1 minute read

Writing a Will

By Will Writer Emma Cohen MIPW

Writing a Will is one of those tasks that often goes overlooked. However, the benefits of creating a Will extend far beyond just financial considerations. A Will acts as a powerful document that can provide peace of mind to loved ones and ensures the smooth transfer of assets after you have gone.


Crafting your Will enables you to have full control over the distribution of your assets after you die. By explicitly stating your wishes, you can ensure that any property, investments and personal belongings are distributed how you want. You will often hear me coin the phrase “Your Will, Your Way!” This can prevent confusion, reduce the likelihood of disputes and it can eliminate the need for expensive legal processes.

A Will is not just about assets though, it allows you to protect your loved ones in various ways. Guardianship provisions can be included to designate who will care for children, additionally, a Will can provide some security for elderly or dependent family members who require ongoing support.

There are also many options to leave financial help to the Charities closest to your heart.

The absence of a Will can leave loved ones in a difficult and emotionally challenging position. Having a roadmap in place can sometimes relieve them of the burden of making complex decisions during an already distressing time. It provides a clear set of instructions, making the estate settlement process smoother, faster, and less stressful. By avoiding intestacy laws, a Will also minimises unnecessary costs and preserves the value of the estate for your beneficiaries.

At Nsure we believe writing a Will is a responsibility that we should all embrace. Beyond the financial considerations, it allows you to take control of your legacy, protect the people who matter the most to you and alleviate difficult decisions after you have gone.

Please do get in touch with me on 01903 821010 or email: emma.cohen@nsure.co.uk

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