More Dairy A Day Helps Keep Breaks At Bay A study published in the British Medical Journal has shown an increased intake ofcalcium and protein-rich dairy foods, including milk, yoghurt and cheese, can reduce the risk of falls and fractures in aged care residents.
enior Research Scientist at Fonterra’s Research and Development Centre in Palmerston North, Dr Caroline Gunn, was on the study’s steering committee and says the results clearly show that dairy can help older adults with their health and wellness. “The study was the first of its kind in investigating whether increasing the daily intake of dairy is both an effective and safe way to reduce fracture risk in older adults," said Dr Gunn. “The results of the study showed a 33 per cent reduction in all bone fractures, a 46 per cent reduction in hip fractures and an 11 per cent reduction in falls," said Dr Sandra Iuliano, Principal Investigator and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne. “Those residents having the extra dairy
maintained lean muscle mass in their arms and legs, which could likely have contributed to the reduced falls risk. “The two-year trial involved 7195 residents in 60 aged care facilities across Australia. Half the aged care facilities provided their residents (average age 86 years) with an additional 1.5 serves of dairy (3.5 serves in total) per day while the other half continued providing the usual two servings or less of dairy per day. “This relatively modest increase in dairy was provided to the participants in a variety of ways that included replacing servings of the sweet cakes/ biscuit type foods.” Low calcium and protein intake can lead to fragile bones and an increase in the risk of falls and fractures. It is estimated that older adults in aged care account for approximately 30 percent of