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Alessandro Michele
Alessandro Michele is creative director at Gucci. Since he started in this role in 2015 the company has grown by 200 per cent and today has a turnover of close to 10 billion Euros annually. Just over the last year growth has been over 30 per cent. What has made this positive development possible is Michele’s vision that has completely redefined Luxury Goods aesthetically, communicatively and socially.
Today everyone who has the money can buy a Gucci garment or accessory. Regardless of body type, sex or age. There is something for everyone these days and all with Alessandro Michele’s clear signature. The now 50-year old designer was born in Rome and he has become one of the world’s creative engines. Gucci’s fashion shows, digital events and co-operations inspire and are copied by young creators around the world. Michele’s importance for the fashion industry is probably as great as Elon Musk’s is for the car industry.
In Italian, we can say that beauty is something that you create—that you create the illusion of your life,…. It is to believe in something that
Alessandro Michele has 1.1 million followers on Instagram doesn’t exist, like a magician, or a wizard…I was thinking over the past few days that the purpose of fashion is to give an illusion. I think that everybody can create their masterpiece, if you build your life how you want it. Just to create that illusion of your life—this is beautiful.
Alessandro Michele 2016.
Alessandro is very involved in LBTQ-issues and these often influence brand communication and design.