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Many times I used to confuse between; ideology, philosophy, spiritualism, religion, asceticism, austerity, penance, rituals, mysticism, occultism and so on. Somehow they used to appear contraposed to epicurean or hedonist way of life. They used to appear rather too serious for a common person like me. Why these matters; even the curricular subjects such as science, mathematics, geography, history and languages also appeared arbitrary and cut off from the day to day life. In medical career this feeling was further enhanced by the medical subjects! Now I realize that my feeling was because of missing the essence of these subjects! The essence of all these subjects is inevitably and inseparably linked with life! In fact; the core of these subjects takes us to the core of life and vice versa! Exactly in the same way; NAMASMARAN appeared to be meant for ascetic or retired and weak senior citizens! But now it is clear that NAMASMARAN is a lifelong and joyous evolutionary transformation; that gradually blossoms us; from within. It makes us objective as it reduces the subjective considerations. We learn to accept, love and respect others; unconditionally! NAMASMARAN thus makes every moment and every relationship in our life; far more lively, romantic and actually immortal!!

References: 1. Stress: Understanding and Management; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 2. Namasmaran: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 3. Smiling Sun: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 4. Conceptual Stress: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 5. New Study of Bhagavad Geeta: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 6. Holistic Medicine: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 7. Holistic Health: Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 8. Namasmaran (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 9. Tanavmukti (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar (Assistance Dr. Suhas Mhetre) 10. Bhovara (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 11. Sahasranetra (Comprehension of Vishnusahasranam; Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 12. Thakawa Ghalwa (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 13. Tanavmuktisathi Upayukta Lekh (Marathi): Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar 14. SUPERLIVING: (English) Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar 15. SUPERLIVING: (Marathi) Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

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