The purpose of reading philosophy, biographies of saints and scriptures is to get freed from the delusion of being a mere a mortal body and identify one’s true self. However, irrespective of the initial intention; such reading frequently leads to fancying and/or assuming oneself a guru or a spiritual savior of a caste, creed, religion or even mankind! The subjective experiences (often illusions and hallucinations) are publicized as miracles. There is a maniacal obsession also; to preach, persuade, coax, brainwash, convert; or oppress, repress, persecute and even kill others! The person is pathetically confused and/or in conflicts; and makes others also miserable; in the delusion of emancipating mankind. Does it mean that one should not read? No! What it means is that this risk has to be preempted, by a simultaneous activity of NAMASMARAN i.e. remembrance of NAMA i.e. name of God. NAMASMARAN sets free an individual from the state of inflated ego and the fancy of being a guru or a savior; and thus overcome the behavioral aberrations. In this way; it empowers one; to actually realize the truth; and contribute in his/her field; to the individual and global blossoming!