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My study compares today’s strong prominence of e-books in society today with printed books, as well as the shifting role of a Graphic Designer creating book designs in the format of traditional print to digital.
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Will Digital E-books dominate over Traditional Print?
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PRINTED BOOKS Mass-market paperback format was pioneered by German publisher Albatross Books in 1931, but the experiment was cut short by the approach of World War II. It was then an immediate financial success in the United Kingdom in 1935, when Penguin Books adopted many of Albatross’ innovations, including a conspicuous logo and color-coded covers for different genres.
British publisher Allen Lane launched the Penguin Books imprint in 1935 with ten reprint titles, which began the paperback revolution in the English-language book market.
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Traditional designers still like to print, you can’t beat holding a nicely printed piece of print - after all, you can’t feel a 350gsm, foil debossed cover on an ipad can you?
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An e-book can be offered indefinitely, without ever going “out of print”. In the space that a comparably sized print book takes up, an e-reader can potentially contain thousands of e-books, limited only by its memory capacity.
The new book publishing business is starting to look more and more like the software industry.
“I think with the intr
of ipad and Kindle it look like digital boo publishing is the fut still think printed b be available, just no the same numbers.
roduction t certainly ok ture but I books will ot bought in
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /// /// / / / /// IS DIGITAL PUBLISHING IN THE FUTURE OF DESIGN?
I think the fundamental rules for design will still be there, designing on a grid for instance. E-books will allow for more dynamic content such as parallax scrolling, carousel images etc much like a mini website.
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///////////// ///////////// ///////////// Edward Yau BA GRAPHIC DESIGN Professional Contexts _____________________________________________________________________________________