Apple Inc. Patent D670,713

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1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 USOOD670713S

United States Design Patent


Cranfill et al.





Inventors: Elizabeth Caroline Cranfill, San Francisco, CA (US); Mikio Inose, Cupertino, CA (US); Stephen 0. Lemay, San Francisco, CA (US)

5,123,676 5,237,651 5,463,725 5,499,330 D384,050 D398,299

Assignee: Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA (US)




Appl. No.: 29/408,904



14 Years


s * s

6/1992 8/1993 10/1995 3/1996 9/1997 9/1998

US D670, 713 S

** Nov. 13, 2012 Donnelly et a!. Randall Henckel eta!. Lucas et a!. Kodosky ...................... D14/490 Ballay eta!.



Patent No.: Date of Patent:



OTHER PUBLICATIONS Co-pending U.S. Appl. No. 29/354,942, Inventors Anzures et a!., filed Jan. 29, 2010.


Dec. 19, 2011 Related U.S. Application Data


(51) (52) (58)

Continuation of application No. 29/366,479, filed on Jul. 26, 2010, and a continuation of application No. 29/391,281, filed on May 5, 2011. LOC (9) Cl. .................................................. 14-04 U.S. Cl. ...................................................... Dl4/485 Field of Classification Search ......... D14/485-495; 715/700, 703, 704, 705, 706, 715, 716, 718, 715/719, 723, 727, 730, 732, 748, 752, 753, 715/756, 758, 761, 762, 763, 764, 768, 769, 715/771, 772, 773, 777, 779, 780, 781, 861, 715/864,972,975,977,793,795,799,800, 715/808,809,810,825,828,834,835,838, 715/841, 842, 843, 846, 847; 705/319; 345/14.03, 345/14.04, 901 See application file for complete search history.

References Cited


U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 805,678 3,877,729 4,420,112 4,610,392


1111905 4/1975 12/1983 9/1986

Smith Friedman Cline DaRosa

Primary Examiner- Angela J Lee (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm- Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox PLLC (57) CLAIM The ornamental design for a display screen or portion thereof with animated-graphical user interface, as shown and described.

DESCRIPTION FIG. 1 is a front view of a a display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface showing a first image in the sequence showing our new design; FIG. 2 is a second image thereof; and, FIG. 3 is a third image thereof. The broken lines in the Figures show portions of a display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface and portions of the display screen or portion thereof which form no part of the claimed design. The appearance of the animated images sequentially transitions between the images showninFIGS.1-3. The process or period in which one image transitions to another forms no part of the claimed design.

1 Claim, 3 Drawing Sheets

US D670, 713 S Page 2 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS D415,136 D422,582 D422,583 6,217,443 6,297,824 D453,166 D453,938 6,773,195 D498,763 6,924,822 6,989,815 7,009,596 D526,661 7,107,522 D535,657 7,171,630 D555,663 D555,664 7,304,635 D559,858 D563,424 D568,892 7,437,005 7,536,654 7,581,186 D601,170 D607,889 D609,715 D610,161 D613,300 D624,935 D625,326 D629,010 D629,413 D633,523

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* cited by examiner

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FIG. 1

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1 lI _______l 1\ ____ ,I

FIG. 2

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FIG. 3

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