CENTRAL BANK OF KENYA Vision: To be a World Class Modern Central Bank
• Monetary Stability • Financial Stability • Payment & Settlement Systems
MISSION Formulate and implement monetary policy directed to achieving and maintaining stability in the general level of prices. To foster the liquidity, solvency and proper functioning of a stable market-based financial system. To formulate and implement foreign exchange policy. To hold and manage its foreign exchange reserves. To formulate and implement such policies as best promote the establishment, regulation and supervision of efficient and effective payment, clearing and settlement systems. To act as banker and adviser to, and as fiscal agent to the Government and To issue currency notes and coins.
B E S T O F k e n ya
Pillars of Central Bank
KENYA Volume
The Bank Secretary Central Bank of Kenya, Haile Selassie Avenue P O Box 60000-00200, Nairobi Email to: comms@centralbank.go.ke
Volume 2