3 SUSSEX LOCAL Oct 2022 ...PLUS what’s on local news prize crossword health & wellbeing property, walks business directory HOME START Helping Sussex families FITNESS Targets can help EVENTS October listings BEES In your garden SOUTHWATER | COWFOLD | DIAL POST | PARTRIDGE GREEN | WEST GRINSTEAD RH13 8 & RH13 9 through the door every month to 7,100 homes Win Room on the Broom at Wakehurst Mark Steel in Horsham Book: Great Naval Battles
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SussexLocalhasbeen operatingsince2007,sowe aren’ta“newkidonthe block”.Wehaveothereditions inStorrington,Pulborough, Findon,Arundel,Chichester andMidhurst,eachwithitsown particularflavour.
Wesetouttoneverbe“the advertisingbook”.Rather,we genuinelywanttobringlocal newstothecommunitieswe serve,andwehopetohear fromcharities,community organisationsandclubswith yourupdates.Areyoulooking fornewmembers?Doyou haveafundraiseryouwantto publicise?Didyourclubwinan awardrecently?Sendthestory intoinfo@sussexlocal.netand we’lldoourbestgetitinfor you–allfreeofcharge. Ifyouhaveanevent,then pleaseenteritdirectlyonto ourwebsite,whereitwillfindits waytooursocialmedia channelsandthemagazine. Allfeedbackiswelcome–hopeyouenjoytheread!
“Someofusthinkholdingonmakesusstrong, butsometimesitislettinggo.” - HERMANNHESSE
ARUNDEL andsurroundings– 6,829 addresses BARNHAM andsurroundings– 6,063 addresses
CHICHESTER citycentreandsuburbs– 6,227 addresses
FINDON andsurroundings– 7,196 addresses
MIDHURST/PETWORTH andsurroundings– 7,074 addresses PULBOROUGH andsurroundings– 5,952 addresses SOUTHWATER andsurroundings– 7,100 addresses STORRINGTON andsurroundings– 6,611 addresses
Every address every mon h 3SUSSEX LOCAL Disclaimer-Whilstadvertisementsareprintedin goodfaith,SussexLocal(KayPublishingLtd)isan independentcompanyanddoesnotendorse productsorservicesthatappearinthismagazine. SussexLocalcannotbeheldresponsibleforerrors oromissionsorclaimsmadebycontributors.Views andopinionsofcontributorsarenotnecessarily thoseofthepublisher. KayPublishingLtdPOBox2237PulboroughRH209AH info@sussexlocal.net|www.sussexlocal.net|01903868474 SUSSEX USSEX LOCAL “ ” Oct2022 Coverimage: WarnhamParkGathouse byArtHutchins SUSSEX USSEX LOCAL CONTENTS 4 What'sOn 12 Charity&CommunityNews 14 Winapairofticketstosee MarkSteellive 15 CharityProfile-HomeStart 18 LocalGuidedWalks 19 PrizeCrossword-Wina£30 voucherforTheCrownInn 20 InYourGarden 23 Property-Thedosanddon'ts ofhomedécor 25 Motoring-Prepareyourcar forwinter 26 YoungReaders'PuzzlePage 27 WinticketstoRoomonthe Broomadventure,Wakehurst 28 Recipe-BakedAubergine Roulade 29 Health-Targetstohelpwith WeightLoss 30 ClassifiedBusinessDirectory 31 WinacopyofGreatNaval BattlesofthePacificWar 31 IndexofAdvertisers Establishedin2007,wepublishandhand-deliverseven editionsfreeofchargetoover45,000homesandbusinesses everymonth.Wewelcomereaderlettersandcommunity noticeswhichwepublishfreeofcharge. Advertisingfromonly £10 peredition
What’s On - October 2022
Event organisers please enter your event details on www.sussexlocal.net/events add/ We regret that we cannot accept submissions by email. We take the details from our website for the magazine listings which can appear in up to all seven editions distributed to over 46,000 addresses. Charity, community and non profit events are free of charge (subject to space). Commercial events can be listed from just £25 plus VAT which includes promotion through Facebook & Twitter. Deadline for November events to be put on website 4th October
1st 31st Oct 6:00 AM
The Big October Cake Bake For Children on the Edge Hold a Bake Sale or host a Tea Party childrenontheedge.org/thebigoctobercakebake fundraising@childrenontheedge.org 01243 538530
01/10/2022 10:00 AM 4Sight Vision Support Wellbeing Walk fundraising ‘Wellbeing Walk’ West Park Aldwick, Bognor Regis PO21 2RB Adult: £10 Child: £5 fundraising@4sight.org.uk www.4sight.org.uk
09/10/2022 9:00 AM Worthing 10k Care for Veterans needs people for their running team Worthing seafront BN11 3QD £23 01903 218444 myra.jasper@careforveterans.org.uk careforveterans.org.uk/events/worthing 10k 2
21/10/2022 7:30 PM “Wear it Pink” for Breast Cancer & 3D Nipple Art Wear it pink, learn about the art of 3D nipple tattooing & raise funds for Breast Cancer Thakeham Village Hall RH20 3GW Taania 07484 118255 taaniapca@gmail.com www.taaniawood.com/wearitpink
25/10/2022 11:00 AM The Macular Society's Storrington Coffee Morning spreading awareness and information at The Old School Storrington RH20 4LL Stella Black stella.black@macularsociety.org
29th & 30th Oct 2:00 PM Stonepillow Big Sleep Out Sleep Out for a night to raise funds for the homeless. Chichester Cathedral PO19 1PX A donation of your choice. Georgie Smith 01243 537934 fundraising@stonepillow.org.uk stonepillow.org.uk/
24/10/2022 2:30 PM Comedy Club 4 Kids entertainment for everyone over 6 years. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN Adult: £10.50 Children: £8 Hazel 01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk www.alexandratheatre.co.uk
26/10/2022 11:00 AM Wicked Wednesday family event day at RSPB Pulborough Brooks family days at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL Adult Members free £8 per child / Non Members £4 £10 per child Lydia 01798 875851 lydia.fletcher@rspb.co.uk events.rspb.org.uk/pulboroughbrooks
29/10/2022 11:00 AM Spooky Saturday family event day at RSPB Pulborough Brooks nature at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL Adult Members free £8 per child / Non Members £4 £10 per child Lydia 01798 875851 lydia.fletcher@rspb.co.uk events.rspb.org.uk/ pulboroughbrooks
01/10/2022 10:30 AM Parkinson’s support group support group for people with Parkinson’s and their families. Washington memorial hall RH20 4AP. £2 Gillian or Ian 01903 746871 03/10/2022 6:45 PM Graphic novel book club Comic book club looking at novels aimed at adults. Monthly Private house Barnham PO22 0EF Paul Wilson: paulw21erin@gmail.com 04/10/2022 8:00 PM Felpham Singles Social Club Social club for single, widowed or divorced of mature age. The George Inn Bognor Regis PO22 7PL. Annie Cook 01243 821530 anniecook555@yahoo.co.uk www.felphamsingles.yolasite.com 10/10/2022 7:30 PM Midhurst Garden Club social Garden Club with Gardening related talk South Downs Memorial Hall Midhurst GU29 9DH visitors £3 members free midhurstgardenclub@gmail.com 10/10/2022 7:30 PM Pulborough Meadows WI October Meeting Downland Ensemble Harvest Supper and Entertainment. Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF Mary mary.walker50@gmail.com 12/10/2022 5:00 PM Pentalpha Lodge (3164) regular meeting at Pulborough Masonic Hall RH20 1AH Brian Hunter 01798 875253 brian.a.hunter@btinternet.com
More events on www.sussexlocal.net please contact event organisers to check for changes
4 What's On
Luxury Home Accessories
Lewis Design London makes beautifully simple, luxury wooden accessories. Designed with care, our accessories bring elegance and timeless sophistication to the home, whilst providing infinitely more functionality than you could ever imagine.
It’s the accessories that make the difference. Our knife block, chopping board, bath paddle and clothes horse are considered art in themselves, setting the atmosphere of your home and cementing its style.
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Please call the designer Mark Lewis direct to order and discuss your bespoke requirements 01903 740 711 or 07966 421 491 mark@lewisdesignlondon.com www.lewisdesignlondonaccessories.com
7:30 PM Midhurst Camera Club
October Speaker Evening Jon Mitchell talk on “Impressions of India”. Midhurst Memorial Hall GU29 9DH Shaun midhurstcameraclub.co.uk publicity@midhurstcameraclub.co.uk
13th & 27th Oct 7:45 PM Worthing Folk Dance Group, Grasshoppers Folk Dance Club Every 2nd and 4th Tues of the month. St Lawrence Church Hall Goring by sea BN12 4BY £2 Helen hdoswell@googlemail.com
14/10/2022 3:00 PM Rosehill Book Club, Pulborough Small group, new members welcome. Members’ homes Pulborough RH20 4NL Carol Davison carol953@hotmail.co.uk
16/10/2022 7:30 PM Sullington Windmills
Women's Institute group of ladies who meet on third Wed each month. Storrington Parish Hall RH20 3PP Erika erikabrichta@hotmail.co.uk sullingtonwindmills.org
7:30 PM Durrington WI October Meeting Line Dancing with Wendy Holden. Durrington Community Centre BN13 3FJ Linda lindaturner100@hotmail.com 07515 516854 mywi.thewi.org.uk/welcome to my wi
26/10/2022 2:30 PM Storrington Flower Club Sullington Parish Hall RH20 4PP £6 Chris 01903 742102 chrissyldesmond@gmail.com
26/10/2022 7:15 PM Six Decades of Steam Railway Photography Tony Storey
A selection of steam railway images from the South of England Bassil Shippam Centre PO19 7LG £3 07403 885061 chichester@rcts.org.uk rcts.org.uk/branches/branch chr chichester/ 29/10/2022 7:00 PM Quiz Night Museum's Quiz Night with tables of 6. Storrington Parish Hall RH20 3PP £10 storringtonmuseum.com 01903 746569 storringtonmuseum@hotmail.com
Every Thurs 2:00 PM Circle Dancing/European Folk Dancing Dance in lines and circles to diverse music, dances taught. Storrington Parish Hall RH20 3PP £6 Sue 01903 744929 suekewley@outlook.com
01/10/2022 10:15 AM Junktique, Collectable & Clutter Sale Indoor Table Top Sale of good quality items West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ £1/under 12’s free. Carol 01798 813608 wchiltfloralclub@gmail.com
7:30 PM PACT Supporting Ukrainian Refugees and Asylum Seekers by Roger Pask. St. Mary's Church Petworth GU28 0AE Gerald 01798 342151 geraldgreshamcooke@gmail.com
8:00 AM Men's Breakfast community event Men's breakfast with David Campanale Chichester Park Hotel PO19 7QL £9.50 peter@ppsutton.co.uk 07813 024585 immanuelchichester.com/community/mens breakfast/
08/10/2022 9:30 AM Birding for absolute beginners at Pulborough Brooks For those new to birdwatching RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £20.50 RSPB members/£25.50 non members Lydia lydia.fletcher@rspb.co.uk 01798 875851 events.rspb.org.uk/events/18631 15/10/2022 10:00 AM Brinsbury College Open Morning opportunity to ask about courses available at Brinsbury College RH20 2JJ Kerry 01243 786321 sharpk@chichester.ac.uk 16/10/2022 10:30 AM Nature photography safari at Pulborough Brooks nature photography workshop at RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL RSPB members £48.50/Non members £60.50 events.rspb.org.uk/events/18927 01798 875851 lydia.fletcher@rspb.co.uk
Every Wed 7:30 PM Is there more to life than this? Free Alpha course exploring questions of life. The Village Hub Storrington RH20 4DJ Stuart Spinney 01903 743547 alpha@lccstor.org
Every Wed 08:00 AM & 6:00 PM Sompting Village Morris Beginner course For over 16’s who wish to learn and be part of Sompting Village Morris. St Georges Church, Worthing BN11 2DS Mike mikerayment227@yahoo.co.uk www.somptingvillagemorris.org.uk
01/10/2022 11:00 AM Artists at Oakbank an Exibition and Sale A show of work by Sussex Artists in a variety of media. Oakbank Storrington RH20 4BU Free. John Mulligan 07974 933282 johnsmulligan@btinternet.com 08/10/2022 11:00 AM The Sussex Contemporary Art Exhibition showcasing Sussex art and artists with Sussex connection. British Airways i360 Brighton BN1 2LN Free enquiries@thesussex.co.uk www.thesussexcontemporary.co.uk
More events on www.sussexlocal.net please contact event organisers to check for changes
6 What's On
Every address every month
14/10/2022 10:00 AM
Chichester Quilters Show Exhibition of Quilts made by Chichester Quilters with raffle, demos, sales Assembly Rooms Chichester PO19 1LQ £4 chichesterquilters.com sallybotwright@gmail.com
15th & 25th Oct 10:30 AM Fascinated by fungi guided walk RSPB Pulborough Brooks RH20 2EL £16.50 for RSPB members and £20.50 for non members Lydia lydia.fletcher@rspb.co.uk 01798 875851 events.rspb.org.uk/events/18729
19/10/2022 7:30 PM Follies reunion of ex Follies performers in his crumbling theatre. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £18 Hazel hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk 01243 867676 www.alexandratheatre.co.uk
21st 31st Oct 7:00 PM The Famous Five: A New Musical A musical family adventure based on Enid Blyton’s books Chichester Festival Theatre PO19 6AP From £10 under 16s 01243 781312 www.cft.org.uk box.office@cft.org.uk
22nd 30th Oct October Half Term Fun Spot the pumpkins hidden across the Pleasure Garden and have fun strolling through crunchy leaves. Petworth House and Park GU28 0AE Free 01798 342207 petworth@nationaltrust.org.uk www.nationaltrust.org.uk/petworth
26/10/2022 2:00 PM Morgan & West: Unbelievable Science Morgan & West present chemistry Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £10.50 Hazel www.alexandratheatre.co.uk hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk 01243 867676
27/10/2022 2:00 PM Christopher Nibble Topsy Turvey Theatre's blend of storytelling with unreserved seating. Studio 1, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £8.50 £8.50 Hazel Latus 01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk www.alexandratheatre.co.uk
22nd & 23rd Oct 10:30 AM Craft and Design
L A K E S & G A R D E N
leonardsleeilluminated.co.uk FREE TICKETS for Leonardslee members T's & C's apply FREEFREE awash with light , sound and colour Explore the magical , illuminated gardens 24 NOV to 21 DEC What's On 7
7:30 PM Storrington Film Night
Belfast Starring Jude Hill and Ken Brannagh Bar + Raffle Sullington Village Hall RH20 3PP £5 from Card Shop Contact Ken: 01903 740745 kandjcoll@btinternet.com
7:00 PM
Worthing Twinning Association
French Film evening Series of French and German films £5. West Worthing Baptist Church BN14 7LU Christopher c.doidge@btinternet.com
7:30 PM Charity screening of Romantic Road Rupert & Jan Grey will bring their 1936 Rolls Royce to this showing of their film. Stedham Village Hall GU29 £7.50 Sam 01730 817191 fiona_askew@btinternet.com www.stedhamvillagehall.com
17/10/2022 7:30 PM Pulborough Film Night
Elvis a Musical/Drama 2022 running for 2hr 39m starring Tom Hanks. Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BF £7 Terri terriashpool@uwclub.net
7:30 PM Small Garden Designs West Chiltington Horticultural Society by Nigel Philips West Chiltington Village Hall RH20 2PZ Visitors £3 westchilthorts@gmail.com www.westchilthortsoc.wordpress.com
29/10/2022 10:00 AM Denmans Garden, Fontwell is opening for the National Garden Scheme Denmans Garden Fontwell BN18 0SU £9 / £7 Gwendolyn van Paasschen 01243 278950 office@denmans.org denmans.org
Every Mon 9:00 AM NGS Open Garden, Old Cross Street Farm, West Burton Garden open for National Garden Scheme in Old Cross Street Farm Pulborough RH20 1HD £6 Belinda Wilkinson belinda@westburton.com findagarden.ngs.org.uk/garden/37847/old cross street farm
Every Tue 2:00 PM Garden and gift shop open for the National Garden Scheme, Peelers Retreat Arundel gift shop and teas Peelers Retreat Arundel BN18 9EX £5 Tony & Lizzie Gilks 01903 884981 timespan70@tiscali.co.uk www.timespanhistoricalpresentations.co.uk
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Every Thurs 10:30 AM The Old Vicarage, opens for the National Garden Scheme The Old Vicarage Washington RH20 4AS £7 the National Garden Scheme 01483 211535 hello@ngs.org.uk ngs.org.uk
4th 27th Oct Various Weekly Yoga Classes in Ashington with Manna Yoga Small, personal, friendly Yoga classes for all. Ashington Scout Hut RH20 3JX £9 Manna 07798 616821 mariannebates_@hotmail.com
16/10/2022 9:30 AM Guided Trail Run
A guided trail run on the South Downs led by running coach £5 per person. Tanya Boardman tanyaboardman.co.uk tanya@tanyaboardman.co.uk
Every Tue 6:30 PM All abilities running group build confidence in running with Arun Valley Runners £5 per person, contact Tanya Boardman: tanya@tanyaboardman.co.uk www.tanyaboardman.co.uk/running groups pulborough
7:30 PM Motown and Northern Soul Evening Soul Evening at Eastergate Village Hall PO20 3RP £5 Tony & Di Cassini 07718 415620 soulinthesouth@hotmail.com
7:45 PM Chichester Jazz Club present The Power of 3 a trio of musicians in The Pallant Suite Chichester PO19 1SY £15 non members Peter peter@stoakley.myzen.co.uk 01243 774736 www.chichesterjazzclub.co.uk
7:00 AM Songs of Love and Hope opera singer Thomasin Trezise returns to Cathedral Centre Arundel BN18 9NY £35 malcolm@farquharson.me.uk 01903 89918
7:45 PM Steve Hackett Genesis
Revisited Foxtrot at Fifty + Hackett Highlights Tour Steve returns to the UK with 25 date tour The Brighton Centre BN1 2GR £44.45 01273 290131 brightoncentre@brighton hove.gov.uk brightoncentre.co.uk/whats on/2022/steve hackett 15/10/2022
7:30 PM Albert Lee in concert
Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £26 Hazel hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk 01243 867676 www.alexandratheatre.co.uk
More events on www.sussexlocal.net please contact event organisers to check for changes
8 What's On
15/10/2022 7:30 PM Arun Choral Society's Autumn Concert Mozart and Nail Requiem in Arundel Cathedral BN18 9AY £15 £7.50 Maggie Somerset boxoffice@arunchoralsociety.co.uk www.wegottickets.com/event/540060
15/10/2022 8:00 PM An evening with The Big Smoke Family a full London gig Live gig of New Orleans funk rock Empire Hall Petworth GU28 0QB £17.50 www.empirehall.org.uk
20/10/2022 7:30 AM Dixieland/Trad Jazz Evening of Dixie/Trad Jazz by the Featherstone Jazz Four DRNK Cafe Lancing BN15 0PH Free. Derek 01903 249900 dglittle@ntlworld.com
28/10/2022 7:30
PM The Legends of American Country returning for another night of Country songs showcasing tributes. Alexandra Theatre The Regis Centre PO21 1BN £25 Contact Hazel: 01243 867676 www.alexandratheatre.co.uk hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk
29/10/2022 7:30 PM Orchestra Night 60 Minute String Orchestra. Unreserved seating in Studio 1 Regis Centre PO21 1BN £15 Hazel hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk 01243 867676 www.alexandratheatre.co.uk
Every Tue 4:45 PM New Youth Choir in Storrington Choir rehearsal for children aged 8 to 11 Trinity Methodist Church Storrington RH20 3NG £3 Robert robertgamblerc@gmail.com
Every Wed 8:00 PM Learn to Sing Course learn to sing harmony songs in Acapella style. Dial Post Village Hall RH13 8NS vocalfusionacapella.co.uk vocalfusionacapella@gmail.com 01444 482183
08/10/2022 10:30 AM Children's Nearly New Sale Children's nearly new sale of clothes, toys, prams, baby equipment etc. Steyning Grammar school RH20 3AA. Storrington baby and toddler group storringtonbtg@hotmail.com
19/10/2022 9:00 AM Arundel Farmers Market
3rd Sat monthly local growers, bakers, meat, poultry, flowers, plants, food and drink makers Arundel BN18 9AA arundelfarmersmarket.co.uk
contact event organisers to check for changes
Every address every
More events on www.sussexlocal.net please
For info visit: www.woodlandcrafts.co.uk T: 01243 641306 | E: info@woodlandcrafts.co.uk woodlandcrafts EVENTS MANAGEMENT LANCING COLLEGE Craft & Design Show Lancing College, Lancing Just off the A27, opposite Shoreham Airport, West Sussex BN15 0RW Discover a fabulous selection of talented exhibitors showcasing their products, including everything from artwork, ceramics, furniture and glassware, to jewellery, knitwear, sculpture and textiles, all in this wonderful setting. Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd October [10:30am – 4:30pm] FREE £4 (Under 16s Free) www.chichesterchristmasmarket.co.uk T: 01243 641306 | E: info@woodlandcrafts.co.uk Market Opening:Mon-Sat: 9am-5:30pmLate night shoppingThurs 15th & 22nd: Until 7:00pmSun: 10am-4:30pm Discover the magic of Christmas... in the pedestrianised precincts of East Street and North Street woodlandcrafts EVENTS MANAGEMENT Chichester Christmas Market 21 daysof festive shopping! What's On 9
9:00 AM Pulborough Monthly
Market fresh veg, eggs, crafts, cakes plus breakfast choices in the café. Pulborough Village Hall RH20 2BD Terri terriashpool@uwclub.net
7:30 PM Tony Stockwell Psychic. Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £21 Contact Hazel Latus: hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk 01243 867676 www.alexandratheatre.co.uk
24/10/2022 7:00 PM Angel in Blue Psychic evening Social/support evening & Psychics
Medium demonstration. Storrington Village Hall RH20 4DZ £6. Val vharber@btinternet.com
09/10/2022 11:00 AM Goodwood Racecourse
Season Finale Harvest hops and horseracing at Goodwood's Season Finale. Goodwood Racecourse PO18 0PS £26 Under 18's free ticketoffice@goodwood.com goodwood.com/ horseracing/fixtures events/season finale/
05 & 19th Oct 10:45 AM The Arts Society South Downs Chopin and the Polish soul by Rosamund Bartlett. Fittleworth Village Hall RH20 1JB £7 Jane: jane@theallisonfamily.co.uk 01798 813314 theartssocietysouthdowns.org.uk
05/10/2022 2:00 PM Romantic Women Poets by Anne Rowe
Talk for Chichester Literary Soc. Boxgrove Village Hall Chichester PO18 OEE £7 non members infochichesterlitsoc@gmail.com www.chichesterliterarysociety.org
06/10/2022 6:30 PM Speaker An evening with Jeremy Mainwaring Burton (LVO) Queen Mother's Equerry insight of life at Castle Mey with the Queen Mother. Leconfield Hall Petworth GU28 0AH £15 The Sussex Snowdrop Trust 01243 572433 office@snowdroptrust.com www.thesussexsnowdroptrust.com/event/the queen mother at the castle of mey an evening with jeremy mainwaring burton lvo/
More events on www.sussexlocal.net please contact event organisers to check for changes
07/10/2022 2:30 PM Life as a Journalist A talk by Stuart Flitton Storrington Museum RH20 4LL £8 01903 740188 storringtonmuseum.com storringtonmuseum@hotmail.com
10/10/2022 10:00 AM The Arts Society, Steyning The Field of Cloth of Gold: 6,000 Days by Joanna Mabbutt The Steyning Centre BN44 3XZ £10 for visitors steyning@theartssociety.org www.theartssocietysteyning.org.uk
13/10/2022 7:00 PM Rupert Tovey on Art in Arundel and the Surrounding Area Arundel Museum BN18 9PA £10 Members/£12 non members office@arundelmuseum.org 01903 885866 www.arundelmuseum.org
25/10/2022 7:00 PM Battle over West Sussex Battle of Britain in WWII as it was fought in the skies of West Sussex Zoom webinar £8 in person/£5 online westsussex.gov.uk/leisure recreation and community/history and heritage/ west sussex record office/whats on at the record office record.office@westsussex.gov.uk
5th 8th Oct 7:30 PM The House They Grew Up In Local community theatre production at The Barn, Southwick BN42 4TE £12 0333 666 3366 info@southwickplayers.org.uk www.southwickplayers.org.uk
13/10/2022 8:00 PM Rich Hall: Shot From Cannons by Rich Hall Alexandra Theatre, Regis Centre PO21 1BN £17.50 Hazel Latus 01243 867676 hazel.latus@regiscentre.co.uk www.alexandratheatre.co.uk
3rd, 10th & 17th Oct
10:30 AM Deer Rut Guided Walk annual deer rut two hour guided morning walk Petworth House and Park GU28 9LR £5 petworth@nationaltrust.org.uk
7th, 14th & 21st Oct 2:00 PM Deer Rut Guided Afternoon Walk annual deer rut on two hour guided walk Petworth House and Park GU28 9LR £5 petworth@nationaltrust.org.uk nationaltrust.org.uk/petworth
More events on www.sussexlocal.net please contact event organisers to check for changes
10 What's On
Every address every month 3 We want to guide you towards a fortune, not charge you one. Wealth Investment Solutions providing you with Local face to face Independent Financial Advice since 1988. Wealth management, Pensions and ISAs, With investing, your capital is at risk. The value of investments can go down as Award Winning Chartered Independent Financial Advisers • Investment Advice • Pensions & Retirement Planning • Financial Protection • Estate Planning & Advice on Inheritances • Equity Release & Long Term Care • Specialist advice for High Net Worth Individuals & High Earners Grafton House, 26 Grafton Road, Worthing, BN11 1QT Contact Ivan Lyons Tel: 01903 214640 www.investment solutions.co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/financialadviserworthing Twitter: @investment_sols Instagram: investmentsolutions5785 ‘Investment Solutions’ is the trading name of Investment Solutions Wealth Management Ltd who are authorised & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. 11
Sussex Snippets
Charity & Community news from across the counties
Work starts soon in West Sussex on part of a new national coastal path which, when completed, will be the longest coastal trail in the world. A short section of the England Coast Path is open in Shoreham. Initial work on the next stretch from East Head to Shoreham is scheduled to start this month and is likely to take until Spring 2023 to complete. Search England Coast Path on www.westsussex.gov.uk.
A date has now been confirmed for the full inquest of the Shoreham Airshow crash victims by West Sussex Coroner Penelope Schofield. The full inquest is planned to start on 30th November and last three weeks, and will be held at County Hall North (Parkside) in Horsham. Could you help support your local NHS this winter? Various hospitals across Sussex are looking for people to join as volunteer ward helpers as they make a real difference to the care provided especially over the winter months when staff are at their busiest. Most volunteering takes shifts last two to three hours. For more information call 01273 696011 ext 8388 or alternatively you can email SC TR.Voluntary Services@nhs.net
West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service has launched a free interactive Business Fire Safety Awareness Tool to help business owners understand their legal duties when keeping workplaces safe from fire. You can search for the tool on www.westsussex.gov.uk
The Brighton Half Marathon Youth Races take place on Sunday 26 February 2023. The 1 mile event is aimed at youngsters of all abilities aged 7 17 years old Brighton based charity Rockinghorse is the official charity partner for the Youth Races in 2023.
Balancing the Score, Glyndebourne’s development scheme to support composers from underrepresented backgrounds, is now open for applications. This part time residency will start in February 2023 and last for three years. The successful candidates will receive an annual bursary of £1,000 to cover expenses and time spent at Glyndebourne and also have the opportunity to apply to a Research & Development fund to
create works during the period of the residency. www.glyndebourne.com.
The South Downs National Park Trust has given 11 grants this year to create new wildflower oases at farms, community fields, recreation grounds and road verges. It comes after eight projects received funding last year and have now blossomed into beautiful areas for bees and butterflies to flourish. Early reports show biodiversity has increased significantly in the new wildflower patches.
A new campaign ‘A Life Less Ordinary’ has launched to find parents for the children waiting longest to be adopted. These include children aged five or over, children with additional and/or complex needs, brother and sister groups, and those from an ethnic minority background. The campaign showcases the many life changing benefits of adopting these children, highlighting that while some children may be ‘harder to place’, they are not ‘harder to love’. To find out more visit www.adoptionsoutheast.org.uk or call 0300 330 9470 or search for the campaign video on YouTube.
Shoreham Wordfest which celebrates local creativity and attracts high profile authors takes place from 3rd 16th October. Amongst others, there will be appearances from former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt and BBC newsreader Clive Myrie amongst many others across various events from poetry readings to an Environment Day and a whole day dedicated to the art of writing crime fiction, attended by Kate Mosse Tickets www.shorehamwordfest.co.uk
CAGNE, the umbrella aviation community and environment group for Sussex, Surrey and Kent, is holding a free online Q&A session with the Gatwick Head of Airspace Strategy and Engagement, Andy Sinclair. Items to be discussed will be the impact of night flights. as well as low flying arrivals, loud departures, and the introduction of concentrated flight paths. Thursday 13th October at 7.30pm. Register at www.cagne.org.
to info@sussexlocal.net
12 Charity & Community
Charity & Community News
Award Winning Men’s Chorus at Dial Post
Vocal Fusion Acapella (VFA) is an established and award winning male Acapella Choral Group, which sings in four part harmony, and with a repertoire which embraces the styles of American Classics, swing, jazz, sea shanties, contemporary, and also barbershop, and to a high musical standard.
The group recently moved for rehearsals to Dial Post Village Hall. “We absolutely love the acoustics and space in the Main Hall” commented Zoe Peate, the Group’s talented Musical Director, “and we can use the smaller room for Sectional rehearsals, or Quartets. The parking facilities are also outstanding, and there are excellent kitchen facilities here too for when we need a break.”
Vocal Fusion Acapella regularly perform in concerts throughout the area and welcome new singers. They will be running a free sing in harmony course at Dial Post Village Hall on four consecutive Wednesdays starting on 5th October at 8pm. You don’t need to be able to read music to join in. www.vocalfusionacapella.co.uk or call John Higgins 01444 482183
Special recognition for Southwater Year 6 pupils
Horsham District Council’s Southwater Neighbourhood Wardens work closely with young people in the parish and recently contacted Southwater Junior Academy and Castlewood Primary schools in the village and asked them to nominate some Year 6 pupils who deserved special recognition for their personal contribution to the community and going ‘above and beyond’ to support and care for others.
The wardens then liaised with Southwater Watersports at the Country Park, to deliver free canoeing and stand up paddle boarding sessions for the young ‘superstars‘ during the summer holidays. This was made possible due to funding support from Southwater Parish Council and Horsham District Council.
One of the Neighbourhood Wardens, Dominic Woodhead, said: “Within minutes these young people were standing on the paddle boards like they had been practicing for years!”
Community stories are free of charge. info@sussexlocal.net
Every address every month 3
21 West St, Storrington, RH20 4DZ Opening hours: Mon – Fri: 9.30 – 4.30pm, Sat: 9 – 1pm (01903) 366510 • info@stitchat21.com • www.stitchat21.com This leaflet was partly funded by a grant from Horsham District Council. Your friendly, local sewing shop! Over 500 fabrics for dressmaking, quilting, fancy dress and more Large range of haberdashery Sewing lessons for adults and children Sewing machines and overlockers Books • Craft kits • Patterns Embroidery and cross stitch kits Visit us soon for your next project! Charity & Community 13
Mark Steel - stand-up comedy
A brand new show: An evening & a little bit of a morning
There is so much to yell about. There’s the modern world in which you spend so long trying to work out iTunes, that it’s easier to form a band and learn the songs.
Mark has come to terms with the fact he's a heap of contradictions, trying to stay young while being unable to log into any website.
Trying to be respectable and mainstream (in this show there will even be a piano and a bit of singing), until he can’t help breaking into a steaming rant that would get him locked away somewhere secure if it wasn’t on a stage.
And this is stand up, so whatever has happened in the room, in the town or in the world that day will almost certainly be in the show. He has been named newspaper columnist of the year and is author of the award winning audiobook Who Do I Think I Am.
Win a pair of tickets to see Mark Steel at The Capitol, Horsham on 5th November 2022 at 8.00pm. Visit www.thecapitolhorsham.com
Win a pair of tickets to see Mark Steel
To enter answer the following question: Q: What county is The Capitol in? a) Surrey b) East Sussexc) West Sussex
Send your answer and contact details to: Mark Steel Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: www.sussexlocal.net/features/competitions Winner drawn after 27th October 2022. Please indicateifyouwishtoremainonourmailinglist.
14 Competition
Providing a lifeline for local families facing tough times
Struggles of parenting
When Dawn was first referred to Home Start Arun, Worthing & Adur (AWA) by social services, neither she nor her two year old daughter, Betsy, spoke. So mentally traumatised by previous abuse, Dawn was self harming and found it hard to interact with Betsy in any way. As a result, Betsy had been referred to a speech therapist.
Being a parent can sometimes be lonely, frustrating, and overwhelming many struggling with the daily tasks of parenting, made more difficult by poor mental and physical health, living in unsuitable accommodation, multiple births, lone parenting, poverty, domestic abuse.
What they do
Home Start AWA supports local parents like Dawn through their most challenging times. A child’s early years are critically important, they build a foundation upon which all their later learning, behaviours and health depend. Early intervention resulting in positive outcomes for vulnerable children is well documented and Home Start knows that children do best when they are cared for by their parents and parents get the help they need.
All the volunteers have parenting and/or grandparenting experience and are fully trained, DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked and matched carefully to provide families with children under 5 years of age, with free, practical, emotional, non judgemental, weekly 1 2 1 support in their home, or on the phone.
Some families attend one of the weekly Family Groups, providing opportunity to meet other families in a low pressure environment. They are a steppingstone building confidence to meet new people and access other services.
From introvert to chatterbox
Dawn attended one of these groups and over time, with support from volunteers and staff, she eventually stopped self harming, learned to interact with Betsy and no longer needs specialist input from health services.
Dawn says, “Due to Home Start’s support, I now have a wonderful bond with my daughter, and am completely aware of the impact my mental health has on her. I’m now more aware of my triggers and when the right time is to ask for help.”
The Group Volunteer says, “From being a quiet and introverted child, she is now cheerful, inquisitive and talks constantly! We role modelled positive interactions which Dawn noticed, and we’ve seen her grow in confidence as a mum. Their relationship is now much closer and more fun. It’s wonderful to see!”
Home Start volunteers support parental mental health and wellbeing, vital to enable bonding, language development and socialisation with their children. Their support allows parents to feel less consumed with adult issues and refocus on their children’s wellbeing, enabling them to better provide a safe and nurturing home, giving their children the best possible start in life.
The challenges local families face
Since the pandemic and the current cost of living crisis, life has become tougher for so many more local families. Last year Home Start supported 172 families and 414 children, but they have already seen a 25% increase in referrals since the beginning of this year.
Many of the children they help are living in poverty. 30% of the families referred last year lived in four of the Lower Super Output Areas which are in the top 10% most deprived areas in the UK.
An increasing number (over half) report facing financial difficulties. Volunteers now provide more practical support, including help with
Every address every month 3 Home-Start
Charity Profile 15
the household budget, foodbank vouchers, providing milk, nappies and clothes. A quarter live in unsuitable accommodation and staff support with benefit and housing applications. Last winter, they supported a family escaping domestic violence, living in their car during the day, providing them with clothes, food and blankets.
After the closure of many Children & Family/ Young People's Centres across West Sussex, families are telling Home Start they feel without a 'place' in which to meet other parents and engage with support staff.
Due to the pandemic, many primary schools confirm an increase in children starting school without the basic skills to help them succeed dressing/toileting independently. Many were denied the opportunity to mix with others and have limited communication skills and ability to socialise and play.
Last year, over ¾ of referred parents were experiencing mental health difficulties.
During the pandemic Home Start introduced Buggy Walks with volunteers and their families proving good for mental health fresh air, exercise, play time essential for children. They also started an in house therapeutic counselling service for parents facing mental health difficulties impacting on their ability to parent.
Who refers families to Home Start AWA
Only 36% of parents self refer, and a wide range of professionals refer families to Home Start including West Sussex Family Support Services, health visitors, midwives, mental health, and social services, West Sussex Coastal Mind, and domestic abuse support services.
A family story
Sarah was first referred to Home Start AWA by Carers Support. She was really struggling to cope. At 31, her partner Simon had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Simon had to give up his job, Sarah became his carer and, whilst having to hold down a full time job,
16 Charity Profile
they discovered Sarah was pregnant. She became anxious, exhausted, overwhelmed, and worried about how they would cope financially. A beautiful baby girl was born but Sarah experienced several infections afterwards and Simon was unable to provide practical help or hold his daughter for any length of time.
Over time, with 1 2 1, non judgemental, confidential practical and emotional support from their Home Start volunteer Lizzie, the family are in a much better place.
Sarah says; “It’s been a challenging journey but support from Lizzie has given me space to breathe and has contributed to my mental health, keeping my head just above water, allowing me to be the mum that I want to be. I’m looking forward
to going back to work. Lizzie has been an essential part of my recovery and I’m not sure where I would be without her support.”
How you can help
Over 21 years, intervention from Home Start AWA has had a proven and positive impact on the health and welfare of 2,278 local families and 4,783 children. Each year Home Start fundraise to continue to offer their services, and they can not do this without community support. Local families often call their volunteers a ‘lifeline’ each visit costs just £25 to provide this vital support. If you would like to donate you can scan the barcode, or go to: www.home startawa.org.uk. You can also visit the website for support ideas. www.home startawa.org.uk/ fundraise
If you need support, know a family who might, or are interested in volunteering, contact 01903 889707 or visit the website.
There are two other Home Start services within West Sussex. If you need help or to wish to donate to Home Start Chichester & District, go to: home startchichester.org.uk. Or contact Home Start Crawley, Horsham & Mid Sussex at www.homestartchams.org.uk
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WHY NOT USE YOUR SPARE ROOM FOR EXTRA INCOME? HOST FAMILIES WANTED FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Joining and working with Guardians International is completely free: Best UK rates paid Out of pocket expenses covered All information and hosting manuals provided Hosting & child safeguarding support provided Free enhanced DBS checks included (over 16s) Fully accredited and validated by: INTERESTED? Email at hosts@gis-uk.com or learn more about us at www.gis-uk.com WHY NOT USE YOUR SPARE ROOM FOR EXTRA INCOME? HOST FAMILIES WANTED FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Joining and working with Guardians International is completely free: Best UK rates paid Out of pocket expenses covered All information and hosting manuals provided Hosting & child safeguarding support provided Free enhanced DBS checks included (over 16s) Fully accredited and validated INTERESTED? Email at hosts@gis-uk.com learn more about www.gis-uk.com
Joining and working with Guardians International is completely free: Best UK rates paid Out of pocket expenses covered
paid Out of pocket expenses covered All information and hosting manuals provided Hosting & child safeguarding support provided Free enhanced DBS checks included (over 16s) Fully accredited and validated INTERESTED? Email at hosts@gis-uk.com learn more about www.gis-uk.com WHY NOT USE YOUR ROOM FOR EXTRA INCOME? HOST FAMILIES WANTED INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Joining and working with Guardians International is completely free: Best UK rates paid Out of pocket expenses covered All information and hosting manuals provided Hosting & child safeguarding support provided Free enhanced DBS checks included (over 16s)Fully accredited and validated by: INTERESTED? Email at hosts@gis-uk.com or learn more about us at www.gis-uk.comInterested? Email at hosts@gis uk com or learn more about us at www gis uk com ✓ Best UK rates paid ✓ Out of pocket expenses covered ✓ All information and hosting manuals provided ✓ Hosting & child safeguarding support provided ✓ Free enhanced DBS checks included (over 16s) Charity Profile 17
Sussex Walks - October 2022
Please note that any walks with duration of 90 minutes or more are not accredited by The Ramblers but are managed by Chichester District Council. Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of the walk, the walk will leave on time. These walks are led by volunteers and if the weather is poor the walk may be cancelled.
IMPORTANT: You must pre book the 90 min + walks on the Chichester District Council Website or call 01243 521041 www.chichester.gov.uk/heartsmart
Every Mon 10.30am
Chichester Canal
A flat walk at a gentle pace, suitable for beginners.
Meet: Chichester Canal, Basin Road, Chichester PO19 8DT
Every Tue 11am
Midhurst Jubilee Walk
L: Sarah 30 mins 1 mile
L : Richard 45 mins 1.5 miles
Various flat walks around Midhurst at a gentle pace passing interesting historic buildings
Meet: The Grange Leisure Centre, Bepton Road, Midhurst, GU29 9HD. Free 2 hr parking
Thurs 6th 10.00am Wisborough Green
L: Louise 2.5 3 hours 7 miles
A walk up Harsfold Lane over the Wey & Arun Canal, then right along the tow path, follow the bridleway to the footpath up to the Fittleworth Road. Follow the road for ½ mile and then along the bridleway back to Wisborough Green. A fairly level walk, 4 stiles. No dogs
Meet: As you enter Wisborough Green, pass the Three Crowns and then turn right and park
Tue 11th 10.30am Pulborough Brooks
L: Peter Brook 2 hrs 3.5 miles
This is a flat walk with stiles, which can be wet and muddy if there has been bad weather.
Meet: RSPB Reserve car park, Wiggonholt, Pulborough, RH20 2EL
Wed 12th 10.30am Slindon
L: Alison 3 hours 6 miles
A longer, strenuous walk to the folly and through Slindon Woods, with some steep gradients
Meet: National Trust Car Park at Park Lane, Slindon BN18 0QY
Thurs 13th 10.30am Petworth Park
L: Gerald 1.5 hours 3 miles
Hopefully we’ll see the famous 'Rut' in Petworth Park. Certainly we will see some deer. Binoculars can be useful. Sorry no dogs. Contact Gerald if uncertain, on 07748 597 568
Meet: The Horse Guards Inn, Upperton Road, Tillington, GU28 9AF
Sun 16th 10.30am Burpham
Hilly walk with some stiles. Lovely views.
L: Dominic 2.5 hrs 5 miles
Meet: The public car park behind the George at Burpham BN18 9RR
Mon 17th 4pm Tillington Old Railway Station
L: Sandy 2.5 hrs 4.5 miles
An easy, almost flat walk without stiles through farming countryside and over the pretty River Rother to view the restored Old Railway Station. Numbers limited to a max of 6. No dogs
Meet: At the red telephone booth near the Old Post Office house on Upperton Road, Tillington
Wed 19th 10.30am Mill Road to Black Rabbit
L: Dominic 1 hour 2.4 miles
Flat riverside walk, 1 stile. Mill Road car park to Offham, return via Black Rabbit
Meet: Mill Road car park by the river in town centre (charge) BN18 9AA
Sat 22nd 10.30am Mindfulness walk
L: Elinor 1 hr 1.5 miles
A gentle and relaxing, fairly flat walk around the beautiful heathland at Iron Hill & Serpent Trail.
Meet: At the Iron Hill car park, which is just south of Liphook on the Midhurst Road, GU30 7LP
Thurs 27th 10.30am South Harting
L: Bruce 2 1/4 hours 4.5 miles
Ascent 200m. A strenuous walk taking in the South Downs Way, Harting Down and East Harting
Meet: South Harting, GU31 5QA
Sun 30th 10.30am Binsted woods
L: Dominic 1¾ hrs 2 ¾ miles
Mainly flat headland path, grass, gravel. Coffee will be available at the post office
Meet: Walberton Village Hall car park, The Street, Walberton, Arundel, BN18 0PQ
18 Walks
Send the answer above to: Sussex Local Crossword, PO Box 2237 Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter details online at our website www.sussexlocal.net/crosswords Closing date: 31st October 2022.
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Every address every month Prize Crossword Worthing Road, Dial Post, Nr Horsham, RH13 8NH 01403 710902 www.crown inn dialpost.co.uk Award winning country pub with rooms (on food only lunch or dinner) Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Full address: …………………………………………………………………………... Postcode: ……………………………………………………………………………….. Email: …………………………………………………………………………………….. Phone: ……………………………………………………………………………………. Answer from yellow box: ………………………………………………………….. Across 1 Sound of a bell (4) 4 Most precipitous (8) 8 Not manufactured by machine (8) 9 Sailors (4) 10 Parched (4) 11 Nightclothes (7) 13 Showing unusual talent (4) 15 Tavern (3) 16 At what time (4) 17 Try (7) 19 Junkie (4) 22 Engineering qualification (1,3) 23 Event (8) 24 Not defeated (8) 25 Christmas (4) Down 2 D Day beach (5) 3 Opponent of new technologies (7) 4 Fly (4) 5 All of us (8) 6 Middle Eastern bread (5) 7 Superficial area (7) 12 Typo (8) 14 Among (7) 16 Laundry time (7) 18 Two under par (5) 20 Pertaining to the kidneys (5) 21 Scrutinize (4)
Win a £30 voucher for a meal at The Crown Inn Win £30 voucher Crossword 19
In Your Garden
Monthly gardening ideas & tasks by Andrew Staib of Glorious Gardens
Sussex Bees
Bees are the golden angel engines of nature. Under severe threat from our agricultural practices, you can provide them a safe haven in your garden or even better, get yourself a bee box and groovy white outfit! Almost 90% of wild plants and 75% of leading global crops depend on animal pollination. One out of every three mouthfuls of our food depends on pollinators. Crops that depend on pollination are five times more valuable than those that do not.
The solitary bee (Halictus eurygnathus), thought to be extinct, has been discovered after 76 years at seven sites in Sussex!
Remarkable bee facts:
• They pollinate 76% of the world’s crops and add £690m to the UK economy each year.
• Every year a hive can produce up to 11kg of honey, and to produce just half a kg they fly up to 55,000 miles to find the flowers!
• Honeybees have a dance move called the ‘waggle dance’ a clever way of communicating to hive mates where to go to find the best source of food. It took researchers at Sussex University two years to decode the waggle dance. The bees can indicate where the best flowers are up to 6km away.
• There are over 250 UK species of bee but are under threat from crop spraying and loss of habitat. There can up to 75% more bees on an organic farm, due to the lack of insecticide spraying.
Families and species of bee
There are six different bee families found in Sussex. The Colletidae bee is one of the most species rich families within the clade Anthophila, holding roughly 2,000 species. The Andrenidae are medium sized solitary mining bees. The females excavate tunnels in the soil that branch off to individual cells that the female stocks with pollen balls and nectar, on which she lays her eggs. There may be one or two generations per year. The Halictidae are one of the six bee families in the order Hymenoptera. They are often referred to as sweat bees as they are attracted
dant than most bees with the exception of Apis (honey bee) species.
Melittidae bees are short tongued. Megachilidae bees nest in beetle borings in dead trees in the wild, and these can be mimicked to provide a place for them to nest. The Apidae are the largest family within the superfamily Apoidea, containing at least 5,700 species of bees. The family includes some of the most commonly seen bees, including bumblebees and honey bees, but also includes stingless bees (also used for honey production), carpenter bees, orchid bees, cuckoo bees, and a number of other less widely known groups. Many are valuable pollinators in natural habitats and for agricultural crops.
If you're looking to share your love for bees, why not join the West Sussex Beekeepers Association. There are four divisions; Central Sussex, Chichester, Wisborough Green and Worthing so depending on where you live in the county you won’t be too far from one. If you are new to the world of bees this is the association to join, they offer support in a variety of ways. If you plan to start beekeeping you should attend their apiary meetings, this is where you will learn how to correctly handle bees.
A word of caution here: Honeybees tend to take away habitats and food from UK native bees so while they are important, if you wish to help with wildlife conservation, try building more homes for native bees.
Sussex has six different bee families
20 Gardening
How to get started
After joining the West Sussex Beekeepers Association and attending their meetings you need to decide where you want to keep your bees. Good places are; in your garden, on a roof and at a nearby apiary.
Don’t worry if you’re concerned about the cost of equipment to get up and running. The association offers secondhand equipment so you are able to get started quickly. You will need to get; a hive, hive frames with a wax foundation, a one piece bee suit, gloves and wellington boots for basic personal protection, a smoker, a hive tool, and a nucleus.
Local Sussex honey has many benefits: it is rich in antioxidants and it's traditionally used to help relieve coughs and colds. Like all honey, it has antiseptic qualities and can be used on small cuts and grazes. And there is nothing like fresh white bread, butter and your own honey dripping down the sides.
What plants will attract Sussex bees?
The Allium siculum, has a very unusual appearance which drips nectar that is very popular amongst bees, in particular the red tailed bumblebees. Apple trees are favoured by queens
season: Lavender, Teasels, Hawthorn, Heather, Sedums, Rosmary and Honeysuckle.
Double flowering plants like Roses and Dahlias are either hard to penetrate or very poor in nectar for bees.
What should you do if you see a bee that appears to be struggling?
It may be that it is just resting, particularly if the bee is a queen in early spring. If you think the bee is struggling the best thing to do is gently put the bee onto a bee friendly flower. If there are no bee friendly flowers around, mix 50/50 white sugar and water to give the bee a one off energy boost, providing the carbohydrates it needs to fly. Simply offer a drop or two of sugar water up to the front end of the bee on a teaspoon or an upturned drinks cap in a sheltered place and allow the bee time to recuperate.
Where to go in October
Plenty of bees at the Knepp estate. Isabella Tree’s pioneering work to rewind a part of West Sussex. You can turn up at the car park (before 5.30pm) and you will be given a map of the rewilded areas. Knepp Estate, West Grinstead, Horsham RH138L, call 01403 7412235.
during April and May and crab apples tend to draw them in the most due to their fragrant and attractive flowers.
Aquilegia, Penstemon and Foxgloves have their nectar at the end of their very long tubes which means long tongued bees, such as Bombus hortorum bees will visit.
If you're wanting an easy to grow plant the Borage plant is the one for you. It attracts short tongued bumblebees and honeybees with its rich, sweet nectar and you can use the petals to spice up your salads. Early Spring bulbs help in the early months, and then garden favourites can feed them for the rest of the growing
October tasks
Move plants around or plant up new ones. The soil is still warm the roots to establish but there is less chance of the plants drying out.
• Divide most Perennials including Rhubarb and balance up your garden by taking the other half to a different place.
• You can still plant lettuce and can start sowing Chinese winter greens and Spring Cabbage.
• Start repairing your lawn now with the cooler weather, either using pre grown turfs or seeding into prepared earth.
• Start lawn treatment this month with aerating using a strong fork and raking out moss and thatch.
• Cut back shrubs like Buddlea and Lavatera to about half their height to neaten them up and prevent strong winter winds rocking them about more fundamental pruning happens in Spring
• Order and plant bulbs.
Allium sisulum drips nectar, bees love it!
Every address every month 3
Gardening 21
all -
Smart Roofing Solutions
Most of us don’t pay much regard to our roofs until something like a storm forces us to realise they are vulnerable. Experienced roofer and business owner Jake told us that during the 2022 storm, he and a colleague from Smart Roofing Solutions went out helping people for free using replacement tiles left over from previous jobs.
Jake, “I’ve lived here all my life and know every inch of Sussex and have good connections to all suppliers and building control (Council).
Raised in a building family, Jake originally worked for his father and then started Smart Roofing Solutions in 2010. The first year they completed forty one jobs and last year over four hundred. He told Sussex Local they want to grow slowly and steadily year on busy to keep a close bond with customers by remaining on site for the duration of the work.
Jake told us that he and his team will closely involve the client throughout the job, providing them with information and photographs where appropriate. He feels it is important not to rush
may have resulted in damage to roofs and gutters. Jake provides free advice and no obligation quotes with no call out charge. He is currently offering a 10% discount through his Sussex Local advertisement.
01903 868845 / smartroofingsolutions.co.uk
2 Above
B4 Brickwork For all your building requirements Call or email now for free and friendly advice 07913 699333 b4brickwork@yahoo.com Approved tradesmen fully insured findon based • Brickwork/Brickwork Repointing • Block Paving • Patios • Garage Conversions • Extensions/Alterations • Home Offices • Garden Rooms • Roofing/Retiling • Chimney Repairs/Repointing • Chimney Removal • Flint Work Tel: 07880 742977 Talk to experienced and professional designer Andrew Staib www.gloriousgardenssussex.co.uk Large Garden Design For more information please call sales: 22 Property
The dos and don’ts of home decor
Guide to the basics of decorating your home by Helen Say
Planning how to decorate your home
We're used to seeing “before and after” shots of home renovations in magazines or online. Although it might look easy, a lot of thought and planning will have gone into making the space work. Decorating your home can be daunting, putting coherent schemes together can be anything from tricky to terrifying. Decorating is all about the things you do; the colours you pick, the furniture you love and the accents you choose to finish the space. Decorating is also about what you don't do, as you may need to undo it later.
Do think about how you use the space
While it’s nice to have a beautiful home, it also needs to be practical. Think about how you use rooms, if you have children/pets and whether you entertain a lot or prefer nights in.
Do remember the mantra ‘less is more’
Subtle accessories and accents are more tasteful than trying to fill a room with things in the same colour/print. Once a room starts to look cluttered, stop filling it or add storage space.
Do make a budget
It’s easy to get carried away when decorating. Make a budget and stick to it, decide which elements are most important and which you can do without. Don’t choose the wall colour first
When remaking a room, never choose wall colour first. Paint/ wallpaper is available in thousands of colours and can be easily changed. Choose expensive items first and build a colour palette around them.
Don’t stick to one colour
A colour theme is a good way to pull your home together. However, an entire room with matching walls, carpet and furnishings will make the space feel claustrophobic and old fashioned.
Don’t opt for style over comfort
There are a lot of items that look great but are uncomfortable or impractical. Think about how you're going to use the piece before purchasing. Helen Say copywriter/blogger cblservices.co.uk
Every address every month 3
Property 23
Keeping warm this winter
Oil Only Burners boiler service maintenance and repair
Energy prices increase
As energy prices continue to escalate, most consumers are looking at future price increases with trepidation. Whilst there isn't an easy solution, it makes sense to ensure that the appliances we use for heating and cooking are operating at their most efficient, which necessitates regular and professional maintenance.
Benefits of a small independent firm
While oil fired heating may not be as common as other forms, thousands of households rely on their Aga or Rayburn to keep the family warm and fed. Sussex Local spoke to Trevor Begley Rees who is a specialist in the maintenance and repair of oil fired boilers. He told us that as a small independent business, he is able to give a more personal service to his customers than is possible with some of the larger companies in
the field. Furthermore, this enables him to offer more competitive prices, and by limiting his area of activity he is able to respond faster to emergencies and spend additional time with each customer. This ensures all aspects of the maintenance work are fully covered and also means he can cut down on the fuel he uses, reducing the company's carbon footprint.
Nice and tidy
Any form of maintenance will inevitably lead to some disruption and inconvenience and Trevor explained that he is meticulous about tidiness and always aims to leave his client's property in as pristine a condition as is possible.
For information about repairs and maintenance on all types of oil fired boilers and range cookers, call Oil Only Burners on: 01903 412909 or 07732 527 231
Trevor & his Springer Spaniel
Oil fired burner specialist Service & repair All types of oil fired boilers & range cookers Please call Trevor on 01903 412909 07732 527231 Unit 2 Northbrook Business Park, Northbrook Road, Worthing, BN14 8PQ 01903823803 DIRECTBLINDS • Awning & Canopies 18 years experience • Approved Supplier for Caribbean Awnings & Canopies Home visits available • Full range of shutters expertly fitted by our City and Guilds qualified carpenter and joiner • Vertical, Venetian, Wood, Roller, Pleated • Specialists in Conservatory Blinds & Inshade sails Perfect fit blinds 24 Property - Business Profile
Winter weather: prepare your car
By Nadia Goldsmith
October is the perfect time to prepare your car for winter weather so here are some useful tips to get you started this month.
Invest in winter tyres
Winter tyres work best at temperatures lower than 7 degrees Celsius, so are a wise investment for long winter months ahead. Indeed, they outperform conventional ‘summer’ tyres with improved traction, cornering grip and braking in unpredictable wintery conditions. Make sure to take time to check your tyres for tread life, wearing and sidewall cuts. If there are visible signs of extensive use, it is time for a change.
Check the battery
It’s worth checking on your car battery to ensure posts and cable connections are corrosion free, secured correctly and ensure fluid levels remain at the correct level. For detailed insights into the health of your car battery it may be worth booking your vehicle in with your trusted mechanic.
Check fluids
Look at your vehicle handbook to check the optimum oil viscosity you need in winter to avoid
unnecessary thickening and clogging in the system. Ensure your oil level is sufficient and not running low to avoid preventable engine problems.
Inspect all car lights
Replace burned out bulbs and make sure plastic headlight covers are free from scratches or haze to avoid unwanted effects on the brightness of incoming headlights. This will help to avoid difficult driving conditions this winter.
Build an emergency kit
Shovel/spade, road flares, flashlight, extra batteries, tyre inflation kit, jumper cables or battery booster. Preparation is a must for safe winter motoring.
Credit: Autotrader
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*Offer valid for openings up to 2.4m wide & including 2 remote controls, 55mm white slats, internal manual override. Garolla garage doors are expertly made to measure in our own UK factories, they’re strong and solidly built. The electric Garolla door rolls up vertically, taking up only 8 inches inside your garage, maximising valuable space. Our expert local installers will fit your new door and they’ll take away the old one too, so there’s no mess. Give us a call today and we’ll come and measure up completely FREE of charge. From £895 for a fully fitted electric garage door. Gotta get a Garolla. WHAT’S INCLUDED WITH EVERY DOOR: • EXPERT MEASURING & FITTING • 2 REMOTE CONTROLS • ACOUSTIC & THERMAL INSULATION • FREE DISPOSAL OF YOUR OLD DOOR • AVAILABLE IN 21 COLOURS CALL US TODAY ON: 01243 630 052 MOBILE: 07537 149 128 Motoring 25
Was certain; understood (4)
“___ upon a time…” (4)
Gets ready (8)
Ridge of water on the sea (4)
Has a
Vast body of salt water (5)
In another place (9)
Cocoa product (9)
Took part in a race (3)
Large box where pirates store their treasure (5)
Vegetable that grows in a pod (3)
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after 1st October 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 6 6 2 6 3 3 2 6 1 1 4 Wordsearch: On the Edge Can you find all of the words hiding in the grid below? They may run forwards or backwards, in either a horizontal, vertical or diagonal direction. P R I P C O R N E R T P E B E A G O U T L I N E R A T S E R C E S S N I I P D R V E D N A R Y H M C H O L G G D A Y K O E S R V E L T R B E F R T E T T L R H I E R E I E E M I W T S E L V P Z R A M I U W G T D E D O T I O O R D E E R P G N T V M D I B M A R G I N S T A R U C O R M E N E ©puzzlepress.co.uk Crossword
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Room on the Broom adventure, Wakehurst
An adventure for all the family around Kew’s wild botanic gardens
Win a pair of tickets to Room on the Broom adventure at Kew Gardens, Wakehurst from 15th to 30th October 10am to 5pm, depending on availability. Quiet Sessions 16th, 22nd, 27th October 9.30am to 10am. Their 9.30am opening slots will also be available to book as quiet sessions for those who may benefit from it. www.kew.org/wakehurst/whats on/room on the broom
Join Witch and her friends this October half term at Wakehurst, Kew’s wild botanic garden in West Sussex for an adventure to remember. It may be blustery outside, but Witch really needs your help. Get ready for an adventure through our wild botanic garden, following Witch’s trail to see if you can find the items she’s lost along her way. Don’t forget to watch out for Dragon on your journey! Children 16 and under go free.
Recreate the truly magnificent broom with our sticker hunt activity to accompany the Room on the Broom trail.
Win a pair of tickets to Room on the Broom adventure
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your answer and contact details to: Room on theBroom Competition, POBox 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: www.sussexlocal.net/features/competitions Winner drawn after 20th October 2022. Please indicateifyouwishtoremainonourmailinglist.
enter answer the following question: Q: Where is the Room on the Broom adventure taking place? a) Highdown b) West Dean c) Wakehurst www.sussexwills.org 0800 887 0475 "Not for Profit" Community Interest Company • Wills • Trusts • Funeral Plans • Probate • Lasting Power of Attorneys Coverage Sussex wide and home visits Competition 27
Baked Aubergine Roulades
Great with crusty bread & salad
Ingredients Serves: 4
• 2 or 3 aubergines, cut into 6 thin long slices and brushed with olive oil
• Salt and pepper for seasoning
• 1 jar of ‘Slightly Different’ smooth Bolognese sauce
• 100g Sussex charmer cheese, grated
For the filling
• 500g mince beef
• 2 tbsp olive oil
• 500g ‘Nutbourne Nurseries’ san marzano tomatoes, chopped
• 1 white onion, diced
• 2 garlic cloves, crushed
• 50g sundried tomatoes, chopped
• 2 tbsp chipotle seasoning
• 1 tsp dried oregano
To Serve
• Crusty ‘Real Patisserie’ sourdough bread
• Mixed salad leaves
• 50g pine nuts
• Handful fresh mint, chopped
1. For the roulade filling, heat the oil in a non stick pan, add the onions and cook gently for 5 7 minutes until tender. Add the garlic, sundried tomatoes, chipotle and oregano, cook for a further 2 minutes before removing from the pan.
2. Add the mince to the pan and brown well over a high heat. Return the onion mix to the pan along with the chopped tomatoes. Season well and cook over the hob for 20 to 30 minutes until thickened.
3. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 190oc.
4. Grill the aubergines until tender and charred.
5. In an oven proof dish, pour the Bolognese sauce into the base of the pan. Lay the aubergines slices flat onto a work surface and spread with a layer of the mince filling. Roll up the slices one by one placing the roulades skin side down on top of the Bolognese sauce, sprinkle with the cheese and bake in the oven for 40 minutes.
6. Serve with crusty bread, scattered with pine nuts and fresh mint.
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Order instore or online VILLAGELARDER.CO.UK Turkeys - Fruit & Veg - Trimmings - Cheese CHRISTMAS 28 Recipe
Targets to help with weight loss
By Heather Smith
When we’re aiming to lose weight and improve our health and fitness, there are very few absolutes. But, below I’m going to share some good general targets you could put in place to get started. The reason we look at all of these areas is because they all link together. For example, it’s no use encouraging you to prepare meals from scratch if you’re already rushing around all day and likewise, it’s not going to be beneficial to suggest you get up earlier to fit in a workout if you’re not sleeping well. Achieving most of these targets will improve your life and quite possibly make it last longer too!
1. Aim to get two to four full body resistance workouts in every week. Any type of resistance will work (even your own bodyweight!).
2. Aim to get one or two faster, interval type, workouts in every week. Pick any activity you enjoy, be it walking, running, swimming, skipping.
3. If you’re not already reaching 10,000 steps per day try to get closer to that each week.
4. Eat at the very least 1g protein per kilo of your bodyweight. This will keep you feeling satisfied and reduce food cravings as well as helping to maintain and gain precious muscle.
5. Get your five a day (at least). The fibre will help to keep you full, and the nutrients are crucial too.
6. Drink a good litre of water a day to be sure any food cravings aren’t just thirst in disguise.
7. Get at least 7 hours of good quality sleep every night to help your body function at its best, and to avoid food cravings caused by tiredness. www.fitbiztraining.co.uk
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CALL OUR FRIENDLY TEAM 24/7 Rated: ‘Excellent’ Oct ’21 01403 541421 Health & Wellbeing 29
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Great Naval Battles of the Pacific War
Includes Midway, Coral Sea, Java Sea, Guadalcanal & Leyte Gulf
The key naval battles against Imperial Japan in the Pacific during the Second World War have been described many times by numerous diligent and skilful historians. Such histories are, of course, the products of many years, even decades, of accumulated knowledge, but also of a received consensus of how the war played out to its, seemingly, inevitable conclusion. That of course is not how it was perceived at the time. The accounts here, compiled for and on behalf of the Admiralty, were written either during or immediately after the end of the war before historians had begun to give their assessments of these momentous events.
About the Author
John Grehan from Worthing has written, edited
or contributed to more than 300 books and magazine articles covering a wide span of military history. John has also appeared on local and national radio and television to advise on military history topics. He was employed as the Assistant Editor of Britain at War Magazine from its inception until 2014. John now devotes his time to writing and editing books. To purchase visit www.pen and sword.co.uk
Win a copy of Great Naval Batttles of the Pacific War
To enter answer the following question: Q: Which West Sussex Seaside town is
John Grehan from?
Send your answer and contact details to: Great Naval Battles of the Pacific War Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough, RH20 9AH or you can enter online at: www.sussexlocal.net/features/ competitions Winner drawn after 31st October 2022. Pleaseindicateifyou
our mailinglist.
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a) Worthing b) Bognor c) Hove Building Services B4 Brickwork 22 Events Chichester Xmas Market 9 Woodland Crafts 9 Food / Drink Village Larder Ltd 28 Finance Investment Solutions 11 Funeral Services Dandelion Farewells Ltd 14 Safe Hands 16 Garden Services Glorious Gardens 22 Sussex Manures Ltd 22 Home & Property Carters 32 Direct Blinds 24 Funnells 17 Garolla Holdings Ltd 25 Lewis Design 5 No1 PHD Ltd 29 Oil Only Burners 24 Oven Gleamers 13 Right Choice Driveways 23 Smart Roofing Solutions 2 Host Families Guardians International 17 Legal Services Sussex Wills CIC 27 Sewing Stitch 13 Visitor Attraction Leonardslee 7 November issuebonfire night special! 01903 868 474 info@sussexlocal.net Booking & Copy Deadline 1st Oct Sussex Local magazine is delivered to over 50,000 addresses in 8 separate editions every month Competition / Advertiser Index 31