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no. 0 o4

Duncan Macfarlane

I quickly became aware of time and its erosive power. My early photographs focused almost exclusively on the signs of an older culture that was holding on for dear life. I’d photograph seltzer bottles in old wooden crates piled high in a truck, or the dusty windows of Jewish bread shops, or old men building February fires on the beaches of Coney Island. My interest was more than documentary, for it seemed to me that what was about to vanish was important and irreplaceable, and frankly, I wanted my photographs to offer, in some manner, the power of resuscitation. I want them to help us to remember; and even more importantly, they help us to decide what is worth remembering. - John Rosenthal - Exhibition lecture, National Humanities Center

Australian. 2011 Follow the Light winner. SURFING Magazine senior photographer. Uniter of old and new. Memory catcher.

EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Taylor Paul Managing Editor beau Flemister Photo Editor peter taras Associate Photo Editor jimmy wilson Art Director chato aganza Associate Art Director Noa Emberson Online Editor jason miller New Guy Nate Zoller

photography by Duncan Macfarlane

Words and photos by Duncan Macfarlane

We did a little trip to Coff’s Harbor, near where I live, and we got this little beachie pretty much to ourselves. Seven miles of beach and just us.

Asher Pacey.

Dane Peterson.

An afternoon storm in Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka.

A little cliff we were jumping off. I swear it’s fricking higher when you’re up there, too. Like, f--king scary. Creed McTaggart and Soli Bailey.

in France.

Another shot of Wade from France. It’s just a perfect left and right. I had this shot on my desktop for a while and would just mind surf the shit out of which way I wanted to go. This was in November of last year.

Europe, shortly after Andy passed away. This was during the Hossegor paddle-out and that little girl is carrying flowers down to the beach for him.

We went to Lagundri Bay with this big, 15-feet at 20-seconds swell but we got there and it was just the wrong direction. Four feet and pretty shitty. So we took a boat to this spot and these guys — Laurie Towner and Dylan Longbottom — were like, “This is kinda scary,” and they’re f--king gnarly, heavy surfers, too. The thing looked like Chopes if it were a right.

Laurie Towner at home in Angourie on a nice little wave.

These were shot with a Hasselblad. I’m a big fan of cricket back home in Australia; it’s a pretty major sport there. And I guess Americans don’t really know much about it, but in Sri Lanka that’s their number one sport. So I just wanted to capture that when I went there and I was really stoked that I got the whole cricket team and all these guys playing.

Potuvil, Sri Lanka.

Cow crossing. Potuvil, Sri Lanka.

Cock fight in Canggu, Bali. There was this cock fighting ring just behind the warungs in Canngu, and I witnessed this go down. It was crazy, the locals had folders filled with different blades to tie to the birds’ feet for different fights. I spoke to a photographer the other day who lives there and he said this was the last fight they ever held there.

That’s a guy separating some grains of rice, and you can’t see it, but there’s a massive storm coming. They just wait for these storms to pass through to use the wind to sort the rice. The shitty rice blows away and the good rice just drops to the ground and then they collect it. The photo below is just a little tiny line-up that we didn’t get much surf at.

From the Creative Destruction episodes — chapter 3, I think. We went and hung out with Dean Brady, Laurie Towner and Wade in Angourie and Yamba. Perfect south ground swell and perfect north ground swell and just had a crazy week of good surf and good times.

Dane Ward.

Surf check from the car. East Coast, Australia.

a cool portrait of Dane Reynolds.

I was on a family reunion in Wagawaga, which for those of you who don’t know Australia, is smack bang in the desert in the middle of nowhere. A bit of a shithole. It’s like six hours from the coast and pretty much just dead grass.

On our way out of Sri Lanka we were just waiting at our hotel to go to the plane and there were these kids — maybe twenty adolescents — playing soccer on the beach. So I just ran up and hung out for a bit.

Billy Kean. Sawtell, Australia.

I made a little water studio at home and collected some jellyfish, specifically blue bottles. I got stung pretty f--king badly. The things that sting you are little cells that get fired off from the tentacles and make the water toxic. The water dripped everywhere, and I got stung on my hands, arms and face. But the photos came out good so I was stoked.

One of my good buddies, Dane Peterson, a brilliant photographer and longboarder.

Bryce Young, son of Nat Young, skating at night.

Wade Goodall and Ben Sanchis walking to one of the days of the year at Hossegor.

Lineup at an empty Sri Lankan point.

I love bodysurfing. You don’t need to worry about hassling with the crowds. You don’t need to worry about your performance out there. And no matter what the conditions you always have fun and come in stoked. Dane Peterson.

Harrison Roach on a deserted point in QLD. It was just him and Dane Peterson trading waves out there all morning.

Sri Lanka.


That was a pretty fun day.

Zanzibar, Tanzania.



Hossegor, France.

Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka. The village with all the boats. The dogs are gnarly there and three people got sent home from the contest because they were bitten.

One of my buddies from California, Jared Mell. Pre-surf cigarette.

I took my girlfriend on a two-week holiday trip around New Zealand. Milford Sound, South Island.

Brisbane, Australia

in Hossegor, France. My first cover on SurfEuro Magazine.

A creepy back-alley bar in New Zealand where the bikes are mounted on the walls.

Mundaka, Spain.

in Canggu at a little left on a small day. It was a holiday so heaps of people were down on the beach and these two fat old German ladies went swimming and got stuck in a rip and one of them happened to be diabetic and began to pass out. A couple of the surfers dragged them both in and the diabetic lady was laying out on the beach. All the people on the beach were crowded around her thinking she was dead or something, all the while Ozzie is just punting big airs on this little left. And that guy there isn’t claiming the air – he is just waving for a towel or something to help the lady. But it looks like he’s claiming, which is pretty funny.

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