24 What's On
What’s On - June 2022 Event organisers please enter your event details on www.sussexlocal.net/events-add/ We regret that we cannot accept submissions by email. We take the details from our website for the magazine listings which can appear in up to all seven editions distributed to over 46,000 addresses. Charity, community and non-profit events are free of charge (subject to space). Commercial events can be listed from just £25 plus VAT which includes promotion through Facebook & Twitter. Deadline for July events to be put on website - 4th June
CHARITY 18/06/2022 6:30 PM Big Summer Sleep Out Spend one night under the stars and raise funds for Homelessness Charity. Worthing Football Club BN14 7HQ £20 16+ fundraising@turning-tides.org.uk www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/big-summer-sleepout2022-registration-268788502647 24/06/2022 6:30 PM Charity Wine Tasting . Raise funds for Chestnut Tree House. Oving Jubilee Hall PO20 2DQ £20 18+ Jack Banner jack@gustowines.co.uk gustowines.co.uk/shop/ gusto-wines-summer-tasting-event-2022/
CLUBS & SOCIETIES 06/06/2022 8:00 PM Felpham Singles Club Monthly social club for those single, widowed or divorced of mature age The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL anniecook555@yahoo.com www.felphamsingles.yolasite.com 08/06/2022 7:45 PM Worthing Folk Dance Group, Grasshoppers Monthly Folk Dance St Lawrence Church Hall Goring by sea BN12 4BY £2 Helen hdoswell@googlemail.com 13/06/2022 7:30 PM Pulborough Meadows WI Felons & Fingerprints topic Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF mary.walker50@gmail.com 16/06/2022 7:30 PM Sullington Windmills Women's Institute A friendly group of around 60 ladies The Parish Hall Storrington RH20 3PP erikabrichta@hotmail.co.uk sullingtonwindmills.org/ 21/06/2022 7:30 PM Durrington WI Meeting A fun meeting led by the Pebble Beach Ukulele Band Durrington Community Centre Worthing BN13 3FJ lindaturner100@hotmail.com mywi.thewi.org.uk/welcome-to-my-wi 21/06/2022 7:30 PM West Chiltington Floral Club West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ £5 visitors Carol Nash wchiltfloralclub@gmail.com
22/06/2022 2:30 PM Storrington Flower Club Affiliated to NAFAS Sullington Parish Hall Storrington RH20 3PP £6 visitors Chris Desmond 01090 3742102 chrissyldesmond@gmail.com Every Tue & Thur 7:00 PM Bognor Regis Model Railway Club meet every Tuesday and Thursday Bognor Regis Model Railway Club Westergate PO20 3YA Claire Tanner ctanner25@hotmail.com Every Fri 7:00 PM Westergate Badminton meet every Friday St Philip Howard School Barnham PO22 0EN Michael Dewe mdewe@aol.com Every Mon 11:00 AM West Chiltington Short Mat Bowls Club Weekly bowling club West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ Jean 01798 815930 Every Mon, Wed & Fri 7:30 PM West Chiltington Table Tennis Club West Chiltington Village Hall West Chiltington RH20 2PZ Ron Ladley ronfayeladley@hotmail.co.uk Every Sun 11:00 AM Badminton Club West Chiltington Village Hall Pulborough RH20 2PZ Vivian Mary Jones vmjones18@hotmail.co.uk Every Thurs 10:30 AM Thakeham Table Tennis Club Thakeham Table Tennis Club Storrington RH20 3GP andytttc@gmail.com www.thakehamtabletennis.co.uk Every Wed 9:00 AM Worthing Homes Community Computing offering free individual help every Wednesday. The Resource Centre Worthing BN11 1ER Free Amberlouise 01903 703100 Every Wed 7:00 PM Worthing Short Mat Bowls Club St. Andrews School Worthing BN14 8BG Betty Potts bobetty_highsalvington@yahoo.co.uk https://worthingshortmatbowls.weebly.com/#
04/06/2022 12:00 PM Queen's Platinum Jubilee Summer Festival Summer Festival to Celebrate Queen's Platinum Jubilee Hormare Field Storrington RH20 4BG free clerk@storrington-pc.gov.uk www.storrington-pc.gov.uk More events on www.sussexlocal.net - please contact event organisers to check for changes