As youngsters, we often faced this question of why should we pray before every action! Let us see the purport of Ganesh prayers. SHRI GANESHAAYA NAMAH Meaning and purport: I offer my prayers to Lord Shri Ganesh, who is the God of self realization. The meaning of the expression “God of self realization” is very interesting and profound. In the nature there are various divine ‘powers’ or ‘energies’ and express or manifest themselves in different forms. Lord Ganesh is the source of the experience of enlightenment i.e. oneness with the dynamic evolving essence of the inner and outer environment! It is therefore customary and appropriate to pray Lord Ganesh; before starting any work, because; it reorients us to accurate vision, decision, desire, intention, conviction and effective action; referred to as; SWADHARMA.
Another prayer of Lord Ganesh: VAKRATUNDA MAHAAKAAYA SURYAKOTISAMAPRABHA NIRVIGHNAM KURU ME DEVA SARVAKARYESHU SARVADAA Meaning and purport: O Lord Ganesh with beautifully twisted trunk and gigantic body; you are bright like billions of suns. Please endow me with success in all my actions (implicitly; all actions be aimed at individual and global welfare and complete fulfillment) by overcoming all the difficulties from inside and outside. Thus; the prayers of Ganesh; are intended to rise above pettiness and prejudices; which pervert our behavior and thereby our own and others’ health.