2013 Vans Triple Crown of Surfing

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No rt h Shor e Jo b Sit es

presented by

2013 Vans Triple Crown of Surfing

ED ITORIAL Editor-in-Chief | Taylor Paul Managing Editor | beau Flemister Assistant Editor | zander morton Editor at Living Large | Chas smith Photo Editor | peter taras Associate Photo Editor | jimmy wilson Art Director | chato aganza Associate Art Director | Noa Emberson Online Editor | brendan buckley


ph oto gr aphy by Brent Bielmann Corey Wilson Damea Dorsey Duncan Macfarlane Peter Taras Steve Sherman

cover Photo: duncan macfarlane 03






The same way we are construction workers, accountants, hotel managers and editors, these guys surf for a l i v i n g . More fun than our jobs, but it’s a job nonetheless. They pay mortgages and put kids through school with the paycheck they get from riding waves and, like us, they work hard to assure job security and promotions. With the unemployment rate hovering around seven percent and only 34 slots on tour, they’re hungry. And every fall on the North Shore, the bosses of the ASP are tasked with crunching the numbers and looking at the bottom line to see who gets promoted and who gets let go. The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing represents each surfer’s final chance to prove to the higher-ups that they deserve to be elevated to the corner office on the 34th floor. Some get firm handshakes and are taken out for celebration mai tais. Others are forced to clean out their desks. And with that at mind, let’s look at who’s shined and struggled in their respective corporations this year. 06

U p for promo Dion Atk ins on Mitc h Crews Jadson And re Artiz Aranb uru

On th e b lock Dusty Payne Pat Gudaus kas Damie n Hob good Matt Wilk ins on Brett S imp son Yadin Nic ol

r ot i on ( WQS) +++

Marc Lac o m a r e

Grang e r La r s e n Zeke Lau

Conne r C o ffin

Mitc h C o l e b o r n Carlo s Munoz

e c hoppi ng ( wct )


j o b si te 1 R ee f Hawai i an P r o ( Hal ei wa)


job s

Vans World S urf ing (S uns

s i te 2

ld Cup of unset )

j o b s i te 3 Billa b ong Pip e Maste rs


j o b si te 1 R ee f Hawaii an P r o ( Hal ei wa) j o b s it e D escri pti on • In c o n s i stent work • s m al l to mid- size job s • EASY ACCESS • plum bi n g issues


Photo: c. wilson

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013




Exemplary employee Adriano de Souza shows the bosses his versitility with both forehand and backside hacks.


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

“Wo r k h a r d t h es e last six we e ks,” says 2 0 0 1 wo r ld c h a mp ion CJ Hob good to B r et t S i mp s o n . “ T he AS P’ s seve ranc e pac kag e i s s h i t.”

With his eventual 33rd at Haleiwa, 49th at Sunset and 25th at Pipe, Brett Simpson will qualify through the ‘QS (and not the ‘CT), thus taking what would have been Mitch Coleborn’s spot. P h o t o s : c . w i l s o n Haleiwa


After his 2nd place finish in Cascais, Portugal, the head honchos marked young Conner Coffin for their

c o rporate d e velopmen t p r ogr am.

Look for Conner to move up the ranks in 2015. P h o t o : c . w i l s o n


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

the l i n e at the f oo d tr u c k


P h oto : b r e n t b i e lmann 015

s o r ry guys, no wo rk today, have to wait un t il t h e next wave of su pp l ies c ome in.

Photo: c. wilson 016

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013



Independent contractor Gabe Kling, trying to carve a place back in the hearts of his old bosses. P h o t o : d o r s e y


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

N ot h i n g p e r s o nal . . .

Photo: brent bielmann

I t ’ s just b usi n ess

Freddy P went behind Aritz Aranburu’s back to get the best of this exchange. But with Aritz’s semi-final finish, he’ll get the chance to plot revenge in 2014.



Man ,

Photo: c. wilson


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

I g ot k i ds to f ee d

Yadin Nicol brings his inspiration to work. He’ll finish 9th at Haleiwa and need a finals appearance at Pipe to requalify. P h o t o : c . w i l s o n



John John Florence

s o m eti mes d r o p p i n g ha m m er s o n t h e j o b s i te is a g o o d t h i n g .


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Even white-collar workers like like to mingle with the ‘QS laborers. World Title frontrunner Mick Fanning scouts his future competion from above. P h o t o s : c . w i l s o n





The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Never too proud for janitorial duties, Sunny Garcia knows his way around the Toilet Bowl. P h o t o s : d o r s e y




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

ALWAYS BE CLOSING Photos: c. wilson



Floater finish. Working class hero Dion Atkinson’s 4th place at Haleiwa was the kicker he needed to to be promoted to the WCT in 2014. P h o t o : b r e n t b i e l m a n n


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Photo: dorsey Haleiwa


c. wilson

brent bielmann

Sitting in traffic on the way to work takes a toll on your stress level. Freddy P, loose and limber in his backyard office, where Freddy finished 2nd and set himself up as a favorite for the Triple Crown.


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Photo: brent bielmann Haleiwa


E m p loy ee o f t he Week: M i ch el Bour ez

Good-looking numbers: Round of 64: 1st, 16.9 Round of 32: 1st, 18.47 Quarters: 1st, 16.67 Semis: 1st, 16.33 Finals: 1st, 17.17


Photo: c. wilson

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013


Photos: brent bielmann


j o b si te 2 Vans Wo r ld Cup o f S u rf i n g (S uns et ) j o b s it e D escri pti on • heavy l i fting • e l evato r drop s • wo r k s i t e fa r from pa rking • s urv e i lance issues


Photo: Damea Dorsey

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

T he way we’ve always done it Complex problem solving often involves looking past “the way we’ve always done it.” Kelly Slater, outside the box and into a 9.67 to best Dane Reynolds in their Round of 64 heat. P h o t o : c . w i l s o n



The powers that be at the ASP mandate that twice per year all WCT employees must mingle with their underlings on the ‘QS. Kelly Slater usually saves one of ‘em for Sunset, an event he has never won. P h o t o : c . w i l s o n


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

After a lackluster showing at Haleiwa, John John Florence stages a Triple Crown comeback in Sunset’s office supply room. P h o t o : m a c f a r l a n e



CHILD LA BOR Photo: Damea Dorsey

This ain’t a sweatshop, though. Josh (above) and Seth Moniz (below) make at least minimum wage. dorsey 040

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Photos: macfarlane

Embracing job security. Raoni Monteiro grinded his way through the year, finished 3rd at Sunset and is tapped for a 2014 return to the WCT.



Zeke Lau


Photos: macfarlane

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Speed, pow e r , hustle and f low.

Damien Hobgood follows all the guidelines featured in the ASP’s standard operating procedures. After a 2nd place finish at Sunset, he’ll need a 9th at Pipe to requalify. P h o t o : b r e n t b i e l m a n n



E m p loy ee o f t he Week: z e k e lau

Good-looking numbers: Round of 128: 1st, 18.10 Round of 96: 1st, 14 Round of 64: 2nd, 14 QF: 2nd, 15.46 SF: 2nd, 13.93 F: 1st, 15.5

Photo: macfarlane 044

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Photo: brent bielmann

Photo: macfarlane Sunset



Photos: brent bielmann


Photo: macfarlane


j o b si te 3 Bi lla bo n g P i p e Mast e r s


Photo: macfarlane

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

j o b s i t e d i s cri pt i o n • Falli n g d e bri s • g reat d rai n ag e • crow d e d wo rkp lace • h i g h -st ress e n vi ro n me n t



A solid

F i r st I mp r ess ion at a new job is crucial

His first day at work Kaimana Jaquias defeated Kieren Perrow, and earned a 9.33 for this particular ride. sequence: c. wilson


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013




Injury prone Dusty Payne returned for Pipe, but fell in round 3 to good friend Joel Parkinson, leaving him in 44th place on tour for 2013. Looks like it’s back to the minors. Photos: brent bielmann


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013



O f f i ce Cu b i c l es


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

After an impressive first year in the big leagues, Sebastian Zietz put an exclamation point on the season with this 10-point ride at Backdoor against wildcard Ryan Callinan. He’d finish the year 20th on tour. P h o t o s : c . w i l s o n



A n ot h e r day at t h e of f ic e


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Julian Wilson (blue) and Nat Young (red). P h o t o : m a c f a r l a n e




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Photos: macfarlane




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Photos: macfarlane



t he fi nal day [ and the thr e e star Emp loye es ]


Photo: macfarlane

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

B oi l e r

R o om Mick Fanning’s 11th hour 9.5 ride against CJ Hobgood in round 5 would get him one step closer to his employee of the year title. Photos: c. wilson Pipeline



The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Miguel Pupo drives through one of the best waves that came through the entire event. Just .33 away from perfection in round 5. P h o t o : t a r a s




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Blue- Sky Th inking Mick Fanning, moments before the “Heat Watched ‘Round the World” against Yadin Nicol. Mick had to win this quarter-final heat to capture his 3rd world title, while Yadin was fighting for a place on next year’s tour. P h o t o : s h e r m a n



Meanwhile, 2010 Pipe Masters champ Jeremy Flores answers back in his round 5 heat with Pupo, but couldn’t quite match Miggy’s wave selection. P h o t o : c . w i l s o n


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

No Adderall needed. Yadin Nicol’s focus at Pipeline, in pursuit of a finals berth to requalify for the WCT, was beyond impressive. Despite this 9.33, he would fall to Mick Fanning in this quarter-final heat. Mick wins title, Yadin does not requalify. P h o t o s : b r e n t b i e l m a n n




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Mick’s 9.77. Did he earn it? Was it better than Yadin’s? SURFING’s readers didn’t think so. The judges did. The 30,000 foot perspective does little to squash the debate. P h o t o s : m a c f a r l a n e



Y ea hh h ,


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

I ’m go nna n e e d t h o s e sc ores i n by t h i s a ft e r n o o n . . .

Porta says what? P h o t o s :


c. wilson


Em p loy ee of t he Year: M i ck Fanning Good-looking numbers: Placings in events 1-10: 3, 5, 3, 2, 5, 3, 9, 1, 5, 3


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Mick Fanning clenches the 2013 ASP world title in the quarters with his 9.7 ride. His office loafers don’t touch the sand once. P h o t o : t a r a s




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

A quarter-final finish at Pipe meant Julian Wilson would finish the year 6th on the WCT. P h o t o : m a c f a r l a n e



Now th at’ s f uc k ing teamwork


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Parko and Pupo split peaks while battling it out in the quarters, but it was Parko who put up the better digits. Advancing to the semis with Slater, Joel settled with a respectable Pipe Masters 3rd place. P h o t o : t a r a s




The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

John John Florence, midway through an 18.30 heat-total humiliator against Mick in the semis. P h o t o : c . w i l s o n



f i nal


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

Photos: sherman

nal ( l y ) t h e last 3 5 mi nu tes of work Pipeline


j o hn

VS ke lly 090

Photos: brent bielmann

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013



The 9.87 that would earn Kelly his 7th Pipe Masters title and runner up finish on 2013’s WCT. P h o t o : m a c f a r l a n e


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013


sequence: brent bielmann


Em p loyee of t he Week: Ke lly S lat er Good-looking numbers: Round 3: 1st, 17.66 Round 4: 1st, 17.56 Quarters: 1st, 18.80 Semis: 1st, 19.63 Final: 1st, 16.37


The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013


Photos: sherman


201 3 ASP Wo r ld

2 0 13 T ri p l e C rown o f

Cham pion

S u rf i n g C h a mp i o n

C o f fee ’s for Employee of the year: Mick Fanning Photo: sherman 096

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

2 013 Pi p e Mast e rs Ch amp i on

r Employee of the month:

Employee of the week:

John John Florence

Kelly Slater

Photo: sherman

Photo: brent bielmann Pipeline


the firm 098

The Vans Triple Crown of Surfing 2013

201 3 ASP Wo r ld C ha m pions h i p Tour (WCT) Top 22:

1. Mick Fanning (AUS)

9. Josh Kerr (AUS)

17. Adrian Buchan (AUS)

2. Kelly Slater (USA)

10. John John Florence (HAW)

18. Jeremy Flores (FRA)

3. Joel Parkinson (AUS)

11. C.J. Hobgood (USA)

19. Miguel Pupo (BRA)

4. Jordy Smith (ZAF)

12. Michel Bourez (PYF)

20. Fred Patacchia (HAW)

5. Taj Burrow (AUS)

13. Adriano de Souza (BRA)

21. Bede Durbidge (AUS)

6. Julian Wilson (AUS)

14. Gabriel Medina (BRA)

22. Matt Wilkinson (AUS)

7. Kai Otton (AUS)

15. Filipe Toledo (BRA)

8. Nat Young (USA)

16. Sebastian Zietz (HAW)

201 3 ASP Qualificat io n Seri es (QS) Top 10 (barrin g d o u b l e qual i fi ers):

ASP W i ld ca rds :

Adam Melling (AUS)

Owen Wright (AUS)

Kolohe Andino (USA)

Tiago Pires (PRT)

Alejo Muniz (BRA)

ASP R e p lace me n t S u rf e rs :

Jadson Andre (BRA) Mitch Crews (AUS) Aritz Aranburu (EUK) Raoni Monteiro (BRA)

Glenn Hall (IRL)

Travis Logie (ZAF)

Mitch Coleborn (AUS)

Dion Atkinson (AUS)

Patrick Gudauskas (USA)

Brett Simpson (USA)

Willian Cardoso (BRA)


f 099

thanks for

Photo: brent bielmann

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