Sussex Local Magazine - Pulborough May 2023

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May 2023 SUSSEX SNOWDROP TRUST 30 years of care EXTEND Unlock your home’s potential FOXES The free spirits in our gardens PULBOROUGH | BURY | FITTLEWORTH | NUTBOURNE | WEST CHILTINGTON RH20 1 & RH20 2 through the door every month to 5,958 homes via Royal Mail Win! WHAT S ON Storrington Duck Race & other May events Family ticket to The South of England Show at Ardingly p35 ...PLUS what’s on, local news prize crossword property, walks health & wellbeing business directory
2 E T 01798873281 W LMCAutoServices Unit7&8 | StationApproachIndustrialEstate Pulborough | WestSussex | RH201AQ *5%donationgoestoTheMaryHowTrust Carandmotorcycle MOTteststation ComputerDiagnostics MOTRepairs Tyres Tuning MechanicalRepairs Servicing Welding Exhausts MOT Specialoffer £40 ifbookedonline SAVE 26% Usualprice £54.85* Allmakes andallmodels undertaken FREEcollection &delivery OT LMCMD LOCAL,INDEPENDENTGARAGE FORALLYOURVEHICLENEEDS




ThisMaywehavethreebank holidays!Theextraoneon May8th,tocelebratethe coronation,hasbeen dubbedtheBigHelpOutand isallaboutgivingahandtoa hardworkingcharity.

Coverimage: StorringtonDuckRace SUSSEX

OnesuchcharityistheSussex SnowdropTrustwhoare celebratingtheir30th anniversarythisyear.Based justoutsideArundel, Snowdropsupportchildren withalife-threateningor terminalillnessandtheir familiesinthecomfortoftheir ownhomes.

Lovethemorhatethem, Foxesarethriving,sometimes inourgardens!AndrewStaib sharessomefoxyfactsalong withthismonth’sgardening to-dos.

We’vealsogotarticleson propertyandhealthaswellas localnewsandaguideto

What’sOnthismonth.Why notenteroneofour competitions,youcouldwin andgiveyourselfsomething elsetocelebratethismonth.

CONTENTS Advertisingfromonly £10 peredition


Establishedin2007,wepublishandhand-delivereight editionsfreeofchargetoover54,000homesandbusinesses everymonth.Wewelcomereaderlettersandcommunity noticeswhichwepublishfreeofcharge.

Disclaimer-Whilstadvertisementsareprintedin goodfaith,SussexLocal(KayPublishingLtd)isan independentcompanyanddoesnotendorse productsorservicesthatappearinthismagazine. SussexLocalcannotbeheldresponsibleforerrors oromissionsorclaimsmadebycontributors.Views andopinionsofcontributorsarenotnecessarily thoseofthepublisher.

ARUNDEL andsurroundings– 7,006 addresses

BARNHAM andsurroundings– 6,316 addresses

CHICHESTER citycentreandsuburbs– 6,310 addresses

FINDON andsurroundings– 7,287 addresses

MIDHURST/PETWORTH andsurroundings– 7,139 addresses

PULBOROUGH andsurroundings– 6,091 addresses



Every address every month 3 SUSSEX LOCAL
“ ”
andsurroundings– 7,108
STORRINGTON andsurroundings–
6,733 addresses Quoteofthemonth...
4 What'sOn 14 Charity&CommunityNews 18 InYourGarden-Foxes 22 Property-Unlockingyour friedhalloumi 32 HealthandWellbeingignoringyourprogress? 35 WinticketstotheSouthof EnglandShow 36 LocalGuidedWalks 38 CharityProfile-Sussex SnowdropTrust 42 Motoring-Electricvehicle charging 44 LocalSchoolsNews 46 ChrisHare-HilaireBellocThePoliticsofLiving,Part1 48 PrizeCrossword-wina£20 discountatTheRisingSun 49 AndrewGriffithMPcolumn 51 Localcouncilupdates 54 ClassifiedBusinessDirectory 59 IndexofAdvertisers home'spotential 26 Property of the month 30 Recipe-Lemonrisottowith
Untilnextmonth, Kris&Jeff

What’s On - May/June 2023

Event organisers please enter your event details on We regret that we cannot accept submissions by email. We take the details from our website for the magazine listings which can appear in up to all eight editions distributed to over 54,000 addresses. Charity, community and non-profit events are free of charge (subject to space). Commercial events can be listed from just £25 plus VAT which includes promotion through Facebook & Twitter. Deadline for June events to be put on website - 4th May


1st - 31st May 9:00 AM Hound Hike 100: Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey Sussex help raise funds for life-saving charity houndhike100

14th May 8:00 AM Skydive for Turning Tides

Neverathon army parachute association SP4 9SF Sophie

14th May 1:00 PM Snowdrop Arundel Castle Park Walk Arundel Castle Estate Park BN18 9AU £5 £2 01243 572433

28th May 7:30 PM Date2Donate - find love while spreading love Meet singles and raise money The Escapist Chichester PO19 1LJ £5 Jovita Ivin 07823 558156 date2donate-find-love-while-spreading-love

10th June 10:00 AM Sponsored Walk - 4Sight Vision Support A fundraising day out Angmering Park Estate Crossbush BN18 9PQ £10 / Child £5 01243 838001


1st May & 5th June 8:00 PM Felpham Singles

Social Club widowed, separated or divorced of mature age The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL Free 01243 821530

Clubs & Societies 6th May & 3rd June 10:30 AM

Parkinson's Support Group for people with Parkinson's and their families Washington Village Memorial Hall RH20 4AP £2 Gillian Chard 01903 746871

10th May 12:00 PM Storrington & District

Probus Club Lunch and social activities for retired men The Old Tollgate Steyning BN44 3WE

15th May 11:00 AM Chichester Creative Textiles embroidery, sewing and textile art. Lavant Memorial Hall PO18 0PH 1st visit free

17th May 7:30 PM Sullington Windmills

Women's Institute ‘Storrington’s First Responder’ talk Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP 01903 741078

24th May 2:30 PM Storrington Flower Club Raffle of demonstration arrangements Visitors

£6 Storrington and Sullington Parish Hall RH20 3PP 01903 742102


6th May 10:00 AM

Coronation celebrations

A screening of the ceremony and parade on the Chichester

Cathedral Green PO19

1PX 01243 773263

6th May 12:00 PM Coronation Picnic on the green to celebrate King Charles III Coronation

Pulborough Sports & Social Club RH20 2AJ

7th May 2:00 PM King's Coronation Event

Family Afternoon to celebrate the Coronation

Storrington Recreation Ground RH20 4BG 01903 746547

7th May 1:00 PM The Big Coronation Lunch

Bank Holiday/Coronation lunch Aldingbourne

Community Sports Centre PO20 3YA Katherine

7th & 8th June 9:00 AM Corpus Christ and the spectacular carpet of flowers Arundel Cathedral

BN18 9AY 150th anniversary celebrations

01903 882297

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

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16th May 9:30 AM Birding for absolute beginners Get to grips with birds at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 members / £25.50 Non-members 01798 875851

11th June 8:30 AM Nature and Close-up / Macro Photography Workshop Principles and techniques RSPB Pagham Harbour PO20 7NE £38 / £30 members 01243 641508


1st - 5th May 10:00 AM Downland Art Society

Spring Exhibition 2023 artwork in a range of media The Norfolk Centre Arundel BN18 9PA 07815 562501

12th - 14th May 6:00 PM Sussex Art Fair in Chichester 2023 90 exhibitors with artworks for purchase Goodwood Racecourse PO18 0PS £6 Weekend Entry Sussex Art Fair 01243 551861

16th - 28th May 10:00 AM Jo Jones: 'Sea, Sun, Salt & Sparkle' & 'Seasons' Two shows for two week exhibition Colonnade House BN11 3DH 01903 221142

1st - 21st May 2:19 PM ‘The Magic of Middleearth’ Dedicated to the fantasy worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien and the creators his writing has influenced The Novium Museum PO19 1QH £4 adult / £12 family (max 5 members) £2.50

1st - 5th May 10:00 AM Arundel Museum

Exhibition: Ralph Ellis - Artist and Inn Sign

Designer successful inn sign painter who lived in Arundel Arundel Museum BN18 9PA £4.50 01903 885866

23rd - 28th May 10:00 AM Anna Vartiainen: Everything Must Go Sale of artists work

Colonnade House Worthing BN11 3DH 01903 221142

2nd - 7th May 10:00 AM Sally Pennington: Sussex Seasons raised in West Sussex. Colonnade House BN11 3DH

30th May - 4th June 10:00 AM Glenn Phur:

Signature Art, Icons, Landscapes - Art for your Heart Spring exhibition Colonnade House BN11 3DH 01903 221142

30th May - 4th June 10:00 AM Rachel Reader in Worthing: Teal & Mirrors artist and musician/ songwriter uses Mosaic Colonnade House BN11 3DH


14th May 10:00 AM The Barnham Bark Fest Art, Crafts, Dog Show and Family Day Celebrating 10th Anniversary of Barnham Centre Barnham Community Hall PO22 0AY 01903 785166

21st May 12:00 PM Storrington Duck Race Duck races, stalls, music, food + refreshments. Storrington Riverside Walk RH20 4BW Friends of Storrington Primary School

27th May - 30th June 10:00 AM Elmer's Art

Parade Elmer the Patchwork Elephant on an art parade. Petworth House and Park GU28 9LR 01798 342207

3rd June 10:00 AM Amberley Museum

Environment Day Celebrate World Environment Day and explore how local community groups to national charities are working to restore nature and promote more sustainable living Amberley Museum Arundel BN18 9LT £15.50 / Child


11th June 1:00 PM Thakeham Fun Day With Stall pitches, Programme Sponsorship and Prize Donations Thakeham Playing Field and Village Hall RH20 3GW


13th May 10:00 AM Spring Fair in Midhurst Spring Fair Midhurst Methodist Church GU29 9DU £1

14th May 11:00 AM Craft Market, Fun Dog Show & Fun Day Craft Fair and Dog Show with Inflatables. Clapham & Patching Village Hall & Grounds BN13 3UT Sheila

10th May 7:30 PM Storrington Rotary Film Night- Death On The Nile Starring Kenneth Branagh Sullington Village Hall RH20 3PP £5

Ken 01903 740745

11th May 7:00 PM Foreign Film evening

German film with English subtitles West Worthing Baptist Church hall BN14 7LU £5


More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

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6 What's On
Every address every month 3 At Batcheller Monkhouse, we have unrivalled local knowledge and a database full of potential buyers and renters looking to move in Pulborough, Storrington, West Chiltington and the surrounding villages. Please contact our experienced team for a free, no obligation Market Appraisal. A local gem that mixes old and new with breathtaking results. The homes on our books aren’t half bad either! Pulborough Sales - 01798 872081 | Lettings - 01798 877501 7

22nd May 7:30 PM Pulborough Film Night

Alleluja starring Judi Dench and Jennifer

Saunders Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF £7

Terri 01798 848039


7th May 10:00 AM Plant Fairs Roadshow Plant

collective showcasing locally grown flowers

Borde Hill Garden Haywards Heath RH16 1X £11.50

13th May 11:00 AM Murray Downland Trust

Garden Event Hosted by sculptor Philip Jackson

Casters Brook Cocking GU29 0HJ £5 Nicholas 01730 819129

14th May 2:00 PM The National Garden

Scheme: Champs Hill Coldwaltham views across Amberley Wildbrooks to South Downs Champs Hill Pulborough RH20 1LY £5

16th May 10:30 AM Manor of Dean, Petworthgarden open for the National Garden Scheme

Manor of Dean Petworth GU28 9AP £5 01483 211535

20th May 11:00 AM National Garden Scheme: Award winning garden in Midhurst “A Little Bit of Heaven”. 54 Elmleigh Midhurst GU29 9HA £4 01483 211535

26th & 28th May 2:00 PM National Garden

Scheme: 1 Pest Cottage in Midhurst Designed to support wildlife and biodiversity. 1 Pest Cottage GU29 9LF £4

27th May 10:00 AM National Garden Scheme: Knepp Castle open in aid of charities Knepp Castle Horsham RH13 8LJ £15

2nd June 11:00 AM National Garden Scheme: Judy’s Cottage Garden Worthing BN13 2AE £5

3rd June 11:00 AM The National Garden

Scheme: Open Garden: Oaklands Farm Shipley Enjoy peaceful gardens and tea and cake at Oaklands Farm Horsham RH13 8PX £6

4th June 2:00 PM Sutton Open Gardens The gardens in Sutton will be opening again Sutton Village Pulborough RH20 1P £5 Under 16's free. Lisa

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More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes Over 15 years experience Free Consultation 07711 869928 Cutting, Styling & Blowdrying 8 What's On

10th June 11:00 AM The National Garden Scheme: Garden Open Day: Foxwood Barn

Fontwell Foxwood Barn Arundel BN18 0SR £5

10th June 2:00 PM National Garden Scheme: Garden Open Days: Lordington House Chichester PO18 9DX Walled gardens in South Downs National Park £5 01483 211535

11th June 1:00 PM Petworth Secret Gardens Trail 2023 Treasure trail around gardens of Petworth in aid of charity Leconfield Hall GU28 0AH £7.50 07717 462780

10th & 13th May 11:00 AM The National Garden Scheme: Beautiful garden open at Cookscroft Earnley Spring opening gardens Cookscroft Chichester PO20 7JG £5 National Garden Scheme

3rd & 10th May 2:00 PM The stunning gardens at Fittleworth House, Pulborough will be open for the National Garden Scheme NGS open gardens booklet now available Fittleworth House RH20 1JH £5

3rd-6th June 10:00 AM The National Garden Scheme: Garden Open Days: The Old Rectory Barnham Two pretty open gardens in Barnham The Old Rectory PO22 0EQ £5

Every Thurs 10:30 AM Beautiful garden at The Old Vicarage Washington, open for the National Garden Scheme The Old Vicarage Pulborough RH20 4AS £7 01483 211535


21st May 10:45 AM Pulborough Vineyards Run Views across the countryside to the Downs. From 5-20km - choose on the day. Undulating run/walk Nutbourne Vineyards Pulborough

RH20 2HH £25 incl wine, cake and a hot drink e/pulborough-vineyards-run-4094


4th May 7:30 PM Daoiri Farrell - World Renowned Irish Folk Singer Spearheading a resurgence of authentic in Irish folk music

Ropetackle Arts Centre Shoreham by Sea BN43 5EG £15 01273 464440

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

Pottery Painting

Have fun, relax and enjoy creating your own unique pottery pieces. Suitable for all ages.

Squire’s Garden Centre London Road, Washington, West Sussex, RH20 3BP

Call 01903 893353 to book

Every address every month 3
AtSquire’s GardenCentres
What's On 9

5th May 7:30 PM 60

Minutes of Classical Music Studio 1 Regis Centre PO21 1BN £6.50 under 25 - £3.50 01243 867676

6th May 7:30 PM Motown and Northern Soul

Evening Eastergate Village Hall Barnham PO20 3RP £5 07718 415620

13th May 7:30 PM Adiemus by Karl Jenkins

Adiemus with full orchestra and other works. Steyning Centre BN44 3XZ £15 under 18s free Zoe 01903 812662

18th May 7:30 PM Evening of Dixieland and Traditional Jazz with the Featherstone Jazz Five

DRNK Coffee House, Lancing Manor Leisure

Estate BN15 0PH Derek 01903 249900

21st May 7:30 PM Shopwyke Singers - May Concert The Shopwyke Singers return for their summer concert Boxgrove Priory PO18 0EE £12 01243 572322

11th June 3:00 PM Worthing Philharmonic Orchestra - A Summer Concert Classical music concert with local orchestra Assembly Hall

Worthing BN11 1HQ £11, £15, £18 £3 Children under 16 and students £3


7th May 9:00 AM Annual Sussex Car and Motorcycle Jumble Trade Stalls and Display of Vintage and Classic Cars Worthing Rugby Club BN16 4AX £2 07760 793912

13th May 10:30 AM Spring Sale Arundel Museum BN18 9PA Free

13th May 2:00 PM Plant Sale in Thakeham Plants, cakes, tea/coffee. Thakeham Village Hall RH20 3GW Free. Thakeham Gardeners’ Club 01798 812748

14th May 2:00 PM Annual Plant Sale Plants from local grower and members' stall. Lavant Memorial Hall Chichester PO18 0AH free Susan 01243 527725

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

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14th May 2:00 PM Lavant Horticultural Society

Plant Sale Lavant Memorial Hall Chichester

PO18 0BA Susan J Jackson

20th May 9:00 AM Arundel Farmers Market

local growers, bakers, meat, poultry, flowers, plants and food and drink makers Arundel BN18 9AA

27th May 9:00 AM Pulborough Farmers Market

Eggs, bread, cakes, crafts plus Cafe, coffee and tea Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF Terri 01798 848039

4th June 2:30 PM Annual book fair and local authors' showcase local authors to display their books, plus books for sale High Salvington Windmill BN14 3BP £1 07799 333267

10th June 9:30 AM Cheeki Monkeys Big Baby & Children Market Buy or sell toys, clothes and equipment. The Shoreham Centre BN43 WU £1.50

19th - 21st May 11:00 AM The Petworth Park Antiques & Fine Art Fair Annual fair Petworth Park GU28 0QY £10 The Antiques Dealers Fair Limited 01797 252030


13th May 10:00 AM Storrington Bowling Club

Open Day Storrington Bowling Club RH20 4EE Barbara


2nd May 2:00 PM The Arts Society West Sussex Talk by Chloe Sayer Fittleworth Village Hall RH20 1JB Free for members. Guest £7 Jackie Buckler 01903 411086

2nd May 7:30 PM 1066 talk one of the most important and influential years in English history. Storrington Museum RH20 4LL £8/£6 members 01903 740188

Every address every month 3
More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes What's On 11

2nd May 7:30 PM A Talk by Lars Tharp (BBC's Antique Roadshow) Small, friendly club Field Place Worthing BN13 1NP £7.50 / membership

£35 07984 403890

3rd May 10:00 AM Old photographs: how to identify, date and care for them workshop for family and history research West Sussex Record Office PO19 1DD £7.50 / £6.50 for members Matthew 01243 753602

3rd May 10:30 AM The Arts Society South Downs Lucian Freud art and the man by John Iddon Fittleworth Village Hall RH20 1JB £7 guests 01798 813314

10th May 5:30 PM ‘Romantic Venice’, Dr Miles

Leeson Oxfam talks 2023 Oxfam Bookshop Chichester PO19 1HS £5 01243 816235 oxfam-bookshop-chichester

10th May 7:15 PM Talk by Frances StanleyMillenium Seed Bank at Wakehurst West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ Visitors £3Members free

07792 817399

24th May 7:15 PM The Lynton & Barnstaple

Railway – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Mike Pearce Illustrated history to closure in 1935

Bassil Shippam Centre Chichester PO19 7LG £3 Roger branches/branch-chr-chichester/

25th May 6:00 PM Talk on the Tigers and Wildlife of Bandhavarh Alan Key on the National Park in India with flora, wildlife, birds. Bassil Shippam Centre Chichester PO19 7LG Marilyn

1st June 6:00 PM How Truly Rational is the Brain? clinical psychologist will discuss the evolutionary processes to crisis point. Bassil Shippam Centre PO197LG £5 Marilyn

7th June 5:30 PM Poetry Reading, Prof. Hugh Dunkerley Oxfam talks 2023 Oxfam Bookshop Chichester PO19 1HS £5 Miles 01243 816235 oxfam-bookshop-chichester

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes


8th May 4:00 PM The Wind in the Willows This Is My Theatre's adaptation of the tale The Paddock Upper Beeding BN44 3HZ £15 / £10 07732 253311

10th, 23rd & 25th May 7:00 PM Wuthering Heights This Is My Theatre's adaptation of Emily Brontë's story in Hurstpierpoint, Crawley and Upper Beeding. Various locations and prices 07732 253311

16th May 7:30 PM 'Anything Goes' Cole Porter's iconic musical Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £18 £15.50 Hazel Latus 01243 867676

18th - 20th May 7:30 PM West Chiltington Dramatic Society 'Table Manners' Comedy around a man's attempt to persuade his sister-in -law to go away with him for the weekend. West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ £12/£6 07702 945960

3rd - 24th June 7:30 PM Assassins Sondheim's musical starring Danny Mac Chichester Festival Theatre PO19 6AP From £10 01243 781312

4th - 7th May 7:30 PM 'Bad Girls' Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £18 / £15 Hazel 01243 867676


17th May 8:30 PM Batty about bats which bats call Pagham Harbour home Church Norton car park Selsey PO20 9DT £12 / £9 Roy Newnham 01243 641508 25th May, 2nd & 6th June 8:00 PM Night-time safari – nightjars on the heath night time wildlife at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £16.50 member / £20.50 Non-member Anna Allum 01798 875851

28th & 30th May 10:30 AM Reptile safari native reptiles at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £8.50 members / £10.50 non members Anna Allum 01798 875851

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

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12 What's On

Sussexdown residential care home welcomes new Home Manager

Sussexdown, an elegant and welcoming residential care home on the outskirts of Storrington, has recently welcomed Lynne Hudson as it’s new Home Manager.

Lynne has worked in the health sector for over 46 years and successfully managed care homes for the past 22 years, ensuring they are not only rated good by CQC but exceed resident and family expectations. She is passionate about delivering high standards of care and maintaining dignity – she loves to make a difference, particularly when someone is in the later part of their life.

Having immediately settled into life at Sussexdown, Lynne has brought experience, stability, and the highest quality of care, both medically and holistically, that benefits each and every resident – and their families and the team can’t speak highly enough of her.

Sussexdown provides social interaction, companionship and a happy and fulfilling lifestyle for residents, with plenty of Food, Fun and Friendship alongside compassionate, person-centered care.

There are 77 comfortable, fully furnished rooms and a variety of bright and spacious communal areas for residents to relax in and enjoy with visiting friends and family.

There is a rich and varied activities programme, which residents can take part in as much or as little as they wish, and the home has its own on-site hairdressing salon.

Situated among gardens with mature trees and wellmaintained flower beds, there’s plenty for residents to explore outside via accessible pathways and ample seating. It’s the perfect place to relax and unwind on a sunny day.

The home encourages choice and independence in a homefrom-home environment, with the support of the professionally trained care team.

If you’re considering a residential care home, get in touch, meet Lynne and discuss how she and the team at Sussexdown can help you get the most out of life at the warm and welcoming home.

Call 01903 947640 or visit

To find out more about life at Sussexdown and watch the video from Lynne, simply scan the QR code with your smart phone camera and click on the link.

Every address every month 3
Lynne Hudson, the new Home Manager at Sussexdown residential care home, pictured outside the home

Sussex Snippets

Charity & Community news from across the counties

Adur District Council has approved the construction of seven new homes on South Street car park, Lancing. The properties will be used as emergency or temporary accommodation for families with nowhere to stay and are expected to save the Council more than £5 million in the coming years on B&B accommodation.

The Kent Surrey Sussex (KSS)

Air Ambulance Charity is organising Hound Hike 100, an event that encourages dog lovers to walk 100 kilometres or 100 miles with their pets during May to raise funds for the life-saving charity. The charity requires £16.6M annually to operate, with 87% of its income coming from supporters.

Worthing and St Richard’s Hospitals have both received a national award for their commitment to patients living with incurable blood cancer

The accolade, awarded by blood cancer charity Myeloma UK, recognises hospitals’ commitment to raising the bar for treatment and providing compassionate and personalised care

Kew's Millennium Seed Bank at Wakehurst, near Ardingly, has achieved an important milestone by banking over 40,000 different plant species, including the endangered Perrier’s baobab and tiny orchid seeds. The world's largest ex-situ conservation project stores 2.4 billion individual seeds in underground vaults, and aims to increase the genetic diversity of the collections to address global climate change and environmental issues. For more information and to visit Wakehurst see

The Wey & Arun Canal in Loxwood suffered major damage from vandalism just before Easter. Electrical control equipment for pumps were destroyed and water released from the canal causing over £50,000 worth of damage. The Canal Trust, a charity and volunteer-led organisation, has reported the crime to the police was forced to cancel scheduled Easter boat trips. With no public funding, the charity has launched a fundraising campaign to help with the costs of repair and lost income.

LYT Productions and Lewes District Council have been granted £213,800 from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to host Walk the Chalk, a fiveday event celebrating the opening of the England Coast Path, in September 2023. The event will feature guided walks, art installations, exhibitions. The UK's longest coastal trail will span 2,700 miles around the country when complete.

With the help of the Sussex branch of the National Career Service, individuals can explore their career aspirations, understand the local job market, enhance their CV, search and apply for jobs, and identify skills they may need in the future - all for free. Call 0800 100 900 or visit

A new campaign ‘Give Back Childhood’ has been launched by Carers Support West Sussex to support 2,400 children and young carers in West Sussex - some as young as five. A young carer is anyone under the age of 18 who takes on the care of a parent or sibling who is unwell, disabled or has mental health problems. The campaign is raising awareness and funds so the Young Carers Partnership, who work with schools and local services, can continue to provide young carers with skills to cope through activities, holiday programmes and regular support groups.

Shoreham Outrigger

Canoe Club (SOCC), is recruiting members to form a crew consisting entirely of individuals affected by cancer, to promote the physical and therapeutic benefits of the sport for cancer patients. SOCC aims to establish a network of cancer survivor crews across the country who will race each other in the national league, and hopes to be the first cancer survivor crew in the UK. For more details, email:

West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service are hosting free Biker Down workshops which are designed to aid bikers should they find themselves in a situation of need, and provide vital first aid training to other road users. For more information email

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Your local property professional.

A more challenging housing market demands a more proactive approach

As we move through the warmer Spring months, increasing numbers of properties are coming up for sale. This is great news for buyers who are finding more choice within the local market place. For sellers, this means that their homes will be competing against more properties than they would have done a few weeks ago.

As such, if you are looking to sell, it is more important than ever to choose an estate agent who is able to produce a bespoke marketing strategy and then proactively reach out to the widest possible audience of potential buyers. Having sold a number of properties locally which have been unsuccessfully marketed by other agents, I am able to demonstrate just how effective my approach is.

As well as being an independent estate agent and business owner, I am delighted to be part of Keller Williams, the largest estate agency network in the world, with 212,000 agents across 57 countries, all sharing resources and buyers. If you'd like to hear more about how I could help you with move, please contact me today.

Every address every month 3

Charity & Community News

Petition for safer roads

Following a head-on collision on the A24 just before Christmas, two women from Storrington suffered life-changing injuries, caused by a man with dementia who had been on the road for sixteen hours. Lucy Wyles and Anne Rance launched a petition calling for mandatory reporting to the DVLA of any driver with health conditions that could affect their driving ability, by all health professionals, to improve road safety. Patients are currently only advised to inform the DVLA and insurer themselves if they have a diagnosis, and there are no safeguards in place to ensure this has happened.

Sadly the man died following the accident. If you would like to sign the petition, scan the QR code here or you can visit petitions/635516

Horsham District celebrates the Coronation Horsham will certainly be playing its part in the celebrations over the special bank holiday weekend from Saturday 6th to Monday 8th May. Look out for a mini funfair in Horsham Park from 5th-8th May, big band sounds in the Park, and a Street Party with a difference on Sunday including live music, street food and some right royal entertainment for all to enjoy! Those with young children may also like to drop into Horsham Museum and Art Gallery to enjoy making Coronationthemed crafts over the extended bank holiday weekend. Residents are also invited to get involved in volunteering on Monday 8th May.

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Anne & Lucy
16 Charity & Community News
The remains of the car

Charity & Community News

Celebrate the Coronation in our libraries

On Saturday 6 May West Sussex Libraries are holding royally themed activities for children. There will be craft activities ranging from crown making, colour-in bunting and activity sheets, and special Storytime sessions in selected libraries. In honouring His Majesty King Charles III’s enthusiasm and care for the environment, families can pick up seed packets when they visit one of our 36 libraries on Coronation Day Swift box project aims to increase local nesting

Local volunteers from Sussex Wildlife Trust regional members group covering Storrington & the Arun Valley have launched a project to increase nesting locations by installing Swift boxes at key locations in the villages of Amberley, Billingshurst, Pulborough, Storrington and Sullington. The decline of swifts, swallows, and house martins is caused by climate change, loss of nesting locations, and lack of wildlife provisions when new

houses are built. The group has applied for a grant from Wilder Horsham District to add almost 50 new nest locations through single and some multiple boxes in 2023, and plans to evaluate whether they can help Swallows and House Martins in the same way. If you are interested in finding out more about the project, please email

Every address every month 3 Please send your community stories to
Charity & Community News 17

In Your Garden

Monthly gardening ideas & tasks

During lockdown we bought some chickens which delighted the children and then shocked them in equal measure when we got home one evening and the lawn was a flurry of feathers but no chickens. When the local foxes took our replacements we threw in the towel. I couldn’t be angry with them for very long as they were just trying, like all of us, to survive. These sleek, burnished, rusty, fiery spirits both delight us and annoy us and I thought I would find out more about them.

Their name is thought to come from ‘Puk’, a Proto -Indo European word meaning ‘thick haired/tail’. Humans have always had a love/hate relationship with them. In Europe they represented cunning and trickery and in Asian cultures, familiar spirits with magic powers. They could herald both good and bad omens. In suburban England they fascinate with their dexterity, annoy with their defecation and yelping and

yet provide one of the few safari experiences in our urban life as we regularly grind the car to a halt in the middle of a night journey and watch a fox caught in the headlights crossing a road. In turn it begins to watch us watching it until it slinks off, presumably neither feeling threatened or very interested.

The red fox, vulpes, is the most common worldwide and there are 11 other main species, with 47 sub species, ranging in habitat from the coldest, snowy regions of the world to African deserts. Some are so specific to a region that they live only on small islands or in a single National Park. They are the second most ubiquitous mammal in the world after humans.

Apart from dogs and man, the only natural predators are eagles and lions, and they have become one of the very few animals to thrive in urban settings. In fact, in the wild, a red fox might live for three years but they can live twice as long in a city. They are omnivores like humans, eating

2 E
18 Gardening
Foxes in the garden
Every address every month 3

anything going: insects, eggs, berries, apple cores, rodents and of course left over takeaways. Their range can really vary, from a few hectares in a town to over 4000 in the Highlands. They generally sleep during the day, though since I’ve been in England I’ve seen them more and more in daylight. They live in dens under the ground, or under garden sheds, with multiple getaways in case of invaders. During Winter they use their tail, ‘brush, as a cover to keep warm.

As a group they are called many different words: Skulk, leash, earth or pack. They stay together as a couple for life and live in a family that can have different lairs including a breeding lair. The male can share his den and be sexually active with more than one female adult. Some of the females, left over from previous litters, aren’t breeders, and have the role of being ‘nannies’ to the new cubs.

The vixen has a litter per year between 1-6 cubs and after about 5 weeks the cubs venture out though they are still cared for over the Summer

by their parents. By Autumn they leave the den and disperse.

It is often wondered how they live alongside cats and the answer is cat’s ferocious claw techniques frighten them off. They have great hearing and can hear rodents digging away underground. They make over 28 recognisable sounds which has made me want to start listening to them more closely. Last fact- they can run between 30-45 km per hour!

Large Garden Design

For more information please call sales:

2 E
07880 742977
to experienced and professional designer Andrew Staib
20 Gardening

There is an ongoing debate about their ecological impact. It has been calculated that they save farmers 7-9 million pounds in killing rabbits, yet cost farmers 9.4 million pounds by attacking young lambs. In Australia they have decimated native mammal populations that had no natural defences. Certainly the anti-fox hunting protests showed that they are an animal that sparks strong emotions. I wonder too if, with our comfortable, manicured life indoors, they remind us of our hand to mouth nomadic past, where life was more on a knife edge, yet also more free, weaving a living under the stars.

Where to visit in May

A visit to Leonardslee gardens should be number one on your list. You may remember that I featured this Garden a couple of years ago.

It has been revamped over the last few years and has special qualities especially in May when all the Azaleas and Rhododendrons are out in flower!

May tasks

• There is an old gardener’s adage; ‘one looses the gardens in May’. There is so much to do!

• Buy and Plant annual flowers and other frost sensitive plants like vegetable plugstomatoes, runner beans, peppers, aubergines and chillies.

• Feed lawns

• Water any new plants and fertilise and water pot plants

• Prune Pennstemons back to fresh green shoots if they show lots of new basal growth

• Thin out the clematises that have already flowered this year.

• Hoe weeds to save you having to get on your hands and knees - little and often

Every address every month 3
Extensions Alterations Conversions Design and Planning Commercial or Residential Plans Prepared GUY BRUMWELL LIMITED The Master Builder Telephone: 01798 815 315 Crystal Ponds 01903 937817 | 07872 940599 Contact Tim  Design & build  Fully insured  Maintenance  Rock designs & waterfalls  Small or large projects Free advice & estimates Limited Gardening 21

Unlocking your home’s potential

Extensions. By Nick Roberts RMR Group

Unlock the hidden potential of your home. Your home is like a treasure chest, filled with untapped possibilities just waiting to be revealed and extensions are the key to accessing this potential.

Planning the right extension

Begin at the planning stage. Consider your home's layout and architectural style. This will direct you to the ideal extension plan. Seek out professional advice from architects and contractors, who will share their knowledge and experience to help you navigate your project.

Permits & regulations

Look at permits and regulations, remember that these obstacles are in place to ensure that your extension is acquired fairly and safely. Engaging with local authorities and understanding building codes are essential steps in reaching your desired destination.

Blend with existing structure

It's now time to break ground! The right extension will seamlessly blend with your existing structure, maintaining your home’s integrity while enhancing its space, functionality, and value. This delicate balance is the key to a successful transformation.

Finding the perfect extension can be challenging. The wrong decisions can lead to increased costs or a poorly executed design, leaving you with a sense of regret. To avoid this, always employ reputable professionals. This will ensure your home extension stands the test of time, weathering any storm that comes its way. Finally, your extension is complete and your home's potential is realised. When navigated carefully, with the guidance of experienced professionals, you can create a living space that is rich and rewarding.

2 E
22 Property

Heat Pump Specialists

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Property 23

Trusted carriage and house clearance services in the home counties and beyond

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Contact Wayne Ross 07919 363760

2 E
Professional and friendly builders based in West Sussex
24 Property
Now’s the time! What’s your perfect place? Call Henry Adams Pulborough on 01798 300670 or email Visit Request a free valuation today You’ve been thinking about that bigger garden with room to bounce. We’re here to help you get there. Tell us what ma ers to you and we’ll listen. We want to know how we can make a diff erence when selling your home.

Declutter before moving

Reduce removal expenses and spend less time packing

By decluttering before relocating, you'll create a more efficient move and save money on your home removal expenses as the removal team will be packing fewer unnecessary items. Here are some helpful tips to streamline your home decluttering process before moving:

1. Starting early is key. Don't wait until the last minute to start packing. Give yourself ample time to sort through your belongings and determine what you want to keep, sell, donate, or dispose.

2. The fourbox method is an effective way to declutter. Use four labelled boxes, ‘Keep’, Sell’, ‘Donate’, and ‘Throw Away’, and place each item in the appropriate box. This strategy streamlines the sorting process and allows you to make swift decisions.

Swan Meadows, Amberley, BN18 9FF £920,000

3. It's crucial to be strict with yourself when decluttering. Ask yourself if you truly need each item in your new home; if not, let it go. Remember, the fewer items you have to move, the simpler the move will be.

4. Try the 30-day declutter challenge. Start by removing one item on day one, two items on day two, and so on until day 30, where you remove 30 items, totalling 465 items. Challenge your family members to see who can reduce the most.

5. Consider donating items that are still in good condition but no longer needed. Donate clothes to a local crisis shelter, take in-date food to a food bank, and send old bedding to an animal rescue centre.

By starting early, taking action, and making the process fun, you'll be able to move to your new home efficiently and spend more time enjoying your new space rather than unpacking.

2 E
The last Private Home remaining comprising of: • 4-bedroom family home • Separate family and living rooms • Open-plan kitchen/dining/family room • Shaker-style kitchen with stone worktops • Integrated Siemens appliances • Oak finish solid core doors • Flooring included throughout • Air source heat pumps • Electric car charging point • 10-year Premier Guarantee Warranty
Residential property surveyor covering Storrington and Pulborough areas Level 2 – Home Condition Reports Level 3 – Building Surveys Excellent local knowledge Over 25 years’ experience in the property industry High quality reports Regulated by RICS 01243 552620 07740 337893 Contact us today 26 Property
Contact Fowlers: 01903 745844 Property of the month

Even as I write this article after last week’s interest rate increase, we have had notification of more mortgage lenders reducing their rates. We are seeing more activity in the market with first-time buyers returning to house hunting and property sales being agreed . The main obstacles are still the lack of properties coming to the market.

This month we thought it would be a nice idea to introduce you to our team with a little bit about ourselves, starting with myself: Kevin, Office Manager.

I started Estate Agency at 18 in the 1980s and having worked for a few independent and corporate companies over the years, I finally settled with Cubitt & West in Arundel over 11 years ago.

I grew up in Loxwood and after spending a brief time in Surrey, I returned to my beloved Sussex,

spending a few years in Billingshurst. My wife and I have children and grandchildren in Billingshurst and Storrington and we spend much of our downtime in the area.

Cubitt & West is a great company to work for. Its powerful marketing has the ability to reach buyers locally and further afield using the full extent of online and social media This would count for nothing without our extensive local knowledge and passion to provide the best possible local service. It’s what we come to work for and it makes us feel proud that many of our clients come back to us time and time again

Next month we look forward to introducing you to Jess, our specialist mortgage advisor.

Every address every month 3 01798 875 151
“Spring has sort of sprung and everyone is looking forward to warmer weather and hopefully less rain.”
Your update to the Pulborough area housing market
fresh approach led to these successes...
Kevin Tafft
AGREEDSALE Property 27
Office Manager, Pulborough

Exclusive new homes in Fittleworth

Hawkins Field comprises fourteen meticulously designed 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties that are spacious and secluded. Beautifully landscaped gardens are flanked by mature woodland with a parkland outlook and a re-wilded pond.

By investing in sustainable design, building methods and materials, the homes are constructed in a way that minimises their effect on the environment. Elivia Homes continuously strive to improve the biodiversity and energy efficiency of their schemes to enhance the communities in which they build.

First completions Summer 2023. Prices from £645,950.

For further information on these exclusive homes, please contact Henry Adams Simply New Homes:

01798 300430


Providing transport for the community

Minibuses available to affiliate members

West Sussex Minibus are a charity that supports the whole community. They provide social excursions for residents and make their minibuses available to local Not-for-Profit and Community Groups when registered as Affiliate Members. Here in Pulborough, there are many different ways in which West Sussex Minibus can help the community when a transport solution is needed. It may be for a one-off event or a regular commitment; for a few hours or days. Schools to take pupils to sports events, Scout Groups to attend annual adventure camps, Walking Clubs to explore new walking routes or local churches to assist people attending weekly services. All Notfor-Profit or Community Groups are welcome to register as Affiliate Members with West Sussex Minibus to access their minibuses.

Everything is taken care of to get groups on the road quickly, give you peace of mind and provide ease of use.

The fleet of ten, 9-15 seat minibuses are situated across the county in Ashington, Billingshurst, Petworth, Pulborough, Steyning, Storrington, Five

Villages (Barnham) and Wisborough Green, enabling convenient pick-up of vehicles. Most have a secure cage for storage; all come with a complete maintenance programme, comprehensive insurance and AA breakdown cover. In-journey fuel payments are made easy with a Fuel Card, which is made available for every journey, Provide a driver of your own, or West Sussex Minibus may be able to assist by providing one of theirs. All new drivers require an assessment to enable a Driver's Permit to be issued to comply with government regulations.

An Affiliate Membership is from £40 per year, plus a cost-per-mile charge, based on usage. New Members and Volunteers are welcome.

Every address every month 3
Community 29

Lemon risotto with fried halloumi

A quick, easy healthy lunch or dinner

Ingredients - Serves 4

• 2 tbsp olive oil

• 1 brown onion, diced & 2 garlic cloves, crushed

• 400g arborio rice

• 150ml white wine, or replace with more stock.

• 1200ml vegetable stock

• 1 block halloumi, cut into 12 pieces

• 100g Twineham Grange, grated Italian style cheese

• Juice of 1 lemon

• Decent pinch of salt and pepper

• 1 bag spinach, washed & Handful of fresh basil

• 2tbsp Carla’s seasoning dried parsley

To serve: Zest of lemon & squeeze of lemon juice.


1. Heat oil in a large pan, add onion and cook for 5 mins until the onions starts to go translucent. Add in the garlic, and cook for a further minute.

2. Add rice to the pan and stir for a few minutes before pouring in wine. Wait for wine to almost fully absorb (stir regularly) then add stock a ladle at a time. Ensure each has almost fully absorbed before adding next. Should take around 20 mins.

3. Once stock is used up, taste the Should be soft still have a little bite. If it’s too hard add a ladle of boiling water one at a time until coo-ked, at this point turn heat to low.

4. Heat a non frying pan medeach side for 3 minutes.

5. Add Twineham Grange cheese, lemon juice, parsley, salt and pepper to risotto. Stir well and remove from heat, gently stir in basil and spinach.

6. To serve divide the risotto into four bowls, sprinkle with lemon zest, a squeeze of lemon juice and top with the halloumi. Season well.

Website promo code: SUSSEXLOCAL10

Ingredients at Village Larder -

Weekly meal inspiration - @village_larder

• YouwillfindanexceptionalrangeofSeasonal andHardyplantshereatourNurseriesin WestChiltington–allgrownandsoldonsite.

• NewSeasonHardyandSeasonalPlants–including Vegetablesreadynow!




2 E
30 Recipe

Approved Roofers gives you the best roofers in the industry cutting out the cowboys. We do verification checks on every roofer that joins us and get referals direct from their clients. You can leave reviews and read what others have said.

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Every address every month 3 Oven Cleaned from £55 ).0- ) & 0 - )/ $/# 0 '$/3 -**!$)" . -1$ . 3*0 ) - '3 *) - +-*0 ( ( -. *! ++-*1 **! -. !!$ !!$ * $' /2*.*'0/$*).-**!$)" *0/'**& *( 222 /2*.*'0/$*).-**!$)" * 0&

Are you ignoring your progress?

If your goal is to lose weight, and you’re only focussing on what the scales tell you – I think you might be selling yourself short. When you’re eagerly seeking weight loss, it can be easy to get disheartened when you don’t see an immediate change on the scales.

We can become convinced that nothing is changing, and this can contribute in no small part to the on: off cycle so many of us have with our health and fitness plans.

But, if you make a point of noticing some of the other positives which come alongside making improvements to our health and fitness, then that’s likely to help you stay on course.

You could start monitoring the fit of your clothes, or even get the tape measure out. But also, you could consider the many other positives which come alongside making improvements to our health and fitness.

You might even notice specifics which you hadn’t considered before… The one I hear most often relates to being able to tie one’s shoelaces more

easily! Likewise, what about other nonoutcome based positives you’re likely to be seeing – things like:

• Sticking to a routine

• Eating more veggies

• Getting 10,000 steps a day consistently

• Doing two workouts a week

To almost every client I’ve ever worked with, the non-weight-loss achievements are as important as the weight loss ones – it’s just that we often don’t notice these other positives which come with improving our nutrition and exercise routines, until we see the changes we’re so focussed on seeing on the scales. Keep finding positive associations between what you’re doing and the whole picture of the results you’re experiencing. This will help you feel inclined to stay the course for the long term.

2 E
32 Health & Wellbeing
Senior Fitness can be done standing or seated, Senior Flexibility requires participants to be able to get down to the floor
Every address every month 3 D ILYS MOBI LE MAS SAG E I am a mobile massage therapist and I offer treatments bespoke to the clients’ needs using a variety of massage techniques including Sports, Holistic, Thai, Deep tissue, Manual lymphatic drainage and Hot stones Please contact me on 075680 66579 or Be the best you, and look after your body Health & Wellbeing 33
2 E Call Caroline on: 01798 300740 KREMER METHOD A Natural Alternative To Physiotherapy MUSCULARPAIN BODYRE-ALIGNMENT DIGESTIVESYMPTOMS STRESS&ANXIETY SPECIALISTBREATHING REMEDIALEXERCISE LYMPHATICDRAINAGE VAGALNERVETONE GENTLEandEFFECTIVE REQUIRES3-4SESSIONS POSTTREATMENTSUPPORT NOHARSHMANIPULATIONS TRIEDANDTESTED 19YRSEXPERIENCE GENTLE&RELAXING FULLBODYTREATMENT Welcoming new patients We are experts in finding solutions to your dental needs, providing the very best dental care in the most relaxed and comfortable environment. We provide: • General dentistry • Hygienist services • Adult orthodontics • Dental implants • Teeth whitening Call our friendly team today on 01798 691810 or visit Donovans Dental Care, Middle Street, Petworth GU28 0BE • Facial aesthetics • Crowns and bridges • Root canal treatment • Restorative dentistry PDC546390_Petworth_Donovans_Sussex Local Advert_135x96mm_160223.indd 1 21/02/2023 11:31 34 Health & Wellbeing

South of England Show

A great family day out - 9th to 11th June

Offering visitors a nonstop programme of agricultural and equestrian displays, country pursuits, live entertainment, rural crafts, and a variety of food, drink, and shopping opportunities. The South of England Show offers all ages the opportunity to connect with the countryside and enjoy a great day out.

Among the highlights of the 2023 show will be the Bold Dog Lings motocross stunt displays, international show jumping, heavy horse displays, cookery workshops, scurry racing, equestrian and livestock competitions, the ever-popular Shetland Grand National and a new vintage agricultural machinery ring with demonstrations and displays. Additionally,

Injured or in pain?

visitors will be able to experience forestry, falconry, fly casting, and much more. Win tickets to the South of England show on 9th, 10th or 11th of June. The winner will be able to choose which day, subject to availability. Tickets are available from

Win a tickets to the South of England Show

To enter answer the following question:

Q: Which type of horse competes in their 'Grand National' event?

a) Shire b) Arab c) Shetland

Send your answer and contact details to: South of England Show Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: Winner drawn after 31st May 2023. Please indicate if you wish to remain on our mailing list.

Every address every month 3
Start your journey with us now...
Treatments for all ages, from newborns to nonagenarians
07967 630604 West Barn, Storrington Competition 35

Sussex Walks - May 2023

These walks are run by The Ramblers. Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the walk. Full programme of walks available on Check website for booking details and cancellations. ///= What3Words location reference.

Date Start Details

Sat 06/05/2023 09:30 Emsworth, top of Hollybank Lane. ///river.fails.descended (PO10 7UL, SU746078)

Emsworth - Hollybank Lane Southleigh and Stansted Forests, Broadreed Farm Lordington. Booking required via Walk Leader see above. 12mi/19.3km. Moderate.

Sat 13/05/2023 10:00 Rowlands Castle, on road parking, The Fairway. ///stag.martini.broad (PO9 6AQ, SU730107)

Rowland's Castle Ramble Rowland's Castle, West Marden, Stansted Forest. Booking required via Walk Leader. 8mi/12.9km. Moderate.

Sun 14/05/2023 09:30 Slindon, The Forge Café, Reynolds Lane ///thighs.prospers.noodle (BN18 0QX, SU965078)

Sat 20/05/2023 10:00 Petworth House, NT Car Park (Parking charges apply for non-NT members). ///recap.atomic.skipped Compass Flexible Bus service 99 ChiPetworth. Alight in the town, walk approx. 1mile meeting point off A285 (GU28 9LS, SU966238)

Sun 21/05/2023 10.30 Car Park, North Street Midhurst GU29 9DR (no charges on Sunday) WC facilities. For more details visit:

Sliding out of Slindon

Circular walk via Madehurst. Hilly. 9mi/14.5km. Moderate.

Rhododendron Walk Petworth Park, Duncton Common, Selham. No hills! 11mi/17.7km. Leisurely.

Sat 27/05/2023 09:30 Goodwood, Counters Gate Car Park. ///ribcage.recoup.played (PO18 0QE, SU898113)

Midhurst Via Woolbeding Bridge, Steadham Mill, Easebuorne, Cowdray park & Ruins. Lots of Stiles. Bring a picnic. Assistance dogs only. This is a circular walk

Goodwood Counting the Wild Flowers from Counters Gate. A wild flower walk down to Charlton, round and back again. Hilly. Booking required via Walk Leader. 11mi/17.7km. Moderate.

2 E
36 Walks


We’ve been exclusively chosen by award-winning estate agency network The Guild of Property Professionals as the only Member for this area.

Our local property market expertise and detailed area knowledge combined with The Guild’s backing supercharges our services and gives you so much more, which makes us a little different…

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Every address every month 3 We’ve been exclusively chosen
Get in touch with us today for a no-obligation valuation. West Sussex Office Burberry Lodge, 143a Lower Street, Pulborough West Sussex RH20 2BX Telephone: 01798 888111 Email us at: Trust Comyn and James to help you sell your home. 37

Sussex Snowdrop Trust

Celebrating thirty years of caring for sick children by Lynn Smith

Chichester based Sussex Snowdrop Trust celebrates its thirty-year anniversary this year. A unique charity providing vital nursing care for local children who are dealing with the day-to-day challenges of having a life threatening or terminal illness. Co-founder Diana Levantine tells me that the trust arose as a result of Diana and her fellow founders - Frank Snell and Kate Shaw – being made aware of the lack of support available for local families with sick children.

“In 1992 Sister Beth Connolly and Dr Ann Wallace were caring for a terminally ill child on the busy children’s ward at St Richard’s Hospital, they knew then, that there needed to be changes in provision of care, and that the child should be at home … safe and familiar place where they would be in their own bed with their family and their favourite things.” But they realised that for the child to be at home, it was crucial for the parents to be supported by a Children’s Community Nurse.

“Over the next few months Beth identified the nursing, financial and emotional support needed for all local families who were caring for a child suffering from a life-threatening illness. These needs have all been met by Snowdrop throughout the years.”

Accessing the Snowdrop Trust

In 1993 Sussex Snowdrop Trust was launched and, raised enough money to fund their first Children’s Community Nurse, Jane Evans.

“Our nurses have always been at the heart of the Trust, supporting families as they teach them how to care for their child and give them the confidence to do so. Nurses can help some children by going into schools to administer medication or to check bloods, which is invaluable as children get to spend more time at school, rather than hours travelling to and from hospital. Our Counsellors are busy supporting parents and children, through phobias, anxieties, and bereavement.”

The number of children the trust supports fluctuates each year, as newly diagnosed children come onto the “Snowdrop Pathway” of care, and

others finish treatment. Today, there are between 60-70 children on the “Snowdrop Pathway.”

“From the beginning,” Diana says, “we have worked directly with the NHS. The nurses work from the NHS Children’s Services department in Chichester, so when a life-threatening condition is diagnosed, the child is automatically referred to the Care at Home Team.” The Trust helps families living within a fifteen-mile radius of Chichester, which covers - Hayling Island, Emsworth, Chichester, Bognor Regis, Selsey, Arundel, Billingshurst, Petworth and Midhurst areas.

Funding the work of the Trust

The Charity’s greatest challenge, Diana tells me, is to raise the £380,000 a year needed to fund members of the Care at Home Team, and to provide financial support for families. Funds are raised through legacies, trusts and grants from local businesses and the community. Diana points out that the cost-of-living crisis has further impacted families, who may already be struggling financially, as it is usual for one parent to give up work when a child receives a life-threatening or terminal diagnosis, in order to become a carer.

“We are giving vouchers to families who need help with food costs or petrol to get their child to hospital for treatment, which costs the charity over £4,000 a month.” Also, over recent years, the charity’s volunteer base has decreased, and Diana says, “We would love to see more volunteers get involved in events.”

2 E
38 Charity Profile
Every address every month 3 Chichester 01243 786471 Newbury 01635 47369 FUNERAL SERVICES LTD We offer a choice of funerals to suit every need and circumstance from £1,495 fully inclusive. You’re in safe hands… Always available when you need us, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Independently owned Funeral Directors in Storrington, bringing the best care and value, with kindness and compassion to families across Sussex and beyond. Visit us in our modern, inviting premises and we can chat through your options and discuss your wishes, allowing you to make choices that feel right for you. Not connected to Safe Hands Plans – We are independent family owned Funeral Directors The Forge, 38 West Street, Storrington RH20 4EE Tel: 01903 741444 Email: | Safe Hands Penny Strachan
Director 39

Offering plenty of opportunities for volunteering

And, in this celebratory year there are numerous events for would-be volunteers to become involved in. May sees the annual walk at Arundel Castle Estate Park, taking place near Hiorne Tower on Sunday 14th, when “Hundreds of supporters enjoy a 1- or 5-mile route and take in the stunning views of the South Downs.” There will be a steel pan workshop, tombola and food stalls.” A few days later, on 18th May, Champs Hill, near Coldwaltham, is hosting a demonstration by award-winning florist, Matthew Spriggs. On 29th July the charity has “A Supercar Track Day” and there is an outdoor cinema night at Madehurst Cricket ground on 2nd September. There is will also be special event for volunteers, to mark this landmark year. Details of all events can be found on the charity’s website. The Trust, I assume, must have seen several changes over the last thirty years, but Diana says that “Actually for us, nothing has changed. Snowdrop families will always need help and support.

They will always need … access to a children’s nurse and will nearly always have financial problems when their child is ill.

Most parents and children are ‘changed’ by their journey on the Snowdrop Pathway, but with the support of the nurses and our counsellors they will be able to cope so much better.”

Thirty years later – improved outcomes for sick children

What has changed is the outcome today’s children can expect. In 1998 Dr Wallace wrote:

2 E
40 Charity Profile

“Today there are 40 youngsters in our care, and over a five-year period 25 children have died.”

“Today,” Diana says, “most children with leukaemia, cystic fibrosis and cancer, and many other conditions, are surviving, due to extraordinary operations, new treatments and medications. They will probably live to collect their pensionswhat a change.”

“The community has been so generous - despite particularly challenging times”

When I ask how well-supported the Charity is by the local community, Diana is unequivocal, “We have incredible support from local people not only from Snowdrop families who often fundraise, as a way of giving back for the care they received, but also a wide variety of community groups, including schools and colleges.”

Mostly recently the Trust was awarded a certificate of recognition from the High Sherriff of West Sussex, James Whitmore, “In recognition of great and valuable services in the Community.” The award also recognises the appreciation of the residents and people of West Sussex. Diana says, “We receive letters of thanks from many Snowdrop families over the years, who will never forget the care they received when their child was so ill.”


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And, in this special year, there is a greater opportunity for people to be involved with the charity through its fundraising campaign: “Snowdrop’s 30 for 30!” The charity would like to encourage people to take part in their own fundraising event or challenge using the number 30 – for instance, by a 30-mile walk, bake 30cakes, 30 hours of running or just give £30 - in 2023. Anyone who has ideas or who wants to learn about volunteering opportunities can talk them through with the charity or join them for their monthly coffee morning on the first Thursday of each month at 10.30am.

When I ask Diana what she feels is the Trust’s greatest achievement, she says:

“I am incredibly proud that the Snowdrop Trust is a much-loved local children’s charity and is respected in West Sussex. It is a great achievement to have been able to support hundreds of families through their most difficult times, with an outstanding Care at Home Team, for over 30 years.”

Contact: Sussex Snowdrop Trust, 3 William Booker Yard, The Street, Walberton, West Sussex. BN18 0PF. Tel: 01243 572433


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Charity Profile 41

Costs of electric car charging

A brief overview of the options

The cost to charge an electric car in the UK varies depending on where you charge it. For those who charge their electric cars at home, it costs about £17 for a full charge, according to recent calculations. This is based on a typical electric car with a 60kWh battery and a range of approximately 200 miles. The average domestic electricity rate in the UK is around 32p per kWh, and fully charging a 60kWh electric car will cost approximately £17. By using a dual-rate electricity tariff specifically designed for electric car drivers, you can further reduce the cost.

Charging at public locations, such as supermarkets or car parks, can be free for the duration of your stay. However, rapid charging points are typically found at motorway service stations and can cost approximately £22 for a 30-minute, 90mile charge.

It's worth noting that electric cars rarely need a "full" charge since they never get completely empty and usually just need a top-up. Charging an electric car at home is best done through a dedicated

home chargepoint, which comes with a typical one-off cost starting from £800 and has grants currently available for residents of flats - search on for details.

To work out how long it takes to charge an EV from zero to 100%, all you have to do is divide the battery capacity by the speed of charging. Home charge points typically offer speeds of 7kW, although it’s possible to get slower and faster ones. This gives you the amount of power a full charge consumes.

To give some examples of the cost of charging different electric cars at home, a Nissan LEAF 3.ZERO e+ (2019) with a 62 kWh battery and a range of 239 miles costs £17.36 to fully charge, while a Mercedes-Benz EQE (2022) with a 100 kWh battery and a range of 394 miles costs £28 Data from

2 E
servicing and repairs
cars 01903 742666 Unit 6 | Cotton’s Yard | Water Lane Storrington | RH20 3EA Please pop in or call us for a no obligation estimate or any advice. 42 Motoring
are a long standing, reputable garage established in the local
for more than 20
offering friendly
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including new (complying with manufacturers’ warranty).
Every address every month 3 Fabrication and welding Full or part restorations Servicing and mechanical repairs Bodywork including paint S p e ci a li st f o r c l a s s i c ve h i c l e s Find us on Facebook or call 07922 132198 Selden Lane, Patching, BN13 3UJ FRIENDLY FAMILY RUN CAR DEALERSHIP • Part exchange • Extended warranties • Delivery to your door • AA breakdown cover • No fees • Prompt payments • Finance settled • We pick up from your door 01903 742257 | 07885 622972 07596 952596 SELL YOUR CAR TO US Unit 10, Water Lane, Storrington, RH20 3EA Improve, Don’t Move! Maximise the value of your home. SPACE-SAVING – MAXIMISE YOUR GARAGE HEADROOM SECURITY-ENABLED AUTO-LOCKING SYSTEM CHOICE OF 21 COLOURS TO MATCH YOUR HOME REMOVAL AND RECYCLING OF YOUR OLD DOOR DEDICATED AFTER-CARE TEAM PREMIUM 3.4M ANTHRACITE £1,990 GAROLLA PREMIUM Increased Security •Double Insulation One-Touch Close £895 COMPACT • UP TO 2.4M 01243 630 052 9.8 out of 10 4.8 out of 5 BESPOKE ELECTRIC DOORS MANUFACTURED IN THE UK FREE FITTING PAYMENT ON INSTALLATION 43

Bury Primary School

Keeping school grounds tidy & author visits

Keeping our grounds tidy and safe for wildlife

Our fabulous parent support team have been hard at it again, this time giving the grounds a tidy up. On the same day, the children were busy doing a litter-pick of the grounds in and around school. An excellent job by all meant that the grounds were clear ready to welcome the signs of spring.

Amazing author visits

Reading is one of the most important things we focus on in school. Developing a love for reading is essential for life-long learning and we do it in many ways at Bury. Whilst we have a strong focus on teaching phonics (the relationship between sounds and letters), we also spend a huge amount of time and effort on finding and sharing amazing books with our children.

We spend a minimum of £500 each year, adding new books to our library and we always have at least one author visit each year. This year we were excited to welcome AF Harrold to Bury.

AF Harrold has written some of the very best recent fiction books for children, particularly for those children in Key Stage 2. He has also written some wonderful books for younger children along with a wide range of poetry books for both children and adults. He spent all day with us and even stayed for an hour after school signing books provided by Petworth Book Shop. The laughter throughout school on the day was infectious and you now cannot visit a classroom without seeing a child with one of his books on their desk, ready to read at any opportunity. Our English lead, Mrs Braun, was especially excited to compare beard lengths at the end of the event!

Getting great authors in takes planning - we have already booked in next year’s, the equally amazing Jeanne Willis!

Mr Moore, Headteacher

St. James’ CE Primary School

Science Museum & Father Peter Mallinson

Stunning Science!

Some of our Key Stage 2 children went on a visit to the Science Museum, a trip shared with Amberley CE Primary School and Storrington Primary School. This interactive experience ignited the children’s curiosity, fuelled their imagination and inspired them to see the world around them in new and exciting ways. They saw live shows and were able to interact with real scientific phenomena. They saw lightning strikes, played with forces and travelled through space under a canopy of stars.

Until We Meet Again…

The end of term saw the school saying a sad goodbye to Father Peter Mallinson who has been a familiar figure at St. James since 2016. As vicar of the local parish, he has been a wonderful spiritual guide, adviser and friend of the school, leading weekly worship at St. Giles’ Church for us, organising Christingle and Easter egg-rolling

events amongst many other things and being a valued governor. The school held a celebration assembly for Father Peter where both children and staff shared their memories of him as well singing together. Father Peter used to lead the children in a wonderful Irish blessing that we all grew to love. As a gift for him, each class worked on some beautiful artwork depicting a section of the Irish blessing; the end results were combined, framed and presented to Father Peter. We hope it will be a happy reminder of how much he was loved and valued by all of us at the school and we wish him a long, contented and peaceful retirement!

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AF Harrold and Mrs Braun
44 Local Schools

St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Pulborough

Summer term activities and learning topics

The Reading Shack is open at lunchtimes for those pupils who wish to sit and read instead of running about; it is a great resource, also used for some lessons. The children continue to enjoy their learning and they are finding the topics really engaging.

The swimming pool is in full use, from Yr 3 to Yr 6, and the swimming certificates are being handed out in abundance, which is fantastic to see. We are so lucky to have this resource onsite; teaching water safety is especially useful as the village has the River Arun running through it and we focus on the river in many areas of our curriculum.

The new Trim Trail is in constant use at break and lunchtimes, as is the Pirate Ship, the back field and the table tennis tables. The children are so fortunate to have such a large outside place for games and sports.

Early Years will be making the most of the weather looking at ‘Bugs, Bees and Butterflies’, Yr 1/2 will be learning about ‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’, Yr 3 will be studying ‘Tremors’, Yr 4 are embracing ‘Rumbles’ and our oldest children will begin learning about ‘The Tudors and Shakespeare’

all in all a busy time for everyone. Yr 6 will be given their play scripts for the Summer production in the Big Top. Our oldest children look forward to their residential trips – Yr 5 to Cobnor and Yr 6 to Marchants’ Hill. These trips are a fantastic way to celebrate the year end.


Every address every month 3 Class Cover is an established and successful education recruitment agency providing outstanding primary, secondary and SEN teachers, ECT’s and teaching assistants to schools throughout the South East for day-to-day, short and long-term assignments. Covering East & West Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire, Berkshire and Kent 0808 168 4040 Email: Local Schools 45

Hilaire Belloc writer & poet (1870

Part 1 of 3 by local historian Chris Hare

In December, Sussex historian, Chris Hare, published his book on the life and works of AngloFrench author, Hilaire Belloc, who grew up in the Sussex village of Slindon, and spent the last 48 years of his life at Shipley. Over the next three issues of Sussex Local we will be serialising ex-

the beams and the shelves and the mighty table.”

Beech is the wood of the Sussex downs and oak the timber of the Sussex weald they combine in Belloc’s ‘heaven.’ For such a holy setting, it was necessary that a sort of communion feast should be brought to him “When they put food and ale before me, it was of the kind which has been English ever since England began, and which perhaps good fortune will preserve over the breakdown of our generation, until we have England back again. One could see the hops in the tankard, and one could taste the barley, until, more and more sunk into the plenitude of the good house, one could dare to contemplate, as though from a distant standpoint, the corruption and the imminent danger of the time through which we must lead our lives. And, as I so considered the ruin of the great cities and their slime, I felt as though I were in a sort of fortress of virtue and of health….”

and the general traffic of men, and the old Sussex couple who have run it for many years. All is good with the inn and with its hosts. Here is indeed a place where Belloc could feel at home –“…it was quite dark, and the windows, with their square, large panes and true proportions, shone out and made it home. The room within received me like a friend. The open chimney at its end, round which the house was built was filled with beech logs burning; and the candles, which were set in brass, mixed their yellow light with that of the fire. The long ceiling was low, as are the ceilings of Heaven. And oak was everywhere also: in

Even here, Belloc is not really at home. He is hiding from the real England of cities and capitalism, of motor cars and advertising hoardings. What is more, these old Sussex country people were not his people - much as he wished they could bethey were, simply beyond his cultural reach. Writing fifteen years later, Belloc admitted as much, and that both he and his near neighbour at Shipley, Wilfrid Blunt, could never be ‘of Sussex,’ however much they wished they could –

“I had lived among them on and off all my life, and so had he; and I certainly love them with all my heart and so did he; but as for knowing how they live or what they really think, there is a gulf between us.”

Hilaire Belloc, The Politics of Living, by Chris Hare is available from Arundel Museum, Mill Road, Arundel. Petworth Bookshop, Golden Square. Petworth. Steyning Bookshop, High Steet. Steyning. Worthing Library, Richmond Road, or direct from Chris:

2 E
Belloc as a young man
46 Local History
Every address every month 3 CARPETS • LUXURY VINYL TILES • LAMINATE • VINYLS • WOOD WALL BROS CARPETS & FLOORING STORRINGTON: 16 HIGH STREET • 01903 744748 WORTHING: 225-229 TARRING ROAD • 01903 503638 Bring your room together with high quality flooring from Wall Bros - experts in flooring since 1957 47

Prize Crossword

Win a £20 meal voucher for the Rising Sun

March 2023 solution below:


2 Texan mission (5)

3 Supervise (7)

4 Highly radioactive metallic element (6)

6 Once more (5)

March anagram solution: CRAYONS

Send the answer above to: Sussex Local Crossword, PO Box 2237 Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter details online at our website

Closing date: 31st May 2023.

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Prize - £20 discount for a meal for 2 (min of 2 people)

Sussex Local and our sponsor may wish to keep in touch with occasional information and offers. We will never share your details with third parties. Please tick if you would like to receive such information.

Answer from yellow box:
1 Stonework (7)
5 Hirsute (5)
9 Rephrase (5)
Fill with high
for mentally ill
Dried strip of egg
Convex cylindrical wooden
10 Once ruled by Idi Amin (6) 11 Largest Japanese island (6) 12
banknote (6) 13
flightless bird (3) 14 Heaps (5) 16
spirits (5) 18
mountain in Crete (3) 20 Institution
(6) 22
dough (6) 24
container (6) 25 Wary (5) 26
Tarka (5) 27 Struggle hand-to-hand (7)
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17 Elsa, perhaps (7)
18 Suggest (5)
19 Fisherman (6)
21 Big (5)
48 Crossword
23 Faithful (5)

Andrew Griffith MP

Member of Parliament for Arundel and South Downs

Kinsbrook vineyard & farmshop

I had the pleasure of visiting Kinsbrook Vineyard and Farmshop last week. It epitomises everything to celebrate in the start up of a new, familyowned business. Based in Thakeham, owners Joe and Becca have grown from a pop-up selling takeaways from a horsebox during lockdown to a thriving farmshop, restaurant and vineyard producing quality Sussex wines. The enterprises are diverse and sustainable.

Kinsbrook already employs a number of local people and I discussed with Joe and Becca the challenges and opportunities they are facing as a small business, and their plans to grow over time. Starting a new business is always risky, but with support from the Government and local authorities it can be rewarding for entrepreneurs and their communities. It is risk-takers who provide employment for local people and generate the prosperity that our economy needs to function. I look forward to following Kinsbrook Vineyard and Farmshop as they continue grow.

Health of our rivers

West Sussex residents are rightly concerned about the health of our rivers but we must not confuse new data with it being a new problem. The truth is the issue has been there for many decades.

Together with other Sussex MPs, I hosted a meeting with Southern Water and the Environment Agency to discuss the action that has been taken to tackle sewage discharge. I pressed the water company on the Government’s new legally binding targets on combined sewage overflows with the water company and heard about the company’s Clean Rivers and Seas Task Force which will implement a £2.8 billion plan to end sewage discharges and water pollution here in Sussex. Southern Water and the Environment agency were left under no illusion how important it is that they act.


Every address every month 3
Community 49

Back with a quack on 21st May

Storrington Duck Race returns raising funds for Storrington Primary Annual village event returns after lockdown

The Storrington Duck Race had been a popular annual village event for 20 yearsand now it’s back!

The organisers are looking forward to welcoming you to The Storrington Duck Race on the 21st May 2023. This popular annual event has been a staple of the local community for many years and is sure to provide fun for all ages. The event will take place on the River Stor at Riverside Walk and Library Car Park, where par-

Participating in the Duck Race

There will, as always, be hotly contested races with six heats and one Grand Final.

Ducks for each race will be on sale from 2nd May and anyone can buy a duck (or several!) to take part. You can purchase your ducks for £1 each from the Storrington Primary School office, supporting high street businesses or on the day at the event (if there are any left). Each duck will have a unique number and cash prizes sponsored by local businesses are on offer for the winning ducks.

All proceeds from the Duck Race will go to Storrington Primary School to provide and maintain the swimming pool and provide extra educational equipment for the children.

The Storrington Primary School Duck Race is a

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CALL 0800PLUMBING BLOCKED DRAINS CLEARED . . ""''IS' VJ 01235 385069 EMERGENCY PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAINAGE Registered in England & Wales b Drains Internal/External b High Pressure Jetting b Manual Rodding b Pipe Laying b Non Excavation Relining b Insurance Work Undertaken b CCTV Surveys No1 PHD Ltd, Company No; 11927404, Reg. in England & Wales.  Plumbing, Heating & Drainage  Drains – Internal & External  CCTV Surveys  High Pressure Jetting  Manual Rodding Debit NEED A PLUMBER? BLOCKED DRAINS, BLOCKED SINKS, BLOCKED TOILETSCALL OUR FRIENDLY TEAM 24/7 FOR FREE 0800 046 6094 *Trustpilot l'll'll'll'll'lPLUMBING HEATING & DRAINAGE FREE QUOTES &ADVICE BLOCKED DRAINS CLEARED . . ""''IS' A VISA VJ � Debit 01235 385069 SENIOR CITIZEN & NHS DISCOUNTS EMERGENCY PLUMBING, HEATING & DRAINAGE Company reg: 11927404 Registered in England & Wales b Drains Internal/External b High Pressure Jetting b Manual Rodding b Pipe Laying b Non Excavation Relining b Insurance Work Undertaken b CCTV Surveys b No Additional Charges on evenings & weekends b Fully Qualified Engineers covering your area! b Emergency Plumbing Blocked Toilets & Leaks Mar23 4.6 Reviews 404 • Excellent 50 Local Events

Coldwaltham Parish Council Planning Applications Hardham & Coldwaltham

Edited extracts of draft minutes of the Planning meeting held on 28th March 2023.

Planning Applications - SDNP/23/00848/LDP

Ingrams Barn, London Road, Hardham - Extend previously approved barn conversion (Lawful Development Certificate - Proposed). Presented plans to meeting. Property received approval for extension on south side of property under application SDNP/21/02714/LDP. Discussed proposed application and considered that as extension is on north side of present building, facing away from neighbours, there were no objections to this extension. However, noted there are two rooflights which should be noted under planning policy SD8 policy relating to Dark Skies Reserve. Also noted plans didn’t show dimensions. Members resolved to make no objection to extension, but to highlight addition of roof lights under policy SDNPA Policy SD8 and lack of any dimensions on the plans.

SDNP/23/00436/FUL Garage Block at Brookland Way, Coldwaltham - Demolish 16 garages and construct 3 2 bed affordable houses with external

works and landscaping. Presented plans to meeting. Discussed application and noted concerns:

• Proposed parking bays wouldn’t provide enough parking for those who currently use parking facility by garages (to be removed) and residents of new properties. This would effect surrounding roads.

• Narrow access might be difficult for emergency vehicles. Trial run proved enough turning space existed but only if no vehicles are parked in it

• Development will have pathway to Brook Lane which has no pedestrian provision so would leave pedestrians vulnerable accessing local amenities.

• Brook Lane traffic would increase. Already has significant hazards at A29 London Road junction.

• To install water efficient appliances and water harvesting facilities but this won’t achieve water neutrality as existing garages have nil water use.

• Welcomed use of solar panels, heat pumps not shown on plans but mentioned as being installed. Members resolved to object to the application.

Every address every month 3
Local Council News 51

Fittleworth Parish Council

Limborne Lane development

Edited extracts from draft minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 20th March 2023.

Public questions and comments:

Worthing Homes – Worthing Homes attended to inform Council on how affordable homes on Limborne Lane development were to be allocated. Council expressed concern on how they’ll ensure local people benefit from houses built. Advised Worthing Homes were committed to ensuring local people were able to access affordable housing on site and this was built into assessment criteria with local connection having a strong weighting. Applicants need to be on CDC waiting list and urged to ensure they were, so applications could be considered and given local connection weighting as part of process. Re-lets would also take local connection weighting into account, as would any applications for affordable rents or shared ownership applications. Council asked for evidence of how these criteria would be applied and Worthing Homes agreed to supply these. The 3 terraced houses will be

passivhauses, so cheaper rents and cheaper to run, but residents need to understand how to manage one. Worthing Homes will be selling shared ownership properties. Applicants for shared ownership need to apply through their website Looking at September for a handover. Shared ownership starts from 35% and prices to be lower than Elivira Market Price. Interested parties need to see if they qualify for shared ownership. Worthing Homes to publicise what will be available. Question about what constitutes a local connection. Live or work within national park. Connection has priority over someone who was on list for longer. Worthing Homes will share priorities. Question about maintenance going forward. Management company looking after site. Worthing Homes will pay same service charge as other residents - to be incorporated into rents. They have ongoing circular repair programme, so wooden windows extra maintenance will be built into it

2 E
Family run business, furnishing Sussex for more than 60 years 10 North St, Storrington, RH20 4NZ Mon Tue Thu & Fri: 9-4 / Sat: 9-12 (Closed Wed/Sun) 01903 742643 In the sad event of the loss of your loved one you can rely on W. Bryder & Sons to help you every step of the way. PetworthPulborough 95 Lower Street, Pulborough, RH20 2BP 01798 872000 | INDIVIDUALLY TAILORED FUNERALS Peaceful funeral home set amidst the beautiful South Downs countryside Masonry services / Grave maintenance We can be contacted 24 hours a day The Gables, Tillington, GU28 9AB 01798 342174 (24 hours) 52 Local Council News

West Chiltington Parish Council

Update for May 2023

Annual Parishioners Meeting – 16/5/23

A date has been settled as Tuesday 16th May at 6.30pm for this Annual Meeting of Parishioners. The meeting will start with a summary of activities over the past year, followed by the opportunity to meet with other residents and discuss the issues of the day. The tradition began in medieval times, since then it has become a requirement by law to hold the meeting. This year it will take place in the Cricket Pavilion, Mill Road.

Dog Poo Bins

We have received requests asking for more signs and dog waste bins to be installed, to remind people to pick up after their dog. The Parish Council is happy to consider increasing the number of signs/bins in the Parish, but we need to consider the best locations, particularly with regard to neighbouring residents, good access for the user as well as HDC to empty the bin i.e. they need to be on public land.

Please contact the Clerk with your comments on:

• How effective do you think are reminder signs warning of a potential fine for breach of the law?

• If you would like to see more signs, where should they be?

• If you would like to see more dog poo bins installed, where should they be?

Meanwhile let’s again remind all dog owners:

• Always have poo bags with you when out walking (consider compostable/biodegradable bags)

• Clean up after your dog and put the bag in the nearest bin or take it home – hanging it on trees does not count!! The poo can be disposed of in a domestic waste bin if it is double bagged.

Election 2023

Please don’t forget to use your right to Vote on 4th May for your local councillors. Every vote counts and this is the democratic way to make your voice heard every four years.

West Chiltington Museum

The Museum Group is making fantastic headway and is hoping to create a virtual museum to support the traditional one, as well as an audio library of memories linked to the wonderful photographs we have in the archives. However, they

are impeded by a lack of space to work in. If you have an empty office, hall or even a secure garage which you would be willing to let the group use for a few months please contact the Parish Clerk.

WSCC Household Waste and Recycling Centres

From 1st April, Recycling Centres across West Sussex switch to extended summer opening hours. To reduce queues, you must book a slot to attend some locations – this includes Horsham but not Billingshurst at the time of writing. Remember to always take a form of ID to prove you live in West Sussex. For further information go to or phone: 01403 785614

Billingshurst Recycling Centre’s summer hours are: Monday – Wednesday 9.00am to 6.00pm, Thursday – Friday Closed, Saturday and Sunday 9.00am to 6.00pm

Wilder grass verges

One simple thing we can all do to encourage biodiversity is to let some areas of grass grow 'wild'.

Long grass encourages different plant species to grow, helps bees and other insects to thrive and creates feeding opportunities for birds and small mammals.

If you have a grass verge outside your house, or an area in your garden that might be appropriate, minimise the cuts you give it to twice a year - once in about April and then let it grow and cut it again at the end of the summer, once all the grasses and wildflowers have sown their seeds. The Parish Council has plans in place for a ‘Wild Garden’ – watch this space for more information.

Contact the Parish Council: Email: or for planning.

Tel: 01798 817434 or 07483 114836

Write to: The Parish Clerk, The Reading Room, Church Street RH20 2JW

Visit our website for details of meetings: Agendas, Minutes and how to book attendance.

Every address every month 3
Local Council News 53

Pulborough Parish Council

A29 Church Hill and dates to remember

A29 landslip, Church Hill

There has been much discussion about the A29 road closure and at the March parish council meeting, Parish Councillors asked the County Council questions. Prior to the question and answer session they issued a statement which had been agreed late that afternoon with County Council officials, setting out the WSCC position. Further details of public communications issued Minutes of council meetings are available on our website:

At the time of writing (early April) the County Council announced its intention to open the road to single lane traffic but we have yet to hear what form this will take or a firm date. Hopefully by the time you are reading this in May there will have been progress. The lengthy period that the road has been closed has hugely impacted the village, both for residents, businesses and motorists, and the roads being used as an unofficial diversion have suffered. The Parish Council is pressing to ensure not only a speedy resolution to the road

closure/landslip issue but that surrounding roads, pavements and verges are properly restored and repaired.

Please try to support your local traders and businesses as much as possible during this difficult period for them.

Diary Dates:

- Thursday 4th May – Elections – don’t forget to take your ID with you!

- Saturday 6th May – Coronation Picnic on the Green, 12-5pm, main recreation ground. Bring a picnic (no BBQs), buy BBQ food/drink from the Social Club, live music, food stalls, facepainting, activities, Coronation screening in Social Club.

- Thursday 11th May – Annual Parish Meeting, 7pm, Village Hall – a residents’ meeting, not a Council meeting. See our website /notice boards for agenda and details – come and hear reports from your Council, ask questions, hear about Climate Change activity across the district.

2 E
Every address every month 3 BLINDS / SHUTTERS CARPET CLEANING CLEANING • Computer repairs & upgrades • Custom builds • Local collection of unwanted equipment COMPUTER SERVICES ALEX COMPUTER REPAIRS 07862 053943 BLINDS / SHUTTERS CARPET CLEANING DECORATING CARPENTRY DECORATING RAW RENOVATE DESIGN LTD • Home improvements • Construction • All jobs undertaken 07908 992408 07761 775497 BUILDING / CARPENTRY CHIMNEY SWEEP DECORATING BUILDING SERVICES CHIROPODY / PODIATRY nikki: 07510 309 081 west chiltington •full grooms •bath, brush & blow dry •puppy grooms •hand stripping •de-shed treatments •nail clipping Business Directory 55


2 E
DRAINS FUEL & LOGS DRAINS FUEL & LOGS GARDEN SERVICES • Tree & Hedge Cutting • Fencing & Turfing • Grass Cutting • Driveways & Patio • Garden & Rubbish Clearance • OAP Discounts Given 01243 908052 / 07835 812890 SUSSEX TREE & LANDSCAPING ELECTRICIAN GARAGE GROUNDWORKS Arun Paving & Landscaping Ltd Block Paving - Tarmac - Fencing - Graveling - Turfing 01243 944134 ELECTRICIAN GARAGE GROUNDWORKS • Concrete bases • Foundations • Sewage treatment plants • Demolition • Ponds • Equestrian facilities ELECTRICIAN GROUNDWORKS 56 Business Directory
Every address every month 3 GROUNDWORKS HANDYMAN Mark Mitchell Handyman Services 07982 649718 • General DIY & Painting • Flatpack Assembly • Trustworthy & Reliable • Fully Insured PEST CONTROL GROUNDWORKS • Driveways & Patios • All Hard Landscaping • Gates & Fencing • Dropped kerb/crossover • WSCC Approved Contractor • Brickwork & Groundworks 01903 891400 07887 480585 LANDMARK PAVING Free estimates KEYS / SHOE REPAIRS PEST CONTROL GROUNDWORKS lee@lees LEE’S LOCKS NO CALL OUT CHARGE • Window Locks • Supplied & fitted • Fully Guaranteed • O.A.P Discounts • Insurance Work • UPVC Specialist • Digital Locks • Break Ins • Garage Door • UPVC/Patio • Police Checked • No VAT LOCKSMITH 01798 320029 07921 068564 PEST CONTROL PLASTERING HANDYMAN HANDYMAN SERVICES • 35 Years Exp. • Prompt, fast & efficient A R Andrews Call Tony: 07368 640849 No job too small or too large LOGS PLASTERING HANDYMAN OVEN CLEANING David Cooper • Boiler Breakdowns • Gas Fires • Landlord Certificates • Radiators & Valves 01903 743196 / 07504 989872 12 Fox Court, Storrington, RH20 Ex British Gas (18 yrs) LOCAL GAS TECHNICIAN Business Directory 57







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58 Business Directory
Every address every month 3 SECURITY TREE SURGERY Tree & Vegetation Management Specialists • Tree removals • Tree reductions • Tree pruning • Stump removal • Hedge cutting • Fully insured • Fully qualified BronzeleafLtd 07903 648288 07854 369097 TREE SURGERY SPORTS MASSAGE WINDOW CLEANING 07708 661765 • Windows • Conservatories • Gutters • Soffits / Fascias • Gutter clearing We always clean your frames, sills and door panels TREE SURGERY TREE SURGERY WINDOW CLEANING Accountants / Bookkeeping ACS Direct 30 Care Services Angelica Care Ltd 17 Care South/Sussexdown 13 Clapham Village Care Home 16 Community Community Minibus 29 West Sussex Libraries 11 Education Class Cover Ltd 45 Estate & Letting Agents Batcheller Monkhouse 7 Comyn & James 37 Cubitt and West 27 Elivia Homes 28 Henry Adams LLP 25 Lundy-Lester Ltd 15 Events The Petworth Festival Ltd 8 Food / Drink Greyhound Brewery Ltd 16 Funeral Services Dandelion Farewells Ltd 49 Safe Hands Funeral Services 39 W Bryder & Sons 52 Garden Services Crystal Ponds Limited 21 Glorious Gardens 20 Greenacre Garden 21 Miles Japanese Maples 20 Squires Garden Centres 9 Sussex Manures Ltd 20 Tom Hoadley 21 Village Nurseries 30 Hairdresser Elly Turner Hair 8 Health & Wellbeing Chanctonbury Leisure 33 Dilys Mobile Massage 33 Dynamic Movement Therapy 35 Feel Better Osteopathy 35 Fit For Good Ltd 32 Natural State Therapies 33 Nicholas Coysh Osteopath 32 Portman Dental 34 Pulborough Natural Health 34 Tanya Ross Personal Training 33 Home & Property Access4Lofts 23 Archibaldshaw 39 Barcombe Wood Finish Ltd 22 Carters Domestic Appliances 60 Clear House Moves 24 Direct Blinds 41 Funnells 52 Garolla Holdings Limited 43 GS Windows Ltd 5 Guy Brumwell Ltd 21 Hamilton Cole 41 LBS Natural Kitchen Worktops 40 Matthew Cattell Surveyor Ltd 26 No1 PHD Ltd 50 Omni3 Communications Ltd 23 Oven Rescue Group 31 Padwick Builders Ltd 51 Regal Roofcare Ltd 10 Roberts Miller Redshaw Ltd 22 Silicone Pro 24 Snugg Systems Ltd 23 SunRay Conservatories Ltd 19 Tecta Build Ltd 24 Two Solutions Roofing Ltd 31 Wall Brothers 47 Motoring GDH Car Sales 43 LMC Auto Services Ltd 2 Rusty Rootz 43 Wiggs Auto Repairs Ltd 42 Travel & Holidays MichelleMurrayTravelCounsellor16 Business Directory / Advertiser Index 59

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