Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2023

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The past year has seen significant innovation and growth across the Federation.

We established the framework for the development of ‘Centres of Excellence’ around the country, which will enhance our capability while creating more opportunities and pathways for our members. The first two Centres of Excellence will be for Flood & Swift Water Rescue in Tasmania and Cultural Leadership in NSW.

The skills and dedication of our surf lifesavers now extend well beyond our coastline and the national Centres of Excellence will increase our ability to save lives and support our local communities in times of need.

We also launched the SLSA Innovation Fund which allows clubs and members to apply for funding support for innovative ideas that solve real problems associated with coastal safety.

The implementation of the Innovation Fund commenced with projects focusing on three challenges:

• Project 1: enhance lifesaving capability through diversity and inclusive practice.

• Project 2 : improving volunteer training outcomes for Surf Life Saving members.

• Project 3: to develop a program to measure our SCOPE 2 energy consumption, educate our staf, volunteers, and stakeholders in carbon literacy, and reduce, certify, and ofset our carbon emissions.

Our ability to drive this innovation across the movement is being funded by the strong performance of the Surf Life Saving Foundation (SLSF) and the excellent results of our national lotteries programs. I am grateful for the eforts of Darrin Bragg for leading the SLSF in his capacity as Chair. SLSA has made a multi-million-dollar investment in upgrading our core legacy ICT systems over the coming years as well as continuing to invest in our lifesaving, education, and sporting apps to help achieve our ambition of a paperless future. This investment includes the development of the Nipper app for sign-on and sign-of of our juniors, and the processing of their awards. It will soon be linked to the use of RFID wristband technology. With the help of SLSNSW, we piloted the new Articulated Credit Transfer Model in NSW and the SRC to Bronze transition course is getting take-up around the country. The Bronze manual is now freely available for all members

and is easily accessible online in multiple formats.

When I reflect on our core business, our members again delivered an extraordinary set of numbers. Surf lifesavers conducted 1,413,947 volunteer patrol hours. They provided 40,574 first aid treatments, and significantly reduced the number of potential incidents with 1,921,916 preventative actions. These numbers are a testament to the commitment of our volunteers who now number 193,009 active members.

While coastal drowning deaths are down 11% from the previous year, the 125 lives lost over the last 12 months are still above the ten-year average. In my 45 years in Surf Life Saving, I have read many articles, reports, and papers, which have attempted to put a monetary value on a human life. In 2021, the Australian Government estimated the value of a life was $5.1 million. While this sort of analysis allows us to build a compelling economic argument for what we do, the truth is we save people not statistics. Behind every rescue, there is courage, relief, gratitude, and often joy.

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Behind every drowning, there is heartbreak, trauma, and scars that stay with everyone involved for a lifetime. The rational side of our nature compels us to measure success and failure with numbers, but our volunteers around the country experience success and failure in a very confronting and human way.

Last season surf lifesavers performed over 9,297 rescues. But still, too many infants, children, teenagers, and adults lose their lives to something we believe is preventable. What sits behind this statement is the fundamental belief that everyone should have the ability to safely enjoy the water. Modeling has shown that without surf lifesavers, there would be an additional 1,363 deaths and 818 critical injuries around Australia. The Surf Life Saving red and yellow uniform is an iconic symbol of safety, vigilance, and in many cases bravery across the country. I want to thank all our volunteers for everything they do to keep their communities safe.

2023 marks the 50th year of operation for the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter, which commenced operation in 1973 thanks to a $25,000 sponsorship from the Bank of NSW (later to become Westpac). From its origins in Sydney, the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Service now spans across the country operating out of 13 bases with 15 aircraft and 1 rescue boat responding to people when they are in desperate need of help.

Over 50 years the helicopters have flown 80,000 missions. However, the statistic we are most proud of is that no one has ever had to pay to be rescued by one of our helicopters.

This year, the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Service for the Sydney and Southern NSW regions again played a key role in keeping our coastline safe. Operating out of La Perouse and Moruya Airport, the crews are to be commended for their vital work.

They operate in a high-risk environment and they do it with great skill and compassion.

During 2022-23, the two helicopters took part in 379 missions, including 261 rescues. Many of these missions were along the coastline, responding to incidents including rock fishing, boating, swimming, watercraft and diving. The service also continued to provide aid beyond the coastline, including evacuations and welfare checks during floods, search and retrieval of lost bushwalkers and recovery of persons to support NSW Police. Many missions involved

working with other agencies including NSW Police, Ambulance, SES, Australian Maritime Safety Authority and Surf Life Saving NSW.


Over the past 12 months, we have had the pleasure of recognising some incredible members of our movement. I would like to congratulate all 156 surf lifesavers who were awarded National Medals for their sustained service and commitment to Surf Life Saving. We also had 25 members recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours acknowledging their dedication to improving local communities and making Australia a better place.

At the SLSA National Awards of Excellence, we recognised extraordinary eforts across the movement. We celebrated acts of courage, talented world-class athletes, generous and committed trainers, coaches and oficials. We showcased the diversity of the movement from 50-year veterans to emerging leaders whose maturity belies their age.

This diversity reflects the truly unique make-up of Surf Life Saving.


I would like to thank the Australian Government for their continued support of SLSA programs to assist in the delivery of our frontline services.

Over $3 million in funding was provided directly to Surf Life Saving Clubs around the country through the Beach Safety Equipment Fund as it continued to support clubs with the purchase of essential lifesaving equipment. The Beach Drowning Blackspot Reduction Program provided funds to

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the state organisations to deliver programs, services, and initiatives in high-risk, priority areas.

I would like to thank all our Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving for their continued support, especially to the Prime Minister, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, and Minister for Sport, the Hon Anika Wells MP for their support in securing this funding.


SLSA is tremendously proud of the relationships we have built within our national partnership portfolio, and we recognise the incredible value these partners bring to the organisation.

Our major national partnerships with Ampol, DHL, Isuzu UTE Australia and Westpac are examples of SLSA’s commitment to the longevity and growth of our corporate connections. In the upcoming year, we are excited to celebrate 50 years with Westpac, and 20 years with DHL. We also look forward to continuing our relationships with BRP, Dulux, Kellogg’s and FINZ.


I would like to thank our SLSA Advisory Committee Chairs and Members for their contribution to the strategic goals and operations of SLSA, particularly Chris Jacobson (Lifesaving), Andrew Buhk (Sport), Nancy Joseph (Development) and Tracey Hare-Boyd (Education).


I would also like to warmly thank SLSA CEO Adam Weir and all the staf for everything they do to lead and manage the movement. We are very lucky to have such a professional and hard-working group working alongside our volunteers.


To my fellow board members, I extend my gratitude to each of you, for your passion, professionalism, and determination to drive our movement forward. I know how much work you all do, on and of the beach.

To retiring SLSA Directors, Craig Smith-Gander AM, Grant Barnett and Stephen Godfrey, thank you for your sustained and significant contribution to SLSA and the Federation. In February we lost a great lifesaver, an iconic character and a compassionate and empathetic leader. The Board lost a good friend. Kevin “Brakey” Watkins (SLSSA President) passed away after a long battle with leukaemia. Kevin had a long and far-reaching impact on Surf Life Saving, and he epitomised everything we admire and hold dear. Finally, to all our amazing volunteers, you are the heart and soul of one of the greatest humanitarian organisations in Australia. Thank you.

Yours in surf lifesaving,

3 SECTION 01: Introduction


The 2022-2023 season marked year three of our Surf Life Saving 2025 Strategic Plan (SLS2025). The plan aims to further increase the capacity and capability of the organisation to; save lives, create great Australians and build better communities whilst maintaining the vision of ‘zero preventable deaths in Australian waters’. The four strategic goals of SLS2025 are:

1. Save Lives

2. Develop and support our people

3. Grow and sustain our movement

4. Engage the community.

In 2022-23, SLSA welcomed five new board members. I would like to extend a warm welcome to Gerard O’Brien, Adam Traugott, Jennifer Cook, Sarah Cutbush and Peter Agnew ESM. To our departing SLSA Directors, thank you for your dedication and service over the years, which has helped to shape the future of our movement. I would also like to acknowledge the passing of SLSA Director, Kevin Watkins, whose contribution to SLSA was immense. His advocacy for the membership and his home state of South Australia was unwavering throughout his time on the SLSA Board.

This year the consolidated entity returned an operating surplus of $414K from $83M in revenue. This is after $4.8M in distributions including $7.2M from the Surf Life Saving Foundation’s philanthropic and commercial activities. Over the season a total of $33.3M contributions have been provided to Surf Life Saving entities. This is an amazing achievement, which the team at SLSA is proud to be able to deliver for the benefit of the Federation.

The Grant Seeking Unit (GSU) once again delivered outstanding results above their target with $8.7 million in grants achieved. Despite a change in Federal Government with many opportunities paused while the new government went into a review process, the GSU wrote an impressive 444 applications throughout the year with 66% of these successful. We anticipate an increase in opportunities in the coming year.

SLSA continued its strong relationship with the Australian Government with the relaunch of the Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving. SLSA is fortunate to have co-Chairs of our Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving who are both fantastic advocates. I pass on our appreciation and gratitude to the Hon. Matt Thistlethwaite MP and Angie Bell

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MP for their assistance and support over the last 12 months.

Through our combined engagement eforts in Canberra, we were able to secure additional funding for the Beach Safety Equipment Fund (which was doubled for three years) and renew the Vocational, Education and Training funding for a further year. SLSA would also like to thank the Prime Minister, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, and Minister for Sport, the Hon Anika Wells MP for their support with this funding.

Also instrumental to our success this year has been our longstanding major national partners in Ampol, DHL, Isuzu UTE Australia and Westpac. We thank them for their unwavering support which makes everything we do possible.

During the 2022-23 season 1.41 million volunteer patrol hours were performed, a total of 9,297 rescues, 40,574 first aid treatments administered, and 1,921,556 preventative actions undertaken. I would like to personally thank all the dedicated and passionate surf lifesavers, SLS support operations and ALS Lifeguards for their ongoing commitment and support.

This year has been one of innovation as Surf Life Saving continues to strive for excellence and improvement in all areas. Our Flood and Swift Water Rescue programs have continued to be developed and put to the test with numerous flood events occurring around the country.

The Flood and Swift Water Rescue program developed by Surf Life Saving Tasmania has continued to grow and provide support to others interstate for not only training but the provision of specialist operators in times of need.

Our Innovation Fund oficially launched in December 2022, inviting members to contribute ideas to solve real problems associated with keeping the Australian coastline safe. The generosity of donors allowed the Innovation Fund to launch a carbon emission reduction program with Zero Positive in June - a ground-breaking program to reduce energy use and carbon emissions at Surf Life Saving clubs across Australia.

Seeing the return of our full calendar of sport events was a highlight of the year after multiple years of reduced competition due to COVID-19. The Coolangatta Gold saw a new downwind paddle event introduced and the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships returned to Perth for a successful year with almost 6,000 competitors. High Performance pathways remained a key strategic priority with the Australian Life Saving Team achieving fantastic results in the Lifesaving World Championships in Riccione, Italy and the Trans-Tasman Surf Boat Challenge in New Zealand.

We remained committed to learning and development, with all our development programs run throughout the year including our National Leadership College, Masterclass, and the Women Mentoring Program. SLSA was delighted

to receive the LGBTQ Inclusion Initiative Award from Pride in Sport for our Pride Surf Rescue board. Almost 100 Surf Life Saving Clubs took up the opportunity to acquire one of these boards over the summer as a visible sign of progress and inclusion for everyone on the beach.

I would personally like to thank the state and territory centres, volunteers, and staf, for their ongoing dedication in supporting SLSA to deliver many of the extraordinary outcomes as highlighted within this year’s Annual Report. To the state and territory CEOs with whom I work closely through the Executive Management Group, I continue to appreciate your comradery and close teamwork as we strive towards our goals. I look forward to continuing our working relationship, sharing innovative ideas, and propelling the movement forward.

This organisation is fortunate to have a dedicated volunteer leadership team that continues to support and inspire me, our President, and Chairman John Baker ESM, the SLSA Board of Directors and Advisers. I would also like to personally thank our 193,009 members for their continuous dedication to our movement, especially our patrolling members who play such a vital role in keeping our coastline safe.

Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation and thanks to all the SLSA staf for their commitment, passion, and support over the past year.

Yours in surf lifesaving,

Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report


Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) is Australia’s peak coastal water safety, drowning prevention and rescue authority.

With 193,009 members, of all age groups and demographics across 315 afiliated Surf Life Saving Clubs (SLSCs), SLSA represents the largest volunteer movement of its kind in Australia.

Since Surf Life Saving was established in 1907, over 670,000 lives have been saved. In 2022/23 our Surf Life Saving active members were involved in 9,297 rescues, 38,061 first aid treatments and more than 1.92 million preventative actions. Surf Life Saving volunteers carried out more than 1.41 million patrol hours.

Surf Life Saving is a unique not-forprofit, community cause that exists through community donations, fundraising, corporate sponsorship and government grants.


Surf Life Saving exists to save lives, create great Australians and build better communities.

Australian beaches have long occupied a special place in Australian culture. With eighty-five per cent of the population living within 50km of the coast and over 600 million individual coastal visitations annually, the beach is a place where people of all backgrounds can come together to enjoy our vast coastline.

The vision of Surf Life Saving is zero preventable deaths in Australian waters, and we are committed to educating and protecting all people to further reduce the number of coastal

drowning fatalities. Despite significant advancements in technology, techniques and knowledge, many still lack a basic level of awareness when it comes to water safety. Because of this, coastal drownings still occur in unacceptable numbers.


Creating safe environments on and of the beach is an integral part of the Surf Life Saving movement with a range of support operations utilised around Australia.

These operations include: 24/7 emergency response groups, rescue helicopter services, jet rescue boats, ofshore rescue boats, rescue watercraft, surveillance systems, radio control and coordination centres, and volunteer lifesaving services. Through the state and territory centres, Surf

Life Saving operates the Australian Lifeguard Service (ALS), the country’s largest lifeguard service. This essential service is provided to local government and other coastal land managers.


SLSA has developed a strategic plan that will guide the Surf Life Saving movement through to the year 2025. The focus of the 2025 Strategic Plan is to further enhance the capacity and capability of the movement to save lives, create great Australians and build better communities. The four pillars of our current Strategic Plan that guide us to achieve our mission are:

1. Save Lives

2. Develop and support our people

3. Grow and sustain our movement

4. Engage the community

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Our principal stakeholders are those who use the Australian coastline, and those who are directly or indirectly impacted by our actions, or who support our activities.


• Members: SLSA has a duty of care to protect its members as they carry out their duties on and of the beach.

• Potential members: The organisation relies on new recruits to maintain and increase lifesaving services.

• Beach-going community: SLSA communicates with diverse communities via a variety of diferent programs and channels, including public advertising and awareness campaigns and the distribution of educational resources.

• Donors: SLSA communicates to our donors, the Guardians of the Surf regularly through the SLS Foundation.


• Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving (Australian Government): This is a bipartisan group where SLSA invites parliamentarians to participate and support ongoing activities to highlight Surf Life Saving’s key initiatives.

• Australian Government departments and agencies: SLSA relies on support from the following Australian Government departments and agencies for several of our programs:

• Prime Minister’s Ofice

• Department of Health

• Australian Sports Commission

• Sport Integrity Australia

• Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

• Other levels of government:

• State and territory entities have direct relationships with state governments, while our clubs liaise with their local councils.

• For specific activities, namely national sporting events,

SLSA will invite stakeholders from federal, state, and local government.

• Parliamentarians: To maintain our positioning as the peak organisation for coastal safety, we engage with elected members of parliament on an ongoing basis, particularly those representing coastal seats.

• SLSA liaises with the NSW Government as it’s a major funding partner of the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Service (Southern Region).


• Corporate Partners: Most of our programs are funded by a number of corporate partners. We also actively seek new partners to ensure the long-term sustainability of the movement. SLSA encourages all Australian corporates to include Surf Life Saving in their workplace giving program.


• State and territory centres: State and territory entities represent our members on the SLSA Board. SLSA have regular contact with our owners through Board meetings and other forums.

• Staf across multiple entities.


As a community cause, SLSA relies on the Australian Government, corporate partners and valued donors to fund the majority of its activities. About one third of the parent entity’s funding comes from the Australian Government. The remaining two thirds is secured via national corporate partners, fundraising, licensing and fees for competitions.

The SLS Foundation fundraises on behalf of SLSA and our state and territory entities while SLSCs also conduct their own fundraising activities. The state and territory entities (which report separately) are engaged in commercial activities

such as education, training, and the provision of contract lifeguard services to local government and other land managers.


SLSA is a company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). SLSA is also a charity registered with the ACNC and a registered charitable institution under the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 (NSW).

SLSA has three wholly owned subsidiaries.

• The Surf Life Saving Foundation is a company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). It too is registered with the ACNC and operates under the charitable fundraising legislation in each of the states and territories where it is registered.

• Southern Region SLSA Helicopter Rescue Service Pty Ltd is a proprietary limited company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). It is also a charity registered with the ACNC and a registered charitable institution under the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 (NSW).

• Surf Sports Australia Pty Ltd is a proprietary limited company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).


This is the Annual Report of Surf Life Saving Australia Ltd. The Surf Life Saving movement is made up of 502 separate legal entities, including state and territory entities, clubs, branches and support operations. The financial accounts of these entities, whose relationship with SLSA Ltd is further described in section four, are not consolidated here. However, the activities and achievements of all surf lifesavers are consolidated and reported.

8 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


SECTION 01: Introduction



Zero preventable deaths in Australian waters.




We save lives, create great Australians and build better communities.




1.1: Always being rescue ready

1.2: Maximizing safety between the flags

1.3: Working to reduce drowning and injury rates

1.4: Leading evidenced based research and innovation

1.5: Having industry best practice risk management systems

1.6: By leading and delivering as the peak coastal safety body

1.7 Supporting drowning prevention internationally, particularly in the Asia Pacific region


• There have been no drowning deaths between the flags.

• The per capita drowning and injury rates are below the 5-year rolling average.

As the peak coastal water safety body, we have leading representation on international and national water safety / drowning prevention bodies. We provide opportunities for our people to participate in activities internationally and within the AsiaPacific and can report and promote these eforts.

• State / Territory entities are included in Emergency Management Arrangements.

• Patrolling membership increases year on year.

• Lifesaving programs and initiatives increase reach into communities year on year.

An increasing proportion of patrolling members are participating in surf sports and / or modified sports activities.

2.1: Providing and promoting engaging leadership and learning opportunities

2.2: Recognising and rewarding achievement and success

2.3: Developing and promoting great events

2.4: Growing a safety culture

2.5: Promoting the positive contribution of SLS volunteers

2.6: Provide accessible and diverse pathways for members within SLS

3.1: Protecting and enhancing the brand to drive internal and external support

3.2: Developing efective strategic and operational alignment across all levels of the organisation

3.3: Making it easier for volunteers, staf and the community to contribute to the movement

3.4: Ensuring, maintaining and promoting sound financial and governance practices

4.1: Increasing awareness of SLS’s positive contribution to the community

4.2: Encouraging and providing opportunities for the community to engage with SLS

4.3: Being an inclusive organisation that promotes accessibility and diversity

4.4: Being actively engaged in reflecting community expectations particularly in the areas of environmental and sustainability issues

• We will be using best practice technologies to enhance the learning experience for our people and the community.

• Education is meeting the needs of our people, the community and key stakeholders. We have clearly aligned leadership pathways throughout the movement. We are identifying potential leaders early, providing opportunities for development and mentoring. We are recognising and celebrating the diverse achievements of our people.

• We are reporting decreasing injury and accident rates involving our people.

• Safety of our people remains first and foremost, with Lost Time Injury (LTI) rates reducing year on year.

• Our events are recording growth in participant and partner support.

SLS pathways generate an uplift in membership and participation in SLS.

• Our brand is protected, valued and recognised.

• Our brand is in the top 5 most trusted brands for the NFP sector.

• Strategic financial results are defined and met.

SLS Strategic Plans are aligned at national, state and club level. National and State risk and compliance registers are current, shared and reported.

We are leveraging technology to enable our people, community and partners to easily contribute to SLS.

• Fundraising activities (donor and lottery) are growing revenue annually and growing the return to the movement.

• We are increasing non-government revenue by a minimum 2%.

• Our membership is growing and retention rates increasing.

• We can measure an increasing level of engagement of a diverse range of communities.

Our Champions and Guardians supporters are increasing by 3% annually.

SLSA reports on distribution of funds transparently across the movement annually.

We can update the organisation’s economic impact annually.

Proactive initiatives and policy are developed to support community expectations and trends.

Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23 10




1.1: Always being rescue ready Patrol Ops App was under continual review and development. Award checking was added for this season to ensure patrolling members have the correct awards for their inclusion on patrol. Reviewed essential frontline equipment. Supported upgrading of equipment through funding initiatives.

1.2: Maximising safety between the flags

1.3: Working to reduce drowning and injury rates

1.4: Leading evidenced based research and innovation

• Secured the doubling of Beach Safety Equipment Fund for clubs.

• Delivered year 2 of Blackspot funding.

• Developed the Surf Risk Rating to include a patrol and water safety module.

Delivered BRP Rescue Equipment Program.

Secured political support for key water safety initiatives.

• Launch of the Australian Water Safety Strategic Plan, including being a contributor to its development.

• Active engagement with Australian Water Safety Council.

• Development and integration of the Surf Risk Rating to include ‘Water Safety’ and ‘Patrol Services’.

National Coastal Safety Report 2022 delivered. 3 x Coastal Safety Briefs developed and published. Presentation of research and findings at key forums internally and externally.

• Maintained relationship and approvals with NCIS.


Patrol Ops App will have on-the-fly patrol rosters added for support services. Backend changes will dominate most of the year while migration to the new API service is underway. Updates for risk ratings on non-beach locations will be added (flat water such as lakes, rivers etc).

• Delivery of Blackspot programs.

• New equipment to be provided through Beach Safety Equipment Fund. Deliver BRP Rescue Equipment Program.

Renewal of the core Water Safety Funding through the Australian Government.

• Be an active participant and leader with the Australian Water Safety Council.

• Development of Surf Risk Rating to include other water environments (still) and also tidal/non tidal locations.

Joint launch of the National Drowning Report with Royal Life Saving Australia at Parliament House in Canberra. National Coastal Safety Report 2023 delivered. NCIS relationship and approvals maintained.

1.5: Having industry best practice risk management systems

1.6: By leading and delivering as the peak coastal safety body

1.7 Supporting drowning prevention internationally, particularly in the Asia Pacific region

• Participated in Australian Standards and contribute towards discussions.

• Continued to develop and promote the SRR app.

• Update to gear and equipment lists completed

Delivered National Coastal Safety Report.

Delivered Coastal Safety Briefs.

Provided messaging for National Water Safety Day.

Provided messaging for World Drowning Prevention Day.

• Provided messaging around summer and general water safety.

ILS representation on Committees/Commissions and working groups maintained.

Support to relationships within the Asia Pacific area in partnership with ILS.

Hosted and facilitated international exchanges and developments.

• Consult with Australian Standards and contribute towards discussions.

• Develop i-Risk modules for broader SLS use.

• Review compliance systems for lifesaving equipment.

Promotion and development of content for key Coastal Safety activities including National Coastal Safety Report, Coastal Safety Briefs, key awareness days such as National Water Safety Day, World Drowning Prevention Day as well as other opportunities in general around summer.

Maintain ILS representation on Committees/Commissions and working groups.

Continue to develop relationships within the Asia Pacific area in partnership with ILS.

Continue to facilitate and provide leadership for international exchanges and developments.

SECTION 01: Introduction


2.1: Providing and promoting engaging leadership and learning opportunities

Delivered Masterclass 2022 and National Leadership College 2023. Continued with Women’s Mentoring Program Cohort 3 (Graduated Nov 2022) and launched Cohort 4 in Nov 2022.

Continued to report on our education and training activities to the Government to ensure ongoing support for VET funding. Continued development of an IRB Training Manual and associated resources.

• Continued with the Credit Articulated Model, rolling out in Tasmania.

• Rolled out improved electronic TAF re-endorsement form in QLD, SA, TAS and NSW.

• Represented the SLS movement on relevant committees and conferences regarding VET.

Rolled out further enhancements for the Assessing App and Learning Management System which will result in making the lives of our members easier.

Rolled out the Silver Medallion Patrol Captain course.

Continued to work with the Compliance working group to ensure that our systems and processes are eficient and not duplicated across borders. Continued to work with our eLearning provider to ensure that our online courses are fit for purpose.

Continued to progress pathways for women into leadership positions through SLSA’s role on the Coalition of Change (Sport cohort) group.

Deliver Masterclass 2023 and National Leadership College 2024 for eligible members.

Continue with Women’s Mentoring Program Cohort 4 (Graduating Nov 2023) and launch Cohort 5 in Nov 2023. Continue to report on our education and training activities to the Government to ensure ongoing support for VET funding.

• Continue development of an IRB Training Manual and associated resources.

• Establish contract with LMS and SMS provider as current agreement expires.

• National support of all L&D applications and those ongoing enhancements with a view to minimising paperwork. Represent SLS interests and provide updates on VET matters which will afect the SLSA.

RTO & wider membership to ensure ongoing compliance. Continue to work with the various L&D Committees and working groups to ensure the wider membership is consulted. Maintain SLSA Registered Training Organisation Compliance. Consultation on necessary compliance and enhancement items in Surfguard.

2.2: Recognising and rewarding achievement and success

2.3: Developing and promoting great events

Recognised recipients of SLSA Rescue Medals at Parliament House in Canberra and via media and internal SLSA channels.

Implemented a process at state level to promote and streamline the National Medal application procedure.

• Delivered a successful suite of National Events including IRB Championships, Pool Rescue Championships and Interstate Championships.

• Delivered a successful Australian Youth, Masters and Open Championships.

Delivered a successful elite suite of events including an Ironman and Ironwoman Series, Coolangatta Gold and Ocean Thunder Surf Boat Series.

Delivered a Beach Warrior event.

Partnered with the ASRL to deliver the Australian Team Selection Trial, National Short Course Surf Boat Championships and Surf Boat Interstate Championships.

Further developed and delivered Oficials and Coaches aids through Coach Connect and Oficial Connect.

• Partnered with the ASRL to further develop the Sweep Academy.

• Continued to develop digital technology assets in surf sports to drive eficiencies and improve the user experience.

• Continued to review models and processes for the Australian Championships.

• Developed communications plans including marketing, media, digital and content to promote SLSA Sporting Events.

Administration of a streamlined National medal and Patrol Service Awards Program.

• Deliver a successful suite of National Events including IRB Championships, Pool Rescue Championships and Interstate Championships.

• Deliver a successful Australian Youth, Masters and Open Championships

Deliver a successful elite suite of events including an Ironman and Ironwoman Series, Coolangatta Gold and Ocean Thunder Surf Boat Series.

Continue to explore and implement a sustainable model for Beach Warrior.

Partner with the ASRL to deliver the Australian Team Selection Trial, National Short Course Surf Boat Championships and Surf Boat Interstate Championships.

Further develop and deliver Athletes, Oficials and Coaches aids through Sports Hub.

• Continue to develop digital technology assets in surf sports to drive eficiencies and improve the user experience.

• Continue to review models and processes for the Australian Championships.

• Develop communications plans including marketing, media, digital and content to promote SLSA Sporting Events. Develop and implement a tiered training program to enhance the role of the SEMC.

Complete a study and introduce inclusive (All Abilities) events in national sport events.

Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23 12

2.4: Growing a safety culture

2.5: Promoting the positive contribution of SLS volunteers

2.6: Provide accessible and diverse pathways for members within SLS

• Work with SIA on the enhancement of compliance framework for Integrity Policies and relevant resources.

Re-established Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving Group for new parliamentary term.

• Continued to implement recommendations from the National Youth Review.


3.1: Protecting and enhancing the brand to drive internal and external support

3.2: Developing efective strategic and operational alignment across all levels of the organisation

3.3: Making it easier for volunteers, staf and the community to contribute to the movement

Updated Brand Guidelines developed in consultation and conjunction with state entities to maintain the value and integrity of the SLSA Brand.

Creation of updated Digital Asset Library for use by all state entities.

• Ensured that SLSA and state entities continued to deliver contractual obligations for national corporate partners annually.

Finished policy review cycle, ensuring all relevant policies were reviewed.

• IMIS replacement project kicked-of for the initial stages of the project.

• GSU System selection from the RFP and project funded and initiated.

• Prize home research was conducted with existing lottery subscribers to understand desired locations and property types. Investigated new possible donor acquisition opportunities and submitted a business case. Commenced review of supporter data privacy obligations and compliance.

Utilised existing market research and our own database to identify and go after new fundraising target markets.

Continued with cross-sell, upsell and conversion campaigns for both donors and lottery customers.

• Continued regular decline management processes that support optimisation of regular givers and Champions Club members.

• Review the Child Safe Awareness Course.

• Roll out updated Integrity Policies.

• Roll out the phase 2 enhancements to the Online Reporting System.

Progress existing Innovation Fund projects as funds become available.

Identify Innovation Fund year two challenge projects for the memberships’ continued input.

Continue to engage existing and attract new supporters/donors for the Innovation Fund.

• Roll out the Youth Working Group nationally.

Continually to implement recommendations from the National Youth Review.

Provide corporate partnership support to all national member events, programs and initiatives.

Explore opportunities to secure new corporate partners for key flagship member events, programs and initiatives.

Identify new corporate partner pipeline for member events, programs and initiatives.

• States to deliver the current national corporate partner contractual obligations (activations and branding) with reporting quarterly.

Work towards national corporate partners benefits for new partners to be provided to the states within 4 weeks of signing a new partner.

• Implementation of the new Lottery and Donations System in April 2024.

• GSU system is delivered early 2024 with additional internal work ongoing.

• Include new payment options as part of the Lottery and Donations System.

• Prepare a business case to build Innovation Fund requirements as part of the new Lottery and Donations system.

• Maintain a suite of regularly produced standard performance reports accessible for internal purposes.

Create a contact management system for GSU with GSU to provide full scope of requirements to IT.

Review the existing lottery prize strategy to ensure prize values are aligned with growth for permit compliance and to retain and grow lottery customers and subscribers.

Develop and implement a five-year philanthropic marketing plan. Meet philanthropic budget targets and sustain philanthropy as a viable source of funding for the movement.

• Review and implement new email strategies for commercial.

• Meet the commercial 10-year forecast and reduce costs of sale.

• Maintain funding with Tourism and Events QLD around The Aussies and Coolangatta Gold.

• Maintain funding with TWA around The Aussies for the of years of Aussies in QLD.

• Engage with corporate partner to ensure relevant funding is maintained nationally.

• Continue regular decline management processes that supports optimisation of regular givers and Champions Club members.

Increase successful payment ratios for regular givers and champions. Manage land bank so that the lottery program achieves agreed targets. Investigate new possible donor acquisition opportunities.

3.4: Ensuring, maintaining and promoting sound financial and governance practices

• Migrated all staf employed by the SLS Foundation to employment by Surf Life Saving Australia Limited.

• Delivered a consolidated surplus for the financial year while fulfilling all our commitments in distributing funds to clubs and states.

• Renew and update the management accounting suite of reports to ensure the FACC and SLSA Board are provided the most relevant information on the group’s financial performance, position, and risk exposure.

SECTION 01: Introduction


4.1: Increasing awareness of SLS’s positive contribution to the community

4.2: Encouraging and providing opportunities for the community to engage with SLS

Delivered on the Surf Life Saving 2025 Strategic Plan.

Promoted key information about SLSA to the Federal Government through regular communication.

Maintained relationships with long term partners DHL, Westpac, BRP, Dulux and FINZ.

• Established and maintained relationships with all sides of government to promote Surf Life Saving’s positive contribution to the community.

Continued to enhance and improve supporter user experience (UX) through digital online functionality developments.

Continued working with existing partners to identify and collaborate on fundraising opportunities.

• Introduced Innovation Fund projects to national corporate partners as an opportunity.

• Continued to build upon existing commercial fundraising partnerships.

• Reviewed the champions’ membership journey and investigated new ways to acquire new members.

Continued the donor journey program across all donation channels to ensure best practice donor care at all stages of the donor journey.

Maintained meaningful and regular GSU performance reporting to help inform strategy. Maintained flexibility in GSU to create capacity to scale up.

4.3: Being an inclusive organisation that promotes accessibility and diversity

4.4: Being actively engaged in reflecting community expectations particularly in the areas of environmental and sustainability issues

• Continued to ofer Inclusive Beaches Equipment Grants to support inclusive Nipper programs. Continued to work with Pride in Sport to become more inclusive and improve our Pride in Sport Index rating.

Continued to assist states to promote the Silver Salties Program.

• With the support of the Grant Seeking Unit, SLSA secured funding through the ‘Preparing Australian Communities – Local Stream’ grant and commenced the first year of its three-year project on ‘Disaster preparedness along Australia’s coastline due to climate change.’

Maintain relationships with long term partners DHL, Westpac, BRP, Dulux and FINZ.

Continue to build relationships with all sides of government to promote Surf Life Saving’s positive contribution to the community.

Continue working with existing national partners to identify and collaborate on fundraising opportunities.

Introduce Innovation Fund projects to existing national corporate partners as an opportunity.

Review existing champion retention strategies and the champions ofering.

• Continue to enhance and improve the supporter experience through digital online functionality developments.

• Continue to acquire new lottery customers and new donors cost efectively online.

• Continue to build upon commercial partnerships.

• Meet champions and regular giving budget targets.

• Reduce champion attrition rates.

• Continue the donor journey program across all donation channels that ensures best practice donor care at all stages of the donor journey.

Improved donor engagement, retention and satisfaction and decreased attrition.

Maintain meaningful and regular GSU performance reporting to help inform strategy.

Flexibility in GSU to create capacity to scale up.

GSU grant revenue target achieved, maintain existing client base and the number of SLS clubs engaging with the GSU to increase YOY.

• Continue to ofer Inclusive Beaches Equipment Grants and support these clubs with up to date resources.

Continue to work with Pride in Sport to improve our Pride in Sport Index rating. Commence the development of a Diversity and Inclusion Framework for the organisation.

Continue to assist the states to operate the Silver Salties program, rolling out a new internal ICT system.

• SLSA to undertake the second year of the ‘Disaster preparedness along Australia’s coastline due to climate change.’

Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23 14




There were over 600 million individual coastal visitations in the last 12 months by over 16.3 million adults (16+), with at least 4.5 million adults unintentionally being caught in a rip current at some time in their lives.

These are big numbers that impact daily on surf lifesavers and lifeguards who patrol the Australian coastline, which extends over 52,000 kilometres and almost 12,000 beaches.

While surf lifesavers and lifeguards cannot be everywhere at all times, it is a testament to the work they do that so many people return home from the beach, unaware they were being looked after. Through conducting regular risk assessments, setting up the red and yellow flags, providing advice, information and assistance to beachgoers, our surf lifesavers and

lifeguards’ objective is to mitigate the potential for harm.

While the impacts of COVID-19 are reducing for many, the past 12 months provided diferent challenges. Natural disasters occurred frequently throughout parts of Australia, including floods, cyclones, and bushfires, creating uncertainty, and placing additional demands on many emergency services – including SLS.

Surf lifesavers and lifeguards provide an invaluable service that often goes unrecognised and taken for granted until called upon. In these times of need, those impacted become very aware of the value, contribution, and efort that our surf lifesavers and lifeguards provide to protect the community and save lives.

The past year has seen surf lifesavers complete 1,413,947 volunteer patrol hours. Over the course of this significant community contribution, SLS members performed 9,297 rescues, provided 40,547 first aid treatments, and undertook 1,921,916 preventative actions.

Despite the incredible eforts of surf lifesavers, lifeguards, and other emergency service groups, tragically there were 221 lives lost along our coast in the past twelve months. We acknowledge this loss of life and pay tribute to those who lost their lives

while attempting to save others. We further express our sympathies to the families, friends, and loved ones who are forever impacted by these tragic incidents.

The actions of our members should not go unnoticed as they too are afected by this loss of life. We recognise those who give up their time to protect others and who in many cases, put themselves in harm’s way to perform rescues and actions that ultimately prevent coastal deaths and injury. If not for these eforts, there is no doubt the number of coastal deaths would be significantly higher.

While we have seen a reduction in coastal drowning deaths this year with 125 recorded down from the 141 last year, these numbers are both still above the ten-year average of 121. Sadly, all of these drowning deaths were preventable.

The Australian Government has continued to support SLSA through funding, including programs to assist with the delivery of frontline services, and the implementation of drowning and injury prevention initiatives in key drowning locations around Australia. The Beach Safety Equipment Fund continues to support clubs with the purchase of essential lifesaving equipment, with over $3 million being provided directly to Surf Life Saving Clubs around the country in the past year. The Beach Drowning Blackspot Reduction Program provides funds to states to deliver programs, services, and initiatives in high-risk, priority areas.

17 SECTION 02: SLSA Operations


SLSA released its first published Summer Coastal Drowning Report this year highlighting that 39% of coastal drowning deaths occur during summer (2013-2023).

Tragically, 92 coastal deaths were recorded along our coast over the summer of 2022-23 with 55 due to drowning (60%). This equates to more than one coastal death every day during the summer.

Males consistently drown more frequently than females, accounting for 78% of 2022/23 summer coastal drowning deaths, and at a drowning rate 4.5 times greater than that of females. This summer we saw increased risk for those in the 40-49 year old age group, accounting for 24% of summer coastal drowning deaths, above the ten-year average (16%).

Rip currents were involved in 40% of summer coastal drowning deaths. For 95% of rip current-related incidents, the decedent had been either swimming, wading, or attempting to rescue someone in distress at an unpatrolled beach.

Over the ten-year period (2013-2023) Australia has recorded 475 summer coastal drowning deaths, of which males represented 85%. Two in five occurred during January (40%), with the risk of coastal drowning 1.9 times greater on public holidays.


The 2022/23 summer saw a significant increase in rip current-related coastal fatalities. Recent findings from the National Coastal Safety Survey (NCSS) found that 4.5 million Australians have been unintentionally caught in a rip current at some point in their lives, with 27% needing to be rescued or assisted to safety.

Over the summer period the ‘Think Line’ campaign was again promoted with beach visitors asked to STOP. LOOK. PLAN.

STOP. to check for rips

LOOK. for other dangers

PLAN. how to stay safe

This campaign, along with the Myth Busting Fact campaign, has proven highly successful in creating a greater awareness around beach safety and emphasising that anyone can be impacted by a rip current.

Two in three rip-related deaths occurred further than one kilometre away from a Surf Life Saving service (66%), with 100% recorded at unpatrolled locations during patrol season. Between 2013-2023 SLSA have recorded 257 rip current-related coastal deaths, 96% of which were due to drowning. The majority of these deaths were males (82%), with over half of all rip-related deaths occurring during the Summer months (57%).

Research found a quarter of people rarely or never look for a rip before they swim, primarily because they don’t know what to look for. With at least 17,000 rip currents across Australia on any given day it is important to note that only one in three Australian adults (37%) are able to spot a rip correctly.

18 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


Research is at the core of efective water safety and drowning prevention programs and initiatives.

Through an evidence-informed process, SLSA can develop efective prevention initiatives and work collaboratively with others providing research as the foundation necessary to address emerging issues. Collaborations and partnerships continue to ensure that SLSA has access to all possible resources to better understand the issues it faces. We continue to explore innovative, collaborative opportunities to use research to prevent injury and loss of life along our coastline.

Research includes continued investigations into a range of areas from rip currents through to the mental health of our members, marine stingers, lifejacket safety, toxicology, surfing medicine, young males, self-harm, bystander rescues and much more. Collaborative partnerships with external research institutions are crucial to investigate these projects and issues which in turn benefit the organisation and, ultimately, the coastal user. We are appreciative of the support and work being done to-date in collaboration with the University of New South Wales, Central Queensland University, University of Melbourne, and Flinders University, to name a few.


The National Coastal Safety Survey (NCSS) was conducted for the tenth time this April. During these ten years, the survey has evolved, grown, and developed to ensure it continues to meet the needs of SLSA, as well as providing essential information the organisation can act upon. It now represents a unique, longitudinal dataset able to provide insights relating to coastal participation, risk perception, safety behaviours and attitudes of Australians.

Ten years of NCSS data has shown that one in five Australians (22%) have been caught in a rip current in their lifetime, and 7% within the last five years. When surveying the public’s perception of coastal hazards, the degree to which rip currents are perceived to be hazardous has increased. In 2015, 70% of the population labelled them very/ extremely hazardous, compared to 85% in 2023. When surveying community knowledge of rip currents, Australians continue to overstate their ability to identify a rip, with 45% of Australian adults confident or very confident that they can correctly identify a rip current however, only 37% actually can. Further, 27% state they do not know what to look for when attempting to identify a rip current. Encouragingly, knowledge of rip current escape methods has increased, with 93% of the population in 2023 correctly stating that raising their arm to attract attention is a valid method to signal for help compared to only 81% in 2015. Awareness to float and to swim parallel to the beach has also increased.

A gender gap can be seen across various aspects of coastal safety knowledge, perceptions, and behaviours. Males frequently perceive the coast to be less hazardous compared to females and are more likely to take risks when participating in coastal activities. A gender gap can also be seen to exist in swimming ability. Although swimming lesson participation is fairly equal (males = 72%, females = 69%), males are more likely to rate their swimming ability in both controlled and open environments as higher than that of females.

Coastal safety knowledge also varies by country of birth, particularly in relation to swimming ability. Only 23% of those born overseas have participated in formal swimming lessons with the likelihood of participation largely dependent on their age of arrival to Australia.

Of those who arrived in Australia between the ages of 6-10, 55% have had swimming lessons compared to only 8% of those who arrived after the age of 25. Overall, only 27% of those born overseas rate themselves as competent/highly competent swimmers, compared to 37% of those born in Australia.


The National Coastal Safety Report 2023 (NCSR23) is a comprehensive summary and analysis of research undertaken by SLSA, and presents evidence relating to participation, perceptions, lifesaving service delivery, coastal drowning and other coastal fatality incidents.

The information contained in the report is evidenced-based and provides insights into causal factors relating to drowning deaths and other fatalities. This information is essential in monitoring and evaluating current mitigation strategies as well as guiding their development in the future. It provides a deeper understanding of incidents and what might have been done to prevent them. The aspirational goal to have zero preventable deaths in Australian waters is one that needs to be maintained and championed to reduce fatalities and injuries in the future.

We continue to work with, and be indebted to, the National Coronial Information System (NCIS) for the review of coastal drowning and fatalities. The NCIS provides SLSA access to key information relating to these incidents. The vision of the NCIS is to save lives through the power of data, one which clearly aligns with SLSA’s own vision and purpose.

Tragically, 2022/23 recorded 221 deaths across all coastal and ocean locations, 5% below the 10-year average. 125 coastal deaths were due to drowning, a welcomed reduction from last year (2021/22, n=141) but still above the ten-year average of 121. Of the remaining 96 coastal deaths,

19 SECTION 02: SLSA Operations

51 were unintentional. Each one of these individuals left behind family and a community, to whom we extend our sincere condolences as they experience the long-lasting impacts of loss.

Over half of coastal drowning deaths occurred in regional/ remote areas (56%, n=70), and two in three occurred more than one kilometre away from a Surf Life Saving service. All coastal drowning deaths occurred away from lifesaving services (100%), either at unpatrolled areas, outside patrol hours, or outside the red and yellow flags. A quarter of coastal drowning deaths in 2022/23 involved a rip current (23%; n=29), above the ten-year average of 20%.

Four in five coastal drowning deaths were male (82%, n=103), with 65-74 year olds accounting for 21% of coastal drowning deaths (n=26) and 55-64 year olds accounting for 18% (n=21). Three in five coastal drowning deaths occurred at a beach (60%; n=75), compared with 50% last year (n=69) and a 27% increase from the 10-year average of 49% (n=59).

Swimming and wading recorded the greatest number of coastal drowning deaths (37%, n=46), followed by boating & PWC (13%, n=16), watercraft (10%, n=12), and then equally fatal bystander rescues and snorkelling (9%, n=11 each).

2022/23 saw a 120% increase in fatal bystander rescuer drowning deaths from the ten-year average (n=5). The decedent was going to the aid of their loved one, mainly teenage children in four out of five of these heartbreaking incidents (83%, n=10). Three in four (75%, n=9) involved a rip current, and all occurred at unpatrolled beach locations. Not one took a flotation device (i.e. bodyboard, pool noodle) with them to help with the rescue.



Australia is a global leader in drowning prevention and has steered the development of a National Water Safety Strategy via the Australian Water Safety Council. The Australian Water Safety Council, as a national designated agency, leads collaboration across the many and diverse partners which make up the water safety and drowning prevention sector. SLSA continues to be a leader and representative on the Australian Water Safety Council.

The Australian Water Safety Strategy (AWSS) plays an essential role in National, State and Territory, and community approaches to prevent

drowning and promote safe use of the nation’s waterways. It outlines priority areas where Australia’s peak water safety bodies can work together to prevent drowning across Australia.

A National Water Safety Summit was held in August 2022 attracting more than 200 water safety experts from across Australia and New Zealand, who came together to refocus attention onto drowning prevention and the joy of swimming. Surf Life Saving was well represented at the summit and provided insights, particularly in relation to water safety around the coast. The summit served to reinvigorate discussion around water safety and drowning prevention following the disruptions caused by multiple national challenges including the 2019/20 bushfires, the Covid-19 pandemic, and more recently flood crises.


Through analyses of key issues, Coastal Safety Briefs were developed and released with media and social engagement activities to provide the most impact and meaning to the community when these incidents are more prevalent. The Coastal Safety Briefs take a deep dive into causal factors and proximate circumstances of coastal incidents, so that evidence-informed initiatives and programs can be designed to reduce incidents in the future.

Coastal Safety Briefs for this period which were published and promoted included:

• Marine Fauna

• Fishing

• Surfing and Watercraft

20 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


The BeachSafe site ( au) has become a key focal point for a number of other groups to use as it provides live information in relation to beach operations for patrols, as well as providing essential safety information for locations.

An update to BeachSafe has been undertaken with new fact sheets, new tools for weather and surf conditions and more safety information included. This has seen the site referred to by state and local governments for information updates.


just one thing to reduce their drowning risk, by downloading the Beachsafe App. World Drowning Prevention Day is a reminder that anyone can drown, but no-one should. Lifesavers around the world dedicate much of their lives to preventing drowning, whether by protecting beaches and pools through lifeguard and rescue services, teaching swimming, water safety and lifesaving, or collaborating with governments, and other organisations.


Updates to the Patrol Ops App and SurfCom system continue with the systems and tools evolving to meet the needs of our members, making their lives easier.

Flood and swift water rescue programs have developed in more recent times with a number of systems and agencies being put to the test with numerous flood events occurring around the country.

On 25 July the third World Drowning Prevention Day was conducted. Led by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the global initiative highlights the tragic impact of drowning. Drowning claims the lives of approximately 236,000 people globally each year with 339 lives lost in Australia last year. On the 25th July, Surf Life Saving Australia called on beachgoers to do

The program developed by Surf Life Saving Tasmania has continued to grow and evolve resulting in support being provided to others interstate for not only training but the provision of specialist operators in times of need. The Surf Risk Rating system and app, has now been developed and made part of the Silver Medallion Patrol Captains course, with modules for patrol and water safety now fully integrated into the program, providing a one stop shop for all risk assessment across SLS activity (sport, patrol, water safety). Further developments are underway to include other locations including inland and waterways both tidal and non-tidal.


Collaboration has been a key focus over the past year so that we can all benefit, grow and have better outcomes.

The Lifesaving Advisory Committee and Management Committee have continued to work with other departments within SLS at both state and national levels. This is vitally important with states responsible for the on ground delivery of essential front line services, while nationally we agreed to standards, processes and policy as well as the development of resources and tools to enable all to get on with the task of preventing injury and loss of life.

Collaboration is crucial to drowning prevention and we work with the Australian Fire and Emergency Services Council (AFAC), the Bureau of Meteorology, Flinders University, University of New South Wales, University of Melbourne, Central Queensland University, OmniPoll, CSIRO and many more to achieve the best outcomes possible.

We have had the opportunity to present papers at key forums as well as attend workshops, seminars and symposiums that explore and help drive initiatives around water safety and drowning prevention. SLS has been able to contribute to or lead research articles that have been published in high-ranking research journals for their discipline, these include:

• The role of alcohol and drug intoxication in fatal drowning and other deaths that occur on the Australian coast (Luke Strasiotto, Annabel Ellis, Shane Daw & Jaz Lawes – September 2022).

• Preliminary evaluation of the impact of mandatory life jacket laws at declared high-risk rock platforms on unintentional rock fishing drowning deaths (Amy Peden, Shane Daw, Jaz Lawes – September 2022).

• Awareness without learning: A preliminary study exploring the

Anyone can drown, no one should World Drowning Prevention Day 25 July DOWNLOAD THE BEACHSAFE
one thing to prevent drowning Scan me! 21 SECTION 02: SLSA Operations

efects of beachgoer’s experiences on risk taking behaviours (Peter Kamstra, Brian Cook, Robert Brander, Jaz Lawes, Bernadette Matthews, Hannah Calverley, Angelo Jonas Imperiale & Benjamin Hooper – December 2022).

• Engaging beachgoers for drowning prevention: the spillover efects on nonparticipants (Peter Kamstra, Brian Cook, Jaz Lawes & Hannah Calverley –March 2023).

• Mortality trends and the impact of exposure on Australian coastal drowning deaths, 2004–2021 (William Koon, Amy Peden, Jaz Lawes & Robert Brander –April 2023).

• Relationships between the tide and fatal drowning at surf beaches in New South Wales, Australia: Implications for coastal safety management and practice (William Koon, Robert Brander, Gregory Dusek, Bruno Castelle & Jaz Lawes – May 2023).

• The epidemiology, risk factors and impact of exposure on unintentional surfer and bodyboarder deaths (Jaz Lawes, William Koon, Ingvar Berg, Dion van de Schoot & Amy Peden – May 2023).

• A preliminary study investigating the neglected domain of mental health in Australian lifesavers and lifeguards (Samantha Fien, Jaz Lawes, Jessica Ledger, Murray Drummond, Pamela Simon, Nancy Joseph, Shane Daw, Talitha Best, Robert Stanton & Ian de Terte – May 2023).

• Public holiday and long weekend mortality risk in Australia: A behaviour and usage risk analysis for coastal drowning and other fatalities (Luke Strasiotto, Annabel Ellis, Shane Daw & Jaz Lawes – June 2023).


It is very pleasing to report that Westpac has renewed its partnership with SLS for the next five years. This will take the relationship with Westpac from humble beginnings in 1973 through to celebrating 50 years in 2023 and beyond. The commitment from Westpac is invaluable in ensuring that the service can continue to deliver essential services to the community. We thank the NSW Government for its continued commitment to the service. We also recognise and acknowledge the work of other departments and services under the NSW Government including the NSW Police, NSW Ambulance and NSW Rural Fire Service. During this time, we have also maintained our relationship with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority and the NSW State Emergency Services (SES) who provided support in a range of incidents including floods and responding to craft (both water and aviation) in dificulty.

Without our dedicated crew we would not be able to do what we do, so our thanks is extended to them all. The crew are passionate about what they do and are proud to be part of this service which delivers an essential service to the community. This past year several crew members were deservedly recognised for their exceptional eforts.

We also thank Randwick Council and Club Liverpool for their continued support.


The Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter has taken part in several emergency response situations through to longer term search operations and providing support to Government and other agencies during floods and storms. Missions have been undertaken with the SES for a number of flood related events and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority for beacon alarms

22 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23

and searches for persons, boats and aircraft. Our crew continue to be engaged and involved in multiagency exercises which are focussed on all agencies working together to achieve the best results for the community. This has included the exercises with NSW Police, Marine Rescue NSW, Surf Life Saving NSW and other agencies.

The Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Service has provided support, performed evacuations and searches and checked on the welfare of people during floods, through to the search and retrieval of lost bushwalkers and performing search, rescue, resuscitation and recovery of persons from a wide range of incidents including rock fishing, boating, swimming, watercraft and diving. Other activities include recovery of persons to support NSW Police. The missions undertaken have involved working with other agencies including New South Wales Police, Ambulance, and Surf Life Saving New South Wales.



We continue to work with and further develop relationships with several Westpac teams, who we have hosted at our La Perouse base. We have assisted Westpac with filming and photo opportunities as well as conducting a number of school visits. More recently we have been involved in activity for the State of Origin, which has included promotional activities with both crew and aircraft as well as representatives from the

Westpac NSW Blues and Sky Blues.

Our partnership with Randwick City Council continues and we thank them for their ongoing support. We are excited by several projects centred around sustainability and community engagement, some of which will result in significant cost savings and allow us to redirect funds into operations.

We continue to engage with the NSW Government, Westpac and other stakeholders in relation to our service expansion and capability enhancement projects.


We have continued to support activities with the NSW Police who use our facility for training and meetings as well as the Regional Emergency Management Coordinators using the base for ofsite activities, and with NSW Ambulance.


The unwavering and passionate support of Westpac and its staf is without question, and we thank all for the contribution and commitment to helping us do what we do best, save lives.

In addition to Westpac, we acknowledge and recognise the support of Club Liverpool and NSW Clubs for the fundraising that takes place.

The success of the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Service is due to the eforts of many. From the support staf at the base and within SLSA, through to those who support by raising funds or donating to help keep us in the air, all have a role to play.

We continue to deliver and provide access and training for several courses and groups including the popular HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) course.


The areas of which are covered within Coastal Safety are immense and cannot all be covered within this report. Thank you to the Lifesaving Advisory Committee and Management Committee members for your ongoing passion and drive, and to Chris Jacobson as Chair Lifesaving for your unwavering enthusiasm and energy. Appreciation to the Coastal Safety team who simply get in and get the work done, thank you.

Visitations to the coast keep increasing and Australians’ love of the water is not wavering, so there is still plenty to be done.

Zero preventable drowning deaths is a target we need to all be aiming for. Together we can make a diference.

Number of available helicopters 2 Number of searches 194 Number of rescues 261 Number of first aid 91 Number of preventions 204 Number of missions 379 Number of hours 366
23 SECTION 02: SLSA Operations



Another busy surf sports season commenced with the Shaw and Partners Financial Services

Coolangatta Gold in October. Along with the long course, short course and junior races, a further event was introduced this year – a downwind paddle on Saturday afternoon from Coolangatta to Burleigh. Ali Day and Carla Papac took out the elite long course Coolangatta Gold event while Cory Hill and Jemma Smith won the inaugural downwind paddle.

The 2022/23 Nutri-Grain Ironman & Ironwoman Series continued to be a success with a return to Tugun, Queensland for the trial in December followed by a six-round series across three weekends at three iconic locations – Manly, Maroubra and Kurrawa. Matt Bevilacqua and Georgia

Miller reigned supreme as the series champions.

The Nutri-Grain Next Gen Series had another successful season as an U19 pathway event to the NutriGrain Series. Three rounds of racing were held at Kurrawa in conjunction with the Nutri-Grain Ironman & Ironwoman Series. Ruby Meehan and Mitch Morris were crowned Next Gen Champions and gained automatic selection into the 2023/24 Nutri-Grain Series.

The Australian Surf Life Saving Championships (the Aussies) returned to Perth from 25 March to 2 April. The Youth, Masters and Open Championships were conducted over both the Scarborough and Trigg Island beaches. Just under 6,000 competitors attended the championships across nine days of exciting competition. The U13 age group enjoyed their second year in the Youth Championships and digital race administration system Live Heats continued to drive eficiency gains. The bulk of the Aussies was livestreamed and then packaged into two broadcasts of two hours, across the SBS network.

The Ocean Thunder Surf Boat Series was again successfully conducted over four rounds of racing at Dee Why on Sydney’s Northern Beaches with Currumbin taking out the male point score and South Curl Curl winning the female point score. The ASRL Open & SLSA Surf Boat Interstate Championships were conducted at Bulli on the south coast of NSW and the inaugural Australian Short Course Surf Boat Championships were held at Queensclif (NSW) in December. A major highlight of the year was to see the return of many iconic events after the COVID-19 pandemic. The Australian Pool Rescue Championships returned to the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre while the Australian IRB Championships were successfully conducted at Mollymook on the south coast of NSW. The Interstate Championships were held at Maroubra in January in conjunction

25 SECTION 02: SLSA Operations

with three rounds of the Super Surf Teams League. A key feature of the 2023 Interstate Championships saw the merger of the former state-run Pathway Cup (Under 14’s & 15’s) and Interstates (U17’s to Opens) into one combined SLSA Interstate event. After a very exciting day of racing, NSW took out the Interstate point score.

On the broadcast front, SBS signed on as a key broadcast partner, presenting six live rounds of the Nutri-Grain Series as well as a range of specials on the Australian Life Saving Championships, Interstate Championships and Super Surf Teams League. Sport style documentaries on the Coolangatta Gold and Ocean Thunder events were produced and aired on Channel 9. FOX Sports aired delayed packages of the Nutri-Grain and the Ocean Thunder Surf Boat Series.


The Sport Advisory Committee (SAC) continued to meet over the course of 2022/23 under the Chair of Sport –Andrew Buhk. The SAC met virtually

on a quarterly basis with the Annual Surf Sports Conference being held in Adelaide (Glenelg SLSC) in June. The conference continued to have a major focus on the future of surf sports with a key presentation on the planned introduction of inclusive events into the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships in 2024.


The Sport Management Group comprised of the various state sport managers and chaired by the SLSA Sport Manager - Wayne Druery met virtually on a monthly basis with a one-day conference attended by all states in June 2023.


High performance pathways remained a key strategic priority this year and it was great to see international lifesaving events of to a strong start.

The Life Saving World Championships were held in Riccione, Italy in September 2022. Australia sent a full Youth and Open team to compete in

the pinnacle lifesaving sport event. The results were exceptional. Australia became the first nation to win both Open and Youth overall point scores. The Open team claimed their second consecutive World Championship title by a margin of 150 points from fierce rival nation New Zealand and accumulated 951 points overall. The Youth team finished on top of the point score with a staggering 278 point lead over New Zealand, in second place with 977 points. Between the Open and Youth teams, Australia took home 38 Gold medals. In addition to the podium success achieved in Italy, the Youth Women’s 4 x 50 manikin relay formed by Claudia Bailey, Chelsea Jones, Lily O’Sullivan and Cyra Bender broke the World Record. Congratulations to the Australian Life Saving Team members, coaches and management for your contribution to this campaign.

Congratulations also to the crews selected to represent Australia at the Trans-Tasman Surf Boat Challenge which was held in New Zealand’s Waihi Beach in February 2023. The

26 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23

Open Crews consisted of Currumbin Open Women’s crew, and Port Kembla Open Men’s crew. Both Open crews won the Trans-Tasman Surf Boat Test with a clean sweep of 3 - 0 against New Zealand in some challenging conditions. The Development crews consisted of Glenelg Under 23 Women and South Curl Curl Under 23 Men. The Development crews performed well with the points tied at the conclusion of the 3-race test series where a relay was required to determine the victor with New Zealand emerging on top. Congratulations and thanks to the managers Greg Heard (Open) and Don Cotterill for all of your hard work and commitment to the team and the tour.

We wish to thank outgoing selectors Garry Mensforth and Jenny Parry for their outstanding contribution to selecting members for the Australian Life Saving Team. We also wish to welcome back Shayne Baker OAM as Chair of the selection panel and his fellow selection panel members, Kristyl Smith and Sean Davis.

A Beach Warrior event was delivered at South Melbourne in November 2022 with good feedback coming back from organisers and competitors. The Club was fast to book the event again for the same time next year. The purpose of Beach Warrior is to encourage a new cohort of people to engage with their local surf club and to provide valuable fundraising opportunities.

Significant work has been undertaken to gain an understanding of what an adaptive surf sports program could look like as we work towards delivering inclusive sport events at Aussies 2024. Thank you to all who have contributed to the surveys and fact finding undertaken this year. We look forward to creating meaningful sporting opportunities at Aussies for members with a disability.


The Sport Development team has worked to enhance the relationship between SLSA and our oficials by increasing communication channels and improving in-person engagement at national events. The Oficials Scholarship Program continues to grow and provide progressive pathways for our aspiring oficials, providing experience at championship events by shadowing carnival referees, attending safety and competition meetings as a visitor, and networking with senior oficial mentors.

The Australian Surf Life Saving Championships in Perth marked the inaugural Judge in Boat oficiating program, to increase the number of qualified powercraft drivers and crew to act as judges at championship events.

Sports Hub continues to expand the content and resources available to coaches, competitors and oficials.

In the realm of accreditation and re-accreditation for coaches and oficials, we continued to review our processes to improve member experience and to increase the number of accreditations. We saw the launch of the revised Senior Oficials eLearning Course; the release of the Pool Coaching Manual 6th Edition and the Surf Sports Manual was moved to a new web-based solution to improve accessibility. Attendance at the Australian Sports Commission Coaching and Oficiating Conference and the Participation Leaders Network Conference provided a valuable platform to learn, collaborate and leverage insights from the broader sports industry.

27 SECTION 02: SLSA Operations


Mollymook, NSW 21-24 July 2022


Aquatic Centre, QLD 6-8 August 2022

CATEGORY FIRST TIME SECOND TIME THIRD TIME Elite Male Long Course Ali Day 3:57:49 Matt Bevilacqua 3:58:51 Joe Collins 4:00:08 Elite Female Long Course Carla Papac 4:27:00 Courtney Hancock 4:27:36 Lana Rogers 4:30:34 Long Course Open Male Teams Shaw and Partners 3:53:03 North Bondi Chocolate Soldiers 3:59:40 Kurrawa Killers 4:07:40 Long Course Open Female Teams Shaw and Partners 4:14:50 Parkies 4:43:26 Southern Gals 4:48:12 Male Short Course Connor Maggs 2:19:03 Kai Harland 2:21:36 Ryley Harland 2:21:53 Female Short Course Lucy Derbyshire 2:31:55 Emily Doyle 2:32:58 Piper Harrison 2:35:42 Male Downwind Cory Hill 47:23 Tom Norton 47:26 AM Riley Fitzsimmons 47:56 Female Downwind Jemma Smith 54:08 Jenaya Massie 56:40 Francesca Kidd 56:42 29 SECTION 02: SLSA Operations
COOLANGATTA GOLD Coolangatta, QLD, 15-16 October 2022




Round 1 - 3, Maroubra, NSW 13-15 January 2023 OVERALL TEAM POINTSCORE 1st QLD Seawolves 500 2nd QLD Makos 497 3rd QLD Marlins 472 4th WA Scarboro Sunsets 457 5th SA Lightning 406 6th NSW Rays 401 7th NSW Sharks 396 8th QLD Canecuttes 372 9th NSW Orcas 360 10th SA Thunder 344 11th WA Broome Pearlers 328 12th NSW Dolphins 267 13th VIC Blues 233 14th VIC Whites 181 15th TAS Sea Dragons 141
Scarboro SLSC, WA Scarborough Beach 2023 CLUB POINTS CLUB POINTS CLUB POINTS OPENS POINTSCORE MASTERS POINTSCORE HANDICAP POINTSCORE Northclife 510 Bondi 242 Newport 251 North Bondi 235 Burleigh Heads Mowbray Park 176 Trigg Island 225 Maroochydore 160 Kurrawa 203 Alexandra Headland 150 Noosa Heads 187
EVENT FIRST POINTSCORE SECOND POINTSCORE THIRD POINTSCORE Round 1 - IronWoman Lizzie Welborn 20 Olivia Corrin 19 Georgia Miller 18 Round 2 - IronWoman Georgia Miller 20 Lana Rogers 19 Tayla Halliday 18 Round 3 - IronWoman Georgia Miller 20 Lizzie Welborn 19 Danielle McKenzie 18 Round 4 – IronWoman Georgia Miller 20 Lucy Derbyshire 19 Danielle McKenzie 18 Round 5 – IronWoman Georgia Miller 20 Lucy Derbyshire 19 Naomi Scott 18 Round 6 – IronWoman Naomi Scott 20 Harriet Brown 19 Danielle McKenzie 18 Overall - IronWoman Georgia Miller 111 Lizzie Welborn 101 Danielle McKenzie 96 Round 1 - IronMan Matt Bevilacqua 20 Ali Day 19 Ben Carberry 18 Round 2 - IronMan Jackson Borg 20 Ben Carberry 19 Corey Fletcher 18 Round 3 - IronMan Ben Carberry 20 Cooper Williams 19 Ali Day 18 Round 4 - IronMan Ali Day 20 Ben Carberry 19 Auden Parish 18 Round 5 - IronMan Joe Collins 20 Cory Taylor 19 Matt Bevilacqua 18 Round 6 – IronMan Finn Askew 20 Cory Taylor 19 Matt Bevilacqua 18 Overall - IronMan Matt Bevilacqua 104 Ben Carberry 103 Joe Collins 97 30 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23
Rounds 1 - 2 Manly, NSW 17-18 December 2022; Rounds 3-4 Maroubra, NSW 14-15 January 2023; Rounds 5-6
QLD 4-5 February 2023



All our development programs were run this year including the National Leadership College in Sydney in July 2022 with 24 participants, and Masterclass in September 2022 at the University of South Australia with 28 participants. Participants from SLSNZ were once again included in both programs lending a new perspective for our members and our visitors.

The Women’s Mentoring Program Cohort four commenced in November 2022 with 23 mentees and 23 mentors. Set to graduate in October 2023, this makes almost 200 women who have completed the 12-month program. The inclusion of younger women (16+) has been positive and a successful inclusion since cohort three. Early results are positive, with mentors and mentees taking on new leadership challenges inside and outside of surf lifesaving. The Women’s Mentoring Program provides an eficient and efective way to network within SLS by providing national, virtual and in person networking opportunities for those involved. This program’s ongoing availability is possible with thanks to McCarthy Mentoring and our fabulous donors Suzanne Storrie and Kerryn Briody who provide financial and ongoing expertise to the program.


SLSA wish to create safe environments for people to be themselves. At a national level we work with our committees to remove barriers, create opportunities and make inclusion part of what Clubs do everyday so their community’s diversity is reflected. We continue our membership with Pride in Sport and participated again

in the annual Pride in Sport Index with our result this year increasing again. We continue to work with these specialists to ensure our members and staf are equipped with the skills to achieve best practice in this space.

We designed and launched the Pride Surf Rescue Board ten days before Sydney World Pride, featuring a Progress Pride chevron design at the tail of the board. The idea for the board design was first conceptualised in 2021 by a local lifesaver from Bellambi SLSC. In conjunction with Lifesavers with Pride, SLSA worked on the design to ensure that the new board was a visible sign of progress and acceptance for everyone on the beach while remaining an operational piece of equipment. Pride in Sport acknowledged our achievements by awarding SLSA the LGBTQ Inclusion Initiative Award for the board in May 2023. Almost 100 Surf Life Saving Clubs took up the opportunity to own one or more of the boards this summer.


This year was one of consolidation in terms of eLearning, with only a few course changes. The focus instead was on enhancing what we already have and ensuring that the best product was being delivered for our members. The efectiveness of this is shown in the ‘Overall Snapshot’ table, with an increase in the number of completed courses. This equated to a completion percentage of 75.5% which is excellent for online courses (average completion rate of online courses in Australia is 15%).

The quantity of paperwork in education continues to be a common complaint amongst the membership and we continue to work with the States/Territory to bring efective

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solutions in this area. Examples that were implemented this year include:

• Enhanced trainer, assessor, facilitator re-endorsement form – completed through the Members Area and populated with data from SurfGuard.

• Recognition forms for National Medal, National Patrol Service and Long Service – completed through the Members Area and populated with data from SurfGuard.

• Multiple enhancements to the Assessing App and Learning Management System (LMS) to ensure the user experience is refined and more fit for purpose.

Use of the Assessing App continues to increase across the membership. This year 36,094 members had their Skills Maintenance completed utilising the app, removing the need for any paperwork or SurfGuard entry. 25,405 members also completed their theory assessment for Skills Maintenance in the LMS, removing the need for members to attend face to face updates and assessors having to mark a physical paper. Results are then automatically uploaded to Surfguard. These methods save our members and assessors time and energy, resulting in immediate and accurate updates to members awards in Surfguard.


* Skills maintenance not included in 2023



The main course to be released this season was the new Silver Medallion Patrol Captain (SMPC) award, which was developed and designed specifically to meet the skills and knowledge required to be a patrol captain in SLS. This award replaced the Silver Medallion Beach Management (SMBM) course. The course consists of a number of components:

1. ELearning – these modules are completed in the participant’s own time prior to the first face-to-face session.

2. On-the-job component – this requires participants to undertake activities acting as the patrol captain under the supervision of a patrol captain or facilitator who will

need to complete the third-party report provided. This report will form part of the participant’s assessment portfolio and needs to be completed prior to the face-toface sessions.

3. Face-to-face sessions – these incorporate theory and scenarios. The face-to-face training has facilitators build on the participants’ eLearning, introduces new topics and guides participants through activities and scenarios. The scenario assessments require each participant to act as the patrol captain for one scenario responding to three incidents using their available resources. Each participant will complete a diferent scenario.

We also implemented a five-year proficiency for all age managers which ensures everyone has completed the latest online Age Managers course, the Child Safe Awareness course and has a current working with children check or equivalent requirement for their state/territory.

We would not have the progress within the portfolios without the support and hard work of our Education (led by Tracey Hare-Boyd) and Development (led by Nancy Joseph) Advisory and Management Committees, who we thank for their time and commitment.

June 2021 June 2022 June 2023 Number of completed courses 38,991 68,125 93,061 Completion percentage 56.7% 44.4% 75.5%
June 2021 June 2022 June 2023 Desktop Users 64.55% 62.29% 64.30% Tablet Users 4.05% 2.53% 1.80% Mobile Users 31.40% 35.18% 33.90%
32 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



The Public Afairs and Government Relations departments are responsible for communicating all aspects of the movement to generate awareness, interest, engagement, and financial support to ensure continued growth and sustainability for the movement.


The Public Afairs Team works to support each internal department on their events, campaigns and activations across marketing, media, digital, brand and content to positively enhance the awareness and profile of Surf Life Saving Australia, our events, partnerships and stakeholders.

A key activity this year was updating the Surf Life Saving Australia brand and brand guidelines. This update ensures consistency of the brand across the country going forward, helping us to maintain brand value. It also allows increased scalability of the roundel for digital use, particularly useful given the rise in social media icons.

A key highlight in sport was the development of a partnership with SBS Television to broadcast the Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain IronMan and IronWoman Series live on free-to-air over summer. The partnership also saw the Aussies Finals, Super Surf Teams and Interstate pathways competitions all gain free-to-air broadcast timeslots.

The Coolangatta Gold saw a diferent format in 2022, with a documentary style production telling the story through the eyes of the athletes. This post-produced show aired on Channel 9 and was distributed internationally to over 100 countries.

In addition to the television production, the Public Afairs Team developed a range of digital content for all sporting

events ranging from live stream to social media content. From the ILS World Championships in Italy to the National IRB and Pool Rescue Championships, all events saw an increased level of interest and engagement across our digital channels.

The National Coastal Safety Report continues to be the key document that ensures we are the peak authority in the Australian beach and coastal environment. This report was launched in conjunction with Royal Life Saving with the key findings and research shaping the summer safety messaging and awareness campaigns.

A new initiative launched during the year was the Pride Rescue Board in conjunction with SLSA’s Inclusion and Diversity strategy. This vital piece of rescue equipment was oficially launched at North Bondi and generated nation-wide media interest and attention, after capturing the Pride in Sport Innovation Award.

A range of successful marketing campaigns were developed in conjunction with key partners throughout the year including Westpac, Ampol, DHL, Isuzu, Dulux, BRP and Kellogg’s along with other licensing and merchandise partners who were keen to showcase and leverage their brand association.

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Digital growth and engagement were a key focus and highlight of the year with strong growth across all metrics and platforms. Communications with members remains a strong priority with all volunteers encouraged to stay connected and up to date with the latest information by following our social channels.

34 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



SLSA continued to engage strongly with both the NSW and Australian Government to support the strategic priorities of the organisation. Nationally, a strong focus in the last year was to relaunch the Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving, secure additional funding for the Beach Safety Equipment Fund (which was doubled for three years) and renewal of the Vocational, Education and Training funding for a further year. SLSA would like to thank the Prime Minister, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, and Minister for Sport, the Hon Anika Wells MP for their support with this funding.

At a state level, the key focus for SLSA was to secure a renewal of funding from the NSW Government for the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter (Southern Region) and we are continuing to have positive discussions in relation to this.

We were pleased to have the Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Member for Kingsford Smith and the Hon Michael Daley MP, Member for Maroubra attend the Cape Banks helicopter base in August last year to recognise members of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service with a SLSA Rescue Medal following their rescue of a family from flood waters in Wattamolla.

SLSA would like to acknowledge the support of the Department of Health and the Australian Sport Commission in supporting our core water safety and participation activities. SLSA was also pleased to be involved in

the Sport Volunteer Coalition to be a key part of the Australian Sport Commission’s Sport Volunteering National Plan, which will play a critical role in supporting the sector to develop strategies that will keep our communities active and progress the value of volunteering.


We were delighted to launch the Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving (PFSLS) for the 47th Parliamentary Team. We were grateful to secure the ongoing support of the Hon Matt Thistlethwaite MP, Member for Kingsford Smith as our co-chair and welcomed a new co-chair, Angie Bell MP, Member for Moncrief. The launch was made even more special with the landing of the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Service (Southern Region) on the lawn in front of Parliament House in Canberra.

This commemorated the fifth parliamentary term of the Parliamentary Friends of Surf Life Saving and SLSA is incredibly thankful for the support we have received from all sides of politics, which is vital in ensuring we can continue to keep the red and yellow flags flying across our

beaches and keep the public safe in and around water.

With the support of our PFSLS, we hosted a function at Parliament House to mark National Water Safety Day on 1st December. We had three outstanding lifesavers, including DHL Surf Lifesaver of the Year - Shannon Fox (Wollongong SLSC, NSW), Youth Surf Lifesaver of the Year - Hayley Hosking (Seaclif SLSC, SA) as well as Trainer of the Year - Hannah Darling (Grange SLSC, SA) attend and talk about how important Surf Life Saving’s education and training has been.

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Over the past 12 months, the National Integrity Team has made significant progress in its eforts to uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in Surf Life Saving. Working in close collaboration with Sport Integrity Australia, the team has provided valuable feedback on the Integrity Policy Suites, leading to anticipated policy changes in 2023/24. These policy changes are aimed at enhancing the overall integrity and fairness in the sporting landscape.

A core focus of the National Integrity Team in the past year has been to strengthen relationships with other

National Sporting Organisations (NSOs) to have a unified voice in response to policy developments. The team actively participated in the National Integrity Managers Forums and Conferences, fostering cooperation and knowledge sharing among NSOs. This commitment ensures that we maintain best practices in areas such as Child Safety and Member Protection, making SLS safer and more inclusive for all.

The team has also dedicated considerable efort to resource development and review over the past year. One notable achievement has been the successful implementation

and uptake of the Online Reporting System, which has efectively tracked various complaints and policy breaches during 2022/23. The positive response to this system has encouraged the team to continue its eforts to improve and innovate, resulting in an upcoming phase two update scheduled for release in 2023/24.


In adherence to SLSA’s commitment to continuous improvement and efective governance, the National Integrity Team actively managed the annual policy review process. Throughout the 2022/23 period, the relevant SLSA portfolio managers and their respective committees diligently assessed all existing policies to identify areas that required amendments or updates. The comprehensive review was finalised in June 2023, resulting in only one policy, namely Policy 1.05 Patrol Uniforms undergoing a revision to introduce a minimum age requirement for wearing the patrol uniform. As a standard practice, individuals must now be at least 13 years of age to wear the patrol uniform.

36 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



The 2022/23 financial year saw the SLS Foundation return more than $7.2M to the Surf Life Saving states and territories through philanthropic and commercial activities, with philanthropic programs achieving above budget expectations by more than $1.4M and surpassing last year’s eforts. Despite tough economic times, supporters once again showed their support for Surf Life Saving with total fundraising income (philanthropic and commercial combined) increasing by an impressive 19% on last financial year.

This financial year, the SLS Foundation recorded a total of 10,840 regular givers who generously contributed more than $4,730,900 as part of our regular monthly giving program, Guardians of the Surf. We also recorded 5,105 active donors who contributed more than $1,027,800 in single donations with an average gift of $152, some $7 higher than the previous financial year. The SLS Foundation’s esteemed community and corporate fundraising partners contributed more than $147,000, including workplace giving partners. Each year, we conduct fundraising appeals in collaboration with national SLSA partners and this year was no exception. A stand-out was the instore Ampol campaign, where Ampol customers generously donated more than $406,000. A big thank you to all our partners, Isuzu Ute Australia, Life Savers (confectionary brand) and of course Ampol who collectively helped us raise more than $589,000.

We can’t thank our supporters enough. We appreciate it’s not an easy time on household budgets, and yet our supporters and partners once again responded generously to our pleas to equip and train volunteer surf lifesavers. Every contribution from supporters saves lives on our beaches and in Australian communities.

The SLS Foundation remained committed to the experience of our supporters across 2022/2023. As a result, regular givers proved their loyalty to the cause, gifting regular donations to Surf Life Saving for an average duration of 74.5 months, an impressive 18 month increase on the previous financial year.

Innovation was again at the forefront of our fundraising strategies across 2022/2023. An example of this is the

partnership made with an innovative hospitality app that allows customers to donate the value of their free loyalty cofee to Surf Life Saving. Expect to hear more about this initiative over the next year.

The Surf Life Saving Innovation Fund oficially made its splash in December 2022 inviting all members of the Surf Life Saving community to contribute innovative ideas to solve real problems associated with keeping the Australian coastline safe. Further, it gives power to generous supporters by allowing them to choose where they want to direct their donations in Surf Life Saving.

In year one of the new initiative, Surf Life Saving’s members identified addressing climate change and carbon emissions as a major challenge, and

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The Surf Life Saving Innovation Fund oficially launched in December

supporters agreed. The generosity of donors allowed the Innovation Fund to launch a carbon emission reduction program with Zero Positive in June - a ground-breaking program to reduce energy use and carbon emissions at Surf Life Saving clubs across Australia. The program launched at Point Leo and North Bondi Surf Life Saving Clubs with plans to expand to seven additional locations across NSW, Queensland and Victoria in financial year 2023/2024.


A total of $628,286.42 was received from bequests in financial year 2022/2023. SLS Foundation collaborated with reputable online Will writing services to provide supporters with the opportunity to write or update their simple Will at no cost. Some 28 new pledges were received across the year with an estimated future income of approximately $180,000. The bequest program currently has a total of 607 confirmed pledges.

The SLS Foundation reviewed its bequest program in 2022/2023 and will implement a new legacy program in 2023/2024 that will better connect supporters with the lasting impact that a gift in Will can provide. A new information pack has been designed, and those who choose to leave a gift in their Will to Surf Life Saving will have their remarkable generosity displayed on a legacy board. The board will be proudly showcased at SLSA’s Bondi Beach headquarters, above the Bondi Icebergs pools and the spectacular Pacific Ocean. We remain committed to better supporting and recognising all who wish to leave Surf Life Saving a gift in their Last Will and Testament.


The SLS Foundation operates Surf Life Saving Lotteries - one of Australia’s largest ‘House and Land’ lottery programs. This year the program saw 48 lottery and trade promotion draws with major prize

homes, exclusive draws and loyalty bonus draws. We are pleased to advise that Surf Life Saving Lotteries experienced significant growth of its subscriber program, Champions Club, for a third consecutive year; helping increase total commercial income by more than $7.1M, an increase of over 22% on last financial year. Surf lotteries’ loyal subscribers now make up 74.29% of total annual income for Surf Life Saving Lotteries and approximately 82% of income for the major prize home draws.

The SLS Foundation successfully acquired 56,864 new lottery subscription members this year through cause-driven strategies, and a key commercial partnership that keeps going from strength to strength. The rapidly expanding subscription program closed out the financial year with 88,288 successfully billed subscribers, up 22% on June 2022.

Compared to last financial year, billed subscribers represent an increase of 16,239 transactions – a monthly increase of $648,110 or 46.0% in revenue on June 2022.

Subscription members are the backbone of our lotteries and are key to long-term success. We committed to subscriber growth three years ago, and we are especially pleased to deliver a strong result in such a challenging and uncertain

market. We remain committed to raising awareness of our lotteries and connecting supporters to the lifesaving value of their lottery ticket purchases.

A significant addition to surf lotteries in the previous financial year was the introduction of a purpose-built online selling platform for the Surf Life Saving clubs - opening the clubs to scalable and cost-efective fundraising.

In financial year 2022/2023, we commenced the build of a bespoke customer and relationship management (CRM) system that when implemented, will allow us to expand on the fundraising ofering to the clubs. The Surf Life Saving clubs will be able to sell lottery subscriptions to their own local supporters and attract a trailing sales commission for the tenure of these supporters.

In the 2023/2024 financial year, we are committed to Surf Life Saving Lotteries continued strategic growth. Through retention and acquisition strategies we will continue to improve the experience for our valued subscribers and grow the distributions to the Surf Life Saving entities.

38 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23
Lottery 217 was our biggest prize home yet with the total prize valued at more than $2.27M


The Grant Seeking Unit (GSU) has had a successful year, delivering $8.7million in funding for a variety of programs and equipment around the country.

The figure is lower than delivered in the previous year but still above target. With a change in Federal Government in May 2022, many opportunities were paused while the new Government went into a review process for community funding. This has slowly seen grants reintroduced and we anticipate an increase of opportunities in FY24. Despite the downturn in Federal opportunities and a lower value of grants being ofered, the GSU wrote 444 applications throughout the year. Of the grants written and an outcome received, 66% were successful which is an excellent result. GSU success is also driven by the relationships held with the State/ NT entities and importantly the

SLSCs they represent. An example of this is Woolamai Beach SLSC in Victoria. Established in 1959, this club is responsible for patrolling the surf beach at Cape Woolamai, Phillip Island. The GSU began working with the club five years ago and during that time had the benefit of building a relationship with Brendan Smart, the club’s dedicated grant contact. With Brendan’s intimate knowledge of the club’s needs, the GSU was able to take a more targeted approach to grants, bringing in over $1 million in external funding for items ranging from Clubhouse refurbishments and infrastructure to equipment and training. The club described the benefit of this relationship in their 2021 annual report:

“The ongoing commitment of Brendan Smart to work with the SLSA Grant Seeking Unit to secure much needed funds to run our club is extraordinary. Brendan has targeted sizeable grants to undertake

much needed repairs on lifesaving equipment and maintenance on the clubhouse. Obtaining funds via grants means our members can focus their energy on doing what we do best – run our club!”

The GSU is proud of its work to support those that volunteer to protect their community and visitors to beaches and waterways. They look forward to continuing to provide these important services over the next year.


The Surf Life Saving Rescue Fund (the Fund) is a charitable investment scheme operated by the SLS Foundation. The Fund can accept investments only on behalf of Surf Life Saving entities that are members of, or afiliated with, SLSA.

The objective of the Fund is to maximise the net (after fees) earnings of the funds under management at an acceptable level of risk that protects the capital value of the investments.

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Woolamai Beach SLSC - Nipper Program

The Fund has total funds of $37.9million under management as of 30th June 2023 in two components:

• The perpetuity component ($20.0M) - which includes funds held in trust by the SLS Foundation in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed of the Foundation Perpetuity Trust; and

• The withdrawable component ($17.9M) - which includes funds that have been directly invested by Surf Life Saving entities.

The Long Term Fund achieved a return of 14.2% outperforming it’s benchmark by 5.05%.

By pooling funds, the Fund is able to access large scale and specialised investment resources that would not otherwise be available to individual Surf Life Saving entities, to maximise their net investment returns. The cost of administering the Fund is borne by the SLS Foundation, with no fees charged to investors or retained by the Fund.

An independent investment committee provides oversight and strategic advice on the efective investment of the Fund.

Sincere thanks to our committee members Ed Prendergast, Darrin Bragg, and Ian McLean for their commitment and support during the past year.


Corporate partnerships are an integral part of our organisation’s sustainability. Our partner relationships are built on strategic foundations that go beyond traditional sponsorships to be true partnerships. As an organisation, SLSA aims to form and maintain partnerships that echo our own values and vision for the future.

Our partners live and breathe the movement by not only providing vital funds but sharing core values and leveraging opportunities to benefit both parties. A partnership with SLSA allows a business to position

themselves alongside one of Australia’s most trusted and iconic community organisations.

SLSA is extremely proud of our partnership portfolio, and we recognise and appreciate the valuable contribution our partners make to the organisation.

The relationship we have with our major national partners in Ampol, DHL, Isuzu UTE Australia and Westpac are examples of SLSA’s commitment to the longevity and growth of our corporate connection.

We are also honoured to continue our relationships with BRP, Dulux, FINZ and Kellogg who are all committed to the movement. Their support allows us to concentrate on what we do best, saving lives on Australian beaches.

We continue to actively seek new partners to support the movement and the vital services that we provide to the Australian community.


Surf Life Saving’s intellectual property (IP) has been built up over a 115-year foundation of service to the Australian community. SLSA owns various registered trademarks, which we manage on behalf of the entire organisation including: the Surf Life Saving logo, red and yellow patrol flags, patrol caps, the iconic red and yellow patrol uniform, and terms such as ‘Surf Rescue’ and ‘Nippers’. It is our responsibility to ensure that the use of our brand is protected.

Surf Life Saving uses these images and marks in a number of places and in many important ways, including on our patrol uniforms and equipment to designate oficial surf lifesavers and property, and on licensed product.

Licensed application of these marks on retail merchandise assists in generating revenue for the organisation through royalty payments and brings greater awareness of our organisation.

We continue to seek appropriate, complementary product categories for the SLSA brand.

The online store is an avenue that we are growing and allows SLSA licensees a channel to sell their products alongside their own retail channels. The public facing facet of the online store allows SLSA to connect with a global audience and allows SLSA to have increased licensed merchandise revenue and awareness for our brand.

40 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


Surf Life Saving Australia thanks our corporate and government partners who have supported us in 2022/23.





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The Corporate Services portfolio encompasses governance, risk management, finance, human resources and information technology (IT). Corporate Services operates as ‘shared services’ supporting operations across Surf Life Saving Australia, Surf Sports Australia, The SLS Foundation, and Southern Region SLSA Helicopter Rescue Service. The finance team is responsible for the day-to-day management of the organisation’s finances including income, expense, asset management, and cash flow. Annual budgets, medium-term forward estimates, and reforecasts are prepared for each entity in the group. Ongoing analysis of the group’s financial performance is conducted to ensure funds are used eficiently, and to aid in strategic decision making.

The organisation fulfilled all its obligations to relevant regulatory bodies including the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission, and the Australia Taxation Ofice. We completed acquittal reports for funding provided by government departments, and prepared annual financial statements for each entity in the group and the consolidated entity which were audited with an unmodified audit opinion. The department is accountable to the SLSA Board through the Finance Audit and Compliance Committee (FACC). A suite of reports is presented to the FACC at monthly meetings including consolidated management accounts, risk and compliance registers, and human resource metrics.


Over the last 12 months the National ICT Unit has started a major project to rearchitect and rewrite our core systems into a modern architecture. This three-year project has ramped up in its first year and the work is well underway with some benefits already apparent. As the project progresses, much of the work will be in the background to provide new eficiencies, stability, and security for our systems.

The National ICT Unit has been successful in moving system infrastructure from the SLS Foundation to a new cloud environment and rationalising the required services to support the team. For the SLSCs we’ve added new SurfGuard modules to ease administration around the Nippers program and have given clubs access to a mobile

friendly interface to manage the Nippers on the beach. Cyber security is always a critical aspect of our ICT environment and recent events have increased our focus on who is able to access our member data and by what methods. Stronger vetting and due diligence are now applied to those who have access. Cyber security will continue to be a key consideration in everything we do in our ICT environments.


During the 2022-23 year, SLSA’s staf have remained dedicated and committed to the national organisation. Our staf members are distributed across various locations, including Bondi Beach in Sydney, as well as in Brisbane, Cape Banks (NSW), and Tasmania. Embracing the changing work landscape, SLSA has adopted a hybrid working environment, enabling our employees to work remotely as needed.

Over the past year, SLSA has continued to emphasise the importance of people development strategies. We have been diligent in improving the work environment and workplace practices for the benefit of our staf. By investing in their growth and well-being, we believe that SLSA can better fulfill its mission and drive positive outcomes for all stakeholders. During 2022-23 SLSA moved all employees from its subsidiary company, SLSF, into the SLSA business unit.

As we move forward into the 2023-24 year, SLSA remains committed to the continuous improvement of our workforce and the cultivation of a positive and inclusive work environment. We are confident that these eforts will yield fruitful results for our staf and, ultimately, for the communities we serve.

Our values at SLSA are embedded into everyday business. Our staf consider our four values in everything they do:

• Brave – We take calculated risks while striving for excellence

• Connected – We seek opportunities to highlight the strength of others

• Buoyant – We are conscious of the energy we share

• Compassionate – We walk a mile in their shoes

43 SECTION 02: SLSA Operations


In the 2022-23 year, SLSA has maintained its commitment to fair and competitive remuneration practices consistent with the not-for-profit sector. Our remuneration includes fringe benefit packages which allow us, within Australian Taxation Ofice guidelines, to provide a portion of an employee’s income as a tax-exempt fringe benefit. With a focus on staf retention and well-being, wage increases during the period have been marginal as we prioritised creating a positive work environment following closures from Covid-19 and investing in employee development and support programs.


All staf members participate in formal annual performance reviews, which are supplemented by regular progress meetings with their respective managers throughout the year. Each employee is provided with an individual performance development plan tailored to the SLSA business plan and key performance indicators (KPIs). These individual plans are designed not only to align with the SLSA business plan and values but also to enhance employees’ behaviours and competencies. As part of the development plan, employees and their managers jointly identify personal and professional growth opportunities. We recognise the importance of investing in our staf’s professional development, and as such, SLSA allocates a dedicated budget for this purpose within the annual budget. This commitment to performance reviews and individual development plans reflects our dedication to fostering a skilled and motivated workforce, ensuring that our employees are equipped to achieve both personal and organisational success.


SLSA’s workplace relation and equal opportunity policies are designed to ensure that all employees are treated fairly and equitably. Employees are employed under individual contracts, which are supplemented by an overarching staf handbook. The handbook sets out the terms and conditions of employment, including the right to time-in-lieu for weekend work.

SLSA has weekly ofice catch-ups and a monthly all staf meeting where any employment-related issues that afect all staf are discussed. Formal flexible working arrangements can be accessed by 100% of employees, and most staf are currently working in a hybrid capacity.

SLSA meets all legislative requirements in terms of equal opportunity and a biasfree workplace. The organisation has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination and harassment, and inclusion training was run earlier in the year. All employees are encouraged to report any concerns to their manager or to Human Resources.


Our employees work in normal business ofice conditions and are not exposed to any undue hazards. We have consistently promoted a healthy and safe work environment, which is ergonomically sound. There were no Workcover claims during the year. SLSA completed all fire safety warden training requirements. SLSA provides an Employee Assistance Program through Benestar that is available for all employees.

Many of our staf are also volunteer surf lifesavers and from time-to-time, are engaged in high-risk activities in the performance of those duties. In these situations, they are protected by the full range of SLSA policies and insurances that apply to all members.


Turnover for all staf including casuals during the past year was 18.1% which is a decrease from 32.4% in 2021-22. SLSA has several strategies within the annual business plan which focus on increasing employee satisfaction rates, as well as the development of and implementation of retention strategies. The average tenure of all current employees of SLSA is four and a half years.

The following figures represent staf employed by SLSA at 30 June 2023 and the turnover rate for the 2023 financial year.



FULL TIME PART TIME CASUAL CONTRACTORS PERMANENT FTE GENDER AVERAGE TENURE TURNOVER 77 13 9 3 86 F – 63% M – 37% 4.53 years 18.1% James Cameron Chief Financial Oficer 44 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


Surf Sport Australia Southern Board

Board Executive Assistant to CEO

Chief Executive Oficer

Donor Manager

Donor Coordinator

Community Fundraising Manager

Sales & Service Team Manager

Sales & Service Team Supervisor

Lottery Manager

Lottery Operations Specialist

Executive Assistant

Chief Operating Oficer, Brisbane

Partnerships Manager

Partnerships Coordinator

Partnerships Coordinator

Research & Communications

Grant Seeking Unit Manager Facilities Coordinator Facilities Administrator

Procurement Manager

Donor Specialist Digital Social Specialist

Sales & Service Team Members

Donor Data Analyst

Graphic Designer

Lottery Coordinator

Supporter Relations Oficer

Lottery Data Analyst

Lottery Specialist

Lottery Campaign Oficer

Lottery Operations


Research & Communications Administrative Oficer Administrative Oficer

45 SECTION 02: SLSA Operations

SLSF Board

L&D Coordinator

Membership & Participation Coordinator Sport Development Coordinator

L&D Administrator

RTO Coordinator

Chief Operation Oficer, Sydney

General Manager

Coastal Safety Executive Assistant

Learning and Development Manager Event Manager Venue Manager

Sport Manager

ICT Manager

Senior Software Developer Senior Developer Analyst


Oficer Events Oficer

Events Oficer Pathways Coordinator

Sports Development

Application Support Analyst

ICT Architect

UI Developer

Project Coordinator

Senior Support Oficer

IT Support

Oficer Level 1

IT Support

Oficer Level 1

Public Afairs Manager

Content Executive

Media Coordinator Digital Coordinator Marketing Executive

Design & Digital Executive Comms Coordinator Graphic Designer

Government Relations Manager Governance & Compliance Oficer

Human Resources Coordinator

Ofice Admin Receptionist

Lifesaving Ops Manager

Project Coordinator

Lifesaving Services Coordinator

Chief Financial Oficer Finance Manager

Senior Accountant


Assistant Accountant

Coastal Safety Support Oficer

Coastal Safety Support Oficer Researcher

Research Assistant

Aerial Services Coordinator

Project Manager

Accounts & Payroll Oficer

Online Store/ Reception

WLSRH Ofice Manager


Senior Management Operational Senior Leadership Team

46 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23





Since 1907, when a small number of Sydney surf lifesaving clubs formed the organisation now known as SLSA, we have evolved into a highly federated and geographically dispersed organisation, made up of 502 entities/ groups including 315 separately incorporated SLSCs, 17 regional branches (in NSW and Queensland), 80 Support Operations (regional rescue and response teams), 7 VMRS, 72 paid Lifeguard services and seven state and territory centres.

These various separate entities are not subsidiaries of SLSA and have a variety of legal and reporting structures; therefore, their financial results are not consolidated here.

We are the peak policy and decisionmaking body for the Surf Life Saving movement. Under our Constitution, our members are:

• State and Territory entities, represented by their appointed directors have the right to be present, debate and vote at our general meetings.

• Afiliated Clubs, which shall be represented by an individual nominated from time to time in writing by the club to the relevant state centre. The nominee shall have the right to be present and to debate on behalf of the Afiliated Club at General Meetings but shall have no voting rights.

• Life Members of SLSA, have the right to be present and to debate at our general meetings, but with no voting rights.

• All individual members of afiliated SLSCs, who have the right to be present at general meetings, but with no voting or debating rights.

Each year, prior to the commencement of the season, individual members sign an application for joint membership of SLSA, their state centre and their club. Where the members are less than 18 years of age, the membership form is signed by a parent or legal guardian. This detailed membership form meets a number of legal requirements, including indemnification of SLSA in the event of any claim arising from a surf lifesaving activity, as well as outlining a member’s individual liability in the unlikely event of a wind up of SLSA.

SLSA also operates one subsidiary company to provide rescue helicopter services in NSW. Other rescue helicopter services operate in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia through their respective state centres.

The SLS Foundation, which is also a wholly owned subsidiary, undertakes a national fundraising role on behalf of the movement.

49 SECTION 03: SLSA Operations


Chief Patrons

His Royal Highness Prince Philip KG KT OM GBE AC QSO PC* Duke of Edinburgh

His Majesty King Charles III KG, KT, GCB, OM, AK, QSO, CC, PC, ADC King of the United Kingdom

His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia


Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC, KC Governor of New South Wales and Mr Dennis Wilson

Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM Governor of Queensland

Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC Governor of South Australia

His Excellency the Honourable Kim Beazley AC Governor of Western Australia

Her Excellency the Honourable Barbara Baker AC Governor of Tasmania

His Honour Professor the Honourable Hugh Heggie PSM Administrator of the Northern Territor y

Vice Patron

The Honourable Anthony Albanese MP Prime Minister of Australia

Life Governor

Alan Whelpton AO

Sir Adrian Curlewis CVO CBE*

* Denotes deceased

50 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



As one of the largest volunteer organisations in Australia, we depend on the contribution of our volunteer members for everything from patrolling beaches, to providing input for the strategic direction for the organisation. Board and committee members freely give up their time for the benefit of Surf Life Saving


The peak policy and decision body for Surf Life Saving in Australia (SLSA) is made up of the President of SLSA, seven appointed directors from each state and the Northern Territory, four independent directors and the Chief Executive Oficer (CEO) of SLSA. The board delegates the management of SLSA to the CEO who seeks support and advice from the Executive Management Group (EMG).



John Baker ESM President (Chair)

George Shales OAM SLSNSW Appointed Director until May 2023

Peter Agnew ESM SLSNSW Appointed Director from May 2023

Gerard O’Brien SLSQ Appointed Director

Paul James ASM LSV Appointed Director

Craig Smith-Gander AM SLSWA Appointed Director

Kevin Watkins* SLSSA Appointed Director until February 2023

Sarah Cutbush SLSSA Appointed Director from May 2023

Stuart Paine SLST Appointed Director

Ray Hall SLSNT Appointed Director until May 2023

Adam Traugott SLSNT Appointed Director from May 2023

Melanie Evans Independent Director

Toni Bache Independent Director

Darrin Bragg Independent Director

Jennifer Cook Independent Director from November 2022

Adam Weir Chief Executive Oficer

* Denotes deceased



a. Responsible for the global relationship with ILS. Coordination of activities in the Asia Pacific region. Tracking international activities undertaken by SLS movement.

b. Responsible for relations with allied agencies (AUSTSWIM, RLSSA, Swimming Australia, Australian Coastal Alliance, etc.) and other peak organisations (e.g., Australian Water Safety Council, National SeaChange Taskforce, etc.).

c. Responsible for the relationship, management and delivery of all representation to Federal government.

d. Responsible for the facilitation, coordination and delivery of agreed national administrative programs in insurance.

e. Responsible for the facilitation, coordination and delivery of agreed national administrative programs in Information Technology and Communications (ITC).

f. Responsible for the facilitation, coordination and delivery of agreed national administrative framework in disciplinary and grievance.

g. Responsible for coordinating the development of a safety framework and guidelines to ensure the protection and benefit of our members.

h. Responsible for the facilitation, coordination and development of a national lifesaving, sport and education/leadership development framework and facilitation of National Committees.

i. Responsible for the coordination of the development of member training and education through curriculum and resource development with and through the State Centres.

j. Responsible for all national sporting events and delivery of the national high performance programs with and through the states.

k. Responsible for coordinating relevant research to foster innovation and achieve our vision.

l. Responsible for developing the national member development programs (such as leadership, recognition and history) and aligning with the states through the creation of national resources to support these programs.

m. Responsible for SLSA brand protection, reputation and development.

n. Responsible for the management and delivery of national marketing, sponsorship and business development programs.

o. Responsible for the management and delivery of national fundraising in accordance with agreed national and state business outcomes.

p. Facilitate communication between states.

51 SECTION 03: SLSA Operations


— President (Chair)

John was appointed as a Director on the SLSA Board in January 2012 and served as the Deputy President of SLSA for five years until he was elected as President of SLSA in 2021. John served as President of Surf Life Saving South Australia for 10 years and he has been a member of the Brighton SLSC in SA since 1977. He is a former State Director of Lifesaving and is a current Senior Aircrewman with the Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter. John is a Life Member at club, state and national levels, and he was recently inducted in the Surf Life Saving SA Hall of Fame. John brings a wealth of experience with him to SLSA as a Partner/Company Director with KWP Communications Group and his experience on the boards of the Advertising Council Australia (SA), Australian Red Cross (SA), the Virtual War Memorial Australia and the Smith Family.


— SLSNSW Appointed Director until May 2023

George was elected President of SLSNSW in May 2019. He brings with him 40 years of experience across a wide range of roles on the beach.

George gained his Bronze Medallion in 1982 at North Bondi SLSC and has held a number of leadership and committee positions within his club and branch. George continues to be an active surf lifesaver in his capacity as a Duty Oficer and Rescue Coordinator as part of the Surf Life Saving Sydney Support Operations Team.


— SLSNSW Appointed Director from May 2023

Peter Agnew ESM, assumed the position of President of Surf Life Saving New South Wales in May 2023. With a nearly 40-year membership at North Bondi SLSC, Peter has also served as the President of Sydney Branch since 2019. Outside of his involvement in SLSNSW, Peter is the Director of People Development Australia, where he plays a key role as a Lead Facilitator for the Australian Institute of Management. He further imparts his expertise by lecturing at a master’s level.

52 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


— SLSQ Appointed Director

Gerard was appointed a Director of SLSA in September 2022 after being elected President of Surf Life Saving Queensland. He joined Noosa Heads SLSC in 2001 and has held various positions at club, branch and state. Gerard received Life Membership of his club and is still a patrolling member. Gerard enjoyed an extensive executive career, with more than 30 years in CEO/General Manager roles in the consumer goods sector in Australia and overseas, including 10 years as CEO/MD of an ASX-listed public company. He has a financial background, featuring a commerce degree (Grifith) and an MBA from Georgetown University, USA.


SLSSA Appointed Director until February 2023

Kevin was an active Surf Life Saving member for 55 years, having gained his Bronze Medallion in 1967, and immersed his life in the movement. He patrolled at Brighton SLSC and was very active in surf boat competition. Kevin was a successful business leader in the RTO world and was the founder & CEO of SA Health Education Centre. He was the State Manager SA and National VET Manager for Endeavour College of Natural Health. It is with great sadness we report that Kevin has passed away following a long-time leukaemia battle.


— LSV Appointed Director

Paul has been a member of Ambulance Victoria as a paramedic for the past 25 years. He is an Area Manager responsible for the provision of emergency ambulance operations across central Gippsland. Paul has been involved with both Royal Life Saving and Surf Life Saving for over 40 years in a professional and volunteer capacity. He is a qualified member of the Hampton Life Saving Club and held the position of Club President from 1988-1990 and again from 2013-2016.


SLSWA Appointed Director

Craig has been in surf lifesaving all his life having had experience as a boat rower and sweep at North Cottesloe, where he is a former Captain and President and is a life member. As President of SLSWA since 2014, he has held state and national roles in surf sports. Craig has extensive business and commercial experience, is a company director and business owner.


— SLSSA Appointed Director until May 2023

Sarah Cutbush assumed the role of President of Surf Life Saving South Australia in May 2023. With a longstanding involvement in SLSSA, Sarah has been an SLSSA Director since 2018 and Vice President. At Somerton SLSC, she has been an active member since 2012, as a patrol vice-captain and actively contributing to the club’s activities. Currently serving as the Chief Marketing & Communications Oficer at the University of South Australia, Sarah’s professional background as an MBA-qualified executive manager and senior strategic marketer brings a wealth of experience in business and marketing across diverse industries.


SLST Appointed Director

Stuart was elected President of Surf Life Saving Tasmania in 2021, and was appointed as a Director of the SLSA Board in October 2021.

Stuart has been involved within Surf Life Saving since 1981 and is currently an active Life Member of Burnie SLSC, of which he has held various Management Committee positions within 1993. On a professional level, Stuart currently holds a State Wide Operations Manager position and has a background in finance, compliance, human resources and management.

53 SECTION 03: SLSA Operations


SLSNT Appointed Director until May 2023

Ray is a lifelong swimmer and was involved in surf lifesaving as a child and teenager and reengaged when his kids hit nipper age. Ray took on the role of President of the unique Darwin Surf Lifesaving Club and over seven years turned the club into a vibrant and active self sustaining club. Ray owns a successful environmental consultancy and brings these business and sustainability skills to his board roles.


SLSNT Appointed Director from May 2023

Adam assumed the role of President of Surf Life Saving NT in May 2023. Since 2001, he has been an active member of SLS, joining Mindil Beach SLSC in 2011 and making contributions in the portfolios of Education, Administration and Finance. For the past seven years, Adam has served as the Director of Lifesaving on the SLSNT board, leading impactful projects to increase operational capability. Professionally Adam has served in the Royal Australian Navy for over 14 years.


— Independent Director

Toni has extensive leadership experience in business strategy and human resources roles. She has worked across healthcare, technology, hospitality, government, and fast-moving consumer goods in over 30 countries. She is currently the Vice President, Business Strategy, International for Stryker’s Trauma & Extremities division. Toni has been involved in Surf Life Saving for over 20 years within the Burleigh Heads, Mowbray Park SLSC. She obtained her Bronze Medallion in 1997, Silver Medallion in 2001, represented her club as Summer Surf Girl in 2003 and is an active patrolling member.


Independent Director

Darrin has been a part of the surf lifesaving movement since he joined as a nipper aged 5. Having spent most of his life in North Queensland the respected Townsville accountant has been a member of Townsville Picnic Bay SLSC for over twenty years and is their past President. Darrin is a Life Member of Townsville Picnic Bay SLSC, North Barrier Branch - Surf Life Saving Queensland, and also Surf Life Saving Queensland. Darrin holds the position of Chairman of the Surf Life Saving Foundation.


Independent Director

Melanie is currently CEO of ING Bank Australia. Previously she was at the Westpac Group where she had worked for over 14 years. Having grown up in the surf club, Melanie has kept abreast of our organisation over many years and brings with her expertise and experience of Board and Committee corporate governance, financial management, risk management, strategic planning and compliance.


Independent Director from November 2022

Jennifer is a commercial property consultant specialising in customer experience and innovation. She brings over 20 years diverse leadership experience from roles in property, retail, major events and festivals, arts and culture, professional services and tourism. Her skillset includes corporate governance, risk management, strategic planning, culture change and marketing. Jennifer is on the Board of ASX200 listed Centuria Industrial REIT (CIP) and the Advisory Board of proptech startup Vennu. She has a MBA and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She is an active patrolling member of Coogee SLS in Sydney.

54 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


The SLSA Board has an adopted Board Governance Charter that was updated in March 2023. Key aspects of the charter are detailed below.


As one of Australia’s largest volunteer movements, our Board and Committee structure is critical to ensuring volunteer representation in key decisions. The various committees outlined in this section are advisory only; however, they can be empowered by the Board and meet as required. Their recommendations are considered by either the CEO, the Executive Management Group, or in some instances the Board. The Board, through the CEO, has ultimate supervision of the committees.


The day-to-day business of SLSA is managed by the CEO, under the direction of the Board. The Board may exercise all the powers of the company, except for any power the Corporations Act or the Constitution requires the company to exercise in a general meeting of members.

The Board is responsible for the appointment of a CEO to manage and administer the organisation. The CEO is ultimately accountable to the Board; however, the CEO is accountable to the President (as Chair of the Board) on a day-to-day basis.


The Board is comprised of seven state centre appointed directors, one from each State and the Northern Territory and up to four additional Independent Directors may also be appointed to the Board.


The Board meets at least five times each year. The Appointed Directors are selected by their respective state or territory CEOs.


SLSA is committed to the formal, systematic, and structured proactive management of risks across the organisation. The Board conducts an annual risk management workshop where it sets or reviews the

Risk Management Policy and confirms its Risk Appetite Statements. Risks are managed on an ongoing basis in accordance with SLSA’s Risk Management Framework. The Risk Management Committee meet on a monthly basis to review the risk register and update mitigation strategies and perceived level of risk as appropriate. New risks are added to the register through a formal notification process from staf, management and directors to the Chief Financial Oficer. A risk reporting scorecard along with a “Top Ten” list of major risks (as agreed by the Board) is discussed as a standing agenda item at the monthly FACC meeting, together with any significant new or emerging risks.


The code of conduct for Directors, setting out expectations and limitations is contained within the SLSA Board Governance Charter. In March 2023 the SLSA Board approved an updated Code of Conduct to ensure it is meeting best practice.


The Board is accountable to the members of SLSA. The Constitution lists the following categories of membership:

• State centres – debating and voting rights at SLSA general meetings.

• Afiliated clubs – debating but not voting rights at SLSA general meetings.

• Life Members – debating but not voting rights at SLSA general meetings.

• All members of afiliated clubs – can be present, but no debating or voting rights at SLSA general meetings. The individual membership category is divided into various other sub-categories set out in the regulations.


At the commencement of each board meeting, the chair asks for directors to declare conflicts of interest in any agenda items. Under the board’s structure, seven directors are appointed by their respective state centre. The chair ensures that all state appointed directors fulfil their fiduciary duties to SLSA.

55 SECTION 03: SLSA Operations


The board acknowledges the need for, and continued maintenance of, the highest standards of corporate governance practice, ethical conduct by all board members and open and transparent processes. Declaring any conflict of interest and/or pecuniary interest in agenda items of board meetings ensures that, where appropriate, directors leave the meeting until discussion on the matter is concluded. In March 2023 the SLSA Board endorsed an updated Board Governance Charter which further strengthened the ethical standards by which the board operates.


The board is assisted in aspects of its operations with external advice. Ian Fullagar continues to provide legal services. Andrew Horne has remained Company Secretary. Our auditors, BDO conduct an annual internal audit, giving the board independent assurance and advice on financial management matters. Marsh Advantage Australia Pty Ltd continues to provide insurance advice and services.


SLSA is a company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth). SLSA is also a

registered charitable institution under the NSW Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 (NSW). The advisors noted earlier, Legal Counsel Ian Fullagar, Company Secretary Andrew Horne, BDO and Marsh Advantage Australia Pty Ltd also ensure compliance with relevant legislation and regulation.


Directors receive no compensation for their services. Travel and accommodation costs associated with meetings are met by SLSA.


At times, presentations by outside experts on strategic matters are made to the board. Directors have also been given the opportunity to attend workshops and other conferences relating to corporate governance at SLSA’s expense.


As noted elsewhere, SLSA wholly owns a number of subsidiary bodies. The SLS Foundation raises funds nationally and in each state for SLSA. Southern Region SLSA Helicopter Rescue Services P/L provided helicopter rescue services in NSW. Surf Sports Australia P/L is another subsidiary of SLSA, primarily concerned with professional sports events. The financial results of these three subsidiaries are included in SLSA’s accounts.


Monthly financial statements for SLSA and subsidiary companies are provided to the Finance Audit and Compliance Committee (FACC). These monthly statements together with monthly accounts, are submitted to Directors for endorsement at the subsequent board meeting. All financial accounts and reports are overseen by the FACC and, on their recommendation, adopted or otherwise by the board throughout the year. The FACC also oversees risk management, compliance and governance, including HR reporting.


As one of the largest volunteer organisations in Australia, we are dependent on the contribution of our volunteer members for everything from patrolling beaches, to providing the overall management and operational delivery of frontline services and activities. Broadly speaking a person can become a member of the board or a committee by being appointed by either SLSA or by a state centre. The skills base required for these positions is set out in the SLSA Board Governance Charter and in the SLSA Regulations. SLSA provides multiple avenues and pathways to leadership roles within SLS including the Women’s Mentoring Program, National Leadership College and Masterclass.

56 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


Executive Management Group Surf Life Saving Australia Subsidiaries Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLSQ) 58 Clubs 12 Support Ops 6 Regional Branches Life Saving Victoria (LSV) 57 Clubs 13 Support Ops 31 Clubs 12 Support Ops Surf Life Saving South Australia (SLSSA) 22 Clubs 6 Support Ops Surf Life Saving Tasmania (SLST) 15 Clubs 2 ALS 4 Support Ops 7 VMR Surf Life Saving New South Wales (SLSNSW) 129 Clubs 29 Support Ops 11 Regional Branches GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 193,009 MEMBERS Surf Life Saving Northern Territory (SLSNT) 3 Clubs 4 Support Op 18 ALS 16 ALS 12 ALS 3 ALS 18 ALS 3 ALS Surf Life Saving Western Australia (SLSWA) Southern Region SLSA Helicopter Rescue Service The Surf Life Saving Foundation Surf Sports Australia SLSA Board National Body Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA) 57 SECTION 03: SLSA Operations



This is the management authority approved by the SLSA Board and is made up of the SLSA CEO, State CEOs with advice from SLSA Leadership Team and SLSA’s Legal Adviser.


Adam Weir Chair, CEO, SLSA

Steven Pearce AFSM CEO, SLSNSW

Dave Whimpey CEO, SLSQ

Catherine Greaves CEO, LSV

James O'Toole CEO, SLSWA

Damien Marangon CEO, SLSSA

Tony van den Enden CEO, SLST

Samantha Farrow CEO, SLSNT



Recommends the appointment of the CEO to the SLSA Board, reviews and reports proposed remuneration packages for the CEO and senior executives to the SLSA Board and ensures adequate human resource levels within the organisation.


John Baker ESM President, SLSA

Melanie Evans Independent SLSA Director & Chair of FACC


Assists the SLSA Board in the oversight of the reliability and integrity of accounting policies, financial reporting and disclosure practices.


Melanie Evans Chair, Independent SLSA Director

Darrin Bragg Independent SLSA Director from March 2023

Stephen Bennett Independent Member

Warrick Ranson Independent Member

Vincent Sheehan Independent Member


Assists the SLSA Board in the oversight of the reliability and integrity of accounting policies, financial reporting and disclosure practices.


Toni Bache Chair, Independent SLSA Director

Jennifer Cook Independent SLSA Director from March 2023

Christine Hopton OAM Independent Member

Stephen Bennett Independent Member

Lyn Barratt Independent Member


This Committee makes recommendations to the Board on IT&T strategy, architecture, standards and policy with Surf Life Saving.


Adam Weir Chair, CEO, SLSA

John Baker ESM President, SLSA

Scott Randall National ICT Manager, SLSA

George Shales President, SLSNSW until May 2023

Steven Pearce AFSM CEO, SLSNSW

Kerrie Barnes General Manager Ethical Standards & Enterprise Risk, SLSQ

Gabe Gossage Independent Member

Jonathon Golan Independent Member

Michael Ewald Independent ICT Business Strategist

58 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



To represent the views of Surf Life Saving members nationally on matters relating to education.


Tracey Hare-Boyd Chair of Education

Ingrid Cobiac Deputy Chair of Education from Nov 2022

Tony Waller OAM NSW Representative until March 2023

Dean Dudley NSW Representative from May 2023

Jonathan Donnelly QLD Representative until August 2022

Tonya Pade QLD Representative from August 2022

Katrina Antony VIC Representative

Michael Shaw WA Representative

Kate Perry SA Representative

Steph Prendergast TAS Representative until January 2023

Philippa Lohrey TAS Representative from January 2023

vacant NT Representative

Garry Williams National Trainer of the Year until Nov 2022

Hannah Darling National Trainer of the Year from Nov 2022

Ingrid Cobiac National Assessor of the Year until Nov 2022

Ian Grant National Assessor of the Year from Nov 2022


The Education Management Committee is responsible for the implementation and continual improvement of education, programs and activities. Also any matters related to RTO compliance.


Pamela Simon Chair, Learning & Development Manager, SLSA

Hayley Jay NSW Representative until April 2023

Joanne Massey NSW Representative from April 2023

Jonathan Donnelly QLD Representative until Nov 2022, and then from March 2023

Belinda Doman QLD Representative from Nov 2022 to March 2023

Micah Spedding VIC Representative

David Gallagher WA Representative

Miriam Scherer SA Representative

Ned Reardon TAS Representative

Sam Edwards NT Representative



To represent the views of Surf Life Saving members nationally on matters relating to development.


Nancy Joseph Chair of Development

Michael Henderson Deputy Chair of Development

Kerry Clancy NSW Representative

Rob Campbell QLD Representative until Oct 2022

Kirsten Phillips QLD Representative from Oct 2022

Rebecca Schot-Guppy VIC Representative

Angela Razvi WA Representative

Adam Luscombe SA Representative

Alison Snowden NT Representative

Allison Kable TAS Representative from Oct 2022

Tea-Rose Passon National Volunteer of the Year until Nov 2022

Richard Lissett National Volunteer of the Year from Nov 2022

Development Advisors

Gary Driscoll Diversity and Inclusion Advisor

Sam Fien Wellbeing Advisor

Simon Steinhofer Leadership Advisor

Susan McCaughtrie Junior Participation Advisor


The Development Management Committee is responsible for the implementation and continual improvement of development within SLS.


Pamela Simon Chair, Learning & Development Manager, SLSA

Claire Bevis NSW Representative

Sam Clutterbuck QLD Representative

Emma Atkins VIC Representative

David Somers WA Representative

Mel Davis-Bishop SA Representative until April 2023

Georgia Brazenall SA Representative from April 2023

Alison Stubbs TAS Representative

Giorgio Romano NT Representative until June 2023

Sam Edwards NT Representative from June 2023

59 SECTION 03: SLSA Operations



To represent the views of Surf Life Saving members nationally on matters relating to lifesaving.


Chris Jacobson Chair of Lifesaving

Joel Wiseman NSW Representative

Clint Swanton QLD Representative

Kane Treloar VIC Representative

Liam Burke WA Representative

Glen Gallagher SA Representative

Julian Hickey TAS Representative

Adam Traugott NT Representative

Shannon Fox Surf Life Saver of the Year

Lifesaving Advisors

Katie Dixon Independent Member

David Reid Independent Member

Dr Ned Douglas Medical Advisor

Matthew Thompson Power Craft Advisor

Scott McCartney Lifeguard Advisor


The Lifesaving Management Committee is responsible for the implementation and continual improvement of lifesaving plans, programs and activities.


Shane Daw ESM Chair, General Manager Coastal Safety, SLSA

Brent Manieri NSW Representative

Natalie Edwards QLD Representative

Liam Krige VIC Representative

Cameron Robbins WA Representative

Daniel Willetts SA Representative

Ned Reardon TAS Representative

Samantha Farrow NT Representative



To represent the views of Surf Life Saving members nationally on matters relating to sport.


Andrew Buhk Chair of Sport

Rachael Rylance Deputy Chair of Sport

Don van Keimpema OAM NSW Representative

Nigel Ward QLD Representative

Aaron Green VIC Representative

Sandy Clarke WA Representative

Pat Larven SA Representative

Don Marsh/Jacqueline de Yong TAS Representative

Giorgio Romano NT Representative

Sport Advisors

Graham Rice Technical Advisor

Darren Warrener HP & Sport Integrity Advisor

Jennifer Kenny Oficiating Advisor

Sharlene Kelly Coaching Advisor

Kurt Wilson ALT Head Coach

Nicholas Sampson Surf Boat Advisor

Stephen Leahy OAM Risk and Safety Advisor

Dr Shayne Baker OAM ALT Selection Chair


The Sport Management Committee is responsible for the implementation and continual improvement of sport, programs and activities.


Wayne Druery Chair, Sport Manager, SLSA

Jim Pinnington NSW Representative

Stuart Hogben QLD Representative

Simon Butterly/Chris Schleusener VIC Representative

Jason Wright/Sandy Clarke WA Representative

Mel Bishop-Davis/David Visockis SA Representative

Abbey Fairbrother/Shayne Jupp TAS Representative

Giorgio Romano NT Representative

60 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23




The Marketing and Communications Working Group is responsible for the discussion and management relating to member and external communications and marketing.


Jo Banning Chair, Public Afairs Manager, SLSA

Cherie Kellett Chair, Partnerships Manager, SLSA

Donna Wishart/Patrick

Boddan/ Helen O’Connor NSW Representative

Jess Grima QLD Representative

Andrew English VIC Representative

Minda Penn WA Representative

Darren Horne SA Representative

Alison Stubbs TAS Representative

Sarah Fisher NT Representative



Responsible for standardising the delivery of lifeguarding services around Australia and discussing issues surrounding lifeguarding.


Scott McCartney Chair, Lifeguard Adviser

Jamie Findlay SLSA, Lifesaving Operations Manager

Paul Sharpe NSW Representative

Calan Lovitt QLD Representative

Hannah Tzimokas VIC Representative

Cam Robbins WA Representative

Daniel Willetts to March 2023 SA Representative

Sonya Pugliese from March 2023 SA Representative

Ned Reardon TAS Representative

Samantha Farrow NT Representative


The Panel meets to discuss SLSA Hall of Fame nominations and makes recommendations to the SLSA Board about inductions to the Hall of Fame.


John Baker ESM Chair, President, SLSA

Alan Whelpton AO Life Governor, SLSA

Warren Rennie AM Life Member, SLSA

Kristy Munroe AM Life Member, SLSA

Kristy Ellis AM Independent Member


Initiates nominations to the appropriate authorities on behalf of SLSA members considered eligible for civil, sporting, community and other awards.


Mark Fife OAM Chair, SLSA Appointed Director, SLSQ

Darryl Pope OAM Independent Member

Kevin Larkins Independent Member

Suzanne Storrie Independent SLSA Director


Advises, comments, and submits recommendations on the collection, conservation, management and documentation of the history of surf lifesaving in Australia.


Stan Vesper Chair

Prue Weber Independent Member

Tim Tucak Independent Member, Chair from May 2023

Ken Knight BEM Independent Member

Peter Orlovich Honorary Archivist

Ray Petersen Independent Member, from May 2023

61 SECTION 03: SLSA Operations


Selects individuals, lifesavers, and/or groups for Meritorious Awards. Selects individual lifesavers and/ or groups for the Lifesaver of the Year Award and other associate programs, awards and educational tours.


Chris Jacobson Chair

Nicholas Wood Independent Member

Darren McLeod Independent Member

Darryl Pope OAM Independent Member

Katie Dixon Independent Member

Shane Daw ESM SLSA - Executive Oficer (non voting)


Advises SLSA and relevant Sport committees on matters relating to Surf Boats.


Nick Sampson ASRL President

Natasha Tunney Secretary

Rory Gillespie Treasurer

Geof Wilson Vice President - Event Portfolio

Phil Chipman Vice President - Sweep Portfolio

Greg Heard Vice President - Oficials Portfolio

Edwina Wright Vice President - Media Portfolio

Grant Wilkinson Vice President - Athlete Development Portfolio

Stephen Bryen Vice President - Event Portfolio


Responsible for the selection of national teams in accordance with SLSA selection policy.


Dr Shayne Baker OAM Chair

Jennifer Parry Independent Member until April 2023

Garry Mensforth Independent Member until April 2023

Sean Davis Independent Member from April 2023

Kristy Smith Independent Member from April 2023



The Competition Committee directs all matters relating to the actual conduct of the competition.


John Brennan OAM Chair – Opens & Masters Championships

Steve Leahy Chair – Youth Championships

Andrew Buhk SLSA Chair of Sport

Dan Van Keimpema OAM Championships Referee - Opens and Masters

Jenny Kenny Championships Referee – Youth

Mark Hills Safety & Emergency Management Coordinator

Paul Chivers Independent Risk Advisor

Graham Rice Technical Advisor

Jenny Kenny Oficials Advisor

Wayne Druery Sport Manager / CEO Delegate

Jess Mensforth National Events Manager/Minutes

Jody Ballard Host Club Representative – Scarboro

Peter Savage Host Club Representative – Trigg Island

Jo Banning Media Liaison Oficer (Observer)

Zayne Hamill Athletes Representatives

Jade Berg

Natasha Tunney

62 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



The financial statements and specific disclosures included in the summarised financial report have been derived from the 2023 financial report of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited and its subsidiaries.

The summarised financial report cannot be expected to provide as full an understanding of the financial performance, financial position and financing and investing activities of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited and its subsidiaries as the full financial report.

The full financial report and the auditor’s report will be submitted to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, and will be sent to SLSA’s voting members on request, free of charge.



The consolidated entity recorded an operating surplus before Trust Funds for the financial year ended 30 June 2023 of $413,651 (2022: $214,713). The Foundation Perpetuity Trust (FPT) has been consolidated into the SLSA group from 1 November 2022 which resulted in a surplus of $1,381,258 after Trust Funds (2022: $214,713).

Consolidated revenue for 2023 was $83,125,823 (2022: $73,783,172). Sponsorship increased to $13,646,918 (2022: $12,148,182) as we attracted additional sponsorship to our major sporting events. Government Grants decreased to $13,921,731 (2022: $15,403,726) as the Beach Safety Equipment Fund (BSEF) returned to $10,000 per club from $15,000 in the previous year. We continued to build the Foundation’s lottery program with revenue increasing to $38,522,864 (2022: $31,362,890) as a result of another significant annual increase in the number of members in our Champions Club. Fundraising and donations collected during the year increased to $11,789,674 (2022: $10,743,840) thanks to the generosity of the Australian community.

Consolidated expenditure for 2023 increased to $82,491,523 (2022: $73,271,344) largely due to the continued investment in the lottery program. Expenditure on lifesaving, development and education of $22,513,520 (2022: $22,778,587) is fairly consistent with 2022 with the reduction in BSEF distributions ofset by increases in other program areas. Expenditure on competitions increased to $6,802,019 (2022: $5,654,093) with a return to a full High Performance program and increased costs associated with running the Australian Championships. Overall expenditure for helicopter administration and operations including finance costs increased to $3,977,168 (2022: $3,805,532). Foundation commercial expenditure, which includes the cost of prizes for lotteries, increased to $33,447,721 (2022: $26,058,719) as we continued our investment in attracting new members to our Champions Club. Philanthropic expenses decreased to $2,767,590 (2022: $3,343,771) however fundraising distributions to states as a result of fundraising activities increased to $6,648,832 ($2022: $5,927,560) as we targeted eficiencies in these programs.


The consolidation of the FPT added $18,998,432 to net assets on 1 November 2022; this and the net surplus for the year increased the net assets of the consolidated group to $46,986,262 (2022: $26,606,572). The current ratio (current assets: current liabilities) increased to 3.95 (2022: 2.41). For comparative purposes, the current ratio excluding the assets held by the FPT is 2.58 which is an increase on 2022 and reflects the strong liquid position of the group.

Property, plant and equipment decreased to $7,462,135 (20202: $9,908,372) with only minor expenditure on capital assets and intangible assets decreased to $328,241 (2022: 455,309) with no additions during the year. Cash increased to $17,849,960 (2022: $17,540,028) and total assets to $65,728,567 (2022: $49,431,684). Trade payables, accrued expenses, deferred revenue and lease liabilities make up the bulk of liabilities which decreased to $18,742,305 (2022: $22,825,112). The consolidated entity has no borrowings.

65 SECTION 04: SLSA Operations


For the consolidated group, cash increased by $309,932 (2022: $5,221,304 decrease). Net cash inflow from operating activities was $1,414,698 (2022: $1,989,183 outflow). Net cash inflow from investment activities was $1,650,913 (2022: $568,296 outflow) which represent net investment proceeds in the Foundation Perpetuity Trust, ofset by payments for property, plant and equipment and intangible assets. Outflows of $2,755,679 (2022: $2,663,825) for financing activities represent repayments of principal on leases.

The Directors are satisfied that the consolidated entity has suficient cash reserves to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due for a period of at least twelve months following the date of authorisation of the financial report.


For the year ended 30 June 2023

Note Consolidated Entity Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) CONTINUING OPERATIONS Revenue 2 83,125,823 73,783,172 41,725,934 38,900,689 Expenses 3 (82,491,523) (73,271,344) (41,200,211) (39,073,080) Finance costs (220,649) (297,115) (2,800) (2,113) Operating surplus / (deficit) before income tax expense and Trust Funds 413,651 214,713 522,923 (174,504) Net Surplus from Trust Funds 15 967,607 - -Surplus / (deficit) after income tax expense and Trust Funds for the year attributable to the members of Surf Life Saving Australia 1,381,258 214,713 522,923 (174,504) Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax - 45,716 - 45,716 Total comprehensive income/(deficit) for the year attributable to the members of Surf Life Saving Australia 1,381,258 260,429 522,923 (128,788)
The above statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income are to be read in conjunction with the attached notes.


As at 30 June 2023

Note Consolidated Entity Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents 17,849,960 17,540,028 9,490,227 11,166,566 Trade and other receivables 4 794,929 982,752 1,738,822 1,561,464 Inventories 1,054,445 687,101 1,054,445 687,101 Other assets 5 36,441,633 19,626,959 11,110,044 10,730,349 Assets held for sale 1,566,061 - -Total current assets 57,707,028 38,836,840 23,393,538 24,145,480 NON CURRENT ASSETS Other financial assets 6 - - 3,300,782 3,300,782 Trade and other receivables 4 231,163 231,163 -Property, plant and equipment 7,462,135 9,908,372 1,208,425 1,321,885 Intangible assets 328,241 455,309 328,241 455,309 Total non current assets 8,021,539 10,594,844 4,837,448 5,077,976 Total assets 65,728,567 49,431,684 28,230,986 29,223,456 CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 7 10,982,545 12,571,442 6,353,225 8,356,431 Lease liabilities 9 2,766,392 2,749,462 35,462 35,001 Employee benefits 8 866,394 823,891 815,212 516,115 Total current liabilities 14,615,331 16,144,795 7,203,899 8,907,547 NON CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 7 1,097,524 947,524 1,097,524 947,524 Lease liabilities 9 2,895,160 5,616,389 11,733 46,035 Employee benefits 8 134,290 116,404 134,250 61,693 Total non current liabilities 4,126,974 6,680,317 1,243,507 1,055,252 Total liabilities 18,742,305 22,825,112 8,447,406 9,962,799 Net assets 46,986,262 26,606,572 19,783,580 19,260,657 EQUITY Retained surpluses 14,375,360 14,374,086 7,138,717 7,028,171 Accumulated Trust Funds 15 19,966,039 - -Reserves 14 12,644,863 12,232,486 12,644,863 12,232,486 Total equity 46,986,262 26,606,572 19,783,580 19,260,657 The above statements of financial position are to be read in conjunction with the attached notes. 67 SECTION 04: SLSA Operations


For the year ended 30 June 2023

The above statement of changes in equity is to be read in conjunction with the attached notes.

The above statement of changes in equity is to be read in conjunction with the attached notes.

Consolidated Entity Retained Surpluses ($) Operating Reserve ($) Capital Reserve ($) Accumulated Trust Funds ($) Total Equity ($) Balance at 30 June 2021 14,162,764 2,033,952 10,149,427 - 26,346,143 Surplus after income tax expense for the year 214,713 - - - 214,713 Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax - - 45,716 - 45,716 Total comprehensive income for the year 214,713 - 45,716 - 260,429 Transfer to reserves (3,391) 3,391 - -Balance at 30 June 2022 14,374,086 2,037,343 10,195,143 - 26,606,572 Equity on consolidation of Foundation Perpetuity Trust (refer note 15) - - - 18,998,432 18,998,432 Surplus after income tax expense for the year 413,651 - - 967,607 1,381,258 Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax - - - -Total comprehensive income for the year 413,651 - - 967,607 1,381,258 Transfer to reserves (412,377) 65,069 347,308 -Balance at 30 June 2023 14,375,360 2,102,412 10,542,451 19,966,039 46,986,262
Parent Entity Retained Surpluses ($) Operating Reserve ($) Capital Reserve ($) Total Equity ($) Balance at 30 June 2021 7,206,066 2,033,952 10,149,427 19,389,445 Deficit after income tax expense for the year (174,504) - - (174,504) Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax - - 45,716 45,716 Total comprehensive deficit for the year (174,504) - 45,716 (128,788) Transfer to reserves (3,391) 3,391 -Balance at 30 June 2022 7,028,171 2,037,343 10,195,143 19,260,657 Surplus after income tax expense for the year 522,923 - - 522,923 Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax - -Total comprehensive income for the year 522,923 - - 522,923 Transfer to reserves (412,377) 65,069 347,308Balance at 30 June 2023 7,138,717 2,102,412 10,542,451 19,783,580


As at 30 June 2023

The above statements of financial position are to be read in conjunction with the attached notes.

Note Consolidated Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts from sponsors, donors and customers (inclusive of GST) 84,477,482 78,942,017 40,206,009 41,061,343 Payments to suppliers and employees (inclusive of GST) (82,853,506) (80,685,331) (42,057,713) (44,059,109) Interest received 485,875 51,246 212,006 14,587 Interest paid on leases (220,649) (297,115) (2,800) (2,113) Trust distributions paid (474,504) - -Net cash from / (used in) operating activities 1,414,698 (1,989,183) (1,642,498) (2,985,292) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Payments for property, plant and equipment (593,504) (60,042) -Proceeds from the sale of property, plant and equipment 5,291 - -Payments for intangible assets - (508,254) - (508,254) Net proceeds from investments in the Foundation Perpetuity Trust 2,165,275 - -Cash on consolidation of the Foundation Perpetuity Trust 15 73,851 - -Net cash from / (used in) investing activities 1,650,913 (568,296) - (508,254) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Repayments of principal on lease liabilities (2,755,679) (2,663,825) (33,841) (32,802) Net cash used in financing activities (2,755,679) (2,663,825) (33,841) (32,802) Net increase / (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 309,932 (5,221,304) (1,676,339) (3,526,348) Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the financial year 17,540,028 22,761,332 11,166,566 14,692,914 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the financial year 17,849,960 17,540,028 9,490,227 11,166,566
69 SECTION 04: SLSA Operations


For the year ended 30 June 2023


The Summary Financial Statements have been prepared from the audited financial report for Surf Life Saving Australia Limited (‘company’, ‘parent entity’ or ‘registered entity’) and the entities that it controlled (‘consolidated entity’ or ‘group’) during and at the end of the year ended 30 June 2023. The audited financial report for the year ended 30 June 2023 is submitted to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, and is available to Surf Life Saving Australia Limited’s voting members on request from Surf Life Saving Australia Limited and its subsidiaries.

The financial statements are presented in Australian Dollars which is Surf Life Saving Australia Limited’s functional and presentation currency.

The financial statements, specific disclosures and other information included in the summary financial statements are derived from and are consistent with the full financial statements of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited and its subsidiaries. The summary financial statements cannot be expected to provide as detailed an understanding of the financial performance, financial position and financing and investing activities of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited and its subsidiaries as the full financial report.

The Summary Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standard AASB 1039: Concise Financial Reports and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012. The accounting policies adopted have been consistently applied to all financial periods unless otherwise stated.


Revenue has been disaggregated by revenue type in the below table, with sales outside of Australia representing less than 1% of revenue.

Consolidated Entity Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) Government grants*** 13,921,731 15,403,726 12,821,731 14,303,726 Sponsorship* 13,646,918 12,148,182 13,596,918 11,673,182 Fundraising and donations* 11,789,674 10,743,840 10,585,384 9,030,883 Commercial revenue* 38,522,864 31,362,890 -Other revenue* 2,084,044 1,751,113 1,869,811 1,636,070 Interest* 414,798 51,246 212,006 14,587 Sale of goods* 1,025,928 949,696 1,025,928 961,381 Hire of helicopter* 105,710 81,200 -Royalties * 237,376 266,033 237,376 266,033 Returns on managed fund** 347,308 - 347,308Competition entry fees * 1,029,472 1,025,246 1,029,472 1,014,827 83,125,823 73,783,172 41,725,934 38,900,689 Sources of Government Funding Department of Justice, Ofice of Emergency Management* 1,100,000 1,100,000 -Australian Federal Government Department of Health** 11,780,910 13,442,526 11,780,910 13,442,526 Sport Australia* 650,000 861,200 650,000 861,200 Department of Industry** 328,273 - 328,273Department of Environment** 62,548 - 62,54813,921,731 15,403,726 12,821,731 14,303,726 * Timing of revenue recognition represents goods or services transferred at a point in time ** Timing of revenue recognition represents services and investment income transferred over time *** Timing of revenue recognition disclosed in the Sources of Government funding.


For the year ended 30 June 2023





Consolidated Entity Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) Lifesaving 22,513,520 22,778,587 24,274,263 24,399,784 Competitions 6,802,019 5,654,093 6,802,019 5,217,674 Administration of lifesaving and competitions 3,412,738 3,110,417 3,412,738 3,110,417 Cost of sales 909,665 809,191 909,665 818,763 Fundraising distribution to states 6,648,832 5,927,560 5,801,526 5,526,442 Philanthropic expense 2,767,590 3,343,771 -Expenses relating to commercial activities 33,447,721 26,058,719 -Administration of Foundation activities 2,278,285 2,075,077 -Helicopter administration and finance 316,790 269,859 -Helicopter operations 3,222,926 3,144,710 -Helicopter fundraising 171,437 99,360 -82,491,523 73,271,344 41,200,211 39,073,080
Consolidated Entity Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) Current Trade receivables 283,281 413,642 144,472 328,207 Other receivables 511,648 569,110 1,594,350 1,233,257 794,929 982,752 1,738,822 1,561,464 Non-Current Security deposit 231,163 231,163 -231,163 231,163 - -
Consolidated Entity Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) Prepayments 842,402 817,894 567,593 535,206 Fundraising Prize Bank 6,926,440 8,613,922 -Investments in Managed Fund 10,542,451 10,195,143 10,542,451 10,195,143 Investments held by the Foundation Perpetuity Trust 18,130,340 - -36,441,633 19,626,959 11,110,044 10,730,349
Consolidated Entity Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) Unlisted investments in subsidiaries at cost (Note 13) - - 3,300,782 3,300,782 - - 3,300,782 3,300,782
71 SECTION 04: SLSA Operations


For the year ended 30 June 2023


The public liability claims pool is administered by the parent entity on behalf of the parent entity and all its State Centres to manage part of the public liability risk for all of Surf Life Saving Australia’s entities covered by the parent entity’s public liability insurance. Current estimates by insurance broker (Marsh Advantage) calculated a potential liability of $676,986 related to reported claims that are currently outstanding (2022: $929,564). This amount makes up the current liability portion shown above.


* On 1 October 2022 all staf employed by The Surf Life Saving Foundation became employees of the parent entity Surf Life Saving Australia. Employee benefits liabilities recorded by the parent entity include those staf previously employed by the Surf Life Saving Foundation.

Consolidated Entity Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) Current Trade payables 2,695,284 1,778,335 1,105,900 456,940 Other payables 2,526,803 2,821,295 2,272,295 2,292,403 Income in advance 5,083,472 7,042,248 2,298,044 4,677,524 Public liability claims pool (see below) 676,986 929,564 676,986 929,564 10,982,545 12,571,442 6,353,225 8,356,431 Non Current Public liability claims pool (see below) 1,097,524 947,524 1,097,524 947,524 1,097,524 947,524 1,097,524 947,524
Consolidated Entity Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) Current Employee benefits 866,394 823,891 815,212* 516,115 Non-Current Employee entitlements 134,290 116,404 134,250* 61,693 Aggregate employee benefits 1,000,684 940,295 949,462 577,808


For the year ended 30 June 2023


The consolidated entity recognises leases for the use of assets under AASB 16 Leases. These are recognised as right-of-use assets and associated liabilities split between current and non-current liabilities.

the following amount specific to the


The consolidated entity leases land and buildings for its ofices, aircraft hangar, and warehouse under agreements of three years. On renewal, the terms of the leases are renegotiated. The consolidated entity also leases plant and equipment under an agreement of four years. The consolidated entity has an agreement for the provision of helicopter services which is recognised as a lease under AASB 16. Lease payments include a fixed daily charge as well as variable payments dependant on the number of hours flown by the aircraft. The current agreement is for a period of 5 years with an option to extend for a further 5 years.

The consolidated entity’s ofice at 1 Notts Avenue Bondi Beach is occupied under a 40 year lease for $70 per year. The premises are used as the head ofice for Surf Life Saving Australia and the terms of the lease restrict its usage to this purpose. The consolidated entity is dependent on the lease to the extent that it does not incur the cost of commercial rents to occupy ofice space and can therefore allocate those funds to its charitable purposes.

The consolidated entity occupies the helicopter base at Cape Banks Reserve, Botany Bay on a 99 year lease with no lease payments, under the Crown Lands Act (1989). The consolidated entity is dependent on its right to occupy the base in order to operate the service.

These lease arrangements have been recognised at cost; as a not-for-profit entity, the consolidated entity has elected to take relief from recognising its concessionary leases at fair value.


During the financial year the following fees were paid or payable for services provided by BDO Audit Pty Ltd, the auditor of the company, its network firms and unrelated firms:

Consolidated Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) Audit Services - BDO Audit Pty Ltd Audit of the financial statements 139,500 134,500 69,500 66,250 Audit of acquittal reporting 9,100 4,400 9,100 4,400 Audit of lotteries 43,159 40,075 -191,759 178,975 78,600 70,650
Consolidated Entity Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) Lease liabilities Current 2,766,392 2,749,462 35,462 35,001 Non-current 2,895,160 5,616,389 11,733 46,035 Aggregate lease liabilities 5,661,552 8,365,851 47,195 81,036 Expenses incurred include
leases: Interest expense 220,649 297,115 2,800 2,113 Depreciation 2,763,028 2,755,515 35,148 28,940 Low value and short-term leases - 10,529 -Total cash outflow for leases 2,976,327 2,971,469 36,640 34,915 Future lease payments (undiscounted) Within one year 2,908,816 2,968,815 38,201 36,409 Between one and five years 2,951,778 5,809,748 12,936 51,135 5,860,594 8,778,563 51,137 87,544 73 SECTION 04: SLSA Operations


For the year ended 30 June 2023


Public Liability Claims Pool

The parent entity manages a public liability claims pool on behalf of the parent entity and all Surf Life Saving Australia’s State Centres. A review has indicated that the funds held in the pool will be suficient to cover the cost of all expected claims.


The parent entity is a company limited by guarantee and as such does not have any issued capital. If the company is wound up, the Constitution states that each member is required to contribute a maximum of $10 each towards meeting any outstanding obligations of the company. As at 30 June 2023 the number of members was 193,009 (2022: 189,997).


(1) Compliance with the financial disclosure requirements of the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 (NSW) has been disclosed in the financial statements of these entities.

(2) The Surf Life Saving Foundation is a company limited by guarantee with Surf Life Saving Australia Limited as the sole voting member. The Foundation Perpetuity Trust is a charitable trust which has been consolidated by the Group from 1 November 2022 (refer note 15).


The purpose of the SLSA Financial Reserves Policy is to contribute to the long-term financial stability of the organisation. Reserves should provide balance sheet stability, enable SLSA to continue to achieve its strategic objectives in cases of temporary shortage of operating funds, and provide additional returns for capital investment outside of its normal operating budget.

The Operating Reserve is intended to provide an internal source of funds for situations such as a short-term cash shortage caused by a delay in receipt of government funding or major sponsorship instalment. Operating Reserves are not intended to replace a permanent loss of funds or eliminate an ongoing budget gap. If Operating Reserves are used it is the intention that they be replenished within a reasonably short period of time.

The Capital Reserve is intended to provide low risk returns that SLSA can access to fund additional capital expenditure or new initiatives that require funding from outside SLSA’s regular operating budget. Secondary to this, principal funds can be called upon for larger capital requirements or to allow the organisation to continue operating through a loss of significant funding or restrictive economic environment.

Consolidated Parent Entity 2023 ($) 2022 ($) 2023 ($) 2022 ($) Operating reserve 2,102,412 2,037,343 2,102,412 2,037,343 Capital reserve 10,542,451 10,195,143 10,542,451 10,195,143 12,644,863 12,232,486 12,644,863 12,232,486
Percent of shares held Country of Incorporation 2023 (%) 2022 (%) Southern Region SLSA Helicopter Rescue Service Pty Ltd (1) Australia 100 100 SLSA Helicopters Pty Ltd Australia 100 100 Surf Sports Australia Pty Ltd Australia 100 100 Foundation Perpetuity Trust (2) Australia -The
Limited (1)(2) Australia - -
Surf Life Saving Foundation


For the year ended 30 June 2023


The Surf Life Saving Foundation (SLSF), a subsidiary of the parent entity (SLSA), acts as trustee for the Foundation Perpetuity Trust, a charitable trust which is maintained and applied solely for specific purposes outlined in its Trust Deed. The SLSF Board endorsed an amendment to the Trust deed efective November 2022 which confirmed SLSA as an eligible recipient of distributions from the Trust. SLSA has assessed the elements of control of the Foundation Perpetuity Trust under AASB 10 and has determined that it has subsequently assumed control of the Trust from the date of this amendment. SLSA’s consolidated financial statements therefore include the financial statements of the Foundation Perpetuity Trust from this date onward and are summarised below:

Foundation Perpetuity Trust Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income

For the Period 1 November 2022 to 30 June 2023

Foundation Perpetuity Trust Statement of Financial Position

At 30 Jun 23 ($) At 1 Nov 22($) Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 1,835,699 73,851 Other financial assets 18,130,340 18,924,581 Total current assets 19,966,039 18,998,432 Total non-current assets -Total assets 19,966,039 18,998,432 Total current liabilities -Total liabilities -Net assets 19,966,039 18,998,432 Trust funds Accumulated funds 19,966,039 18,998,432 Total trust funds 19,966,039 18,998,432
$ Total revenues from contributionsTotal revenues from interest 71,077 Total revenues from investment income 322,805 Total revenues from continuing operations 393,882 Net increase in investments 1,048,229 Surplus from continuing operations before income tax expense and trust distributions 1,442,111 Income tax expense relating to continuing operationsTrust distributions paid (474,504) Net surplus from continuing operations after income tax expense and trust distributions 967,607 Other comprehensive incomeTotal comprehensive income for the period 967,607 75 SECTION 04: SLSA Operations


For the year ended 30 June 2023


The asset held for sale was a property previously purchased for prize home purposes but subsequently sold which settled on the 19th of July 2023. Other than the above, no matter or circumstance has arisen since the end of the financial year that has significantly afected, or may significantly afect the consolidated entity’s operations, the results of those operations, or the consolidated entity’s state of afairs in future financial years.


The registered ofice and principal place of business of the consolidated entity is 1 Notts Avenue, Bondi Beach NSW 2026.


In accordance with a resolution of the directors of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited, the directors of the company declare that the summary financial statements of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited and its subsidiaries for the financial year ended 30 June 2023, as set out on pages 65 – 75:

a. Complies with Accounting Standard AASB 1039: Concise Financial Reports; and

b. Is an extract from the full financial report for the year ended 30 June 2023 and has been derived from and is consistent with the full financial report of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited and its subsidiaries.

On behalf of the Directors by

John Baker Director

Sydney, 29 September 2023

Melanie Evans Director

Sydney, 29 September 2023



To the members of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited

Report on the Summarised Financial Report


We have audited the summarised financial report of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited (the Company or Registered Entity) and its subsidiaries (the Group), which comprises the statements of financial position as at 30 June 2023, the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, the statements of changes in equity and the statements of cash flows for the year then ended, and related notes, derived from the financial report of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited for the year ended 30 June 2023 and the discussion and analysis

In our opinion, the accompanying summarised financial report including the discussion and analysis of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited complies with Accounting Standard AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports.

Basis for opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the Summarised Financial Report section of our report. We are independent of the Group in accordance with the auditor independence requirements of the Australian Charities and Not -for-profits Commission Act 2012 (ACNC Act) and the ethical requirements of the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board’s APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including Independence Standards) (the Code) that are relevant to our audit of the summarised financial report in Australia. We have also fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Summarised financial report

The summarised financial report does not contain all the disclosures required by the Australian Accounting Standards in the preparation of the financial report . Reading the summarised financial report and the auditor’s report thereon, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial report and the auditor’s report thereon. The summarised financial report and the audited financial report do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on the audited financial report.

Level 11, 1 Margaret St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Tel: +61 2 9251 4100 Fax: +61 2 9240 9821 BDO Audit Pty Ltd ABN 33 134 022 870 is a member of a national association of independent entities which are all members of BDO Australia Ltd ABN 77 050 110 275, an Australian company limited by guarantee. BDO Audit Pty Ltd and BDO Australia Ltd are mem bers of BDO International Ltd, a UK company limited by gu arantee, and form part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
77 SECTION 04: SLSA Operations



The audited financial report and our report thereon


We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on the audited financial report in our report dated 29 September 2023.

Responsibility of the Director’s for the summarised financial report

To the members of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited

The directors are responsible for the preparation of the summarised financial report in accordance with Accounting Standard AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports , the ACNC Act, and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the summarised financial report.

Report on the Summarised Financial Report

Auditor’s responsibility for the audit of the summarised financial report


The audited financial report and our report thereon

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on whether the summarised financial report complies in all material respects, with AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Auditing Standard ASA 810 Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.

We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on the audited financial report in our report dated 29 September 2023.

Responsibility of the Director’s for the summarised financial report

BDO Audit Pty Ltd

We have audited the summarised financial report of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited (the Company or Registered Entity) and its subsidiaries (the Group), which comprises the statements of financial position as at 30 June 2023, the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, the statements of changes in equity and the statements of cash flows for the year then ended, and related notes, derived from the financial report of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited for the year ended 30 June 2023 and the discussion and analysis .

The directors are responsible for the preparation of the summarised financial report in accordance with Accounting Standard AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports , the ACNC Act, and for such internal control as the directors determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the summarised financial report.

In our opinion, the accompanying summarised financial report including the discussion and analysis of Surf Life Saving Australia Limited complies with Accounting Standard AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports

Auditor’s responsibility for the audit of the summarised financial report

Basis for opinion

Martin Coyle Director

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on whether the summarised financial report complies in all material respects, with AASB 1039 Concise Financial Reports based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Auditing Standard ASA 810 Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.

Sydney, 29 September 2023

BDO Audit Pty Ltd

We conducted our audit in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the Summarised Financial Report section of our report. We are independent of the Group in accordance with the auditor independence requirements of the Australian Charities and Not -for-profits Commission Act 2012 (ACNC Act) and the ethical requirements of the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board’s APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including Independence Standards) (the Code) that are relevant to our audit of the summarised financial report in Australia. We have also fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Martin Coyle Director

Summarised financial report

Sydney, 29 September 2023

The summarised financial report does not contain all the disclosures required by the Australian Accounting Standards in the preparation of the financial report . Reading the summarised financial report and the auditor’s report thereon, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the audited financial report and the auditor’s report thereon. The summarised financial report and the audited financial report do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on the audited financial report.

11, 1 Margaret St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
+61 2 9251 4100
+61 2 9240 9821 BDO Audit Pty Ltd ABN 33 134 022 870 is a member of a national association of independent entities which are all members of BDO Australia Ltd ABN 77 050 110 275, an Australian company limited by guarantee. BDO Audit Pty Ltd and BDO Australia Ltd are mem bers of BDO International Ltd, a UK company limited by gu arantee, and form part of the international BDO network of independent member firms. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.





Major John Bond

Harold John Brown OAM

Michael Burke BEM

Professor Tess Cramond OBE AO

Currumbin Patrol Competition team

Jack Dearlove MBE

Bob Gear AM

Alan Kennedy MBE

Dr Ian Mackie AM

Graham McKenzie OAM

Hector McDonald OAM

Warren Allen Rennie AM

Earle Smith AM

Ainslie W ‘Sprint’ Walker OBE

Peter George AM

Mark Fife OAM

Grant Kenny

Arthur Parkyn OAM

Gregory Arthur Allum AM

Cornelius Kennedy Asmussen MBE

Sir Adrian Curlewis CVO CBE

Roy Doyle

Theo Haywood

Clif Marsh OAM

Donald D McIntyre

John West (Jack) McMaster AM DFC

Tom Meagher OBE

Lyster Ormsby

Charles Davidson Paterson

Ronald E Rankin AM

Paul Smith OAM

Barry Bede (Gus) Staunton MBE

Ron Tallon OAM

FO (Frank) Venning MBE

Ken WC Watson MBE

Alan Brian Whelpton AO

Dan White OAM

Jack Winders OBE

SW (Bill) Winders MBE

Ian (Rick) Wright OAM

Robert Brydon AM

Graham Ford AM

John Bliss

Ballina Lighthouse & Lismore Open Boat crew

Bondi R&R team

Bundaberg March Past team

Graham Carlisle OAM

Jon Donohoe AM

Harold C Evans

Karla Gilbert

Kristy Harris

Trevor Hendy AM

Dennis Heussner

John Robert Holt

Ky Hurst

Brian Hutchings

Grant Kenny OAM

Bruce Kolkka

Peter Lacey

Killcare Open Mens Beach Relay Team

Maroubra SLSC Double Ski Team

Northclife Open Patrol Competition Team

Mona Vale Black Open AW Surf Boat Crew

Kate Czerny

Andrew Kelckhoven

Geof Waters

Melissa Cracroft-Wilson (nee Howard)

Simon Harris

Elizabeth Pluimers

Clint Robinson OAM

Kristy Munroe

Ken Murray

Bob Newbiggin

Harry Nightingale

Barry Rodgers

Noel P Ryan

Peter Douglas Tibbitts

Ken Vidler

Wanda Six Man R&R team

Stephen Warren

Graham Ross White OAM

Steve Wilkes

Shannon Eckstein

Michael Jones

Naomi Flood

North Cottesloe Open Surf Boat— Crew

Lenore Grice

Lachlan Tame

Alison O’Toole

South Port Open March Past Team

Andrew Bowden

Don Morrison OAM

Robert (Rob) Mayo AM

Elly Miller

Darren Mercer OAM

James (Harvie) Stansell

Peter Milburn

Dean Mercer OAM

Murray Braund

81 SECTION 05: SLSA Operations



Mermaid Beach AEME SLSC, QLD

The DHL Club of the Year recognises outstanding achievements in club development that result in SLSA clubs providing safer beach and aquatic environments for the community.

Over the past 12 months, Mermaid Beach SLSC has shown a range of sustainability and improvement measures across areas of governance, leadership, development, community engagement and the delivery of lifesaving services.

Mermaid Beach SLSC partnered with Queensland Academies Health Sciences, to increase membership and introduce students in years 10-12 to SLS, and to develop them into future leaders. In January 2022, 26 students and teachers completed various awards including Surf Rescue Certificate and Bronze Medallion and each student transitioned into patrol groups. Planning has commenced for a new group of students.

After Mermaid Beach SLSC members were involved in an out-of-hours tragedy, they reported it was challenging to pull an unconscious patient onto a rescue board. Changes were then made to training procedures with a fully submersible manikin purchased by the club to help better prepare lifesavers for similar situations.

After a Life Member sufered a spinal cord injury, an accessible beach mat was implemented, another example of the SLSC’s dedication to continuous improvement. This member, along with many other beachgoers can now enjoy increased accessibility down to the water on Sunday mornings. The club has also shown commitment to sustainability initiatives including the implementation of new washdown procedures to mitigate against erosion and flooding risks.


Shannon Fox, Wollongong City SLSC, NSW

The DHL Surf Lifesaver of the Year recognises and rewards members who have made an outstanding contribution to the delivery and development of surf lifesaving frontline services. It is aimed at active surf lifesavers undertaking lifesaving duties who can be presented as an Ambassador for Surf Life Saving.

Shannon Fox is an exceptional surf lifesaver including being a trainer, mentor, competitor and leader across all levels of lifesaving.

Shannon worked on developing a universal design headset so people of all hearing abilities can have access to waterproof communications in aquatic settings. Shannon describes herself as a small part of something bigger. She was the first female club captain in her club’s 100-year history and has blazed a path forward for young woman.

Shannon is also captain of Wollongong City Emergency Response team, the SLSNSW Youth Program Director and has recently facilitated at the SLSA Leadership College. Shannon has repeatedly demonstrated what it looks like to be a passionate, humble, and a supportive leader.

82 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


Richard Lissett, Quinns Mindarie SLSC, WA

The DHL Volunteer of the Year recognises an individual who has demonstrated achievements in a range of areas of a club or surf lifesaving service organisation throughout the year, or who has shown significant and outstanding achievements in one particular area. The individual’s contribution demonstrably enhances the development of Surf Life Saving.

Richard Lisset has demonstrated commitment to his club by taking on many roles including Director of Lifesaving, Director of Education and Club Captain as well as doing 100 hours of patrol and taking on the duties of Age Group Manager.

Richard set about recruiting other club members to take on support roles, and now has 8 support service oficers able to take on the senior roles in the club.

He established the club’s first IT Committee to tackle the challenges of a growing club. Richard has used his corporate strategic planning skills to assist in development of the club’s strategic plan as well as reviewing and redrafting all club policies and procedures to ensure appropriate governance and alignment with both SLSWA and SLSA. To ensure that processes and procedures are consistent, Richard developed a suite of templates for oficers and members to use. Richard is passionate about ensuring the club looks ‘beyond the flags’ and engages with the broader community and local government to help realise the vision and mission of SLSA.


Reece Dobbin, NSW

The DHL Lifeguard of the Year recognises and rewards Australian Lifeguard Service employees who have made an outstanding contribution to the delivery and development of lifeguard services.

With over four years of experience, Reece Dobbin is a senior lifeguard and the backbone of the Clarence Shire Lifeguard Service.

Reece mentors new Lifeguards through on-thejob training and always presents himself in a professional manner. Reece always puts his hand up to help and is passionate about educating and training new lifeguards.

Through his support and mentoring, Reece has created a professional team of lifeguards. He consistently goes above and beyond what is expected and has a tremendous work ethic and passion for the job.


Hayley Hosking, Seaclif SLSC, SA

The Youth Surf Youth Lifesaver of the Year recognises and rewards young members who have made an outstanding contribution to the delivery and development of surf lifesaving frontline services. It is aimed at younger surf lifesavers undertaking lifesaving duties who can be presented as identifiable as the future of Surf Life Saving.

Hayley Hosking has demonstrated an exceptional ability to make connections within her own club and in bringing neighbouring clubs together. She patrols at multiple locations and delivers training support across the region.

Hayley has implemented an initiative focused on accessibility that supports the wider community. Working with qualified disability support workers she has helped provide a safe environment for people who need assistance to enjoy the beach.

Hayley has a passion for frontline services, dedicating significant volunteer hours as a Patrol Captain, Training Oficer, and RWC Operator. Last season she completed an incredible 400 hours of patrolling and support operations in addition to taking on the role of Club Vice Captain.

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Hannah Darling, Grange SLSC, SA

The Trainer of the Year award recognises and rewards trainers who have made a significant contribution towards the area of education and awards.

Hannah Darling is a Training Oficer for several awards and Chief Instructor at Grange SLSC. She brings organisation, collaboration, and future-focused thinking to the Grange Education Team and has been a driving force behind the introduction of more inclusive pathways. Hannah has developed a wide range of educational resources that have been used widely by chief instructors, trainers, and assessors across the state. In the 2021 season, Hannah trained 135 awards, with candidates from multiple clubs. She also organised and led a youth education camp for 48 SRC Cadets from several clubs and mentored 11 training oficers.


Ian Grant, Port Elliot SLSC, SA

The Assessor of the Year award recognises and rewards assessors who have made a significant contribution towards the area of education.

Since joining in 1996, Ian has continuously been an asset to Port Elliot SLSC and Surf Life Saving South Australia. He has held many roles, at various levels of the organisation including, Trainer, Assessor, Commercial Facilitator, Lifesaving Advisory Committee Member and Patrol Captain.

Since 2005, Ian has accrued well over 1,000 patrol hours and has assessed more than 4,000 members, across multiple awards.

In the 2021 season, Ian attended 29 assessments, across nine diferent awards and 10 diferent clubs. Ian contributed more than 95 hours to conducting these assessments which resulted in 327 members achieving awards.

Ian is a dedicated and passionate member who consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty.


School Nipper Program, Beachport SLSC, SA

The Community Education Program of the Year recognises members and clubs who have made an outstanding contribution to the delivery and development of community education programs to develop community resilience.

The School Nipper Program was established by Beachport SLSC three years ago to promote the recently established club and to give primary school-aged children who did not have access to school-based swimming lessons, an opportunity to learn about water safety.

With entire schools travelling up to 160km to participate, the delivery of the program required setting up makeshift shelters, changerooms and multiple activities for participants to rotate throughout the day. Despite facing many challenges, the program has had great success in teaching vital surf safety skills.

84 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


Surf Rescue Education Portal, Currumbin SLSC, QLD

The Innovation Award is given in recognition of any development of equipment, procedures, or other initiatives that will improve any facet of Surf Life Saving Australia.

Paul O’Shea is the Surf Rescue Coach for Currumbin SLSC and a successful competitor with decades of experience in Patrol, Champion Lifesaver and First Aid competitions. Paul designed the Surf Rescue Education Portal to support his teams to increase their knowledge in a more engaging way than simply reading from a training manual.

The portal allows for questions to be randomly generated via a matrix of previous answered, or not answered questions. Using infographics, athletes can track their progress through each module and coaches can review athletes’ answers to isolate problem areas at face-to-face training sessions.

The portal has been a point of diference for Currumbin, giving members an opportunity to immerse themselves in learning, aiding their lifesaving skill and competition preparation heading into the State and Australian Surf Life Saving Championships.


Mark Lehman, Burnie SLSC, TAS

Surf Sport Oficial of the Year recognises and rewards oficials who have made a significant contribution to the area of oficiating including commitment to oficiating over the calendar year and contribution towards oficial’s educational development.

Mark “Larry” Lehman has proven himself to be a consistent, reliable, and dedicated Surf Sports Oficial for seven years. In that time Mark has always challenged himself to improve with each role that he undertakes and to be up to date with any rule changes.

Mark has had a very busy season at Tasmanian carnivals in senior oficiating roles, from Surf Boats to Nippers, attending over 20 carnivals whilst mentoring oficials at many more. Mark has a very positive working relationship with all oficials and has enjoyed working alongside the newer oficials in a mentoring capacity throughout the season.

Mark is committed to the ongoing development of oficials. He continues to develop himself, submitting new ideas to the SLST Sport Advisory Committee for the betterment of surf sports.


Christine Cardwell, South Melbourne LSC & Anglesea SLSC, LSV

The Surf Sport Coach of the Year recognises and rewards coaches who have made a significant contribution towards the area of coaching. This includes both athlete’s performance and contribution to coaching educational development.

As the head R&R coach at both South Melbourne and Anglesea, Christine had an outstanding 2021/22 season, with all four of her senior teams winning gold medals in their respective events at the Australian Surf Rescue Championships. In addition to these outstanding results, Christine’s U19 team competed up in the Opens taking home a silver medal.

Christine coaches Junior, Youth and Open teams at South Melbourne LSC and Anglesea SLSC. All her teams competed at all LSV Rescue & Resuscitation carnivals throughout the 21/22 season unless hindered by team members in COVID-19 isolation. At the Australian Surf Rescue Championships her R&R teams took home four gold and one silver. At LSV State Championships three gold, two silver and a bronze were secured by both South Melbourne and Angelsea clubs. Her junior teams won two gold – an outstanding efort for the younger members.

Christine was able to facilitate and deliver online R&R coaching for members afected by the lingering efects of COVID-19 in Victoria. These sessions ensured all members were prepared for the national championships and not disadvantaged by isolation. Christine leads by example and was consistently giving back to R&R by mentoring members though coaching clinics, forums and demonstrations.

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Claudia Bailey, Northclife SLSC, QLD

The Surf Sport Youth Athlete recognises and rewards athletes who have demonstrated sporting excellence and contribution to the development of surf sports.

Claudia achieved exceptional results across Interbranch, Queensland and Australian Championships in a range of lifesaving surf sporting events during the 2021/22 season. Finishing of a fantastic season, Claudia was named the female competitor at the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships 2022.

At the Australian Surf Rescue Championships, Claudia won seven gold medals, including the coveted U17 Female Ironwoman. Together, she and her Northclife teammates won every water event at the national championships.

At Queensland State Championships and the Australian Pool Rescue Championships this year Claudia secured 10 gold and four silver medals across individual and team events.

Claudia is noted as a genuine clubbie, extending her lifesaving knowledge to become a more competent and valuable patrolling member.


Alastair Day, Surfers Paradise SLSC, QLD

The Surf Sport Athlete of the Year recognises and rewards athletes who have demonstrated sporting excellence and contribution to the development of surf sports.

Alistair Day (Ali) has had an outstanding season across all water disciplines. Ali achieved a momentous clean sweep of all major Ironman events during the season, winning a record seventh Coolangatta Gold, the Nutri-Grain Ironman Series Champion (winning four of six rounds) and rounding out as the Australian Ironman Champion. Ali also took out the Australian Board Race title and the North Bondi Ironman Classic.

Ali is a fantastic role model and ambassador, demonstrating a work ethic and professionalism that is second to none. Ali continually gives his time and energy to inspiring junior members, signing autographs, ofering advice, and giving encouragement.

Ali assists with junior activities and is a mentor in the club’s school-based surf awareness and personal development programs.

86 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



Bruce Roberton, Evan Harinos, Sarah Cattapan, Chiara Cattapan, Caeli Cattapan, Stuart Middleton, Jack Middleton, Conor Morone, Josh Ritchie-Crichton, Sean Cummins, Raymond Webb, Phillip Webb, Barry Williams & Sahra Cox

On Friday 6 January 2023 at approximately 6.45pm, it was observed by a member of the public that there were two people distressed in the water near the Gunnamatta SLSC.

Club members entered the water with vital rescue equipment. Arriving on scene they located two patients who were exhausted, identifying that a third person was unable to be located. The two patients were returned to shore and first aid was administered. IRB crews were involved in the search for the missing person along with Westpac Lifesaver 31. Unfortunately, the missing person was unable to be located.

The members involved at Gunnamatta SLSC are commended for their acts of bravery, expertise, and resilience during what could have been multiple lives lost.


Jim Dale, Emma Fitzpatrick & Mathew Crichton

On Tuesday 27 December 2022, the Lifesaver Jet Rescue Boat Service was tasked to an incident at Freemans lookout, where a rock fisherman had fallen from a five-metre-high boulder.

On arrival, a police oficer on shore assisted the crew using a strobe light, locating a man wearing a life jacket face down. Factoring in the dangerous 3-4ft swell, the crew assessed the risk in the area. A crew member then entered the water to retrieve the patient, whilst the driver of the boat monitored conditions to maintain safety.

On assessment in the water, the patient was conscious but in very poor condition. The crew assisted in manoeuvring the patient onto the boat. The patient was administered first aid until they arrived onshore where emergency services were waiting. The group are commended for their acts of bravery. Without their skills and expertise to navigate the dangerous and tricky conditions, a loss of life would have been likely.


On Saturday 14 January 2023 at approximately 5.20pm, Surfcom received a report of two people distressed in the water, with one sufering a suspected broken leg. The location was unclear but with Elise Watson’s local knowledge of the area, the possible locations were narrowed down to Paradise Caves. Elise quickly launched the rescue watercraft and proceeded to the caves, locating one patient in distress with a fractured leg.

To return the patient Elise needed to navigate some dificult environmental factors, such as large swell and rocks. Elise Watson is commended for her acts of bravery and professionalism in navigating to an unknown area and executing a complex rescue in dificult conditions. Without her quick thinking, the outcome could have been vastly diferent.

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Logan Specht, Keith Weinert, Gavin Kugler, Jayden Robinson, Matthew Robinson, Robbie Swaney, Jesse Mantell, Noah Murray, Patrick Trevor-Jones, Kathleen Steele, Julienne Ward, Richard Smith, Alexandra Cranston, Rhys Daley, Flynn Merglern

On Tuesday 27 December 2022, the Lifesaver Jet On Saturday 25 February 2023, Surfcom notified Point Lookout Base that an emergency beacon had been activated in North Gorge and that there were multiple swimmers in distress. Rescue watercraft (RWC) was dispatched immediately and picked up a SLSQ Lifeguard who was also enroute to the incident. It was identified that two of the patients had safely retreated to higher ground on the rocks. When the rescue watercraft team located one unconscious female in the water, the lifeguard exited the RWC and swam to retrieve the patient. The RWC proceeded back to Main Beach whilst the lifeguard performed CPR on the back of the sled. On arrival, the RWC was met by patrol members. The patient was still unresponsive however, the application of CPR and defibrillation successfully revived the patient. Club members administrated first aid to the other two patients. All services involved are commended for their acts of professionalism and bravery. Without the skill and expertise from those involved, the likely outcome could have been multiple lives lost.


Charlotte Sutch

On Saturday 31 December 2022, while on holiday, Charlotte Sutch was walking along Casuarina Beach, an unpatrolled location. When she saw someone waving for help in the water, Charlotte assessed the situation immediately and swam to the distressed patient who was unable to swim. Charlotte secured the person, calmed them down and had the patient to hold onto her shoulder whilst she swam back to shore. Charlotte advised the patient on the nearby patrolled beaches where it is safe to swim in the future and gave advice on what to do if they found themselves in a dangerous situation in the water again. As a result of Charlotte’s training, skills, and expertise gained through Nippers, she was able to perform the rescue professionally and confidently. Without this knowledge, this may have resulted in a loss of life and Charlotte is commended for her acts of bravery.


Grace Pooley & Kai Agyik

On Tuesday 28 February 2023, Grace Pooley and Kai Agyik were swimming at Tallebudgera after competing at State Championships, when they noticed an older man caught in a dangerous rip current. Grace and Kai swam out to assist the patient and kept him afloat. They waved down a nearby surfer to assist by placing him onto the board and paddling him back to shore. The man was taken to hospital to be monitored for a possible heart attack. He later shared with his family that Grace and Kai had saved his life. Without the proactive response from Grace and Kai and their ability to utilise their skills and expertise, a loss of life would have been likely. They are commended for their acts of bravery and ability to stay calm during a stressful situation

88 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


Peter Walsh & Susannah Walsh

On Thursday 2 March 2023, Peter and Susannah Walsh were on a camping holiday. In the early hours of the morning, they were awoken by a group of people yelling frantically for help. They both were quick to react, retrieving their boards from the car and ran down to the beach where there were two people in caught in a rip.

As Peter and Susannah paddled out to retrieve the patients, one patient was able to return to shore, but the other was swept away by the rip current. Both Peter and Susannah got to the person and worked together to return him to shore. First aid was administrated, and the patients were monitored until emergency services arrived on scene.

Without their skills and expertise, this could have resulted in a loss of life, and they are commended for their acts of bravery.


Brenden Scofell, Jeremy Sturges, Kody Innis, Brianna Free, Garry Jackson, Kieran Farnworth, Peter Whitty, Craig Ansell, Paul Gibson, Paul Brennan, Jonathan Hagan, Carter de Wilde & Andrew Nightingalen

On Monday 2 January 2023, Broadwater lifeguards witnessed two helicopters collide midair. Immediately the lifeguards notified Surfcom and emergency services.

Westpac Lifesaver 45 was first on scene triaging 13 patients, providing situation reports and coordination for other attending emergency services. The SLSQ duty oficer tasked rescue watercraft units to transport Broadwater lifeguards to assist the Queensland Ambulance Service in administering first aid to patients, and then crowd control and event management.

Due to the severe nature of the incident, its remoteness and inaccessibility via land, all services are applauded for their professionalism and ability to implement skills and expertise efectively. If not for the quick response, there could have been further lives lost.

89 SECTION 05: SLSA Operations


Meritorious Awards are awarded to afiliated clubs and/or their members and/or members of the public for outstanding deeds of bravery performed in the sphere of surf lifesaving operations. This includes lifesaving, both in and outside designated patrol hours. At the 2022 Awards of Excellence, Certificates of Merit were awarded to the following:


Jessika Hay - Garie Beach, NSW. 26 January 2022

Bill James - Surfers Paradise SLSC, QLD. March 1974.

Lisa Harvey - Glenelg SLSC, SA. 1 January 2016

Shane Daw - Glenelg SLSC, SA. 1 January 2016


Avoca Beach SLSC - NSW. 15 January 2022.

Support Operations - SA. 15 February 2022

Glenelg SLSC - SA. 1 January 2016

Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter - SA.

15 April 2014


Colt Graham - Point Lookout SLSC, QLD.

10 November 2020

Gordon Jones - Avoca Beach SLSC, NSW.

3 January 2022

Steve Dumican – Glenelg SLSC, SA. 1 January 2016

Todd Smith – Glenelg SLSC, SA. 1 January 2016

Anthony Merchant – Glenelg SLSC, SA.

1 January 2016

Jared Schenscher – Glenelg SLSC, SA.

1 January 2016


Garie Beach SLSC - NSW. 26 January 2022.

West Beach SLSC - 24 January 2021

Tallebudgera SLSC - Pacific SLSC & Operational Support, QLD. 26 January 2021

Shelly Beach SLSC - NSW. 22 February 2021

The Lakes SLSC - NSW. 27 November 2020

Bundaberg SLSC - QLD. 15 January 2018

Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter (Southern) - NSW. 15 July 2020

Avalon Beach SLSC - NSW. 2 January 2022

Avalon Beach SLSC - NSW. 19 March 2022

Port Kembla SLSC - NSW. 25 April 2022

90 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



Life Membership of SLSA is awarded to members who have contributed distinguished voluntary service to SLSA for more than 20 years. To be considered as distinguished service, the service must be both sustained, and provide an evident contribution.

Staunton MBE GKN, BB

Whelpton AO GKN, AB

Heywood OBE, NJ

Knight BEM, KC

McGee, EJ

Bruce OAM, BD

Blackley, DT

Paton OAM, LS

Smith OAM, RA

Stapleton AM, PR

Thorburn, AJ

Rennie AM GKN, WA

Watson AM, RJ

Reeves OAM, JA

Scott OAM, ID

Little OAM, RA

Stephens OAM, EB

Butler OAM, RJ

Davis OAM, E

Whitmore OAM, RT

Pears OAM, RE

Priest, KC

Beasley OAM, JB

Smith OAM, BJ

Wright OAM, IJ

Rankin AM, RE

Devlin AM KC, RP


Doyle, RD

Rathborne, H

Burke BEM, MJ

McIntyre, DD

Windon, SJ

Lyons OAM, GR

Allum AM GKN, GA

Jaggard OAM Prof., EKG

Gaynor OAM RFD, WE

McGibbon, PJ

Morarty OAM, NW

Edstein OAM, JT

Meehan OAM, JV

George AM KN, PB

Wood ESM, RS

Mayo AM, RJ

Fenner AM, PJ

Young OAM, IJ

Bird OAM, KC

Inwood AM, AJ

Kelk OAM, NT

Weldon AM GKN, KE

Donohoe AM, JT

Owen, GB

Grant OAM, IJ

Kennedy OAM, KA

Fitzgerald OAM, JB

Smith OAM, RA

Bartlett OAM, ME

Boulton OAM, DJ

Fraser OAM, JS

Martin AM, MJ

Mitchell OAM, RA

Strange OAM, SR

Thompson AM KN, DP

Burling OAM, JE

Lytham OAM, RJ

White, C

Welch OAM, R

Jamieson OAM, AFSM, WB

Haven AM, FA

Farmer OAM, EK

Bruce AM, G

Blake OAM, RA

Goode OAM, IA

Smith OAM, AM

Pearce OAM, PM

Fife OAM, MA

Connell, PJ

Bignold OAM, RB

Ford AO KN, GB

Larkins, K

Boardman OAM, TP

Hoyland OAM, DP Fife, MA

Restuccia OAM, J

Thompson AM, HA

Barratt, LA

Kirkwood, P

Kenny, PJ

Creek, RW

Grice OAM, LM

Hood ESM, NA

Joseph, NR

Storrie, SK


Hopton OAM, CJ

Kenny, JA

Laing OAM, CW

Miller, G

Brennan OAM, JJ

Wyeth, R

Gowing, GP

Harrod, B

van Keimpema OAM, DJ

Baker ESM, JRI

Bate, MJ

Marsh, D

McLennan, WJ

Seeney, AJ

ILS Grand Knight - GKN

LS Knight - KN

McRorie, JS

Canning, JT

Goold, WJ

Cohen, GS

Holmes, Capt A

Dart, GW Moran, TF Taylor, CE

Dargan, FH Whitehead, CW

Dellit, GS

Gordon, JL

Englert, CG

Gray, JE

Winders MBE, SW

91 SECTION 05: SLSA Operations

Cohen, M

Cronin, VS

Watson MBE, KW

Curlewis CVO CBE, Sir Adrian H

Dillon, JB

Cameron, JR

Turner, LD

Sutherland, AC

Cahill, J

Marshall BEM, ER

Hanley, GR

Millar, G

Hayton OBE, N

Webb, GR

Figtree, AS

Thompson, DH

Hodge, JN

Small, HA

Emms, FG

Mack, C

Heath, EA

Gadsdon Kt, Sir Laurence P

Costa, SV

Williams, AM

Kennedy MBE, AER

Winders OBE, JR

White OAM, DG

Jaggard OAM, EFK

Johnson, GH

Moroney, DRB

Woodrofe, NS

Becher OAM, MHG

Betts, JJ

Stephens, PR

Donaldson, AR

Daley, WJ

Sloane, AD

Besomo, VA

Foerster, WH

Loton, AR

McDonald OAM, LS

Paterson, A

Denison, AG

Lindsay, GA

McGrath, HF

Castleman MBE, AW

Prior BEM, AE

Haywood MBE, FST

Frizzell OBE OAM, AB

McCarthy, JG

Spender OBE, JR

Bullpitt MBE, NF

Brydon, RC

Shanahan, RP

Williams MBE, VJ

Walker OBE, AW

Meagher OBE, TW

Wilson OAM, NB

Olson, AO

Lucas OBE, DC

Avery, EC

Ovens OAM, EJ

Payne, FT

Wilson, GJ

Stewart, JJ

Nicklin KCMG, Sir George FR

Johnson MBE, SJC

Richards, CF

Williams, G

Dempster, JW

Saunders, RA

Flanagan BEM, NJ

Tier, FB

Newman, JP

Dearlove MBE GKN, JB

McMaster AM DFC, JW

Riley MBE, HK

Asmussen MBE, CK

Molyneux, D

Crain MBE, WAT

Bennett, PI

Smith AM, EJ

Clark OAM, HH

Grant OAM, GF

Hatchett, JG

Howells OAM, RM

McDonald OAM, HN

Peacock, RJ

Tallon OAM, RC

O’Reilly BEM, JE

Switzer OAM, JR

Vaughan OAM, JK

Claybourn OAM, MC

Klingner OAM, MJ

Field OAM, RC

Slaven, P

Rosewell OAM, JWA

Weimer, HJ

Honey, C

Burrell OAM, RA

Wilkes, BF

Rector AM, CE

Sellars, JPW

Fitzgerald MBE, AE

Singleton OAM, WJ

Brown OAM, GM

Morrison OAM, DP

Moseley OAM, A

Pittard, HA

Parkyn OAM, AB

Brown OAM, HJ

Dann, GL

Bowman, BH

Worrell OAM, JG

Martin, WE

Hofmaster, EV

Trethowan, J

Windmill, HC

Webb OAM, MA

Rodgers OAM, DG

Critcher, GT

Conlin OAM, DR Sabien, M

Chesher OAM, RC

Morrison, KA

Gear AM, RJ

Buist, RV

Marsh OAM, CW

Johnson, DL

Wilson BEM, HB

McKenzie OAM, GD

McNeilly MBE, M

Marshall OAM, WG

Byrnes OAM, MJ

Dixon, NA

McNaughton OAM, G

Donnell OAM, BF

Trigg OBE, RJ

Jones OAM, JM

Dewey, JC

King OAM, BC

Henshaw OAM, NJ

Brown OAM, RM

Burchill OAM, DS

McGrory OAM, FH

Hoskins OAM, KF

Taylor OAM, CJ

Millett MBE, RC


Davidson OAM, RJ

Cramond AO OBE Prof, TRO


Taylor OAM, PF

Murray, K

Waters OAM, M

Bermingham OAM, PJ

Fielder OAM, CD

Halliday OAM, WE

Harding OAM, RJ

Menico OAM, JA

Somers, JF

Wilcox OAM, ST

Conrick, C

Jackson OAM, RA

Purcell OAM, NR

Worth OAM, WJ

Collins, KJ

Clark ESM, DE

Grifiths, JA

Bond, KJH

Finch AM, The Hon FA

Lyne AM, CR

Goetz, AW

O’Rorke OAM, PJ

Stanford OAM, KH

Barlow, J

Green BEM, DA

Godbee OAM, NM

Singleton, MC

Sargeant, RJ

Howard ESM OAM, RJ

Roberts OAM, RG

Brennan OAM, R

Doig OAM, VA

White, PJ

Caldwell, K

Mills OAM, NJP

92 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



Avalon Beach SLSC – SLSA Life Member #169

Michael completed his Bronze Medallion with Avalon Beach in December 1953 and was award Life Membership of Avalon Beach SLSC in 1986. Michael also held Life Memberships of Sydney Northern Beaches 1978, NSW SLS 1985 and SLSA in 1989.

Michael held numerous positions with his club over the years including Vice Captain and Chief Instructor. At branch level, he held positions of Deputy Superintendent and Secretary of the Board of Examiners, Branch Team Manager and delegate to state centre.

At NSW state level he served as treasurer and on various management committees such as finance, constitution and selection. He was also NSW President from 1984-1989. His main oficiating role was Surf Boat Referee, which he held for many years and was a member of the NSW team that toured Europe.

Michael served as an examiner and oficial, in 2011 achieving 50+ years of oficiating recognition. He was the long-time Aussies Surf Boat Referee and also served on numerous SLSA committees including Life Membership and the Rules and Qualifications Committee for over 10 years.

Avalon Beach SLSC stated,

“People like Michael are the bedrock on which the current surf lifesaving movement is built, he contributed to making a diference”.

In 1999 Michael was awarded the Order of Australia Medal (OAM) for services to Surf Life Saving.

93 SECTION 05: SLSA Operations


NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL 22/23 2021-22 SEASON Grand Total Male 42,756 19,602 19,416 12,873 5,047 1,549 265 101,508 Grand Total Female 33,428 17,025 19,495 11,975 4,631 1,551 314 88,419 Grand Total Non-Binary 23 9 23 9 5 1 - 70 Grand Total 76,207 36,636 38,934 24,857 9,683 3,101 579 189,997 2022-23 SEASON Grand Total Male 42,716 19,332 21,958 12,456 4,921 1,582 470 103,434 Grand Total Female 33,097 16,523 21,691 11,465 4,671 1,536 479 89,462 Grand Total Non-Binary 42 6 49 10 4 1 - 112 Grand Total 75,855 35,861 43,698 23,931 9,596 3,119 949 193,009 Change in Season 2021/22 to 2022/23 -0.46% -2.12% 12.24% -3.73% -0.90% 0.58% 63.90% 1.59% NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL 22/23 TOTAL 21/22 % CHANGE PATROLLING SURF LIFE SAVERS Grand Total Male 11,782 5,378 3,332 2,587 1,563 421 43 25,106 26,798 -6.31% Grand Total Female 6,860 3,229 2,752 2,081 1,095 313 46 16,376 17,456 -6.19% Grand Total Non-Binary 10 2 3 3 4 - - 22 18 22.22% Grand Total 18,652 8,609 6,087 4,671 2,662 734 89 41,504 44,272 -6.25% PROFICIENT SURF LIFE SAVERS Bronze Medallion 18,031 8,611 5,804 4,450 2,347 690 90 40,023 40,429 -1.00% Surf Rescue Certificate (CPR Endorsed) 2,386 1,304 1,429 975 317 81 6 6,498 8,023 -19.01% Total 20,417 9,915 7,233 5,425 2,664 771 96 46,521 48,452 -3.99% ACTIVE Active (15-18yrs) Grand Total Male 1,748 851 1,137 512 196 53 10 4,507 4,369 3.16% Grand Total Female 1,467 831 1,099 515 228 53 4 4,197 4,160 0.89% Grand Total Non-Binary - - - - 1 - - 1 4 -75.00% Grand Total 3,215 1,682 2,236 1,027 425 106 14 8,705 8,533 2.02% Active (18yrs & over) Grand Total Male 8,507 3,683 2,430 1,678 1,087 412 47 17,844 17,898 -0.30% Grand Total Female 4,451 2,051 1,907 1,231 772 251 44 10,707 10,694 0.12% Grand Total Non-Binary 8 3 3 1 - - - 15 14 7.14% Grand Total 12,966 5,737 4,340 2,910 1,859 663 91 28,566 28,606 -0.14% 193,009 MEMBERS 1.59% INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP 97 SECTION 06: SLSA Operations
NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL 22/23 TOTAL 21/22 % CHANGE AWARD MEMBER Grand Total Male 273 414 118 179 53 24 3 1,064 1,068 -0.37% Grand Total Female 241 358 102 160 59 15 2 937 979 -4.29% Grand Total Non-Binary 1 - - - 1 - - 2Grand Total 515 772 220 339 113 39 5 2,003 2,047 -2.15% RESERVE ACTIVE Grand Total Male 757 75 69 55 18 11 4 988 1,033 -4.36% Grand Total Female 359 33 32 20 10 5 2 461 475 -2.95% Grand Total Non-Binary - - - - - - - - - 0.00% Grand Total 1,116 108 101 75 28 16 6 1,450 1,508 -3.85% Active Total 17,812 8,299 6,897 4,351 2,425 824 116 40,724 40,694 0.07% JUNIOR Junior Activity Member (5-13 years) Grand Total Male 14,243 6,228 6,048 4,307 1,486 552 53 32,917 33,107 -0.57% Grand Total Female 12,717 5,670 5,845 4,129 1,486 581 76 30,504 31,507 -3.18% Grand Total Non-Binary 7 2 10 2 1 1 - 23 18 27.78% Grand Total 26,967 11,900 11,903 8,438 2,973 1,134 129 63,444 64,632 -1.84% Cadet Member (13-15 years) Grand Total Male 1,430 541 1,064 601 213 49 9 3,907 3,983 -1.91% Grand Total Female 1,462 527 1,075 623 218 78 6 3,989 4,215 -5.36% Grand Total Non-Binary 2 - 4 2 - - 8 1 700.00% Grand Total 2,894 1,068 2,143 1,226 431 127 15 7,904 8,199 -3.60% Junior Total 29,861 12,968 14,046 9,664 3,404 1,261 144 71,348 72,831 -2.04% GENERAL Associate Grand Total Male 4,834 4,297 5,518 1,555 893 253 53 17,403 17,270 0.77% Grand Total Female 4,972 5,536 6,257 1,399 1,167 373 58 19,762 19,689 0.37% Grand Total Non-Binary 7 1 5 3 - - 16 18 -11.11% Grand Total 9,813 9,834 11,780 2,957 2,060 626 111 37,181 36,977 0.55% Probationary Grand Total Male 396 292 754 227 65 33 28 1,795 1,967 -8.74% Grand Total Female 364 261 807 334 61 44 44 1,915 2,001 -4.30% Grand Total Non-Binary 1 - 2 1 - - - 4 3 33.33% Grand Total 761 553 1,563 562 126 77 72 3,714 3,971 -6.47% General Grand Total Male 5,137 216 2,761 2,320 278 61 - 10,773 9,365 15.03% Grand Total Female 5,821 290 3,122 2,593 373 66 - 12,265 10,693 14.70% Grand Total Non-Binary 13 - 20 - - - - 33 6 450.00% Grand Total 10,971 506 5,903 4,913 651 127 - 23,071 20,064 14.99% 98 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23
NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL 22/23 TOTAL 21/22 % CHANGE Leave/Restricted Grand Total Male 82 187 - 12 - - 238 519 115 351.30% Grand Total Female 47 169 - 37 - - 231 484 94 414.89% Grand Total Non-Binary - - - - - - - - - 0.00% Grand Total 129 356 - 49 - - 469 1,003 209 379.90% Associate Total 21,674 11,249 19,246 8,481 2,837 830 652 64,969 61,221 6.12% HONORARY/SERVICE Life Member Grand Total Male 1,763 1,003 685 310 372 102 22 4,257 4,077 4.42% Grand Total Female 248 167 242 83 108 21 11 880 834 5.52% Grand Total Non-Binary - - 1 - - - - 1 2 -50.00% Grand Total 2,011 1,170 928 393 480 123 33 5,138 4,913 4.58% Long Service Grand Total Male 3,081 1,160 120 594 88 5 2 5,050 5,016 0.68% Grand Total Female 598 349 36 222 30 - - 1,235 1,175 5.11% Grand Total Non-Binary 2 - - - - - 2 2 0.00% Grand Total 3,681 1,509 156 816 118 5 2 6,287 6,193 1.52% Honorary Grand Total Male 140 104 105 37 10 - 1 397 320 24.06% Grand Total Female 80 163 65 45 3 - - 356 297 19.87% Grand Total Non-Binary 1 - 1 - - - - 2 - 0.00% Grand Total 221 267 171 82 13 - 1 755 617 22.37% Past Active Grand Total Male 100 273 5 7 4 2 - 391 371 5.39% Grand Total Male 100 273 5 7 4 2 - 391 371 5.39% Grand Total Male 100 273 5 7 4 2 - 391 371 5.39% Grand Total 146 384 8 8 4 3 - 553 531 4.14% Honorary/ Service Total 6,059 3,330 1,263 1,299 615 131 36 12,733 12,254 3.91% COMMUNITY MEMBER Grand Total Male 225 8 1,144 62 158 25 - 1,622 1,549 4.71% Grand Total Female 224 7 1,099 73 156 48 1 1,608 1,446 11.20% Grand Total Male - - 3 1 1 - - 5 2 150.00% Grand Total 449 15 2,246 136 315 73 1 3,235 2,997 7.94% Community Total 449 15 2,246 136 315 73 1 3,235 2,997 7.94% Grand Total Male 42,716 19,332 21,958 12,456 4,921 1,582 470 103,434 101,508 1.90% Grand Total Female 33,097 16,523 21,691 11,465 4,671 1,536 479 89,462 88,419 1.18% Grand Total Non-Binary 42 6 49 10 4 1 - 112 70 60.00% Grand Total 75,855 35,861 43,698 23,931 9,596 3,119 949 193,009 189,997 1.59% 99 SECTION 06: SLSA Operations
TOTAL VOLUNTEER HOURS NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL SURF LIFE SAVING ACTIONS (CLUBS) Rescues No Gear 247 34 34 16 5 1 - 337 Rescue Tube 865 269 56 24 - 4 - 1,218 Board 1,260 292 140 56 20 14 - 1,782 IRB 452 207 118 78 29 28 2 914 RWC 57 18 - 69 - - - 144 Surfboard 4 - - 1 1 - - 6 Other 35 10 13 13 1 6 1 79 Total 2,920 830 361 257 56 53 3 4,480 Preventative Actions Lost Children 259 - 50 33 19 7 26 394 Preventions 175,230 90,056 121,275 18,144 11,483 1,550 86 417,824 Searches 89 83 23 23 25 10 1 254 Shark Alarm 106 25 13 25 36 2 - 207 Total Preventative Actions 175,684 90,164 121,361 18,225 11,563 1,569 113 418,679 First Aid Fractures/Dislocation 128 42 50 30 9 2 - 261 Marine Stings 2,974 2,530 48 1,071 112 32 2 6,769 Major Wounds 103 799 - 14 8 1 - 925 Minor Cuts/Abrasions 2,144 4,018 350 365 238 62 3 7,180 Other 535 - 5,331 201 106 21 1 6,195 Resuscitation - 7 9 8 - 1 - 25 Spinal 46 42 11 12 6 1 - 118 Total First Aid 5,930 7,438 5,799 1,701 479 120 6 21,473 Grand Total 184,534 98,432 121,521 20,183 12,098 1,742 122 444,632 Club Patrol Hours Total 629,303.5 332,588 185,568.7 102,809.5 74375 18,298.05 1,296.92 1,344,240 100 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23







NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL SURF LIFE SAVING ACTIONS (SUPPORT OPERATIONS) Rescues No Gear - 1 - - - - - 1 Rescue Tube - 1 - - 1 - - 2 Board - 3 9 - - - - 12 IRB 1 - - - - 2 - 3 RWC 519 251 123 14 8 - - 915 JRB/ORB/RIB 34 - - - 2 4 3 43 Surfboard - - - - - - -Helicopter 261 5 - 2 - - - 268 Other 31 - 1 - - 18 - 50 Total 846 261 133 16 11 24 3 1,294 Preventative Actions Lost Children 5 - 6 - 6 - - 17 Preventions 2,924 11,736 45,000 6,061 3,500 43 48 69,312 Searches 81 24 13 - 23 - - 141 Shark Alarm 36 - - - 142 - - 178 Total Preventative Actions 3,046 11,760 45,019 6,061 3,671 43 48 69,648 First Aid Fractures/Dislocation 5 0 18 0 0 0 0 23 Marine Stings 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 6 Major Wounds 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Minor Cuts/Abrasions 10 0 90 0 2 4 0 106 Other 93 0 73 45 0 0 0 211 Resuscitation 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 Spinal 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 Total First Aid 114 1 189 45 2 4 - 355 Grand Total 4,006 12,022 45,341 6,122 3,684 71 51 71,297 Support Operations Patrol Hours Total 29,827.9 12,224.9 14,409.8 2,546.5 7,559.7 2,839 299.5 69,707
101 SECTION 06: SLSA Operations
NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL SURF LIFE SAVING ACTIONS (LIFEGUARDS) Rescues No Gear 75 76 8 10 - - 10 179 Rescue Tube 84 127 35 18 - 2 - 266 Board 792 814 122 46 2 4 - 1,780 IRB 8 - 21 - - - - 29 RWC 56 1,159 - 28 1 - - 1,244 Surfboard 1 - - 1 - - - 2 Other 5 9 8 1 - - - 23 Total 1,021 2,185 194 104 3 6 10 3,523 Preventative Actions Lost Children 1 - 19 - 5 2 9 36 Preventions 683,117 528,957 175,500 42,491 2,607 559 205 1,433,436 Searches 4 31 5 - 2 - - 42 Shark Alarm 30 31 12 - 2 - - 75 Total Preventative Actions 683,152 529,019 175,536 42,491 2,616 561 214 1,433,589 First Aid Fractures/Dislocation 38 104 20 18 1 2 2 185 Marine Stings 1,210 2,531 34 112 43 15 5 3,950 Major Wounds 51 508 - 7 - 2 1 569 Minor Cuts/Abrasions 2,363 8,248 133 261 7 35 131 11,178 Other 135 - 2,552 71 2 4 3 2,767 Resuscitation - 9 - 6 - - - 15 Spinal 12 29 7 7 - - - 55 Total First Aid 3,809 11,429 2,746 482 53 58 142 18,719 Grand Total 687,982 542,633 178,476 43,077 2,672 625 366 1,455,831 Lifeguard Patrol Hours Total 114,100 213,606 56,325 29,237 1,592 2,655 36,223 453,738 Clubs & Support Ops NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT Total Total Rescues 3,766 1,091 494 273 67 77 6 5,774 Total Preventative Actions 178,730 101,924 166,380 24,286 15,234 1,612 161 488,327 Total First Aid 6,044 7,439 5,988 1,746 481 124 6 21,828 Total Volunteer Hours 659,131 344,813 199,979 105,356 81,935 21,137 1,596 1,413,947 Clubs, Support Ops & Lifeguards NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT Total Total Rescues 4,787 3,276 688 377 70 83 16 9,297 Total Preventative Actions 861,882 630,943 341,916 66,777 17,850 2,173 375 1,921,916 Total First Aid 9,853 18,868 8,734 2,228 534 182 148 40,547 Total Hours (inc Lifeguards) 773,231 558,419 256,303 134,593 83,527 23,792 37,820 1,867,685 102 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL SURF LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT (CLUBS) Land-based Vehicle (4WD/Tractor) 29 75 19 20 - 5 2 150 Beach Vehicle (ATV) 99 86 68 64 29 14 2 362 Defibrillator 437 434 322 137 61 28 6 1,425 Total 565 595 409 221 90 47 10 1,937 Aquatic IRB Hull 426 297 251 129 78 36 14 1,231 IRB Motor 603 388 326 150 95 54 13 1,629 RWC - 9 - 30 - - 1 40 Total 1,029 694 577 309 173 90 28 2,900 Grand total 1,594 1,289 986 530 263 137 38 4,837 SURF LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT (LIFEGUARDS) Land-based Vehicle (4WD/Tractor) 12 24 - 4 - 2 - 42 Beach Vehicle (ATV) 11 20 - 1 - - 1 33 Defibrillator 43 91 - 15 - 7 4 160 Total 66 135 - 20 - 9 5 235 Aquatic IRB Hull - - - - 1 - - 1 IRB Motor - - - - 1 - - 1 RWC 17 32 - 2 - - - 51 Total 17 32 - 2 2 - - 53 Grand total 83 167 - 22 2 9 5 288 103 SECTION 06: SLSA Operations
NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL SURF LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT (SUPPORT OPERATIONS) Land-based Vehicle (4WD/Tractor) 25 7 15 2 10 3 - 62 Beach Vehicle (ATV) - 2 4 3 - - - 9 Defibrillator 13 7 28 2 8 - 1 59 Total 38 16 47 7 18 3 1 130 Aquatic JRB 2 - - - 2 1 - 5 RWC 60 26 35 10 13 3 3 150 ORB 1 - - - - 7 1 9 RIB - - 1 - - 2 1 4 IRB - - - 4 - - - 4 Total 63 26 36 14 15 13 5 172 Aviation Helicopter 2 2 2 2 1 - - 9 UAV (Drones) 305 - 9 2 14 5 2 337 Other - - - - - - -Total 307 2 11 4 15 5 2 346 Grand Total 408 44 94 25 48 21 8 648 104 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


COMMITTEE NUMBER FEMALE NUMBER % FEMALE MALE NUMBER % MALE % CHANGE FEMALE % CHANGE MALE NATIONAL & STATE BOARDS SLSA Board - President, Vice President and Board members 12 4 33.33 8 66.67 33.33% -11.11% NATIONAL COMMITTEE’S Education Advisory Committee 10 7 70.00 3 30.00 40.00% -40.00% Education Management Committee 8 2 25.00 6 75.00 -54.17% 65.00% Development Advisory Committee 14 9 64.29 5 35.71 -8.16% 19.05% Development Management Committee 8 4 50.00 4 50.00 -28.57% 66.67% Lifesaving Advisory Committee 15 2 13.33 13 86.67 86.67% -6.67% Lifesaving Management Committee 8 2 25.00 6 75.00 100.00% -14.29% Sport Advisory Committee 16 6 37.50 10 62.50 200.00% -28.57% Sport Management Committee 7 2 28.57 5 71.43 -4.76% 2.04% Finance, Audit & Compliance Committee 5 1 20.00 4 80.00 -50.00% 33.33% Nominations Committee 4 3 75.00 1 25.00 0.00% 0.00% ICT Governance Group 9 1 11.11 8 88.89 0.00% 0.00% Honours Committee 6 2 33.33 4 66.67 33.33% -11.11% Totals 110 41 37.27 69 62.73 5.30% -2.90% LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS (NATIONAL) Leadership Masterclass 27 13 48.15 14 51.85 27.27% -23.64% Leadership College 23 11 47.83 12 52.17 0.43% -0.40% Totals 45 24 53.33 21 46.67 13.62% -12.05% SPORTING POSITIONS (COACHES) National 1,779 298 16.75 1,481 83.25 NSW 677 83 12.26 594 87.74 QLD 942 513 54.46 429 45.54 VIC 222 47 21.17 175 78.83 WA 173 28 16.18 145 83.82 SA 112 20 17.86 92 82.14 TAS 97 21 21.65 76 78.35 NT 4 1 25.00 3 75.00 Total Coaches SPORTING POSITIONS (OFFICIALS) National 3,486 1,718 49.28 1,768 50.72 NSW 1,507 702 46.58 805 53.42 QLD 942 513 54.46 429 45.54 VIC 656 331 50.46 325 49.54 WA 125 56 44.80 69 55.20 SA 156 80 51.28 76 48.72 TAS 83 27 32.53 56 67.47 NT 17 9 52.94 8 47.06 Total Coaches * While SLSA has 315 clubs, data has only been provided for the number in the total column 105 SECTION 06: SLSA Operations
106 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23
NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL Total Oficials* Core 245 208 78 24 41 6 5 607 Technical 1,054 589 521 60 93 64 12 2,393 Senior 158 114 40 33 13 6 - 364 Total 1,457 911 639 117 147 76 17 3,364 Total Coaches* Foundation 60 44 17 5 5 24 - 155 Development 557 406 170 152 92 61 4 1,442 Performance 37 13 29 6 4 7 - 96 High Performance 2 1 - - - - - 3 Total 656 464 216 163 101 92 4 1,696 Grand Total 2,113 1,375 855 280 248 168 21 5,060 Grand Total New Awards 2,113 1,375 855 280 248 168 21 5,060 107 SECTION 06: SLSA Operations
NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL National Medal National Medal 77 14 0 3 14 1 0 109 National Medal - 1st Clasp 25 Years 8 5 0 0 1 0 0 14 National Medal - 2nd Clasp 35 Years 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 National Medal - 3rd Clasp 45 Years 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total 87 19 0 3 15 1 0 125 Patrol Service Awards 5 Year National Patrol Service Award 281 138 82 55 149 25 1 731 10 Year National Patrol Service Award 266 99 38 33 66 12 0 514 15 Year National Patrol Service Award 123 40 36 21 31 6 0 257 20 Year National Patrol Service Award 38 9 4 2 10 1 0 64 25 Year National Patrol Service Award 17 3 6 2 7 0 0 35 30 Year National Patrol Service Award 15 1 2 1 2 0 0 21 35 Year National Patrol Service Award 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 7 40 Year National Patrol Service Award 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 45 Year National Patrol Service Award 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 50 Year National Patrol Service Award 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 55 Year National Patrol Service Award 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 60 Year National Patrol Service Award 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 Year National Patrol Service Award 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 754 290 169 115 266 47 1 1,642 Long Service Awards 25 Year Long Service Award 93 7 13 14 1 0 0 128 30 Year Long Service Award 109 4 10 2 2 0 0 127 40 Year Long Service Award 62 5 8 2 3 0 0 80 50 Year Long Service Award 59 2 7 5 3 0 0 76 60 Year Long Service Award 45 4 5 5 9 0 0 68 70 Year Long Service Award 25 2 0 1 0 0 0 28 75 Year Long Service Award 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 80 Year Long Service Award 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Total 400 24 43 29 18 0 0 514 SERVICE AWARDS 108 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23
NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL Oficiating Service Awards 5 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 16 16 1 0 0 0 0 33 10 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 17 1 0 0 0 0 0 18 15 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 6 3 0 1 0 0 0 10 20 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 25 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 6 30 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 1 3 0 2 1 0 0 7 35 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 55 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 Year Oficiating Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 42 29 1 3 1 0 1 77 Coaching Service Awards 5 Year Coaching Service Certificate 8 2 1 1 0 0 0 12 10 Year Coaching Service Certificate 8 3 0 0 0 0 0 11 15 Year Coaching Service Certificate 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 20 Year Coaching Service Certificate 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 6 25 Year Coaching Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 Year Coaching Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 Year Coaching Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 Year Coaching Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 Year Coaching Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Year Coaching Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 21 9 1 2 0 0 0 33 Assessing Service Awards 5 Year Assessing Service Certificate 13 3 4 2 1 0 0 23 10 Year Assessing Service Certificate 10 3 3 3 0 0 0 19 15 Year Assessing Service Certificate 11 0 0 1 1 0 0 13 20 Year Assessing Service Certificate 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 25 Year Assessing Service Certificate 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 30 Year Assessing Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 35 Year Assessing Service Certificate 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 3 40 Year Assessing Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 Year Assessing Service Certificate 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 Year Assessing Service Certificate 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Total 36 9 8 7 10 0 0 70 109 SECTION 06: SLSA Operations
NSW QLD VIC WA SA TAS NT TOTAL Training Service Awards 5 Year Training Service Certificate 37 7 4 2 12 0 0 62 10 Year Training Service Certificate 13 4 3 5 0 0 0 25 15 Year Training Service Certificate 11 3 0 0 3 0 0 17 20 Year Training Service Certificate 2 1 0 0 4 0 0 7 25 Year Training Service Certificate 3 1 1 1 7 0 0 13 30 Year Training Service Certificate 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 4 35 Year Training Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 Year Training Service Certificate 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 3 45 Year Training Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Year Training Service Certificate 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 Total 67 20 8 9 29 0 0 133 Age Manager Service Awards 5 Year Age Manager Service Certificate 9 20 6 0 1 0 1 37 10 Year Age Manager Service Certificate 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 15 Year Age Manager Service Certificate 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 20 Year Age Manager Service Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 9 26 6 0 1 0 1 43 Grand Total 1,416 426 236 168 340 48 3 2,637 110 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


NSW QLD VIC WA Member Comm. Member Comm. Member Comm. Member Comm. Patrolling Lifesaver Awards Bronze Medallion 2,588 - 1,144 - 1,262 - 612Certificate II in Public Safety (Aquatic Rescue) PUA20119 3,134 - 1,298 114 3 - 4Certificate III in Public Safety (Aquatic Search and Rescue) PUA30319 - - - - - - -Contribute to team efectiveness BSBFLM312 - - - - - - -Gold Medallion (Advanced Lifesaving) 253 - 1 - 21 - 3Maintain safety at an incident scene PUAWHS002 1 - 2 - - - -Observers Award 1 - 183 - - - -Operate communications systems and equipment PUAOPE013 5,002 - 2,137 150 9 - 5Radio Operator Certificate 254 - 198 - 63 - 75Search as a member of an aquatic search team PUASAR011 - - 2 - - - -Silver Medallion Aquatic Rescue 181 - - - 17 - -Silver Medallion Beach Management 3 - - - - - -Silver Medallion Beach Management (Lifeguards) 238 - 42 - 1 - -Silver Medallion Patrol Captain 232 - 63 - 144 - 39Surf Rescue Certificate (CPR Endorsed) 1,731 - 831 - 960 - 585Surf Rescue Certificate (Community) - - - - - 1,210 -Undertake beach safety management activities PUAOPE027 241 - 44 - 1 - -Powercraft Awards ATV Operator Certificate - - - - - - -Crew small powercraft in a rescue operation PUASAR015 812 - 381 - - - 1IRB Crew Certificate 795 - 368 - 436 - 137Operate and maintain a personal water craft for rescue operations PUASAR016 109 - 113 - 3 - -Operate and maintain a small powercraft and motor for rescue operations PUASAR014 366 - 176 - 1 - -ORB Crew Certificate 12 - - - - - -Prepare maintain and test response equipment PUAEQU001 474 - 289 - 4 - -Rescue Water Craft Operator Certificate 103 - 110 - 24 - 26RIB Crew (Short Course) - - - - - - -RIB Driver (Short Course) - - - - - - -Silver Medallion IRB Driver 344 - 160 - 144 - 65SSV Operator 1 - - - 494 - -SSV Operator Induction 293 - 556 - - - 5111 SECTION 06: SLSA Operations
Member Comm. Member Comm. Member Comm. Member Comm. Total 289 - 103 - 26 63 6,024 63 6,087 316 - 23 - 1 63 4,779 177 4,956 28 - - - - - 28 - 28 - - - - - - - -- - 1 - 1 3 280 3 283 78 - - - - - 81 - 81 44 - - - - - 228 - 228 545 - 23 - 1 - 7,722 150 7,872 1 - - - - - 591 - 591 70 - - - - - 72 - 72 60 - - - - - 258 - 258 - - - - - - 3 - 3 - - - - - 14 281 14 295 21 - 22 - 6 - 527 - 527 216 - 77 - 6 12 4,406 12 4,418 - 525 - 278 - 26 - 2,039 2,039 - - - - - - 286 - 286 - - 1 - - - 1 - 1 107 - - - 2 - 1,303 - 1,303 58 - 42 - 2 - 1,838 - 1,838 6 - - - 5 - 236 - 236 93 - - - 2 - 638 - 638 - - - - 3 - 15 - 15 95 - - - 2 - 864 - 864 2 - - - 5 34 270 34 304 - - - - 7 - 7 - 7 - - - - 7 - 7 - 7 47 - 19 - 2 - 781 - 781 1 - 1 - - - 497 - 497 51 - 1 - - - 906 - 906 112 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23
NSW QLD VIC WA Member Comm. Member Comm. Member Comm. Member Comm. Emergency Care Awards Advanced Resuscitation Techniques [AID] 7 - 1 - - - 1Advanced Resuscitation Techniques 1,866 - 686 - 682 - 339Basic Life Support [AID] - - - - - - -Basic Life Support 3 - - - 815 - 1Course in the first aid management of anaphylaxis 22300VIC - 20 - - - - -First Aid [AID] 2 - - - - - 1First Aid 3,249 - 1,673 - 819 - 591Marine Stinger Management - - 121 - - - -Pain Management Certificate 56 - - - 98 - 29Provide advanced first aid HLTAID014 30 77 - 3 8 - -Provide advanced resuscitation and oxygen therapy HLTAID015 2,249 453 786 468 717 - 47 83 Provide basic emergency life support HLTAID010 5,869 - 1,486 96 896 5,505 475 558 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation HLTAID009 7,164 40,027 3,169 11,197 2,021 11,306 491 5,769 Provide first aid HLTAID011 3,632 13,461 1,619 5,345 901 5,505 497 4,286 Provide pain management PUAEME005 102 117 - 12 - - -Resuscitation [AID] - - - - 1 - -Resuscitation 609 - 1,722 - 1,781 - 12Silver Medallion Advanced First Aid - - - - - - -Training and Assessing Address adult language literacy and numeracy skills TAELLN411 22 - 37 13 9 - 4Assess competence TAEASS402 42 - 48 26 8 - 3Certificate IV in Training and Assessment TAE40116 29 - 5 10 8 - 3Design and develop assessment tools TAEASS502 55 - 53 23 7 - 3Make a presentation BSBCMM401 - - 47 17 1 - -Make presentations BSBCMM411 173 - 28 - 83 - 1Participate in assessment validation TAEASS403 45 - 19 25 8 - 3Plan assessment activities and processes TAEASS401 45 - 19 21 8 - 3Provide work skill instruction TAEDEL301 152 - 52 27 79 - 2Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs TAEDES402 30 - 37 18 7 - 3Junior Development Age Manager Course 277 - 176 - 474 - 79Surf Aware One 3,359 - 1,501 - 994 - 845Surf Aware Two 2,870 - 1,363 - 975 - 702Surf Play One 3,086 - 1,151 - 597 - 778Surf Play Two 3,615 - 1,393 - 933 - 997Surf Safe One 2,386 - 1,277 - 998 - 707Surf Safe Two 2,084 - 1,136 - 921 - 587Surf Smart One 1,774 - 967 - 820 - 495Surf Smart Two 1,456 - 866 - 722 - 415 5,605 Safety and Wellbeing Child Safe Awareness 5,635 - 2,956 - 916 - 313Safer Surf Clubs Online Part 1 - - - - 15 - -Safer Surf Clubs Online Part 2 - - - - 9 - -Safer Surf Clubs Online Part 3 - - - - 7 - -Safer Surf Clubs Online Part 4 - - - - 7 - -Inclusive Beaches Online 263 - - - 93 - 43Grand Total 69,404 54,155 32,492 17,565 21,025 23,526 10,027 16,301 113 SECTION 06: SLSA Operations


Member Comm. Member Comm. Member Comm. Member Comm. Total - - 1 - - - 10 - 10 99 - 65 - 16 127 3,753 127 3,880 - - - - - - - -- - 43 - 15 - 877 - 877 - - - - - - - 20 20 - - 2 - - - 5 - 5 - - 70 - 28 356 6,430 356 6,786 - - - - - - 121 - 121 - - - - - - 183 - 183 - - 14 - - - 52 80 132 146 140 79 - 16 127 4,040 1,271 5,311 316 64 109 - 28 356 9,179 6,579 15,758 337 1,527 135 448 28 478 13,345 70,752 84,097 - 1,398 90 197 28 356 6,767 30,548 37,315 - - - - - - 102 129 231 - - - - - - 1 - 1 91 - 88 - - - 4,303 - 4,303 - - - - - - - -- - 4 - 16 - 92 13 105 - - 4 - 6 - 111 26 137 - - 4 - 4 - 53 10 63 - - 4 - 6 - 128 23 151 - - 5 - 6 - 59 17 76 - - - - - - 285 - 285 - - 4 - 6 - 85 25 110 - - 4 - 6 - 85 21 106 - - 4 - 16 - 305 27 332 - - 4 - 6 - 87 18 105 70 - 13 - - - 1,089 - 1,089 269 - 115 - 14 - 7,097 - 7,097 282 - 90 - - - 6,282 - 6,282 199 - 74 - 8 - 5,893 - 5,893 200 - 93 - 14 - 7,245 - 7,245 279 - 128 - 3 - 5,778 - 5,778 249 - 86 - 15 - 5,078 - 5,078 246 - 77 - 6 - 4,385 - 4,385 217 - 66 - 10 - 3,752 5,605 9,357 368 - 399 - 3 - 10,590 - 10,590 - - - - - - 15 - 15 - - - - - - 9 - 9 - - - - - - 7 - 7 - - - - - - 7 - 7 68 - 16 - - - 483 - 483 5,564 3,654 2,203 923 382 2,015 141,097 118,139 259,236 114 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23






315 Clubs

17 Branches

80 Support Operation Groups

72 Australian Lifeguard Service Operations

116 UAV Services

7 VMRS Services

502 Surf Life Saving Entities/Groups


129 Clubs

Austinmer SLSC

Avalon Beach SLSC

Avoca Beach SLSC

Ballina Lighthouse and Lismore SLSC

Batemans Bay SLSC

Bellambi SLSC

Bellinger Valley-North Beach SLSC

Bermagui SLSC

Bilgola Beach SLSC

Birubi Point SLSC

Black Head SLSC


Bronte SLSC

Broulee Surfers SLSC

Brunswick SLSC

Bulli SLSC

Bungan Beach SLSC

Burning Palms SLSC

Byron Bay SLSC

Cabarita Beach SLSC

Camden Haven SLSC

Cape Hawke SLSC

Catherine Hill Bay SLSC

Caves Beach SLSC

Clovelly SLSC

Coalclif SLSC

Cofs Harbour SLSC

Coledale SLSC

Collaroy SLSC

Coogee (NSW) SLSC

Cooks Hill SLSC

Copacabana SLSC

Corrimal SLSC

Cronulla SLSC

Crowdy Head SLSC

Cudgen Headland SLSC

Dee Why SLSC

Dixon Park SLSC

Elouera SLSC


Evans Head/Casino SLSC

Fairy Meadow SLSC

Fingal Beach SLSC

Fingal Rovers SLSC

Forster SLSC

Freshwater SLSC

Garie SLSC

Gerringong SLSC

Hat Head SLSC

Helensburgh Stanwell Park SLSC

Kempsey Crescent Head SLSC

Kiama Downs SLSC

Kiama SLSC

Killcare SLSC

Lennox Head Alstonville SLSC

Long Reef SLSC

Macksville-Scotts Head SLSC

MacMasters SLSC

Manly LSC

Maroubra SLSC

Merewether SLSC

Minnie Water Wooli SLSC

Mollymook SLSC

Mona Vale SLSC

Moruya SLSC

Nambucca Heads SLSC

Narooma SLSC

Narrabeen SLSC

Newcastle SLSC

Newport SLSC

Nobbys (NSW) SLSC

North Avoca SLSC

North Bondi SLSC

North Cronulla SLSC

North Curl Curl SLSC

North Entrance SLSC

North Narrabeen SLSC

North Palm Beach SLSC

North Steyne SLSC

North Wollongong SLSC

Nowra Culburra SLSC

Ocean Beach SLSC

Pacific Palms SLSC

Palm Beach (NSW) SLSC

Pambula SLSC

Port Kembla (NSW) SLSC

Port Macquarie SLSC

Queensclif SLSC

Red Rock Corindi SLSC

Redhead SLSC


Sandon Point SLSC

Sawtell SLSC

Scarborough Wombarra SLSC

Shellharbour SLSC

Shelly Beach SLSC

Shoalhaven Heads SLSC

Soldiers Beach SLSC

South Curl Curl SLSC

117 SECTION 07: SLSA Operations


South Maroubra SLSC

South Narrabeen SLSC

South West Rocks SLSC

Stockton SLSC

Sussex Inlet SLSC

Swansea Belmont SLSC

Tacking Point SLSC

Tamarama SLSC

Taree Old Bar SLSC

Tathra SLSC

Tea Gardens Hawks Nest SLSC

Terrigal SLSC

The Entrance SLSC

The Lakes SLSC

Thirroul SLSC

Toowoon Bay SLSC

Towradgi SLSC

Umina SLSC

Urunga SLSC

Wamberal SLSC

Wanda SLSC

Warilla Barrack Point SLSC

Warriewood SLSC

Wauchope Bonny Hills SLSC

Whale Beach SLSC

Windang SLSC

Wollongong City SLSC

Woolgoolga SLSC

Woonona SLSC

Yamba SLSC

11 Branches

Central Coast Branch

Far North Coast Branch

Far South Coast Branch

Hunter Branch

Illawarra Branch

Lower North Coast Branch

Mid North Coast Branch

North Coast Branch

South Coast Branch

Sydney Branch

Sydney Northern Beaches Branch

29 Support Operations Groups

Central Coast Branch Duty Oficers

Central Coast Branch RWC Group

Far North Coast Branch Duty Oficers

Far North Coast Branch RWC

Far South Coast Branch Duty Oficers

Far South Coast Branch RWC

Hunter Branch RWC

Hunter Branch Duty Oficers

Illawarra Branch Duty Oficers

Illawarra Branch RWC Team

Lower North Coast Branch Duty Oficers

Lower North Coast RWC

Mid North Coast Branch Duty Oficers

Mid North Coast Branch RWC

North Coast Branch Duty Oficers

North Coast Branch RWC

South Coast Branch Duty Oficers

South Coast Branch RWC

Surf Life Saving NSW State Duty Oficers

Surf Life Saving NSW SurfCom Team

Surf Rescue 30

Surf Rescue 40

Surf Rescue 50

Sydney Branch - Duty Oficers

Sydney Branch - RWC service

Sydney Northern Beaches Branch Duty Oficers

Sydney Northern Beaches Branch RWC Service

Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service (Lifesaver 21)

Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service (Lifesaver 23)

18 Australian Lifeguard Services

Ballina Shire Council

Bega Valley Shire Council

Bellingen Shire Council

Byron Shire Council

Clarence Valley Council

Kempsey Shire Council

Magenta Shores

Mid Coast Council

Munmorah Conservation Area

Nambucca Shire Council

Northern Beaches Council

Port Macquarie - Hastings Council

Port Stephens Council

Richmond Valley Council

Royal National Park

Shoalhaven City Council

Tweed Coast Holiday Parks

Tweed Shire Council

88 UAV Services

Avoca Beach SLSC

Ballina Lighthouse and Lismore SLSC

Batemans Bay SLSC

Birubi Point SLSC

Black Head SLSC

Broulee Surfers SLSC

Brunswick SLSC

Byron Bay SLSC

Cabarita Beach SLSC

Cape Hawke SLSC

Catherine Hill Bay SLSC

Coledale SLSC

Cudgen Headland SLSC

Evans Head/Casino SLSC

Fingal Beach SLSC

Fingal Rovers SLSC

Forster SLSC

Garie SLSC

Gerringong SLSC

Helensburgh Stanwell Park SLSC

Kempsey Crescent Head SLSC

Kiama SLSC

Lennox Head Alstonville SLSC

Macksville-Scotts Head SLSC

Maroubra SLSC

Mollymook SLSC

Narooma SLSC

Nobbys (NSW) SLSC

North Entrance SLSC

Nowra Culburra SLSC

Ocean Beach SLSC

Palm Beach (NSW) SLSC

Pambula SLSC

Redhead SLSC


Sawtell SLSC

Sharpes Beach (Ballina)

Shellharbour SLSC

Shelly Beach (Ballina Shire)

South Narrabeen SLSC

South West Rocks SLSC

Tacking Point SLSC

Tamarama SLSC

Tathra SLSC

Tea Gardens Hawks Nest SLSC

Town Beach (Port Macquarie)

Urunga SLSC

Wanda SLSC

Yamba SLSC

Central Coast (Duty Oficer)

Central Coast (Duty Oficer)

Dee Why UAV (DPI)

Far North Coast (Duty Oficer)

Far North Coast (Duty Oficer)

Far North Coast (Duty Oficer)

Far North Coast (Duty Oficer)

Far North Coast (UAV Supervisor Vehicle)

Far South Coast (Duty Oficer)

Far South Coast (Duty Oficer)

Hunter (Duty Oficer)

Hunter (Duty Oficer)

Hunter/Central Coast (UAV Supervisor Vehicle)

Illawarra (Duty Oficer)

Illawarra (Duty Oficer)

Illawarra (Duty Oficer)

Lower North Coast (Duty Oficer)

Mid North Coast (Duty Oficer)

Mid North Coast (Duty Oficer)

Mid North Coast ALS Supervisor

Mid North Coast/Lower North Coast (UAV Supervisor Vehicle)

North Coast (Duty Oficer)

North Coast (UAV Supervisor Vehicle)

South Coast (Duty Oficer)

South Coast (Duty Oficer)

Sydney (Duty Oficer)

Sydney (Duty Oficer)

Sydney (Duty Oficer)

Sydney (Duty Oficer)

Sydney Northern Beaches (Duty Oficer)

Sydney Northern Beaches (Duty Oficer)

Sydney Northern Beaches (Duty Oficer)

UAV 11 (FNC UAV Supervisor)

UAV 12 (NC UAV Supervisor)

UAV 13 (MNC/LNC UAV Supervisor)

UAV 14 (HUN/CC UAV Supervisor)

UAV 15 (ILL/SC UAV Supervisor)

UAV 16 (FSC UAV Supervisor)

UAV 17 (SNB/SYD UAV Supervisor) Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



58 Clubs

Agnes Water SLSC

Alexandra Headland SLSC

Arcadian SLSC


Bribie Island SLSC

Broadbeach SLSC

Bundaberg SLSC

Bilinga SLSC

Burleigh Heads Mowbray Park SLSC

Cairns SLSC

Forrest Beach SLSC

Coochiemudlo Island SLSC

Coolangatta SLSC

Coolum Beach SLSC

Currumbin SLSC

Dicky Beach SLSC

Emu Park SLSC

Etty Bay SLSC

Eimeo SLSC

Elliott Heads SLSC

Ellis Beach SLSC

Hervey Bay SLSC

Kawana Waters SLSC

Kirra SLSC

Kurrawa SLSC

Mackay SLSC


Marcoola SLSC

Maroochydore SLSC

Mermaid Beach SLSC

Metropolitan Caloundra SLSC

Miami Beach SLSC

Mission Beach SLSC

Mooloolaba SLSC

Moore Park SLSC

Mudjimba SLSC

Nobbys Beach SLSC

Noosa Heads SLSC

North Burleigh SLSC

North Kirra SLSC

Northclife SLSC

Pacific SLSC

Palm Beach QLD SLSC

Peregian SLSC

Point Lookout SLSC

Port Douglas SLSC

Rainbow Bay SLSC

Rainbow Beach SLSC

Redclife Peninsula SLSC

Sarina SLSC

Southport (Qld) SLSC

Sunshine Beach SLSC

Surfers Paradise SLSC

Tallebudgera SLSC

Tannum Sands SLSC

Townsville Picnic Bay SLSC

Tugun SLSC

Tweed Heads Coolangatta SLSC Yeppoon SLSC

6 Branches

North Barrier Branch

North Queensland Branch

Point Danger Branch

South Coast Branch

Wide Bay Capricorn Branch

Sunshine Coast Branch

12 Support Operations

Gold Coast Duty Oficers

Dawn and Dusk Patrols - Gold Coast

SLSQ RWC - Gold Coast

SLSQ RWC - Sunshine Coast

State Operations Centre Gold Coast

Sunshine Coast Duty Oficers

Sunshine Coast Surfcom

SLSQ RWC - Wide Bay Capricorn

Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter

Service - Gold Coast

Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter

Service - Sunshine Coast

Emergency Response GroupsStatewide

Brisbane Lifesaving Service


57 Clubs

Altona LSC

Anglesea SLSC

Apollo Bay SLSC

Aspendale LSC

Bancoora SLSC

Barwon Heads Thirteenth Beach SLSC

Beaumaris LSC

Black Rock LSC

Bonbeach LSC

Brighton LSC

Cape Paterson SLSC

Carrum SLSC

Chelsea Longbeach SLSC

Dromana Bay LSC

Edithvale LSC

Elwood LSC

Fairhaven SLSC

Frankston LSC

Gunnamatta SLSC

Half Moon Bay SLSC

Hampton LSC

Inverloch SLSC

Jan Juc SLSC

Kennett River SLSC

Lorne SLSC

Mallacoota SLSC

Mentone LSC

Mildura LSC

Mordialloc LSC


Mount Martha LSC

Ocean Grove SLSC

Point Leo SLSC

Point Lonsdale SLSC

Port Campbell SLSC

Port Fairy LSC

Port Melbourne LSC

Portland SLSC

Portsea SLSC

Rosebud & McCrae LSC

Sandridge LSC

Sandringham LSC

Seaford LSC

Seaspray SLSC

18 Lifeguard Services

Bundaberg Regional Council

Cairns Regional Council

Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Douglas Shire Council - Operational

Fraser Coast Regional Council

Gladstone Regional Council

Gold Coast City Council

Gympie Regional Council

Livingstone Shire Council

Mackay Regional Council

Moreton Bay Regional Council

Noosa Council

Redland City Council

Rockhampton Regional Council

Streets Beach South Bank

Sunshine Coast Council

Townsville City Council

Whitsunday Regional Council

4 UAV Services

Ellis Beach SLSC

Etty Bay SLSC

Emu Park SLSC

Bribie Island SLSC

SLS Lakes Entrance

Sorrento LSC

South Melbourne LSC

St Kilda LSC

Torquay SLSC

Venus Bay SLSC

Waratah Beach SLSC

Warrnambool SLSC

Williamstown Swimming and LSC

Wonthaggi LSC

Woodside Beach SLSC

Woolamai Beach SLSC

Wye River SLSC

13 Support Operations

Bass RWC Service

119 SECTION 07: SLSA Operations

Geelong West RWC Service

Kingston RWC Service

LSV Comms

Marine Search & Rescue - Waratah


Peninsula RWC Service

Geelong East RWC Service

Port Phillip RWC Service

Gippsland RWC Service

Surf Coast East RWC Service

Surf Coast West RWC Service


Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter - LS30

Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter - LS31

Sunshine Coast Surfcom

SLSQ RWC - Wide Bay Capricorn

Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service - Gold Coast

Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service - Sunshine Coast

16 Lifeguard Services

Borough of Queensclife (Geelong)

City of Greater Geelong

City of Port Phillip

City of Warrnambool

Colac Otway Shire

East Gippsland Shire

Frankston City Council

Glenelg Shire

Hobsons Bay

Mornington Peninsula Shire

Shire of Bass Coast


31 Clubs

Albany SLSC

Alkimos SLSC

Broome SLSC

Busselton SLSC

Champion Bay SLSC

City of Bunbury SLSC

City of Perth SLSC

Dalyellup Beach SLSC

Binningup SLSC

Coogee Beach (WA) SLSC

Cottesloe SLSC

Dampier SLSC

Denmark SLSC

Dongara-Denison SLSC

Esperance-Goldfields SLSC

Floreat SLSC

Fremantle SLSC

Geraldton SLSC

Mandurah SLSC

Margaret River SLSC

Mullaloo SLSC

North Cottesloe SLSC

Port Bouvard SLSC

Quinns Mindarie SLSC

Scarboro SLSC

Secret Harbour SLSC

Smiths Beach (WA) SLSC

Sorrento (WA) SLSC

Swanbourne Nedlands SLSC

Trigg Island SLSC

Yanchep SLSC

12 Support Operations

Abalone Patrol

Esperance-Goldfields Support Operations

Kimberley Support Operations

Mid West Support Operations

North Metropolitan Support Operations

Peer Support Operations

SLSWA Drone Patrol

South West Support Operations

Great Southern Support Operations

SLSWA Surfcom

South Metropolitan Support Operations

Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter


12 UAV Services

Quinns Mindarie


Trigg Island


City of Perth

North Cottesloe



Coogee Beach

Shire of Moyne

South Gippsland Shire

Surf Coast Shire

Wellington Shire

Wyndham City Council

3 UAV Services

Central Service - LSV Port Melbourne

West Service - Lorne SLSC

East Service - Venus Bay SLSC

Secret Harbour

Port Bouvard

Esperance Goldfield

Bribie Island SLSC

12 Lifeguard Services

City of Albany

City of Busselton

City of Joondalup

City of Rockingham

City of Wanneroo

Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Shire of Augusta Margaret River

Shire of Broome

Shire of Denmark

Town of Cambridge

Town of Cottesloe

120 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23



22 Clubs

Aldinga Bay SLSC

Beachport SLSC

Brighton SLSC

Chiton Rocks SLSC

Christies Beach SLSC

Elizabeth LSC

Glenelg SLSC

Goolwa SLSC

Grange SLSC

Henley SLSC


Moana SLSC

Normanville SLSC

North Haven SLSC

Port Elliot SLSC

Port Noarlunga SLSC


Seaclif SLSC

Semaphore SLSC

Somerton SLSC

South Port SLSC

West Beach SLSC


3 Clubs

Darwin SLSC

Gove Peninsula SLSC

Mindil Beach SLSC

4 Support Operations

SLSNT Support Operations



SLSNT Ofshore Rescue Boat


Whyalla SLSC

6 Support Operations

SLSSA Drone Program



SLSSA State Duty Oficers

SLSSA Surfcom

Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service

3 Lifeguard Services

Alexandrina – Goolwa

Holdfast Bay - Glenelg

3 Lifeguard Services

City of Darwin

City of Palmerston Litchfield


15 Clubs

Bicheno SLSC

Boat Harbour Beach SLSC

Bridport SLSC

Burnie SLSC

Carlton Park SLSC

Clifton Beach SLSC

Devonport SLSC

Kingston Beach SLSC

Launceston LSC

Penguin SLSC

Port Sorell SLSC

Raspins Beach SLSC

Scamander SLSC

Somerset SLSC

4 Support Operations

Surf Life Saving Tas JRB Service

Surf Life Saving Tas RWC Service

Surf Life Saving Tas Flood Rescue Service

Surf Life Saving Tas RPA

2 Lifeguard Services

Sandy Bay Lifeguard and Community Program Service

Clifton Beach Lifeguard Service

7 Marine Rescue Services

Dodges Ferry Volunteer Marine Rescue

Freycinet Volunteer Marine Rescue

Kingborough Volunteer Marine Rescue

St Helens Volunteer Marine Rescue

Tamar Sea Rescue

Ulverstone Volunteer Marine Rescue

Wynyard Volunteer Marine Rescue

Water-cover services

9 UAV Services

Beachport SLSC

Brighton SLSC

North Haven SLSC

Port Elliot SLSC

Port Noarlunga SLSC

Semaphore SLSC

SLSSA West Beach

Whyalla SLSC

121 SECTION 07: SLSA Operations


Blackspot An area with a concentration of coastal/ocean incidents and a high probability/ risk of ongoing recurrence.

Coastal Describes the foreshore, seabed, coastal water and air space above a large body of water (harbour/bay/inlet), including areas up to 3nm ofshore and of which the landward boundary is the line of mean high water, except where that line crosses a river/inlet, the landward boundary at that point shall be the point upstream that is calculated by multiplying the width of the river/inlet mouth by five (adopted from the Resource Management Amendment Act 1993 New Zealand).

Drowning The process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/ immersion in liquid; outcomes are classified as death, morbidity, and no morbidity.

Drowning death fatal drowning incident arising from the process of respiratory impairment as a result of submersion/immersion in liquid.

First aid Assessments and interventions that can be performed by a bystander (or by the victim) with minimal to no equipment.

Lifeguard An individual who undertakes patrols at a beach or another aquatic environment. He/ she is typically a salaried member, qualified in public safety and aquatic rescue.

Lifesaving service A coordinated group that exists to provide aquatic safety services to the public. This includes Surf Life Saving Clubs, Lifeguards, SurfCom, RWCs, RIBs, JRBs, ORBs, Rescue Helicopters and 4WD units.

Patrolled location A location supervised by a lifesaving service.

Preventative action Direct action taken to reduce or eliminate the probability of a specific rescue, first aid or other reportable incident from happening in the future.

Rescue The retrieval of a person in distress, delivering them to a place of safety and the application of first aid and basic life support as may be required

Resuscitation Prevention or restoration of life by establishing and maintaining a person’s airway, breathing and circulation.

Rip current A seaward flowing current of water moving through a surf zone.

Surfcom Surf Life Saving radio communications centre that assists in managing the communications of lifesaving operations and data collection.

Total service plan An assessment of current and future lifesaving resources, trends, national blackspots and coastal safety issues combined with evidence-based mitigation strategies to address these issues.

Common acronyms

ACNC Australian Charities and Not-For-Profit Commission

ACPSG SLSA Australian Coastal Public Safety Guidelines

AEMVF Australian Emergency Management Volunteer Forum

ALS Australian Lifeguard Service

ARC Australian Resuscitation Council

ASC Australian Sports Commission

CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

EMA Emergency Management Australia

EMG Executive Management Group

FACC Finance, Audit & Compliance Committee

HRS Helicopter Rescue Service

ILS International Life Saving Federation

IRB Inflatable Rescue Boat

JRB Jet Rescue Boat

RWC Rescue Water Craft (aka jet ski/Sea Doo)

SSV Side by Side Vehicle

Surf Life Saving Australia Ltd

Level 1, 1 Notts Avenue, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia

P.O. Box 7773, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026

Ph: +61 2 9215 8000 | Fax: +61 2 9215 8180 | Web: | Email:

Limited additional copies of this annual report are available upon request from SLSA. This report is available online at

| ABN: 67 449 738 159 | ACN: 003 147 180
122 Surf Life Saving Australia Annual Report 2022-23


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