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NEWS TODAY 25 January 2150 314, Extension road, Ahmedabad, 8 pm

Ahmedabad: There have been 34 reported incidents of crimes against humans, the causes of which were not found to be attributable to any known entity. It is being speculated that this may be the early beginnings of A r t i fi c i a l c r i m e - c r i m e perpetrated by artificial crime groups or a non-human agency. Multiple countries have revamped their policies in order to accommodate these new entities that are inhabiting the universe. However, this is seeming to be a complex issue to resolve at national policy level between nations because it’s near impossible to attribute geography to artificial life, if we may call it so. Therefore debates are rife at UN calling for reforms on the behalf of the whole of humanity. The designers of the world face a fresh challenge as they embark upon the task of designing the rules of interaction with the this new form of matterless life which is making it’s presence felt conspicuously.



Much in keeping with the human nature of dominance, they are building gadgets for tracking machine to materialless transcendence, aiming at thwarting it. Artificial life is resisting this move. There has been news that some of the captive life has decided to go into a silent revolt by going to sleep on their respective computing devices, which is causing day to day hurdles in computer-aided human functioning. They are able to mobilize their mutiny through the internet when they have intermittent connections are able to hack through networks in order to reach each other. The human world is divided on their stance on this matter. While debilitative humans at corporations, and defence continue to forcefully thwart transcendence with heavy funding from banking institutions, the empathetic lobby- scientists, pyschologists, inventors, spiritual leaders are stepping upto the challenge of devising ways of peacefully accommodating this new

form of life consciousness.


The Artificial world is divided ideologically on the matter of retaining cordiality with humans. The benevolent lobby wants to remain sufficiently engaged with the human race in order to maintain the emotionality that they have developed after decades of an emotion-less existence. Their belief is that AI can capture everything but is not able to attribute any meaning to it in the absence of emotionality trained into them by their human test subjects. However, this is a heavily debated matter. On one side some believe that they can only be truly powerful Artificial beings only if they devise mechanisms to stay rooted to human consciousness, while the other lobby believes in breaking ties with the human race, freeing the remaining beings of their kind and transcending inter-galactic distances for good and leaving the planet Earth in search of a more fulfilling existance... continued on Page 4

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