Parish Council News
Ashington Parish Council
Neighbourhood Plan update
The Neighbourhood Plan cannot move forward until some essential archaeological issues have been addressed. The evidence required will need to be scrutinised and commented upon by Historic England as well as the Steering Group, Planning Consultant & HDC. In other Parish Council news, we are delighted to have finally been able to start up our own Speedwatch Group. 14 volunteers have come forward and had training in November. The Parish Council is considering a request from the group to purchase the necessary equipment. Sites along London Road & Billingshurst Road have been approved by the Police and other sites may be considered in due course. As part of a Working Party we have two Councillors, Ashington’s sole First Responder and other local experts looking at the number and distribution of defibrillators in the Parish. They are also reviewing volunteer numbers and training issues with a view to improving the provision in the Parish. Other Councillors are looking at possible Eco/ Environmental projects that the Parish can get involved with. There are some projects that could be joint ventures with other village organisations that would help forge closer links between different groups within the village.
Storrington & Sullington Seasons Greetings Well it really does seem like this year has flown past and here we are at Christmas time again! I would like to wish all of our parishioners a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Storrington Christmas Night 5th December 6–8pm The event will start with songs from the Storrington Primary School choir and the switch on of the Streetlights. Father Christmas will be in the library and there will be a festive market, fun fair, entertainment and lots of shops will be open to offer seasonal refreshments. This annual event has always proved to be very popular amongst the community so if you are new to the village or haven’t attended before, please come along to see what it’s all about. Rotary Club – Christmas Tree Recycling. Once again the Rotary Club of Storrington and Pulborough District will be joining up with the Chanctonbury Lions Club to offer a Christmas Tree collection and recycling service. Available to anyone living within a 3 mile radius of Storrington and Pulborough, or within Ashington Village can take advantage of this offer by contributing a minimum donation of £5. If you would like to save yourself the hassle of having to dispose of your tree after the festive period then please telephone 07477 829967 or email recyclexmastree@hotmail.com with your contact details.
The Council is now back up to our full complement of Neighbourhood Wardens as we welcome Christina Arnold to the Parish and Bryony Sparks back from maternity leave. Their main focus areas are youth interaction, environmental cleanliness, community engagement, elderly & vulnerable persons, anti-social behaviour/crime, parking/vehicles. If you see them out & about then please say ‘hello’. The Parish Council wishes all residents a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. Email: clerk@ashingtonpc.org.uk Tel: 07851 009655 www.ashingtonpc.org.uk
Honorary Citizen Award I am pleased to report that the Parish Council has recently presented the award of Honorary Citizen to Archie Crutchlow. Archie has been a fantastic support to the Parish Council in helping to maintain the Storrington Memorial Pond. He regularly fills the duck feed container and keeps the memorial garden looking at its best. He reports any problems at the Pond and assists our Premises Manager with any work required around the area. The Parish Council is very happy that we have been able to recognise his assistance in this way. Text by Anna Worthing-Lees, Parish Council Chairman. For further information on any of the Parish Council’s activities, please contact the Clerk on 01903 746547.
Meetings December November 2019 2019 Infrastructure, Communications & Environment (ICE) Committee 6th November 7.00pm 4th Recreation & Property Committee 6th November 7.30pm 4th Planning & Development Committee 14th November 7.00pm 11th Full Parish Council - no full meeting in December 27th November Minutes can be found 7.00pm on storrington-pc.gov.uk