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AJILLO CABAテ選L Ingredients: meat of kid, pepper, dry tomato, onion, fried almonds, garlic, wine, olive, oil, water and salt.

Preparation: first cut the meat in cubes and fry it

with a few of olive oil, then add the almonds, the onion, the garlic, the pepper, the salt, the dry tomato and the wine. When the meat is cooked add the dry pepper and bayleaf.

CRUMBS OF BREAD Ingredients: stale bread, garlic and oil. Preparation: first, wet the bread to soften it up. Then, put oil in a frying pan and fry the garlics. When the garlics are fried, crumble the break and finally move the dough to get crumbs. Also you can accompany it with sausage, bacon, blood sausage, black pudding, and sardines.

LENTEJAS ALPUJARREÑAS Ingredients: garlic, onion, peppers, tomatoes, bayleaves, carrots, potatoes, zucchini, lentils, oil, salt, hot sausages, saffron, and green kidney-beans.

Preparation: cut the tomato, the pepper

and the onion in cubes. Add the garlic, the bayleaves, the oil, the salt and the bacon and fry them. Then add water and when it boils add the lentils and the saffron. Later, add the potatoes, the zucchini, the carrot and the green kidney-beans. Finally, let them cook until the water is almost reduced.

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TARBINAS Ingredients: bacon, red pepper, green pepper, tomato, onion, garlic, potatoes, and grits with flour.

Preparation: fry the bacon, the garlics and the red pepper, then sautĂŠ the green pepper, the onion and the tomato. When it is quite fried, add water and the potatoes, then let them cook. Beat the red pepper, the tomato and the onion. When the potatoes are cooked add the flour and the semola mixed up to obtain a hard mixture.

GAZPACHO ANDALUZ Ingredients: tomato, garlic, onion, red pepper,

green pepper, bread, carrot, water, oil, salt and almonds.

Preparation: cut the vegetables and beat them in the beater. Then pour the mixture in a bowl and accompany it with cubes of cucumber, ham and toasted bread cut in cubes.

GACHAS ALPUJARREĂ‘AS Ingredients: flour, water, salt, oil, almonds,

garlic, dry pepper, onion, tomato, fried pepper, saffron, parsley, cumin and sausage.

Preparation: put water and salt on a frying pan. Then add the flour and fry the almonds, the garlics and the dry pepper. Later, fry the onion, the tomato and the sausage. Mix and cook them, then add the parsley and the fried pepper.


CARNE DE MEMBRILLO Ingredients: quince, sugar and water. Preparation: chop the quinces and put them in a frying pan with water and sugar. Cook and beat them, finally heat them in the frying pan and let it cool in a container.

PAN DE CALATRABA Ingredients: stale bread, eggs, milk, sugar and caramel.

Preparation: beat the eggs and add sugar and milk. Put the caramel and the bread in a frying pan and cook them. Finally, heat in the oven at 170ยบ for 35 minutes.

MERINGUES Ingredients: eggs, water and sugar.

Preparation: beat the eggs’ white and add sugar and water. Finally cook the dough in the oven.

CHEESE CAKE Ingredients: white, sugar, cheese, chocolate, cocoa, liquid coffee and a packet of biscuits.

Preparation: beat the eggs’ white and add the cheese and sugar. Put the biscuits in a deep dish and wet them with coffee, then add the cheese. Next cover it with cocoa and chocolate and finally, keep it in the fridge two days before eating.

SOPLILLOS Ingredients: almonds, eggs and sugar. Preparation: beat the eggs with sugar until it is hard and add the almonds. Make small pieces and cook them in the oven.

PEBETES DE CALABAZA Ingredients: pumpkin, milk, flour, eggs , sugar, yeast and cinnamon.

Preparation: boil the pumpkin,

next beat it. Beat the eggs and add sugar, milk and pumpkin. Then add flour and yeast. Put oil in a frying pan and with a spoon throw the dough. Finally, coat it in sugar and cinnamon.


LECHE FRITA Ingredients: condensed milk, flour, butter, two eggs, lemon, cinnamon, oil, sugar and a cinnamon stick.

Preparation: put the condensed milk, water, the cinnamon and the peel of lemon in a saucepan, then cook them during ten minutes. Add the flour and milk, and stir continually during twenty minutes. Next, extend it in a tray and let it cool Cut it and wet it with egg and breadcrumbs. Finally, fry it and add coat with sugar and cinnamon.

POTAJE DE SEMANA SANTA Ingredients: chickpeas, kidney beans, dry tomato, tomato, onion, garlic, parsley, bay leaf, pepper, salt, potatoes, oil, cod, saffron and stock cube.

Preparation: put chickpeas in a pot,

along with kidney beans, dry tomato, tomato, oil, onion, garlic, bayleaf, parsley, pepper and saffron. Finally add potatoes and cook them all together.

ARROZ CON LECHE Ingredients: rice, sugar, milk, water, cinnamon and lemon.

Preparation: put rice in a saucepan and boil during five minutes, in another saucepan add milk, the peel of lemon and the cinnamon and mix them with the rice. Finally add sugar.

ROSCOS DE SARTÉN Ingredients: eggs, milk, sugar, cinnamon, lemon, oil, gaseus, yeast and flour.

Preparation: mix everything until you get a smooth dough, then make balls with the it and fry them. Finally coat the bread roll in sugar and cinnamon.

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