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Yesterday; I saw a TV program of discussion on the merits and demerits of competition in general; and the competition amongst the students in particular. The competition was blamed for the suicides amongst the students. From the above; our peripheral, superficial, piecemeal and ad hoc approach on a variety of problems becomes clear! Thus; For health problems; our solution is; more hospital buildings. For lack of education; our solution is licensing more institutions and greater use of learning aids and stationary. For beggars on the road our solution is; anti–begging law. For traffic jam our solution is; a flyover bridge. For unemployment; our solution is payment to unemployed people. For suicides of farmers; our solution is subsidy package.

For price rise; our solution is import. For socioeconomic backwardness; our solution is reservation policy. For increase in crimes; our solution is increasing the number of police. For the growing injustice; our solution is increasing laws. For lack of progress; our solution is more foreign investment. For shortage of electricity; our solution is load shedding. For road accidents; our solution is compulsion of helmets. For shortage fuel; our solution is sermons to reduce fuel consumption. We can cite hundreds of examples to show how we; by NOT going to the roots of the problems; work brilliantly and artistically but in a superficial and petty manner, with individualistic, fragmented, sectarian and divisive perspective, in misguided direction of increasing stress! Hence our work is rendered ineffective and/or counterproductive! This would continue unless we open

the third eye of cosmic consciousness, through the ways of self development; such as NAMASMARAN.

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