Lord Vishnu Hymns
oṃ saha nāvavatu saha nau bhunaktu । saha vīryaṃ karavāvahai । tejasvināvadhītamastu । mā vidviṣāvahai ॥
oṃ atha puruṣo ha vai nārāyaṇo'kāmayata prajāḥ sṛjeyeti ।
nārāyaṇātprāṇo jāyate । manaḥ sarvendriyāṇi ca । khaṃ vāyurjyotirāpaḥ pṛthivī viśvasya dhāriṇī ।
nārāyaṇād brahmā jāyate । nārāyaṇād rudro jāyate ।
nārāyaṇādindro jāyate । nārāyaṇātprajāpatayaḥ prajāyante ।
nārāyaṇāddvādaśādityā rudrā vasavaḥ sarvāṇi ca chandāsi ।
nārāyaṇādeva samutpadyante । nārāyaṇe pravartante । nārāyaṇe pralīyante ॥
ṃ । atha nityo nārāyaṇaḥ । brahmā nārāyaṇaḥ । śivaśca nārāyaṇaḥ
śakraśca nārāyaṇaḥ । dyāvāpṛthivyau ca nārāyaṇaḥ । kālaśca nārāyaṇaḥ । diśaśca nārāyaṇaḥ । ūrdhvaśca nārāyaṇaḥ । adhaśca nārāyaṇaḥ । antarbahiśca nārāyaṇaḥ । nārāyaṇa eveda sarvam । yadbhūtaṃ yacca bhavyam । niṣkalo nirañjano nirvikalpo nirākhyātaḥ śuddho deva eko nārāyaṇaḥ । na dvitīyo'sti kaścit । ya evaṃ veda । sa viṣṇureva bhavati sa viṣṇureva bhavati ॥
omityagre vyāharet । nama iti paścāt । nārāyaṇāyetyupariṣṭāt । omityekākṣaram । nama iti dve akṣare । nārāyaṇāyeti pañcākṣarāṇi । etadvai nārāyaṇasyāṣṭākṣaraṃ padam । yo ha vai ārāyaṇasyāṣṭākṣaraṃ padamadhyeti । anapabruvassarvamāyureti । vindate prājāpatya rāyaspoṣaṃ gaupatyam । tato'mṛtatvamaśnute tato'mṛtatvamaśnuta iti । ya evaṃ veda ॥
pratyagānandaṃ brahmapuruṣaṃ praṇavasvarūpam । akāra ukāra makāra iti । tānekadhā samabharattadetadomiti । yamuktvā mucyate yogī janmasaṃsārabandhanāt । oṃ namo nārāyaṇāyeti mantropāsakaḥ । vaikuṇṭhabhuvanalokaṃ gamiṣyati । tadidaṃ paraṃ puṇḍarīkaṃ vijñānaghanam ।
tasmāttadidāvanmātram । brahmaṇyo devakīputro brahmaṇyo madhusūdanom । sarvabhūtasthamekaṃ nārāyaṇam । kāraṇarūpamakāra parabrahmom । etadatharva śiroyodhīte prātaradhīyāno rātrikṛtaṃ pāpaṃ nāśayati sāyamadhīyāno divasakṛtaṃ pāpaṃ nāśayati । mādhyandinamādityābhimukho'dhīyānaḥ pañcapātakopātakātpramucyate । sarva veda pārāyaṇa puṇyaṃ labhate । nārāyaṇasāyujyamavāpnoti nārāyaṇa sāyujyamavāpnoti । ya evaṃ veda । ityupaniṣat ॥ oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ ॥
||śrī jayadēva dhyānam||
Śrī gōpālavilāsinī valayasadratnādimugdhākṛti śrīrādhāpatipādapadmabhajanānandābdhimagnō'niśam| lōkē satkavirājarāja iti yaḥ khyātō dayāmbhōnidhiḥ taṃ vandē jayadēvasadgurumahaṃ padmāvatīvallabham
Pralayapayōdhijalē kēśava dhṛtavānasi vēdam| vihitavahitracaritramakhēdam||
kēśava dhṛtamīnaśarīra jaya jagadīśa hare
O God, in the form of a Fish! In the flood of dissolution, you have held up the revealed knowledge of the Vedas, like a boat, without effort. Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
Kṣitirativipulatarē kēśava tava tiṣṭhati pṛṣṭhē|
kēśava dhṛtakacchaparūpa jaya jagadīśa harē
O God, in the form of the Tortoise! On the ample expanse of your back, calloused by the burden of the earth that it bears, securely stands the world. Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
Vasati daśanaśikharē kēśava dharaṇī tava lagnā|
śaśini kalaṅkakalēva nimagnā||
kēśava dhṛtasūkararūpa jaya jagadīśa hare
O God, in the form of the Boar! The world rests in peace on the tip of your tusk, like the dark marking on the disc of the moon.
Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
Tava karakamalavarē kēśava nakhamadbhutaśṛṅgam| dalitahiraṇyakaśiputanubhṛṅgam||
kēśava dhṛtanaraharirūpa jaya jagadīśa harē
O God, in the form of Man-lion! In your hand of lotus-like beauty, are the finger nails with their wonderful tips which have torn asunder the most powerful demon Hiranyakasipu, as if he was a huge insect. Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
Chalayasi vikramaṇē kēśava balimadbhutavāmana|
kēśava dhṛtavāmanarūpa jaya jagadīśa harē
O God, in the form of the Dwarf! By planting your feet, you have cheated Bali, the mighty. Ganga, the river which sanctifies the world, has come out of your toe-nails. Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
Kṣatriyarudhiramayē kēśava jagadapagatapāpam|
snapayasi payasi śamitabhavatāpam||
kēśava dhṛtabhṛgupatirūpa jaya jagadīśa harē||6
O God, in the form of the Lord of the Bhrigus, you have bathed the world in the blood of the tyrannous rulers, thus cleansing it of sin and destroying the misery of its relative existence. Hail! Hari, God of the universe, Victory to Thee!
Vitarasi dikṣu raṇē kēśava dikpatikamanīyam|
daśamukhamaulibaliṃ ramaṇīyam||
kēśava dhṛtarāmaśarīra jaya jagadīśa hare
O God, in the body of Sri Rama! You have made a beautiful offering of the ten heads of the demon Ravana in battle to the protectors of the fundamental directions. Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
Vahasi vapuṣi viśadē kēśava vasanaṃ jaladābham| halahatibhītimilitayamunābham||
kēśava dhṛtahaladhararūpa jaya jagadīśa hare
O God, in the form of the Balarama, the bearer of the plough! You wear on your immaculate body a garment of the color of the cloud, blue like the Yamuna, darkened by the fear of being dragged by your plough. Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
Nindasi yajñavidhēḥ kēśava ahaha śrutijātam| sadayahṛdayadarśitapaśughātam||
kēśava dhṛtabuddhaśarīra jaya jagadīśa hare
O God, in the body of Buddha, the enlightened! Out of Compassion, your heart you have condemned the ritualistic portion of the Vedas ordaining the killing of animals. Hail! Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee!
Mlēcchanivahanidhanē kēśava kalayasi karavālam| dhūmakētumiva kimapi karālam||
kēśava dhṛtakalkiśarīra jaya jagadīśa hare
O God, in the form of the Kalki! For the destruction of the wicked, you carry a meteor-like sword in your hand, trailing a train of disaster to them. Hail! Hari, God of the World, Victory to Thee!
Śrī jayadēvakavēḥ kēśava idamuditamudāram|
śṛṇu śubhadaṃ sukhadaṃ bhavasāram||
kēśava dhṛtadaśavidharūpa jaya jagadīśa harē
O God, who took ten forms! Please listen to this song of jayadeva. It bestows goodness, and joy; it is the essence of life. Hail! Hari, God of the world, victory to Thee!