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35m2 gallery Prague, Czech Republic

35m2 gallery, Víta Nejedlého 23, Prague 3, 130 00 Prague, Czech Republic galerie35m2@gmail.com | www.35m2.cz

35m2 in Prague-Žižkov is an established art space that has existed since 2006. It was founded by two artists – Petra Steinerová and


Michal Pěchouček. The current curatorial team consists of Tea Zachová,

František Fekete and Lexa Peroutka. The gallery has its long-term focus on the emerging young art scene and it aims to articulate contemporary themes and forms. We try to reach out of traditional geographical borders and formal limitations, and to discuss the most current subjects.

In the year 2021 we are working with the theme The

End of Normality which relates to social and cultural situations during the continuing crisis caused or accelerated by COVID-19. We think that we always have to be open to new methods, dialogues and critique within the contemporary art scene in order to reflect the dynamic changes occurring in our societies and globally.

Jonne Väisänen, ‘Lost Boy(s)’, video, chair and table (items related to online self-presentation), prints, source: https:// irc-galleria.net/user/jonnev, installation view at 35m2, 2021, photo: Rodrigo Rosa

Jonne Väisänen, ‘Lost Boy(s)’, blue-screen color, non-woven fabric, installation view at 35m2, 2021, photo: Rodrigo Rosa

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