Ístex - Lopi 44 Vetrartíð / Wintertime

Page 1

Védís Jónsdóttir

Ýlir - p. 6
Hraglandi - p. 16
Prýði - p. 19
Snjókorn - p. 22
Hjörð - p. 25
Kilir - p. 27
Hreindýr í norðurljósum - p. 10
Hláka - p. 13
Ferð - p. 30
Snjóborg - p. 32
Aðventuljós - p. 35
Nostalgía - p. 39
Nostalgía - p. 39
Veturnætur - p. 43
Hreindýr í snjó - p. 46
Stjörnuband - p. 49
Skammdegi - p. 51
Skammdegi - p. 51
Jólahúfa - p. 55
Jólaköttur - p. 57
Fjallalopi Léttlopi
Jólaköttur - p. 57
Trönuber - p. 63
Bjöllur - p. 65
Bjöllur - p. 65
Eyjar - p. 69
Dagmál - p. 73
Ísing - p. 76
Góa - p. 79
Hreindýr í þoku - p. 82


A,B... color indication

BO bind off

cm centimeter(s)

CO cast on

dec decreas(e)(es)(ing)

dpn double pointed needles

g grams

inc increas(e)(ing)

k knit

K2tog right slanting dec: insert right needle into front of first 2 sts on left needle from left to right and knit these 2 sts together

LLI left slanting lifted inc: knit into left side of the stitch below the stitch you just knitted into

M1L left slanting inc: from the front, lift strand between sts with left needle, twist strand by knitting into back of loop

M1LP with the left needle from the front, lift the strand between the stitches, twist the strand by purling into the back of the loop.

M1R right slanting inc: from the back, lift strand between sts with left needle, twist strand by knitting into front of loop

M1RP with the left needle from the back, lift the strand between the stitches, twist the strand by purling into the front of the loop.

mm millimeter(s)

p purl

*-* repeat instructions between asterisks

RLI right slanting lifted inc: knit into the right side of the stitch below the stitch you are about to knit

rnd(s) round(s)

RS right side (outside)

ssk left slanting dec: slip 2 sts knitwise, one at a time, to right needle, insert left needle into front of sts, knit together

st(s) stitch(s)

St st stockinette stitch / stocking stitch

WS wrong side (inside)

yo yarn over

Designs, instructions and editor: Védís Jónsdóttir

Test knitting manager: Rebekka Kristjánsdóttir

Proofreading: Rebekka Kristjánsdóttir, Kristjana Vilhjálmsdóttir

Knitters: Rebekka Kristjánsdóttir, Lilja Lange, Ingunn Sigurðardóttir, Christine Chochoy, Védís Jónsdóttir

Photographer: Aldís Pálsdóttir

Stylist and makeup: Sigrún Ásta Jörgensen

Models: Emma, Hafsteinn, Anna María, Illugi, Anný, Borghildur, Edward, Lovísa, Malín, Snorri, Védís

Special thanks to Hannesarholt

Publisher: Ístex hf.

The patterns in this book are the property of Ístex and are protected by copyright law. The book may not be reproduced by any means, such as by photography, printing, photocopying or by any similar means, in part or in whole, without the prior written consent of the publisher.

ISBN: 9935-9752-2-5

Layout and printing: Svansprent 2024 1st printing

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