Sussex Local Magazine Arundel Oct 2016

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October 2016


Local news and events through the door to 7,000 homes in this area every month

JUST DIFFERENT Changing attitudes towards disability


Tickets to see The Undertones


ARUNDEL HISTORY History snippets


Oct events



Local Walks, Recipe, Prize Crossword, Local news & events Property, Local Groups, Local Charity, Business Directory

through the door




October 2016

Cover Photo Arundel Cathedral by Arundel born local historian Mark Phillips

Welcome... The disabled athletes competing in the Paralympic games in Rio recently have amazed the world with their incredible sporting achievements. Walberton based charity ‘Just Different’ aims to further spread the word that disabled people are just as capable as the able-bodied given the right equipment and support. Read our profile on this inspiring charity on page 24. Our recipe this month is for Spaghetti with Clams. These sweet and tender tiny shellfish are in season during the autumn enjoy! See page 28. Mark Phillips shares some interesting ‘snippets’ of information from past times in our history piece this month, see page 38. You can also win tickets to see The Undertones in Southampton in our October issue competition - see page 10. Our gardening article this month is an amazingly informative piece on bulbs. Now is the time to plant them - see page 35. Our regular local charity updates and other community news starts on page 20 and our popular local walks feature can be seen on page 18. All the walks publicised are free to join and are guided by experienced leaders. Finally there’s plenty going on locally including events for children over the half term break at the end of the month. Our What’s On guide starts on page 4. Thanks for reading,

4 10 11 12 15 18 20 24 28 28 31

...........................................................................What’s On ................................Win! Tickets to see The Undertones ...............................................Arundel History “Snippets” ................................................................Prize Crossword ...................................................................In Your Garden ........................................................................Local Walks ..............................................Charity & Community News .........................................Charity profile; “Just Different” ................................................................................Recipe ..............................................................Business Directory ...........................................................Index of Advertisers

November Deadlines Bookings, editorial - 1st October Finished artwork, events - 7th October

SUSSEX & CHICHESTER LOCAL 01903 868 474 Kay Publishing Ltd PO Box 2237, Pulborough RH20 9AH Sussex Local & Chichester Local magazines are published monthly and delivered free of charge to over 30,800 homes and businesses in West Sussex. There are five editions and display advertising starts at just £23 a month per edition.

Kris & Jeff

Words of Wit & Wisdom “The problem with beauty is that it is like being born rich and getting poorer” - JOAN COLLINS Disclaimer - Whilst advertisements are printed in good faith, Sussex Local (Kay Publishing Ltd) is an independent company and does not endorse products or services that appear in this magazine. Sussex Local cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions or claims made by contributors. The views and opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher.

Arundel edition - Arundel, Barnham, Burpham, Climping, Fontwell, Ford, Slindon, Walberton & Yapton Total homes - 7,000 Chichester edition - Chichester suburbs Total homes - 7,000 Findon edition - Findon Valley, Findon Village, Nepcote, High Salvington, Clapham & Patching plus Salvington/Selden (south of A27) Total homes - 6,000 Pulborough edition - Pulborough, Bury, Coldwaltham, Fittleworth, Marehill, Nutbourne, Stopham, West Chiltington village and Common. Total homes - 4,800 Storrington edition - Storrington, Amberley, Ashington, Cootham Thakeham, Sullington & Washington. Total homes - 6,000 The combined circulation of all five editions is over 30,800 homes.


What’s On


through the door




What’s On

Would you like to sample 250+ wines and order for Christmas?

Christmas Wine Tasting Event Friday 25th November 2016 at 5pm Fontwell Park Racecourse For more information and to book, please see or call 01243 554499 Gusto Wines Ltd Unit 6, Ford Lane Business Park, Ford, BN18 0UZ

through the door

What’s On



What’s On



through the door

What’s On



10 Competition

Win a pair of tickets to see The Undertones at Southampton Engine Rooms on Thursday 20th October Special guests The Membranes are a reformed '77 post-punk band, featuring Goldblade's John Robb. SOUTHAMPTON – Engine Rooms Box Office No: 0844 478 0898 the-undertones-40th-anniversary-tour/ Doors: 7.30pm Tickets - £20.00 (advance)

Win a pair of tickets to see The Undertones The Undertones play Southampton Engine Rooms with special guests The Membranes on Thursday 20th October. 2016 is the 40th Anniversary of The Undertones and they are delighted to announce that they will be celebrating this anniversary with national and international live shows and some exciting releases. The Undertones emerged from Derry in 1976, the result of five friends learning how to play basic rock and roll.

Q. What anniversary are The Undertones Celebrating in 2016 A) 25th

B) 50th

C) 40th

Send your answer and full contact details including daytime telephone number to: The Undertones, PO Box 2237, Pulborough RH20 9AH or send your answer and details by email to: The winner will be the first correct entry drawn after 11/10/16. Please indicate if you would like to be on our mailing list.

Local History

through the door


Arundel Snippets By local historian Mark Phillips bribe to one of the Parliamentarian soldiers to take a message to the Royalist troops near Bramber. He was caught before he got very far and was hanged on the old wooden town bridge. His body was left swinging from the rope as a warning to his own men and in full view of the castle defenders who realised their hopes of being relived had been dashed. In October 1940 second in command of the Arundel Home Guard, German born William Holmes, was fined £30.00 and imprisoned for three months after being caught taking covert photos of planes at the nearby Ford Airfield.

If you shook yourself on the old bridge on 1st March and you would have been free of fleas for a year. - Photo c1880

While researching the history of Arundel one occasionally stumbles across a fascinating fact or a small piece of information that is nowhere near enough for a complete article. So I have decided to write this month’s article using a selection of these snippets. It was once believed that if you stood in the middle of the old town bridge on the 1st March and shook yourself, you would be free of fleas for the rest of the year. It is not recorded if this works on pets though. A Saxon settlement on the site of the current castle cricket ground is believed to have developed into a community that eventually established the town of Arundel. Between 1182 and 1301 the Hospital of St James for female lepers was recorded as occupying a site near Park Bottom. The same records note that by 1435 the then unused building was lived in by a hermit. The current black hemmed robes fringed with silk velvet worn by Arundel Town Councillors were made especially for a visit to the town by Queen Victoria and Prince Albert on 1st - 3rd December 1846. This is why the robes are so thick and heavy and very hot to wear in the summer months. During the Civil war, Royalist soldiers under siege in Arundel castle gave a £1.00 Angela Standing - 'Did you know it was treason to heckle a Town Crier'

Arundel Cathedral opened in 1873 as a Catholic church. It was only raised to cathedral status in 1965 when the diocese of Arundel and Brighton was created. The original design by the famous architect Joseph Hansom had included a huge spire built on separate foundations. This was eventually abandoned as it was believed that the building would collapse under the huge weight. Arundel parishioner, Bernard Cuthbert Taylor, born in Arundel at 16 Bond Street in 1889 drowned while working as a Steward on the Titanic. Grounds Coffee Shop in Arundel High Street was built toward the end of the 1700’s on the site of Mincing Lane. This used to run from the High street and emerged part way along Tarrant Street, now used as a footpath into Crown Yard Car Park. Mill Lane, now a dead end, was the main route to Swanbourne Mill, the lake and Offham before Mill Road was built in 1894 by the Duke of Norfolk. And finally, as my colleague Deputy Town Mayor and dedicated Arundel Town crier Angela Standing tells me if I attempt to heckle her, that anything said by the town crier was done in the name of the ruling monarch and harming a town crier was considered to be treason. Or as Angela would say, ‘Don’t shoot the messenger’!


12 Crossword

Prize Crossword

Win a delicious hamper worth ÂŁ20

Arundel October 2016 August 2016 solution shown below. Across: 7 Distinguished, 8 Bleeding, 9 Asia, 10 Density, 12 Added, 14 Weigh, 16 Longest, 19 Echo, 20 Response, 22 Establishment. Down: 1 Dial, 2 Others, 3 Anxiety, 4 Rungs, 5 Island, 6 Delivers, 11 Exercise, 13 Consist, 15 Global, 17 Gloomy, 18 Truly, 21 Sand. Winner: Climping




Congratulations and thank you to all who entered. Entries to: Sussex Local Crossword, PO Box 2237 Pulborough, RH20 9AH or scan and email the page to



7 8 9 10 12 14 16 19 20 22

1 2 3 4 5 6 11 13 15 17 18 21

A show, for example (13) Guessing (8) Norms (4) Small house (7) Bar order, with "the" (5) Mediterranean country (5) Places of learning (7) Balled hand (4) Agile performers (8) Firmness of purpose (13)

Small insects (4) Outcome (6) Useful for guitar (7) Often with queens (5) Detects odour (6) Winter missile (8) Enclose shapes (8) Gaining points (7) Second of two (6) Revolves around (planet) (6) Places of food production (5) Plane, hammer e.g. (4)

Name: ............................................................................................................... Full address: .................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................... Postcode:.......................................................................................................... Email: ................................................................................................................ Phone:............................................................................................................... Mobile: .............................................................................................................

Closing date: 31st October 2016 Good luck!

Win a food hamper kindly supplied by:

High Quality Homecare Call 01903 691762 Sussex Local & Comfort Keepers UK may wish to keep in touch with occasional information and offers. We will never share your details with third parties. Please tick if you would like to receive such information.

through the door




Distributors Needed Ford & Barnham We are looking for reliable, conscientious distributors to help deliver Sussex Local and our advertisers’ leaflets in the Ford and Barnham areas. Self employed contracts with flexible hours between 21-31st of each month. Use of a car is needed to collect magazines from Slindon each month. Please email with; your details, (including age if under 18), details of any previous experience and where you would like to deliver and we will supply more details. Community



through the door


In Your Garden Monthly gardening ideas and tasks by Andrew Staib of Glorious Gardens They will delight you when they push up through the grass and in the 70’s colour scheme of purples, whites and yellows and they are easily mown over once they have wilted away. You could also collect saffron which are the red stamens inside the flower! Meadow - If you have a meadow section of your garden Fritillaria meleagris is an endangered species in Europe so why not plant these chequerboard patterned beauties amongst your daffodils. Pots - Now is the time to cram your pots with tulips. Tulips are a living meditation on impermanence as most don’t come back the following year- so a few weeks of display and that’s it. But what a way to awaken colour in your garden. If you have a very sheltered and hot spot try Freesia- their scent will intoxicate you. Plant in big groups - Don’t be tempted to buy 5 of these and 6 of those. If you want maximum impact buy in bulk online. It is cheaper and the

Nature’s Grenades Now is the Time to plant Bulbs! Nothing heralds Spring with greater brass band fanfare than bulbs. Just when you thought the world would never again turn to the sunnier side of the universe, out come the bulbs. Most try to get up and out into the light before the trees have come into leaf so you can make maximum advantage of this by trying to plant bulbs in combination with other ones. This year why not be a bit bolder in your choice of bulbs and the amount you plant. Below are some tips on what and where to plant this month. Woodland - Look around and see if you have any shady areas under trees. Bulbs love this space as it is free from footfall, the trees are not yet into leaf so there is plenty of light and there is a reduced chance of being waterlogged. Choose natural colonisers like Daffodils, Crocus, English Bluebells, Snowdrops and Grape Miscari. They will multiply year upon year and make the shady area the great focal point of Spring’s arrival. Also think about large swathes of Anemone blanda as it will spread and be with you forever. Lawn - It is not fashionable these days but why not plant up a large area of your lawn with Crocuses.

16 Gardening


difference between 20 daffodils and 200 creates a completely different effect. Even in big pots go for 1215 tulips rather than a few. And if you are planting them in borders it is better to have three clumps of 15 than 45 bulbs dotted about the place looking lonely.

through the year as if they are passing the baton to each other. For example you can buy Very Early, Early, Mid and Late flowering Tulips and Daffodils. Also you can factor in the corm families as well with Agapanths, Cannas and Irises as well as Dahlias.

Go for the unusual - Try Frittilaria Crown Imperials, the mad looked Allium ‘Hair’, Narcissi ‘Rip Van Winkle’ or Tulipa ‘Wow’ and again plant in a couple of nice big clumps, maybe on both sides of your doorway so you enjoy them many times a day. You can also try the giant Snowdrop Leucojuim in a quite corner of the garden.

There are also Crinums for the end of summer, bright pink Nerines and Cyclamen hederifolium for Autumn as well as autumn flowering Colchicums with their ghostly translucent hue.

Plant in amongst other plants - You can plant your bulbs in amongst evergreen ground cover which doubles the use of the space and also hides the foliage once the bulbs have finished.

If you are planting in clumps dig a whole section of the bed up of about 40cm in diameter rather than try to plant them individually.

Try planting in amongst an area of Perriwinkle, Ajuga, Violets or even Ivy. Bulb Combinations - Try these combinations: Agapanthas and Wild Garlic, large pale pink Hyacinths with the pale blue of Miscarri Baby’s Breath, Tete-a-Tete Narcissi with Fritillaria. Also look at the maximum and minimum heights of your borders and position accordingly. eg Allium altissima at 1.5m and Allium Christophii at 35cm Successional planting - Make a column where you make sure you have bulbs coming up all the way

Planting Advice - The packet that the bulbs arrive in will normally tell you the depth and spacing for planting up.

Bulbs as a rule need very well drained soil so if you are in a lot of clay really prepare the soil well with grit and organic improver and even then you will have to experiment to see what survives. If you have a problem with squirrels you can put some chicken wire over the area you have put the bulbs in or even old upside down hanging baskets. Taking Care - If you have planted in pots make sure they don’t dry out which is possible if we have a dry Autumn or Winter. Bulbs like a mulch feed whether in pots or in the open ground so this can be done now after you have planted them.


through the door If you deadhead the old flowers once they have finished then you will stop the plant having to produce seeds which can weaken it. Most people though like to leave the old seedheads of Alliums to dry out as they look very sculptural over the Summer and Autumn. Lastly if you leave the foliage to die back naturally then more of the energy of the plant can return to the bulb increasing its health.

Places to visit in October Borde Hill is a magnificent garden near Haywards Heath. It is well known for its Autumn colour display and has 80 ‘champion’ trees’ which are either the tallest or have the largest girth of their kind in England. You may even get to see the last of the Summer Roses in its large Rose Garden. It is open from 10am to 6pm (or dusk whichever is earliest)


What to do in October Move plants - Now is the time to move plants around the garden or plant up new ones. The soil is still warm for the roots to establish but there is less chance of the plants drying out. Divide most Perennials - including Rhubarb and balance up your garden by taking the one half to a different place. Plant lettuce and start sowing Chinese winter greens and Spring Cabbage. Repairing your lawn - can start now with the cooler weather, either using pre grown turfs or seeding into prepared earth. Your lawn treatment can start this month with aerating the garden with a strong fork and raking out moss and thatch. Cut back shrubs - like Buddlea and Lavatera to about half their height to neaten them up and prevent strong winter winds rocking them about. The more fundamental pruning happens in Spring

18 Walks


Local Walks - October All walks are led by friendly, trained volunteers - please do check with the organisers for full details and for any last minute changes. Health walks are 30 – 90 minutes, supported by Walking for Health & Horsham District Council. Level 2 & Level 3 are more challenging, for fitter walkers, supported by Horsham District Council Sat 1 10:00am The Burgh 4.5 miles Kithurst Hill car park (TQ070124) Sun 2 10:00am Amberley Wildbrooks 5.7 miles Rackham Old School, RH20 2EU Tue 4 11:00am Health Centre, Steyning 2 miles Steyning Health Centre, Tanyard Lane, BN44 3RJ Sat 8 9:00am Wiston/Steyning Downland 2 miles Dog walk. Steyning Cricket Pavilion, BN44 3LE Sat 8 10:30am Sumners Pond 4 miles Park opposite the Barn (RH13 0PR, TQ124268) Sun 9 10:00am Washington Circular 9 miles Washington South Downs Way car park (TQ120119) Mon 10 9:35am Pulborough (Bus and Walk) 5 miles Pulborough’s public car park, Brooks Way, RH20 2BQ Wed 12 10:30am Horsham Park Stroll 1 mile Bandstand in Carfax (RH12 1FD) Sat 15 2:00pm Nutbourne 3 miles West Chiltington Village Hall, RH20 2PZ Sun 16 10:00am Houghton Forest & Bignor Hill 5.5 miles Car park just off the Whiteways roundabout at the junction of the A29 Wed 19 10:30am Storrington Riverside Walk 2.5 miles Storrington Recreation Ground Car Park, RH20 4PG Sat 22 8:30am Three Woods & Sullington Hill 8.5 miles Glebe Surgery car park, Monastery Lane, Storrington, RH20 4LR Sat 22 2:00pm Kithurst Hill 2.5 miles Kithurst Hill car park off the Storrington to Amberley Road (TQ070124) Tue 25 10:00am Warninglid – Slaugham 4.5 miles Half Moon pub car park at the Warninglid Cross roads (RH17 5TR ) Thu 27 10:00am West Chiltington 4 – 5 miles Public car park adjacent to West Chiltington Village Hall, RH20 2PZ Sat 29 2:00pm River, Heath & Pleasure Garden 5 miles Glebe Surgery car park, Monastery Lane, Storrington, RH20 4LR Sun 30 10:00am Lee Farm 5.2 miles Kithurst Hill car park (TQ070124) Mon 31 10:00am Henfield – Albourne Green 6 miles Car park at the Henfield Cricket Ground BN5 9RP

1 hr 45 mins Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 2.5 hrs Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 75 mins Health Ann 01903 297553 1 hr 15 mins Level 2 Ann 01903 297553 2 hrs Level 2 Douglas 01403 268807 3 hrs 30 mins Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 3 hrs Level 3 Mike P 01798 874319 30 or 60 mins Health Wyn 01403 256630 1.5 hrs Level 2 Mick Denness 01903 745971 2.5 hrs Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 90 mins Health Mick Denness 01903 745971 3 hrs Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 1.5 hrs Level 2 Mick Denness 01903 745971 2 hrs 15 mins Level 2 Geoff 01403 258180 2 hrs Level 2 Sue 01403 255710 3 hrs Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 2 hrs Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 2 hrs 30 mins Level 2 Mike 01403 242564

Arun Adur Ramblers – Sun 9 Oct 10:00am Henfield 8.5 miles Library car park, Henfield. Via Downs Link and Ashurst Wed 12 Oct 10:00am Steyning 6.5 miles Car park at Fletchers Croft, Steyning. Via Kings Barn, Newhall Farm and Stretham Manor Sat 15 Oct 10:00am Nepcote Green 5.5 miles Lay-by near Nepcote Green. Via Chanctonbury Sun 16 Oct 10:00 Highdown 13 miles Highdown car park. Via Angmering, Lyminster, Arundel and Patching Wed 19 Oct 10:30 Clapham 7 miles Car park at Clapham church. Via Michelgrove, Angmering Park and Patching Sun 30 Oct 10:30am Whiteways 9 miles Whiteways car park Via Bignor Hill, South Downs Way and Houghton

Leisurely Moderate Moderate Strenuous Leisurely Moderate

through the door


20 Charity & Community

Sussex Snippets Roundabout Poets will be returning to Worthing Library for a National Poetry Day performance on Thursday 6th October at 12noon with the theme of ‘messages,’ entry is free and you can go along to listen or read something suitable from your own writings. Roundabout Poets was formed over a decade ago by Dan Thompson, as a vehicle for local poets to air their work, and Wendy Greene, Marianne Barber, Marion Sharville, Audrey Lee and Russ Bravo will share some of their own work alongside others on the subject. Contact: 01903 704809 or email Earlier this year, West Sussex County Council (WSCC) revealed £1.6 million had been spent in the previous year on landfill tax for all the raw fruit and veg West Sussex residents had thrown in their rubbish bins. Compost bins can divert around one third of people's overall waste and for a limited time WSCC has cut the price of compost bins to just £6.99 each (from £13) until 16th October. Get top tips for getting online, using your tablet and make the most of your smart phone at a ‘Digital Tea Party,’ organised by West Sussex County Council and Arun District Council, and held at Littlehampton Library on Thursday 6th October from 2-4pm. 

SUSSEX LOCAL with Barclay’s Digital Eagles and O2, council staff will be on hand to give advice and guidance on accessing local services online, staying safe, and how to video call friends and family for free - plus lots of practical tips for using Google, email and social media. Call or book online: 07808 884353 e/digital-tea-party-tickets-27276753504 Libraries in West Sussex have launched a new membership card for their younger customers featuring the nation’s favourite picture book character – the Gruffalo. Joining the library is free and all libraries in West Sussex have a wide range of books for children and young people, right from birth to teenage years, plus every library offers a free weekly rhyme time for under-fives and there are holiday activities and storytimes for families in the school holidays; libraryevents West Sussex Guitar Club enjoys ensemble classes every Monday during term time from 1.15-3.15pm, and the Club orchestra meets fortnightly on Monday evenings at 7.45pm, with Performance workshops meeting fortnightly on Mondays (alternating with the Orchestra). The guitar club also has professional recitals, club nights, festivals and parties – upcoming recitals include Richard Smith on Saturday 22nd October, and by Edoardo Catemario on Saturday 26th November at the club’s Recital Hall, 46 Sudley Road, Bognor Regis, PO21 1ER. To join the Club: 01243 866462, Events tickets: 01243 696762. Two students from West Sussex recently had an opportunity to present their designs on the London Fashion Week catwalk, thanks to the Fashion Futures project - run by charity FAD, which aims to combat elitism within the industry. Daisy Haggerty and Georgie Hudd were amongst 21 finalists, aged 16-19 years old, shortlisted from over 100 teenagers who took part in FAD workshops earlier this year, who showcased their designs at Fashion Scout in Covent Garden. Contact: Email:, T: 02074903946 A talk to be given by historian Rupert Matthews at Shoreham Library on Tuesday 4th October, at 7pm, will reveal the dramatic climax of Charles II’s escape from England and the part played by a West Sussex coal merchant. Following defeat at the Battle of Worcester in 1651, the young King spent seven weeks on the run from Cromwell’s Roundheads with a price of £1,000 (today around £800,000) on his head, he finally found someone willing to risk execution by taking him to France - Shoreham coal merchant, Nicholas Tettersell. Contact: Tickets cost £4 (including light refreshments) - 01273 467966, email

Notices to events to

through the door

Reader Letter - Arundel By-Pass Dear Editor I am glad to learn from his latest article (September 2016 issue, p.21) that Cllr. Dendle is ‘against the Binsted route’. But while asking for an ‘open and factual debate’ about the Bypass, he makes many factual errors. May I correct some of them? 1. He implies the ‘purple leaflets mentioning a Purple route’ … are a ‘Trojan horse’ for ‘the protest group’ – by which he appears to mean the Arundel Bypass Neighbourhood Committee. Not correct. They were produced by Arundel SCATE, as it says on the leaflet. 2. Cllr. Dendle has misread the leaflet. He says it mentions ‘a Purple route, which is in effect … a dual carriageway through Arundel.’ Not correct. ASCATE’s leaflet specifically calls the ‘New Purple’ bypass route a ‘single carriageway.’ 3. Cllr. Dendle is confused about Binsted. He says, ‘Binsted is an Ancient Cultivated woodland, currently planted with conifers.’ Not correct … Binsted is a village of 38 houses partly within Binsted Woods. Binsted Woods (250 acres) are Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland, containing no conifers. The current Binsted route bisects the village (as well as Tortington village). 4. Tortington Common, nearer to Arundel, 180 acres, is a ‘PAWS’ – Plantation on an Ancient Woodland Site’, i.e. it was mostly planted with conifers in the

Charity & Community


1970s. This may be the category he is thinking of, though many of the conifer planted areas are returning to Ancient Semi-Natural Woodland. Since (as he and I agree) the Binsted route is too damaging, and the 1993 Preferred Route now passes through the National Park on rapidly improving woodland (and also bisects Tortington), it makes sense to thoroughly research less damaging and less costly versions of the Purple route, such as the ‘New Purple route’. ABNC therefore supports Arundel SCATE and the A27 Arundel Forum in their proposal that such a route should be on Highways England’s list of options. Emma Tristram, Secretary, Arundel Bypass Neighbourhood Committee

Schools Applications Deadline If your child was born between 1st September 2012 and 31st August 2013 then he or she is eligible to start school in September 2017. West Sussex County Council strongly advises parents to apply online, and there is free access for this purpose available in all West Sussex libraries and Children and Family Centres. Alternatively a paper form can be obtained by calling the phone number below. Online applications open on 3rd October and close on 15 January - WSCC stress that applications received after the closing date seriously disadvantage the chances of gaining a place at one of the applicant’s preference schools. admissions or 03330 142 903.

Managing Money - Free Course The CAP Money Course is a free, three session course open to anyone, which aims to equip people to improve their money management, and encourages them to make changes that tailored specifically to their needs and to enable them to successfully budget, save and keep out of debt. Each session lasts two hours, including refreshments, and is informal and confidential. Single sessions, day or evening, CAP Money courses can be arranged. The next course takes place on 5th, 12th & 19th October at 7.00pm, at Revelation Central, 1 & 2 St Pancras, Chichester PO19 7SJ Contact: Peter Sutton - 07813 024585, or Email: introduction

Arundel by Candlelight Dinner On Friday 21st October AbC are holding a Fundraising Dinner, sponsored by Pegasus Properties, at the Norfolk Arms. Included are a champagne reception, two course meal, live music, disco, plus an auction, raffle and “a couple of surprises”! Dress to Impress, tickets £30 from Antiquities in Tarrant Street or email or telephone: 01903 884355


22 Charity & Community/Finance

Arun needs the tourist pound Arundel Town Mayor (James Stewart) called a meeting of key stakeholders recently to discuss a strategy to underpin the town's economic activity and discuss various initiatives, the meeting was well attended and a working group is to be formed, under the Mayor’s leadership. James has to be congratulated on this initiative. Like it or not Arundel’s economy is built on tourism and the recent referendum, resulting in a reduction of the pound against the dollar and Euro, has created more inbound tourism - you may have noticed the number of foreign registration numbers around town. There are concerns regarding the lack of key retail shops in Arundel, but the advent of internet shopping and the change to the nation's shopping habits makes it impossible for some types of business to make a go of it; particularly with high business rates, which, you may not be aware, go to central government and not the local authorities that collect the tax. Arundel’s population is just too small to support some businesses, especially with the plethora of supermarkets in and around Littlehampton. Tourism is driving the restaurant

Notices to

trade, banks are closing and the Lloyds bank site is to become a gourmet burger restaurant. So, rather than resist the trend, I believe there are opportunities to enhance the tourist offering. The food festival of a few years ago could be re-launched and along with the Arundel festival and Arundel by Candlelight, we could consider a fourth festival in the spring. The town council is interested in having a full time festival organiser to support existing and any new festivals, but It is important that town residents are onboard too. Arun’s Leisure strategy of 2012 identified a number of potential projects: reshaping of the streetscape to pedestrianise or make the streets pedestrian friendly, re-surfacing Tarrant Street, removing kerbs - this all goes to make Arundel even better. As well as structural street changes, a number of projects are currently underway, amongst these and of note are: Arundel Lido LEAP project - to make the Lido a year round facility and build a gym; and the Victoria Institute Bid for lottery funding to make the Institute a Cultural Centre, Arundel is unable to fund these projects alone, so it’s important we lever in funds from outside bodies. I will try and support these as much as possible to try and bring the money to help these projects and others. Paul Dendle is Arundel & Walberton Ward & Cabinet member on Arun District Council. You can email:

Return Free Risk By Richard Cohen JP FPFS ACII MCSI Chartered Financial Planner It has been a few weeks now since the Bank of England cut the base rate to 0.25% marking an end to over seven years without a change. This lower rate has already filtered through to saving accounts rates and to a lesser extent mortgage rates. The rate at which you can lend money to the Government by buying gilts has fallen to a record low, with the 10-year gilt yield at 0.7% at the time of writing. All of this means that the “risk free return” available to investors is now virtually nonexistent. In fact, bearing in mind that inflation may well be higher than the rate available on your savings, those who want to avoid “real” assets are probably entering a period where they can expect no return, combined with the risk of inflation eroding away the real value of their savings. They can actually expect “return free risk”. Understandably many savers are deeply unhappy at the position they find themselves in. However, we are taught that the return you receive on your money is the reward you get for taking risk with it. Does it therefore follow that without risk there should be no return? Before the creation of the Financial Services

Compensation Scheme (FSCS) depositors could lose their savings if a bank became insolvent. Now savers are protected on deposits up to £75,000 is it any wonder these same deposits pay no interest? In any event, complaining about the situation is not going to change it. Choosing an account offering the highest available interest rate with one of the FSCS protected institutions is sensible and a risk-free way of increasing your return, but does not get away from the problem of universally low interest rates. This leaves investors with two choices. They can accept that they will only get back the nominal value of their savings but suffer a virtually guaranteed loss on their real value. Alternatively, they can choose to invest in a portfolio of real assets, such as shares, property and bonds, which gives the potential of higher returns but of course comes with the compromise of investment risk. For more information visit or to arrange a free review please call Sarah Gray on 01903 821010

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24 Local Charity


“JustDifferent”... Changing attitudes to disability Walberton based charity provides employment & training for disabled adults. By Lynn Smith Local charity, JustDifferent, has one clear aim – to ensure that disabled children, and their parents, no longer have to struggle to get the education they desperately need and deserve. Just Different was founded in 2008 by Toby Hewson, who has Cerebral Palsy and who strives for the day when disabled people are accepted and celebrated in our society, and are provided with the support, equipment and resources they need to live full, active and independent lives. When Toby was born, in 1981, it was a while before his parents knew that their newborn child had Cerebral Palsy. However, once they had received Toby’s diagnosis they began extensive research into the condition, driven by a desire to ensure that Toby had the same opportunities and education as a non-disabled child.


01903 765 506 116 Cokeham Lane Sompting BN15 9SQ

However, Toby’s first job, working at a local Citizens Advice Bureau, brought him face to face with the barriers facing someone with his disabilities. Despite the disappointment this caused, Toby’s drive and enthusiasm propelled him forward and he began working for a local organisation on a voluntary basis, which saw him visiting local schools in West Sussex to talk to children about his life. The idea for JustDifferent came to Toby when he realised that he could do more to not only change negative and outdated attitudes to disability but also to provide employment and training opportunities for other disabled adults. With a passionate interest in the education system, Toby decided to use his years of voluntary experience as a springboard for creating an organisation educating children and young people about disability and difference. When visiting schools, Toby had observed that children and young people responded to his physical difference with imagination and curiosity. They viewed his wheelchair and speech synthesiser (communicator) with fascination, learning that they are simply tools to assist him with his active life. With the help of a private Trust, JustDifferent was able to recruit like-minded, disabled adults, who shared Toby’s passion, to change lives by changing attitudes. Over the years since its launch JustDifferent has worked towards achieving this one of its core aims, by providing training and work opportunities for eleven disabled adults, many of whom have moved on to gain other paid employment - thus enabling disabled people to contribute to society in a positive way by giving them the skills, confidence and motivation to aspire and feel included on an equal basis. The charity works mainly in schools and colleges, and a huge amount of their work is to ensure that JustDifferent’s activity compliments the learning journey of the next generation. This involves working with close partners in schools and with their own disabled presenters to make sure that sessions are appropriate to each key stage and relevant to each curriculum. JustDifferent’s presenters are of a mixed age range and their very different life experiences add interest and different perspectives to the sessions. Each session

through the door


26 Local Charity Alison Wright, Workshop Presenter.

is delivered through a PowerPoint presentation and children and young people are encouraged to take part in practical tasks such as using their feet and feeding each other. Reading the comments from

SUSSEX LOCAL teachers and children who have received a visit from a Just Different Presenter, illustrates the success of the charity’s model; with positive comments from headteachers: “Many of our Teachers had not seen a workshop before—it was a really powerful way to change their own perceptions and for our children their views were totally changed” - to children: “I learnt that just because you are different doesn’t mean you can’t do the same things as everyone else, maybe just in a slightly different way.” Year 5 pupil. Although most of JustDifferent’s activities are delivered in educational establishments, they are also invited to visit community groups such as scouting and Girl Guide clubs, and local Rotary and Lions groups. Their work is also recognised as being equally important to college and university students. Over the course of eight years, JustDifferent has delivered over 5,600 workshop sessions in over 850 schools, benefitting over 180,000 children and young people. Just Different’s fundraiser, Karen McLachlan came to the charity with many years experience of working in the charitable sector and after ten years working with a charity that supported visually impaired people across Sussex. Despite her experience Karen says, “When I attended my interview … even as an adult I was very nervous about meeting Toby as I had never met anybody like him before. The fear I felt was soon replaced with thoughts of how inspirational he was and how quickly I felt at ease with him.” Karen believes that it is not only the next generation that need reassurance but that adults too may still feel apprehensive about those with disabilities and differences and that “There are still many attitudes to challenge and change.” The vast majority of JustDifferent’s income comes from Trusts and Foundations, and Karen says, “… we are very grateful for all the support we have received over the last eight years.” However, she goes onto to say that in order to be able to continue the work the charity must diversify its income streams. “As always

through the door this is challenging for a small charity. Having recently moved offices (in April this year to the village of Walberton) we are now beginning to see an increase in interest in our work especially in the local community, which in turn helps to raise more funds for our work.” And in July of this year, Toby was honoured to be asked to open the very first local WalBinFont event. Curently, Toby Hewson is JustDifferent’s CEO (unsalaried) and there are three part time office staff. Presenters are paid on a selfemployed basis, which does not impinge on any benefits, for which they might be eligible, and the charity also depends upon the assistance of a handful of volunteers who contribute to the operations of the charity from research to data entry. Toby and pupil in wheelchair So far, lack of

Local Charity


resources and the restraints of operating a small charity have meant that it has not been possible to organise any fundraising events. However, Karen says that “… on the 30th September … we will be holding our very first community event,” and that it was felt the first event should be “something “different” which would celebrate differences’ and so “FootGolf” seemed to be so relevant to our work, playing football and golf in a different way.” Karen hopes that the FootGolf event will become an annual one, and the charity will be able to build on it “... by raising both awareness and the funds need to continue our life changing work.” The event takes place at the Chichester Golf Club in Hunston and there are still places left. Tickets cost £100 for a team of four players, and include a pizza buffet with a refreshment, tea and coffee on arrival and the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets, with prizes donated by local and national businesses. Just Different welcomes enquiries, whether to discuss ideas about fundraising or workshop bookings or from anyone interested in volunteering for the charity. JustDifferent, The Old Workshop, Mill Lane, Walberton, BN18 0QE Tel: 01243 778 275 Email: “FootGolf” event:


28 Recipe / Business Directory

Spaghetti with Clams (Spaghetti con Vongole) These tiny shellfish are so sweet and tender when fresh and add a real feel of holiday time. Enjoy during the autumn when in season Ingredients. Serves 4-5:

3. Heat 4tbsp oil in a another pan and cook onion gently for 3-4 minutes. Add the wine, tomatoes, chilli and clam liquor and simmer until well reduced. Season to taste. 4. Add the clams and heat through for 2-3 minutes. Drain the cooked spaghetti, transfer to a hot serving dish and spoon over the clams. Serve immediately sprinkled with parsley.

350g spaghetti, 1.5kg baby clams (or mussels); Salt; 2 cloves garlic, chopped; Olive oil; 1 small onion, thinly sliced; Small glass dry white wine; 400g can chopped plum tomatoes; 1/2 or small piece hot chilli pepper, finely chopped; 1tbsp chopped parsley

Method: 1. Cook the spaghetti as directed until just tender. Meanwhile rinse clams in salted water, drain and put them in a large pan with the garlic and 23tbsp oil. 2. Cook gently, tightly covered, for 4-5 minutes until the clams open (discard any which don't open).

Cookery Courses in Tangmere Student Self Sufficiency, Men in the Kitchen, Learn the Basics and many more... Contact Alex 01243 532240

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