Share ideas Planning Solve a Problem Look at a new opportunity
Make sure you know what you are meeting for and let all the attendees know. Meetings look and sound like a good idea…
Who NEEDS to be at the meeting? Not everyone has to come… Ideal number to make a decision – 8 max
What atmosphere do want at the meeting? Formal? Where is convenient for everyone? Book a room
Not everyone is free in the evenings How long will the meeting last? Change/ alternate the time to get maximum inclusion www.doodle.com
Circulate around an agenda in advance Allow amendments and additions Be clear of the date, time, location Only invite people who NEED to be there
… The Chair Take notes/minutes The Star System Summarise Action Points Agree next meeting – when, where, what for. Keep it light-hearted, clear, fun – BISCUITS!
… Send round the notes/minutes Separate the action points from the rest of the notes Someone to follow up actions