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Health&Wellbeing Caloriedeficit
Easy ways to create a calorie deficit
By Heather Smith
In November’s issue, I discussed factors which can influence the energy our bodies use, and we can make many of the factors work in your favour! I am going to give you action points. By increasing the energy our body needs to stand still, and decreasing the energy we take in without starving ourselves, we can make losing weight a bit easier. There are two sides to a calorie deficit. The calories we eat and the ones we use. Let’s look at both. Ways to increase the calories our body uses - Increasing Exercise Exercise burns calories, either a structured workout or using the stairs, parking further away or getting up from your chair more often. It’s not always a case of ‘the harder the better’. - Increasing Muscle This will increase your daily energy requirement and help create a natural calorie deficit. - Eat More Protein Protein needs energy to be digested, by replacing some calories with protein calories, you're creating an extra calorie deficit without reducing intake. Ways to decrease the calories we eat - Increasing Fibre Filling up with low calorie vegetables is a great way to feel satisfied with fewer calories, not to mention that being topped up on nutrients reduces food cravings too. - Eat More Protein Eating enough protein will help you reduce your caloric intake naturally. - Eat Slowly It takes time for the ‘I’m full’ signal to be created, and the faster you eat, the easier it is to go beyond what your body needs. - Look after your Lifestyle Work on your sleep quality and duration, and learn how to manage stress, in order to reduce food cravings and hormonal fluctuations. www.fitbiztraining.co.uk
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