Herbs for HEALTH
Local herbalist Sarah Hillyer shares her knowledge and remedies for treating that perennial bug bear: the common cold
here’s no getting away from the fact that sore throats, coughs and runny noses affect us all, especially during winter. Luckily, there is plenty that we can do to ‘nip it in the bud’, ease the symptoms and hopefully lessen the effects. Take sore throats, for instance. A sore throat is usually the first sign that we are fighting a virus. A favourite remedy is honey and garlic. Crush 2-3 cloves of garlic and put them in half a
jar of honey. A teaspoon of this, several times in the first few hours, will often stop a virus in its tracts. Alternatively try a propolis tincture (see recipe, next page). If you know a friendly beekeeper, ask him if he can spare a little precious propolis. It’s a powerful antibacterial agent which bees make to keep their hives healthy. Then there’s the cough. Many viruses travel down the airways and damage the fragile membranes of the bronchi that lead to the lungs. The body then quickly tries to heal itself by producing mucus, resulting in the congestion of the airways and coughing fits. Try making a chest rub which passes through the skin directly to the infected area or this simple herbal cough remedy (see recipes, next page).
January 2022 | SUSSEX LIVING 33
Jan22 Herbs for health.indd 33
16/12/2021 14:57