A-Z Directory of voluntary sector services In the London Borough of Sutton for Adults
Sutton Centre for the Voluntary Sector Sutton Centre for the Voluntary Sector is part of a national network of CVS’s across the country, supported by the National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA). SCVS was established in 1965 as the voluntary sector support organisation for the newly formed London Borough of Sutton (LBS). SCVS has a long and successful track record of representing, promoting, developing and supporting local voluntary and community action to improve the lives of people in Sutton. We currently have around 300 voluntary and community groups in membership, which vary considerably in size and scope from smaller volunteer led and run community groups to larger organisations employing staff and providing services to significant numbers of local people.
Develop Supporting voluntary and community organisations to function effectively, deliver quality services and become sustainably resourced.
Connect Facilitating effective communication, networking and collaboration
Influence Ensuring voluntary and community organisations are well represented and that the voluntary and community sector influences developments.
Find out more about our work by visiting www.suttoncvs.org.uk Address: Sutton CVS, Granfers Community Centre, 73-79 Oakhill Rd, Sutton SM1 3AA Telephone: 020 8644 2867 Email: enquiries@suttoncvs.org.uk
Adults Services in Sutton
elcome to the Adults’ Health, Wellbeing and Social Care Directory of Services within Sutton’s Voluntary and Community Sector. Services are listed alphabetically with a categorised index on pages 56 to 59 to help you find what you are looking for. Please be aware that some services have referral criteria so it is always wise to check the website or make contact via the phone number or email address provided. Sutton’s Adult Health, Wellbeing and Social Care Voluntary and Community Sector is made up of over 100 charities, community groups and social enterprises that all exist not to make profit but to purely benefit the community of Sutton. They are governed by people giving their time and expertise (trustees and committee members) without being paid. Whilst trustee/management committee boards are made up of unpaid experts, across the 100+ organisations there are well over 500 paid Chief Executives, Managers and Frontline Practitioners delivering a range of universal through to specialist interventions to adults in Sutton. Alongside these members of staff are a dedicated army of volunteers giving up their spare time to help improve outcomes for local people. Voluntary and community organisations secure a substantial amount of external funding to provide much needed services for local people. In addition to this, some organisations are commissioned by the London Borough of Sutton. All of these services make a significant contribution to the priorities and outcomes of a range of local strategies including the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy and the Sutton Safeguarding Adults Board priorities. For further information or guidance on seeking services within, or working in partnership with, the voluntary sector please contact Toni Walsh at Sutton Centre for the Voluntary Sector on 020 8641 9542 or toni@suttoncvs.org.uk
Adults Services in Sutton
Contents Sutton Centre for the Voluntary Sector 2 African and Caribbean Heritage Association 8 Age UK Sutton 8 Alzheimer’s Society Sutton Office 9 Among Friends Wallington 10 Association of Bahai Women - Sutton 10 Avenues Trust Group 10 Bananas Art 11 Beddington Village Hall 11 Beddington and Wallington Senior Citizen Club 12 Beehive Café 12 Benhill Social Club 12 Bioregional 13 Bipolar UK - Sutton Group 13 Carshalton Association for the Elderly 13 Carshalton Derby and Joan Club 13 Carshalton Ladies Club 14 Cheam Priory Day Centre 14 Clockhouse Community Association 14 Clusters 15 Community Drug Service South London 16 Conquest Art 17 Contact the Elderly 17 Contact A Family 17 Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders 18 Down’s Syndrome OK 18 Downs Visitors’ Centres Association 18 Dyscover 19 EcoLocal 19 Elm Grove Centre 20 Equinox Care 20 Fallen Angels 21
Adults Services in Sutton
FamilyLine Surrey 21 Favoured Health Care 21 Friends At Home Sutton 22 Gary Mason Rhythmical Empowerment Charitable Foundation 22 Granfers Community Centre 22 Headway South West London 23 Inspirall 23 Imagine Mental Health 24 KEY Knowledge Enriches You 24 Merton & Sutton Mediation 25 Muslim Cultural & Welfare Association of Sutton 25 Muslim Cultural & Welfare Association of Sutton - Sisters’ Group 25 National Autistic Society - Sutton Branch 26 New Wands Club 26 Nickel Support Community Interest Company 27 No Panic 27 Oaks Way Centre 28 Parkinson’s UK - Sutton, Kingston and Epsom Branch 28 Past Times Senior Club 28 People Arise Now (PAN) 29 Queen Elizabeth Foundation Mobility Services 29 RACE 29 Rape Crisis South London 30 Rebound Ability 30 Refugee & Migrant Network Sutton 31 Relate 32 Rethink Mental Illness 32 Riverside Community Association 33 Rosehill Community Association 33 Russian Community Association 34 Samaritans Croydon and Sutton 34 Sangam 35 SCILL 36 SEAP 37 Shopmobility 37 Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen’s Families’ Association (SSAFA) 38 South Sutton Neighbourhood Association 38 Sutton & Surrey Senior Citizens Club 38 Sutton Carers’ Centre 39 Sutton Centre for Equalities 40 Sutton CHOIS Community Homeopathy Service 41 Sutton Citizens Advice Bureau 41 Sutton Community Farm 42 Sutton Counselling 43
Adults Services in Sutton
Sutton Foodbank Sutton Hearing Support Group Sutton LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) Forum Sutton Old People’s Welfare Committee (Sutton Lodge) Sutton ME/CFS Support Group Sutton Mencap Sutton Mental Health Foundation Sutton Reach - Thames Reach Sutton Salvation Army Sutton Seniors’ Forum Sutton Subrang Sutton Talking Newspaper Sutton Tamil Welfare Association Sutton Vision Sutton Women’s Aid Sutton Women’ s Centre Victim Support (Merton and Sutton) Vision Housing Volunteer Centre Sutton Respect Project Volunteer Centre Sutton The Stroke Association Sutton The Vine Project
44 44 44 45 45 45 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 48 49 50 51 51 53 54 55 55
Adults Services in Sutton
Adults Services in Sutton
Universal Services
African and Caribbean Heritage Association Service
Target group Contact/referral
Our association is established to promote health and wellbeing, provide support and advice to members of the African and Caribbean Community in Sutton. Our association will promote good fellowship and cultural activities beneficial to its members and their families. Work with local, national or international communities. African and Caribbean community members afrocaribheritage@yahoo.com www.suttonacha.org
Age UK Sutton Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Home from Hospital & Community Helpers Provides emotional & practical help to prevent an acute hospital admission / re-admission & for patients registered with a Sutton GP aged 65+ Demenshare - Are you caring for a loved one with dementia or someone who is confused or forgetful? Demenshare can connect you to circles of support. Money Matters - Age UK Sutton will help you to manage your money more effectively, increase your income, and avoid scams. Pick and mix social opportunities - A variety of supported activities to suit your lifestyle. Help at Home services - Great value home and garden services - everything you need to keep you independent in your own home. 50+ for most services. Referrals can be made by anyone. 2 Lower Square, Civic Centre, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1EA 0208 770 4090 | Advice@ageuksutton.org.uk www.ageuksutton.org.uk
Adults Services in Sutton
Alzheimer’s Society Sutton Office Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
Information and Awareness Raising - Raising awareness and understanding of dementia in the community through talks, presentations, information stands, forums, media articles and a comprehensive library of fact sheets, books and DVDs. Dementia Support Service - a service for people with dementia and their carers providing: information, support, sign posting to other local support services and help to enable social engagement. Peer Support Service - Peer Support groups, activities, day trips and dementia café’s for people living with dementia, their carers and other family members to come together in a relaxed atmosphere to get information, support, talk freely about dementia and enjoy entertainment, social activities and refreshments. Carers Information and Support Programme - a 4 week programme for carers of people living with dementia, covering issues such as: understanding dementia, legal and money matters, support services and coping day to day. Life After Diagnosis Programme - a series of 4 workshops for people recently diagnosed with dementia. Topics include: understanding dementia, memory aids and techniques, strategies and support and coping day to day and next steps. Referral criteria: a person is worried about their memory, diagnosed with dementia, caring for a person with dementia or a family member. Either the person living with dementia or the carer/family member lives in the London Borough of Sutton. Alzheimer’s Society Sutton Office, Pandora House, 41-45 Lind Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4PP Tel: 020 8770 1875 Email: Sutton@alzheimers.org.uk
Among Friends Wallington Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Among Friends Wallington is a high quality day care service for people over the age of 60 with varying needs. We are open 9.30am to 4pm each weekday and can provide both half and full days. We provide care and support for up to 30 people per day who live in the Wallington, Carshalton and Sutton areas. People over the age of 60 with varying needs. Among Friends Wallington 10-14 Stanley Park Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 0EU Tel: 020 8669 7398
Association of Bahai Women - Sutton Service Target group Location Contact/referral
To help with social cohesion. Bahai women 29 Ingleby Way, Wallington, Surrey SM6 9LP Mrs M Fallah 020 8647 6303
Avenues Trust Group Service
Our specialist trained dementia support workers help people retain as much independence as possible. From as little as half an hour, to 24/7 support, we plan our vists around your lives. Some of the areas of support we can offer are: • Helping people to maintain life skills - things like cooking, money management that help people stay independent • Meaningful activities such as volunteering, walking their dog etc • Support to family carers (respite visits) • Personal care • Biographical / life story work • Memory and reminiscence work • Advance Care Planning which means supporting people with dementia to make decisions about their future while they still have the capacity to do so. We can record their wishes and whilst not legally binding, can support relatives to make decisions about them when they have lost the capacity • Monitoring changes in someone’s condition • Supporting dual diagnosis (where someone may have more than one condition)
Adults Services in Sutton
Target group Location Contact/referral
Referrals through social services, voluntary organisations or self / private referral. Referral criteria - dementia / mental health diagnosis. Older adults with mental health diagnosis including dementia. 25(B) Robin Court, 1 - 19 Carew Road, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 8TH 0208 773 2599 craig.ryan@avenuesgroup.org.uk www.avenuesgroup.org.uk
Bananas Art Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
A visual art group for adults who have recovered or are recovering from mental health problems. Members meet to build confidence and self-esteem so they can progress from mental health services to a degree of independence in the community. Adults who have recovered or are recovering from mental health problems. Wallington United Reformed Church Stanley Park Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 OEU Tel: 020 8770 0172 Email: artaloud@hotmail.co.uk www.surreycommunity.info/bananasart
Beddington Village Hall Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Beddington Village Hall is a community hall which provides a facility for regular group meetings and private hire for children’s birthday parties. The aim is to enhance the quality of life of local people by providing health, cultural and other opportunities at an affordable price. Regular groups include Preschool 9.30 - 12.30am Monday - Friday Taekwondo 10.15 - 12.00pm Sundays. Senior Citizens 1.30 3.00pm Thursday Refer to website for information about the various groups and opportunities to use the hall Flat 1 Barclay Court, 117 Sandy Lane North, Wallington, Surrey SM6 8LA www.beddingtonvillagehall.co.uk
Adults Services in Sutton
Beddington and Wallington Senior Citizen Club Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
For the 60 plus to have fun. Formed in 1947, meets on Mondays at the Guide Hall, Wallington Green at 11am - 3pm for snacks, games and bingo. Outings, parties etc. in friendly company. Has members from all over the borough. People over 60. 11 Hilliers Lane, Beddington, Surrey CR0 4SU Mr Malcolm Smith m-g-smith@blueyonder.co.uk 020 8686 0916
Beehive CafĂŠ Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
We are a community based project aiming to provide healthy, affordable food to local residents and their families. We encourage and promote a healthy eating and lifestyle approach. We provide a welcoming meeting place for parents and children. Open to all. Phoenix Centre, Mollison Drive, Wallington Surrey SM6 9NZ Tel: 020 8770 4076
Benhill Social Club Service Target group Location Contact/referral
Social events, day trips and holidays for the older generation We have a membership of 260 with 35 currently on the reserve list to join 4 Newlyn House, Benhillwood Rd, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4HE gwen42john@hotmail.co.uk 0208 770 1468
Adults Services in Sutton
Bioregional Service
Location Contact/referral
Bioregional’s vision is of thriving regional economies in which we are living happy, healthy lives, within a fair share of the earth’s resources. We call this One Planet Living. We deliver real-life sustainability projects in partnership with local, national and international organisations. The BedZED Centre, 24 Helios Road, Wallington, SM6 7BZ stephen.edwards@bioregional.com www.bioregional.com 020 8404 4896
Bipolar UK - Sutton Group Service
Target group Contact/referral
To provide support and information to those suffering from Bipolar disorders. The Sutton group meets on the first Thursday of every month 8-9.30pm at the Civic Offices, St. Nicholas Way, Sutton SM1 1EA. People suffering from Bipolar disorders. http://www.bipolaruk.org.uk/
Carshalton Association for the Elderly Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
We aim to promote social inclusion and enhance the quality of life for the elderly, monitor services and provide the volunteers for the meals on wheels service. Older people The Old Rectory, Honeywood Walk, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 3NY Mrs Pauline Bier 020 8647 2484
Carshalton Derby and Joan Club Service
Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
We provide a club for the elderly, both couples and single people. We are a great support for those who have lost a partner. Our activities include quizzes, games, short mat bowling and snooker. We also have whist drives and dancing. Cooper Crescent, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2DL Tel: 020 8669 9577
Carshalton Ladies Club Service Contact/referral
Social Evening Club for ladies @ Grove Hall Carshalton every other Monday. Mrs Sylvia Watts 020 8669 0872
Cheam Priory Day Centre Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
A centre for adults with social care needs including Dementia and Alzheimer’s offering; specialist care facilities, beauty treatments, varied programme of events and activities such as day trips, computer training, reminiscence, discussion groups, poetry groups, companionship. A full meals service Specialist Therapy Team offering risk assessment and a wide range of assistance in regaining life skills to help build the confidence to lead a more independent life. Transport is provided. Membership is open to any adults with social care needs 316 Malden Rd, Sutton, Surrey SM3 8ED carol.message@cheampriorycentre.co.uk www.cheampriorycentre.co.uk 020 8770 4930
Clockhouse Community Association Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
The association manages a community centre , runs groups for pre-school and junior children and the over 50’s and has an info centre giving information and support to local residents. It works with other organisations for the benefit of Clockhouse. Open to all. Hillcrest Halls, 42 Fryston Ave, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 2PT Enquiries can be made by telephone on: 020 8668 7339 020 8763 2328. (Answer machine when unattended) hillcresthalls@yahoo.co.uk
Adults Services in Sutton
Clusters Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
CLUSTERS is a centre set up to provide recreational, educational and leisure activity opportunities for adults with a disability. CLUSTERS meets every Wednesday at Holmwood Hall in Wallington from 11am - 2pm. Activities offered each day include arts and crafts, games, computers, quizzes, therapies, and yoga. New activities are added all the time. Members are offered support in an informal and relaxed atmosphere with refreshments and lunch. CLUSTERS offers activities for members, respite for their relatives and volunteering opportunities. Clusters is open to all adults with disabilities, including people with learning difficulties, physical or sensory disabilities, mental health issues and long term conditions. 23 Bute Court, Wallington, Surrey SM6 8AG Initial contact can be by telephone 07908090965 or email clusters.info@yahoo.co.uk People can refer themselves or through other agencies and organisations such as support workers and GPs.
Community Drug Service South London Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Free confidential one to one counselling by qualified counsellors to drug users and their families, a variety of support groups sessions, a structured day programme, Drop-in service, Comprehensive aftercare service and relapse prevention service, service tailored for crack and stimulant misusers. A variety of social activities, including gym and social evenings, life skills educational workshops tailored to support users to get into employment, training and / or education, support towards better housing, parenting skills programme, needle exchange during office opening hours with Harm Reduction advice and information Crisis intervention, call or drop in, at opening times. An outreach service and home visits. When the service is closed an answer phone service is available. Information and workshops in the community to promote a better understanding of drug misuse Consultancy Services and Training to various other organisations and professionals for example Department of Social Work and Metropolitan Police Department CDSSL also manages the Sutton Drug Intervention Programmes and works very closely with other Criminal Justice System agencies, such as Probation, Courts and local Police. Services for carers and family members are provided at a dedicated centre on Tuesdays and Fridays Substance misusers, ex-substance misusers and their carers 35 Manor Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 0BQ info@cdssl.org www.cdssl.org 020 8773 9393
Adults Services in Sutton
Conquest Art Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
The aims and objectives of Conquest Art are the relief and rehabilitation of people with learning disabilities, in particular by encouraging them to lead more full and active lives, and, wherever possible, assisting them to cope with their disability through active participation in the visual arts. People with learning disabilities Cox Lane Centre, Cox Lane, West Ewell, Surrey, KT19 9PL conquestart@hotmail.com www.conquestart.org 020 8397 6157
Contact the Elderly Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Contact the Elderly is a national organisation which changes the life of people aged 75 and over. We target those who live alone and can’t get out on their own and invite them to monthly tea parties one Sunday afternoon a month People aged 75 and over, living alone, who find it difficult to get out on their own. 15 Henrietta Street, London WC2E 8QG 01372 289206 tracey.leighton@contact-the-elderly.org.uk www.contact-the-elderly.org.uk
Contact A Family Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
Advice, information and support for families caring for a child or young person with any disability or additional need. Workshops, newsletters, local events and activities. One-to-one support on benefits and grants, help completing forms. Families caring for a child or young person aged 0-25. Hill House, Bishopsford Road, Morden SM4 6BL 020 8640 5525 sutton.office@cafamily.org.uk www.cafamily.org.uk
Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
The Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders provides therapeutic horse riding and carriage driving for children and adults with disabilities. It offers disabled people the opportunity to ride, carriage drive or vault at the level of their ability to benefit their health and wellbeing. Please note we do have a waiting list. Children and adults with disabilities. Woodmansterne Road, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 4DT Tel: 020 8643 7764 Email: diamondcentre@tiscali.co.uk www.diamondcentre.org.uk
Down’s Syndrome OK Service
Provide national and local information and support for families with a baby, child or adult with Down’s Syndrome, including adults themselves and for professionals with an interest in those with Down’s Syndrome. Karen7@downsyndromeOK.org.uk www.downsyndromeok.org.uk 0208 330 1597
Downs Visitors’ Centres Association Service
Location Contact/referral
To provide information and support, (practical and emotional), to families and friends visiting prisoners at HMP High Down and HMP Downview with view to maintaining family ties. HMP Downview, Sutton Lane, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5PD graham.naylor@hmps.gsi.gov.uk 020 7147 6322
Adults Services in Sutton
Dyscover Service
Location Contact/referral
Dsycover is a charity providing long-term support and opportunities for people with APHASIA (difficulty talking after stroke/brain injury). Daily sessions are led by speech and language therapists from two centres in Surrey. Crown House Mews, Chequers Lane, Walton-onthe-Hill, Surrey, KT20 7ST Allison.Insch@dyscover.org.uk www.dyscover.org.uk 01737 819419
EcoLocal Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
Adult cycling sessions for all abilities at The David Weir Arena, Carshalton, Monday, Weds & Friday 10am-12pm (groups from 11am-12pm) Sessions offer exercise and fun with friendly instructors who will develop your cycling skills in a safe off-road environment, on accessible cycles. Also a social activity where you meet others www.ecolocalcycling.org.uk Carshalton Community Allotment: Westmead Allotment, Colston Ave, Carshalton. An opportunity to grow your own fruit and vegetables and improve you gardening skills. You can meet others, have some refreshments, take home some produce and enjoy a friendly, healthy day on our plot. www.localfoodnetwork.org.uk Our services are inclusive. Cycling offers adapted cycles, including side by side and we plan to install raised beds at the allotment to improve accessibility The Old School House, Mill lane, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2JY Tel: 020 8770 6611 Email: info@ecolocal.org.uk
Elm Grove Centre Service
Location Contact/referral
The Elm Grove Centre is a hall on the Butter Hill Estate in North Wallington that is used for Christian worship on Sundays and as a community centre at other times, run by a management committee. The Elm Grove Centre, Butter Hill, Wallington, Surrey SM6 7JD cliffrin@blueyonder.co.uk www.achurchnearyou.com/elm-grove-centre/
Equinox Care Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
Our qualified and trainee counsellors help anyone who is experiencing difficulties in managing their alcohol misuse/addiction to: • look at their drinking habits and patterns • understand why they may be drinking to excess • help to reduce or give up alcohol if they choose to do so • better manage their future alcohol intake • get support from community networks • have access to AA/Al-Anon/Alateen. Anyone who needs help with managing their alcohol misuse or addiction including young adults, family members, significant others and older people. 4 Greenford Rd, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1JY walter.boyle@equinoxcare.org.uk www.equinoxcare.org.uk 020 8770 0014
Adults Services in Sutton
Fallen Angels Service
Target group Contact/referral
The opportunity to meet others in the 50+ age group and participate in acting-related activities which develop communications skills and confidence in a supportive and safe environment. Activities include acting games, improvisations, character development, mime, play-reading etc. We meet on Thursdays from 2-4pm term time at The Mallison Room, Wallington United Reformed Church, Stanley Park Road, Wallington. A lift is available. Any prospective new member is welcome to attend one of our sessions to assess whether what we offer is suitable for them. Email address: tamarawilder@rocketmail.com
FamilyLine Surrey Service
Location Contact/referral
Families can be hard work at times; we are here to help and support callers with all their worries and concerns. Call our Free Helpline on 0808 800 5678 from Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and no problem is too big or too small. PO Box 402, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 2GH admin@familyline.org.uk www.familyline.org.uk 01372 841 123
Favoured Health Care Service
Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
The organisation focus is on everyone’s mental health, both now and in the future and we work across all ages and all aspects of mental health young people, adults as well as older people whatever their condition or circumstance. 16 Almond Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2BP temi.jacobs@yahoo.co.uk www.favouredhealthcarecic.co.uk 020 8647 2022
Friends At Home Sutton Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
A small team of trained and supported staff who visit clients in their own homes to provide practical and emotional support to enable them to live as independently as possible. Staff can also provide personal care and the service is available 7 days a week Telephone the office and speak to manager or deputy. Clients have to be over 60 years, except where dementia has been diagnosed, in which case there are no age limitations Woodcote Grove House, Meadow Hill, Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2XL Tel: 0208 660 4565 sutton@friendsathome.fote.org.uk
Gary Mason Rhythmical Empowerment Charitable Foundation Service Target group Location Contact/referral
Registered Charity in memory of Gary Mason, former British Heavyweight boxing champion. Provision of hand drumming workshops for therapy, empowerment and enjoyment. Particularly concentrating on community groups, special needs and disabled adults and children and those with mental health problems. 8 St Mary Avenue, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 7JH christine@gary-mason-charity.org www.gary-mason-charity.org.uk 020 8647 3000
Granfers Community Centre Service
Granfers Community Centre is for the elderly and retired in the borough. Currently there are local groups who meet at Granfers and use the venue as their ‘base’. As well as groups basing themselves here there are other day activities available to join; tai chi classes, line dance classes, chair based exercise classes, bridge class, Irish group and Asian group meet regularly. Local social club runs its weekly bingo and social trips to places of interest, seaside holidays abroad and in the UK. In the evenings & weekends other groups access the Centre both regularly and on an ad hoc basis
Adults Services in Sutton
Location Contact/referral
including kick boxing, Irish dancing, lace making, church groups and children’s dance group. We are still looking to embrace new groups and activities. The Centre Manager will act as ‘sign post’ to keep individuals and groups/services in touch Granfers Community Centre, 73-79 Oakhill Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 3AA benhiltongranfer@btconnect.com 0208 401 2701
Headway South West London Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Headway South West London aims to provide assistance, support, information and services to people with a brain injury, their families, carers and relevant professionals working with those with brain injury. We also work to promote understanding of all aspects of brain injury People with a brain injury, their families, carers and relevant professionals working with those with brain injury. Hillside Church, 37 Worple Road, Wimbledon SW19 4JZ headwayswlondon@gmail.com www.headwayswlondon.com
Inspirall Service
Adults Services in Sutton
To create quality creative experiences for people who have limited access to the arts. To enjoy being creative in many different artistic mediums. To work in partnership with other organisations to develop wide ranging opportunities. Inspirall is a small co-operative of community artists. ldean5@suttonlea.org www.inspirall.co.uk Tel: 020 8773 4937
Imagine Mental Health Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
To support people with mental health needs into employment, or volunteering as a pathway into employment. We provide practical support: • Job profiling and support in identifying suitable jobs • CV development, application form and interviewing • Work placement • Preparation to start work • Support in work to retain job People can self-refer as well as through their GP or CMHT. People need to be motivated in working towards their employment goals, volunteering can be used as a pathway towards employment Jubilee House, 6 Stanley Park Rd, Wallington, Surrey SM6 0EX jturner@imaginementalhealth.org.uk www.imaginementalhealth.org.uk 07557 436 752
KEY Knowledge Enriches You Service
Delivering training i.e. Family learning programmes. Promote health and advance learning to East African communities living in the UK. Relieve poverty, sickness and distress. Liaise with other organisations to meet our objectives. keyltd2003@yahoo.co.uk Tel: 020 8401 7000
Adults Services in Sutton
Merton & Sutton Mediation Service
Target group
Community mediation service helping Merton and Sutton residents to resolve disagreements including: neighbour disputes, family disputes (but not couples who are separating) workplace disputes, and wider community disputes. We also carry out other community projects aimed at bringing people together across different generations and backgrounds. We also deliver training in conflict resolution Sutton Housing Partnership and other housing association residents can be referred by their housing provider, if the housing provider buys into our service. Other Sutton residents may be able to refer themselves under our current self-referral scheme (running until 31.3.2014) for cases involving disputes with neighbours. PO Box 101 Morden SM4 9DJ info@mertonandsuttonmediation.com www.mertonandsuttonmediation.com Tel: 0208 545 3499
Muslim Cultural & Welfare Association of Sutton Service
Location Contact/referral
To serve the religious, educational, cultural and welfare of Muslim community at Wentworth hall (Muslim Community Centre, 80 Ruskin Road, Carshalton, SM5 3DH) Muslim Community Centre, 80 Ruskin Road, Carshalton, SM5 3DH Tel: 020 8647 9041 lalhussainmbe@gmail.com www.mcwas.org
Muslim Cultural & Welfare Association of Sutton - Sisters’ Group Service
Location Contact/referral Adults Services in Sutton
For ladies to network with other ladies of a similar cultural background to clarify, intensity & amplify the knowledge and welfare of our families and the community. 187, Woodcote Road, Wallington, Surrey SM6 OQQ Tel: 020 8669 7363 Email: faiza.ajmi@btconnect.com www.muslimassociationofsutton.org
National Autistic Society - Sutton Branch Service
Location Contact/referral
Creation online of network of support for families affected by autism in Sutton and surrounding areas. We aim to hold regular informative coffee mornings to provide families the chance to socialise and share their thoughts and feelings about living with autism. We also arrange talks and workshops to enhance parents’ knowledge about a whole range of related topics including communication, behaviour issues, eating habits, sensory integration, stress management, improving knowledge and understanding, sibling support, and family rights. We also run Rainbow SIBS, a support group for siblings of young people with autism. Carshalton SM5 4AW sutton@nas.org.uk
New Wands Club Service Target group Location Contact/referral
The club helps the over 60’s living alone to make friends, enjoy meeting others in the same position as themselves and having a social life with the club. We would welcome referrals from other organisations. Anyone over 60, living on their own would be made welcome to the club. 80 Collyer Avenue, Beddington, Croydon, Surrey CR0 4QW Tel: 0208 688 4864 Email: e_howard4@sky.com
Adults Services in Sutton
Nickel Support Community Interest Company Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
Assist people with learning disabilities to move closer to the employment arena. People using the service will be able to access up to five days a week. The bespoke training programme will focus on developing independence and confidence skills, whilst developing more practical skills in our shop ‘Interestingly Different’. Primarily focusing on up-cycling old furniture, giving trainees the opportunity to work in it, or make products to sell. It is our job to find the skills in people and not shoe-horn people into roles that may not be appropriate. We primarily work with people who have a learning disability, but if someone thinks the service is appropriate for them then come along and meet us. Anyone can refer themselves to us, but it is usually done via social services. People usually use an individual budget or direct payment to fund their service with us, but we are flexible in how this can be managed. Interestingly Different, 15 The Parade, Beynon Rd, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 3RL nick.walsh@nickel.org.uk www.nickel.org.uk 0208 669 4882
No Panic Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
We offer a self-help/support group for people who suffer from anxiety, panic attacks and phobias. We meet alternate Wednesday afternoons at Granfers Community Centre from 2pm - 3.30pm. Also on alternate Thursday evenings at North Cheam Resource Centre from 7.30pm - 9.30pm We have referrals from GP’s, CMHT’s, Social Workers, Sutton Reach, Imagine and other agencies. People can also self-refer. 7 Rectory Road, Sutton,Surrey SM1 1QW www.nopanicsutton.webs.com
Oaks Way Centre Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
We provide an opportunity for people to socialise, have hot meals and take part in our clubs, which include music, arts and crafts and film. We also provide afternoon entertainment, inlcuding bingo, trips and visits to restaurants, and places of interest. Older people and disabled people. Oaks Way, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 4NQ Tel: 020 8647 8990 Email: oakswaycentre@gmail.com
Parkinson’s UK - Sutton, Kingston and Epsom Branch Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Advise, care for and help people with Parkinson’s and their carers. The Branch offers the services of a Welfare Visitor, monthly meetings, physiotherapy and ‘Extend’ (gentle exercise) sessions and social activities. People with Parkinson’s and their carers. 215, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1E Tel: 020 8337 6088 Email: rgoodyer@parkinsons.org.uk
Past Times Senior Club Service
Location Contact/referral
For elderly people to come out of isolation and meet like-minded elderly people. Provide healthy eating tips and cooked lunch as well as computer training and exercise. All for £3 per session. 187 Woodcote Road, Wallington Surrey SM6 OQQ Tel: 077146 03724 Email: faiza.ajmi@btconnect.com
Adults Services in Sutton
People Arise Now (PAN) Service Target group Contact/referral
Mentoring Counselling Functional Skills Courses Educational & Psychological Assessments for ex-offenders. Ex-offenders and stigmatised family members Those referred must be ex-offenders or close family members of an offender. 020 7952 1245 info@peoplearisenow.org.uk www.peoplearisenow.org.uk
Queen Elizabeth Foundation Mobility Services Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
An accredited member of the Forum of Mobility Centres, we offer assessments, the opportunity for product trial, training and advice. Assessments include; Driving ability, Car Adaptation, Wheelchair and Scooter, Transfer and seating, Aircraft support seating and transfer. Independently or by referral by contacting the centre 1 Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 4AW mobility@qef.org.uk | 020 8770 1151
RACE Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
We provide group exercise classes for people recovering from Cardiac events. Our activities take place at St Helier Hospital. We can also provide 1:1 Personal training by a Level 4 exercise specialist, at a venue of your choice. The group exercise classes are suitable for older people in general and may also be suitable for people with other medical conditions including: Asthma, CHD, COPD, Diabetes, Hypertension, Depression, Obesity, Osteoporosis and Stroke.Our group sessions currently run on Wednesdays at 4.30pm and Thursdays at 4.30pm and 6.00pm. Referrals can only be made for individuals with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties. 15 Meteor Way, Wallington, Surrey SM6 9JQ Please contact Peter Sage on 0208 669 8806 Or by email: bounce.peters@gmail.com
Rape Crisis South London Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Rape Crisis Centres have developed a specialised therapeutic model for working with survivors of sexual violence called the empowerment model. We work with the empowerment model across all of our services. This is a holistic model which aims to facilitate a woman’s ability to take back choice and to develop trust in herself. At Rape Crisis South London, the women we support are identified as survivors of sexual violence. They have had a moment or many moments of victimisation at the hands of a perpetrator, but they have survived it and that is why they have decided to access the support of our specialist services. The empowerment model gives survivors control of their own direction, facilitating her in finding her own power, and trusts her to make the right decisions for herself. Victims of sexual violence. PO BOX 383, Croydon, CR9 2AW Helpline: 0808 802 9999 Office No.: 0208 683 3311
Rebound Ability Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
We provide Rebound Therapy for individuals with Profound and Multiple Learning disabilities. Bound Therapy is light rebounding activities on a trampoline. The activities are suitable for wheelchair users and others who would benefit from lying or seated Rebound activities. Our current activities take place at the SCILL Centre, Sutton on Saturdays. Referrals can only be made for individuals with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties. 15 Meteor Way, Wallington, Surrey SM6 9JQ Contact Peter Sage on 0208 669 8806 Or by email: bounce.peters@gmail.com
Adults Services in Sutton
Refugee & Migrant Network Sutton Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
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The Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton offers advice and information on: • Immigration • Advocacy • Housing • Benefits and Support • School enrolment • GP registration • Counselling Counselling: RMNS, in partnership with Sutton Counselling, offers free one-to-one counselling for refugees needing a confidential setting to help them recover from traumatic events. These will include the problems of loss and exile, and the experience of torture. The counsellors are trained in this area of work, and in working with interpreters. English Clases: English classes are held on Wednesday mornings during term time at the Drop-in. They are free to all and are taught by qualified volunteer ESOL teachers, assisted by numerous volunteers. Classes are on three levels and are based around themes that are relevant to everyday life and useful to clients. There is a free crèche for the care of young children, with qualified workers. Emergency Help in times of Crisis: The Network provides emergency help of a practical kind when clients are in immediate need. This is arranged by the Advice Workers. RMNS offers friendship, advice, counselling and English language classes to refugees, asylum seekers and newly settled migrants. RMNS operates a Drop-In Centre every Wednesday from 10.00am to 12.00noon at Trinity Church Hall, Hill Road, Sutton SM1 1DZ Granfers Community Centre, 73-79 Oakhill Road, Sutton SM1 3AA Office telephone: 020 8644 4374 Mobile: 07516 175662 Email: office@rmns.org.uk
Relate Service
We offer relationship, family and young people counselling. Sex therapy, life skills and training. We are the relationship people working hard to keep your relationships fit, healthy and happy.
9-12 Ramsey Court, 122, Church Street, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1RF Tel: 0300 003 3225 Email: larry@relatecandw.org.uk www.relatecandw.org.uk
Rethink Mental Illness Service
Target group
We provide generic mental health advocacy service to anyone in the community who is under a Community Mental Health Team. We also provide an Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) Service to those clients detained under the Mental Health Act or on a Community Treatment Order (CTO). IMHAs are specialist advocates who are trained to work within the framework of the Mental Health Act. Advocates enable clients to get their voice heard on issues concerning their care and treatment. All clients are treated with respect and any information given is treated confidentially Advocates work solely on clients instructions. Advocates are independent from the medical professionals but aim to work with them to bring about changes required by our clients. Advocates can help with the following: • Rights under the Mental Health Act 1983 (2007) • Information on medication • Information on treatment • Appeals about decisions • Accessing hospital notes • Accessing the NHS complaints procedure • Referral to other agencies e.g. lawyers, welfare rights, housing specialists etc • Support at CPAs • Support at appointments with professionals • Raising concerns such as ward conditions etc • Drafting letters to relevant professionals • Leave and visiting arrangements Our service is targeted towards clients with primarily mental health issues, but are not excluded
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from the service if there are other issues (learning disability, physical or sensory etc) Location Springfield Advocacy Service, Room 11 and 12, Building 3, 61 Glenburnie Road, Tooting, London. SW17 7DJ Contact/referral 020 3513 6055 jane.thorpe@rethink.org www.rethink.org
Riverside Community Association Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
The Riverside Community Association, through its weekly Programme, provides a range of activities for the whole community. These include activities for children, families, older people and young people. The Centre is a vibrant community hub which aims to meet the needs of local people and can also be a place to gather, spend time with friends and meet new people, in our Community CafĂŠ The Programme and the activities at the Centre are for the whole community. Riverside Centre, 113 Culvers Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey SM5 2FJ Tel: 020 8669 9050 Email: dave.lunn@riversidecentre.org www.riversidecentre.org
Rosehill Community Association Service Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
To help and serve the local community. Rosehill Pavilion, Rosehill Recreation Grounds, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 3HH Tel: 020 8644 3332
Russian Community Association Service
Location Contact/referral
Deal with health, emotional and mental health, self development, self-assertiveness, self-integration into the society of a fragile group of Russian refugees and other members of public who suffer with mental stress and emotional imbalances of everyday living 6 Kings Lane, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4PG Tel: 020 8661 2117 Email: olga.bastable@virgin.net www.russiancommunity.org.uk
Samaritans Croydon and Sutton Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Samaritans’ vision is that fewer people die by suicide. We work to achieve this vision by making it our mission to alleviate emotional distress and reduce the incidence of suicide feelings and suicidal behaviour. We do this by: Being available 24 hours a day to provide emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of emotional distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. Reaching out to high risk groups and communities to reduce the risk of suicide. Working in partnership with other organisations, agencies and experts. Influencing public policy and raising awareness of the challenges of reducing suicide. We provide emotional support for those going through personal crisis, particularly if they are in danger of taking their own lives. We provide everyone a safe place to talk, whoever they are, however they feel, whatever life’s done to them. Most people who contact us are not suicidal. Organisations or individuals may refer people to the Samaritans if they are experiencing distress, despair or having suicidal thoughts. 2B Kidderminster Road, West Croydon, Surrey CR9 2BQ info@croydonsamaritans.org www.croydonsamaritans.org 020 8681 6667
Adults Services in Sutton
Sangam Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
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Providing exercise class, leisure time occupation, information and advice, entertainment and refreshments, trips during summer time to various coasts and celebrating Diwali and Christmas festivals for disabled people and older vulnerable residents including carers mainly living in the London Borough of Sutton and who originally came from Asia and Africa and who are in need of this provision due to isolation. The exercise class and coach trips are very popular. Members meet on Mondays each week except Bank holidays between 11am and 2pm in the Granfers Community Centre, 73-79 Oakhill Rd, Sutton SM1 3AA If anyone wishes to join Sangam they can visit us at Granfers Community Centre on Mondays between 11am and 2pm or contact our Secretary Mrs Mina Gomes Tel.No 020 8648 8821 68 Osmond Gardens, Wallington, Surrey SM6 8SU hm_gulati@yahoo.co.uk www.sangamsutton.org.uk 020 8647 2920
SCILL Service
Location Contact/referral
Information & Advice Service - FREE, confidential information for any questions or enquiries you may have about disability or health issues. You can access our service by telephone, email or by dropping into the SCILL centre Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm. Activities & Classes - SCILL provides activities and classes to help people gain independence and become more involved in their local community. SCILL focuses on ability not disability, with specifically trained and experienced staff able to work with a range of disabilities to encourage social interaction. Activities and Classes include; Pottery, Gym, Cooking, Computers, Art, Craft, Bowls and Active Games and much more. 020 8770 4056 activities@scill.org.uk Foot care - SCILL offers a friendly Foot care service for people who would like a bit of pampering or maybe who cannot cut their own nails. The service can include hard skin removal, massage and toenail painting. 020 8770 4065 footcare@scill.org.uk Independence Support Service - Guidance and advice to manage your direct payments or personal budget, enabling you to gain confidence in managing your care and support. We also offer a Payroll and Financial Administrative Service. 020 8770 4064 iss@scill.org.uk SCILL on the Road - Outreach in the community for people who may not be able to travel into the SCILL Centre. This includes Activities and the Information & Advice service. Contact us for details of when we are local to you! 020 8770 4065 information@scill.org.uk DBS Service - If you are an employer, SCILL’s Service will help you to have background Disclosure and Barring Checking done on people working, seeking to work or volunteering to work with children or vulnerable adults. This enables you to make a fully informed recruitment decision. 020 8770 4065 criminalrecordschecking@scill.org.uk 3 Robin Hood Lane, Sutton, Surrey SM1 2SW Tel: 020 8770 4065 Email: information@scill.org.uk
Adults Services in Sutton
SEAP Service
Location Contact/referral
Support, Empower, Advocate, Promote. We currently provide the Statutory and Independent IMCA service for Sutton. This service is for people assessed to lack capacity, and who are not represented by family or friends, for specific and important decisions such as serious medical treatment, changes of accommodation, safeguarding and care reviews. We provide the legal safeguard of an advocate to represent the vulnerable person through the decision making process. 7th Floor Cavendish House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN3 43AA louise.dickens@seap.org.uk
Shopmobility Service
Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
Sutton Shopmobility is a charity established to hire mobility equipment (manual and electric wheelchairs & mobility scooters) to enable those with mobility issues access Sutton town centre facilities. We also provide longer term hire on wheelchairs , mobility scooters, rollators and walkers. Our aim is to enable customers stay independent for longer and help reduce social isolation. We also stock a selection of daily living aids (walking sticks, reachers, radar keys) for purchase. We can provide information about services in the Queen Elizabeth Foundation for Disabled People e.g. driving assessments, vocational services Information can be found on our website: www.suttonshopmobility.org.uk or contact 0208 770 0691. When hiring equipment, identification with a current address must be produced (Driving licence, utility bill). Users do not have to live within the Borough. Full training on equipment is given and we do advise booking in advance when possible to ensure suitable equipment is available Level 3 Car park, St Nicholas Centre, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1AY Tel: 0208 770 0691 www.suttonshopmobility.org.uk
Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen’s Families’ Association (SSAFA) Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
Help to those members of the armed forces who are serving, used to serve and the families of both. Volunteer Caseworkers act as sympathetic, knowledgeable and confidential friends to people with financial and non-financial problems providing varied practical support and assistance By contacting us at the above address or phoning us on Wednesday mornings between 0900 and 1230 hrs. Our E-mail ssafasutton@yahoo.com is monitored on a regular basis. 318 Malden Road, North Cheam, Surrey SM3 8EP Tel: 020 8770 4992 ssafasutton@yahoo.com
South Sutton Neighbourhood Association Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
To bring together local residents to think and act together for the good of all the people of the neighbourhood. To take an interest in the local environment, planning, traffic, parking and welfare provision. Publish newsletters and via website. People living in South Sutton 65, Langley Park Road, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5HA Tel: 07850613821 Email: colin@headahce.fsbusiness.co.uk
Sutton & Surrey Senior Citizens Club Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Sutton and Surrey Senior Citizens Club works with Black and Ethnic Minority older people in the London Borough of Sutton. Membership is open to all from Sutton and Surrey residents (over 50 years of age), who have a commitment to the advancing of the objectives of the Club Sutton and Surrey Senior Citizens Thomas Wall Centre, 52 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4DP dograramesh13@gmail.com www.suttonandsurreyseniorcitizensclub
Adults Services in Sutton
Sutton Carers’ Centre Service
Target group
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Adult Carers Services including specialist Mental Health Carers team - providing advice, information, practical and emotional support, learning and social activities/breaks, training and time out to any family member who cares, unpaid, for another family member/friend, of any age, who has a physical or mental health issue, illness or disability (life-limiting or long-term). We also support parents or other family members who have caring responsibilities for a child who is ill or disabled. Additional Adult Services - specialist counselling, psychological and complementary therapies for individuals, groups and families; benefits advice/income maximisation; access to Carers’ Assessments and eligible support via Personal Budgets; support at transition from Children’s to Adult Services; Young and Adult Carers’ Forums to raise awareness of Carers’ issues and services; Carer volunteering and training opportunities. As we work whole-family: AYCES (Action for Young Carers: Education and Support) - specialist service for children and young adults between the ages of 8 and 25 who have caring responsibilities for someone experiencing mental health issues or substance misuse problems. Works alongside the specialist Adult Mental Health Carers Service. Young Carers Service - advice, information, practical and emotional support, learning and social activities/breaks, training and time out for young people between the ages of 8 and 18 who have caring responsibilities for parents, siblings or other relatives/friends with illnesses or disabilities. We also offer training and consultancy for professionals. Criteria for all referrals is that the person has unpaid caring responsibilities and gives their consent to be referred. Carers may or may not live with the person they care for, and may also be juggling caring alongside paid work, school or other commitments. Adult services may refer Young Carers too. We require all AYCES and general Young Carer referrals up to the age of 18 to have the permission of the parent(s) or guardian(s). Referrals to Sutton Carers Centre by filling out a registration form, then scanning and emailing the form for Adult Carers to
Location Contact/referral
enquiries@suttoncarerscentre.org or for Young Carers to youngcarersenquiries@ suttoncarerscentre.org . You also can post forms to the above address or fax them to 020 8296 5616. Self-referrals are welcome by phone or in person, drop-in or by appointment in the Centre, or when needed, at home. We also are happy to receive phone calls to the Centre from professionals to discuss referrals and help fill out forms. Opening hours are Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm, Tuesday evenings until 8pm and Saturdays once a month, or other times by arrangement. Benhill House 1st Floor, 12-14 Benhill Avenue, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4DA Tel: 020 8296 5611 Email: jessica@suttoncarerscentre.org www.suttoncarerscentre.org
Sutton Centre for Equalities Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
We deliver a range of services and events for individuals and organisations working with vulnerable adults from BME communities and their carers to promote the services available within the Borough. We have a remit to make certain that delivery is provided in a culturally sensitive way and use a range of trainers with language skills to meet the gap in service delivery. We have specific advice sessions provided by Sutton Citizens Advice Bureaux and links with a range of mental health and women’s services to provide a holistic approach to delivery. As a centre for equalities we work with all vulnerable adults to address their needs and if for any reason we cannot meet their needs then we will refer them to another service provider with the client’s agreement. 2 Grove Cottage, Grove Park, Carshalton SM5 3BB We welcome referrals by telephone and email and the sessions are open to everyone especially those from the BME community. 020 8770 6199 admin@suttonce.org.uk www.suttonce.org.uk
Adults Services in Sutton
Sutton CHOIS Community Homeopathy Service Service Target group
Location Contact/referral
Low cost homeopathy clinic monthly second Wednesday 2-6 pm at Salvation Army, 45 Benhill Avenue Sutton SM1 4DD. CHOIS welcomes referrals from other organisations, and is open to everyone who wishes to try homeopathy as a different approach that may help to improve their health. 258 Stoneleigh Avenue, Worcester Park, Surrey KT4 8YB Tel: 020 8393 9500
Sutton Citizens Advice Bureau Service Target group
Location Contact/referral
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Advice and Information, specialising in welfare benefits, debt, housing and employment. There are opportunities to volunteer in a variety of roles. Ring 020 8405 3552 Monday -Friday 10.00-12.00 and 1.00-3.00 www.suttoncabx.org.uk has enquiry forms to complete and submit. There are no referral criteria 68 Parkgate Road, Wallington,Surrey SM6 0AH Ring 020 8405 3552 Monday -Friday 10.00-12.00 and 1.00-3.00 www.suttoncabx.org.uk
Sutton Community Farm Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
Our farm supports people in: 1. Health and wellbeing; growing food provides a meaningful and enjoyable way of exercising. Having access to fresh local food promotes healthy eating. Activities are practical and supervised by an experienced staff member. We consciously design our activities to buid confidence as well as skills in growing, communication and team working. 2. Learning new skills; through supervised growing activities people learn about where their food comes from and how to grow it. Our learning days are structured around the daily activities of the farm. This includes sowing, planting, watering, weeding, harvesting and working safely. 3. Being part of the community; we have a diverse range of people coming to participate in farming - we learn and work together taking regular breaks for refreshments. 4. Meals and drinks; Our farm has a basic kitchen to support people in learning how to cook healthy food with local seasonal vegetables We do not target particular vulnerable groups and will review referrals on a case by case basis depending upon the season and our capacity at the farm. 40a Telegraph Track, Wallington, Surrey SM6 0SH Email: sam@suttoncommunityfarm.org.uk www.suttoncommunityfarm.org.uk Tel: 07722 156097
Adults Services in Sutton
Sutton Counselling Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
We provide confidential counselling to help individuals cope with the difficult concerns they are faced with in their lives. People seek counselling for many different reasons, such as to help with problems in their relationships, or with feeling depressed, anxious or lonely, or perhaps angry. Others feel unable to cope with losses or bereavements, while others may have concerns about their identity or want to think through the life choices they have made relating for example to career. Counselling can enable the client make sense of their situation and feelings. The client is helped to explore their feelings and thoughts in conversation with a professional counsellor who helps them think about their concerns and clarify them in an accepting and non-judgemental way. The counsellor does not give advice, but works psychodynamically, linking present problems and concerns to the past, helping the client gain insight and perspective and to see their problems in a different way. Clients access our services by making contact with us by calling us on 0208-661-7869 and making an appointment for an initial meeting. Although the client needs to contact us themselves, we encourage other organisations and agencies to point them in our direction as a source of help and support. 21a Cheam Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1SN Tel: 020 8661 7869 Email: alistair@suttoncounselling.co.uk www.suttoncounselling.co.uk
Sutton Foodbank Service
Target group
We provide 3 days’ worth of emergency food to individuals and families in crisis within the London Borough of Sutton. We do this up to three times in a year to help through a crisis and to support the referring agency in supporting the client. We also offer a short-term befriending/support service (support@suttonfoodbank.org.uk) and also seek to signpost clients to other relevant services and agencies within the borough. Each agency/frontline care professional must agree to our terms of operating i.e. short-term crisis provision to clients on a referral by voucher basis only. Each agency’s approved signatories must complete and sign an authorised signatory form and return to info@suttonfoodbank.org.uk info@suttonfoodbank.org.uk
Sutton Hearing Support Group Service
Advice for hearing impaired adults. Campaigning for improved communication facilities. Target group Hearing impaired adults. Location 2 Grassmead, 39 Eaton Road, Sutton SM2 5EA Contact/referral Tel: 020 8643 9687 Email: marwood.braund@talktalk.net
Sutton LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) Forum Service
Sutton LGBT forum provides social support for lesbian, gay and bisexual people through regular events. We also host a housing advice drop in and work in partnership with local youth services to offer an LGBT youth group. Target group The service is open to any lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender person living in Sutton. Location C/O Age UK Sutton, , 1/2 Lower Square, Civic Centre, St Nicholas Way, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 1AE 07508421847 Contact/referral info@lgbtsutton.com www.lgbtsutton.com Twitter @lgbtsutton Via the information email address, the mobile or write to us care of Age UK Sutton. Information of the services and social events will be kept updated via our website.
Adults Services in Sutton
Sutton Old People’s Welfare Committee (Sutton Lodge) Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
We operate a day centre for elderly people. Our regular activities include lunch, gentle chair based exercise, live music and trips. We host a visiting hairdresser and chiropodist on a regular basis but most of all we provide a place for our members to meet old friends and make new friends. We are open to anybody 60 or over who do not need personal care. Our members generally refer themselves. 139 Brighton Road, Sutton, Surrey SM2 5SW Tel: 020 8642 5496 Email: suttonlodge@btconnect.com www.suttonlodge.org.uk
Sutton ME/CFS Support Group Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
A local support group for people with M.E/C.F.S and their carers. We hold monthly meetings in and around the Sutton area and produce a quarterly newsletter. We also have contact with the local M.E. /C.F.S clinic based at Sutton Hospital. Helpline available every Thursday 9.30am-12.00pm. Library with relevant selection of books, weekly yoga class To any carer or sufferer of M.E./C.F.S. 318 Malden Road, North Cheam, Sutton, Surrey SM3 8EP Tel: 020 8287 6206 Email: sutton.megroup@virgin.net www.suttonmesupportgroup.co.uk
Sutton Mencap Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
Leisure/social opportunities for people with learning disabilities: cookery workshops, dance fitness classes, social groups, drama group, art cafĂŠ, breakaways (respite service for parent/s carers, community day service classes. People with learning disabilities. 8 Stanley Park Road Wallington, Surrey SM6 0EU Tel: 020 8647 8600 Email: David@suttonmencap.org.uk http://www.suttonmencap.org.uk/
Sutton Mental Health Foundation Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
We offer a range of services and opportunities for people who have experienced mental distress and who live independently in the community. Our strapline “Connect, Learn, Support” summarises the opportunities we offer - to allow people to establish or re-establish connection with others, to learn and acquire skills and both to seek and to offer support. People with mental health issues. If the person has a key worker, we would invite them to accompany the person on their first visit. People who live independently in the London Borough of Sutton are eligible to attend. 63 Downs Rd, Belmont, Surrey SM2 5NR Tel: 020 8770 0172 Email: carol.jacques@smhf.org.uk www.smhf.org.uk
Sutton Reach - Thames Reach Service
Target group Contact/referral
Sutton Reach supports some of the borough’s most vulnerable men and women. Sutton Reach’s aim is to work with people who need support, are at their most vulnerable and want to make changes in their lives. Helping people across Sutton, the service aims to prevent homelessness and reduce hospital admissions. Please provide your contact details so that we can get in touch and find out as much as possible about you or the person you are concerned about. This free service is open to everyone who lives in Sutton and who has mental health and/or drug and alcohol problems. Tel: 020 8588 9540 Email us: contact@suttonreach.org.uk
Adults Services in Sutton
Sutton Salvation Army Service
Location Contact/referral
We are part of a community of people living here in Sutton, South-West London. Our Christian faith calls us to be good neighbours and to partner with local organisations in order to make a positive difference right here. You can visit us at one of our Sunday gatherings or at a whole host of different gatherings during the week. You might just want to come by to visit our coffee house, right here in our foyer. Or you may want to inquire about hiring our building as a venue for your event. We have a weekly programme of activities for people of all age 45 Benhill Ave, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4DD Tel: 020 8642 9862 Email: office@suttonsa.org www.suttonsa.org
Sutton Seniors’ Forum Service Target group Location Contact/referral
Health promotions, Public Health Forums, Exercise class, Choir, Weight management, Walking group, social outings and activities The forum is open to people over 55. Granfers Community Centre, 73-79 Oakhill Rd, Sutton SM1 3AA Tel: 020 8401 2741 Email: suttonseniors@suttonseniors.co.uk www.suttonseniors.co.uk
Sutton Subrang Service Contact/referral
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A voluntary cultural organisation running a school of Indian dance, music and languages. Dedicated to the promotion of Asian Art and Culture. Tel: 020 8763 8216 Email: rdesai@blueyonder.co.uk
Sutton Talking Newspaper Service
We record local news onto cassette tapes, CD’s, memory sticks and internet radio each week for blind and visually impaired people in the London Borough of Sutton. Tel: 020 8642 8546 Email: jill.nicol@tesco.net
Sutton Tamil Welfare Association Service
To promote the learnings of Tamil Language & Fine Arts subjects to the Tamil Diaspora children in and around the London Borough of Sutton. We also run youth and adult programmes to help integrate with the British Society Tel: 020 8644 4551 Email: info@stwa.co.uk
Sutton Vision Service
Sutton Vision supports the aspiration to create a world in which people experiencing sight loss or visual impairment flourish. Our services start from a recognition of the psychological impact and social isolation which may result from sight loss or visual impairment. The bulk of our funding for these services comes from the Greater London Fund for the Blind and the London Borough of Sutton. We focus on these core activities: • information and advice • advocacy provided by the Eye Clinic Liaison Officer offering support and information on eye conditions • advice about low vision equipment • community awareness training • activities and outings to prevent social isolation and promote health and wellbeing • technology workshops Our preventative services are delivered by outreach workers and staff based at the Sutton Vision resource centre, as well as a team of 40 volunteers engaged in a wide range of activities. We involve people who are blind or have a visual impairment in our work, particularly organising activities and outings in the local community and offering support through our telephone contact network. The information we provide for people who
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Target group
Location Contact/referral
use our services, including families, carers and professionals, is informed by the research departments of the Royal National Institute for the Blind and Visionary, the umbrella organisations for local groups across the U.K. Our work with local statutory and voluntary sector partners enhances the support we provide and includes welfare benefits and disability advice. We are hosted by Sutton Centre for Independent Living and Learning and benefit from close working links with its staff and volunteers Sutton Vision welcomes self-referrals, as well as referrals from families and carers, health and social care professionals, local community and voluntary sector organisations. Referral forms are available for download from our website or by request from Sutton Vision office. 3 Robin Hood Lane, Sutton, Surrey SM1 2SW stephenhawkins@suttonvision.org.uk www.suttonvision.org.uk 0208 409 7166
Sutton Women’s Aid Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
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Sutton Women’s Aid is a refuge that provides a place of safety for women and children fleeing domestic violence. It is the only refuge provision in the borough and usually accommodates approximately 30-35 women and 40-50 children per annum. Sutton Women’s Aid also runs a project called Helping Hands which supports families affected by domestic violence in their homes and in the community. Women and children affected by domestic violence. PO Box 351, Wallington SM6 8UX 020 8669 7608 www.womensaid.org.uk
Sutton Women’ s Centre Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Run by women and provides local women with information, support, advice on local services and education. 1:1 Counselling for women, victims of domestic/sexual abuse. Counselling is free although we do request donations. Freedom Programme: 10 week domestic violence programme. Next programme starts January 2014. On Wednesday afternoons the centre is open to all local women. You are invited to drop in and meet us, have a cup of tea and meet with other women or use our IT services, and facilities. Individual appointments can be made for help with IT. All women are welcome irrespective of their personal circumstances. English as a Second Language/ IT classes with crèche facilities for migrant women. Funded by Sutton Community Fund, classes take place on a Thursday morning. Confidence building classes run by Iranian Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation, Thursdays at 12.00. Local women, migrant women, women experiencing domestic violence. Women can self-refer or referral forms can be emailed. 3 Palmerston Road, Sutton, Surrey SM1 4QL info@suttonwomen.co.uk www.suttonwomen.co.uk 0208 661 1991
Adults Services in Sutton
Victim Support (Merton and Sutton) Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
We provide confidential emotional support, practical help and information to victims of crime and to witnesses attending local courts. Our services are free, independent of the police and courts, and available to everyone, whether or not the crime has been reported and regardless of when it happened. We also have an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor based in the borough who offers support to victims of domestic violence. Anyone who has been victim of crime and lives in the Borough of Sutton. 17 - 19, Falcon Road, Clapham Junction, Surrey SW11 2PH Tel: 0208 7801 1777 Email: supportline@victimsupport.org.uk www.victimsupport.org.uk
Vision Housing Service
Resettlement: Working with the DWP to arrange benefits for the clients including housing benefits, ESA or DSA.
Mentoring: we help clients to locate their local health care providers and assist with registering and with booking and attending appointments. Mentors also provide support to improve an individual’s well-being by focusing on their emotional needs and their attitudes, thinking and behaviour in order to address these issues in their tailored care plan. Mentors also signpost on to various organisations and agencies that specialise in areas of healthcare such as mental health, physical health including fitness and dieting and emotional health where counselling or additional support is required. Target group Our mentoring service is specifically targeted at ex-offenders to contribute to reducing their risk of reoffending. Our clients have a wide range of needs or issues which cause them to be vulnerable. Similarly, our housing service is targeted towards ex-offenders, individuals experiencing homelessness or vulnerable adults with a variety of needs; including mental health issues, substance misuse and financial difficulties. Contact/referral 0207 407 0818 | joseph@visionhousing.org.uk www.visionhousing.org.uk Adults Services in Sutton
Resettlement (housing): we accept referrals from any organisations that have a service level agreement with us in place. The referral criteria for housing is as follows: 1. Client is homeless or at risk of homelessness 2. Client is unable to raise a deposit by any other means 3. Client must be in receipt of benefits or on a low income 4. A Client must provide information regarding any outstanding debt with the Department of Work and Pensions 5. Client must be willing to undertake training or further education 6. No active illegal drug use (clean for a minimum of 6 months if previous user) 7. Alcohol Misuse (clean and dry for a minimum of 6 months) 8. No history of arson attacks 9. Unable to assist sex offenders or those assessed as a high or very high risk of harm 10. Resettling in the Greater London area
Mentoring: we accept referrals via the justmentoring hub (website: http://www. justmentoring.org.uk/directory/mentoringproviders/Vision-Housing/Vision-Housing-PeerMentoring-Program). We also have a referral form available on request for other organisations. We accept referrals from HMP High Down as the program is operational in High Down. We also accept referrals from organisations who have referred the client to the housing service who also require mentoring. We currently do not provide this service for individuals with the following: 1. A history of arson 2. A history of sexual offence(s) 3. A history of extreme violent offence(s) (such as murder) 4. Anyone under the age of 18 years old 5. Any individual exceeding MAPPA Level 2 Mentoring in HMP High Down begins approximately three - four months prior to release with the aim to continue to mentoring relationship for an additional three months post release.
Adults Services in Sutton
Volunteer Centre Sutton Respect Project Service
Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
RESPECT is an intergenerational project delivered by Volunteer Centre Sutton. The project provides a fantastic opportunity to bring together older and younger people with the aim of improving perceptions. The ultimate aim of the project is to improve the perceptions of safety amongst Sutton residents and the project already has a strong history of doing just that. The project has worked with a number of schools in the borough including The Limes, Greenshaw, Carshalton Girls and Drapers’ where young people can count time spent on the project towards their volunteering hours. Older people from sheltered housing accommodation come together with the younger people to work on a particular project usually over a 6 week period; during this time they explore each other’s perspectives and learn to respect each other’s views and ways of life. 31 West Street, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1SJ Tel: 020 8661 5900 Email: vcsutton@vcsutton.org.uk www.vcsutton.org.uk
Volunteer Centre Sutton Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
We deliver a broad portfolio of services to enhance community well-being through voluntary action, encouraging and supporting everybody who lives in or visits the London Borough of Sutton to volunteer. We run a number of our own volunteer projects, working with the most vulnerable members of society, from young offenders to the elderly housebound. These projects include a Befriending Plus programme which aims to prevent or reduce the need of social services through decrease of social isolation and loneliness by matching a volunteer befriender to a service user. We work with people in their homes, over the telephone, and out in the community through re-engagement with their local community. Referrals are made through the completion of a referral form that is submitted to our Befriending Coordinators. An initial assessment is then carried out prior to matching with a volunteer and risk assessments take place where deemed necessary. We have a list of referral criteria that can be supplied upon request. All service users will be lonely and socially isolated, and must be willing and able to engage in a meaningful relationship with a volunteer befriender. 31 West Street, Sutton, Surrey SM1 1SJ Tel: 020 8661 5900 Email: vcsutton@vcsutton.org.uk www.vcsutton.org.uk
Adults Services in Sutton
The Stroke Association Sutton Service
Target group
Location Contact/referral
Life After Stroke Services, Information, advice and support for stroke survivors, their family members/ carers - Home and hospital visits - Local drop in club at SCILL Centre Mondays 12-2pm Services include: information regarding stroke and stroke recovery, support accessing relevant services including benefits advice, travel schemes, carers support etc. Information and referral to community activities, stroke clubs and groups. Emotional and practical support provided on individual basis, in relation to stroke and life after stroke. Referrals can be made by contacting Lindsey Hodgson and providing name, contact details and DOB of service user. Referral criteria: Stroke survivor, family member/carers of stroke survivors - living in Sutton. Room 11, Vestry Hall, 336-338 London Road, Mitcham, Surrey Tel: 020 8540 9870
The Vine Project Service
Target group Location Contact/referral
Adults Services in Sutton
Volunteering opportunities for adults with special needs Furniture for low income individuals/families Handy person services People on low incomes. Telephone the project for a referral form or apply on line Unit 3, 24 Wandle Way, Willow Lane, Industrial estate, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4NB Tel: 020 8685 6640 Email: monica@thevineproject.org http://www.thevineproject.co.uk/
Categories Advice Age UK Sutton Contact a Family Refugee and Migrant Network Sutton The Stroke Association Sutton Carers’ Centre Sutton Centre for Equalities SCILL (Sutton Centre for Independent Living & Learning) Sutton Citizens Advice Bureau Sutton Mental Health Foundation
8 17 31 55 39 40 36 41 46
Advocacy Rethink Mental Illness 32 SEAP 37 Arts Bananas Art 11 Conquest Art 17 Inspirall 23 Befriending Age UK Sutton Volunteer Centre Sutton
8 54
Carers Alzheimer’s Society Sutton Sutton Carers’ Centre
9 39
Cultural African & Caribbean Heritage Association 8 Association of Bahai Women 10 Muslim Cultural & Welfare Association of Sutton 25 Muslim Cultural & Welfare Association of Sutton - Sister’s Group 25 Russian Community Association 34 Sangam 35 Sutton & Surrey Senior Citizen’s Club 38 Sutton Subrang 47 Sutton Tamil Welfare Association 48 Dementia Alzheimer’s Society Sutton Avenues Trust Group Cheam Priory Day Centre
9 10 14
Adults Services in Sutton
Disability (including Sensory Disability) Clusters 15 Contact a Family 17 Diamond Centre for Disabled Riders 18 Down’s Syndrome OK 18 Ecolocal 19 Headway South West London 23 Queen Elizabeth Foundation Mobility Services 29 SCILL (Sutton Centre for Independent Living & Learning) 36 Shopmobility 37 Sutton Hearing Support Group 44 Sutton ME/CFS Support Group 45 Sutton Talking Newspaper 48 Sutton Vision 48 Domestic Violence Rape Crisis South London Sutton Women’s Aid Sutton Women’s Centre
30 49 50
Environmental Bioregional 13 Ecolocal Sutton Community Farm 42 Equalities Sutton Centre for Equalities
Foodbank Sutton Foodbank
Homoeopathy Sutton CHOIS Community Homeopathy Service
Intergenerational Volunteer Centre Sutton - Respect Project
Learning Disability Nickel Support Community Interest Company 27 RACE 29 Rebound Ability 30 Sutton Mencap 45 LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) Sutton LGBT Forum
Adults Services in Sutton
Long Term Conditions Support Alzheimer’s Society Sutton 9 Bipolar UK Sutton Group 13 Dyscover 19 National Autistic Society 26 Parkinson’s UK - Sutton, Kingston and Epsom Branch 28 The Stroke Association 55 Sutton ME/CFS Support Group 45 Mental Health Bananas Art Bipolar UK Sutton Group Favoured Health Care Imagine Mental Health No Panic Russian Community Association Sutton Counselling Sutton Mental Health Foundation Sutton Reach - Thames Reach
11 13 21 24 27 34 43 46 46
Mediation Merton & Sutton Mediation
Neighbourhood Associations South Sutton Neighbourhood Association
Offenders and ex-offenders People Arise Now Vision Housing
29 51
Older People Age UK Sutton 8 Among Friends Wallington 10 Beddington & Wallington Senior Citizen Club 12 Benhill Social Club 12 Carshalton Association for the Elderly 13 Carshalton Darby and Joan Club 13 Cheam Priory Day Centre 14 Contact the Elderly 17 Fallen Angels 21 Friends at Home Sutton 22 New Wands Club 26 Oaks Way Centre 28 Past Times Senior Club 28 Sangam 35 Shopmobility 37 Sutton & Surrey Senior Citizen’s Club 38 Sutton Old People’s Welfare Committee (Sutton Lodge) 45
Adults Services in Sutton
Refugee & Migrant Refugee & Migrant Network Sutton
Relationship Relate 32 SAMARITANS Samaritans Croydon & Sutton
Substance Misuse Community Drug Service South London (CDSSL) Equinox Care Sutton Reach - Thames Reach
16 20 46
Support for Low Income Households Sutton Citizens Advice Bureau Sutton Foodbank Vine Project
40 44 55
Universal Beddington Village Hall 11 Beehive CafĂŠ 12 Clockhouse Community Association 14 Ecolocal 19 Elm Grove Centre 20 FamilyLine Surrey 21 Gary Mason Rhythmical Empowerment Charitable Foundation 22 Granfers Community Centre 22 Riverside Community Association 33 Rosehill Community Association 33 Victim Support Rape Crisis South London Victim Support (Merton and Sutton)
30 51
Volunteering and Volunteers Volunteer Centre Sutton
Adults Services in Sutton
Sutton CVS, Granfers Community Centre, 73-79 Oakhill Rd, Sutton SM1 3AA 020 8644 2867 enquiries@suttoncvs.org.uk