Diary Dates April 2015 Do you have a Mid Sussex community or charity event to promote? Visit www.sussexliving.com and fill in a Diary Dates form.
DiaryDates Wednesday 01 – Sunday 19 April
Rogers Inspirational Easter Tile Sale
Haywards Heath Tile Showroom, Spencer House, Mill Green Industrial Estate, Mill Green Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 1XQ Crawley Tile Showroom & Bathroom Studio, Metcalf Way, Crawley, West Sussex RH11 7SU Redhill Tile Showroom, 22 Monson Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2ET Be inspired with up to 75% off tiles and a minimum of 20% off everything including bathrooms. Contact: Rogers Ceramics 01293 612057 isales@rogersceramics.co.uk www.rogersceramics.co.uk Sundays 10:00-14:00 or as long as you can stay
Conservation Work Parties on Bedelands Farm Nature Reserve
Meet in Car Park off Maple Drive Can you help in simple path clearing tasks or general tidying? Contact: www. bh-green-circle.org.uk Mary Smith (Secretary of Friends of Burgess Hill Green Circle Network) 01444 242667 mary.s.smith@talktalk.net Wednesday 01 April, 13:45-16:00
Burgess Hill Flower Club - An
Easter Workshop with Gill Sadler Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX You are most welcome to come and enjoy the fun of Flower Arranging with us. Visitors £5.50, but with a copy of Sussex Living Magazine your first visit is free. Contact: Hazel Foster 01273 757176 hazel1F31@talktalk.net
Wednesday 01 April, 19:45
Burgess Hill Horticultural Society - An Illustrated Talk by Steven Moore of Rapkyns Nursery Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX Based near Henfield, Rapkyns specialise in unusual varieties of familiar plants. Plants will (of course!) be available for sale. Admission: Members free and visitors £1. Contact: Flo Whitaker 01444 245509 bhhs@talktalk.net Thursday 02 April, 20:00, Doors open 19:30
Ditchling Film Society “Tracks” (12 Cert)
Ditchling Village Hall, Lewes Road, Ditchling BN6 8TT This film is set in the Australian outback and is about Robyn Davidson, a 27 year old woman who decided to walk 1,700 miles west from Alice Springs to the Indian Ocean accompanied only be 4 camels and her dog. This beautiful film transforms the desert into an amazing blaze of texture and colour. Free coffee and biscuits beforehand and wine can be purchased by the glass. Ample free parking behind the hall. Guests and temporary members are welcome for the sum of £5, payable at the door.
S u ss e x L i v i n g April 2015
Do you have a Mid Sussex community or charity event to promote? Email info@sussexliving.com and ask for a Diary Dates form.
Thursday 02 April, 20:00
Saturday 04 April, 10:00-16:00
Sunday 05 April, 14:00-17:00
Greyhound Inn, Keymer Road, Hassocks Every Thursday! Whatever your talent come and show it off or just watch others. Pop in for a fun night out - entrance free! Contact: thegreyhoundinnkeymer@yahoo.co.uk
Henfield Village Hall, Coopers Way, West Sussex BN5 9DB Jam Pot Spring Vintage Fair will have wonderful painted and pine vintage furniture, linens, cushions, garden-ware, toys, perfumes, jewellery, enamelware, cups and saucers and lots more. £1 admission. Contact: Mary Kingston 01273 492913
Oldlands Lane, Hassocks, West Sussex BN6 8ND Volunteers will be available to give guided tours and serve refreshments. Donations are greatly appreciated we suggest £3 per person or £5 per family. There is no parking at the Mill, but it can be reached with a pleasant walk via Oldlands Lane, Keymer, or Lodge Hill Lane, Ditchling. Contact: Fred Maillardet 01273 842342.
Greyhound - Open Mic Night
Friday 03 April
Haywards Heath Lions Swimarathon
The Dolphin Centre, Pasture Hill Road, Haywards Heath RH16 1LY Teams swim in a 55 minute relay for their chosen good cause and for the Lion’s charity, SERV Sussex. Contact: Haywards Heath Lions Club 01444 451157, hhlionsswim.co.uk lionsswimarathon@gmail.com Friday 03–Monday 06 April
Little Bo Peep; Easter Specials at The Bluebell Railway
The Bluebell Railway, Sheffield Park Station East Sussex Meet Little Bo Peep on board The Bluebell Railway all through the Easter Weekend! Easter Gifts included for every child (and something for the adults too!) Booking essential. Call for more details. Entry Fee £10+. Contact: 01825 720800 minfo@ bluebell-railway.co.uk
Jam Pot Spring Vintage Fair
Saturday 04 April, 11:00-15:00
Easter Celebrations in Burgess Hill Town Centre
Burgess Hill Town Centre Join in Burgess Hill’s Easter Celebrations. Lots of family fun with PamPurredPets’ Petting Animal Farm, Face Painting, Easter Egg Hunt Competition and Giant Egg Storytime at Market Place Shopping. Contact: www.cometoburgesshill. co.uk info@cometoburgesshill.co.uk Facebook/teamburgesshill Twitter @ teamburgesshill Sunday 05 - Monday 06 April, 10:00-16:00
Keep it Local Craft Fair at The Llama Park
The Flaming Mojos
The Sportsman, Goddards Green, West Sussex BN6 9LQ Live music from 8.30pm. Free entrance. Contact: 01444 233460 www.thesportsmanpub.com
The Llama Park, Wych Cross, Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JN The Keep it Local Craft Fairs are synonymous with outstanding quality. “Quite simply the best fair we’ve ever been to”. Entrance Free to Craft Fair, café and shop. Fees apply to see the Llamas. Contact: Anne Marriner 01342 328427 anne@keepitlocalevents.co.uk www.keepitlocalevents.co.uk www.llamapark.co.uk
Saturday 04 April
Sunday 05 - Monday 06 April, 12:00-17:00
Friday 03 April, 20:30
Free BBQ Demo
The Alfresco Shop @ Doves Barn Nursery, Copthorne Road, Felbridge, Surrey RH19 2PB Come along and learn a new BBQ recipe or two, picking up helpful barbecuing tips. Small charge if you fancy tasting what we cook! Contact: Martin and Ruth Hicks 01342 327774 info@thealfrescoshop.co.uk www.thealfrescoshop.co.uk Saturday 04 April, Sessions from 10:00
Flower Arranging
The Ballroom, Blind Veterans UK, Greenways, Ovingdean BN2 7NS Sheila Knight from the Flower Shed will be your tutor. You will make a gorgeous table arrangement to take home. £20 per person. Contact: Rachel 01273 391455 rachel.chitty@ blindveterans.org.uk Saturday 04 April, 10:00-12:00
‘Pond Dipping at Bedelands’
Bedelands Farm Nature Reserve – meet at Bedelands Car Park off Maple Drive for 10am to walk to the dipping pond Come and discover hidden minibeasts below the water! Led by Dominic Moore. All ages are welcome. Contact: Mary Smith (Secretary of Friends of Burgess Hill Green Circle Network) 01444 242667 mary.s.smith@talktalk.net
Easter Fun at Parham House & Gardens!
Parham House & Gardens, Pulborough, West Sussex RH20 4HS Complete the Easter trail, meet the Easter Bunny and play garden games. Visit the hatchery with chickens, quail and ducks. Adults £8.00, Senior Citizens £7.00, Children (5-15yrs) £4.00, Under 5’s Free, Family (2 adults, 4 children)£22.00. (Upgrade to House available). Contact: 01903 742021 www.parhaminsussex.co.uk enquiries@parhaminsussex.co.uk Sunday 05 April, Gates open 11:00, First race 14:25, Last race 17:25
Totepool Easter Sunday Family Raceday
Plumpton Racecourse, Plumpton, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 3AL Day one of the two day totepool Easter Family Festival includes a children’s Easter Bonnet competition, fun fair and other entertainment. Grandstand and Paddock Enclosure £18 on the day. Picnic Enclosure £10 on the day. Children under 18 go FREE. Advanced online admission £14 (closes 6 days prior to the event). Race programme and parking FREE. Contact: 01273 890383 Allison@ plumptonracecourse.co.uk or linda@ plumptonracecourse.co.uk
Oldland Mill Open Afternoon
Monday 06, 13, 20, 27 April, 08:00-17:00
General Antiques & Collectables Auction
Gorringes, Garden Street, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1TJ Gorringes hold a weekly Monday sale located at Gorringes Garden Street, Auction Rooms, Lewes. This is a well-established regular auction holding between 600 and 800 lots of antique and other furniture, ceramics, jewellery, pictures, silver and collectables. Contact: clientservices@ gorringes.co.uk 01273 478221 Monday 06 April
Eight Bells Bolney Pram Race See Local Living
Monday 06 April Gates open 11:00, First race 14:15, Last race 17:45
Totepool Easter Monday Family Raceday
Plumpton Racecourse, Plumpton, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 3AL Day two of the two day totepool Easter Family Festival includes a fun fair, family entertainment and appearances throughout the day from Peppa Pig. The same contacts and admission details apply as for the 5th April. Tuesday 07 – Thursday 09 April, 10:00-15:00 (except Thursday 10:00-16:00 performance)
‘Billy Elliot’ Theatre Workshop
Scout HQ, Station Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9EN Participants will work on selected scenes, exploring the story through dance and singing, presenting the juxtaposition of the miner’s struggle and the beauty of ballet. £80 per student and £70 per sibling. DirectorKim Wright. Contact: 07504059640 info@jktheatrearts.com www.jktheatrearts.com ednesday 08th April 2015. 07.45 for 8.00pm to 10.00pm
“The Tale of the Tulip”
Hassocks Horticultural Society Meet at Adastra Hall, Keymer Road Hassocks Once again we will have the pleasure of a visit from Russell Bowes, and he will present an illustrated talk entitled “The Tale of the Tulip” This will be a great evening, so come along to see and enjoy. As usual, visitors very welcome. Members £1.50. Visitors £2.50. Refreshments included. Sylvia Hancock. 01273 844544 n8a5cluv@talktalk.net
DiaryDates Wednesday 08 April, 20:00
Lindfield Horticultural Society - Talk by Barry Newman ‘Preparing for your Show’
King Edward Hall, Lindfield RH16 2HH Chairman of the National Vegetable Society, grower, exhibitor and judge, Barry will have tips for both novices and experts. £1 members, £2 visitors. All welcome. Contact: Publicity Officer 01444 451363 www.lindfieldhorts.org.uk Thursday 09, Friday 10, & Saturday 11 April
The Bolney Players “When The Lights Go On Again”
Farney Close School, Crossways, Bolney RH17 5RD Matinee (14:30) performances on 10th and 11th and evening performances on 9th, 10th, & 11th, at 19:30. This is a musical with over 30 wartime favourite songs. The show is staged by permission of Roy Sault and Capricorn Productions. Tickets are £9.00 for adults (and £7.50 for children for the matinee performances only) and are available from bolneyplayers.ticketsource.co.uk. For those without online booking facilities call 0333 666 3366 - a ticketsource box office where a £1.50 booking fee applies Thursday 09 April, 19:30
Mid Sussex Association National Trust Lecture The Studio, Clair Hall, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN A talk by Peter Anderson ‘Oddities and Eccentricities of Sussex’ Friday 10 April, 19:30-21:30
‘Gardener’s Forum’
Adastra Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH Jean Griffin, Radio Sussex expert gardener will be pleased to answer all your questions and queries on your garden, pit plants, allotments etc. Raising funds for Crohn’s Disease Research. Entrance£3. Refreshments will be available. Advance tickets from Pavilion Electrics in Keymer Road, Hassocks or by ringing Dorrie Mottram on 01273 845291 or pay at the door. Friday 10 April, 20:00
Life at Standen, an illustrated talk by House Manager, Ben Dale East Court Mansion, East Grinstead RH19 3LT Speakers Night, Friends of East Grinstead Museum. Free to members, £2.50 to visitors. Contact: East Grinstead Museum 01342 302233
Friday 10 April, 19:00 AGM 20:00-21:15 Talk
Friends of Weir Wood Nature Reserve Society - ‘The Making of the High Weald’
Community Centre, Hartfield Road, Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5DZ An invitation to an illustrated talk by Matthew Pitts, High Weald Woodlands Officer. The historical development of the landscape by man and industry and how they have influenced what we see today. Charge – donations please. Preceded by AGM of the Society at 19:00. Non-members welcome to attend to learn about the Society. Tea and coffee after the AGM. Further information www.weirwood.me.uk
Saturday 11 April, 06:00-09:00
‘Dawn Chorus Bird Walk on Bedelands’ led by Geoff Kent and John Prodger, followed by Member’s Breakfast
Bedelands Farm Nature Reserve. Meet for 6 am start in Bedelands car park off Maple Drive. Discover the bird’s first calls of the morning in a delightful setting. Breakfast costing £2 will be provided for members if booked with Jen Ranger 01444 246830 by at least 10th April please. Free - all welcome. Contact: Mary Smith (Secretary of Friends of Burgess Hill Green Circle Network) 01444 242667 mary.s.smith@talktalk.net Saturday 11 April, 08:30-12:30
Car Boot Sale with Table Top inside
St Mary’s Church Hall, Windmill Lane, East Grinstead RH19 2DS Bargains galore! Refreshments available. Sellers may arrive from 07:30 please. Book and pay for your pitch in advance at £10. Contact: Karen 01342 302083 karenmedinawest@yahoo.co.uk www.stmaryeastgrinstead.co.uk Saturday 11 April, 10:00-11:30
Friends of St Christopher’s Home for the Elderley - Annual Coffee Morning & Mini Market
Guide HQ, Trinity Road Car Park Hurstpierpoint Please do come along and join us at the above event. Entrance fee is 50p per person to include coffee or tea and biscuits and there are a wide range of stalls including cakes, books, dvds, cds, raffle, tombola, plants and gifts. If you have any small items you would like to donate for sale please get in touch with me, Jo Kearns - 01273 834200. We are happy to arrange collection. We always welcome gifts of home-made cakes, buns, scones etc. St Christopher’s is a small residential home for elderly people and the Friends Group works to raise funds to arrange benefits and social outings for all the residents. Saturday 11 April, 10:00
Mid Sussex Ramblers - Curcular from Balcombe Church
Lay-by on east side of B2036 just north of Balcombe village, (near to church). Balcombe church - Little Strudgate Farm - Newhouse Farm - Great Strudgate Farm - Stonelands Wakehurst Place - Horsebridge Wood - Ardingly Brook - Balcombe Lake Balcombe. 10 miles TQ307309. Please bring a picnic. Some steep ascents and descents may be slippery in places. Contact: 01825 722135 Saturday 11 April, 19:30-22:00
Charity Concert by Vivace Choir
St Mary’s Church, The Causeway Horsham Concert in aid of Cuckfield Stroke Communication Group and Horsham Parkinson’s UK branch. £10.00 to include drink and nibbles. Contact Details: 01403 266173 or vivacehorsham@gmail.com Saturday 11 April, 20:00
“Wilbury Jam”
Adastra Hall, Keymer Road, Hassocks BN6 8QH Popular local band, Wilbury Jam, are performing to raise funds for
Heber Opera, with whom lead singer Nick Forrest is a regular soloist. The band will present their usual mix of popular songs, ballads and audience participation numbers. The evening starts at 20:00 and there will be an interval with a buffet meal. The bar will open at 19:30. Tickets are available from Goodsman Letting on 01273 495220
Tuesday 14 April, 19:45
Saturday 12 April, 10:00-12:30
Lindfield Preservation Society – Annual General Meeting followed by an illustrated talk on “Different Perspectives” by Garry Sharp
Museum Free Open Morning
Basement of Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX What Can You Learn from the Census? Also bring us your Local History questions. Free entry. Refreshments available. All welcome. Contact: paulinetm@gmail.com Saturday 12 April
East Grinstead Vintage Bus Day See Local Living
Monday 13 April to Saturday 18 April, Monday-Friday, 10:00-16:00, Saturday 10:00-14:00
New Showroom Open Week + Remnants Sale
Unit 3 Catsland Farm, Bramlands Lane, Henfield BN5 9TG Come and meet the design team at our new Interiors Showroom, browse through 70 designers of wallpapers, fabrics, furniture, rugs, paints, accessories, plus our popular Remnants Sale. Contact: www. fabricsandpapers.com hello@ fabricsandpapers.com 01273 495500 Monday 13 April, 19:30-21:30
Conversation in Spanish, Italian, French or German
The White Horse Inn, 16 West Street, Ditchling, West Sussex BN6 8TS A relaxed opportunity to meet with and chat to other speakers of German, Spanish, French or Italian. Fee: None, though you are kindly requested to purchase a drink from the host pub. Contact: Piers Euro Languages in Action eurolanguagesinaction@gmail. com www.eurolanguagesinaction.com Monday 13 April, 19:45
Hassocks Field Society “Sky Lab, Science and Medicine in Space”
Adastra Hall, Keymer Road Hassocks A talk by Professor M Whittle. Members £1.50. Visitors £2. Contact: Beryl Varley 01273 832351 Monday 13 April, 20:00
Greyhound - Quiz Night
Greyhound Inn, Keymer Road, Hassocks We currently hold a monthly quiz on the second Monday of each month. Why not pop along for this fun night and pit your wits against others. Contact: thegreyhoundinnkeymer@ yahoo.co.uk Tuesday 14 April, 19:30
Weald Classic Vehicle Club
Weald Inn, Royal George Road Burgess Hill We meet every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Weald Inn. Owners and enthusiasts welcome. Come and have a chat, listen to a few stories or even tell a tale or two. For further information, please call Fred Bone on 01444 239853.
Hurstpierpoint Horticultural Society - Lawn and Lawnmower History
Club Suite, Village Hall, Hurstpierpoint An illustrated talk by Clive Gravett who will be bringing some of his old mowers. Members £1 Non-members £2. greenhpp@tiscali.co.uk Wednesday 15 April, 20:00
King Edward Hall, 24 High Street, Lindfield RH16 2HH This talk will give a description of the Quadcopter used to photograph the Lindfield area from the air with some interesting examples showing a “Different Perspective”. Contact: John Chapman 01444 484470 john_ chapman@talk21.com All welcome including non-members. Entry is free. Wednesday 15 April, 20:00-22:00
The Mid-Sussex Franco-British Society- Le mouvement collaborationniste Breton - le Bezen (la Formation) Perrot 1940-1944
The Function Suite, Clair Hall, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN Illustrated talk by Mark Watson, Head of French Studies at Ardingly College. All members and visitors are most welcome. (£4 payable on evening). Contact: Barbara Stevens 01444 452385 Thursday 16 to Saturday 18 April, 19:30
Wivelsfield Little Theatre ‘Prescription for Murder’
Wivelsfield Village Hall, off Eastern Road, Wivelsfield Green RH17 7QG See Local Living Friday, 17 April,19:00-22:00
Newick Support Group Quiz with Sausage & Mash Evening
Newick Village Hall, Newick BN8 4LY See Local Living. Quiz Night with Newick Support Group. Further details from Glenda Blackaller 01825 722607. (In Support of St Peter & St James) Friday 17 April, 19:15-21:45 Doors open 18:00
Music for Everyone
The Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill RH15 8DX International organist Claudia Hirschfeld. Entry £5 on door. Contact: Rosalie Birchmore 01444 241269 bhkeyclub33@talktalk.net Friday 17 April, 19:30-21:30
East Grinstead Society Meeting
Main Hall, East Court Mansion, East Grinstead, West Sussex RH19 3LT ‘Hidden Country Houses in Sussex’ – Gordon Gould of the Ashdown Ramblers Association presents photographs taken whilst walking in Sussex. All welcome. Nonmembers£1.50 – members £1.00 – Including refreshments. Contact: Joan Roberts 01342 322648 www.eastgrinsteadsociety.org S u ss e x L i v i n g April 2015
DiaryDates Saturday 18 April, 09:30-13:30
Lindfield Bonfire Society Vintage Coffee Morning King Edward Hall, 24 High Street Lindfield RH16 2HH Coffee and tea served in vintage tea cups with homemade cake and pre-loved bookstall. Contact: Sarah Tampion-Lacey 01444 487470 lindfieldbonfiresoc@gmail.com Saturday 18, 10:00-17:00 Sunday 19 April, 09:00-16:00
Life between Earth and Cosmos Why Biodynamics? With Kai Lange
Emerson College, Hartfield Road, Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX The first in a series of Short Courses in Sustainable Agriculture. Leading us beyond materialism. Working with the living soil, plants and animals linking Earth and Cosmos. £140 Course fee only. £210.50 Course fee plus single room and all meals. £165.50 course fee, plus lunch and breaks – no accommodation. Contact: Details registrar@emerson.org.uk 01342 822238 http://emerson.org.uk/shortcourses Saturday 18 April, 10:15
Mid Sussex Ramblers - Ifield circular via Rusper
Car park behind the Plough pub and church in Ifield Street, Crawley Druids - the Mount - Ventners Rusper (Pub lunch - star or Plough) Lambs Green - Stumbleholm Far - car park. 7 miles TQ247376 Saturday 18 April, 11:00 & 14:00
Chris & Pui Show
Martlets Hall, Civic Way, Burgess Hill RH15 9NN Get a groovy move on and book today to see the freshest family show in town, the all new Chris & Pui Show. £12 Adults and £10 Children (Under 3’s Go Free!). Contact: 01444 242888 www.martletshalls.org Saturday 18 April, 11:00-16:00
Spring Art & Craft Fair
Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 8DX Over 20 stalls of locally handmade arts, crafts and gifts, plus refreshments and a tombola in aid of The Royal Naval Association. Contact: 01444 236607 bhcraftfair@gmail.com www.getcraftyonline.co.uk/bhcraftfair. html www.facebook.com/bhcraftfair Saturday 18 April, 19:00-23:00
Saturday 18 April, 20:30-23:30
Clayton & Keymer Royal British Legion, Woodsland Road Hassocks BN6 8HE The unforgettable Barry & The Boys are back playing the all- time classics of the 60s.£3.00 guest fee. Free for members. Contact: ckrbl@btconnect. com 01273 845829 Sunday 19 April, 10:00
Mid Sussex Ramblers - The Great Escape
Staplefield Common, west side Staplefield - Stanbridge Grange - A23 underpass - Slaugham - Handcross - Nymans Woods - Staplefield. 5 miles TQ275282. Celebrating the restoration of a link across the A23 effectively severed for many years by traffic volumes then road widening. Another attempt on the walk originally scheduled for 5th October last year. The tunnel really is now open. Contact: John 01444 483860 Mobile on the day 07817 032135 Sunday 19 April, 11:00-15:00
Oathall Community College Farm - Lambing Day Appledore Gardens, Lindfield, Haywards Heath,West Sussex RH16 2AQ Our small and unique educational farm unit is open to the public to see our new born lambs. Refreshments available. Entrance Free (donations welcome). Contact: jblackholly@oathall.org Sunday 19 April, 11:20
Mid Sussex Ramblers - Early Purple Orchids : a walk for nature lovers
Trinity Road car park, Hurstpierpoint Hurstpierpoint - Randolph’s Farm - Wolstonbury Hill, (picnic lunch) - The Warenne - Coldharbour Farm Hurstpierpoint. 6.5 miles TQ281165. Steep ascent and descents. Please bring a picnic lunch. No dogs please. Contact: Peter L 01444 4153673 Tuesday 21 April, First Race: 15:40. Last Race: 19:50
Season Opening Race Evening
Plumpton Village Hall, Plumpton BN7 3BQ The Quiz Night returns to Plumpton Village Hall. Tables of 8. £10 per person to include food. Please bring own cutlery and plates. Licensed bar. Raffle. To book a table, please contact Gill Gamble on 01273 891218. (In support of St Peter & St James)
Brighton Racecourse, Freshfield Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 9XZ Enjoy the start of the racing season with 7 thrilling races! FREE return shuttle bus from Brighton Train Station. Advance tickets from £11. Children under 18 go free. Contact: Brighton Racecourse 0123 603580 info@brighton-racecourse.co.uk www.brighton-racecourse.co.uk@ BrightonRace
Saturday 18 April, 19:30-21:30
Tuesday 21 April, 19:45-21:45
Haywards Heath Methodist Church, Perrymount Road, Haywards Heath RH16 3DN An evening of operatic delight. Familiar arias and choruses performed by the choir with guest soloists who are all trained by Janet Gration.
Club Suite, Hurstpierpoint Village Centre, Trinity Road Hurstpierpoint The Jewels of South East Asia speaker Ray Hale. Contact: Jane Biggs 01273 834421. Visitors welcome.
Plumpton Support Group Sausage & Mash Quiz Night
A Night at the Opera
Tickets £12 in advance (£15 on the night) from all members of the choir, Carousel Music in Haywards Heath or pre-order from the website via the contact link or email via contact@ midsussexchoir.org.uk. Children under 16 enter free with a paying adult.
S u ss e x L i v i n g April 2015
Wolstonbury WI Monthly Meeting
Tuesday 21 April, 20:00-22:00
Lindfield & District Folk Dance Club
Ashenground Community Centre, Vale Road Haywards Heath Folk dancing for fun, no partner needed. £2 including tea/coffee and biscuit at half time. First evening free. Contact: Mike 01444 482741 Wednesday 22 April, 18:00 & Saturday 25 April, 11:00
Bowls “Taster Sessions”
Hurstpierpoint Bowls Club, South Avenue, Hurstpierpoint BN6 9QB We are offering FREE coaching, FREE 6 weeks membership and FREE use of equipment. Please wear flat shoes or trainers. We are a very friendly and also socially active club and look forward to meeting you. Contact: Anne 01273 842770 a.clifford59@btinternet.com Thursday 23rd April 9:30am to 2:30pm
Learn to sew with jersey
Made and Making, The Workroom, Unit 3 Turner Dumbrells, Dumbrell Court Road, Ditchling, BN6 8GT If you can use dressmaking patterns but are scared of knits come along and learn the tips and tricks. We’ll make a flattering jersey top which you can wear with pride. £65. www.madeandmaking.co.uk. sarah@madeandmaking.co.uk. 07967 819540 Thursday 23 April, 10:00-16:00
Jewellery Valuation Day
Bonhams, 19 Palmeira Square, Hove BN3 2JN Bonhams Jewellery Specialist will be at the office to provide free and confidential auction valuations on items you are considering selling. To make an appointment, please contact Jenny Bouston on 01273 220 000 or email jenny.bouston@bonhams.com Monday 23 April, 19:45–21:15
East Grinstead Natural History Society - Sussex Dinosaurs John Cooper
St Barnabas Church Hall, Dunnings Road East Grinstead Lecture with slides. £4.50 for guests including refreshments. Contact: Terriss Bacon on 01342 315051 Friday 24 April, 09:30-13:00
Cuckfield Crafts & Market
Queens Hall, High Street, Cuckfield RH17 5EL 35 plus, quaint, quirky and contemporary stalls comprising of jams to jewellery, vintage homewares to Italian handbags! Refreshments available. Contact: Beverley Smith Tel 01444 440274 allthingsnicecft@aol.com Friday 24th April, 10:00–12:00
Coffee Morning
Haywards Heath United Reformed Church, 55 South Road, Haywards Heath Coffee Morning in aid of Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research. Free entry. Contact: Mrs Margaret Drake 01444 454618 drakesinwater@thepond51. fsnet.co.uk Friday 24 April, 10:00-14:00
Fostering Drop-in Session
Horsham Library, Lower Tanbridge Way, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 1PJ Come along to meet members of the
Fostering team, ask questions and discover more about what it takes to become a foster carer. To view our video on a real-life foster family, visit our West Sussex videos pages (www.westsussex.gov.uk)and see our ‘Fostering -the inside story’.
Friday 24 to Sunday 26 April
The Attic Club Art Fair
The Village Hall, Lewes Road, Ditchling, East Sussex BN6 Opening Times: Friday 24th, 13:0020:00 Refreshments during evening viewing. Saturday 25th, 10:00-17:00 and Sunday 26th, 10:00-16:00. Admission free with voluntary donations to Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice. Friday 24 April – Saturday 25 April
Arise Women’s Conference 2015, “Shine” Clair Hall, Haywards Heath, West Sussex RH16 3DN Arise Women’s Conference 2015, “Shine”, is back for a weekend of Spirit-filled teaching and worship, with guest speaker Yvonne Brooks! £20. Contact: Ruwach Christian Church, 01444 459025, office@ ruwach.org.uk, www.ruwach.org.uk Friday 24 April, 18:00-19:00
Plumpton Support Group Bluebell Walk
Equestrian Centre, Plumpton College, Plumpton This walk will be led by Reg Lanaway 01273 890070. Please wear sensible footwear as paths can be muddy. £2 per person or donation, in support of St Peter & St James Hospice. Friday April 24, 20:00
Forbidden Nights
Martlets Hall, Civic Way, Burgess Hill RH15 9NN Think Cirque De Soleil meets Magic Mike! A classy new all male variety show with full theatre production and explosive choreography. £19.50 (£18 Group of 6 or more). Contact: 01444 242888 www.martletshalls.org Saturday 25 April, 09:00-13:00
Hassocks Village Market
National Tyres Forecourt, Keymer Road, Hassocks A lively and bustling village market supporting local producers and crafts-people. Huge selection of fresh bread, free range meats, eggs and fish, traditional cheese, plants, home baked cakes and much more. Music and singing, weather depending, plus Hassocks Football Club promoting their services to the community. Contact: Sarah Lessacher, 07810 800248 or via Facebook “Hassocks Village Market” Saturday 25 April, 09:30-12:00
Brighton College Open Morning (11+, 13+, 16+) Brighton College, Eastern Road, Brighton BN2 0AL The pupils and teaching staff look forward to welcoming prospective pupils and their families to the Brighton College Open Morning. Tours commence at 09:30. Contact: 01273 704201 registrar@brightoncollege.net
DiaryDates Saturday 25 April, 10:00-14:30
Spring Craft Fair
The Old School, Church Lane, Cuckfield RH17 5JZ 40+ stalls. Home produce. Books. Jewellery. Homeware. Photo prints and many more gift ideas. Coffee, lunch and tea available. Free admission. Contact: Peter Groves 01444 456900 oldschoolmanager@tiscali.co.uk Saturday 25 April, 10:00-16:00
Brownie Big Top Performer
Blackland Farm, Grinstead Lane, West Sussex RH19 4HP Ever fancied joining the Circus? Begin your journey here learning to somersault on our Bungee Trampoline, make your own juggling balls and learn how to use them in the Workshop, all this to gain your Circus Performer badge. £20 Contact: Blackland Farm 01342 810493 www.blacklandfarm.org.uk blackland@girlguiding.org.uk Saturday 25 April, 10:00-16:00
Mid Sussex Scouts Go 2 Japan See Local Living
Saturday 25 April, 10:30-16:00
Balcombe History Society - Local History Exhibition
Victory Hall, Stockcroft Road, Balcome RG17 6HP ‘All Change - The Railway Comes to Balcombe’ - The Exhibition will include material from our archive showing the wide influence and impact, the coming of the Railway had on Balcombe. Tony Perkins will also be available to help you trace your Balcombe ancestors from our extensive records. This is also an opportunity to see the beautiful Neville Lytton frescoes in the Victory Hall. Entry £1 (children free). Contact: julie. budgen@btinternet.com Saturday 25 April
Race Night & Golf Day See Local Living
Saturday 25 April, 10:15–12:45
Worth School Open Day
Paddockhurst Road, Turners Hill RH10 4SD A chance to find out more about the Worth ethos, meet the Head Master, monks and teachers and see the campus with a personal student tour guide. Please call Lucy Garrard on 01342 710255 or visit www.worthschool.co.uk Saturday 25 April, 11:00-13:00
Hands-On Sushi Workshop
Big Life Organics, 112 South Road, Haywards Heath RH16 4LL Take the mystery out of this delicious and versatile Japanese delicacy and learn how to make your own sushi! A hands-on workshop where you will learn how to roll sushi using a variety of vegetarian fillings then take it home to eat! £45. Contact: 01444 628667, classes@ biglifeorganics.co.uk, www.biglifeorganics.co.uk Saturday 25 April, 19:30
Burgess Hill Choral Society Spring Concert The King’s Church, Victoria Road,
Burgess Hill RH15 9LR See Local Living Saturday 25th April, 20:30-23:30
Admissions 01444 241050 registrar@burgesshill-school.com www.burgesshill-school.com
Rough Diamond
Tuesday 28 April
Sunday 26 April, 09:00-13:00
St Leonards-Mayfield School, The Old Palace, Mayfield, East Sussex TN20 6PH The Headmistress and the Head and Deputy Head Girl talk about life at Mayfield. Two of our younger pupils give an insight into their own experiences of Mayfield. Then pupils lead guided tours of the buildings and grounds. Lunch provides visitors with an opportunity to meet parents whose daughters are already at Mayfield, and to speak to senior staff and subject teachers about the academic, extra-curricular, pastoral and spiritual life of the school. If you would like to attend, please contact the Admissions Office on 01435 874642 or admissions@mayfieldgirls.org to register your interest.
Clayton & Keymer Royal British Legion, Woodsland Road, Hassocks BN6 8HE New to the club, a 4 piece covers band from Sussex, specializing in all the greatest hits of the 60’s and 70’s. £3.00 guest fee. Free for members. Contact: ckrbl@btconnect.com 01273 845829.
Downlands Community School Car Boot Sale
Downlands Community School, Dale Avenue, Hassocks BN6 8LP Sellers - reclaim your shed or find cash in the attic! Buyers - come along and find some treasure! Pitches – Cars £8 in advance (£10 on the day), Vans £10 in advance (£15 on the day). Free entry to buyers but donations to the school are always gratefully received. Please call 01273 845892 to book your pitch Sunday 26th April 10 am to 4pm
Spring Fair at Birchfield Nursery
Jack Dunckley’s Birchfield Nursery, Kidders Lane, Henfield, BN5 9AB Food, craft and gift stalls. Raffle. St Catherine’s Hospice. Children’s ‘Find a plant’ hunt. Flower arranging demonstrations. Plant offers. Free entry and free parking. 01273 494058. Sales@birchfieldnursery.com. www.birchfieldnursery.com
Mayfield Open Morning
Tuesday 28 April, First Race: 13:55. Last Race: 17:00
Spring Afternoon Racing
Brighton Racecourse, Freshfield Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 9XZ Enjoy a day at Brighton Racecourse with 7 thrilling races! FREE return shuttle bus from Brighton Train Station. Advance tickets from £11. Children under 18 go free. Contact: Brighton Racecourse 01273 603580 info@brighton-racecourse.co.uk www.brighton-racecourse.co.uk @BrightonRace
Wednesday 29, Thursday 30 April & Friday 01 May, Doors and bar open 19:1, Curtain up 20:00
Plumpton Players present “Caught in the Net” by Ray Cooney
Plumpton Village Hall, 1 West Gate, Plumpton Green BN7 3BQ The hilarious sequeI to “Run for your Wife”. Continual lying to cover up a mischief construct a bizarre mirage with one virtue; a lunatic consistency! For Box Office please contact Plumpton Village shop or tel 01273 890883. Tickets £8 Wednesday April 29, 20:00–22:00
East Grinstead RSPB local group Illustrated Lecture Main Hall, East Court, College Lane, East Grinstead RH19 3LT Gondwanaland Revisited – the influence of the remarkable geological history of the Southern continents on its wildlife and birds. Martin Davies. £4 for guests. Contact: Lesley Berry 01342 324955 Thursday 30 April, 1 9:30-21:00
Lighter Cooking for Spring
Big Life Organics, 112 South Road, Haywards Heath RH16 4LL Sprng is a perfect time to cleanse your body. We’ll be preparing lighter dishes to help you harmonise with the energy of the season. All our food is animal and dairy free. £25. Contact: 01444 628667, classes@biglifeorganics.co.uk, www.biglifeorganics.co.uk
Sunday 26 April, 14:00 (meet at 13:45)-16:30
Charity Walk (Sheila’s Walk) and Cream Tea in aid of Action Medical Research for Children
Hartfield Village Hall, High Street, Hartfield, Sussex TN7 4AA A guided 5 mile walk, followed by a cream tea in the Hall. (Parking is permitted in the Surgery Car Park nearby).£10 per head, £3 for children under 8 and dogs, on leads, are welcome. Places must be booked and paid in advance by calling Claire on 01342 323697 audreyebateman@gmail.com Tuesday 28th April 9:30am to 2:30pm
Get sewing – Alterations an introduction
Made and Making, The Workroom, Unit 3 Turner Dumbrells, Dumbrell Court Road, Ditchling, BN6 8GT Come and master simple alterations including changing seams, hems, waistbands and zips. Bring along some of your own garments to work on. £60. www.madeandmaking. co.uk. sarah@madeandmaking.co.uk. 07967 819540 Tuesday 28 April, 10:45-13:00
Summer ‘See Us At Work’ Open Morning
Burgess Hill School for Girls, Keymer Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 0EG Provides prospective families and students the chance to find out more about the opportunities available. Please contact: Mrs Y Irvine, Head of S u ss e x L i v i n g April 2015