Bees are some of Mother Nature’s most important pollinators and our relationship with them goes back for thousands of years. Ruth Lawrence has discovered how the High Weald Beekeepers’ Association at the Horsted Green Park Apiary are working hard to maintain thriving colonies and extend this relationship
Nature’s Natural Transformers “H
ow many bee miles do you think go into making a 1lb jar of honey?” asked Dr Peter Coxon who helps look after Horsted Green Park’s ten hives on behalf of the High Wealden Beekeepers’ Association. “A thousand,” I hazarded, wishing I’d done a little more homework before our meeting. “Forty thousand miles!” was the astonishing reply; adding that a large colony flies a daily distance equivalent to the moon and back, in their search for nectar. Horsted Green Park near Uckfield is Wealden District Council’s latest country park. It’s enjoyed by hundreds of visitors and their dogs each week
That 1lb jar of honey has two million flower visits packed inside
August 2021 | SUSSEX LIVING 67