Sussex Local Pulborough July 2016

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July 2016


Pulborough - Bury - Fittleworth - Nutbourne - West Chiltington

Local news and events through the door to 4,700 homes in this area every month


Helping local disabled youngsters


Loxwood Joust VIP tickets Garden Show at Loseley Park


Parish Council & Community


Designing with Perennials

WHAT’S ON July events


Events, Local Walks, Recipe, Prize Crossword, Property, Local History, Local Groups & News, Charity, Business Directory

through the door




July 2016 Cover Photo Footpath to Greenhurst Lane West Chiltington kindly supplied by Jane Cooper

Welcome... It’s holiday time again, towards the end of this month the schools break up for the summer. If you’re looking for things to do over the summer break then there are plenty of events listed in our What’s On guide starting on page 4 - and more listed on our website at Whether you are at home or away this month do find time to enter our competition to win tickets to the Loxwood Joust - see page 16. This unique family event takes place over two weekends in August and sees armoured knights on horseback jousting along with other terrific Mediaeval attractions. We have a family ticket up for grabs which include VIP seats in the Royal Pavilion for the best views of the jousts. You can also win tickets to the Garden Show at Loseley Park, a great day out for all the family - see page 38. Our main article this month is a feature on West Sussex charity Whizz Kids. Providing equipment and support, this worthy charity is radically improving lives of local disabled youngsters. See page 28. Designing with Perennials is this month’s gardening topic on page 35 along with the main monthly tasks and our July recipe page 26 is perfect for the barbecue (let’s hope the weather co-operates!). Thanks for reading,

4 16 18 20 24 26 28 35 38 46 46 51

...........................................................................What’s On ....................................Win tickets for the Loxwood Joust ........................................................................Local Walks ..............................................Charity & Community News .................................................................Prize Crossword ................................................................................Recipe ...............Whizz Kidz - helping local disabled youngsters ...................................................................In Your Garden ...........Win tickets for the Garden Show at Loseley Park ........................................West Chiltington Parish Council ..............................................................Business Directory ...........................................................Index of Advertisers

August Deadlines Bookings, editorial - 1st July Finished artwork, events - 7th July

SUSSEX & CHICHESTER LOCAL 01903 868 474 Kay Publishing Ltd PO Box 2237, Pulborough RH20 9AH Sussex Local & Chichester Local magazines are published monthly and delivered free of charge to over 30,800 homes and businesses in West Sussex. There are five editions and display advertising starts at just £23 a month per edition.

Kris & Jeff

Words of Wit & Wisdom “When a man opens a car door for his wife, it’s either a new car or a new wife” - PRINCE PHILIP Disclaimer - Whilst advertisements are printed in good faith, Sussex Local (Kay Publishing Ltd) is an independent company and does not endorse products or services that appear in this magazine. Sussex Local cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions or claims made by contributors. The views and opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of the publisher.

Arundel edition - Arundel, Barnham, Burpham, Climping, Fontwell, Ford, Slindon, Walberton & Yapton Total homes - 7,000 Chichester edition - Chichester suburbs Total homes - 7,000 Findon edition - Findon Valley, Findon Village, Nepcote, High Salvington, Clapham & Patching plus Salvington/Selden (south of A27) Total homes - 6,000 Pulborough edition - Pulborough, Bury, Coldwaltham, Fittleworth, Marehill, Nutbourne, Stopham, West Chiltington village and Common. Total homes - 4,800 Storrington edition - Storrington, Amberley, Ashington, Cootham Thakeham, Sullington & Washington. Total homes - 6,000 The combined circulation of all five editions is over 30,800 homes.



What’s On

What’s On - July ’16 To publicise your event in Sussex Local please enter the details on to our website at www We regret that we cannot accept submissions by email. All website listings are free of charge. Magazine listings appear in all four Sussex Local editions to 23,700 homes and we take the details from our website automatically. Charity, community and non-profit events are free of charge (subject to space). Commercial events can be listed for just £25 plus VAT which includes promotion through our Facebook and Twitter feeds. Deadline for August events to be put on website - 7th July



Wed 20 Jul 2:00pm-4:30pm A Croquet Experience. Enjoy the gentle exercise and learn the tactics to play a competitive game. Please wear flat shoes. The Recreation Ground , Mill Road, West Chiltington, RH20 2PZ. Free. 01798 813 563

Sat 02 Mon, 04, Sat 09 , Mon 11, Sat 16, Mon 18, Sat 23, Mon 25 & Sat 30 Jul 2:00pm-4:00pm FVRA Arts & Crafts Group. Findon Valley Free Church, Limetree Avenue, BN14 0DJ. £2 Sat & £3 Mon. Maureen Denton 01903 872004 Sat 02 Jul 2:00pm-4:00pm Downland Art Society For amateur and professional artists to come together through demonstrations, workshops and exhibitions. Walberton Sports Pavilion, BN18 0PD. £3 Visitors. £25 annual membership Tue 05 Jul 7:30pm-9:45pm Pulborough Computer Club - How SMART is your SMART TV. Q&A session on any computer problems. Pulborough Village Hall, Lower Street, RH20 2BF. £2 members; £3 guests. Wed 06 Jul 10:30am-12:15pm South Downs Decorative & Fine Arts Society "Lancelot Capability Brown" (1716-1783): Landscape, Art and Dame Nature - lecture by Dr Twigs Way. Fittleworth Village Hall, RH20 1JP. Free for members. £5 guests/visitors. 01403 783359 Wed 06, 13, 20 & 27 Jul 10:30am -12:00pm Relax with Colouring. Rustington Library, BN16 2NL. 01903 785857


Sat 02 Jul 10:00pm-11:45pm Midnight Walk for St Catherine's Hospice. Horsham Park, RH12 2BP. £20 to register. Hannah Cooke 01293 447355 Fri 15 Jul 7:45pm-10:00pm Jive Night for Coco's Foundation - a charity providing food shelter and education in Africa. Join us for a class followed by an evening of practicing your new moves. Bluecoat Sports Health and Fitness Club, RH13 0YB. £5-£8 (members/non-members) Sarah Aslin 01403 247 572 Sat 16 Jul 9:00am-5:00pm WCHP Flag Day Live music in Worthing town centre for all to enjoy. If you would like to volunteer please call Rachel Blair 01903 286480 Sat 30 Jul 9:00am-5:00pm WCHP Littlehampton Flag Day. Our first Flag Day collection in Littlehampton. Volunteers please call 01903 227829 or

Fri 08 15 & 29 Jul 7:00pm8:00pm Storrington Dog Club. We train all types and all ages of dog. Children welcome. Storrington Village Hall, RH20 4DZ. £4.00 Rosemary Vaughan 01903 746504 Sat 16 Jul 11:30am 2:30pm Yapton Cottage Gardeners' Society Summer Special - Real Ale and Ploughmans. Fundraising event. Live music, stalls, tombola, various games. Yapton Village Green, BN18 0ET. Free. Anne Hollis and Roy Phillips 01243 551683/552822 Tue 19 Jul 7:30pm-10:00pm Village Computer Club . With presentations and open meetings for problem solving. Bring your laptop/ tablet. Community Hall , Murrells Field, Yapton Rd, Barnham, P022 0AY. Members £1 & Visitors £2. 07761 84173 Sat 23 Jul 10:30am-3:30pm Worthing U3A (University of the Third Age) Open Day. Do you have free time now you are retired and want to join new activities or learn a fresh skill? East Worthing Community Centre, Worthing, BN11 2NQ. Free entry. Vivienne Rathband 01903 366182 Tue 26 Jul 7:30pm-9:30pm Pulborough Garden Society monthly meeting . Talk by Steve Gilbert of the RSPB 'Landscape Conservation in the South Downs'. Pulborough Village Hall, RH20 2HT. Guests £1 Sue Bulloch 01798 872038 Tue 26 Jul 2:00pm-3:15pm National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts. Women Artists and Impressionism by Bernard Allan. Yapton and Ford Village Hall, BN18 0ET. £46 annual membership / £6 visitors. Judith 01243 552113

More events on - please contact event organisers to check for changes

through the door




What’s On

Wed 27 Jul 2:30pm-4:30pm Storrington Flower Club. Affiliated to NAFAS Demonstrator Lynne Carter - Floral Fantasia Colourtastic. Competition- Summertime. Sullington Parish Hall, RH20 3PP. Wendy Cliffe 01903 744467

COMMUNITY Sun 03 Jul 10:00am-12:15pm Storrington in Bloom - Clean Up. This is the very last clean up of the village before we are judged on 7th July. A trowel or hand fork would be useful. Place Villerest, Storrington, RH20 4NG. Nil Cherril 01903 746424

Sun 03, Tue 05, Sun 10, Mon 11, Tue 12, Tue 19 & Wed 20 Jul 10:00am-4:00pm Himalayan Balsam Bashing! Balsam is an invasive species and is reducing native wildlife so we pull and compost it on site. Monkmead Wood & RSPB

Pulborough Brooks reserve, RH20 2EL. Free Kate Whitton 01273 763377 Sat 16 Jul 2:00pm-5:00pm Clymping Church and Community Tea Party. Vintage dress optional - Yummy cream teas and cakes galore Beer tent - Plant store - Prize for the best hat decorated at home. Clymping Church Hall BN17. Free. Church Warden 01903 731520 Sun 17 Jul 12:30pm-2:00pm Walberton, Binsted & Fontwell Villages Big Picnic Lunch. Live music followed by Sports for All from 2pm to 5pm. In aid of Sussex Snowdrop Trust and POP (Protect our Parish) fund. Walberton Village Hall & Playing Field, BN18 0PQ Free. Meg & Andy 01243 555062

COURSES Thu 07 Jul 7:00pm-8:30pm Acrylic Painting Classes for Adults. Mixed abilities welcome and basic materials provided. Pulborough Village Hall, RH20 2BF. £7.50. Shivani Khoshia 07857 769059 Wed 06, Thu 07, Wed 13, Thu 14, Wed 20, Thu 21, Wed 27 & Thu 28 Jul 2:00pm-4:00pm Beginner Computer Tuition for older people. Trinity Centre, Storrington. £30 for 2 x 2 hour sessions Neil 01403 751327

EXHIBITIONS Sat 02 Jul 10:00am-4:00pm Two Exhibitions at the Museum "Give and Take"- sharing the results of family history research. Also an exhibition commemorating centenary of WW1 Battle of Boar's Head "The Day that Sussex Died". Refreshments available all day.

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What’s On

through the door Storrington Museum, RH20 3HL. Free. Patricia Wilks 01903 743437 Sat 09, 23 & 30 Jul 10:00am4:30pm Celebrating 40 Years of Stitch. Displaying work by members of Worthing Branch of the Embroiderers' Guild to mark the 40th anniversary of the branch. Free entry. Betty 01903 265393 Thu 14 - Mon 18 Jul 11:00am4:30pm Art About Town Sunny Worthing. Art exhibition by local artists. St Peters Church, Furze rd, High Salvington. Donation to St Peters. Graham 01903 263523 Sat 30 Jul - Sunday 14th August 10:00am 5:00pm Southern Ceramic Group Summer Exhibition. Over 400 exhibits on show and for sale. Bishop's Kitchen Chichester Cathe-

dral, PO19 1P. Vidya Thirunarayan 07729 399375


Sun 03 Jul 11:30am-4:00pm Dogs Trust Shoreham's Fun Day. Fun all the family, both two & four legged! Dogs Trust, Brighton Road, Shoreham by Sea, BN43 5LT. £1 Adults. Naomi Rhymes 01273 466971 Sat 09 Jul 10:30am-11:45am Messy Church Morning. A fun filled time for families with messy crafts, Bible stories, singing and refreshments. Findon Valley Free Church Lime, BN14 0DJ. Free. Bernice Mitchell 07886 732569 Sat 16 Jul 1:00pm 4:30pm Ashington CE School Village Treasure Trail. £100 prize for one lucky team. Followed by fun at the school with welly wanging, bouncy castle etc. Ashington CE School, RH20 3PG.


£5 per team. Shelley Toovey 01903 892365 Sat 16 Jul 2:00pm 4:30pm Findon Village Hall Trust Fun Dog Show. Six Classes of fun events, open to pure and mixed breads. £2 entry. Stalls, Pimms Tent Ice Creams & Cafe. Findon Village Hall BN140TA. Free to observers. Judith 0791 7821977 Wed 27 Jul 10:00am-5:00pm Amberley Activity Day Exciting themed activities for accompanied children of all ages running during the day. Amberley Museum , BN18 9LT. £11.50/£6.60 full details on website Museum office 01798 831370

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What’s On

Thu 28 Jul 2:00pm 4:00pm National Trust Slindon Estate - Wild Beast Safari. Bring your best exploring hat to discover the many weird and wonderful mini beasts that live in the woods and grassland of Slindon. Booking Essential. Park Woods. Adults Free Children £3. National Trust Slindon 01243 814730


Sat 02 Jul 11:00am4:00pm Canine Partners Summer Fete. Fun for all the family! Canine Partners, Mill Lane, Heyshott, Midhurst, GU29 0ED. Adult £2.00 Child 50p Sian Wilson 01730 716110

Sat 02 Jul 11:00am 4:00pm St Nicholas Church Fete. Falconry Display, Morris Dancers, Live Music, Cream Teas and more! Arundel Lido, BN18 9JG. Free. Lucy Hoy 07742 666645 Sat 09 Jul 1:30pm-4:00pm QAHH Open Day and Summer Fete With market stalls, live music and entertainment, military vehicles, etc. The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home, BN11 4LJ. £2 (kids go free) Samantha Stokes 01903 218444 Sat 09 Jul 12:00pm 5:00pm Washington Village Day. Come and join the fun with Circus workshop, Kiddy Karts, Inflatable fun, arena displays, classic cars and bikes show and more. Washington Recreation Ground, RH20 4AP. Free

Entry. Elaine Boys 07710 422771 Sat 16 Jul 2:00pm-5:00pm Walberton, Binsted & Fontwell Villages Summer Fete. Afternoon teas, plants, fruit & vegetables stalls classic & interesting cars something for everyone! Mobile bar with hot pies. All proceeds split between Sussex Snowdrop Trust & POP Protect our Parish fund. Walberton Village Hall & Playing Field, BN18 0PQ. Free. Meg & Andy Siragher 01243 555062 Sat 16 Jul 2:00pm-5:00pm West Chiltington St Mary's Church Fete. Win some prizes in the games and competitions. Teddy bear competition. St Mary's Church & The Church field, RH20 2JW. Entry by donation. Andrea Carlson-Hedges 01798 812957

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What’s On

through the door Sun 17 Jul 2:00pm -5:00pm Walberton, Binsted & Fontwell Sports for All. Good old fashioned races for all ages. Raffle and mobile bar with hot pies. Live music from 5 to 7. Proceeds in aid of Sussex Snowdrop Trust and POP Protect our Parish fund. Walberton Village Hall & Playing Field BN18 0PQ. Free entry. Meg & Andy Siragher 01243 555062 Sun 24 Jul 2:00pm-4:30pm Binsted's 29th Annual Strawberry Fair. Large variety of garden shrubs and plants, homemade cakes and jams, Pimms tent, face painting, owls display and of course the strawberry tea! Flint Barn, Binsted Lane, Binsted, BN18 0LL. £1 children under 12 free. Mike Tristram 01243 551635

Fri 22 Jul - Sun 7 August Worthing Lions Festival. Sat 23 Jul: Broadwater Carnival & Fire Station Open Day. Sun 24 Jul: Charity Market on Prom & band in Lido. Sat 30 Jul: Classic car show & Scooter Display Steyne Gardens & Giant Fireworks Display from end of pier. Sun 31 July: Salvation Army Band. Fri 22 July - Sun 7 Aug: Stevens Funfair on Worthing Seafront. Full programme of events Sat 30 Jul 1:00pm-4:30pm Bury Church Fete. Ferret racing, donkey rides, bouncy castle plus raffle with £500 top prize. Dorset House School, Bury, RH20 1PB. £1 entry. Karen Davis 01798 831138


FILM Tue 26 Jul 3:00pm10:30pm Mary How Trust Film Society Dad's Army at 3pm and 7.30pm . Loyalty Card: watch 6 films get your 7th free! Tickets on the door and: Mary How Trust shop, Pulborough. Nisa/Cherilyn Stores, West Chiltington. The Card Centre, Storrington. West Chiltington Village Hall, RH20 2PZ. £6 Clare Flexman 01798 877646 Fri 01, Sat 02 Jul 2:00pm-4:15pm Battle of the Somme film screening. Music composed by Laura Rossi. Performed by the Philharmonic Orchestra. Some scenes may be disturbing for young children. Worthing Library, BN11 1HD. Free. 01903 704809

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10 What’s On

GARDEN EVENTS Sun 03 Jul 2:00pm-4:30pm Clapham and Patching Horticultural Society Open Gardens. Come and wander through local gardens in Clapham and enjoy some tea and cake. Clapham Common and The Street, BN13 3UR. Charitable donation. Gail Smith 01903 871669 Wed 13 Jul 7:30pm-9:30pm West Chiltington Horticultural Society Meeting. A talk by Barry Newman Preparing for Your Show. West Chiltington Village Hall, RH20 2PZ. Visitors £3 Members free. Pippa Honess 01798 817566 Fri 15 Jul 7:30pm-9:00pm Storrington Horticultural Society. Christine Llewellyn - Willow from growing and making. Storrington Village Hall. Members £1. Guests £1.50 Janet Webber 01903 740109

Sat 16 Jul 2:00pm-4:00pm Thakeham Gardeners Club Annual Flower Show. Refreshments and raffle. Thakeham village Hall . 50p. Jean East 01903 745846


Sat 02 Jul 7:30pm9:30pm The Chantry Quire Summer Concert 'Gloriana'. A concert of unaccompanied choral music celebrating HM the Queen's 90th, Shakespeare's 400th & the joys of Summer. Tickets incl refreshments; on the door or in advance 01798 872819 or from Comyn & James Estate Agents, Pulborough. In aid of church roof. St Mary's Church , Pulborough, RH20 1AB. £10. Sun 03 Jul 7:30pm-9:15pm Farewell Favourites - Brighton Consort. A selection of highlights from 16 of the choir's past programmes under

the baton of Katie Thomas for the very last time. Holy Trinity Church, Hurstpierpoint, BN6 9TS. £12 (concessions £10). Mike Clemens 01273 833746 Fri 15 Jul 8:00pm11:00pm Cadillac Countrys Rockin' Roadhouse. Refreshments available but BYO alcohol. Washington Village Hall, RH20 4AP. £5. Bryon Winslade 01903 893716 Sat 16 Jul 3:30pm 11:30pm Madehurst Big Night Out. Featuring Rumours of Fleetwood Mac . Beer tent and food outlets Madehurst Cricket Club, BN18 0NN. £20 adv / £25 on door / under 16 free. Simon Smith 01903 735327 Sat 16 Jul 7:30pm-9:30pm Summer Concert. Includes pieces from

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What’s On

through the door Gilbert & Sullivan and songs with a water theme. Tickets available from the Card Centre Storrington or tel: 01903 741984. Ashington Community Centre, RH20 3PG. £10 includes a glass of pims. 01903 741984 01903 741984 Sat 16 Jul 7:30pm-11:00pm WalBinFont Willie Austen Band. Come and dance the night away! Bring your own supper, candelabra and dancing shoes! Big raffle. All proceeds split between the Sussex Snowdrop Trust and the villages POP Protect our Parish fund. Walberton Village Hall & Playing Field BN18 0PQ. £12.50. Meg & Andy Siragher 01243 555062 Sun 17 Jul 4:00pm-6:30pm The Armida Quartet. Programme: Franz Schubert: String Quartet No.13 in A minor. Glynde Place, BN8 6SX Adults: £30. 01273 858224

Sat 23 Jul 7:30pm 10:00pm Summer Prom—The Good, The Bad and the Ugly. The first half will be a Western theme and the second will be devoted to traditional Prom pieces such as Jerusalem. A donation from the concert will be made to Ferring Country Centre. Doors open 6:45pm. St James the Great Church, Littlehampton, BN17 7AN. £8.00 01243 582330

Thu 28 Jul 8:00pm 11:00pm Monthly Jazz at the Jailhouse in Arundel. Featuring a varied mix of top musicians on the jazz circuit. Great venue with bar and snacks in a club atmosphere.

Arundel Jailhouse, BN18 9AP. £5:00 when guest artist, otherwise free 01903 889 821


Sat 16 & Wed 20 Jul 7:30pm 9:30pm The Rowland Singers Choral Society Summer Concert. Helen Emery will be conducting the choir and Dominic Smith, as our guest will be playing the flute. St Symphorians Church, Worthing, BN13 3HU. £9.00 - Adult £3.00 Children. Helen 01903 238792


Full programme on our website Thu 14 Jul 6:00pm-7:00pm Petworth Festival Music There will be musical contributions from the Massed Festival Choir directed by Matthew Cooke, a Fanfare by festive trumpets and a short recital of choral works by the young singers of the West Sussex Music Vocal Ensemble. St Mary's Church, GU28 0AD. Free. Kate Wardle 01798 344576

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12 What’s On Fri 15 Jul 7:45pm-9:30pm Will Pound and Eddy Jay . Will Pound is a three-time nominee for BBC Radio 2 Folk Musician Of The Year and his musical partner Eddy Jay is a real master of the accordion. Leconfield Hall, GU28 0AH Adult: £16 | Eighteen & under : £5 Kate Wardle 01798 344576 Sat 16 Jul 10:30am-4:00pm Come & Sing Messiah! - Petworth Festival Inspirational choral conductor Fiona Evans has created a brand new edition of Handel's Messiah. St Mary's Church GU28 0AD. Adult: £14 | 18 & under £5 | Kate Wardle 01798 344576 Sat 16 Jul 7:30pm-9:15pm Mr Brecht! Are you now or have you ever been ..? A funny, revealing

piece of theatre based on Berthold Brecht's public interview with the House of Un-American Activities Committee in 1946 in Washington. St Mary's Church GU28 0AD. Adult: £20 £12.50 £7 | 18 & Under £5 Kate Wardle 01798 344576 Sun 17 Jul 2:30pm 4:15pm Illyria’s Danny the Champion of the World By Roald Dahl adapted by David Wood. Bignor Park RH20 1HG Adult: £9 5-18yrs: £7 Under 4: Free. Kate 01798 344576 Tue 19 Jul 7:30pm 9:30pm The Schubert Ensemble. St Mary's Church GU28 0AD . Adult: £20 £12.50 £7.50 | £5. Kate Wardle 01798 344576 Wed 20 Jul 7:30pm-9:30pm Stile Antico - The Touches of Sweet Harmony. Shakespeare's plays and poetry brim with references to music. St Mary's Church GU28

0AD. Adult: £25 £15 £7.50 | 18 & under £5. Kate Wardle 01798 344576 Thu 21 Jul 7:30pm-9:30pm Cristina Ortiz (piano) St Mary's Church GU28 0AD . Adult: £25 £15 £7.50 | 18 & under £5" Kate Wardle 01798 344576 Sun 24 Jul 12:00pm-1:00pm Ben Crystal - Shakespeare on Toast (literary event). Ben Crystal is an actor and writer and has worked in TV film. Leconfield Hall GU28 0AH Adult: £12 | Eighteen & under : £5 Kate Wardle 01798 344576 Sun 24 Jul 3:00pm-4:00pm Science Blast: The Great Scientists. Science Blast brings to the theatre the lives of nine of the world's great scientists. Leconfield Hall

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What’s On

through the door GU28 0AH Adult: £9 | 5 - 18 £7 | 4 & under Free Kate Wardle 01798 344576 Thu 28 Jul 7:30pm-9:30pm Showstopper! - The Improvised Musical The remarkably versatile cast of Showstoppers present a brand new musical comedy created from scratch at each performance: audience suggestions are transformed on the spot into an all-singing alldancing production with unpredictable and hilarious results." Midhurst Rother College GU29 9DT Adult: £20 | 18 & under : £5 Kate Wardle 01798 344576 Fri 29 Jul 7:30pm - 8:45pm The Play’s the Thing The National Youth Chamber Choir of Great Britain and the National Youth Jazz Orchestra have joined forces to pay tribute to Shakespeare in his 400th anniversary year with a national concert tour. Midhurst

Rother College, GU29 9DT. Adult: £22 | Eighteen & under : £5 Kate Wardle 01798 344576 Sat 30 Jul 7:30pm-9:30pm Festival Finale Concert: Oz & Armonico St Mary's Church GU28 0AD. Adult: £20 £12.50 £7 | 18 & Under £5 Kate 01798 344576 Sat 30 Jul 12:00pm-1:15pm Philip Scriven (organ) - No festival is complete without an event dedicated to the many lovers of organ music.St Mary's Church GU28 0AD. Adult: £13 | Eighteen & under : £5 kate Wardle 01798 344576


Thu 14 Jul 7:00pm9:30pm Mary How Trust Bingo. Jackpot Game - £50 prize! We're very grateful to LMC Auto Services for


sponsoring the £50 Jackpot prize. Storrington Village Hall RH20 4DZ. 50p. Clare Flexman 01798 877646


Fri 01, 08, 15, 22 & 29 Jul 9:00am10:30am Storrington Community Market. Selling home-made cakes & savouries, jams & marmalades, local bread, eggs etc. Storrington Village Hall opposite Stable Antiques, RH20 4DZ. Gilly North 01903 743888 Sat 23 Jul 9:00am-12:30pm Pulborough Village Market. Selling fresh produce, locally produced food products hand made gifts and crafts. Please come and support our talented and dedicated local traders. Pulborough Village Hall, RH20 2BF. Free. Charlotte Allfrey 01798 874441

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14 What’s On

SPIRITUALIST Sun 03 Jul 6:30pm -8:45pm Spiritualism divine service. With a demonstration of mediumship. Barnham Community Hall Muriel's Field, Barnham, PO22 0AY. Free admission. Darren 07749 454281 Fri 08 Jul 7:30pm-9:30pm Evening of message board / table tipping. Makrcontact to loved ones in spirit through the message board and also table tipping with spirit. Barnham Community Hall, Murrels field, Barnham PO22 0AY. £5.00 Darren 07749 454281

Mon 18 Jul 7:30pm-9:45pm Evening of mediumship with John-Kim Webb. Refreshments and raffle. Barnham Community Hall, Murrels Field, Barnham, PO22 0AY. £5.00 Darren 0774 9454281

Mon 25 Jul 7:30pm-9:30pm Spiritual workshop with Terry Tregear. Teaching and demonstrating mediumship giving you the chance to talk and work with spirit. Barnham Community Hall, Murrels Field, Barnham, PO22 0AY £4.50 Darren 07749 454281

SWIMMING Fri 01 - Sat 30 Jul (except Sundays) 3:30pm4:30pm Findon Village Swimming Pool. Outdoor heated swimming pool open to the public May-Sept. Run by volunteers. Check website/facebook for daily opening. Available for private hire. St John the Baptist School, Findon, BN14 0TR. £1.20 members £2.50 nonmembers. Sarah Skelding 07954 995718


Tue 05 Jul 12:00pm-1:00pm Lunchtime Talk: Stress Busters. Sandra Crathern is a registered nurse, ACC Accredited Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner. Worthing Library BN11 1HD. 01903 704809 Wed 06 Jul 2:30pm-4:30pm Lucinda Knapman - Demonstration of Flower Arranging. Followed by Afternoon Tea and Cake in aid of local Charities. Tickets 07768 943725". Findon Village Hall, BN14 0TA. £12 inc Afternoon Tea and Cake. Jim Farley 07768 943725 Mon 04 Jul 7:00pm-8:30pm PPL Public Meeting on Health Services in the Pulborough District. With Dr Tim Fooks, Pulborough GP and David Howells, Pharmacy Manager

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What’s On

through the door at Corden. Pulborough Village Hall, RH20 2BF. Free. David McGill 01798 875051 Tue 05 Jul 7:30pm-9:00pm Worthing Antique and Collectors Club. With many celebrity speakers on a variety of topics. The Lecture Theatre, Worthing Library, BN11 1HD. £5 per talk or £30 per year. Andrew Pescott 01903 232680


Thu 21 - Sat 23 Jul 7:30pm10:00pm The Cissbury Players present Anagram of Murder, a thriller by Seymour Matthews. Gus a writer, is preparing for his regular bridge evening. He seems not to notice his wife becoming uneasy when discussing the plot of his new novel about a marital murder, Findon Village Hall, BN14

0TA. £9 Dave Holden 07540 835565

WALKS Sat 16 Jul 2:00pm-4:00pm National Trust Slindon Estate Brilliant Bignor Wildlife Walk. Come and see the many species of wildlife that flourish on the Downs in high summer on this Ranger led walk. Adults £4 Children £2. National Trust Slindon 01243 814730 Tue 19 Jul 2:00pm 4:00pm Guided Tour of Shoreham Fort. By kind permission of Friends of Shoreham Fort. Group size limited to 20. Shoreham Fort BN43 5HY £8 to include cream tea Patricia Wilks 01903 743437

YOGA Mon 25 Jul 7:30pm 9:30pm Wellbeing through Yoga and Meditation. Flush out stress and anxiety, increase your energy level and your physical and mental health. Findon Village Hall , BN14 0TA. Donation only. Miiko Lo 07843 625168

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0800 677 1718


16 Competition


WIN a Family ticket to the Loxwood Joust Plus VIP seats in the Royal Pavilion to watch a live joust! Taking place Sat 6th & Sun 7th and Sat 13th & Sun 14th August family! Experience the all action jousting tournaments, daring displays of weaponry, archery, cannon fire and fully armoured knights meeting in thunderous battles. Explore the Living History Village, a recreated mediaeval battle camp where fully armoured knights show what life was like at that time. And in the Mediaeval Market Place, Traders and Hawkers will vie for your attention as companies of actors, wandering minstrels, and dance troupes entertain and delight throughout the day. Be enchanted by The Mediaeval Baebes, and let Sir Lancelot the Bald resplendent in tights, have you in stitches with his improbable stunts and cheeky comedy. Try your hand at archery, sup fine ales and dine on local organic fayre while the little ones enjoy their very own Children’s Kingdom – a festival within a festival where the Mediaeval Groat is the currency! This “Mini Mediaeval Mayhem” includes Have a go Archery, Face and Wound Painting, Pelt the Peasant and you can learn to become an apprentice knight in Sword School The Loxwood Joust is open each day from 10am to 6pm and is located in Loxwood Meadow, West Sussex, off the B2133 near Billingshurst. The Loxwood Joust takes place on the 6th, 7th, 13th and 14th August and is undoubtedly the most spectacular mediaeval festival in the Realm! An unrivalled programme of mediaeval revelry guarantees a family day out like no other. Step back in time and experience the verve and vigour of a world where lives were harsh and hearts were passionate at this unique, fun and educational day out for all the

Win a Family Ticket to the Loxwood Joust. Sussex Local has 1 family ticket to give away including the VIP Royal Pavilion seats, valid for any of the show days. To be in with a chance of winning simply answer this simple question and send to us with your details:

Q. In what time period is The Loxwood Joust Set? A) Victorian B) Pre-historic C) Mediaeval Send your answer and full contact details including daytime tel. no. to: Loxwood Joust Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough RH20 9AH or send an email to: The winners will first 4 correct entries drawn after 31/7/16. Please indicate if you would like to be on our/The Loxwood Joust’s mailing list.

through the door



18 Walks

Local Walks - July All walks are led by friendly, trained volunteers - please do check with the organisers for full details and for any last minute changes. Health walks are 30 – 90 minutes, supported by Walking for Health & Horsham District Council Level 2 & Level 3 are more challenging, for fitter walkers, supported by Horsham District Council Sat 2 2:00pm The Burgh Kithurst Hill car park (TQ070124). Sun 3 10:00am Highden Hill & Windlesham Chantry Hill car park, Chantry Lane, Storrington (TQ086119). Tue 5 7:00pm The Long Furlong Car park at rear of Worlds End pub, Patching. Fri 8 10:00am Thakeham Church car park, RH20 3ER, turn into the village from B2139. Sat 9 6:00pm Sandgate Park & Sullington Warren Glebe Surgery car park, Monastery Lane, Storrington, RH20 4LR. Sun 10 10:00am Hareswith Glebe Surgery car park, Monastery Lane, Storrington, RH20 4LR. Sun 17 10:00am Amberley Wildbrooks Rackham Old School, RH20 2EU. Wed 20 10:30am Storrington Riverside Walk Storrington Rec. Ground C.P. (RH20 4PG). Sat 23 8:30am Gumber Farm Car park just off the Whiteways roundabout, BN18 9FD. Sat 23 2:00pm Sullington Church Glebe Surgery car park, Monastery Lane, Storrington, RH20 4LR. Sun 24 10:00am Chanctonbury Ring Washington South Downs Way Car Park (TQ120119). Wed 27 7:00pm Patching and High Down Car park at rear of Worlds End pub, Patching. Sat 30 2:00pm Kithurst South Circular Kithurst Hill car park (TQ070124). Sun 31 10:00am Houghton Forest & Bignor Hill Car park just off the Whiteways roundabout , BN18 9FD.

4.5 miles 1 hr 45 mins Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 4.6 miles 1 hr 45 mins Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 5-7 miles 2.5 hrs Level 3 Ron 07933 106663 5 miles 2.5 hrs Level 2 Margaret 01403 262311 3.6 miles 1 hr 45 mins Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 3.9 miles 1.5 hrs Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 5.7 miles 2.5 hrs Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 2.5 miles 1.5 hrs Level 1 Mick Denness 01903 745971 6.7 miles 2.5 hrs Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 3.3 miles 1.5 hrs Level 2 Mick Denness 01903 745971 3 miles 1 hr 15 mins Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971 5 miles 2.5 hrs Level 3 Ron 07933 106663 3 miles 1 hr 30 mins Level 2 Mick Denness 01903 745971 5.5 miles 2.5 hrs Level 3 Mick Denness 01903 745971

Arun Adur Ramblers –

Sun 3 10:30 Firle 9.5 miles Moderate Via Firle Beacon, South Downs Way, Berwick, Alciston, Charleston Farmhouse and Firle Place. Meet Firle visitor's car park Wed 6 10:30 Arundel 6.5 miles Leisurely Via Burpham, South Stoke and River Arun. Meet : outside Museum, Mill Road, Arundel Sun 10 10:30 Telscombe 9.5 miles Moderate Via Castle Hill, Kingston and South Downs Way. Meet : Telscombe, south end of village beyond Youth Hostel Weds 13 10:00 Clapham 6 miles Leisurely Via Long Furlong, Tolmare Farm, Patching and Clapham. Meet : car park at Clapham Church Sun 17 10:30 Cocking 9 miles Moderate Via South Downs Way, Didling Hill, Monkton and Colworth Down. Meet : SDW car park, Cocking Hill on A286 Weds 20 10:00 Amberley 5 miles Leisurely Via Amberley Wild Brooks and Greatham Church. Meet : Amberley Church Sat 23 10:30 Arundel 6.5 miles Leisurely Via River Arun, Ford Church, Tortington and Tortington Common. Meet : top of Torton Hill Road, Arundel Sun 24 10:30 Eartham Woods 8 miles Moderate Via St Mary's Farm, Glatting Beacon and Gumber Farm. Meet : Eartham Woods car park Weds 27 10:30 Storrington 8 miles Moderate Via Sullington Hill and South Downs Way. Meet : Storrington Leisure Centre car park Sat 30 10:30 Ditchling Beacon 9.5 miles Moderate Meet : National Trust car park at Ditchling Beacon

through the door


20 Charity & Community

Sussex Snippets The Priory Park Festival takes place in Chichester on 8th, 9th and 10th July and promises an eclectic weekend, blending of the best elements of a village fete with a food fair, literary weekend and a great and diverse range of music. Many of the musicians come from Sussex with artists from Chichester and Brighton in particular topping the bill – providing a local feel with a widespread appeal. Contact: Festival Box Office Cloisters Shop, Cathedral Cloisters, PO18 1PX (open Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm). 01243 813595 West Sussex County Council needs around 60 new foster carers each year to help care for children in West Sussex, and they are encouraging people to consider become foster carers. WSCC says that to foster a child, people need – a spare room, a sense of humour, commitment, time, advocacy skills 
and some experience with children or teenagers. For information on fostering: campaigns/time-to-foster-time-to-care/ Efforts have been stepped up to protect the iconic Adur Ferry Bridge in Shoreham-By-Sea from vandalism – vandals have damaged nineteen glass panels since the bridge opened, and in two separate

SUSSEX LOCAL incidents in the past two weeks, red and blue paint and graffiti was daubed over glass panels, the deck and central posts. The bridge already has CCTV cameras capable of recording evidence trained upon it and now further actions are being considered to tackle anti-social behaviour there. Contact: Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 or To celebrate its 70th anniversary, West Sussex Record Office has turned to new technology to showcase some favourite historical treasures. Archivists asked customers, depositors, volunteers, supporters and staff to explore the archives and nominate the document they liked the best, and the 70 most loved records have been posted on a new blog and facebook page giving an insight into the broad and colourful history of the county. For more information see website: Blog: Twitter: Facebook: Designed to support parents who want to get back into work or training, the Parent Volunteer Programme was launched earlier this year at all 43 Children and Family Centres across West Sussex. The programme helps match parents with a range of volunteering placements - both within the County Council’s Children and Family Centres and in the local community and has been highlighted by mothers who have seen their confidence grow whilst gaining new skills. 193 outstanding UK volunteering groups have been honoured as recipients of the prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, amongst them are four West Sussex groups – Arundel Museum Society Volunteers; Community Minibus Association (West Sussex); Ferring Conservation Group; and The Volunteers of the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum. The unique UK national honour recognises the outstanding contributions made to local communities by groups of volunteers; it has an equivalent status for voluntary groups as the MBE has for individuals. The Big Heart 2016 online ebay auction goes live on 1st July until 10 July. The starting price for all artwork is just 99p and money raised will support Chestnut Tree House, the children’s hospice for Sussex, and Brighton Dome & Brighton Festival’s community work.

Notices to events to

through the door

Reward For Missing Cat A Fittleworth resident is appealing for information on her missing cat. Susannah Edwards brown, Burmese cat, Tinks, went missing on the evening of 28th April from outside her home, and is described as a trusting and loving cat. Tinks owner describes the cat as having, “a shiny brown coat and is exceptionally pretty and friendly” and that, although she is twelve, she is very small and looks like a very young cat. She is chipped and does not wear a collar. Her owners are desperate for her return and are offering a reward. They also urge local walkers and horse riders to keep an eye out for her on their travels and ask that anyone with garages, sheds or disused outbuildings check them in case she has been accidentally shut in. Contact: Susannah Edwards – Phone: 0333 006 3234, email:

Charity & Community

Questions for Sussex Police?


Sussex residents will get the chance to question the Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner this month. Questions are being invited for Katy Bourne and the Sussex Police and Crime Panel ahead of the meeting at 10.30am on Monday 4 July, at County Hall in Lewes. The Panel comprises councilors from all fifteen local authorities across Sussex, plus two independent members, and carries out the role of scrutinising the actions and decisions of the Commissioner. Members of the public can attend the meeting and ask questions in person or they can be submitted in advance. The time set aside for residents to pose their questions in person is limited and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, so giving advance notice of an intention to attend and participate is advised. Contacts: Phone 0330 2222538, email: or pcp in the “Get Involved” section.

Please email your community notices to Events on

22 Charity & Community


Thanks to our Postman!

Last year, Slimming World’s Big Clothes Throw raised £1.7m for Cancer Research UK, and this year the organisation aims to raise £2m for the charity. With each bag worth up to £25, Claire & Sharon hope the contribution from their groups will help to reach that total. Slimming World groups meet weekly – Saturdays at St Mary's Primary School, Pulborough at 8:30am & 10:30am with Sharon; Mondays at Rydon Community College, Storrington at 7:30pm with Claire; Tuesdays at Ashington Scout Hut, Ashington at 9:30am with Claire and Tuesdays at Rydon Community College, Storrington at 5:30pm & 7:30pm with Claire. Contact: Sharon 07813 133 669 or Claire 07881 627 285. Cancer Research: Phone. 0300 123 1022

Dear Editor Good afternoon, I would like to give our local postman a mention in Sussex Local. I have been living in West Chiltington for two years next month and remember well his greeting shortly after we moved in, "Good morning, my name is Brian ..." He was the very first person to greet me and has been doing so ever since. He is always pleasant and helpful and when out on the road Brian never misses to give a friendly wave. I understand he may retire this August and believe he will be greatly missed in this community. I think that acknowledgement of his service would be well deserved, so I would be most grateful if this letter could be included in your next issue. Mrs Rosemary Maguire, by email.

Losing pounds to raise pounds Members of the Ashington, Storrington and Pulborough Slimming World groups have collected 150 bags worth of clothes to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Claire and Sharon, who run the groups encouraged members, their friends and families to spring-clean their wardrobes and collect the clothes, shoes and accessories they’ve successfully slimmed out of to generate valuable stock for the the Horsham Cancer Research UK shop.

Summer Arts Celebration Graffham Festival runs from the 15th – 24th July 2016 and offers a programme designed to celebrate local artistic talent and inspire the whole family to get creative. In 2014, Graffham’s inaugural arts festival attracted more than a thousand visitors from across the South East. This year’s festival will include many of the most popular events from two years ago, including an open studios art trail – showcasing the work of around fourteen painters, potters, sculptors and craftsmen in ten venues around the village. It will also give fans of prime time BBC arts shows ‘The Great Pottery Throw Down’ and ‘Show Me The Monet’ the chance to see Jo Morris and Richard Davidson’s work in person. Other attractions include, children’s art exhibition; village concert; organ recital; literary talks; poetry and jazz evenings; open gardens trail; festival quiz; village feast and celebratory church services. Visitors will also be able to participate and get creative in a variety of workshops and this year’s festival will feature performances from Sussex teen pop singer and number one artist Ben Pryer, video projection artist Paul Reynolds, puppetry artists Strangeface Theatre Company, dance troupe JoliVyann and World Music Workshop’s steel band. Contact: Diana Bowden on 01798 867738, or you can send an email to:

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24 Crossword

Prize Crossword

Pulborough July 16

Win a ÂŁ20 discount from a Rising Sun meal

May 2016 solution shown below. Across: 7 Demonstration 8 Standard 9 Lose 10 Friends 12 Baker 14 Offer 16 Richest 19 Ages 20 Republic 22 Determination. Down: 1 Heat 2 Bounce 3 Islands 4 Pride 5 Italia 6 Monsters 11 Refugees 13 Tipping 15 Easier 17 Habits 18 Crime 21 Iron. Winner: Nadine Ball from West Chiltington Congratulations and thank you to all who entered. Entries to: Sussex Local Crossword, PO Box 2237 Pulborough, RH20 9AH or scan and email the page to



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Closing date: 31st July 2016. Good luck!


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Prize - ÂŁ20 discount from a meal with us Sussex Local & The Rising Sun might wish to keep in touch with occasional information and offers. We will never share your details with third parties. Please tick here if you would like to receive such information.

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26 Recipe

Tandoori Potato & Paneer Skewers Mildly spicy and perfect for the barbecue Makes 12 - 14 skewers for 4 servings. Ingredients:          

500g small new potatoes, cooked to firm 250g paneer (Indian cottage cheese) 2 cloves garlic 1.5cm piece ginger 250ml plain full fat yogurt A pinch of saffron strands 1tsp ground coriander seeds 1/2tsp each ground cumin seeds, crushed cumin seeds, garam masala 2tbsp each fresh coriander & fresh mint leaves, chopped 2tbsp vegetable oil 2tsp lime juice Cookery Courses in Tangmere Student Self Sufficiency, Men in the Kitchen, Learn the Basics and many more... Contact Alex 01243 532240

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1. Halve the potatoes if large. Cube the paneer to similar size as the potatoes. 2. Mince/grate the garlic and ginger into a large mixing bowl. Beat in the yogurt and add all the remaining ingredients except vegetable oil and lime juice. 3. Mix well and then add the potatoes and paneer. Toss gently to coat with marinade, cover and refrigerate for at least an hour or longer. 4. When ready to cook preheat the barbecue or grill to medium high. Thread the potatoes and paneer onto skewers. 5. Grill or barbecue turningonce, until golden, slightly charred and tender, about 5 minutes. Brush lightly all over with vegetable oil and continue for 2 -3 more minutes until they have crisped up and turned golden. 6. Transfer to a platter and sprinkle liberally with lime juice before serving with rice or hot buttered naans, wedges of lime and coriander or hot chutney.

through the door


28 Local Charity Profile


Whizz-Kidz Helping disabled youngsters find confidence and independence For 26 years national charity, Whizz-Kidz has been transforming the lives of disabled children in the UK by providing the vital equipment, support and life skills they need to reach their full potential, and offers a range of services in West Sussex. Back in 1989, Whizz-Kidz founder, Mike Dickson, was in his bike shop when he saw a girl in a wheelchair looking up at a bike light on a higher shelf. When Mike asked if he could help, the girl politely replied, ‘No thanks, I can reach it myself,’ pushed a button her powered wheelchair and rose up to take the light off the shelf herself. It was at that moment that Mike realized the difference that the right wheelchair could make to a child’s life. That small action of picking something off a high shelf meant something a lot bigger – it meant independence. Mike ran the London Marathon that year and, remembering the moment in the bike shop, pledged to raise the money to buy a powered wheelchair for a child who needed it – he raised £9,000 for a girl with cerebral palsy and the following year he founded Whizz-Kidz.

The charity provides a range of mobility equipment for children and young people with physical disabilities – including manual and powered wheelchairs, buggies and trikes, and in some cases they may also be able to offer sports wheelchairs – allowing them to be independent in all areas of their lives. The charity works with young people from roughly two to twenty five years of age, supporting young people at different stages throughout their journey into adulthood. However, Whizz-Kidz mission statement is for all disabled children’s lives to be full of fun, friendship and freedom, and for them the wheelchair is just the start of achieving this aim. The charity also runs clubs and camps, provides wheelchair skills training and work placements to help young people develop confidence and independence, and offers services to help disabled young people, their parents or carers Whizz-Kidz services in West Sussex centre upon the charity’s Ambassador Youth Club in Worthing. Ambassador Clubs give young disabled people a place to meet, make friends and have fun, and they provide a range of activities including, music, dance, art, sports, beauty therapy, cooking and trips out. They also run campaigns to help improve the lives of young disabled people by raising awareness of disability issues and campaigning for better facilities. Other services that run throughout the county include Wheelchair Skills Courses, Work Placements that are tailored to each young person’s needs and also Residential Camps that come to the South East once a year, providing young people with a two night stay independent of their parent or carer – Camp Whizz-Kidz is designed for wheelchair users aged from twelve to twenty five. The Wheelchair Skills Courses work in partnership with local primary, secondary and special schools teaching users how to get the most from their wheelchairs. There are three levels of training provided – beginners, intermediate and advanced – and children can learn how to tackle kerbs, perfect their reversing skills or learn how to safely carry items in their chair. Training events support wheelchair users aged from two to twenty five and are delivered by experienced trainers, many of whom use wheelchairs themselves.

through the door



30 Local Charity Profile For an older age group, Work Placements allow disabled young people, aged from fourteen to twenty five years old, to gain invaluable experience of the workplace, learn more about a career, acquire useful contacts and improve their employability. The service offers a range of opportunities and works in one of two ways – either a company will offer a placement and the charity finds a candidate to fill it, or else a candidate will contact them and ask for a specific placement which the charity then do their best to find. The charity also organises Work Skills Days, offering youngsters a valuable chance to meet employers and friends and to learn about and consider future career paths in a social environment. During the day participants undertake interactive workshops, working as a team and individually, and learning about CV building, career planning and disability rights, resulting in a boost of confidence, experience in the work place and the opportunity to work with Whizz-Kidz in the future with a Work Placement. In addition to the charity’s core programme of services, young people can also sign up to the Young Leaderz programme that develops vital leadership, decision-making and teamwork skills, encouraging the development of new mind-sets and attributes by completing modules such as ‘Becoming a Role Model’.

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Owen - Work Placement at Middlesbrough Football Club

Whizz-Kidz is always looking to grow the services it provides and so reach more young people and families that need the charity’s support. The Ambassador Club, along with all of the Young People’s Services offered, welcomes new young people. So, how do families take up the services offered by Whizz-Kidz? Whizz-Kidz works in collaboration with the NHS and with respect to the provision of mobility equipment, the charity’s guidelines state that: “The NHS should always be a family’s first port of call for mobility equipment. However, if your local NHS Wheelchair Service does not provide equipment to meet the essential mobility needs of your child then we may able to help.” It may be that children are un-


through the door

Tel: 01903 752937 / Mob: 07802 522312

Pepperscombe Farm, Newham Lane, Steyning, BN44 3LR

32 Local Charity Profile able to obtain appropriate equipment to fit all of their needs, as different NHS areas apply eligibility criteria in varying ways so families may find geography plays a part in their experiences. There may also be a longer NHS waiting list for particular types of equipment. Whizz-Kidz receives all its referrals for wheelchairs from the NHS, but they state that their “approach is more holistic,” with their therapists assessing disabled children and young people so “we can give them an appropriate wheelchair to fit their young lives.” Full details on how to apply for Wheelchair Services, along with the other services provided by Whizz-Kidz, can be found on the charity’s website. The majority of Whizz-Kidz funding comes from donations – the charity raised £6.4million in 2014, more than eighty percent of which came from voluntary sources including trusts, companies and individuals. Thus investing in fund raising is a vital part of the organisations sustainability. Again in 2014, 28pence from every £1 raised went towards fundraising, with the remaining 72pence being spent on services to transform the lives of disabled children. In common with most charities, Whizz-Kidz enjoys the support of an enthusiastic team of volunteers, who assist in the delivery of a number of their services across the UK, and more specifically in the South East. However, Whizz-Kidz always has a need for more volunteers to help the charity reach more young

SUSSEX LOCAL people. Volunteers can get involved in a variety of ways – with the young people’s services, like the Ambassador Youth Clubs, there is a club in Brighton as well as the Worthing branch; with Wheelchair Skills Courses or by supporting the fundraising team in the county. There is also a new mentoring programme underway with the charity providing training for those volunteers wishing to mentor young people. The recruitment process is always open and volunteers can investigate opportunities available on the Whizz-Kidz website.

Contact: Tel: 020 7233 6600 Email

through the door

07712 677329



34 Home & Garden Services

Lazy leaflets. Don’t put up with them. You know the ones. They’re in the cupboard, behind the envelopes and last year’s accounts. Let’s get those leaflets working for you. We’ll deliver them with next month’s copy of Sussex Local for just £40 per 1,000 (minimum quantity 2,000).

Full details on or contact 01903 868474 email




through the door


In Your Garden Monthly gardening ideas and tasks by Andrew Staib of Glorious Gardens Flats - The classic one is Achellia whose flower heads look like like saucers on a stem – A.Praprica is lovely Sprays and Plumes - These plants soften up a planting scheme and relax the forms of the other plants and the overall look of the bed- grasses are the obvious choice as well as tall Crocosmia at the back of a border and tall, languid Bronze Fennel Windows - These are plants that are so delicate and spacious that one can see through them to the other plants. Two examples are Stipa giganta and Verbena bonariensis (try ‘ V.b Lollypop’ if you don’t want too much height) Spires and Spikes - these shapes are pretty much essential if you want variation of form –as well as Foxgloves and Acanthus you can think of Veronicastrum, Astilbes in moist soil or the smaller,the bushy spikes of Lavender and the bullet proof, bottle brush flowers of the Persicaria family. Lattice - This is found in the strong lines of ferns

Designing with Perennials Perennials are the smaller plants in your garden that die back each winter and spring back to life the next year. This month we are going to look at how you can put them together and how to make a combination of an interesting variety of shapes. (We will look at colour in a future article) A good flower bed needs a blend of shapes and tones – otherwise it can look boring and ‘samey’. Below are some categorise that will help you see what could perhaps enrich your garden beds. Froth - These are plants that have an abundance of small, light flowers like Gypsophila and Crambe cordifolia Buttons - These flowers are bright dots of colours like Geum and Dianthus, Poppies and Alliums

36 Gardening

SUSSEX LOCAL your borders eg Hostas, Day Lillies and Bergenias Soft - Lamb’s Ears, French Lavender, Sage Daisy shapes - These classic flower shapes are found in Asters and Heleniums- but work best in combination with the rest of the above - a whole garden of daisy shaped flowers would drive one mad. Hopefully this will help you look at your borders afresh to see what extra instruments are needed in your orchestra.

What to do in July The National Garden Scheme is still running.

Lush - Here the leave is full and green and offsets the more woody qualities of some of the other plants in

Founded in 1927 the scheme encouraged people to open up their gardens to the public to raise money for the newly formed district nurses role in poor urban areas. It has moved on since


through the door then, from “a shilling a head” to raised over 20 million pounds for a variety of charities in the last 10 years. If you go to the NGS website and type in ‘Sussex’ the dates you are free and you will find 36 gardens that are opening their gates in July though each garden is just open for a day or two only. Most serve tea and cakes.


Gardening Tasks for July 

Deadhead perennial flowers as they will often create a new flush of buds as you inhibit the energy of the plant going into seed production. Plus the first flush of Hybrid and Patio roses may have finished so deadhead them back to a couple of new, outward facing buds.

It is safe to bring any tender plants out from your conservatory now.

Make sure any ponds don’t get swamped with blanket weed.

Any shrubs that flowered in June can be cut back eg Wigelia and Philadelphius.

Any new plants that went in this year will dry out much faster than established plants as their roots are not as plugged into the surrounding soil.

Keep pinching out side shoots on your tomatoes.

Keep sowing salad for a continuous crop.

38 Competition

The Garden Show at Loseley Park, Guildford 22 - 24 July 10am-5pm daily The perfect event to enhance your home, help your garden grow and give all the family a great day out. Browse Over 150 stands showcasing the latest specialist plants, garden accessories, art, design and sculpture. Treat your taste buds to tempting foods and wines and join delicious tastings in the Country Food marquee. Pick up top tips from horticultural experts. Specialist plantsmen will bring their knowledge and an abundance of beautiful plants to the show and, along with the Plant Doctors Steve and Val Bradley, they are waiting to solve your gardening problems. This is an excellent opportunity to relax and explore Loseley’s stunning parklands and incredibly beautiful walled gardens with the opportunity to take a guided walk with one of the garden team. The Show is in support of Shooting Star Chase ( They will be running a Shopping Crèche & Carry Service and also holding ‘The Giant Tombola’ with all prizes donated by the exhibitors. There is plenty to keep all the family occupied: Huxley

SUSSEX LOCAL Birds of Prey, music by Jazz Magic, puppet shows, juggling, storytelling, face painting, funfair and much more! Adults £7, Seniors £5, Child £3 (4yrs and under FOC), Family £18 (2 A & 4 C), Free Flow Loseley House Tours: £4.00 (normally £9) Sorry… dogs allowed in the showground. - 01243 538456

Win a Family Ticket to the Garden Show at Loseley Park Sussex Local has 5 family tickets (worth £18 each) to give away, valid for any of the show days. To be in with a chance of winning simply answer this simple question and send to us with your details:

Q. How many stands will there be at the show? A. 80 B. 300 C. Over 150 Send your answer and full contact details including daytime tel. no. to: Losely Park Competition, PO Box 2237, Pulborough RH20 9AH or send an email to: The winners will first 5 correct entries drawn after 14/7/16. Please indicate if you would like to be on our/The Garden Show’s mailing list.


through the door

Lisbon – what a fabulous city! I spent four days in Lisbon to celebrate my (special!) birthday. Lisbon is simply wonderful - we spent the days eating, drinking and walking around this beautiful city. The city is stunning and the mixture of cultures is evident on the beautiful wall facades and architecture. You can spend many hours walking and discovering but beware, Lisbon is very hilly - however, there are numerous options for when you get tired. There are tuk tuks and taxis on most streets, trams and funiculars. Even lifts that are built into some hills that can take you up to other street levels. It's a pretty amazing thing to experience! All in all, I would recommend Lisbon in a heartbeat for a holiday or city break. It's a fun, vibrant, cultural city with amazing food and things to see! Telephone 01903 863550 or please email me at:



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40 Home Improvements

Shady sanctuary Use your conservatory more this summer Sail Blinds are the new way to shade your conservatory. They control heat and glare and work with any shape of roof or construction type. They were developed specifically for UK conservatories and tackle some of the issues associated with traditional blind solutions with a totally new approach. The specially designed sail uses a high performance fabric to control the heat without having to cover all of the roof so that you can enjoy all of the benefits of the view and sun without the excessive heat. And a breathable fabric and robust flexible construction means if you wanted to you could wash them with your socks! Direct Blinds have been a leading supplier of conservatory shade solutions for over 20 years, they started selling InShade sail blinds 3 years ago and are now the number 1 supplier on the south coast. John Massie, Owner of Direct Blinds Worthing says “our customers


 

  

Vertical, Venetian, Wood, Roller, Pleated & Velux Window Blinds Specialists in Conservatory Blinds Approved Supplier for Caribbean Awnings & Canopies Shutters supplied & fitted Home Visits Available

InShade sails, the stylish way to shade your conservatory stay cool this summer!

SHOWROOM & WORKSHOP AT: Unit 2 Northbrook Business Park, Northbrook Road, Worthing, BN14 8PN 01903 823 803 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm & Sat 9am-12 noon

SUSSEX LOCAL are always amazed by the transformation, they have an instant impact on the heat as soon as we put them up, they love the look and how easy they are to clean”. The improvements have continued and new last year InShade launched ISX a 100% UK made fabric that provides even better heat control and has been proven to be durable in even the most extreme conditions. So with the most effective heat control available you can enjoy your conservatory more than ever before, enjoying all of the benefits of a glazed roof without suffering from excessive heat on all of those beautiful sunny days. John and his team work closely with the specialist designers at InShade to tailor each solution to your requirements, budget and the look you want. If you are interested in getting more use out of your conservatory this summer then call Karen or Scarlett at Direct Blinds on 01903 823 803 to discuss your requirements, book an appointment and to talk to an expert or go to see their new showroom display at Unit 2 Northbrook Business Park, Worthing it’s well worth a visit.


through the door


Annual returns to change The Annual Return is being replaced by a new ‘Confirmation Statement’ from the 30th June, says Sarah from Monks Accountants If you own a company you will have had to file an annual return with Companies House each year so as there is a public record of specific details about the internal structure of your company on a specific date. The Annual Return is being replaced by a new ‘Confirmation Statement’ from the 30th June 2016. The new statement will also be required to be filed at least once a year but it can also be updated as many times as you like throughout the year, for instance if you issue new shares, but you will only be charged a fee by Companies House once in the year. The fee has yet to be determined. The main difference from the Annual Return is that the Confirmation Statement must include information of Persons with Significant Control (PSC). Companies must take reasonable steps to disclose on the public

register all persons with significant control or influence. The new rules for PSC came into force in April and by now every company should hold a PSC register. Failure to supply the information will result in fines or imprisonment (!). However for most owner managed companies this should be quite a straight forward process. Sarah Fitzgerald, Monks Accountants, Storrington 01903 890669 email

Get on top of your numbers Call today for a free business finance assessment

01903 890 669


42 Home is where the Heart is

Can you imagine how you would feel if it was suggested that you leave your home and loved one and move to an “old people’s home”… Panic, anger, fear, betrayal are some words that come to mind. When the time comes for residential specialist dementia care, it is ROOM AVAILABLE NOW! when the quality of life for both sufferer and carer can be improved. Woodlands offers twenty-four hour professional care with the majority of staff having the equivalent of NVQ 3 and 4 with continuous updated courses provided. Families are able to take their loved one out or enjoy home made tea and cake in a relaxed atmosphere within the home daily or when ever is possible for them. This allows for quality social time, and families know that the personal, nutritional and complex care needs of their loved ones are being provided for every hour of the day. There is however one fact that is not frequently admitted. This is… that the earlier this move takes place, the better the result for the resident as they are able to cope with the changes to their lifestyle. No-one wants to make this sad decision, and in reality the temptation is to wait and “see how it goes”. Unfortunately, what so often happens is a catastrophe! A fall, midnight walk, not to mention all the little things that can play havoc with Dementia - lack of nutrition, hydration, cleanliness leading to infections and indeed the appearance that the actual Dementia is worse than it is! Why would we want minimum care at home, instead of the continuously caring atmosphere where a sufferer of Dementia is protected from all of the fear, indignity and complete isolation they experience most of the time. Come and visit Woodlands and see the difference professional family care could make for your loved one. We have a saying at Woodlands, “Enable a person to be the best they can be!” For further information and to visit Woodlands House contact me Oonagh Cacioppo Manager/ Proprietor: 01903725458 or 07815762623

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44 Health & Beauty


How to care for little teeth (and avoid toddler tantrums!) Looking after your child’s teeth, from that first tiny tooth, will lay the foundations for good oral care and general health as they grow up. “Brushing a baby’s teeth can be simple and stressfree” says Arvin Mirzadeh of Pulborough dental clinic, Vitality. “It’s when they become toddlers that can make it tricky. ‘I don’t want to brush my teeth’ or ‘I want to do it myself’ are all too common phrases heard in households everywhere.” Here, Arvin offers some great advice to help parents achieve a healthy dental regime with their toddlers: Be enthusiastic: If you make brushing a chore, then kids will generally feel the same about it. Be positive and do your own teeth at the same time. Kids learn by example so if you’re happy, they should be happy too. Don’t give over control: Toddlers want to be independent and will try to insist on brushing their own teeth. However, children don’t possess the dexterity to brush their own teeth until about six years old. Keep hold of the brush for as long as you can, at least until they have a lot of practice under their belts. Letting them put toothpaste on their own brush can give them a sense of control. Try to help by gently

guiding their hand, brushing each tooth properly and for the recommended two minutes. Once they are able to brush their own teeth, supervision is key as many children will give their teeth a quick ‘once over’ before rushing off to play Make it fun: There is a huge variety of fun toothbrushes with lights and sounds, smart phone apps with brushing songs and interesting two minute timers on the market. Using props like this can really engage a child’s imagination and attention – hopefully making the routine more fun and less stressful! Don’t forget the Tooth Fairy: Tell your children about the Tooth Fairy so that when they lose their first baby tooth, it is an exciting moment, not one to be feared. Vitality’s dental therapists have been specifically trained in looking after the dental health of children of all ages plus they get to sit in the big chair and get a sticker! Vitality Dental 01798 872004 32 Lower Street, Pulborough RH20 2BL

through the door



46 Local News

West Chiltington Parish Council Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) and criminal activity has been increasing across West Chiltington parish recently and there have been several meetings between Sussex Police and residents who have been victims and /or affected in any way. If anyone would like to attend any further meetings please contact the Parish Clerk. All incidents of ASB and criminal activity should be reported to the police and this can be done by calling 101 (non emergency) or 999 (emergency). Crimestoppers 0800 555111 is anonymous, and there are Incident Diaries at the Parish Council office in Church Street. More information can be found at or “Community Safety relates to people’s sense of personal security and to their feelings of ease in the places that they live, work or spend leisure time.” Community Safety Partnerships – Audit Commission 2002

Poo! A walk in the countryside with a dog is very enjoyable and most people take seriously the responsibility that comes with dog ownership. However we all know that there is nothing more disgusting than a pile of dog mess left on a footpath or open space. The dog is only doing what nature requires but the owner is breaking the law by not picking it up and disposing of

it appropriately – this does not include hanging a full bag in a tree! You may be a recent dog owner so may not be aware that in 1998 the Horsham District Council Dog Fouling Order came into effect, stating that “it is the responsibility of the dog owner to clean up after the dog if it fouls in a public area.” The law applies outside your own garden covering footpaths, open spaces, verges, alleyways, playing fields and any other public place and the maximum fine is £1,000. If a dog waste bin is full it can be put in public litter bins (double bagged) or taken home and disposed of with the general refuse. HDC services approximately 300 dog waste bins which are emptied on a regular basis depending on usage and location. If you find a bin overflowing or you want to report dog fouling go to: or phone 01403 215100 For more information on any of the above please contact the Locum Parish Clerk 01798 817434 or Please note the office is only open one day per week (usually Tuesday) although contact may be made by email.

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