Sussex Local Magazine Storrington - January 2020

Page 45

through the door

Storrington Primary

Pupils had a visit from owls

Reception children had some fabulous visitors join them at school for a morning of feathers and flight! Owls About Town came into school and the children were lucky enough to experience watching the owls in flight and watch at close range the owls swooping in for snacks of bits of mice!! The children were very fortunate to get up close to these majestic creatures and stroke their feathers. The children learnt facts about owls including where you might find an owl, how an owl swoops for its prey and what an owl likes to snack on. It was a truly fabulous morning and all the children really enjoyed the experience! 01903 742047

Thakeham Primary

Pupils ate chocolate cake on the first day of school

By Beth, Thakeham reporter. At our school we have various different jobs throughout the school such as: Thakeham reporter, like myself, Green Force, School Council, Bookworms, Play Leaders and Digital Leaders. The first one is called Green Force, made up of six children who want to save the planet. The Green Force team have been working with different people to help them get ideas about things that they can do to get the message across to all of our pupils at Thakeham Primary School. The next job is our School Council, I am sure that lots of schools might have the same job but our school councillors are made up of 6 responsible and



“Switch Off” logo design Children from all year groups at Storrington Primary school have been discussing the environment and pollution and are having a go at designing a logo to encourage drivers to switch off their engines. The winning logo will be used on banners, leaflets and signs in and around the village to highlight the problem and raise awareness amongst drivers that idling with your car engine running is harmful for the environment and also for people. Sussex Local have organised the competition and it is being sponsored by the Capitol in Horsham. The Capitol are kindly donating a prize for the winning entry of a three month family pass to their “Family Film Fun” cinema screenings. The designs will be judged over the Christmas break and the winner will be announced early in the new school term. The brief to the children is to keep the design simple and to make sure it will be clearly identifiable when viewed from a distance. Head teacher Mrs Smith has told us that she has already received a good number of entries. Good luck to everyone who is entering a design! enthusiastic children that were elected by their class mates. In our school we like to let people do things that could influence their future and so that is part of the next job which is a bookworm and they have the opportunity to be the librarians Trip to PGL Marchnats Hill in our school library. Another job is being a Play Leader. They help on the playground supporting children coming to the shed to get some play equipment and also help set up games for the younger children in the playground. The last job is being one of our Digital Leaders. Their job involves helping make sure that everyone understands how to use the laptops. They also go to the Reception class and help them on the computers in their class. They will be working on our new school e-safety motto and leading our Scratch Coding Club in January. Beth, Thakeham reporter, Thakeham Primary School. Trip to Arundel castle

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