S U P H A T T A | sem 2' 1 4 tutor: finnian warnock
I’m relatively new in using rhino and grasshopper to achieve my design intent. In my prior projects, I have relied heavily on autocad drafting and google sketchup to represent my design. The basics of grasshopper were taught in the first week, starting with referencing curves in both the programmes as well as lofting it to create vase. In my first attempt, the vase started of with curves drawn in the likes of a topo plan in rhino, offseting inwards. The scale of the vase will decrease as it reaches the top. Through lofting, a ‘criss-cross’ feature can be seen expressing folded surface of the vase going upwards.
In my second attempt, the vase started of with curves drawn to overlap each other. Clearly this version of vase has more layering qualities to it. During lofting process, by controlling the Z vector, I could control the top and bottom of the vase to be similar in proportion while exaggerating the volume of the middle tier. This presented the vase in a repeated top and bottom.
The subsequent challenge was to create holes in the vase, however as I am not familiar with rhino and grasshopper, I will attempt it after going through some online tutorials.
For the making of this basket, I followed a step by step tutorial in youtube[1] as I am very much still at a beginner level. I have tried new components such as ‘divide curves’ which was also touched in the Air tutorial. The online tutorial covered other components such as ‘flip matrix’, ‘data’ ‘points list’ , ‘param view’ which some could be deleted after achieving the intentions. The most interesting thing about this process I find is the ‘extrapolate’ component where it forms the framework of my basket horizontally and vertically. ‘Toggle’ was also another component that help to shape my basket after the initial framework. It joined the start and end point of my horizontal members, making the basket whole. ‘Pipe’ component gave my basket the ‘weaving’ feature and there were also options in capping the edge of the pipe such as having it rounded. I could also loft the surface of the basket according to the tutorial however I felt that the weaving of the basket could be better expressed without it, making my basket look better. In the development of this basket, an appreciation of the layering intent and varying curvature flow of the basket can be observed on the axes.
Rotating tri-tower - controlling rotation with ‘small to big’ effect
Berlin Holocaust Memorial - attractor points to affect height
Voussoir Cloud - application of kangaroo plugin to generate form