Where is zero? Where is nothingness? Where is death? Zero is extremely important and gives meaning to the language of Mathematics and its branches, ubiquitously spread throughout human civilization! However if we carefully try to search the origin of the concept of zero, we find that it is an arrangement to comprehend, explain and maneuver the fleeting phenomena! Existence of zero is only with relation to the three dimensions and what we refer as past present and future; and their influence on our brain. We indicate with the use of zero; the absence of a particular entity in that place and time with respect to us. Actually; how can zero per se; i.e. nothingness exist? The moment we say zero, it implies presence of time, space, and us. In fact; the origination of the concept of nothingness and its designation in terms of zero, (though in relative sense have tremendous practical value; in all transactions and scientific endeavors) have given rise to the dreadful concept of end and death! In absolute sense; zero does NOT exist. In fact; this realization gives us freedom from fear and hence great relief from stress of thantophobia-the fear of death! This is only a piece of wild thinking by an ignorant individual with a humble appeal to the erudite readers to respond freely!