Supmanee'S Art in Nature 2017

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Supmanee’s Art in Nature Art Exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk 13 SEP. - 1 OCT. 2017 Chamchuri Art Gallery.

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Supmanee’s Art in Nature ธรรมชาติของทรัพย์มณี

เริ่มต้นเป็นปกติ ไม่ได้ดั่งใจ จากนั้นหงุดหงิด แล้วก็เหงาจนไปถึงเศร้า บางช่วง เวลาของชีวิตที่อบอวลไปด้วยความรู้สึกเหล่านี้มันทำาให้จิตใจของเราหดหู่โดยไม่รู้ ตัวดูเหมือนธรรมชาติรอบๆตัวที่แสนจะธรรมดาอย่างต้นไม้ใบไม้ ดอกไม้ ป่ารก ทึบริมทาง เป็นสิ่งที่ช่วยให้จิตใจผ่อนคลายรู้สึกดีขึ้น เห็นคุณค่าและความสวยงาม ของชีวิต ธรรมชาติรอบตัวจึงกลายเป็นแรงบันดาลใจสำาคัญในการทำางานศิลปะสร้างสรรค์ ทุกวันจนกลายเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของชีวิตถ่ายทอดความงามของธรรมชาติจาก จิตใต้สำานึกที่สั่งสมข้อมูลผ่านการสังเกตแบบการซ้อนทับ ห่อหุ้ม เติบโต เคลื่อนไหว ของต้นไม้ ใบหญ้า ดอกไม้ ฯลฯ ที่พบเห็นในชีวิตประจำาวันโดยใช้น้ำา และสีสันที่ชอบเป็นสื่อเพื่อสร้างรูปทรงออแกนิก ให้รู้สึกถึงความลึกลับ ซับซ้อน อบอุ่น สนุกสนาน และอิสระ ซึ่งเป็นความงดงามของชีวิต และช่วยบำาบัดจิตใจให้ ดีขึ้น

So many time in life our emotions change. Emotion is an affective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness. I believe that we can control emotion (especially sadness) by surround ourselves with nature. For me natural surrounding such as trees, flower, leaves, grasses, wildflowers along the way, helps relaxing my mind. The power of mother earth makes me realize the value and beauty of life. Nature around me has become a major inspiration in my art . I start to gathering information through observation all beauties form of nature; overlaying, encapsulation, growth movement, of trees, grass, petal pollen, flowers, etc. And try to express the sense of complexity, cozy, happiness, freedom and mystery within the beauty of nature in my own language . By using water and colors to create organic forms out of my subconscious. Every time i paint it heals me. I believe in power of the “ART AND NATURE”

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Bloom 01 120 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Bloom 02 120 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Bloom 03 120 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Bloom 04 120 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Bloom 05 120 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Movement 01 120 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Movement 02 120 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Movement 03 120 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Life 120 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Wrap 120 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Growth 01 120 x 90 cm Acrylic on canvas “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Bite 01 120 x 90 cm Acrylic on canvas “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Growth02 120 x 90 cm Acrylic on canvas

Positive - Negative 01 120 x 90 cm Acrylic on canvas “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Positive - Negative 02 120 x 90 cm Acrylic on canvas “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Contour 90 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

Humidity 90 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Hidden01 90 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Hidden02 90 x 120 cm Acrylic on canvas

Growth 02 60 x 80 cm Acrylic on canvas

Violet 60 x 80 cm Acrylic on canvas “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Growth 03 60 x 80 cm Acrylic on canvas “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Movement 01 60 x 80 cm Acrylic on canvas

Movement 02 60 x 80 cm Acrylic on canvas

Movement 03 60 x 80 cm Acrylic on canvas “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Communicate 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Deep blue me 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Swimming 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Movement of Pink 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Hidden emotion 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Under the sea 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Petals 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Dark Petals 01 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Red Humid 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Monotone 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Bite 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Flow 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Dark Petals 02 40 x 30 cm watercolor “Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

Supmanee Chaisansuk Supmanee was born in Bangkok. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree (Architecture) and a Master of Architecture(mainly in Architectural Technology & Environmental Design) from the Faculty of Architecture and Planning with Thammasat University in Thailand. She worked as a sustainable architect in DTGO group of company for 8 years and an assistant project manager in Arsom Silp Institute of the Arts in Thailand for one and half years. Currently she works as full time artist with it being the most important thing in her life which she loves to do. She has passionately and energetically practiced exploring innovative art styles inspired by observations in nature. Statement My concept of artwork is inspired from nature because of my experiences. My home is a local house located in the central business district of Bangkok and surrounded by a naturally green area and ecology which cultivates my desire to appreciate the beauty of nature. I always favor to zoom in on patterns of wildlife such as trees, herbs, fungus, stone, flowers, small creatures, etc. I feel a peaceful mind and impressed when I look at the gorgeous life, so they are my source of art inspiration. Water media technique has been my method for creating my art since I was young coming from watercolor because of the sense of nature flowing and free of color and water movement . This approach creates semi-abstract styles as experiments which link natural pattern colors and mind by paint from imagination and subconsciousness to communicate feelings with environments

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

B.Sc. (Architecture) , M.Arch.(Building technology) Faculty of Architecture and Planning,Thammasat University, Thailand. Group Exhibition 2010 Bangkok Sketchers “First Bang” Bangkok, Thailand 2011 Bangkok Sketchers “A SECRET GARDEN”,Bangkok, Thailand 2012 Club Napralarn“ Thailandscape exhibition”,Bangkok, Thailand 2012 Global Network of Watercolor Painters (GNWP) 2nd Exhibition , Shizuoka, Japan 2014 Global Network of Watercolor Painters (GNWP) 3rd Exhibition, Shanghi, Chiana 2014 IWS-Thailand ,”IWS-Thailand Festival 2014” Bangkok, 2014 Pennsylvania Watercolor Society,” the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society’s 35th International Juried Exhibition”,Pennsylvania State Museum, USA 2015 International branch of 2015 World Watercolor Triennale”,Seoul , South Korea 2016 IWS-Thailand ,”IWS-Thailand Festival 2016” Huahin , Chonburi Solo Exhibition 2012 “ Small Eyes - Big Views” Cassia Art Gallery, Bangkok,Thailand 2013 “ Colours in bloom” Cassia Art Gallery,Bangkok, Thailand 2014 “Dwelling in my mind” Dialogue Coffee and Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand 2015 “My Nest” The Meeting Room Art Cafe, Chiangmai,Thailand 2016 “A Little more” Cassia Art Gallery,Bangkok, Thailand Contact: tel. 0622616692 / /

“Supmanee’s Art in Nature “ the solo exhibition by Supmanee Chaisansuk

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