242 Health & Wellbeing
Transitioning through Menopause A smooth transition through Menopause by Heather Smith Information for your approach to Menopause Menopause seems to have come into the spotlight recently, and it’s good that there is more quality information available. Sometimes though, trying to get your head around a huge amount of information can be overwhelming, and while menopause can be complicated, I feel it is important to start with the basics. Self-care is important during menopause, making sure you get the right nutrients and adapting some lifestyle habits can provide long lasting benefits and make the transition through menopause easier. Here are four key things to put in place as a foundation for your approach to menopause. Manage stress During menopause, our ovaries are retiring and passing the baton to our adrenal glands. Our adrenal glands are responsible for producing stress hormones, so it makes sense to manage stress better to take load from your adrenals.
Try breathing exercises/meditation, take more down time and go for more walks. Focus on sleep quality Now is the time to hone in on your bedtime routine. Turn screens off at least one hour before bed and wind down. Getting at least half an hour of natural daylight before midday will help you get quality sleep at night. Include resistance exercise in your routine Making sure you’re including some load bearing exercise will help to maintain bone strength. Pay attention to your diet Eating a healthy diet of protein and veg can help balance hormones and maintain a healthy gut. Getting enough omega 3 in your diet will also help keep your skin hydrated, plus other benefits. A base for other strategies There are a lot more strategies you can use to optimise your transition through menopause, but make sure you’re starting with these key basics first as they form a base for your other strategies to build on. www.fitbiztraining.co.uk