‘Classy & Fabulous’. The famous words of Coco Chanel. This style icon mentioned exactly what the new range of Surdiva® stands for. Surdiva® is elegant. Surdiva® is arty. But most of all, Surdiva® is always in style. This brand new collection of Scaevola varieties will turn your garden into a richly coloured art deco pallet. With beautiful, decorative, outstanding flowers that make a dazzling statement straight away.
Surdiva® is a range of nicely coloured Scaevola, one of the most heat tolerant bedding plants in the world. While the native species has a wild, rangy habit, Surdivas® have a compact mounding to trailing habit, producing distinctive fan-shaped flowers on short terminal spikes that show super continuous flowering. The plants are drought tolerant and self-cleaning, what makes them ideal for low-maintenance situations. Hence, the Surdiva® collection is highly versatile and has a very wide range of uses: from ground cover to hanging baskets and from pots to balcony boxes.