University of Sussex Students' Union Constitution

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CONSTITUTION As adopted by the AGM, November 2004 Approved by the Council of the University of Sussex, December 2004

1. Name and status 1.1

The Students’ Union of the University of Sussex is a democratic body, run by its members as described in this constitution.


The name of this body is the University of Sussex Students’ Union (USSU), referred to in this document as “the Union”.

2. Aims 2.1


The aims of the Union are: a)

To represent its members and their interests in the University and in the wider community.


To promote student participation in all areas of the Union and the University.


To facilitate communication, in order to ensure Union members are well informed of any issues affecting students and their community.


To promote the welfare and individual development of members and provide advice services relating to educational and welfare issues.


To provide, facilitate and develop educational, scientific, artistic, cultural, athletic, political, religious and social activities amongst its members including the formation, organisation and operation of clubs and societies.


To promote and facilitate students’ involvement in their wider community.


To promote and maintain links between its members and other students regionally, nationally and internationally.


To establish and operate commercial enterprises providing services and entertainment to its members.

These aims are to be carried out in line with the Equal Opportunities policy statement appended to this constitution.

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Constitution of the University of Sussex Students’ Union

3. Membership 3.1


The membership of the Union is constituted as follows: a)

All registered full-time undergraduate students of the University, all registered full time visiting and exchange students of the University, and all registered full-time graduate students of the University, are entitled to Full Membership. This includes students on Foundation Degrees, but not those on programmes that are validated by the University of Sussex. An undergraduate who is absent from the University in fulfilment of the Year Abroad requirement retains Full Membership of the Union.


All registered part-time students of the University, including Distant Learning Students, but excluding occasional students and students on programmes validated by the University, are entitled to Full Membership.


A Sabbatical Officer continues to be a Full Member during his/her sabbatical term of office.


The Union may appoint certain persons as Honorary or Associate Members the latter on payment of such subscription as is prescribed by the Union from time to time.

Full Members have the right to: a)

Use Union facilities and premises.


Participate in all Union activities in accordance with this Constitution and its Appendices.


Stand for election as officers or representatives of the Union.


Nominate or vote for candidates in Union elections.


Associate Members and Honorary Members are entitled to non-voting and non-officiating membership of clubs and societies affiliated to the Union. No associate members or Honorary Members may represent the Union in any way. These members are entitled to an Associate or Honorary Membership card as appropriate. Cards must be shown on demand to any other member of the University or to University employees or other employees working in the Students’ Union.


Intermitting and continuation students, while entitled to Associate Membership status only, continue to enjoy those benefits of Full Membership except the right to stand, nominate or second candidates, or vote in elections for Union Officers or representatives.


The above entitlements do not apply to any student who has opted out of Union membership under the provisions adopted under the Education Act 1994. For further details see the relevant “Code of Practice” issued by the University.

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4. General Meetings 4.1

The supreme body of the Union is the General Meeting. Decisions of a General Meeting become Union Policy, subject to being consistent with the law and with this Constitution.


The Communications Officer or other Officer of the Union shall convene a General Meeting once per term, with the Autumn Term General Meeting known as the Annual General Meeting (AGM).


The agenda for all General Meetings must include reports from the Council and main Committees of the Union which the meeting is then invited to accept, and can also include debate on motions submitted by members of the Union. The agenda for the AGM must, however, start with those items reserved to the AGM in this Constitution or the Appendices.


An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called to discuss a specified item of business, either by the Union Council, the Operations Committee or at the written request of 150 Full Members of the Union.


A General Meeting cannot pass policy or make any official decision until at least 5% of all Full Members entitled to vote are present. If this number is not reached, the members present may receive and question reports and debate any matters on the agenda. The content of the debate and any indicative vote taken may be reported to the next meeting of Union Council.


A general meeting policy decision remains Union Policy for a period of three years, unless a subsequent general meeting or referendum overturns it. At the end of the three years, a general meeting will decide, after considering recommendations from the Union Council, whether the policy is to lapse, continue in force, or be updated.


The Appendices to this Constitution will contain provisions: a)

Requiring sufficient notice of the date and time of every General Meeting and the content of the agenda to be adequately publicised to members of the Union.


Describing the procedure to be followed in compiling the agenda for a General Meeting, including requirements for advance submission of motions.


Detailing procedural rules for the conduct of the meeting.

5. Union Council 5.1

Between General Meetings, the highest decision-making body is the Union Council. Decisions of a Union Council meeting are considered to be Union Policy for a period of a year from adoption, subject to being consistent with the law, with this Constitution and with current general meeting or referendum policy.


The membership of the Council is as follows:

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Students elected by and from each of the Schools in the University (or other similar academic unit), in the approximate proportion of 1 per 500 students in the school.


All Operations Committee members.


Four members nominated by the Activities Committee from its members.


One member chosen from each of the representative associations on Campaigns Committee. [For example the LGBT, International Students, Students with Disabilities]


The Council will elect a Chairperson from those members elected under (a) above.


Ordinary meetings of the Council must be called six times per year (two per term). Other meetings may be called by a General Meeting, the Operations Committee or one-third of the membership of the Council.


The agenda for the Council meeting must include: reports from the main Union committees, together with any items submitted by those committees, by Council members or referred from a general meeting.


The Union Council has the power to reconsider decisions of the various committees of the Union; this power may only be used exceptionally and not so as to impede those committees’ particular responsibilities.


The Union Council cannot pass policy or make any official decision unless more than half its members are present. If this number is not reached, the members present may receive and question reports and debate any matters on the agenda.


The Appendices to this Constitution will contain further provisions on the Council including those listed below under “Union Committees”.

6. Union Committees 6.1

The day-to-day decision-making in the Union is entrusted to committees of the Union, which are accountable to the Union membership through Council and General meetings.


The Operations Committee

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The Operations Committee is responsible for all aspects of implementation of Union policy and the management and finances of the Union, except where powers are reserved to the Council, General Meetings or Referenda, and except where the Campaigns Committee or Activities Committee are responsible.


The Operations Committee consists of the six Sabbatical officers; the Chair of Council (who attends without a vote); three or more non-sabbatical officers holding specified posts; and three or more non-sabbatical members elected without portfolio. All the voting members are elected by cross-campus ballot open to all Full Members of the Union, for a term of office of one year.

Constitution of the University of Sussex Students’ Union



The Activities Committee a)

The Activities Committee is responsible for the promotion and administration of the Union's student-run activities, including all sports clubs and societies. It will administer those funds allocated to it by the Union's budget and financial procedures.


The Activities Committee consists of members of the Union Council including a number of officers from the Operations Committee, representatives of Union clubs and societies and of the recognised Union media, and may co-opt other students involved in union activities.

The Campaigns Committee a)

The Campaigns Committee is responsible for the promotion and administration of the Union's campaigning in accordance with Union policy. It shall administer those funds allocated to it by the Union's budget and financial procedures.


The Campaigns Committee consists of members of the Union Council including a number of officers from the Operations Committee, representatives of the representative associations and of the recognised Union media, and may co-opt other students involved in campaign activities.


Each of these committees must meet at least five times per term, and conduct its business within the overall framework of Union Policy and the Constitution.


Each of these committees can make an official decision if more than half its members are present. If this number is not reached, the members present may receive and question reports and debate any matters on the agenda.


The Appendices to this Constitution will contain further rules for Council and Committees, including provisions: a)

Describing the procedure for elections for the various categories of Union Council members; including provisions to ensure first-year students have the opportunity to stand for election early in the academic year;


Describing the precise composition of each of the above committees and the procedure for the election or appointment of members.


Specifying requirements for notice to be given of meetings, access for all Union members to meetings, agenda and minutes and limited exceptions to these.


Describing the procedure to be followed in compiling the agenda for meetings, including requirements for advance submission of motions.


Detailing the procedure for urgent decision-making where a meeting cannot be convened, especially during vacations, and ensuring that any decisions made in these circumstances are

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discussed and ratified at the next meeting. All such decisions must be minuted. f)

Detailing how the Council or a Committee may establish an additional committee or sub-committee.


Detailing the responsibilities of students elected to the Union Council or committees.


Detailing the procedural rules for the conduct of meetings.

7. Referenda 7.1

A cross-campus referendum can be called to decide a specified question, either by the Union Council, the Operations Committee or at the written request of 150 Full Members of the Union.


A question adopted by a valid referendum vote has the same status as if adopted by a quorate general meeting.


The Appendices to this Constitution shall contain provisions for the conduct of all referenda. The Returning Officer and Deputy Returning Officer shall be responsible for conducting all referenda in accordance with the Appendices.

8. Elections and Removal from Office 8.1

Where this Constitution requires a post to be filled by cross-campus ballot, an election will be arranged to fill the post, in which all Full Members of the Union are entitled to vote.


Unless otherwise specified in the Appendices, the term of office for all officer and representative posts (whether elected by cross campus ballot or not) is one year, with the post holder being eligible for re-election.


The Union Council must appoint a Returning Officer (who is a Full Member of the Union), and the General Manager must appoint a Deputy Returning Officer (a member of Union staff who is not a student of the University). These officers take responsibility for conducting elections in accordance with the Constitution and Appendices.


The Appendices to this Constitution contain provisions for the conduct of Union elections including:

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The giving of notice of forthcoming elections, requirements for nominations, rules on content and quantity of publicity, arrangements for voting and the counting of votes.


The opportunity for members to object to the result and the procedure for the consideration of objections by Union Council;


The procedure to be carried out in the event of a vacancy arising during the term of office, including a vacancy for Returning Officer;

Constitution of the University of Sussex Students’ Union



The application of the above rules to elections that are not crosscampus ballot elections, such as elections to Union Council within Schools of Studies.

The Appendices shall also detail how any member elected by crosscampus ballot may be removed by a Referendum; and the circumstances in which any other representative may be removed from office.

9. Sabbatical Officers 9.1

There are six Sabbatical Officers in the Union: President; Finance Officer; Welfare Officer; Education Officer; Communications Officer; Activities Officer.


A sabbatical office is a paid elected office. The manner of election and provisions for removal of office will be as specified in the Appendices.


The Sabbatical Officers shall have the status of Trustees of the Union during their term of office.


No member may serve more than two one-year terms as a sabbatical officer. Other limitations on the tenure of sabbatical officers may also apply, if included in the appendices to this Constitution

10. Clubs, Societies and Federations 10.1 The Appendices to this Constitution contain provisions describing how clubs and societies may be formed and recognised as part of the Union, the privileges and responsibilities of clubs and societies, and funding arrangements (including rules for capital funding). They may also provide for the formation and recognition of Federations of clubs or societies.

11. Representative Groups 11.1 There may be established associations of Union members who are within “discriminated groups”, for example, students with disabilities, international students, LGBT students. 11.2 If the Union Council is satisfied that any of these associations is currently active, it should ensure that a place on the Council and Campaigns committee is made available to that group. 11.3 The Appendices to this Constitution may contain provisions for the running of such associations.

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12. Communication 12.1 The Union must maintain a range of printed and electronic media aimed at University members or at a wider audience. Union officers shall ensure that Union members are kept fully informed about the affairs of the Union and University, using these media and other means of communication. 12.2 The Appendices to this Constitution may contain provisions for the running of the various Union media.

13. Commercial Services 13.1 Where any of the Union's operations are carried out by a Trading Company on behalf of the Union, the Company shall, subject to company law, at all times operate for the benefit of the Union and its members. Those members or employees of the Union appointed as Directors or Managers of such a company shall act in that capacity in accordance with company law and in the interests of the Union and its members.

14. Finance 14.1 The Union's financial year commences on August 1st each year. 14.2 Union Officers must ensure that the Union and Trading Company accounts, once audited, are presented to the Council and Annual General Meeting for approval. 14.3 The Operations Committee must prepare a budget for the Union's income and expenditure for each financial year for presentation to the Union Council. Once approved by the Council, the budget must be presented to the next General Meeting for approval. The budget approved by Council should have full effect pending consideration by the General Meeting. 14.4 The Appendices to this Constitution may contain provisions ("financial regulations") covering among other things: mid-year budget alterations; capital expenditure; allocation to committees, responsibility of individual officers or members of staff for authorization of expenditure; signatories of Union bank accounts; allocation of unbudgeted income.

15. Staffing 15.1 The Union Council and/or Operations Committee will regularly review and make decisions on the range and number of staff required to carry out the functions of the Students’ Union. Such decisions should be taken after receiving the advice of the General Manager (and the appropriate officers of the University where relevant) and with full regard to the financial effect of such decisions.

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15.2 The management of all staff working for the Union is the responsibility of the General Manager, who acts in conjunction with the University where the University is the employer. Decisions relating to individual members of staff, terms and conditions, rates of pay, performance review, discipline etc are the responsibility of the General Manager in consultation with Sabbatical officers where appropriate. 15.3 Any decisions on staffing matters made by a general meeting must be within the staffing policies and procedures laid down by the University. 15.4 The Appendices shall contain further provisions regarding the Union’s staffing, including rules ensuring that matters relating to individual members of staff remain confidential.

16. Indemnity 16.1 Every Union Officer, appointee, representative or employee working in the Union is entitled to be indemnified out of the assets of the Union against all losses or liabilities which might be sustained or incurred in or about the lawful and proper execution of her/his office, or otherwise in relation thereto; and no officer, appointee, representative or employee shall be liable for any loss, damage or misfortune which may happen to, or be incurred by, the Union in the execution of her/his office or in relation thereto; provided that nothing in this clause shall affect her/his liability for the consequences of any unconstitutional, negligent, unlawful or malicious acts on their part. 16.2 This indemnity will be subject to any limits imposed by the relevant insurance companies.

17. Changes to the Constitution 17.1 Amendments or additions to, or deletions from this Constitution may only be made by: a)

A motion being submitted in time to be included on the agenda for a General Meeting and being carried (whether amended or not) by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a quorate meeting;


or receiving a simple majority in a cross-campus referendum at which at least 10% of all students vote

17.2 The Council of the University approves the decisions in each case before taking effect.

18. Appendices to the Constitution 18.1 The Union Council:

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Shall ensure that all the Appendices referred to in this Constitution are adopted and kept up to date by amendment when necessary;


May adopt further Appendices covering subjects not covered elsewhere;


Shall ensure that the Appendices do not contradict each other or provisions of this Constitution.

18.2 The Appendices do not form part of this Constitution itself and as such do not require the approval of the University Council. 18.3 The General Manager and Communications Officer shall ensure that a fully accurate “public reference copy” of the current text of the Constitution and Appendices is available to any member of the Union on request. Any of the Union's committees may adopt additional protocols that can be made available in the same way.

19. Interpretation and Definitions 19.1 In this Constitution and Appendices: a)

‘General Manager’ means the most senior member of University staff employed in the Students’ Union, whether or not known by this title;


‘Main Committees’ means the Operations, Activities and Campaigns Committees; and may include other committees if so decided by Union Council.

19.2 If a provision of an appendix to this Constitution conflicts with the Constitution, then the Constitution prevails. 19.3 A minor or accidental breach of procedures laid down, for example for the conduct of elections, does not invalidate later actions or decisions made by the Union. 19.4 This Constitution is written in accordance with and is subject to the law of England and Wales.

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