Sussex Local Magazine - Arundel/Barnham SEPTEMBER 2022

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ARUNDEL | AMBERLEY | BARNHAM | EASTERGATE | SLINDON | YAPTON to 12,969 homes via Royal Mail Sept 2022 REMAP Bespoke equipment for people with disabilities WORKOUTS Are intense the best? NEW CARS The Fiat Centoventi EVENTS Theatre, markets & more DRY GARDEN Water saving and low maintenance ...PLUS charity walks, property health & wellbeing prize crossword young readers’ puzzle business directory Win day ticket to the South Downs Music Festival Hair colour & blow dry at BrightonRush

PULBOROUGH -Pulborough,Bury,Coldwaltham,Fittleworth,Marehill, 5,952


MIDHURST&PETWORTH -Midhurst,Petworth,Easebourne- 7,074

Every address every mon h 3SUSSEX LOCAL Sept2022 “Ialonecannotchangetheworld,butIcancastastoneacross thewaterstocreatemanyripples.”-MOTHERTERESA Coverimage: Conkers “I alo SUSSEX Sept 2022 Cover image: USSEX LOCAL SUSSEX USSEX LOCAL Disclaimer-Whilstadvertisementsareprintedin goodfaith,SussexLocal(KayPublishingLtd)isan independentcompanyanddoesnotendorse productsorservicesthatappearinthismagazine. SussexLocalcannotbeheldresponsibleforerrors oromissionsorclaimsmadebycontributors.Views andopinionsofcontributorsarenotnecessarily thoseofthepublisher. Quoteofthemonth... “ ”CONTENTS 4 What'sOn 13 LocalGuidedWalks 16 SouthDownsMusicFestivalWina4daytickettothe 18 Yapton&FordHistory-Roe'sCharity 20 arrivesatArundelCastleArundelHistory-Electricity 23 CharityProfile-Remap,helpingpeoplewithadisability 26 DryGardenInYourGarden-Creatinga 30 professionalsProperty-Findingtheright 32 areindemand?Property-whichproperties 34 Recipe-SpicedBeefPatties 36 Motoring-thenewFiatCentoventi 38 PrizeCrossword-Wina£20mealvoucherforTheGeorge,Eartham 40 LocalSchoolsNews 42 intenseworkoutsessential?Health&Wellbeing-Are 44 blow-dryatRushBrightonWinacolourserviceand 45 YoungReaderPuzzles 47 Charity&CommunityNews 55 ClassifiedBusinessDirectory 59 IndexofAdvertisers KayPublishingLtdPOBox2237PulboroughRH209AH||01903868474 Establishedin2007,wepublishandhand-deliverseven editionsfreeofchargetoover45,000homesandbusinesses everymonth.Wewelcomereaderlettersandcommunity noticeswhichwepublishfreeofcharge. Advertisingfromonly £10 peredition ARUNDEL -Arundel,Amberley,Burpham,Climping,Fontwell,Ford, Slindon,Walberton&Yapton- 6,829 BARNHAM -Barnham,Eastergate,Westergate,Aldingbourne, Oving,&Tangmere- 6,063 CHICHESTER -Chichestercentre&suburbs- 6,227 FINDON -FindonValley,FindonVillage,Nepcote,HighSalvington, Salvington,Durrington,Clapham&Patching- 7,196

STORRINGTON -Storrington,Ashington,CoothamThakeham,Sullington &Washington- 6,611

HELLO! Backtoschoolthismonth.The firstdayofanewschoolyearis alwayssomethingspecial, markingnewbeginningsand newopportunities.Goodluck toallthechildren-and parents. OurSeptemberofferings includeanarticleonREMAP,a fantasticcharitywhoadapt itemstohelppeoplewith disabilities.Theirvolunteers includedesignersand engineers,andtheyhelpa widerangeofpeopleacross thecounty. OurgardeningexpertAndrew Staibgivesideasoncreatinga ‘drygarden’usingdroughtresistantplants,pertinentin viewofthisyear’shotweather. Doyouneedto‘feeltheburn’ toloseweightfromexercising? ReadhealthexpertHeather Smith’sarticletofindout. We’veatastyrecipeforyouto tryaswellasourregularwalks, puzzles,competitionsand comprehensiveWhat’sOn listings.Pleasegetintouchif youhaveanythingtopromote –allcharityandcommunity eventsandnoticesare publishedfreeofcharge. Untilnexttime, Kris&Jeff

2 Event organisers please enter your event details on add/ We regret that we cannot accept submissions by email. We take the details from our website for the magazine listings which can appear in up to all seven editions distributed to over 46,000 addresses. Charity, community and non profit events are free of charge (subject to space). Commercial events can be listed from just £25 plus VAT which includes promotion through Facebook & Twitter. Deadline for October events to be put on website 4th September What’s On - September 2022 More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes CHARITY 03/09/2022 8:00 AM South Downs Trekathon Join the Passage on a 9, 15 or 26 mile hike in the Sussex countryside. Covent Field Lewes BN7 1HP £30 CLUBS & SOCIETIES 03/09/2022 6:45 PM Comic book club Graphic novels aimed at adults Private house Barnham PO22 0EF Free. singleSocialFelpham05/09/2022paulw21erin@gmail.comPaul:8:00PMSinglesSocialClubclubforwidowed,ordivorcedofmature age. The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL Free. Anne Cook 01243 03/09/ support group for people with Parkinson’s and their families Washington memorial hall RH20 4AP £2 Gillian or Ian 01903 746871 08/09/2022 7:45 PM Worthing Folk Dance Group, Grasshoppers Folk Dance Club St Lawrence Church Hall Goring by sea BN12 4BY £2 Helen 09/09/2022 3:00 PM Rosehill Book Club, Pulborough Meet in other members homes Pulborough RH20 4NL Carol 01903 745216 12/09/ Meadows WI September Meeting Talk by Kathy Hall on Petworth House & Park Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF Women's16/09/2022mary.walker50@gmail.com7:30PMSullingtonWindmillsInstituteAfriendlygroupofaround 60 ladies The Parish Hall Storrington RH20 3PP Erika Brichta 20/09/2022 7:30 PM Durrington WI meeting at Durrington Community Centre Jules Hats and Hairpieces Durrington Community Centre BN13 3FJ 07515 516854 to my wi 20/09/2022 7:30 PM West Chiltington Floral Club September Demonstration West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ £5 Visitors. Carol 07803 658377 28/09/2022 7:15 PM The Selsey Tramway Joe Whicher Route and history of lost Tramway Bassil Shippam Centre Chichester PO19 7LG £3 RCTS 07403 885061 branch chr Chichester COMMUNITY Every Wed 11:30 AM Wednesday Lunch Club Weekly lunch club for the over 55’s with social activities Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF £5 Louise Every Fri 10:00 AM Blue Idol Open Days Visit historic building and Quaker place of worship Blue Idol Quaker Meeting House Coolham RH13 8QP Free Blue Idol Quakers 04/09/2022www.blueidol.org11:00 AM Chanctonbury 'Chanc as One' Ashington Free annual family service on Ashington Recreation Ground RH20 3DD 01903 893648 www.proudtocarewestsussex.comBN17areLittlehampton30/09/ COURSES & TUITION 10/09/2022 9:30 AM Birding for beginners autumn migration migratory birds at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL Members: £20.50 Non members: £25.50 Contact Lydia: 01798 4 What's On

Every address every month 35

2 More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes 14, 21 & 28 Sep 7:30 PM Is there more to life than this? Free Alpha course Life Community Church exploring the questions of life, faith and meaning The Village Hub Storrington RH20 4DJ Stuart 01903 743547 21 & 28 Sep 2:00 PM WEA Course “The forgotten years: Edwardian Britain 1901 1914” Dr Alan Simmonds Billingshurst Community & Conference Centre RH14 9QW £100 for 10 sessions of 2 hours WEA Billingshurst 01403 337302 21 & 28 Sep 6:00 PM Beginners course with Sompting Village Morris Open to over 16’s St Georges Church Worthing BN11 2DS Mike 07932 165254 26/09/2022 10:30 AM A Golden Age: Painting in the Dutch Republic in the Seventeenth Century A WEA course with art history tutor St Paul's Parish Centre Chichester PO19 6FT £100 Catherine 28/09/ War in the South of England A WEA course of 8 sessions, St Paul's Parish Centre Chichester PO19 6FT £80 Catherine EXHIBITIONS 01 21 Sep 10:00 AM Arundel Museum September Exhibition South Downs Black and white prints Arundel Museum BN18 9PA free www.arundelmuseum.orgoffice@arundelmuseum.org01903 885866 03/09/2022 9:00 AM Life in CollectionUnseenCountrysidethePrivateSussex Rural Events Woodmancote, Henfield BN5 9BA £8. Free under 12. Gilly 03 06 Sep 11:00 AM The Makers Directory Mini Market Pop up market by The Makers Directory Netwerks Lewes BN7 MuseumArundel10/09/ 24/09/2022 11:00 AM Artists at Oakbank an Exibition and Sale A show of work by Sussex Artists. Oakbank Storrington RH20 4BU John 07974 933282 24/09/2022 11:00 AM Local Art & Crafts & Hobbies Exhibition local Artists, Crafters and any Hobby(iers) can exhibit their craft or work Burpham Village Hall BN18 9RR Heather 01903 882839 FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT 03/09/2022 12:00 PM Boxgrove Companion Dog Show With Obedience 26 classes including Pedigree, Novelty and Obedience Free Parking Boxgrove Village Hall PO18 0EE Sylvia 07751 017339 03 & 04 Sep 11:30 AM ABC Animal Sanctuary Fun Weekend See animals and groom a pony. ABC Animal Sanctuary West Chiltington RH20 2JS £5. Free under 14. 07770 667319 / 07900 124841 Vintagesteam,engines,,cars,bikes,commercialmilitarybygones,tradecraftMacmillanRallyPetworthGU289JW£450Sylvia 24/09/2022 11:00 AM Pulborough Harvest Fair Stall holders, food, drink, music, children's activities, ice cream and local produce The Glebefield Pulborough RH20 1AD Stall holders book via 773374Farmbar,A25/09/,dance,cakes,raffle,icecream,pizza, FILM 03/09/2022 6:30 PM Outdoor Screening Back to the Future (1985) outdoor cinema Madehurst Cricket Ground BN18 0NN £12.50 The Sussex Snowdrop Trust 740745Raffle.Season14/09/2022thesussexsnowdroptrust.comoffice@snowdroptrust.com012435724337:30PMRotaryFilmNightNewTheDuke£5fromCardShop.Bar&SullingtonHallRH203PP£ 6 What's On

Every address every month 3 Local Stockist 7

2 19/09/2022 7:30 PM Pulborough Film Night Top Gun: Maverick 2022 Action/Adventure cast includes Tom Cruise & Miles Teller. Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF £7 Contact Terri: 07711 470635 26/09/2022 7.30 PM Top Gun: Maverick refreshments available on the night Arundel Town Hall BN18 9AP £7 from Town Hall cash only or from GARDENS & HORTICULTURE 17/09/2022 2:00 PM Walberton Gardeners Club Autumn Flower Show Walberton Village Hall BN18 0PJ Entrance £1. Free under 16 07881 552980 22/09/2022www.walbertonbbailey93@btinternet.comgardenersclub.com7:30PMAnillustrated talk Autumn Plants talk on autumn plants. St Mary's Centre Felpham PO22 7NU Visitors £1 Every Thurs & Fri & 10:30 AM Visit Woolbeding Gardens Explore the National Trust's Woolbeding Gardens Midhurst GU29 9RR on Thursdays or Fridays £10 Child: £5 woolbeding gardens,forEvery£,OldCrossStreetPulboroughRH201HD£6Belindastreetfarmbelinda@westburton.comEveryThu10:30AMTheOldVicarage,£5Tony& More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes Both Cooling and hea ng Energy efficient Improved air quality VAT exempt Maximises your return on investment10% discount for all orders placed on or before September 30th 2022 Quote “SLM10” System price installed from £1,100.00* (excluding electrical supply) Call or email us for a no obliga on quote Phone: Mark 07853 312979 or Phil 07720 149292 Email: Air Condi oning & Hea ng Systems 8 What's On

Every address every month 3 HEALTH & FITNESS 01/09/2022 2:00 PM Balance and Strengthening Classes Led by Physiotherapist. Max 10 participants. Thakeham Village Hall RH20 3GP £10 per session Rosie MUSIC 01/09/2022 8:00 PM The Ace Tones a charity event The Ace Tones present 50's 60's Rock 'n' Roll, in aid of St. Wilfred's Hospice. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £20.50 Hazel 01243 867676,RegisCentrePO211BN£,RegisCentrePO211BN£ 06/09/2022 2:00 PM 2 O'Clock Club 'Selsey Shantymen' Studio 1, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £6 Hazel 01243 867676 08 & 13 Sep 7:30 PM Chichester Music Society Concert Chichester Music Society at Chapel of the Ascension Chichester PO19 6PE Cyndy 16/09/2022 7:30 PM Cadillac Country’s Rockin Roadhouse Live Country Music Washington Village Hall RH20 4AP £5 Bryon 17/09/2022bwinslade@hotmail.com7:30PMMatthew Coleridge Requiem concert at Arundel Cathedral performance of his choral work Requiem in Arundel Cathedral BN18 9AY £10 07719 797893 noomrjr 17/09/2022 7:30 PM 'The Best of Queen' 'The Break Free Tour' Queen Tribute Band Majesty Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £28.50 Hazel 01243 More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes EARLYBIRDTICKETSJUST£80(NORWhat's On 9

2 22/09/2022 8:00 PM Sunbirds come to Southampton The Brook founder with new band playing Southampton The Brook SO17 3SD £12.50 Maria 07801 191784 22/09/2022 8:00 PM The Southdown Music Festival The Leylines (+ Wrest) Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £24 Hazel 01243 867676,Festival24/09/£ 25/09/2022 8:00 PM The Southdown Music Festival The Men They Couldn't Hang Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £24 Hazel 01243 867676 BN3&Seahorses28/09/£ SALES & MARKETS 06 & 07 Sep 9:00 AM Ardingly Antiques Fair Antiques stalls at Ardingly Antiques Fair South of England Showground RH17 6TL £20. Free under 16. 17/09/2022 10:30 AM Charity sale clothing, books, bric a brac, etc, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Stream House Storrington RH20 4JT 17/09/ Market eggs, bread, cakes, crafts plus cafe with full English breakfast. Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF Terri 07711 17terriashpool@uwclub.net470635&18Sep11:00AMBeautiful & Useful Craft Fair at Sussex Prairies designer makers Sussex Prairie Garden Henfield BN5 9AT £10 kids: £5 Free under 5’s. Pauline beautiful More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes The Novium Museum, Tower Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1QH For more information please visit our website or call 01243 775888 ADMISSION FREE DONATIONS WELCOME HOW THE ARTS HAVE PUT CHICHESTER ON THE MAP Exhibition Open 25 June 2022 – 25 Feb 2023 ADMISSION FREE — DONATIONS WELCOME 10 What's On

Every address every month 3 19/09/2022 9:00 AM Arundel Farmers Market 3rd Sat every month growers, bakers, meat, poultry, flowers, plants, food and drink makers Arundel BN18 9AA SPIRITUALIST 24/09/2022 7:00 PM Angel in Blue Psychic evening Social/support evening & Psychics Medium demonstration Storrington Village Hall RH20 4DZ £6 Val HORSERACING 06 & 21 Sep 11:00 AM Goodwood Racecourse Midweek Racing 2 afternoons of racing Goodwood Racecourse PO18 0PS From £21 Under 18's free TALKS 06/09/2022 7:30 PM An Inspector Calls A talk by Neil Sadler on his police career. Storrington Museum RH20 4LL £8 01903 740188 06/09/2022 2:00 PM The Arts Society West Sussex Talk ‘From Downton to Gatsby” by Andrew Prince Fittleworth Village Hall RH20 1JB Visitors welcome for £7 Jackie 01903 411086 07/09/2022www.theartssociety.org2:00PMStory Telling and the Devil: Dr. Anthony Cane Literary Society welcomes Dean of Portsmouth. Chichester PO18 OEE £7 HallChantalDowns07/09/2022www.chichesterliterarysociety.orginfochichesterlitsoc@gmail.com10:45AMTheArtsSocietySouthRaphaelGodamongstpaintersbyBrothertonRatcliffe.FittleworthVillageRH201JB£7Jane01798813314£8£6ArundelConflict?08/09/ More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes SING IN HARMONY with your local award-winning male acapella group are offering a FREE 4 week learn to ‘SING IN HARMONY’ course October 5, 12, 19, 26th from 8-9pm at their new base DIAL POST VILLAGE HALL, Old Worthing Road, RH13 8NS One hour per week and it might be the CHEAPEST and BEST early Christmas present you will ever have! See us For more details contact VOCAL FUSION ACAPELLA What's On 11

2 12/09/2022 10:00 AM The Arts Society Steyning Creating An Imaginary World Theatre Design talk. The Steyning Centre BN44 3XZ £10 donation for visitors. Diane: 07968 232794 15/09/ Society Talk by Paul Ullson the History Man South Downs Memorial Hall GU29 9DH £3 for guests. Tina 01730 816542 382470LibraryKeane20/09/£ details/ bognor regis 27/09/2022library/7:00PM MacDonald Gill: Charting a Life illustrated talk by Caroline, Andrew and Angela. West Sussex Record Office PO19 1DD £8 Matthew £6NAFAS28/09/ THEATRE 01/09/2022 2:30 PM Crazy for You Dementia Friendly Performance the Gershwin musical welcoming people with dementia Chichester Festival Theatre PO19 6AP £16£18£1049bf8cb5cb21a716ceb0/pages/details8:00PMJimDavidson'Unlocked2022'16years&over.AlexandraTheatre,CentrePO211BN££15kids:£12Hawth/7893ec11aa54prejudice More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes 16/09/2022 7:30 PM Mums The Word Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £26 01243 867676 16/09/2022 7:00 PM Pride & Prejudice Brighton Open Air Theatre Hove BN3 6EH £15 Kids: £12.50 event/pride and prejudice 22/09/ Music Festival Spiers & Boden featuring Spiers & Boden & support acts. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £24 Hazel 01243 867676 24/09/2022 7:30 PM Chinese Boxing play by Mark Kitto ‘Chinese Boxing’ is a piece of theatre tackling one of the issues of modern times. Empire Hall Petworth GU28 0QB £12.50 14+ Jim 30/09/2022 8:00 PM The Alex Comedy Club 16+. Studio 1, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £10.50 Hazel 01243 867676 WALKS 06/09/2022 10:00 AM Heathland Sculpture Trail Walk Iping stroll around Iping Common GU29 0PB 1through11/09/'sHistoryhourhistorywalkwithaBlue Badge Guide. Storrington Library Car park RH20 4PA £5 01903 740188 12/09/2022storringtonmuseum@hotmail.comwww.storringtonmuseum.com10:00AMHeathland Sculpture Trail Walk, Lavington Common stroll around Lavington Common GU28 0QL guests can join taster Free More events on please contact event organisers to check for changes 12 What's On

Every address every month 313

Meet: Chichester Market Cross, East St (between HSBC/Gold Arts)

Mon 5th 10.30am Chichester Tree Trail L : Ian 75 mins 1.5 miles

A gentle circular walk down to the River Rother via our new Permissive Path

A circular walk up Nore Hill, through Eartham village Meet: Free parking on the right, ¾ of a mile north of The George PH at Eartham, PO18 0LU

Meet: Marine car park, Selsey

Wed 7th 10.30am Woolbeding Rother L: Bruce 2 hours 4 miles

Thurs 15th 10.30am Tillington River Rother L: Gerald 1.5 hours 3 miles

IMPORTANT: You must pre book the 90 min + walks on the Chichester District Council Website or call 01243 521041

Meet: Woolbeding Rother (Nearby postcode GU29 9RL)

Meet: Fishbourne Centre Car Park, PO18 8BE, off Blackboy Lane

Mon 19th 10.30am Fishbourne L: Ian 75 minutes 2.6 miles

Thurs 29th 10.00am Onslow Arms, Loxwood L: Louise 2.5 3 hours 5.5 miles

A fairly level walk, 2 stiles

2 Sussex Walks - September 2022

A gorgeous, but up hill, walk through farmland and forest up to the SDW with stunning scenery

A flat circular stroll searching for Selsey’s seal sculptures

Meet: All Saints Church, East Dean Wed 14th 10.30am Bignor Hill L: Alison 2.5 hrs 6 miles

Please note that any walks with duration of 90 minutes or more are not accredited by The Ramblers but are managed by Chichester District Council. Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the walk, the walk will leave on time. These walks are led by volunteers and if the weather is poor the walk may be cancelled.

Sun 4th 2pm Selsey’s Seal Sculptures

Sun 18th 10.30am Slindon Woods L: Dominic 2 hrs 3.5 miles

Walking up through Houghton Forest and back along the South Downs Way with panoramic views

Tue 6th 10.30am Eartham Woods L: Peter 2 hrs 4 miles

Walk around central Chichester, to introduce us to the variety of local and exotic trees in our city.

Thurs 8th 10.30am Singleton L: Simon 2 hrs 3.5 miles

Meet: The Horse Guards Inn, Upperton Road, Tillington, GU28 9AF

Meet: Whiteways Car Park, BN18 9FD

The route passes through Sussex Wildlife Trusts Levin Down Nature reserve onto Charlton and then returning to Singleton. Two moderate climbs near the beginning Meet: Outside the primary school in Singleton.

Along dunes and beach to Climping Mill, then across fields to Ferry Road to the Yacht Club Meet: 10.30am at Arun Yacht Club Car Park, Rope Walk, Littlehampton, BN17 5DL

“Leisurely” circular, flat walk. Some stiles, and since it is a coastal path, potentially muddy in parts.

L: Debbie 2 hours 4 miles

Gentle pace walk with Lovely views. Generally flat, gravel path. Some muddy areas and short inclines. Last ¼ mile uphill Meet: National Trust car park, Dukes Road, Slindon.

A very pretty riverside walk taking in Stedham Mill, Easebourne and the Rother. No dogs please Meet: Cowdray Cafe and Farm Shop car park Midhurst

Mon 12th 4pm East Dean L: Sandy 3 3.5hrs 6.6miles

Meet: in the car park behind the Onslow Arms RH14 0RD 14 Walks

Midurst Common, Castle, Cowdray Ruins, River Rother and Whiphill. Ascent 75m.

Fri 22nd 10.30am Cowdray L: Jane 3.5 hours 7.5 miles

Wed 28th 10.30am Climping L: Dominic 1hr 15mins 2.5 miles

Every address every month 3 The Hamblin Centre, Bosham House, Main Road, Bosham, PO18 8PJ 15

Win a pair of 4 day tickets to see Southdowns Music Festival


Southdowns Music Festival

The ticketed headline concerts include the legendary Lindisfarne on Saturday 24 September, Send your answer and contact details to: Southdowns Music Festival Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: competitions Winner drawn after 18th September 2022. Please indicate if you wish to remain on our mailing list. To enter answer the following question: Q: How many days is the festival taking place a)over?3b) 4 c)5 Spiers and Boden Lindisfarne

The four days between 22nd and 25th September will see the Town Centre and Seafront areas of Bognor Regis feasting on a superb array of great music, dance, and much more as part of the Southdowns Music Festival.

On Saturday afternoon in Studio 1 of the Regis Centre, there will be a fascinating new ticketed production by London based choral group, Broomdasher entitled The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady who have wowed audiences up and down the country. For more information, please visit: and for bookings visit or call Regis Centre

16 Competition


Great fun for all the family 22-25 September the acclaimed Spiers and Boden on Thursday 22nd, a `double header` on Friday 23rd with the up-and-coming Wrest and The Leylines, and on Sunday 25 September, the fabulous Men That Couldn't Hang (TMTCH) Box Office (10am 2pm) on 01243 861010.

The Festival will be centred on the Regis Centre and Alexandra Theatre with other venues including the William Hardwicke, the Hothampton Arms, the Dog and Duck, the RAFA Club, the London Road precinct, the newly refurbished Place St. Maur, Waterloo Square plus the closed off Seafront between Clarence Road and Lennox Street.

There will be a fantastic offering of free entertainment for locals and visitors to enjoy including the hugely popular Southdowns Ukulele Festival, the second scintillating `Shanty Showdown`, the Southdowns Dance Festival with nine colourful dance groups, the new Bognor Radio Respect Music Stage on the closed Seafront, fascinating craft and market stalls, a Real Ale Festival, music sessions, choirs, workshops, great children`s entertainments and free events at eight different venues. What`s not to like!

On Saturday and Sunday afternoons, the RAFA Club in Waterloo Square will be hosting the Festival concerts from 1pm to 6pm with some real high quality performers. Tickets for each afternoon concert are just £10.50 each, with FourDay Festival ticket holders having access to all ticketed events over all the Festival days.

Every address every month 317

Roe’s Charity

According to the accepted history of Stephen Roe, born, 1699, in Yapton is that he was the son of William Roe, a local butcher. In 1716 his father apprenticed him to a Chichester Needlemaker by the name of Thomas Raymond, for seven years at a cost of £40. This fact was not born out by the research by David Wilson of Chichester, who could not find any record to confirm this. What is more, he could not find any reference to any Needlemaker named Thomas Raymond in Chichester. What David did uncover was a Stephen Roe was apprenticed to a Thomas Raymond of Cy (possibly an abbreviation for City [of London]) on the 18th December 1716 for £40. Is this too much of a co incidence? What is not in doubt is his move to London. While living in London he accrued a fortune. Testimony to this lies in his will which, when adjusted to today’s value, is in excess of £700,000. Research has not discovered how he amassed his fortune. It appears that Stephen had married twice. His first marriage was to Elizabeth Hopcroft in 1722 and a second marriage in 1736 to Elizabeth Drury. Stephen died in 1767 and is buried in the Church of St Bartholomew the Great, near Smithfield, on the March 11th 1767. In his will, written in 1766, he did not forget his childhood home. He instructed that £1200: three per cent annuities should be transferred to the Minister, Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of Yapton. They were to spend £20 of the annual interest on educating as many poor Boys and Girls of the Parish as possible, with the remaining £16 pounds of interest per year should be used to support, with equal shares, seven poor people or housekeepers of the Accordingparish.toresearch undertaken by Denis Vardy, a Yapton School teacher and local historian, in 1819 there were twenty boys and girls being taught in a local school free of charge. It is assumed that the £20 from Roe’s Charity paid for the Master’s salary. Denis also discovered a report written in the early part of the 19th century which recorded that in 1833 Stephen Roe’s School catered for 20 boys plus 14 paying scholars. It was also during the early part of the 19th century that a move was made towards improving the education of children resulting in the National Schools project coming into being. There seemed to be a little resistance to this move locally, with the result that there was not a National School in Yapton until 1864. It was financed by annual contributions including the £20 from Roe’s Charity. This Charity is still in existence albeit with a depreciated value. The value was so much reduced that the two purposes of the fund were combined and used for education purposes. How much the annual payment and who decides who the beneficiaries are, requires a little more research. Stephen Roe Charity is a regular Agenda item for the Annual Yapton Parish meeting.

Finally, Stephen Roe’s name lives on in the village by way of the main entrance road into the new housing estate alongside the school, Paddock View, being named Roemead Drive.


By Allen Misselbrook, Yapton & Ford local history

To contact Allen Misselbrook on a local history matter please email:

Visitors to Yapton Church, or to give it it’s full name, St Mary the Virgin, may look on one of the memorial tablets and wonder about its significance. The one I am referring to is on the wall above the pulpit. It is ‘Sacred to the memory of Stephen Roe, Citizen of London, Born in this Parish’.

Stephen Roe memorial

18 Local History

Every address every month 319

The Fauna Taproom has some interesting plans for the building which will not damage the structure, rather, the plan is to celebrate the original features as a backdrop for the new business venture.

Plans dated 1898 (ref no. 1708) can also be found in the castle archives for, ‘drains for the electric light battery room at Arundel Castle.’

When the castle finally had access to mains electricity c1930’s, the electricity works were initially just used for storage. Over the years the building has been home to the castle estate fire engine, offices/equipment for the castle stables and a few years back it housed a car mechanic business.

Part II by local historian Mark Phillips


Electricity arrives at Arundel Castle

The heritage statement, required as part of the change of use application for the building states: ‘Although it (the building) is not of a great age and is not a designated Listed Building it is considered to be significant through its association with Arundel Castle and should certainly be considered for future listing to preserve its attributes and associated history.’

As an historian and long time Arundel resident, I am truly delighted to see this building, part of the town/castle's important industrial history, come back to life. It will also allow many locals their first ever opportunity to see the beauty within.

The old castle Electricity works 2015

Continued from lat month: In the East Wing the internal wiring had to be installed retrospectively, which the clerk of works described simply as ‘... butchery', but it was included in the south and west wings as part of the 1890s project.

20 Local History

* Fauna Taproom currently only open on Sat/ Sun plus occasional Fridays. Check the Facebook page ‘Fauna Brewing’ for details.


S J Marley Gas Plumbing and Heating Services

“Early autumn is the perfect time to service your boiler before the weather turns cold and you really need the heating” said Steve.

He pointed out that anyone thinking of replacing an old or poorly functioning boiler, S J Marley Services can offer competitive prices with all boilers carrying a 10 year parts and labour warranty.

Now is the ideal time for a boiler service

Tel 01903 411788 / 07888 997840


Owner & engineer Steve Marley

With energy costs soaring and set to climb even higher, almost everyone will be only too aware of the need to economise where possible. It makes sense to ensure that our boilers are operating at their most efficient and regular inspection and maintenance is more important than ever.

ARUNDEL BASED: 01903 411788 Business Profile 21

Every address every month 3

Steve explained that as well as servicing and repairs to all types of boilers, His company offers bathroom and wet room installation from initial advice and design through to completion. His teams fulfil the project with as little disruption to customers as possible, working in their house as if it was their home, keeping it clean and tidy at all times.

S J Marley established for 15 years in West Sussex and previously working with British Gas for 17 years, offers installation, service and repair of Natural Gas, LPG and Oil boilers. Owner Steve Marley told Sussex Local he and his team of experienced engineers aim to provide a high standard of work. He said this means attention to detail whether they’re undertaking a full bathroom installation or a repair to an ageing boiler. At all times he and his team are aware they’re working in the customer's home which should be treated with respect and minimum mess and upheaval.

S J Marley, Plumbing Heating Services

2 At Angmering Grange Care Home, we don’t just provide residential, nursing and dementia care of the highest quality – we help our residents carry on enjoying the everyday routines we all cherish. From the delicious treats of the ice cream parlour to sights and sounds of the cinema or simply just chatting with friends in our landscaped gardens, it’s all about living life to the full within our community of care. To see for yourself what makes Angmering Grange a care home with a difference, go to, call our Customer Relationship Manager, Kate, on 01903 444114, or drop by for a visit at 11 Sea Lane, Rustington, BN16 2RD Coming soon: a new ice cream parlour in Angmering 22

The charity focuses on providing equipment which isn’t readily available under NHS or normal commercial routes. It relies on volunteers with various engineering or practical DIY skills, or occupational therapy know how, or administration experience. There are 70 local groups across the UK, comprising around 900 volunteers in total, undertaking 3000 projects each year.

“We help people with a diverse range of ages and conditions. For example, medical conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinsons Disease, etc; physical conditions such as amputees, little people, and arthritis, or consequences of a stroke; issues like reduced flexibility, strength, and co ordination; wheelchair or bed / armchair bound difficulties.”

Bespoke wheelchair made by Remap

Bespoke equipment designed & supplied for free Remap is a charity that helps people with disability to achieve greater independence and quality of life. Volunteers design and make bespoke equipment for people of all age groups and ethnicities, and varying conditions and disabilities. Affordability is not an issue since equipment is provided by the charity free of charge. Whether a simple adaptation of a clothes peg to help a one armed person hang washing on the line, a modification to a standard wheelchair or rollator to suit a specific person’s need or helping a person with arthritis in their wrists to continue playing the piano, the charity does it all. Essential equipment that might simply help someone use bathroom facilities can tremendously boost their independence. There are many happy beneficiaries to them, additional independence or being able to do something easier than before, is a major boost.

Helping make things possible for people with disability

Local Remap groups in Sussex Steve Whyley, who lives in Storrington, is the chairman of the local group carrying out the Remap projects in West and East Sussex, he tells Sussex Local “We have a team of around 25 people centred around the Brighton area and we need more volunteers, offering whatever time they can spare, to help us ensure we can support as many people as we can, and to ‘make things possible’ for our beneficiaries. Our local group’s area of interest is along the south coast from Littlehampton across to Eastbourne, and northwards to Horsham. There are similar neighbouring local groups covering Chichester and Portsmouth, and in Surrey, and others right across the UK.”

The design process

“Equipment is often designed and made in volunteer’s homes/workshops and sometimes one of the volunteers might be the lead contact with the beneficiary, and determines what needs

Person witharthritis assisted to play the piano


Charity Profile 23

Every address every month 3 UK Charity Remap

Helping people with all sorts of disabilities

Steve explains the process further “Once the initial enquiry is received, our occupational therapy (OT) volunteer experts in the group review the needs of potential beneficiaries to make sure that the issues and requirements are understood. They often make first contact to discuss further before considering the practical or engineering skills to tackle the case. It is often the situation that standard and readily available equipment is not appropriate for a person’s specific requirements, which sometimes involves multiple conditions. A volunteer engineer visits to discuss the ‘specification requirements’ and agrees a plan of action with the beneficiary. Often, carers, or parents, or the NHS OT representative are also present during these visits.

Client with cognitive impairment needs bespoke eating utensils to reduce effort needed to bring utensils close to mouth. We developed and optimised left handed, long handled angled spoons.

· Wheelchair user with no leg muscle control is unable to operate electric sewing machine with foot pedal we designed a bluetooth controlled device which enables the machine to be operated using the foot pedal hanging around the operator’s neck.

· Wheelchair user needs a bespoke docking bar to connect to the motorised “add on” to enable her to move independently”

Client with stroke associated complications

2 to be made, while another volunteer makes the equipment for them. Repeat visits to deliver equipment or to ensure correct operation are undertaken and to ensure successful completion to the satisfaction of the beneficiary.”

Client with MD has difficulty holding a cup for drinking we designed and made a plastic handle to work with a doidy (slanted) cup.


“Skills in the local Remap group range from woodwork, metalwork, electrical and control equipment, polypropylene adaptations, and 3D printing. Several examples of work done include:

From sandwich makers to sewing machines


· Modifications to height of commode to allow independent transfer out of bed

we designed a sandwich assembler and cutter so he could safely make a sandwich and cut it into quarters.

How is Remap funded?

While volunteer time is free, the costs of materials or purchased items, and other expenses need to be funded, so that the beneficiary is not charged for the equipment.

Steve tells us “the charity relies wholly on grants, donations, legacies and other fundraising activities to generate these funds. Locally, we appreciate the support of the Sussex Sandwich assembler / cutter Northbrook BN14

Road, Worthing,

Wheelchair user needs protective cover on exposed wheelchair post, to enable him to transfer sideways from wheelchair to static chair

8PQ 01903823803 DIRECTBLINDS • Awning & Canopies 18 years experience • Approved Supplier for Caribbean Awnings & Canopies Home visits available • Full range of shutters expertly fitted by our City and Guilds qualified carpenter and joiner • PleatedWood,Venetian,Vertical,Roller, • Specialists PerfectInshadeBlindsConservatoryin&sailsfitblinds 24 Charity Profile

Unit 2 Northbrook Business Park,



Community Foundation that has provided us with a grant for the last 2 years, and this has been combined with generous donations from happy beneficiaries or local organisations. We need additional funds on a continuing basis as the cost of materials increases, and we are finding that we are carrying out one or two more complex cases which in turn require more sophisticated and more expensive equipment.

Diamond Jubilee

The charity’s Diamond Jubilee is in 2024, as it was established in 1964 as a single small group of volunteers mainly from ICI on Teesside. From 1968 it’s had a number of local groups around the UK. Steve’s group in Sussex was set up in 1976 by staff and students at Brighton University, one of its original founders is still involved.

Potential beneficiaries can contact the local group either directly, or via their Occupational Therapy (OT) contact if relevant, or via the charity website where you can give some basic information on the potential need. This information is passed to the relevant Remap group which covers your area, in full confidence of protection of personal information and data.

Remap is a registered charity, number 1137666.

Charity Profile 25

Get in touch

“Our local group receives around 45 enquiries every year, and we have around 25 ‘live’ ongoing cases at any one time. We carry out over 1200 hours of volunteer activity. The number of cases is increasing through greater awareness of the charity activities combined with the desire of people with disability to enhance their day to day quality of life, or to be able to do more activity, independently if possible.”

If you are interested in volunteering or in providing a donation, please contact Remap via the website or send an email to:, or contact Steve Whyley directly, for information in the local Sussex area

Every address every month 3

Ornamental grasses include the whole of the Stipa range as well as Calamagro sis Karl Foester and Sesleria autumnalis.

The Beth Chatto Gardens If you need inspiration for your new dry garden Beth Chatto’s Garden is the place to visit. The gravel garden, formerly a car park, was set up

One other reason to think about a shingle mulch is that it locks the moisture in so in times of severe dryness the soil is less likely to turn into Generally,cement!choose plants with grey green or silver leaves as they reflect the sun's rays, helping to conserve moisture within the plant tissues.

You don’t have to apply fertiliser to the soil, as this can encourage lush growth which can flop in summer, needing water and become frost damaged in winter. At the time of planting some compost applied to the soil can help them initially.

Designing a Dry Garden

For more structural plants have a look at Colletia, Callistomem, dwarf Eucalyptus as well as Teucrium fruticans and the Hebe range

( See my last Article on Tom Brown at West Dean Gardens) It is imperative that structure is fully considered. The smaller drought tolerant plants tend to be short lived so try to plant a combination of longer lived plants because it will help create a backbone structure. Water them sparingly and once they are established, sit back and watch them grow without watering anxiety. If you have trees you can still plant dry shade tolerant species like Liripoe and Japanese anemones.

A dry garden doesn't rely on rainwater, irrigation or feeding to survive. Instead, plants are chosen for their drought tolerance. If you do not have much spare time to maintain your garden, a dry garden is one for you. Also it conserves water for the nation and gives you a powerful taste of the TheMediterranean.firstthingyou

Poor and stony soil is a bonus in gardens where you want to grow a wide range of ground cover plants with little maintenance. The gravel garden is a good op tion, suppressing the germination of weeds almost entirely. This balance between plant and stone is characteristic of Mediterranean landscapes. One thing you may want for a more wild natural look is for your plants to self seed, so your gravel needs to be thick enough to prevent normal English weeds coming up, but not too impenetrable that your self seeding plants can’t germinate.

need to consider if whether your plot of land is suitable. The space should be open and have access to lots of sunshine. The poorer the soil the better as your dry tolerant plants will need to search for their nutrients and moisture, developing the long roots they will need to survive drought conditions. Make sure when you are preparing the bed, dig very deeply to give these longer tap rooting plants an easy passage.

In Your Garden Monthly gardening ideas & tasks by Andrew Staib of Glorious Gardens

Some great Mediterranean plants are Lavender Hidcot, Phlomis, Lamb’s Ear, Va lerian and most of the herbs like Sage, Chives and Oregano, Verbascum and Nepeta.

You also need to think about materials as dry gardens can initially require sand, crushed hard core or concrete to improve the drainage.


Some of your plants you will know from the traditional English cottage garden like Alchillea, Santolina, Iris’ Synopation’ and Erigeron karvinskianus.

26 Gardening

Every address every month 3 Tel: 07880 742977 Talk to experienced and professional designer Andrew Staib Large Garden Design • Tree Felling & Removal • Tree Reducing & Shaping • Pollarding • Dead wooding • Stump Grinding • TPO & planning applications Hedge cutting 07470 110 383 For more information please call sales: GREENACRE NURSERY LOCAL INDEPENDENT GROWING NURSERY SUMMER BEDDING & PATIO PLANTS, GERANIUMS, FUCHSIA, PERENNIALS, CLIMBERS, SHRUBS, HANGING BASKETS OPEN WEDS-SAT 10AM - 4.30PM OFF WANDLEYS LANE, EASTERGATE, PO20 3SE For correct Google map location please search "R9X3+W4 Eastergate" - Turn in by the pink house ShrubNowSALEOn Gardening 27

Allium christophii and Allium Sphaerocephalo are autumn planted bulbs that look great in gravel schemes. Allium Sphaerocephalo


28 Gardening

Jarman was one of the most important artists and gay rights activists of his generation, making ground breaking avant garde films such as Sebastian, Caravaggio and Jubilee. Since he died of an Aids related illness in 1994, his cottage and garden have become a site of pilgrimage for art students, architects and garden designers. As a young boy he was enthralled by flowers, he dreamed of a magical rose garden emerging from the arid shingle. His parents gave him the 1926 illustrated manual, Beautiful Flowers and How as an experiment. The area is one of the driest parts of England andhasn’t been irrigated but is well known for its display of drought tolerant plants. It is also well worth visiting the Scree Garden because it has helped many work out what to do. There is big collection of easy alpines mimicking the growing conditions of stony, mountain ous slopes.

There is a nursery within the gardens which sells various types of plants which are suitable for dry gardens. They offer advice on which plants would suit differ ent types of dry gardens. Gravel garden starter plants in detail Cistus laurifolius is a white flowering Mediterranean species that provides year round evergreen structure. Stachys byzantina offers excellent weed suppressant ground cover, with silver foliage and attractive summer flowers. Stipa gigantea, the large feather grass, is great for height and autumn seed heads. Eschscholzia californica and Nepeta nervosa ‘Blue Moon’ are sun lovers that add vibrant sea sonal colour.


salon • Landscaped gardens To find out more about life at Walberton


or email Walberton Place Care Home Our family, caring for yours 01243 551 WestYaptonwww.countrycourtcare.com549Lane,Walberton,Arundel,Sussex,BN180AS Gardening 29

September tasks

Every address every month 3

Keep pinching out your tomatoes and sowing new rills of lettuce, radishes and spinach

Walberton Place Care Home provides the highest standards of family-led residential and dementia care. Our home is luxurious and beautifully furnished, whilst retaining a warm family atmosphere that makes Walberton Place feel extra special. inclusive family atmosphere dementia care fine en-suite cinema hair Place Manager Mills on 07745541057

• Warm

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As of the 4th July 2020 Prospect Cottage and garden in Dungeness, Kent opened up to be viewed by visitors who want to appreciate Jarman’s work and art. As the film maker said towards the end of his life: “Every flower is a triumph. I’ve had more fun from this place than I’ve had with anything else in my life. I should have been a gardener.”

Unfortunately the majority of the roses died so he looked into native plants such as sea kale and wild peas. He would use driftwood sticks to mark out the delicate purple shoots of the sea kale. He rarely intervened so the garden predominantly grew naturally.

• Top up the mulch to retain moisture and keep weeds down.

• Start planning where you want your bulbs to come out in Spring. You can order them online now for planting until November as well as bare root hedges and roses.

Time to prune the bigger shrubs that have finished flowering like Wigelia, Philadel phus, and Spirea cut out the old flowering wood back to new growth that next year’s flowers will bloom from. A harder cut of the Wisteria can wait till January. Mow your lawn on a higher setting now to keep moisture in the grass to help mitigate against Indian summer browning in dry spells.


dining • Spacious

contact our Customer Relations

to Grow Them, for his fourth birthday, and he spent his youth making little gardens, winning a prize at boarding school for his plot. Prospect Cottage was the first time he had the chance to make an entire garden of his own from scratch, and he began with 30 rose plants, brought to the coast from a nursery in Kensington.

Visiting Prospect Cottage

bedrooms • Café, pub,

Keep watering your vegetables in prolonged hot weather. We may again have a dry sunny September.

30 Property

Beth Mead knew this and it’s why she didn’t view the golden boot as a personal achievement.


A professional painter and decorator, for example, is in the best position to recommend a plasterer, the same goes for existing customers being in the best position to recommend a team to see their project through to the end. A quality track record speaks for itself and there is no better reassurance that you’re working with the right team to deliver exactly what you want, and often more than you could have hoped.

Finding the right team of professionals

By Nick Roberts RMR Group

Successful delivery of a product or service doesn’t usually occur by accident or by luck that’s because a well drilled team will always outperform siloed professionals that are unfamiliar with each other. Track records and finding a team

Benefits of having a well drilled team

Lioness, Beth Mead, said it best when asked about her golden boot achievement in the women’s Euros the goals are simply a by product of the team working together like a well oiled machine, it doesn’t matter who puts the ball in the net. The same goes for any multifaceted project, and property builds and extensions are no exception.

Material suppliers, architects, engineers, builders, planning officers and ever changing building regulations are just a few areas of your team that can need to come together to score your ultimate goal (an amazing new space, on time and within budget). Any one of these disciplines has the power to derail your ambitions and send them spiralling out of control.

Finding the right team is essential, and often the team you need have been working and training together for years. More often than not, with property your team starts with an architect as they are the first members to get involved and put the plan on paper.

Every address every month 3 Chichester 01243 786471 Newbury 01635 Property 31

What happened during the pandemic COVID 19, political instability, and climate change have destabilised the UK, and these factors seem to have effected what we prioritise when we’re looking to move home. During the pandemic, buyers and renters swapped cities for the open space of the countryside, bought bigger homes or expanded spaces for hybrid working arrangements. Some of these trends are staying, others reversing. A return to city centres Property companies are seeing a slowing down of “race for space” prompted by the pandemic. A recent survey by Nationwide found that the number of people looking to escape urban life had declined substantially. City centres are opening up again and estate agents are reporting a rise in demand for flats and houses close to train stations. Estate agents report a 20% increase in demand for properties in cathedral cities, citing ”Bridgerton Effect” as the cause.

Serviced apartments are fully furnished, self contained apartments in a building with fully equipped kitchen and private keys. They can be a studio flat or have 1 or 2 bedrooms and come with utilities included in rent and housekeeping service. You only pay for nights you stay there.

Serviced apartments prove preferable to a hotel room for those who moved away from their place of work and only return to the office on occasion.

The UK Property Market in 2022


Serviced apartments in demand

Helen Say copywriter/blogger Types of houses and locations in demand by Helen Say 1

32 Property

Bungalows growing in value and popularity According to Rightmove, single storey homes grew 10.5% in value last year. Bungalows are becoming popular for younger people and families due to: flexible space as they tend to have a bigger footprint, easier maintenance with no high windows to clean and easier access to guttering and roof, often more eco friendly as they use less energy to heat, usually built on large plots with sizeable gardens where children can play while not being overlooked by neighbours.

Every address every month 3 Head Start is our free property finder service. Tell us your property criteria and using the latest technology, we’ll do the searching for you to find your perfect home before it’s even on the market. Interested? Talk to our team or visit our website to find out more. Talk to Henry Adams Chichester: 01243 533377 Visit Get a Head Start on finding it with Henry Adams. There’s a home there...out just for you. Property 33

2 Sungato - spiced beef patties It can be part cooked in the frying pan and finished off on the barbecue or fried and left to cool to take on Ingredientspicnics.Serves 4 6 Prep time: 20mins • 900g minced beef • 450g leeks, finely chopped and then cooked • Salt and black pepper • 1 medium egg • 100g plain flour • About 150ml water • Oil for frying Method 1. In a large bowl mix the meat, leeks and seasoning and shape into about 12 ovals. 2. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl, then gradually whisk in the egg and sufficient water to give a smooth batter. for the perfect gift? Contact Alex 01243 532240 Yugoslavian recipe from Sarajevo 3. Dip the meat patties into the batter, lift out shaking off any excess and then shallow fry in Looking for Lwork? ooking for work? 01798 1798 874355 - Do you need Dflexibility? o you need flexibility? Get in touch Gtoday... et in touch today... Are you trustworthy A& re you trustworthy & rreliable? eliable? Would you like to Wearn ould you like to earn £13 per £hour? 13 per hour? Do you enjoy Dcleaning? o you enjoy cleaning? FULLY INSURED ✔ Pure water window cleaning ✔ Brick weather protection ✔ Gutter vacuum cleaning 34 Recipe

Eligible retail customers only. Promotion is available for new vehicles contracted by 30th September 2022 and registered by 31st March 2023. Finance subject to status. Freepost Ford Credit. Certain business types are excluded from Ford Options.. Excludes Kuga Titanium PHEV, Mondeo (non-hybrid), S-MAX (non-hybrid), Galaxy (non-hybrid), Mustang, All-Electric Mustang Mach-E, current Ranger and All-New Ranger. Payable with the Optional Final Payment if you wish to own the vehicle at the end of the agreement. Further charges may apply subject to mileage and condition if the vehicle is returned at the end of the agreement. Failure to make payments on time may make obtaining credit in the future more difficult. Your vehicle may be repossessed if you do not keep up the payments.*£1000 Upgrade Saving off selected new Ford Cars. Current Ranger Raptor and All-New Ranger Raptor (inc. VAT). You do not need to part exchange your vehicle. Your current vehicle must be [1] a Ford vehicle that’s over 4 years old from date of first registration or [2] a non-Ford vehicle of any age whichyou must have owned for a minimum of 4 months or [3] a used Ford vehicle which you must have owned for a minimum of 4 months. Eligible retail customers only. Excludes Privilege, Advantage, D-Plan and Ambassador programmes. Excludes Trend, Zetec series, Kuga Titanium PHEV and All-Electric Mustang Mach-E. SCRAPPAGE IS BACK...BUT ONLY AT HENDY FORD Purchase a brand-new Ford today and receive a £1,000 * UPGRADE SAVING when you part-exchange! Find us on Terminus Road in Chichester 01243 684 795

By Nadia Goldsmith

On the inside, the space features a large mounting bracket where the passenger seat should be. This space allows fitment of different modules such as a storage basket, child’s car seat or pet carrier, depending on personal needs. In addition, Fiat are offering the option to change seat fabrics so owners can personalise and update their Centoventi during ownership.

New Fiat Centoventi on its way to showrooms

Although under production, this car delivers insight into the future innovation of Fiat’s EV city cars.

The Fiat Centoventi, a city concept car revealed at the 2019 Geneva Motor Show, is under development as part of Fiat’s new look EV range with 120 available accessories.

On the outside, the Centoventi is an evolution of the Fiat Panda city car. Design features include a boxy overall look with interchangeable plastic body and roof panels so owners can change the look to suit tastes. The nose features a multi bar grille, inspired by the original Panda, to show the charging status of the electric powertrain.

FORDLANETYRES Unit1FordLaneInd.Estate,FordBN180DF New&PartWornTyreSpecialist 01903252100 | 07596022004 AboutUs ourservices 36 Motoring

The vehicle’s minimalist dashboard features a ‘plug and play system’ that enables fitment of different kits. The dashtop includes a system of holes that can take additional storage modules like cupholders or smartphone docks. Electric motoring for the masses

As noted by AutoExpress, Fiat are using the Centoventi to make electric motoring available to masses. When revealed in Geneva in 2019, the Centoventi had a battery capable of delivering a 60 mile range. However, with the ability to swap and add battery packs, Fiat claim it can be boosted to up to 300 miles. The battery pod in the Centoventi is located under the passenger space which allows for quick battery changes.

Credit: Fiat


Features of the Fiat Centoventi

Every address every month 3 *Offer valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Our expert local installers will fit your new door and they’ll take away the old one too, so there’s no mess. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge.•••••WHAT’SGottagaragefifor£895Fromafullyttedelectricdoor.getaGarolla.INCLUDEDWITHEVERYDOOR:EXPERTMEASURING&FITTING2REMOTECONTROLSACOUSTIC&THERMALINSULATIONFREEDISPOSALOFYOUROLDDOORAVAILABLEIN21COLOURS CALL US TODAY ON: 01243 630 052 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 Littlehampton MOT center at South Coast Minis Ford Lane, Ford, BN18 0EF | 01243 'David’s workmanship is second to none. He is cost effective and will only charge what he is doing, I look forward to continuing our relationship for a long time to come. I feel treated like an extended member of his family' - Sheila Lawrence, Customer. Approved by the Department of Transport and combines years of experience with the latest equipment and up to date training. Drop in and become their latest satisfied customer. MOTs, service and repair for all makes of cars including hybrids plus vans, mini-buses, horse boxes and motor homes. Tyres - Tow bar fitting - Suspension - Brakes Exhausts - Air Con - Diagnostics - Gearbox Engine Tuning - Wheel alignment - Valeting Motoring 37

2 Prize Crossword Win a £20 meal voucher for The George, Eartham July anagram solution: VIBRANT Send the answer above to: Sussex Local Crossword, PO Box 2237 Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter details online at our website Closing date: 30th Sep 2022. Sussex Local may wish to keep in touch with occasional information and offers. We will never share your details with third Pleaseparties.tickif you would like to receive such information. Valid for 3 months after issue. No change given. Cannot be exchanged for cash value. Win £20 meal voucher for Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Full address: …………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Postcode: ……………………………………………………………………………….. Email: AnswerPhone:……………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………….fromyellowbox:………………………………………………………….. Across 1 Likenesses (6) 5 Unhealthy (6) 8 South eastern American state (7) 9 From a distance (4) 10 Explosive weapon (4) 11 Control (8) 12 Ripped (4) 13 Sum charged (3) 14 Russian news service (4) 16 One celled organisms (8) 20 Formerly Persia (4) 21 Before long (4) 22 Forbidden by law (7) 23 Carved image (6) 24 Astute (6) Down 2 Member of the Mob (7) 3 Farewell (7) 4 Snow sportsperson (5) 5 Glitter (7) 6 Move slowly (5) 7 Smallest (5) 13 Prolific (7) 14 Set off (7) 15 Devour (7) 17 Take as one's own (5) 18 Dogma (5) 19 Collection of maps (5) 38 Crossword

Every address every month 339

Dove and Rainbow Class visit Marwell Zoo Our children had a wonderful trip to Marwell Zoo. They were blessed with the weather and the children's behaviour was exemplary. Thanks to the staff who organised this and all the wonderful parents who supported this trip.

40 Local Schools

Key Stage 1 and Early Years at the school

Pizza Express Dove Class had a fantastic trip to Pizza Express; they learnt lots of exciting facts and they each got to make their own pizza. They then took their pizzas back to school and ate them for their lunch. They were praised for their excellent manners and behaviour. Well done, Dove Class! ACE attains the highest grade Well done to children, parents and staff who have helped us achieve the highest mark you can get for a National Award. We received the highest score for our Quality Start Assessment, which looks at sport in Key Stage 1 and Early Years we attained a Platinum Plus grade for the 2nd time in our history. Some comments made by the assessor: “It was really lovely to come in and hear about all the excellent work going on at Arundel.”


“I was really impressed by everyone's total commitment to PE and School Sport, the manner in which children are encouraged to reach their potential and are genuinely cared about and the range of opportunities offered to the children.”

Arundel Church of England Primary School

Super Detective Phaedra Phaedra visited the local history exhibition at our church and was fascinated by the green man and sculptures you can find there. As a result, she discovered a special character herself! Children whose critical detective thinking skills are strong tend to have a broader, balanced outlook on life and show generally good discernment with people and decisions as they grow up and make their own choices. So encouraging your child to look for clues and ask questions is a great thing. Part-time professional and hobby courses starting in September. The future is yours Local Schools 41

As part of Year 3’s topic on inventions, the children visited Amberley Working Museum. Children participated in a workshop on the theme of communication, they learnt about telephones, mobile phones, internet, Morse code and even got to send their own telegram. The children also got to explore interactive displays in electricity hall.

YearRounders4and 6 participated in a locality schools rounders tournament at Littlehampton Academy. The event was attended by a large number of local schools. Children enjoyed the competitive nature of the games and learnt sportsmanship skills in the process. Both teams ranked in fourth place although all matches were closely fought.


Every address every month 3

Round up from last term County Cricket tournament

As part of Year 6’s transition, Southern Rail ran a workshop on train safety. Children learnt how to use a timetable and plan a trip, which they put into practise by travelling from Arundel to Bognor.

Year 6 shared their performance of ‘The Next Big Step’ to parents and the school. The play reflected on their time in primary school and the adventures, challenges and laughs they’ve had along the way. Everyone agreed we would be singing the songs well into the summer holidays. They said their final farewells at a mass in the Cathedral.

Year 3 trip to Amberley Working Museum

New Starters

With Year 6 leaving, children starting in our school in September were welcomed and spent time with their new teacher finding out about our school whilst parents met each other and became part of our school community.

St Philips Catholic primary school

Year 5 & 6 attended Cricket Club with Mr Caws over Summer term. They used Arundel cricket ground for training sessions. Year 5 took part in a Sussex County tournament and came 5th out of all schools who took part.

I often find myself conveying the importance of resistance exercise, and this is because resistance exercise is repeatedly shown to have the most rounded overall positive effects for health and fitness.

Exercising for the after effects of the workout rather than the calorie burn during the workout could well get the scales moving.

When I suggest you improve your fitness, what image flashes through your mind?


42 Health & Wellbeing

By Heather Smith

I imagine it’s a hard and fast workout which leaves you gasping for breath and dripping with sweat. It seems that these types of workouts are associated with what it means to be fit.

It is also because resistance exercise tends to be the most overlooked, or mis interpreted.

Are intense workouts essential ..for weight loss?

And if you’re put off by the idea that this is how you have to exercise if you want to lose weight and get fit, then I have excellent news for you these kinds of workouts are not essential!

A resistance program which asks you to take a proper rest between exercises can be really effective when you’re aiming to lose weight.


This said, there is a place for getting out of breath too although perhaps not to the stage encouraged by many of these mega intense workout routines (unless you love it, of course, then it becomes a different question).

If you have a history of diligently slogging through these hard and fast workouts, you may well find that approaching exercise differently is likely to be the key to reaching your fitness, weight loss, posture and pain related goals.

Every address every month 3Health & Wellbeing 43

To enter answer the following question: What is the main colour of the new Rush Brighton salon? Pink b) Blue c) Green

2 Rush Brighton

To help celebrate the opening of the new salon, the Rush Brighton team are giving you the chance to win a single colour service and blow dry at the salon. All you need to do is enter, please see details below.



Rush Brighton are thrilled to unveil their salon on Duke Street with a brand new look and feel. The salon features a larger salon floor, based on two levels and pink is the main colour way of the space a colour that is positive and inviting. With the use of plants, neon art fixtures, wall art and comfortable pink styling chairs, Rush Brighton is an electrifying, bright and positive place to be. One of its unique features also include a Bose Music System with XO Music Management, whereby each day the team play a customised playlist adapted to the day, the weather and vibe within the salon. The waiting area has also been designed to be fun where guests can enjoy a fresh ground cappuccino, a pink Prosecco or simply a hot mug of English tea whilst they wait for their appointment to start.

Winner drawn after 30th September 2022. Please indicateifyouwishtoremainonourmailinglist.

44 Competition

Win a single colour service & blow dry at Rush Brighton

Brand new looking salon on Duke Street

Send your answer and contact details to: Rush Brighton Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online

Every address every month 3 Young Readers’ Puzzles Answers on after 1st September 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 1 1 2 4 3 6 3 6 1 6 4 6 2 Wordsearch: Fasteners Can you find all of the words hiding in the grid below? They may run forwards or backwards, in either a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction. Z E R O S E J O Y A T N T L V E P L A E C W E C S E Y T Y P H J L H C S F N V E A A T V A G A S H O B I H T V Z S H L E C T W U R S T E P K E N L T S K C B U L C Y O R A U S M K K E O C E H A M B C E O M L N E I S H P J R T Q D N E N A I L A S E O A O E S T R A P M E W P L I S T R A M H © Crossword Sudoku Place the numbers 1–6 only once in each row, once in each column and once in each 2x3 bold-lined box. To sponsor this feature please call 01903 868474 or email Sponsor for just £10 per month plus monthly prize BUCKLE BUTTON CLAMP CLASP RIVETPADLOCKNAILHARNESS SCREW STRAPSTAPLESHOELACE Across 5 Belonging to that man (3) 7 Up to a time (5) 8 Give medical care and attention (5) 9 Do something (3) 10 Forest tree; an anagram of “has” (3) 11 Unyielding; stiff and unmoving (5) 13 Reefs are made of this (5) 14 Thick coveringfloor(3) Down 1 Closed; an anagram of “thus” (4) 2 Flying insect that feeds on nectar (9) 3 A person who you do not know (8) 4 Secret scheme (4) 6 Farm worker who looks after lambs and ewes (8) 10 Curved gateway (4) 12 Barking pets (4) Puzzles 45


4Sight Vision Support provides support and specialist information to blind and sight impaired residents throughout West Sussex. They are supporting National Eye Health Week 19th 25th September. To find out more, or how 4Sight Vision Support can support you or someone you know living with sight loss, call 01243 828555 or visit

The South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) is offering an opportunity for individuals, landowners and developers to put forward sites for potential development. This includes new homes, affordable housing, custom built homes, renewable energy, traveller sites and sites where the natural environment is improved. The Authority is also looking for nominations for “Local Green Spaces”, which local communities think are demonstrably special and should be protected from development. Deadline for submissions is 28th September.

Following a successful trial, West Sussex Recycling Centres can now accept hard plastic items. such as garden furniture, coat hangers and plastic piping. The scheme has now been extended to all recycling centres except Midhurst, which is too small for collections.

The school meals team at West Sussex County Council has beaten multi million pound private caterers to win the Catering Business of the Year 2022 award. The Council’s small team of around 45 Cook Supervisors, Catering Assistants and Officers fought off competition from other councils and private caterers to scoop the top prize at the Awards for Excellence organised by LACA, the professional body for school meals.

A new campaign ‘A Life Less Ordinary’ has launched to find parents for the children waiting longest to be adopted. These include children aged five or over, children with additional and/or complex needs, brother and sister groups, and those from an ethnic minority background. A campaign video can be found on YouTube, and residents of West Sussex and the South East who would like to find out more should call 0300 330 9470 or

Are you looking for a job that makes a difference?

Charity & Community news from across the counties

Commissioner, reports that the cost of rural crime is increasing nationally while Sussex has seen a year on year fall in reported rural crime. Sussex has a dedicated Rural Crime Team the largest in the South East made up of 20 specialist officers.,SussexPolice

The Aldingbourne Trust supports people with learning disabilities and/or Autism to reach their potential make good life choices. They have various positions currently available as both Support Workers at our supported living projects, across Bognor Regis or as part of the team that create a ‘Great Day out’ at our fantastic Country Centre based near Fontwell. or email

If you fancy a new experience while raising money for charity, then Turning Tides, the Worthing homeless charity, has a skydive on 25th September at Salisbury. www.turning

Every address every month 3

Sussex Snippets

Charity & Community 47

Since 1972 registered charity and community publisher QueenSpark Books has been dedicated to gathering, preserving and making accessible Brighton & Hove’s histories. They are holding a birthday party on 17th September when, for the first time ever, they will bring every one of their 110+ books out of the archive. Regency Townhouse, Brunswick Square, from 11am 3.30pm. In addition, their whole archive will go online from 17th September, free to read. To find out more visit several self guided walks, called Discover Brighton, using content from their archives. Use your mobile at brighton.

& Community News

Councillors at Chichester District Council have agreed to passport government funding from the Homes for Ukraine scheme to Voluntary Action Arun Chichester (VAAC) and Sanctuary in Chichester, to strengthen the support offered to Ukrainian guests who are living in the district. For further information on supporting Ukraine refugees please visit:


Stories to

bit who has been at The Cat & Rabbit Rescue Centre since April as sadly his previous owners were allergic to him. If you think you could offer Gherkin a home call 01243 967111 or visit

Funding support for Ukrainian refugees


Lyminster Church Dear Editor I read with interest your historical piece in your July issue re Lyminster church. I wondered if the author knew and could validate the story that the knucker hole was considered bottomless as the locals had dropped a weight down and not felt it touch the bottom. Later a diver went down and found it was a natural U bend which popped up in the lake at Patching? I did enjoy your fascinating article as I went to school at Lyminster and remember our motto being the dragon. Janet Tuckett by email Editor Many thanks Janet, pleased you enjoyed the article. We asked Andrew Berriman and he hadn’t heard of that particular story. Can other readers can shed any light? The article appeared on Page 41 of the July 2022 issue of our Chichester edition. You can find it by visiting and follow “read online”.

48 Charity & Community

Charity & Community 49

Community stories are free of charge.

This year’s event takes place on Saturday 10th September, and registrations are extended until midnight on 7th September. The 5 or 10 mile route around Chichester has a musical send off, celebration stations along the route and a sensory light up trail in Bishop Palace Gardens. 01243 775302 or email

Bognor Samaritans ready to help Bognor Regis Branch Samaritans were at Chichester Cross this summer to encourage those feeling distressed or suicidal to get in touch if they needed help or support. Seven out of ten callers surveyed recently said they felt a call to the Samaritans had a positive impact on how they were feeling. Anyone can contact Samaritans for free any time from any phone on 116 123 even a mobile without credit, or email For more information on how to support Samaritans visit or join in the conversation on social media using #TalkToUs. You can also visit the local Bognor Regis Branch website at regis.

Every address every month 3

Men’s chorus offers free harmony course

Vocal Fusion Acapella (VFA) is an established and award winning male Acapella Choral Group, which sings in four part harmony, and with a repertoire which embraces the styles of American Classics, swing, jazz, sea shanties, contemporary, and also barbershop, and to a high musical standard. The group has recently moved home and would like to welcome new singers . They will be running a free sing in harmony course at Dial Post Village Hall on four consecutive Wednesdays starting on 5th October at

Charity & Community News St Wilfrid’s Hospice Moonlight Walk Week

The Parish Council strenuously objects to the extension of the previous application. We have cited this as a development of concern with the Enforcement Officer at Arun District Council (ADC) and have had no reply in over 6 months as well as raising this as a concern over a number of years. We are requesting that nothing is agreed or approved for this site until an investigation is undertaken on whether any planning consents has been complied with and there has been non compliance with all previous conditions agreed. We are asking that a site visit take place to ensure that the information in the application is factually correct. This is outside the Aldingbourne Neighbourhood Plan and is not a sustainable development.

Planning applications

Edited extracts from the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting 12th July 2022.

Application Number: AL/94/22/PL Nyton Rest, Nyton Road, Aldingbourne PO20 3TU.



Aldingbourne Parish Council

Approved with 9 conditions.

FAMILY RUN LOCAL RETAILER / SERVICE PROVIDER HAMILTON COLE Call 01798 Sta on Road, Pulborough, RH20 1AH SERVICE PROVIDER Aerial/Satellite Custom Installer TV Wall Moun ng NICEIC Domes c Electrician PAT Tes ElectricalngVehicle Charge Points Replacement Watch Ba eries Copying of VHS Tapes to DVD RETAILER Flat Panel TV’s DAB/FM Radios Domes c Freestanding/BuiltAppliancesInLighngandHeang REPAIRS TV, VaccumMicrowavesDVDAudio,RecordersLampsCleanersCookersHobs 50 Local Council News

Application Details: Extension of duration of planning permission for a further 3 year period to run from expiry of current temporary permission granted under AL/61/20/PL for continued use of land for agricultural workers accommodation for an initial period of 2 years comprising 14 chalets, low level lighting, retention of existing hardstanding, utilisation of existing individual foul treatment plants and existing permitted access and associated works. This application falls in CIL Zone 3 (Zero rated) as other development.

Application Details: Change of use from C3 residential dwelling house to Class E ancillary office space change of use of former garage building to Use Class F1, and the alterations to the buildings including roof extension of the main building to allow increase in capacity for children of up to ten and staff up to six of the specialist children’s school at the Coach House.

Application Number: AL/50/22/PL Paddocks Days Lane, Aldingbourne BN18 0TA

The ‘Weald to Waves’ Project. A number of local environmental groups, supposedly supported by the local farmers, are proposing to re wild the Arun Valley, and this would involve the deliberate flooding of land in and around Arundel. This proposal needs very careful attention.

Edited extracts from draft minutes of the Planning Committee meeting 26th July 2022. Drewitts Farm, Church Street, Amberley. Over the last 17 years there had been huge number of planning applications submitted for the Drewitts site by the developer. Serious concerns have been raised by some residents living on the development, including compliance, environmental and health & safety issues the planning committee acknowledge and appreciate how worrying these concerns are for residents.

Local Council News 51

The committee noted that the buyer of the property has stated that he would not use as a bedroom but there is nothing to safe guard this from happening if the property was sold. The installation of the roof lights is in contradiction to the SDNPA Dark Skies Policy and may also set a precedent on the development. If Horsham DC approve then a condition should be added to ensure that the space is only used for storage and not as a habitable space.

There is a serious issue with the proposed access road, which has been marked out but not yet built. The plans indicate a continuous width of 4m, however there is a pinch point which only measures 3.2m meaning a fire engine would not be able to access the site.


Ongoing issues at Drewitts Farm

Amberley Parish Council

Arundel Town Council

The committee discussed various potential compliance issues on the site which have been flagged by The Amberley Society

SDNP/22/02755/CND is for Gin Trap Cottage

Pollution of the River Arun. Whilst Southern Water’s Ford Road Works causes some pollution of the Arun, most of the local pollution originates upstream. After considerable debate, Southern Water (SW) has confirmed that action is in hand to reduce such pollution from 9 out of the top 10 SW Works on the Rivers Arun and Western Rother during the next 2 3 years. Need to increase public awareness and involvement (which SW has been reluctant to do) so as to hold SW to account.

Every address every month 3

Variation to a previously approved application reference SDNP/14/01150/FUL (Variation sought to allow for two conservation roof lights in rear elevation of plot 9). It was resolved to put in an objection to this application. By including roof lights in this roof space the property could be deemed to be a 3 bedroom residence rather than a 2 bedroom.

Arundel Flood Defence Scheme. The £3m Phase 2 is now expected to start in January 2023. It will extend the new SSP wall from River Road Cottages to No. 7 Tarrant Wharf.

Pavements and pathways; car sharing; flood defences Edited extracts from draft minutes of Arundel Town Council meeting 14th July 2022. Dangerous pavement on Queen’s Street to be investigated and reported to WSCC who have added the Martlets Court location to their pedestrian dropped kerb list to lower the granite kerbs for easier access. However the area outside the Co op was found to be not at investigatory level at this time. A councillor disputed the fact that this was the case as an elderly women had fallen in this area agreed to trace lady who had fallen for evidential feedback. Wildfowl and Wetlands Centre to be asked if pathway in front of their fence can be opened to make Mill Road safer for pedestrians and people on mobility scooters. Letter sent to the WWT. Car Sharing Initiative. List of residents interested in participating to be created and held by the Council and residents’ agreement to their contact details being shared to be recorded. Editor it was agreed for this initiative to be promoted in another local magazine we would also be happy to help.

Also discussed site management issues, including rats, foul smelling toilets and rubbish. It would be normal for a condition to be added to the planning approval.

3. Dandara Fontwell Avenue. There are still various on going issues associated with this site.

2. Barratt’s update. No further updates provided at the meeting.

Established for more than 25 years Green Lane (off the Bognor WestMerston,Road)Chichester,SussexPO201EH Call us today to transform your home 01243 96 77 39 52 Local Council News

Barnham & Eastergate Parish Council

Edited extracts from the draft minutes of the Planning committee 21st June 2022. Current & potential developments.

Council requested that the Assistant Clerk continue to pursue Redrow for a response on these matters.

There have been complaints from residents regarding the level of dust coming from the development which is affecting houses close to the development. There have also been complaints raised over workers starting on the site at 5am which is causing a nuisance to nearby residents.

The Council will continue to liaise with the relevant contacts over these issues to ensure measures are put in place to deal with the dust such as dampening the ground in hot weather.


1. Redrow Angel’s Nursery, Yapton Road, Barnham. The Committee are extremely concerned as to the fragments of Asbestos found at Windmill Views. They raised concerns over the fact that Redrow have been exposing their workers to Asbestos and also that there is still no confirmation as to whether Redrow will be advising potential buyers of these plots that there is asbestos in the gardens associated with these properties.

Asbestos and dust at new developments

There are allegedly 5 new flats being built on this site but that no variation notices have been displayed. The Assistant Clerk agreed to contact the planning officer at Arun DC to ascertain more Airinformation.Quality

Monitoring to be carried out in Fontwell Avenue and surrounding roads. This project is currently on going and the Assistant Clerk will continue to source the equipment and find some suitable locations for the equipment to be mounted. It was suggested by the Committee that we try to locate the equipment close to the top of Fontwell Avenue close to the Eastergate War Memorial roundabout. www.barnhamandeastergate

Edited extracts from the minutes of the Finance Committee 28th June 2022. Drainage ditch. Members received an update about the 2019 New Homes Bonus Project (NHB) to install a drainage link between the south end of the Recreation Field ditch and the soakaways at the southwest edge of Recreation Field £3,875 has been granted to this project but the quotes recently received exceed this sum. The Clerk was granted authority to progress the project without further reference to this Committee by seeking consent from West Sussex County Council to apply Operation Watershed funds retained by the parish council to fund any costs more than the £3,875 provided by NHB. Land purchase. Members received a confidential valuation report and resolved to recommend to Full Council that an offer be made to purchase the land between the village centre and the Co Op at the value placed upon it by the report. As Responsible Finance Officer the Clerk reported that she felt there were insufficient reserves for the Council to purchase the land but that she would recommend that part of the Community Infrastructure Levy be used to fund a purchase.

Every address every month 3

Be Smart, Build Smart. • Windows • Doors • Orangeries • Conservatories • Fascia line • Guttering • Extensions • Alterations • Flat roofs • Warm Roofs • Kitchens • Bathrooms 01903 444 520 | sales@buildsmartsussex.comUPREPLACEMENTS*GRP30%TOoffFLATROOF 20guaranteeyear *minimum order value £1000.00, discount based on m2. Offer valid for Sept 2022 Local Council News 53

Drainage for recreation field; bid to purchase land

Edited extracts from minutes of the Village Centre Committee on 14th June 2022. Storage Audit. One user’s storage requirements (for the storage of small trampolines) could not be met going forward and sadly that regular booking would come to an end shortly. Some parish council items had been moved around and some disposed of it was noted that the Camera Club was using a lot of storage one cupboard exclusively and another shared with the parish council. It was agreed that the Chairman would ask the Camera Club to amalgamate its items into the cupboard to which it has exclusive access. Additional storage should be constructed at in the youth hall, and it was agreed that this should be built at the north end of the hall leaving the south end for the installation of the water supply.


Tangmere Parish Council

Current finances and budget were reviewed and no issues identified. The Standing Orders were reviewed and updated. Re quotes for replacement allotment fencing are awaited. A number of catalytic converters have been stolen from cars locally; one attempt caused a vehicle fire in the village car park. Survey work has shown the Bottle Store building in Fontwell to be unsafe to attach to the community centre. Plans for its demolition and reconstruction with a similar structure have been proposed by the developer. The revised plan lacked flint detailing of the original; this is being updated to include flint and confirmation is awaited. A replacement Fontwell bus shelter has been included on the WPC business plan. A councillor vacancy remains; a recruitment drive was proposed for the end of August.



Walberton Parish Council the minutes of the Finance and Legal (7th July) and Full Council (12th July) meetings for Walberton Parish Council.

NH’s proposed supplementary consultation was considered. The timing is very likely to be delayed from the original suggestion of July. NH’s response to WPC’s request for extra items to be included in the consultation was noted, which suggests that the consultation will still only concern the Golf Course and Tye Lane proposals.

WPC will be more robust in challenging issues prior to DCO. www.walberton

• Approximately 250 tickets have been sold for the WalBinFont music evening. councillor explained that he and their Officers remain disappointed and very concerned with the lack of answers to questions posed to National Highways (NH) including traffic modelling in Walberton and numerous potential environmental issues. He has requested evidence to support NH’s claims that not closing Tye Lane fully will reduce the traffic impact on The Street.

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Finance, fencing, theft, unsafe building, vacancy & A27 Extracts from

Edited extracts from the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting 11th July 2022.

The Parish Council were keen to look at this issue as a whole. Is it to act as a deterrent or being used to assist public safety and identify criminal behaviour? The local police have indicated they are in favour of a CCTV system and may have some funding available to assist with the costs of installation.

The Parish Council resolved to request the Clerk to investigate the installation, costs and legislation surrounding CCTV; and whether any grants are available to fund the capital costs of installing a system. One of the local policing team could be invited to present the Police case for the installation of CCTV in the area.

Some concerns were expressed about the presence of CCTV in the play area where children would be congregating and playing, but it was clear that the local situation had moved on from being just deterring and detecting vandalism, to a more serious situation of public safety.

Yapton Parish Council Council resolves to investigate CCTV installation

Every address every month 3

One of the female councillors present reported that whilst she was walking her dog on the playing field she became aware of a large number of youths who had congregated near to the new Zip Wire. The youths began to circle the parish councillor and verbally abused her making her feel very uncomfortable. She also reported that a similar situation had taken place in the new play area recently. Both incidents had been reported to the local Police and they had indicated that they were reluctant to investigate unless CCTV images were available.


A discussion ensued concerning the apparent reluctance of the Parish Council to install CCTV on the playing field particularly overlooking the new play area. The Clerk indicated that he had been in touch with other local councils in the West Sussex locality and was starting to prepare a briefing note on the regulations applicable to the installation of CCTV and he had also investigated the costs associated with the installation.

2 CARPET CLEANING COMPUTER SERVICES DRAINS / CESSPITS CARPETS & FLOORING COMPUTER SERVICES ELECTRICIAN CHIMNEY SWEEP DECORATING FENCING CLEANING DOG GROOMING  Fully equipped modern dog grooming salon in Ford  Fully insured City & Guilds trained groomer  Any size / breed welcome Dog Talk Grooming 07526 476652 CLEARANCE DRAINS CLEARANCE DRAINS FUEL & LOGS 56 Business Directory

Every address every month 3 FUEL & LOGS GROUNDWORKS • Digger plus driver hire • Land clearance • Stock and equestrian fencing • Tree Works GARAGE GROUNDWORKS LOCKSMITH GARDEN SERVICES GUTTERS LOGS GARDEN SERVICES LOGS Call Andy: 07793 500 129 Arundel Based 01903 882531 HAIRDRESSER GROUNDWORKS MUSICIAN Business Directory 57

2 MUSIC We buy & sell vinyl records All genres We are very interested in buying your vinyl records, whether a small or large collection 07940 792091 PLASTERING PRIVATE HIRE / TAXI PLASTERING PEST CONTROL PLUMBING / HEATING PRIVATE HIRE / TAXI PEST CONTROL PLUMBING / HEATING PROPERTY SERVICES PET / ANIMAL SERVICES PLUMBING / HEATING Robbie Scott Plumbing & Heating • Full bathroom installations • All aspects of plumbing including radiator & water tank renewals • Tiling & all floor coverings 07540 292027 ROOFING PRIVATE HIRE / TAXI 58 Business Directory

Every address every month 3 ROOFING SECURITY TREE SURGERY ROOFING TOOL & PLANT HIRE TREE SURGERY ROOFING TREE SURGERY TREE SURGERY Building ArchibaldshawServices 31 Roberts Miller Redshaw Ltd 31 Care ClaphamServicesVillage Care Home 24 Country Court Care Group 29 Hallmark Care Homes 22 Oakland (Littlehampton) Ltd 39 WessexCoursesSch of Philosophy 13/15 White Rose Training 43 Education Grt Brighton Met College 41 Estate & Letting Agents Henry Adams LLP 33 Redwood & Sons Limited 32 VocalEventsFusion Acapella 11 South Downs Folk Festival 9 Food / Drink Care Home Chefs Ltd 36 Funeral Services Safe Hands Funeral Services 25 Garden Services Ashwood Tree Surgery 27 Crystal Ponds Limited 28 Glorious Gardens 27 Greenacre Nursery 27 Sussex Manures Ltd 27 Top Branch Tree Works 27 Health & BarnhamWellbeingOpticalLtd 44 Stickland Eye Care Ltd 42 TAP Foot Care 40 Home & Property AHM Installations 54 Aldwick Cleaning Specialist 28 Britannia Windows 2 Carters Domestic Appliances 60 Coastline Bathrooms 7 Direct Blinds 24 Dream Doors 46 Ecohogs 34 Garolla Holdings Limited 37 Gary Removals 9 GS Windows Ltd 5 Hailwood Homes 8 Hamilton Cole 50 LBS Nat Kitchen Worktops 49 Miss Mop Ltd 34 No1 PHD Ltd 48 S J Marley Services Ltd 21 Smart Home Improvements 53 South Downs Storage Arun 54 SunRay Conservatories Ltd 19 Temppest Environmental 28 The Flooring Brothers 31 TJ Interiors 52 Legal RespectServicesWills 50 Sussex Wills CIC 17 ArundelMotoring& Littlehampton MOT 37 Ford Lane Tyres 36 Hendy Ford Chichester 35 Roofing and Gutters Excel Roofcare Ltd 30 Visitor NoviumAttractionMuseum 10 October issue 01903 868 474 info@sussexlocal.netBooking&CopyDeadline1stSept Business Directory / Advertiser Index 59

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