The Networker - Dec 2013

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thenetworker The newsletter for Sutton’s Voluntary and Community Sector

In this issue:

Sutton’s crowdfunding successes, Trustee Week 2013, get to grips with Twitter and write a winning funding bid

December 2013

In this issue Page 3-4 - news News from SCVS - Compact Awards, NAVCA Award and news from Trustee’s Week Page 5 - news News from the sector - the Mayor goes Bananas and the Voluntary Sector Hub Page 6 - technology Get to grips with Twitter Page 7 - money Funding opportunities Page 8-9 - money Crowdfunding - 30 days to transform a borough Page 10 - development How to write a winning funding bid Page 11 - development Training courses coming up and other opportunities for your organisation Page 12 - spotlight on... A look at the work of Sutton Mencap Page 13 - Volunteer Centre Sutton Shares - the time banking initiative for Sutton Page 14 - what’s on Upcoming events in Sutton Page 15 - contact us Cover pic: - Sutton Foodbank volunteers.

Susanna’s column Welcome to the December 2013 edition of the Networker. As you will see, we have changed the format, and your new Networker will be packed full of useful information for you, as well as provide a place to showcase some of the excellent work that has been taking place across the borough. Here at SCVS we’ve had a busy few months. In November we ran a very successful Trustee Week event, produced our Annual Review of the year, ran an event for Inter-Faith week, won a National Compact Award for our partnership work and got our NAVCA Award renewed. This month we focus on some of the work Sutton Mencap have been doing, and look at the success that Sutton Foodbank and the Diamond Riding Centre had with crowdfunding earlier in the year. If your organisation has had success with a new way of fundraising, or you’ve found innovative new ways to deliver services or streamline back office functions we want to know about it so we can share your good news in the Networker. We will also be providing tips on making the most of the opportunities available to you, and different ways you can reach people and access new funding streams. This month we give you some tips on how to write a winning funding bid and how to get going with Twitter which we hope you’ll find useful. If you have any comments about the new format, or there is any specific guidance you’d like to see included, or you would like to see your organisation’s work showcased, or you have an event you’d like us to promote get in touch with us by emailing - The Networker is your magazine so we want your views and input. In the meantime, don’t forget that you can still receive up to the minute news on funding opportunities, legislation changes, what’s on and jobs straight to your inbox with the SCVS e-bulletins. We produce three e-bulletins - a general one, one for organisations working with children and young people and one for organisations working in the health, social care and wellbeing fields. If you do not receive any of these e-bulletins, but would like to, just email us at and we’ll make sure you are added to our lists. Thank you to all our member organisations for your support in 2013 and lets work together to make sure that 2014 is a brilliant year for Sutton’s Voluntary Sector. We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Susanna Bennett, Chief Executive SCVS




Compact winners The voluntary sector and Sutton Council have won a national award for the way we work together. As you will be aware, in February Sutton's commitment to partnership working was re-affirmed in a new Sutton Compact, signed by all local partners. The Compact is the agreement between the public sector and the voluntary and community sectors. It is designed to promote ways of working that improve relationships for mutual advantage. We are absolutely delighted that this work has won a Local Compact Partnership Award, one of the national awards from Compact Voice, highlighting Sutton as the best example of local Compact work in the country this year. In their summing up, the judges said of the work in Sutton: “there is a focus on practical support to enable effective partnership working”. They added, “they have done excellent work in areas such as facilitating the transition to new ways of working and Receiving the Compact Award: Joe Irvin (presenting providing leadership on issues such as the award), Cllr Simon Wales, Victoria Lawson, social value." Susanna Bennett and Chris Parker You can find out more about the awards at

SCVS “outstanding and effective”

Annual Review

Our NAVCA Quality Award has been renewed and we have done really well scoring 3+ (effective/ outstanding on all outcomes) on three of the standards, and 4 (outstanding on all outcomes) on one standard (liaison). NAVCA (National Association of Voluntary and Community Action) is our national body and the award demonstrates a consistently ”high level of achievement" in delivering all the core services expected of a centre for voluntary service (CVS).

In November we published our Annual Review, setting out some of our achievements in the financial year 2012/2013. The review also sets out some of the benefits our members have received, as well as the statement of financial activities for 2012/13. If you have not yet received a copy and would like to, just email us at



Trustees get fired up for the future More than fifty trustees from across Sutton’s voluntary sector turned out on 5th November to our ‘Get Fired up for the Future’ event to mark Trustees Week. Trustees from organisations as diverse as Sutton Women’s Centre, Sutton Mencap. Jigsaw 4U and Learn English at Home to name just a few, took

part in a networking event at the Holiday Inn in Sutton. With three workshops running specifically aimed at trustees, the event was also an opportunity for attendees to learn, and take away some ideas to help their organisations reach their full potential. Sessions took place on managing risk, recruiting trustees and succession planning and leadership and innovation, with the latter being facilitated by our guest speaker Katherine William-Powlett, an expert in the subject, known for her creative, practical and engaging approaches. “Thanks so much for an enjoyable and informative evening, great workshops and really good to network with such worthwhile people” Ann Crago, a trustee at Sutton Women’s Centre said after the event. Feedback from the event was excellent with 98% of participants finding the event useful and keen to take part in a similar event again so watch this space... In the meantime, if you are a trustee of a voluntary sector organisation in Sutton and would like to hear about future events and training specifically for trustees just email us at and we will add you to our mailing list.

Trustee of the Year

environment. Together with her husband Alan, who is Treasurer for SOPS, Muriel has been a keen fundraiser, Muriel has been a trustee for the pre school undertaking a 20 for 9 years, which when she became a trustee mile walk in the was in an extremely precarious financial heat of Summer, position. As chair of Trustees Muriel has given some of it dressed as the group stability, systematically developing a chicken to raise and reviewing effective policies, procedures and funds, while her husband hurtled out of an practices. aeroplane in a parachute jump. Muriel is loved She has spent several months literally ‘on the floor’, working 5 days a week with the children to and respected by staff, volunteers, parents and, fully understand their needs, as well as the needs children who attend and have attended SOPS. Congratulations too to Elizabeth Mohr of the staff who work with them. She has led (Volunteer Centre Sutton), Gemma Townsend SOPS to 'outstanding' recognition from Ofsted, (Beddington Village Hall), Ann Crago (Sutton with a generation of young children, many with additional needs, receiving a rich and stimulating Women’s Centre), Christine Roe (Jigsaw4u) and Nalini Patel (SANGAM) who were also early years education in a happy, caring nominated.

Congratulations to Muriel McIntosh from Sutton Opportunity Pre School who was awarded SCVS's first Sutton Trustee of the Year Award.




Mayor of Sutton goes Bananas In October an art exhibition to mark World Mental Health Day, was opened by the Mayor of Sutton, Councillor Sean Brennan.

Cllr Brennan, Mayor of Sutton with Geoff Tomlinson from Bananas Art

The Grand Opening of Banana Art’s Visual Art as Therapy exhibition took place on 10th October, showcasing how art can help people recovering from mental health problems and improve their confidence and self esteem. The exhibition opening was held in the Europa Gallery of Sutton Library and those attending enjoyed a veritable banana feast, munching away on banana cake, banoffee pies and banana ice cream, washed down with a glass of wine. The exhibition ran for a week and raised more than £600 from the sale of artworks for Bananas Art, which this year celebrated its 10th anniversary. The mental health charity MIND also marked Mental Health Day with their ‘Time to Change’ campaign to get people to talk about mental health issues, and help reduce

the stigma associated with mental health illness. You can find out more about Bananas Art by emailing To find out more about the national ‘Time to change’ campaign visit

Voluntary Sector Hub a step closer to becoming a reality

Sutton has had a long-held ambition to develop a voluntary sector hub and SCVS, Volunteer Centre Sutton and the London Borough of Sutton have been working together to realise this dream. In October Sutton Council agreed to make The Grove, a building which is part of a collection of historic buildings near Carshalton Ponds, available to the voluntary sector with some financial support. Susanna Bennett, Chief Executive of SCVS said of the move, "The Grove will become a hub for ourselves and other voluntary organisations. It will allow us to work better together and share back office functions and be a centre for volunteering."



Get tweeting! need to start tweeting yourself. Have a look at other people’s tweets, and see what sort of things others are saying for some inspiration. An easy way to get started is to tweet about good work You have probably heard of Twitter, but you may you have done, or events not know what it is or the benefits of using it. you have coming up. You can also use Twitter to In simple terms Twitter is a platform which direct people to your website, or post photos. lets users share their thoughts, information, If it all sounds very complicated and a lot to news and anything else that comes to mind in take in don’t worry, you’ll quickly get the hang of 140 characters or less (a tweet). You can access it and you’ll soon decide whether Twitter is for Twitter on the web, or there are Twitter aps you or not. available if you are a smartphone or tablet user. By joining Twitter you can find out about Who to follow things going on in Sutton of interest to you, new We’re now tweeting and you can follow us at streams of funding, and what other local @SuttonCVS to get all the most up to date news organisations are doing, as well as tell people and information about what’s on in Sutton from about the work you are doing. SCVS. And it’s not just SCVS on Twitter. Here are just a few other accounts you may like to Getting started follow: Setting up an account is easy, and doesn’t cost a penny. Visit to get started. @VCSutton1 - Volunteer Centre Sutton First you will need to register with the site. To do @SuttonCouncil - Sutton Council this you will need to choose a user name or @suttonguardian - Sutton Guardian ‘handle’. Try and make this the name of your organisation, or your name—you want something @SuttonMPS - Sutton Met Police @ChtyCommission - Charity Commission easy to remember so that people can easily find @BigLotteryFund - Big Lottery Fund you. @NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Now you need to find some people to follow. Use the search box to type in the names of people Organisations or organisations you know, and when you find them just click on their name to see their page, If you want to find out more about Twitter, and then click ‘follow’. Their tweets will then Superhighways run training courses to get you show up on your news feed. started. Email or If you want people to start following you, you call 020 8255 8040 for information.

Want a way to find out all the latest news from Sutton and the voluntary sector? Looking to tell more people about the good work your organisation is doing? Read on…

But what does it all mean? You’ve set up your account, followed a few people and tweeted a bit. Now you’ve got going here’s some of the terms you’ll see used. Tweet - a 140 character message Retweet (RT) - Sharing or giving credit to someone else’s tweet.

Mention (@) - When another user is referred to in a tweet.

Hashtag (#) - A way to mark a tweet as part of a wider topic. For example those tweeting News feed - All the tweets you see on your about, Inter Faith Week events used homepage. It’s made up of tweets from people #IFWeek. You can also search on hashtags. you follow. For example, search on #Sutton brings up Sutton relevant tweets.




Sutton Community Fund open for new round of applications The Sutton Community Fund is an ongoing grants funding programme, financed primarily by Sutton Council and administered by SCVS. All voluntary, community and self-help groups that benefit Sutton residents can apply for grants of between £300 and £10,000. Grants awarded must be used within 1 year. You can find out more at Closing date for the next round of applications: 17th January 2014

Sutton Transformation Fund This new fund from Sutton Council is designed to support organisations to build capacity and to develop the capability to be innovative, including designing new approaches to service delivery and being able to take prototypes to a larger scale of impact when they have been successful. Each application needs to demonstrate how the funding will be used to support the organisation's long term strategic plan and the

impact this funding would have. £500 - £10,000 can be applied for, for each project, with no more than three bids received per organisation in two years. You can find out more at id=22410&p=0 Closing date: 10th January 2014

Comic Relief - new grants Comic Relief has launched a new grant making strategy. Registered charities and other not-forprofit organisations in the UK are eligible to apply for grants of over £10,000. There is no set upper limit but most grants are expected to be for between £20,000 and £40,000 per annum. A small number of larger grants may be made but only where the work has either regional or national significance, is delivered by a number of partners or is clearly breaking new ground. Funding is available for work under the following themes: Better futures - improving vulnerable young people’s lives Healthier finances - tackling financial poverty Safer lives - reducing violence, abuse and exploitation Fairer society - ensuring people overcome inequality Stronger communities (through the UK Community Foundation) - addressing the needs of a local community to strengthen it Sport for change - using sport as an integrated approach to achieving change Applications may be submitted at any time To find out more visit, or email



Getting to grips with

crowdfunding ...30 days to transform a borough

hundreds, if not thousands of potential funders, as well as gain publicity for your organisation, and maybe attract people who want to volunteer some time. At the end of July 2013, Just Giving, the world’s leading platform for charity giving, Crowdfunding is a way of raising contacted Sutton Council, who in finance by asking a large turn got in touch with SCVS. number of people each for a Just Giving wanted to work with small amount of money. By organisations in Sutton to get using the internet you have the some crowdfunding projects off opportunity to speak to the ground so a week after first

Crowdfunding - a new way to raise money. Earlier this year SCVS helped 12 organisations in the borough give it a go.


meeting with them we ran an event to gauge interest from the sector. 39 organisations attended, with 18 of those organisations interested in getting involved further. 12 projects were then selected, and together they formed the Sutton Collective. The challenge was set for the 12 projects to reach their fundraising targets in just 30 days‌


money Sutton Collective projects on

The Sutton Collective projects Clockhouse Youth Project Community Makers Diamond Riding Centre Equinox FMA Pop-in club Mentoring and Peer Support Queen Elizabeth Foundation Roundshaw Youth Project Shanklin Youth Project Sutton Centre for Equalities Sutton Foodbank Talk Easy Trust

The organisations each had a presence on Just Giving’s website ( suttoncollective) setting out the details of their project, and how much money they needed to raise. The projects varied from opening youth clubs, to training mentors, to streamlining back office processes. Each project set a target amount of money they needed to raise, and then had 30 days to collect pledges to try and reach that amount. At the end of the 30 days those projects that had reached their targets got to keep the money they had raised.

Success! Two of the Sutton Collective projects were successful and reached their target fundraising amounts. The Diamond Riding Centre raised £1,750 (target £1,700) to keep Polly the pony for a year, helping make a difference to disabled people’s lives. Sutton Foodbank was also successful, raising £900 (target £800) to streamline email and website processes. Other organisations also benefitted from the exercise, even if they didn’t reach their target amount. Equinox got 2000 Facebook ‘likes’, which has led to increased awareness of their work and to extended work with Alcoholics Anonymous, while Surrey Clubs for Young People have established links with Reed Business Information and local councillors via the initiative.

2014 and crowdfunding In 2014 SCVS would like to do more crowdfunding with Sutton’s voluntary sector organisations—it’s a great way to generate funds for a specific purpose, while gaining publicity for your organisation. If you would like to know more about Crowdfunding, and what it could do for you contact Toni Walsh at

“JustGiving and SCVS ran a joint initiative in Aug-Sept 2013 to encourage voluntary organisations in Sutton to run crowdfunding campaigns to raise funds for vital local services... As far as we are aware, as the first of its kind in the UK, this initiative was truly innovative, and one we hope to repeat regularly in the future. Toni Walsh and her team were fantastic throughout, and their help and professionalism was hugely appreciated by the JustGiving team.” Just Giving, 2013



How to…

write a winning funding bid Step One: Your One Minute Pitch If someone walked into a room and offered a £1million prize for the best pitch...would it be yours? Put yourself in the shoes of a funder. You have fifty funding proposals to read through and you have to pick out the top five. You’re tired, you don’t know these organisations, their missions, and their people and somehow you’ve got to make a good decision. It’s your job then as the bid writer to help the funder understand who you are and why you are special. You need to capture their imagination, grab their attention and convince their heart and their mind that they should give you money. When you’re writing a bid, follow the seven steps below to create an attention grabbing pitch. 1. The opening – It has to be a BOOM! 2. Needs – How do you know your idea is needed? What pain are you trying to relieve? 3. Issues – Why is the need still unmet? What is it you have identified that others don’t understand? 4. Approach – What are you going to do? Why will your approach work? 5. Capability – Why are you the best organisation for the job? 6. Budget – Can you convince the funder they are getting a good deal? 7. Leave a lasting impression! To find out more about writing a winning funding bid, contact SCVS’s Development Team. There is also a wealth of information on the KnowHowNonProfit StudyZone website at:




Training Fundraising through grants and trusts

Safeguarding Seminar for Trustees

Date: Wednesday 22nd January 2014, 10am 12.30pm Location: SCOLA, North Cheam Centre Cost: Free

Date: Wednesday 19th February, 5.30pm-8pm Location: Granfers Cost: £25

During this practical session you can search for funding and get hands on support from the SCVS development team who will advise you on next steps.

Whether you are a new trustee or you have been in the role for some time, this seminar will make sure that you are clear about your safeguarding responsibilities for both vulnerable adults and children.

To book your place on any SCVS training course email

Impact Aloud

Using digital to demonstrate your impact Demonstrating the impact of your work has never been so important. It can help you make a case for funding and let your funders know the real difference you are making for your beneficiaries. Just as important, it helps you see what works well and what needs to change, so that you can keep effectively meeting the needs of the people you support. We are working with Superhighways to help you monitor, evaluate and communicate your impact using digital technology. Impact Aloud offers expert one-to-one support, training and advice to give you the confidence, skills and knowledge you need to evidence, capture and tell your stories. Like to know more? Visit the Superhighways’ website at impact-aloud to find out more.

Run a club discounts RunAClub has developed an online tool to help groups and clubs get established, manage their ongoing activities, schedules, calendars, bookings, give all committee members access to important data and keep in contact with members. It’s been developed from the experience gained by a CEO of setting up her own youth club. The South London CVS Partnership has purchased 50 licences at a fraction of the usual price which you can take advantage of. A workshop will take place on how to get involved with RunAClub on Tuesday 14th January, from 2-5pm at SCOLA Sutton. To find out more about RunAClub email or to book on the workshop email


local organisations

Sutton Mencap Each issue in the Networker we will focus on the work of a different Sutton Voluntary Sector organisation and showcase some of the work they have been doing. This month it is the turn of Sutton Mencap, who this year have been fundraising to provide a new sensory room.

Volunteer Centre Sutton

Supporter Michelle Perrett, whose son Max uses the service, said: “From a parent’s perspective, Sutton Mencap has been a lifesaver for us as a family. It has given us a much needed break from the stresses of caring for a child with

Michelle Perrett and her son Max enjoy the sensory room

Established by parents in the 1950s Sutton Mencap provides play, leisure and learning opportunities for children and adults with a learning disability. The charity also offers short breaks for parents/carers and campaigns on their behalf to increase awareness and improve access. In September of this year the organisation’s dreams came true when they opened a new sensory room. Sutton Mencap works with 80 children/young people and over 200 adults with a learning disability in the borough. Increasingly many also have physical/sensory disabilities and a new sensory room was needed to meet these changing needs and provide a place that Sutton Mencap’s members could not only use to run off steam and have fun, but also be somewhere they could relax and explore the world around them. Improved access to the room was also needed so that wheelchair users could use the facilities and relax on the water bed or play in the ball pool alongside their peers, something which in the past has been difficult for them to do. Faced with the task of raising £20,000 to transform their outdated room Sutton Mencap called on the support of members, the local community and several grant makers to help make it happen. Fundraising activities included everything from a 26 mile walk by Sutton United to a school gig organised by the brother of one of their members. Sutton Mencap also had the support of Sir Robert McAlpine (builders of the Olympic stadium!) in decorating the room ready for installation.

considerable needs. The money we have helped raise will only go part of the way in repaying everyone at Sutton Mencap for all they've done for us as a family over the years.”

You can find out more about Sutton Mencap on their website



Volunteer Centre Sutton

Timebanking has arrived in Sutton Register today and join in the skills exchange A new timebank initiative from Volunteer Centre Sutton, Sutton Shares, is encouraging Sutton residents to get involved in their community and reap the rewards. Timebanking is a free exchange of skills between members of the timebank, based on the simple idea that one hour of your time = one hour of someone else’s. It is volunteering in that you give something to help someone else, but you can also receive help for something you need, in return, and it doesn’t have to be from the same person. Even better, if you don’t need the ‘credit’ you’ve earned, you can pay it forward to someone

else in the timebank who is in greater need! Both individuals and organisations can benefit from timebanking.

What skills can I exchange? Most of the skills swapped through a Time Bank are those that you could reasonably expect your neighbour to be able to do for you, such as computer skills, car washing, language skills, cooking, cleaning, ironing, D.I.Y, sewing, baking cakes, gardening, dog walking, musical instrument lessons, decorating…you get the point. Sometimes though, we have members who can also offer professional services for time bank credits too! Sutton Shares members aren’t able to do tasks that need a professional like repairing the brakes on a car, or doing electrical, plumbing or gas work. But there are many things that we can do and we’ll help you discover them at the Introduction to Time Banking Workshop that is part of the registration process.

So how do I register? Just visit

Once registered, you’ll need to attend a 1.5 hour workshop, and then you can start advertising your skills and looking to benefit from the skills of others. If you’d like to find out more, just email Romanda at or call 020 8661 5926.


what’s on

Dec 2013 - Jan 2014 Sutton Christmas Craft and Food Fair

Beauty and the Beast

North Cheam Christmas Farmers’ Market

Wed 18th Dec - Tues 24th Dec, £14.50 adult, £12.50 child 29th Nov - 23rd Dec Secombe Theatre Trinity Square, Sutton If you're looking for gifts that are The magical tale of Beauty and unique and individual you'll find the Beast is a timeless classic that children will know and love. all you need at the Eden Crafts Christmas Craft and Food Fair. Join Beauty on her adventure as she agrees to stay in the Beast’s For something more unusual that you won't find on the high Castle in order to save her street this is the place for you. Father. Beauty and her Beast You will be spoiled for choice find true love and he becomes from amongst the 30 exhibitors. her very own Prince Charming. With singing and dancing galore and loads of traditional Panto magic this sparkling show is a When Santa got stuck... perfect treat for all ages. Sat 7th Dec - Tues 24th Dec Sat 21st Dec, 9.30am-1.30pm Charles Cryer Studio Theatre Crossroads by the Post Office

Colliers Wood Chorus’ Noel

Lots of local food stalls, seasonal craft stalls, tasty mince pies and Xmas puddings - perfect for your Christmas shopping needs. There will also be a Christmas competition and carol singing to get you in the festive mood.

Sat 21st Dec, 7pm St Barnabas Church, Mitcham Enjoy festive music from around the world—Irish, French, German and Polish music will be included as well as some old favourites. Tickets are £12.50 with £2.50 of each ticket going to St. Rapael’s Hospice in Cheam. Visit the theatre and see if the children manage to get Santa out of their Chimney. Will they get their toys on time, will Santa make it round the rest of the World and will Rudolf get his red nose back?



Wallington Farmers’ Market Sat 11th Jan, 9am-1pm Outside the Old Town Hall Get along to this local market for tasty treats and delicious local food.

St Raphael’s New Year Quiz Night Sat 18th Jan, 7.30pm-10.30pm Crossroads by the Post Office No post Christmas slump here! Come along and support St. Raphael's Hospice and get your brain in gear for 2014. Tickets are £12.50 each and include supper.

Free Christmas parking To help you with your Christmas shopping and to support local traders many of Sutton Council’s car parks borough will have free parking on selected dates over the Christmas period: Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th, and Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd December Free parking all weekend at: Wallington: Wallington Library, Shotfield, Public Hall (Woodcote Road) and Melbourne Road Carshalton: Carshalton High Street and The Square Cheam: Cheam Library and Kingsway Road

contact us thenetworker The Networker is the bi-monthly magazine of : Sutton Centre for the Voluntary Sector (SCVS) Granfers Community Centre, 73-79 Oakhill Road,

020 8644 2867 @SuttonCVS Registered Charity No: 1063129

Chief Executive: Susanna Bennett Communications and Admin: Claire Avery Jackie Parr Development Team Toni Walsh Tom Strannix Razia Sattar Accountancy Services: Glory Sivaraja Helen Varley Gowri Srithasan Creative Payroll Solutions Ltd (CPS): Karen Adorjan Melanie Brannan

Plus, additional free parking as follows: Gibson Road Multi-Storey Car Park Until 11.30pm on Saturdays 14th & 21st December Until 6pm on Sunday 15th & 22nd December

Healthwatch Sutton Pete Flavell Pam Howe Olubukola Adedeji-Yusuf

The council’s multi-storey car parks will all be closed on Christmas Day. For more information about council services over Christmas visit


Payroll that stacks up

Get CPS to manage your payroll and see how much time you could save Focus on service delivery - getting us to sort out your payroll means that you can concentrate on what’s important for your organisation Comply with current legislation - we make sure that pay is calculated correctly, and HMRC have all the correct up to date PAYE information for your organisation No need to purchase specialist software or train staff - we are specialists in payroll and up to date with all the latest legislation

Contact us today: t: 020 8644 2867 e: w.

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