5 minute read

Emma Goodman Horne – Bollox to Detox

Emma GoodmanHorne

Emma has been a Fitness Coach for over 8 years running Bootcamps in Pyrford, Surrey. In June 2019 she created an Online fitness and food platform, emergyLIFE. In April 2021 She was awarded “National Fitness Trainer of the Year” @WEAREFITANDWELL. Her passion, drive is making fitness accessible to ALL abilities from beginners to gym bunnies and for all ages. Her clients range from 16yrs – 74yrs old and it’s all about making it fun, engaging and every workout is different to keep the body and brain motivated. Her focus on ‘Keeping it Real’ and understanding that everyone has struggles and stresses is refreshing. “It’s easy to get caught up in a world of body perfection, which doesn’t exist. Everyone should have the chance to enjoy exercise to help them both mentally and physically, they just need to find what works for them, gives them a boost and realise that “exercise should be a joy not a chore!”


“New Year New You” is what we all say…“I’m going to exercise more, eat better and lose all that excess flab that’s arrived out of nowhere?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you know what? - You CAN do it, but not just in Jan, you need to knuckle down and commit for LIFE!

Of course, we all give it a good Kick start, we’re in the gym, walking, running, smashing our workouts, drinking more water and might even attempt a bloody awful detox which turns us into witches (more than normal) for a few days as we’re hangry and unbearable, yet apparently its going to cleanse us?!?!? WTF!!!

If you are serious about the whole Fitter, Healthier, Happier me then here’s the key tips to make sure it is a Habit, not a Hunch.

Create a REALISTIC workout routine

WHEN can you DO a 30-45 min workout 4-5 times a week?  Yep, it needs to be that often to see and feel a significant difference.  PLAN it into your diary, as you would a meeting, food shop, catch up with a buddy etc.

WHAT do you enjoy doing?

 Weights, Run, Powerwalking, Classes etc MIX up your workouts. Not only to get better all-round results in Strength, Fitness & Flexibility. If you do the same thing, you will get bored quickly, start to dread it and find every excuse to cancel.  If you start to enjoy your workout time, you are MUCH more likely to stick with it.

COMMIT yourself to at least 3mths!!

 Rome wasn’t built in a day, consistency is key, it takes at least 7 weeks to create a GOOD habit, for LIFE!

You CAN’T outrun a FORK

 It’s awesome if you are working out to get fitter, stronger etc but if you want to shed that excess baggage you need to look at what you are eating too. Unfortunately, your body shape is 80% food and 20% exercise.

Don’t DIET...The first three letters spell DIE!!

YES, you need to watch what you eat, but you are all smart enough to know what GOOD is and what you need to refrain from over-indulging in! Jump off the Yo-Yo diet and start to create better food habits, for LIFE.

Drink more Water

 A hydrated body will flush out the crap, keep your metabolism up, your brain clear and your body working efficiently. There’s a shed

load of other benefits including bone density, bloods, heart etc. Aim for 2-3 litres of water a day. The excess peeing will stop in a few days, get through that and you have nailed it!

Eat the Rainbow

 The more colour you have on your plate, the more likely you are getting some goodness into your body, and I’m not talking about eating a bag of skittles!

Ditch the Crap

 Treat a TREAT as a TREAT not a daily substance! You can still enjoy those indulges, just not every day. I’m talking crisps, cake, chocolate, pastries, sweets and ice-cream, you know all the sweet sticky stuff that tastes great for a second, then leaves you feeling sluggish and low afterwards!

White is so Last Year!

 A simple switch to wholegrain or brown carbs, will give you more fibre, be less starchy, easier to digest and keep you fuller for longer.

Protein is Power

 I’m not talking full on keto, unless that’s your thing? Protein is the main building block for muscles and energy, the more protein on your plate, less carbs and more rainbow is an easy way to give your body the best fuel.

Intermittent Fasting

 I’m a HUGE fan and have been for over 5 years now and its part of my daily life. 12-14 hours of fasting (I do it overnight, its easier) means your body has the time to digest, flush out, do its natural thing, burn off, use, store, flush and build what it should!

Portion Caution

 How much is on your plate? WTF!!! Use your hand as a guide.  PALM of protein, FIST of carbs, Thumb of fat, Two fingers of dairy  The rest should be the rainbow and lots of raw dark leafy greens, spinach, rocket etc is the way forward!

It’s not Rocket Science and none of this is New News! You need to be realistic, committed and prepared to dig deep to make a difference. You have one BODY, one LIFE and a lot of chances to create the best version of YOU. Once you get through the hard yard, you WILL discover a new love for yourself and I really hope this Year is, your YEAR. Say, ‘Bollox to Detox’ and think more about creating better habits that are sustainable for LIFE.

Join Emma at her Bootcamps at Pyford Cricket Club There’s also an abundance of FREE workouts, exercise tips @emergy100 Try her online ‘emergyLIFE’ program to help give your Body and Brain an emergy BOOST!  @emergy100  @emergyFIT @emergyLIFE (closed Facebook group / on-line workouts & food tips)

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