloundra Depot - Parks and Gardens

Deb Tierney

Maroochy on First

Maddisan Down

Nambour Administration Building - Level 2

Emily Roberts

Nambour Depot (Foreman’s area)

Carmen Williamson

Wises Road Depot (Upstairs lunch room)

Bernie Pickering T 07 5475 7272  F 07 5475 7277 Locked Bag 72 Sunshine Coast Mail Centre Qld 4560

72082C 10/17.

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