Degree courses
Sussex Coast College Hastings
School of Art & Design in partnership with
Higher Education
Courses at
Sussex Coast College Hastings
Choosing the right degree in the right place is one of the most important decisions you will ever make.
offer a range of art and design courses,
Higher National Diploma
which are validated by the University
are two year courses including strong
of Brighton and Sussex Coast College
work related emphasis. There is a focus
Hastings. If you decide to continue your
on developing practical/technical skills
study with us you will be part of a creative
undergraduate community.
Students may progress onto a BA Top Up.
Foundation Degree
B.A. Top-Up
introduces you to new thinking and ideas
is a one year course which is undertaken
and sets this in a work based context
after successfully completing an FdA or an
preparing you for employment in your
HND. Students have the option to take the
chosen field. Students graduate after two
BA Top Up here at Sussex Coast College
years and progress either to employment
or at a different College/University.
or onto a third year B.A. Top-up. Both
After successfully completing this course
Foundation Degrees and Higher National
students are awarded a BA ( Hons ).
Diplomas are valued by employers.
For further information contact : School Administrator : Alison Smith Tel : 01424 458505
Applying :
Paying back :
Students must apply for FdA degrees and
You pay nothing back until you are earning
HNDs and the BA Top Up through the
over £ 21,000 a year. Repayments will be
UCAS web site :
taken from your salary by the government
The deadline for applications for courses
in the same way as income tax.
starting September 2015 is January 15th
How much you pay back depends
2015. You may apply for five different
on your salary but if your salary falls
courses at the same time. Your tutor/
below £21,000 a year your repayments
teacher will help you with this application.
automatically stop. Student Loans do not go on credit files, and should not impact
Cost :
on your ability to get a mortgage.
The tuition fees for FdA degrees at SCCH
For full details refer to UCAS website.
were £ 7000 pa in 2014. The tuition fees
tuition fee for the BA Top Up was £ 7500.
Living Cost Loans & Grants
The tuition fees are covered by Tuition Fee
There is no upper age limit for
tuition fee loans or grants. To
for HNDs at SCCH were £ 5900 pa. The
apply for a Maintenance Loan you
Eligibility :
have to be under 60 at the start of the
All full time students from the UK and
course. Maintenance Loans are available
EU providing you have not studied for a
to all students regardless of household
degree before. Part time students can get
incomes and are paid directly into
loans too.
students’ bank accounts usually three times a year.
Who am I borrowing from ? The government pays it directly to the college/university.
Courses we offer
Foundation Degree Contemporary Crafts Practice (converting to B.A.Hons Designer Maker subject to validation )
Foundation Degree Fashion Design
Foundation Degree Fine Art Contemporary Practice ( converting to B.A.Hons Fine Art Contemporary Practice subject to validation )
Foundation Degree Graphic Communication
Foundation Degree Illustration
Higher National Diploma Photography
BA Hons Art & Design Top-Up with specialism
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Ashley Heminway:
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Hannah Exley-Myers:
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Patrick Jones:
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Vanessa Marr:
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Joanna Kerr:
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Lucinda Wells:
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Andrew Robey:
Foundation Degree Contemporary Crafts Practice (converting to B.A.Hons Designer Maker subject to validation )
Print Textiles Glass Ceramics Plaster Paper Plastic Print
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Ashley Heminway:
Understanding how objects are made including
essential knowledge for anyone wishing
Designer Maker
to practice as a
This course allows
students to use a range of materials and processes to make their work. There is
a strong emphasis on design practice alongside making, providing students with a skill base to establish themselves as a practitioner. During the course students are encouraged to take part in live briefs, competitions and to exhibit their work. Throughout the course students will gain an understanding of crafts based practice and the context behind their work. The course is taught by creative professionals who are active designer makers and exhibitors. This course is run in partnership with the University of Brighton.
Foundation Degree Fashion Design
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Hannah Exley-Myers
Design is an exciting course which will
of the course. With great transport links
introduce you to the many and varied
to London and Brighton, students are also
aspects of Fashion. Over a period of two
encouraged to regularly visit the wealth of
years the course aims to provide you with
cultural resources available to further enrich
the skills of successful visual research,
their own work, and inspire creativity.
through to the development of your own
This course is run in partnership with the
professional fashion and textile designs.
University of Brighton
With a strong focus on key technical skills, students will be taught how to develop and cut patterns, how to construct beautifully crafted garments, how to present your ideas
well as how to source the most suitable materials to do this. Within the fashion industry, cultural and critical understanding is an essential element of the creative process. As part of delivering this area, we actively organise visits to both local and national museums, galleries, retailers, and trade fairs (including Premiere Vision in Paris). These field trips combined with lectures and seminars support both the practical and theoretical elements
Foundation Degree Fine Art Contemporary Practice For more information contact the Subject Leader ( converting to B.A.Hons Fine Art Contemporary Practice subject to validation )
Patrick Jones:
The programme
Fine Art
specialisms: painting, installation, film, sculpture & printmaking. These disciplines are
conceptual considerations that give the course a contemporary edge. The student experience is enriched by a dynamic visiting
national and international artists. From the outset of the programme the students have the opportunity to curate and exhibit their work. Careers education, work placements and visits abroad (New York, Berlin, Istanbul and Paris) all serve to make this a vibrant and challenging programme. www.pinterest.comartsussexcoast/fdafine-art-contemporary-practice/ This course is run in partnership with the University of Brighton.
Foundation Degree Graphic Communication
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Vanessa Marr:
So you want to be a
Graphic Designer ? Deadlines, late nights working at your Mac;
client meetings, and the undiminishing excitement you get when you see the work that YOU designed on a billboard, in a bookshop or online. No two days will be the same: design a logo in the morning then make the finishing touches to a magazine in the afternoon‌ an FdA in Graphic Communication will prepare you for all this. Taught by practicing professional designers, we will give you a good grounding in idea development, layout skills, typography and work with you to develop professional level skills to put all this into practice and prepare you for work. We offer loads of tutor time, small groups and great facilities. This course is run in partnership with The University of Brighton.
Foundation Degree Illustration
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Joanna Kerr:
interested in telling stories or conveying
Course blog :
messages and the opportunities open to
them have changed so much in recent
years. This course aims to put you in
This course is run in partnership with
the driving seat so that you have an
The University of Brighton.
understanding of the industry as well as the opportunity to develop the skills, approach and understanding to make your own personal visual language. Students benefit from being part of a vibrant illustration community in Hastings with opportunities to take part in events such as HiFest and work experience both locally and nationally. Another strength of the course is the range of processes that are available including printmaking, animation, 3D, photography and digital technology. If you study illustration here you will also benefit from dedicated space,
technical workshops and tutors who are successful practising illustrators.
Higher National Diploma Photography
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Lucinda Wells:
course is a vibrant, energetic, dynamic
and network during regular related events
held in Hastings including the annual
staff where dialogue, sharing, curious
PhotoHastings, six weeks of photography
minds and practical exploration are
exhibitions taking place all over Hastings
encouraged. It has a strong emphasis
and St Leonards. Our programme is
on creativity combined with professional
taught over two years, three days per
practice. Students have the opportunity to
week and the qualification provides a
study specific disciplines, including both
thorough grounding in key concepts and
wet and digital processes, video and skills
practical skills allowing a route into work
that support the opportunities to work as
or on to further study.
a commercial photographer. There are
considerable opportunities to test skills
BA Hons Art & Design Top-Up with specialism
For more information contact the Subject Leader
Andrew Robey:
This one-year
degree is primarily aimed at successful HND/Foundation
seeking to extend their studies at degree level. Five pathways are available: Fine Art, Visual Communication Design, Craft, Fashion and Photography. Strong tutorial support is underwritten by an expansive visiting lecturer programme and workshop provision. A studio working culture seeks to extend the depth of critical and creative understanding
of study that integrates research skills, artistic and design endeavor in a dynamic, interdisciplinary learning environment. Curriculum Study Units : Studio Practice, Historical and Critical Studies, Professional Practice, Reflective Practice. View our bespoke website to look at most recent graduates work during their time on the course :
Sussex Coast College Hastings Station Approach, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 1BA