Physical fitness system A movement control method (CONTROLOGY) A Body balance method The program focuses on the core postural muscles which help keep the body balanced and which are essential to providing support for the spine.
BREATHING: posterior lateral breathing deep into the back and sides of the rib cage. CORE CONTROL: abdomen, lower back, hips, and buttocks (core) should support and coordinate movements of the extremities. SHOULDER GIRDLE STABILITY When the CORE is strong the neck and shoulders can relax, and the rest of the muscles and joints are freed to do their jobs -- and not more ALIGNMENT: Good distribution of forces improves the economy of movement. Good posture is a reflection good alignment supported by a strong core SPINE ARTICULATION: a flexible spine develops the flow of movements INTEGRATION OF ALL THEM: The aim is the whole development of the body
A Mind-Body Workout That Strengthens Your Whole Body Increases the Strength of Stabilizer Muscles (“the core”- deep muscles) Develops Strength whithout bulk Increases Flexibility Improves Posture (alignment + strength) Makes feeling better
1.¿Do you know somebody who do it?
2. If yes, ask them how is a Pilates class.
3. If not, write some words about what do you think about the Pilates Method.
4. Which are the Pilates principles?
5. What physical qualities can we develop doing Pilates?
6. What kind of Pilates are we working in our P.E. class?