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International Group Publisher Sven Boermeester Publisher & Managing Group Editor Lisa Durante Publisher Imad Abdel Hadi

Welcome to ‘Best of Jordan’ vol. 2, where the Kingdom’s achievers are brought together to tell their colorful stories to the world. In this unique publication, Jordan’s business, investment, art and tourism facets are landscaped in the finest publishing model held in your hands. ‘Best of Jordan’ showcases companies of positive contributions to the country at large, and individuals whose entrepreneurial endeavors left inspirational marks on the society. In each chapter, we highlight the figures who interlace to ultimately form the versatile sectors of Jordan.

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Through vibrant visuals and perceptive editorials, this fresh second volume demonstrates the innovation of the people who endorse Jordan’s rapid socioeconomic developments with wholehearted passion. The diverse entities we reveal share the denominator of strengthening the Kingdom’s foundation, as it inches closer to the heart of the global community by the day. As part of ‘Global Village Partnerships’ that build global business networks via qualitative, annual books, the participants of ‘Best of Jordan’ automatically link to world readership that is braced by niche distribution internationally. Whether as a corporate gift or an engaging addition to your world business references, ‘Best of Jordan’ is an ideal exposé of the country’s dynamic contribution and pulsating presence in the region. In the forthcoming pages, you’ll gain an exciting insight into the momentous aspects which play a key role in driving Jordan to the summits of success.

Browse Jordan at its best!

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Best of Jordan

‘Best of Jordan’

Best of Jordan















Best of Jordan











Best of Jordan





Best of Jordan

Best of Jordan


“Our ambition should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress is to know more, and be more, and to do more.� -Oscar Wilde

Best of Jordan CHAPTER ONE


The Greater Amman Municipality Metropolitan Growth

“A livable city is an organized city with a soul” -GAM’s motto

The Greater Amman Municipality’s (GAM) motto, as articulated by HE Mayor Omar Maani, reflects the dreams and aspirations of the 2.2 million inhabitants of the vibrant capital of Amman. It is an embodiment of the upbeat optimism of a city waking up to a new era. It was this same spirit that helped it gain the World Leadership Award in December 2007, and manifest its ambitious plans as identified in the innovative Amman Master Plan. The Award propelled the city into global recognition, and GAM into a predominant role in the realization of that vision.

“ ‘A livable city is an organized city with a soul,’ that is the motto that we at Greater Amman Municipality are working to solidify. Our goal is to maintain the city’s heritage, regenerate the urban spaces and create more public spaces for the community to interact outdoors. By achieving that goal, we will have an inclusive city and maintain the soul of Amman. Amman is our special city and capital; there are many projects that we are embarking upon, such as increasing the green space, play grounds, and facilities for families and youth to interact and exchange ideas. The Greater Amman Municipality is also engaged in the culture movement of Amman; we believe our young society have talent that needs to be fostered and encouraged.” HE Mayor Omar Maani


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Faced with expansion in 2007 from 700 square km to 1700 square km, and an expected population growth to reach 6.4 million in 2025, Amman’s Master Plan was seen as a critical and necessary milestone. GAM’s role predominately focuses on the city’s key infrastructures to make it more livable and more attractive to tourism and foreign investment alike. Additionally, GAM concentrates on improving the livelihood of its community through the promotion of industrial, commercial, and residential growth. This concentration encompasses five distinctive strategies and policies; The High Rise Towers Plans, The Corridors Intensification Strategy, The Interim Rural Residential Policy, The Airport Land Use Concepts Plans, and the Interim Industrial Land Plans.

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The High Rise Towers district includes four separate zones. Firstly is Amman’s New Central Business District (CBD), which is more commonly referred to as the Abdali development site Amman’s upcoming major urban re-generation project - set to become a national and regional business hub. Secondly, the Central Parkway, comprising of a parkway development with four clusters of mid-rise developments nestled in a park setting in Abdoun Area. The third district, the Amman Northern Gateway, is located in Al-Jubayhah north of Al-Shaheed Ring Road and east of the Queen Rania Road that serves the University District and Al-Hussein Youth City. Finally, the Amman Southern Gateway is adjacently located east of the Airport road, and framed by Wadi Abdoun Corridor Road and Jabal Arafat Road. It is the southern gateway into Amman located at the Airport Road.


Under the Corridor Intensification Strategy, GAM will encourage a variety of developments to ensure adequate transportation, urban design and other considerations such as creating a pedestrian and green city. A major part of the Corridor Intensification Strategy is to transform

the character of some of Amman’s major corridors into streets that will ‘define’ the city. Zahran Street, a main pillar of these efforts, is being revitalized with green boulevards, lined with mixed use residential, commercial and retail developments. The strategy also seeks to


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improve the public transit system throughout the city, based on the belief that sustainable growth of Amman can only be achieved with the implementation of a modern transit system.

The stated purpose of the Interim Rural Residential Policy is to protect valuable agricultural lands, support traditional lifestyles, and create a connected natural heritage system. The Interim Rural Residential Policy comes as a response to increasing interest in residential developments, particularly large scale compound and gated community developments in GAM’s urban fringe and rural areas. In order to tackle these challenges, the Amman Master Plan has designated four rural growth areas around which future developments will be clustered. Located around existing villages, these future centers rationalize previous subdivision approvals, facilitate greater community self sufficiency, and allow for greater coordination of infrastructure. The Amman Airport Corridor is the primary spine of the Capital Region – linking it with the Queen Alia Airport as well as the new Amman Development Corridor. The Corridor has been undergoing enormous development pressure to accommodate new residential, commercial, cultural and recreational facilities. The Airport Corridor will provide Amman’s residents with safe, easy access to all parts of the city, while serving as a primary traffic and transit corridor while retaining its green character. Also, it will

create new open spaces that will preserve and celebrate agriculture, while protecting Amman’s limited remaining forests. The principles strongly encourage compact urban growth that will allow for the most efficient use of existing services, the promotion of increased transit utilization, and the improvement of pedestrian accessibility. Finally, Industrial areas will be concentrated in selected areas where growth can be accommodated with appropriate access to housing, transit and other urban amenities, in addition to ensuring that they are efficiently connected through staged servicing and transportation infrastructure. The creation of industrial clusters will provide Amman with the ability to stage infrastructure improvements with considerable cost savings, while complementary productive units will facilitate synergies and generate sustainable competitive advantage that will boost clusters’ performances.

As the city of Amman embarks on the path to a brighter future with GAM at its helm, it has never forgotten its soul. The GAM plans and strategies have internalized the hopes of its residents, the diversity of its culture, and the splendor of its history. The fulfillment promise that the year 2025 holds, will certainly inch us closer to international modernity scales, but most importantly, it shall crown Amman’s magnificent legacy. Best of Jordan



Jordan Investment Board The Jordan Investment Board (JIB) is a world class agency entrusted with promoting Jordan as a unique destination for foreign direct investment, and sustaining domestic investment to achieve economic prosperity in Jordan. Dr. Maen Nsour, Chief Executive Officer - JTB, reflects on the elements of facilitating investment in Jordan.

Jordan has passed a number of laws for facilitation of foreign investment, which would you say have been most significant?

How did the designation of JIB as an individual unit accelerate the endorsement of investment in Jordan?

The Investment Promotion Laws No. 16 of 1995 and No. 68 of 2003 were created to enhance investor confidence, and provide tax and custom duty incentives for foreign and domestic investors conducting projects within qualified sectors in Jordan. Incentives include income tax breaks for 10 years reaching up to 75%, and exemption from custom duties and sales tax on all fixed assets. Furthermore, the law stipulates equal treatment to Jordanian and non-Jordanian investors, freedom of ownership, right to manage, freedom to remit profits and proceeds abroad, and the prevalence of international legal measures.

Creating the Jordan Investment Board as an independent organization since 1995, came about as result of the forward Hashemite and governmental vision of making Jordan the business and investment hub of the region. Sustained economic growth through constant domestic and foreign investment aims at creating new job opportunities, increasing national exports, and transferring knowledge and technology. Designating an individual unit enabled a focused and specialized promotional effort of investment opportunities in the Kingdom, created a facilitating body to increase efficiency of the investment setting up process, by reducing the timeframe of setting up a business in JIB’s One Stop Shop facility, and enacted an Investment Promotion Law providing investors with financial exemptions. Finally, it ensured investor feedback through JIB’s mandate for policy advocacy to relay investor experience and constantly improve the investment climate.

Qualified sectors in the current Investment Promotion Law are: industry, agriculture, hotels, hospitals, maritime transport and railways, leisure and recreational compounds, convention and exhibition centers, transportation & distribution of water, gas & oil, call and contact centers, research and development. To meet the growing needs and adapt to international direct Investment trends in 2008, a new Investment Promotion Law and Non-Jordanian Investment Regulations were drafted to better suit the country’s economic activities and foreign direct investment trends. The new law includes more sectors and further benefits for investors in order to adapt to changing needs, and enhance the investment climate in Jordan.


Best of Jordan

Since the establishment of JIB as the focal point for investment in the Kingdom, we have been committed to providing investors with an array of impeccable services before, during, and after investment, becoming the ‘one window’ for most investment related needs. Prospective investors can obtain full information and first hand explanations on investment opportunities; several are anchored with offered pre-feasibility studies, information about legal issues, incentives and tax implications, repatriation of profits, and procedures governing setting up projects in Jordan. When the investor reaches the advanced stage of proceeding with setting up their project,

they may obtain necessary registration and licenses at JIB’s One Stop Shop (OSS), which offers streamlined procedures as our JIB aftercare department ensures investor satisfaction. Therefore, independence enabled flexibility of action plans and activities in order to reach the target of elevating Jordan’s image, and enhancing its investment environment, coupled with the comprehensive provision of crucial investor services. Projects benefiting from the investment promotion law in 2007 alone amounted to $3 billion USD, not to mention the wide array of image building and awareness activities conducted by the organization. JIB (Jordan) has major worldwide market access. Which affiliations are considered as your most prominent? A series of economic reforms between 1989 and 2004 enabled Jordan to leverage on good-will long enjoyed with our neighbors in the Middle East and other countries, and to enter a wide range of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. Our trade agreements give us access to more than one billion customers. Strong and increasing exports capitalizing on trade agreements, resulted in a value increase of Jordanian goods sold abroad by 186% from 1996 to 2006. Jordan has been a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) since the year 2000, after a

series of rigorous reforms. The WTO membership guarantees quality and access of Jordanian products to more than 152 countries. Whereas, access to the Arab, US and European markets is enabled by signed Free Trade Agreements which aim at promoting economic relations, developing partnerships between those countries, and diminishing trade barriers to enhance economic and technological development. First, the Greater Arab Free Trade Agreement (1998) allows free access to 17 Arab countries including the largest Arab markets: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, UAE, Oman, Bahrain Qatar, Morocco, Palestine, Kuwait, Tunis, Libya, Sudan, and Yemen. Second, the Jordan-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) signed in 2000 with the US, which was the fourth Free Trade Agreement that the US Best of Jordan


had negotiated, after Canada, Mexico and Israel, and the first with an Arab country. According to the Department of Statistics, exports to the US increased by 1761% from 2000 to 2007. Additionally, Jordan signed the Qualifying Industrial Zones (QIZ) Agreement with the US in 1996. These zones provide duty and quota free access to the U.S. market for products manufactured in Jordan. Currently, there are 13 Qualified Industrial Zones in Jordan (three of which are governmental). The third agreement allows access to the European market through signing the Jordan-EU Association Agreement in 1997, which entered into force in 2002. Regarding access with the Asian market, Jordan signed a free trade agreement with Singapore in 2004. Jordan is currently negotiating trade

BEST OF JORDAN agreements with both Turkey and Canada. Moreover, Jordan has signed protection and promotion of investments agreements with 35 countries, aiming to promote economic cooperation, activate the flow of private capital and transfer of technology, and further stimulate economic development. Such agreements create and maintain a stable investments framework, essential for maximizing the utilization of economic resources and improving overall living standards. Jordan also signed another avoidance of double taxation with 30 countries. What strategies does JIB implement in meeting common investment challenges? As part of our mission to enhance the investment environment and experience in Jordan, JIB embarked on several initiatives that have been already implemented such as the OSS, active outward promotion, and the Investment Map, whereas several others are underway. JIB aims to overcome challenges by studying the situation, developing solutions through holistic strategies,

and most importantly implementing action plans stemming from their examination, and finally monitoring their success. Currently, there are several challenges JIB is addressing. For one, Jordan is faced with the challenge of enhancing the international competitiveness of Jordan’s investment environment in order to transform Jordan into a global business and investment hub, driving in foreign and domestic direct investments. Thus, JIB has worked on drafting a National Investment Strategy (NIS), building on previous initiatives such as the National Agenda to guide the country’s investment efforts in promoting investments within priority sectors, and streamlining the government’s efforts towards mutual goals and targets. NIS’s development will allow Jordan to compete effectively in the global market place, and will essentially serve as a strategic planning tool to guide the government, investors and entrepreneurial talent. As a high level strategy that sets out Jordan’s national policies, objectives, and investments’ target, it 18

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will launch public and private sector initiatives and support strategic programs in target areas. The study resulted in seven complementary pillars which are: Investment Policy, Investment Promotion and Facilitation, Trade Policies, Competitiveness Policies, Tax Policy, Human Resources Development, and Public Administration. We are currently in the fourth and final stage of developing the implementation plan with actionable remedies. Second, JIB developed an Internal Strategy (IS) to meet growing investor needs, and ensure a matching internal organizational model to match them. Sub strategies were born, such as investor service process automation and internal processes, development of follow-up and investor care services, development of matchmaking and partnerships, the elevation of both research and development capabilities, and transforming JIB into a learning organization. This will entail organizational restructuring and of course, organizational reform.

JIB’s mission of positioning Jordan as a favorable investment environment with lucrative investment opportunities is realized through several activities such as, conducting ‘Investment Climate’ Seminars, targeted out-border promotion, and participating in international economic and investment forums. Additionally, we have prepared a creative, modern advertising campaign to spread awareness through audiovisual channels, and highlight Jordan’s offered opportunities. JIB’s specialized promotional team and foreign offices in Kuwait, UAE, Qatar and China, and an active team in the US enable the execution of these activities. During Investment climate seminars, potential investors learn about not only the climate, but also of the advantageous sectors Jordan offers; sectoral presentations are carried by representatives from Jordanian public and private sectors. These seminars are followed with oneto-one matchmaking meetings, where potential investors examine partnership opportunities. Such seminars have resulted in interesting partnerships and relationship building throughout the years. They also managed to reinforce Jordan’s positive image. An innovative promotional activity has targeted outward promotion, entailing extensive country studies. Based on Jordan’s economical needs and sectoral strengths, countries were analyzed resulting in priority sectors along with the identification of potential companies, followed with targeted missions to their respective countries. Through planning and follow-up, these missions have shown considerable heightened interest.

Which are the most competitive investment sectors at the moment? Several sectors in Jordan hold unique, competitive advantages regionally and globally, while other sectors present opportunities with great growth potential. An initiative JIB conducted, was analyzing Jordan’s economy followed with sectoral examination. Later, the ‘Investment Map’ was born producing 150 project concepts, 75 of which have pre-feasibility studies. Fifteen sectors where identified with a unique set of differentiators to attract FDI, comprehensive and systematic evaluation of such sectors as Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Pharmaceutical and Healthcare, Tourism, Infrastructure, Energy and Utilities, Chemicals and Allied Products, Mining and Processing, Agriculture and many others. Jordan’s sectoral advantages and opportunities are supported by the favorable macro-economic environment from a growing GDP at 6% , tripled total factor productivity reaching 3%, a low inflation rate in single digits at 6.25% (2006), a diminishing public debt, increasing exports and foreign reserves; the availability of resources especially the young, talented and educated workforce; availability of space and enabling platforms such as business parks and industrial estates; the modern infrastructure and extensive communication network; and the accessibility to healthy banking and financial services, as well as a growing stock market. Further encouragement is provided with attractive tax and custom incentives, and streamlined government procedures and commitment.

Presence in strategic countries such as Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait and the US, coupled with close collaboration with Jordan’s embassies worldwide, endorses a continuous market presence situated closer to potential investors, thus strengthening relationships. Best of Jordan



What sort of activities do you employ internationally in promoting Jordan as an ideal investment destination?


His Majesty King Abdullah II “My priority is a better life for all Jordanians. My vision for the new Jordan is one of a national rejuvenation and global integration. A great people with a positive drive… Motivated to perform their best…And have the energy to excel. I believe in my people. Jordanians, who built achievements of the past, can and will work for a better future. A future that is based on true capabilities, and economic opportunities. “ His Majesty King Abdullah II

Born in Amman on January 30, 1962, King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein is the 43rd generation direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). His Majesty assumed his constitutional powers as monarch of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on February 7, 1999, the day his father, the late King Hussein, passed away.

His Majesty King Abdullah has become an inspirational and liberating force on all levels. Embracing globalization, King Abdullah has committed himself to building on the late King’s legacy to further institutionalize democratic and political pluralism in Jordan. His Majesty has exerted extensive efforts in ensuring sustainable levels of economic growth and social

development aimed at improving the standard of living of all Jordanians. Additionally, His Majesty tirelessly works to modernize Jordan’s information technology and educational systems. King Abdullah also actively championed Jordan’s ascension to the World Trade Organization achieved in April 2000, and ratified agreements for the establishment of a free trade area with the United States of America, the European Union, the European Free Trade Association countries, and sixteen Arab countries. King Abdullah has also been involved in the drive for national administrative reform, as well as governmental transparency and accountability. Working on the advancement of civil liberties, the King has earned Jordan recognition as one of the most progressive countries in the Middle East. Moreover, King Abdullah has been involved in enacting legislation essential to guaranteeing women a full role in the Kingdom’s socioeconomic and political life. 20

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Improving Living Standards King Abdullah has made improving the living standards of Jordanians a top priority, and under his leadership, significant steps have been taken to revitalize the economy in order to achieve that goal. His initiatives and directives have helped increase foreign investment and boost collaboration between the public and private sectors, all in an effort to elevate citizens’ lifestyles. His Majesty King Abdullah prioritizes developing the country’s governorates, and establishing projects designed to improve living standards and the quality and availability of public services. The special development zones – in Aqaba, Mafraq, Irbid and Maan – all reflect the kingdom’s efforts to distribute development and its benefits throughout Jordan, especially outside the capital. The zones capitalize on each of their competitive edges to attract investments in the industrial, logistics, services and technical fields. The development zones are expected to attract major investments that would enhance the country’s exports and provide thousands of jobs. The Mafraq Special Development Zone for example, has been conceived as a ninesquare-kilometre estate, mapped to serve as a transport, logistics and industrial hub serving not only Jordan, but also neighbors like Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iraq. The establishments of these zones in the north and south, aim to help residents in economically deprived areas boost their income, as well as attract foreign investment.

Decent Housing for Decent Living Launched in February 2008, the Decent Housing for Decent Living is a nationwide initiative; a housing mega-project which involves the construction of some 120,000 housing units over a five-year period. At King Abdullah’s request, the initiative seeks to provide housing for hundreds of thousands of low and limited-income Jordanians, civil servants, Jordan Armed Forces personnel, and civil and military retirees. Decent Housing for Decent Living offers an opportunity to own a decent housing unit at an affordable price, with installments ranging around the same value of rent. More than 150,000 applications have been received by citizens wishing to buy a unit under the initiative. The Royal initiative includes the creation of housing units for low- and limited-income citizens, and seeks to develop comprehensive residential areas. Moreover, the Best of Jordan




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surrounding areas of the units will be provided with playgrounds, public facilities, gardens and multipurpose facilities, ensuring convenience and full facilities. The housing units which will range from 100-square meters to 160-square meters in area, will be offered at affordable prices; the government will provide plots of land and infrastructure free of charge, which means significantly lowered cost. Out of the planned 120,000 housing units, 75,000 will be located in the main cities and 25,000 in districts across the country. No down payment is required of new home-buyers, and the monthly installment shall not exceed one-third of a beneficiary’s salary. ‘We are All Jordan’ Youth Commission King Abdullah is devoted to supporting Jordan’s youth and to tapping their energy and creativity to advance Jordan’s development. Under the mandate of His Majesty King Abdullah II, the We Are All Jordan Youth Commission was established in 2006 to activate youth participation in the social, cultural, economic and political spheres. King Abdullah believes that such an initiative would eventually help pilot the rise of a young leadership, capable of excelling

Best of Jordan


in serving their country and making a difference in the lives of fellow Jordanians. Following King Abdullah’s directives, the Higher Council of Youth is implementing youth programs. All in all, the We Are All Jordan Commission has formed 12 working groups, one in each governorate, to plan and implement different projects to empower Jordanian youth, while benefiting local communities. A Kingdom of Peace Since King Abdullah assumed the responsibility of leadership in 1999, he has picked up his father’s mantle as a leader committed to establishing a positive, strong role for Jordan within the Arab region and the world. His Majesty has been an ardent champion of peace initiatives to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and civil unrest elsewhere in the region. Most notably, he has been an outspoken advocate of the Arab Peace Initiative, which seeks comprehensive regional peace between Israel and all Arab states. The initiative was unanimously endorsed by the Arab states and the Palestinians at the 2002 Arab Summit in Beirut, Lebanon.


Her Majesty Queen Rania

A sublime role model for successful Arab and Muslim women worldwide, Her Majesty continues to gain remarkable identification for her devotion in meeting the challenges of the century. Hand in hand with King Abdullah’s march towards world peace, both their majesties represent Jordan’s peaceful position as a haven of fidelity and synchronization, enabling a mixture of ethnicities and religions to mold into a single vessel.

Since becoming Queen in 1999, Her Majesty Queen Rania’s commitment has transpired through myriad initiatives and projects. As first lady, Queen Rania’s activities focus on issues of national concern, such as the implementation of education, child protection and women empowerment among significant others. In her leading quest to position Jordan as a sustained and modern society, her Majesty’s humane enterprises all share an underlying mission towards an interconnected global community. With Her Majesty’s determined steps in inducing national progress, Jordan has witnessed prominent advancement with issues relating to 24

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the welfare and development of all Jordanian citizens, especially women and children. Born in Kuwait to a notable Jordanian family of Palestinian origin, Her Majesty Queen Rania AlAbdullah (formerly Rania Al-Yasin), completed her high school education in Kuwait, and then obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the American University in Cairo. Upon graduation, Queen Rania returned to Jordan and careered in banking and Information Technology. His Majesty King Abdullah bin AlHussein (then Prince) and Queen Rania wed in 1993, and now have four children: HRH Prince

Hussein, HRH Princess Iman; HRH Princess Salma and HRH Prince Hashem. Her Majesty has channeled her focus into several core issues, such as the development of incomegenerating projects via practiced advancements in microfinance for improvement of local families’ quality of life, and the incorporation of Information Technology into the educational system. Additionally, the Queen has profoundly involved herself in promoting national tourism and preserving Jordan’s heritage. Her Majesty is universally distinguished for the eloquent voice of the initiatives she champions on behalf of every one of us. The Queen’s efforts have brought to life numerous establishments such as the National Team for Early Development, the National Team for Family Safety, and “Dar Al Aman” Child Safety Centre (the first of its kind in the Middle East), caring for abused and neglected children. The Jordan River Foundation is another example of achievement which represents thousands of women across the kingdom who managed to empower their lives

with various independent means of subsistence. The Women’s Access to Entrepreneurship Development and Training (WAEDAT) Program, launched in June 2005, gave an opportunity for women to excel through creating their own business, illustrating Jordan’s stride of developing community awareness and well being. Also as part of her contributive directive to improving the quality of life of Jordanian families, Queen Rania serves as the head of the National Council for Family Affairs (NCFA), which aims at ensuring the right policy environment to support the development of family protection and unity. Youtube Internationally, Queen Rania is renowned for her world peace aspiration, activating her leading role to inspire the recognition and implementation of cultural understanding and awareness, and religious tolerance and coexistence. Consequently in March 2008, Queen Rania launched her very own youtube channel, dedicated to breaking down stereotypes about the Arab and Muslim worlds, and to bridging the East-West divide.

Best of Jordan


BEST OF JORDAN An International Presence Regionally and internationally, Queen Rania has campaigned for a greater understanding between cultures in high profile forums such as the Jeddah Economic Forum, the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and the Skoll Foundation in the UK. Queen Rania is on the Board of Directors of several international organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations Foundation (UNF), International Youth Foundation (IYF), the Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA), and the GAVI Fund. Moreover, Her Majesty is UNICEF’s first Eminent Advocate for Children, World Health Organization Patron for Violence Prevention in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, and The Global Ambassador of Women for Women International. Madrasati Launched in April 2008, Madrasati brings together public, private and non-profit partners in an exciting, new grassroots initiative to renovate public schools in urgent need of repair. Led by Her Majesty, Madrasati enriches learning environments, and enhance opportunities for children in 500 schools across Jordan. The initiative aims at ensuring that each school has an appropriate infrastructure, a child centered environment, and access to quality learning and teaching tools. In achieving its goals, the Madrasati Initiative is implemented under the umbrella of the Jordan River Foundation and other partners; the Ministry of Education, the Jordan Education Initiative, the Royal Health Awareness Society, the Jordan Education Society, the Children’s Museum, the Greater Amman Municipality, the Queen Rania Award for Excellence in Education, UNICEF, INJAZ, and Ruwwad.


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KAFA Another of Her Majesty’s prominent initiatives is KAFA, which stemmed from “The National Traffic Awareness Campaign” in 2005. KAFA aims to cooperate with all relevant institutions, public, private, and civil society to accomplish the program’s goal of increasing traffic awareness and fostering a culture of traffic safety that influences behavioral change, and motivates high individuals’ responsibility on the roads. Queen Rania Al Abdullah’s Award for Excellence in Education The Queen Rania Award for Excellence in Education was launched by Their Majesties King Abdullah and Queen Rania in October 2005, in observance of World Teachers’ Day. Aimed at accomplishing educational excellence by measuring, advancing, and honoring merit and achievement in teaching, the award’s mission is to set and communicate national standards of excellence, reward individuals and institutions accordingly, and develop inspirational success stories into national role models. With a charismatic and compassionate approach which only a natural born leader could possess, Queen Rania has captured the world with her genuine, empathetic character. Besides her noble title as the queen of Jordan, Her Majesty is the comrade, the mother, the friend, and the true Arab woman representing the compassion and pride of the Arab and Muslim world.

Best of Jordan



Jordan Land of Contrasts

The ancient land east of the River of Jordan, home to some of history’s more memorable moments, is now the staging ground for one of the Middle East’s fastest growing countries and economies, Jordan. Aptly named for the river that crosses its eastern border, Jordan has traditionally been at the center of ancient trade routes. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a scenic land of contrasts in harmonious existence; between the ancient and the modern, the desert and the hills, the local and the international. Remnants of the past dot Jordan’s serene deserts and lush hills, but its ambitious future is what truly characterizes its soul. The Capital: Amman If there is one word to describe the capital of Jordan, Amman, it would be eclectic. The construction boom in Amman can be heard everywhere, competing with the sounds of hectic traffic in its mains streets, circles, and through bridges. Previously called Philadelphia, Amman was one of the most significant cities of the Decapolis, a series of Roman cities of an Empire waking up to its glory days. Once a hilltop site of castles and ancient amphitheatres, the city is now more distinguished by the scene of cranes and frenzied building projects, and a melting pot of the ancient and the modern. In many corners of today’s ever-changing urban framework, stories from the past still stand tall, offering a mesmeric glimpse into the Kingdom’s history. A bustling hub of investment, hospitality, and culture, Amman consistently exceeds the expectations of its visitors. From five-star hotels and restaurants, to impressive art galleries and museums, what the city offers never seizes to astonish. The capital city has seen the introduction of first class brands and chains from around the world while still managing to maintain its small-city coziness and authenticity. The spacious suburbs and modern shopping in numerous malls contrast with the buzz of old souks in the downtown area; where one can shop for gold, silver and handmade jewelry in Downtown’s Gold Souk, or spices and handwoven rugs in neighboring streets. In Abdoun and Sweifieh, one can find restaurants, cafes, and swanky boutiques that originate from as far away as California and Italy. While in the cobblestoned Rainbow Street, home grown establishments dominate the neighborhoods with authentic Ammany flair. Amman is a microism of the whole of Jordan; speeding to its future while clinging with one hand to its genuine past. The Economy In many ways, the story of Jordan’s economy has been a story of success against improbable odds. Overcoming a lack of important resources such

Trade Agreement (AFTA), Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements with Jordan, United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement, and the QIZ agreements. Natural Resources

as water and oil, sustaining waves of refugees, and being in a tough regional neighborhood, Jordan has managed to build a vibrant and commercially viable economy. Jordan has also remained a metaphorical oasis of stability, despite its regional location on the sidelines of bordering conflicts.

Jordan’s natural resource base revolves around phosphates, potash, and fertilizer derivatives. With production totaling 6.4 million tons in 2005, Jordan was the world’s third largest producer of raw phosphates. In addition to these two major minerals, smaller quantities of unrefined salt, copper ore, gypsum, manganese ore, and the mineral precursors to the production of ceramics (glass sand, clays, and feldspar) are also mined, making up the country’s principal sources of hard currency earnings. Jordanians: The Backbone of the Economy

Trade With a heritage as a merchant middleman since the Nabatean Kingdom of Petra, and an idyllic situation at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Jordan is supremely located as a trading transit point for major mercantile activities. International trade has been a big part of Jordan’s economic success. This has been mainly due to two reasons; outstanding trade agreements and strategic location. Jordan has exceptional trade agreements with most of the countries in the World; some unique to this small country. Jordan enjoys the benefits of the Arab Free 28

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The Jordanian government has referred constantly to Jordan’s manpower and human resources as the nation’s most valuable resource. This is because the economy depends heavily on the professional service sector, and remittance income from expatriates. Jordan receives billions of dollars of invisible or unearned income in the form of inflows of foreign aid and funds transfers from expatriates. The Government of Jordan has placed a lot of emphasis on education, and invests 13 percent of its public expenditure budget on basic and

The Dawn of the Investment Climate The booming investment activity in Jordan has been one of the key drivers of propelling economic growth in Jordan. The country’s regulatory environment provides good overall freedom to start, operate, and close a business. In the past decade, Jordan has undertaken some broad economic reforms in a long-term effort to improve living standards. Jordan has relative strengths in terms of very low corruption, strong property rights, and low tax rates on individual and corporate income. Foreign Direct Investment in the country has risen drastically, thanks to new liberalizing policies enacted by the government. Since Jordan’s graduation from its most recent IMF program in 2002, Amman has continued to follow IMF guidelines; practicing careful monetary policy, making substantial headway with privatization, and opening the trade regime. These measures have improved productivity, and have made Jordan more attractive for foreign investment. With all these initiatives, the number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has seen a steady rise. The new investment spending has helped push GDP in the last few years, raising the standard of living for most Jordanians. Tourism The Golden Triangle of Petra, Wadi Rum, and Aqaba form the south’s most valuable tourist resources to Jordan, while the North of the kingdom enjoys the Greco-Roman Decapolis sites and the biblical sites. Tourism numbers have been consistently rising in recent years, mainly due to Petra’s vote as one of the world’s new seven wonders in 2007, and the increased number of tourist facilities and infrastructures in the country. Since 2004, the country has seen the development of mega-tourist projects in Amman, Dead Sea, Aqaba, and Petra. This pattern is expected to continue in the next few years as Jordan receives more exposure and gains rapid ground around the globe.

secondary education. The country boasts a high education rate at 90% of both males and females of the population - one of the highest in middle income countries. Post-secondary education, technical training, and job development training are also well-funded and play a key role in maintaining Jordan’s competitiveness in the global economy. Jordan’s Financial Sector Jordan’s financial sector is dominated by banking and is fairly well developed. In the last few years, the government has brought supervision and regulation into line with international standards. As of June 2006, there were nine domestic

commercial banks, two Islamic banks, five investment banks, and eight foreign banks. Three major Middle Eastern banks entered the market in 2004, offering more variety of financial services. The Arab Bank dominates the sector, accounting for about 60 percent of total assets. The government does not own commercial banks, but does own five specialized credit institutions focused on agricultural credit, housing, rural and urban development, and industry. The insurance sector is small but open to foreign competition. Capital markets are fairly robust by regional standards. The Amman Stock Exchange has been rising exponentially in the last few years, and as of 2008, market capitalization reached 23 billion Dinars. Best of Jordan


Jordan ranks as 58th in the world in terms of economic freedom according to the Heritage Foundation. Tourism accounts for approximately 11% of Jordan’s total GDP Jordan holds the highest female literacy rates in the region, with 82 percent literacy rates among all segments of the female population


Fast Facts Jordan A stable kingdom with a proud past and an optimistic eye to the future, Jordan’s strategic location at the nexus of Africa, Asia, and Europe has contoured its significant regional and economic power. Jordan is widely renowned for its authentic hospitality, a tradition cultivated from the inherent generosity of its people. While the miscellany of the Kingdom cannot be contained in a few pages, the following are some basic pointers. Area: 92,300 Km Capital City: Amman Time Zone: Summer (Riyadh +3 GMT), Winter (+2 GMT) Population: 6,198,677 Current per capita GDP: $4,906 GDP - real growth rate: 6% (2007 est.) Inflation: 14.8% (2008 est.) Official Languages: Arabic English

Religion: Sunni Islam 92% Christians 6% Other 2% Ethnic groups: Arab 98% Circassian 1% Armenian 1% Currency: Jordanian Dinar JD (1$=0.709 JD ) Country Dialing Code: (+962) Internet Domain: .jo Electric Current: 220 AC volts, 50 cycles, requiring rounded two-prong wall plugs Geography: Mostly desert plateau in east, highland area in west; Great Rift Valley separates East and West Banks of the Jordan River Climate: Mostly hot and dry in the summer; rainy season in west (November to April) 30

Best of Jordan

Major Trade Agreements: WTO Membership (2000), Arab Free Trade Agreement (AFTA, 2008), Free Trade Accord with the US (2001), Association Agreement with the EU (2001), Qualifying Industrial Zones (QIZ, 1996). Accessibility:

Elevation extremes:


Lowest point: Dead Sea -408 m Highest point: Jabal Ram 1,734 m

Jordan has a highly advanced telecommunications network with internet coverage gaining ground rapidly, and growing Wi-Fi networks and services. Mobile and cellular technology is prevalent throughout the country with four main service providers and approximately 100% penetration of local population.

Banks and Foreign Exchange: Jordan has an abundance of international banks, and credit cards (American Express, Visa, Diners Club, and MasterCard) can be used at most sizable retail outlets, hotels, and entertainment venues. Foreign exchange services are widespread and can be accessed in any part of the country.

Medical Facilities: Jordan has some of the most advanced medical facilities in the region, and medical tourism is quickly becoming a lucrative industry. The country’s natural setting and highly skilled workforce creates ideal grounds for a therapeutic experience. Best of Jordan


Visitors with a valid passport may obtain a visa at any Jordanian embassy, consulate, or legation abroad. A visa can also be obtained at Amman’s Queen Alia International Airport or at any other border crossing except King Hussein Bridge and the ferryboat from Egypt. Postal Services: Besides post offices, most 4 and 5-star hotels offer postal services. There are also a number of international courier services including Aramex, DHL, FedEx, TNT International and UPS. Post office opening hours are: Summer: Sat-Thurs 07:00-19:00, Fri 07:00-13:00. Winter: Sat-Thurs 07:00-17:00, Fri 07:00-13:00

“I may live in America, but in Jordan, I am always welcomed home.” -Peter Greenberg, Today Show, NBC News

Hospitality & Dining CHAPTER TWO

H O S P I TA L I T Y & D I N I N G

ATICO - Fakhreldin Group A Continuing Story of Success in Hospitality

Established in 1992, ATICO Fakhreldin Group specializes in investing and operating in the hospitality sector in Jordan and the Middle East. An icon of quality and innovation, ATICO has secured a position as the leading hospitality management group in Jordan. It started its first project with AlQasr Metropole Hotel, a four star boutique hotel, and expanded to include Fakhreldin Restaurant, Ren Chai, Yoshi, Vinaigrette Salad & Sushi Bar, Nai Club & Lounge, Trattoria Casa Della Pasta, The Courtyard, Wild Jordan Café, Amigo, Bistro One, Fakhreldin & Co. and Kebab Express. The company has also expanded outside the Kingdom, starting with Taboula Restaurant in Cairo. AlQasr Metropole Hotel A charming four star boutique hotel, AlQasr Metropole enjoys breathtaking views of Amman. Located in the most prestigious and commercial area in the capital, the hotel’s 66 rooms offer an abundance of modern amenities for all travelers’ necessities. With the highest standards of excellence, and a devoted team of attentive staff, AlQasr Metropole is famed for being the ideal destination for business and pleasure. Trattoria Casa Della Pasta In a relaxed ambience, this popular Italian pasta house offers a selection of the finest home-made pastas, genuine Italian dishes, and a wide range of wines. It has also become known for its famous fish market, with a considerable assortment of fresh fish and shellfish delivered daily from the Arabian Gulf. AlQasr Metropole Hotel

Vinaigrette Salad and Sushi Bar

Vinaigrette Salad and Sushi Bar On the 7th floor of the AlQasr Metropole, Vinaigrette’s glass walls offer remarkable panoramic views of East and West Amman. Specializing in a wide variety of cuisines, you may ‘Create your own salad’, enjoy international platters or savor Japanese delicacies whilst listening to Jazz music. The Sushi bar, Amman’s first, displays an impressive variety of sushi, sashimi, maki and temaki freshly prepared by skilled resident sushi chefs.


Nai Nai remains Amman’s most popular and longest running night spot, maintaining its strong appeal for over seven years. Renowned for its original music and style, it’s set amid distinctive modern décor with oriental touches, creating a sophisticated, glamorous mood. Nai serves a fusion menu including Lebanese mezza, international favorites and Japanese specials prepared by award winning chefs. This venue is very popular with the elite of the Jordanian society and with visiting celebrities.


Best of Jordan

The Courtyard The Courtyard is a laid back, casual summer garden with white leather couches and private lounges around a grass lawn set-up. In winter, a heated tent is installed making it the perfect venue for concerts, events and private parties. The Courtyard serves heartwarming dishes such as fresh oven baked pizza, burgers and shawerma, as well as chilled drinks and the ever popular sheesha.

The Courtyard

Fakhr El Din Restaurant Popular amongst royalty, government officials and celebrities visiting Amman, Fakhr El Din Restaurant has been Jordan’s leading Lebanese restaurant for over 10 years. Set in an old charming house that was renovated to preserve its original heritage and style, Fakhr El Din specializes in genuine Lebanese cuisine with exceptional service. The vast menu includes various oriental mezza, succulent meats, fresh fish and several delicious desserts of exceptional standard. Fakhr El Din Restaurant

Wild Jordan Café The Wild Jordan Café has a scenic location with magnificent views of old Amman and the Citadel. Located in the center run by the RSCN which aims to generate income for the communities of the six nature reserves it oversees, Wild Jordan Café offers fresh, healthy, low fat and organic dishes inspired by these reserves. The Café also contributes part of its revenues to support the local communities. Bistro One This cozy Mediterranean bistro style restaurant is located in one of Amman’s charming old neighborhoods, offering an intimate dining experience. The menu is creatively delicious, offering fantastic cuts of steak, fondues, seafood salads, fine wines and great cocktails, or more simply a coffee and croissant al fresco on the summer veranda.

Wild Jordan Café

Bistro One

Best of Jordan


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Amigo Pub Amigo is a laid-back pub that attracts an alternative crowd, and is a great place to share drinks with friends, enjoy a game of pool and listen to original rock music or hits of the 80’s and 90’s. Live music nights are not to be missed. Ren Chai A beautiful and contemporary fine dining Chinese restaurant, Ren Chai creates an atmosphere that emphasizes elements of nature in a modern style. If offers a range of Cantonese and Szechuan delicacies, such as lobster and shark fin soup as well as your favorite dishes. In the summer, dine in the tranquil open air garden. Ren Chai

Amigo Pub

Yoshi The newest & most exciting concept, Yoshi, offers a contemporary yet casual Asian all day dining experience serving light Dim Sum, delicate sushi items prepared live at the Sushi Bar, authentic Tepanyaki, and ‘the best’ Asian platters to share. Enjoy a huge range of exclusive Asian teas by Tchaba as well as unique cocktails and a great wine list. With a beautiful interior comprised of wood paneled walls, banquet seating, fine art as well as brass and bamboo fittings Yoshi is a relaxing place to have a business lunch, afternoon Japanese tea on the terrace or just to meet friends at the bar for some light bites. Yoshi

Fakhreldin & Co. ATICO’s deli at Cozmo Superstore offers freshly prepared, high quality food products from all of its outlets. Mezza from Fakhr El Din, Sushi from Vinaigrette, hot items from Ren Chai, smoothies from Wild Jordan Café and many other items are delicately packed and ready to go. Kebab Express Freshly prepared Lebanese appetizers, healthy sandwiches and delicious grills are served in a fast food setting where all menu items have been carefully selected from Fakhr El Din Restaurant’s popular items. Kebab Express currently operates two outlets with many more to follow in ATICO’s plan of expansion.

Fakhreldin & Co.

Kebab Express


Best of Jordan

Interview with Mr. Azzam Fakhreldin, COO of ATICO ATICO’s hospitality, dining, and entertainment outlets, in addition to its event management services are spectacularly diversified. How do you fuse such a variety under one umbrella? We achieved this diversity by sustaining the same vision for all of ATICO’s business divisions. We strongly believe in the four Cs: Creativity, Consistency, Cooperation, and Coordination. ATICO’s initials further signify our corporate code of ethics: A: Attention to detail, T: Trend Setting and innovation, I: Involvement in community and social responsibility, C: Consistency in standards, O: Organization unity through our people. We believe that our outlets’ unison relates directly to our employees’ dedications who truly are our assets. All above principles are embedded throughout our entire team, resulting in the durability and individuality of our businesses. A high benchmark of quality has become associated with our outlets since our establishment, and that greatly fuels our motivation to keep it up. What strategies do you implement in securing your position as a leading hospitality management group? Mainly consistency and creativity - we have always been initiators rather than followers, pioneering the hospitality scene in Jordan. It started when we established the first high quality family owned boutique hotel, when we took over in 1992. Also, in Arabic fine dining when Fakhr ElDin opened in 1997, and later when we opened the first local sushi bar (Vinaigrette Salad & Sushi Bar). We are aggressive in our progressions, taking risks despite market saturations because we confidently believe in each of our products. Plus, we are constantly on the lookout for market needs and opportunities. ATICO played a major role in shaping Jordan’s entertainment scene. What is your biggest achievement and toughest challenge? Both my biggest achievement and toughest challenge is ATICO’S earned credibility. It’s an achievement because ATICO’s quality products and services have set credible standards, which our valued customers have become naturally accustomed to. However ironically, it is also our biggest challenge. When customers hold such an expectant perspective of your product, there is absolutely no room for mistakes. Another hefty challenge restaurateurs face is the shortage of trained personnel, therefore we pour our main effort into training and rewarding programs. ATICO is renowned for its CSR across the kingdom. Would you brief us on your community involvements? Our involvement in the community consumes an integral part of ATICO’s beliefs and commitment – it is not just morally rewarding, but also reflects greatly on the business. ATICO’s charitable

ATICO head office team

involvements include King Hussein Cancer Foundation, Tikyat Um Ali, Al Awdah Hospital (Gaza Strip), and Al Itihad Woman’s Hospital (Nablus) among others. You are a rightful entertainment icon of Jordan. With over 17 years of experience, what is your view of the local hospitality industry today? It’s quite like ‘survival of the fittest’! When we first entered the market, consumers’ expectations were minimal. Today however, we operate in a community which is highly exposed and bizarrely diversified, leaving us with little to no choice of compromise. Since 1991, the industry has seen a huge leap in professional hospitality services making it more challenging than ever, especially as we often compete with international food chains which have ventured into Jordan.

outlets, and look at noteworthy expansions in the near future through empowering managers, implementing quality audits, and embedding corporate methods. Locally we are expanding our latest fast food Arabic concept ‘Kebab Express’ as we believe that the future of dining in the kingdom is fast food, due to modern day fast life and high costs. Our aim is to export this concept regionally and internationally. As part of our expansion plans abroad, we are close to opening Fakhreldin restaurant in Bahrain, and soon after in Saudi Arabia.

Finally, what developments does the future potentially hold for ATICO? Our prime focus is to institutionalize our existing Best of Jordan


H O S P I TA L I T Y & D I N I N G

Ziad Akkawi The Man Behind Some of Jordan’s Most Exciting Spots

Swanky continental dining and transcendental entertainment are some of the hallmarks that Shaman, Teatro and 51 are prized for. Visionary Ziad Akkawi shares how ten years in the business have shaped Amman’s lounge-dining scene. From youth to prime restaurateur, his is a story of inspiration.

Discuss your background. How did you pursue a career in the restaurant business? I was fascinated by the restaurant world for as long as I can remember. Keen to engage in the hospitality industry after school, I moved to Canada and later the US to gain experience working in hotels, clubs and restaurants’ promotion. I returned to Jordan in 1997, eager to pursue my ambition in my homeland, and so I worked in several fields within the hospitality industry to gain wider market perception. But it was not until 1999 during a supervisory position at Whispers Restaurant (a well reputed dining venue in Amman), that I felt truly confident with my knowledge of the sector. With this came my recognition of a gap in Amman’s night scene 38

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the concept of lounge dining. Although it seemed perfectly suited to the city’s crowd, the idea was barely existent when I decided to fill this niche. Amman was ripe for a dining revolution; the city was growing and attracting global residents who wanted fresh concepts. Fortunately for us, competition was scarce. Along with three close friends, I set about transforming Amman’s dining trend and the product of our endeavors was Shaman. Shaman is reputed for its distinguished ambience, and chic decor. How would you describe its concept? Shaman was created to establish and popularize lounge dining in Amman, embodying the

philosophy whole-heartedly. Exuding personality and diversity, guests can enjoy a full meal, a small snack with drinks, or cocktails and dancing all at the same sociable and relaxed venue. Essentially, it is malleable to the clients’ own tastes and desires. My inspiration for Shaman’s décor and milieu was derived from my prolonged travel to different countries, notably Ibiza which I found most stimulating in terms of style and atmosphere. Each of the four lounges offer a unique experience, while maintaining a harmonious link of the same underlying concept. Shaman’s main restaurant offers casual but funky entertainment coupled with an exceptional continental menu, while Nara (adjacent to Shaman) transports guests to a Moroccan lounge; intimate with soft lighting, shisha, and relaxed seating. Myth on the

other hand, is a spacious lounging area, where festive moods blend with contemporary beats. Finally, Zen offers the best in Japanese fine dining in a warm sophisticated setting. This lounge also includes a smaller Japanese-style dining room, for private functions. What about your latest venues, Teatro and 51, which rapidly became known for their elegant dining experiences? Teatro and 51 recently opened, offering customers a stylish dining and entertainment experience in the heart of Amman. Teatro offers the finest of French and Italian cuisine in a mature and romantic setting, providing avant-garde delicious recipes to even the most discerning Best of Jordan


of palates. Situated on the upper floor, bar 51 combines comfort and elegance, boasting floor to ceiling windows with striking views of the city. How would you describe the fine dining scene in Amman? Describe your client base. The phenomenon of globalization has meant that unique trends and cuisines can be accessed from opposite sides of the world. Restaurateurs have to keep pace with clients’ demands in order to secure their success, which means experimentation and originality. Jordan is of course included in this wave of exposure and should always strive to compete on a global scale. The fine dining scene in Amman has

H O S P I TA L I T Y & D I N I N G been expanding rapidly, especially since 2005. Ultimately, Jordan ranks as one of the top three dining and night scene destinations in the Middle East, and I am proud to be part of this. Our ‘average’ customer today is highly cultured, with sophisticated tastes and expectations. I welcome these as they are the ones who will maintain the development of the restaurant industry, highlighting the competition and individual improvements. Trendy locations often seem to have their ‘moment of fame’ before becoming fast fading fads, but this was never true of your outlets. How do you stay in vogue? I firmly believe that you should never get too comfortable with your success. Development cannot be achieved unless you constantly strive to improve. As a managing partner, I always go

the extra mile to remain hands-on, no matter how busy the schedule gets. I have seen enough malfunctions in the market to fully comprehend that every triumph is at risk, unless you constantly try to introduce new ideas, renovations, food menus, and so forth. We realize that customer loyalty cannot be sustained unless we portray our loyalty to them by ensuring added value. An integral component of any success story lies in its unquenchable ambition, and our story is no exception to this fact. What challenges do you face in running your business? Considering that the buzz of the dining and nightlife industry in Jordan is relatively new, it is natural that there are challenges which we must take a lead role in improving. For starters, the shortage of experienced staff - we put great effort into training our employees offering attractive 40

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incentives to match international standards of expertise. This issue is a direct consequence of the shortage of professional institutions. In accordance with His Majesty King Abdullah’s vision, the government is actively providing facilities for the tourism sector, which is greatly beneficial to us. Is there anything else to add about yourself or the restaurant profession that would be interesting to others aspiring to succeed in the industry? This sector is very challenging. Although initial capital is important, it is by no means enough. One must be patient and prepared to sacrifice personal time. Ambition and drive for success pave the way, but they need to be coupled with hard work. This is not a revolutionary statement, but the execution of it requires strict discipline that one has to be willing and able to endure.

Best of Jordan


H O S P I TA L I T Y & D I N I N G

Four Seasons Amman A City Haven

Four Seasons Hotel - Amman combines luxury and comfort in the heart of Jordan’s modern capital. Its location on a hilltop between one of Amman’s main shopping areas and its financial district, grants spectacular views and a convenient setting. The high standards of Four Seasons Amman have not gone amiss in 2008, it was voted one of the top hotels in the Middle East in Condé Nast Traveller’s Annual Readers’ Choice Award.

The hotel’s plush accommodation, delectable restaurants, and well-appointed business, conference and banquet facilities set a new standard of quality and excellence in the city. The 192-room hotel opened in December 2002, and was inspired by Jordan’s rich history and heritage, creating a landmark building that leaves a memorable impression. The columns running the full height of the hotel’s storey façade are a strong reference to Jordan’s Roman past. This reference echoes throughout the interior of the building as well, where natural-coloured marble, polished columns and arches divide corridors and public areas to create smaller, more intimate spaces.

Sumptuous Slumber

Outside, the detailing of corners, openings and windows are traditionally Jordanian. Whilst inside, the marbled, tiled or carpeted floors echo the mosaic borders and patterns for which this region is famous. The main feature of the doubleheight entrance hall is the huge, circular glasstopped table supporting magnificent flower arrangements, which alter the colours and mood of the entrance hall as they are changed each week.

Business with a touch of class


Best of Jordan

The 192 guest rooms and suites of the hotel enjoy the feel and ambiance of a large villa. With the smallest rooms being 45 square metres, the hotel bedrooms are the most spacious in the city. Framed by curtains in golden tones of heavy satin and organza, the generous picture windows provide fabulous views across the bustling city. The dark wood furniture follows the modern art deco theme used throughout the hotel. In each room, a high wing armchair and an ottoman stand beside a circular, open-structured side table in brushed chrome and glass. The beds ensure guests enjoy a plush and restful sleep.

At the centre of Four Seasons Hotel Amman’s business, conference and banquet facilities lies the city’s grandest ballroom. At 1,100 square metres with a 5.7 metre high ceiling, the granite and marble room offers state-of-the-art audiovisual and lighting systems, supported by onsite technicians. On the fifth floor, with direct access from all levels, three luxuriously appointed boardrooms offer unrivalled, panoramic views over Amman. The Business Centre also provides

secretarial support services and office supplies. For guests who wish to work in the quiet privacy of their own room or suite, they’ll find en suite standard business amenities including fax, computer, and high speed internet, along with multi-line telephones. Taster’s Choice Four Seasons Hotel - Amman caters to a diversity of tastes through a variety of restaurants. Exquisite dishes are served up at each venue, ranging from a choice of Mediterranean and international, to traditional Thai and Italian specialities. Seasons is the hotel’s main restaurant for breakfast and lunch. It overlooks a landscaped summer dining terrace with the feel of a ‘secret garden’, and offers a sumptuous buffet featuring an assortment of international dishes. For an opulent taste of Italian cuisine in a rich contemporary setting, guests may head to Vivace. Asia on the other hand, which specialises in Thai, Japanese, and Chinese cuisine with a contemporary and innovative edge. With panoramic views over the city and a capacity limited to 56, diners may sample five appetizers in one with “The White Plate” before being

tempted by aromatic delights such as Peking duck and Kong Po lobster. For an informal dining experience, The Square Bar serves snacks and light bites in a club atmosphere; secluded and intimate with an indoor capacity of just 20 guests, and space for further 12 outside. Continental breakfast, light meals and English afternoon tea can be enjoyed in The Foyer Lounge. Offering the feel of a contemporary, yet relaxing living room, tables are widely spaced for added privacy, while views over the city from the spacious outdoor terrace impart an air of refined culture. Relax and Rejuvenate Guaranteed to satisfy the diverse demands of fitness enthusiasts, weary sight-seers or business executives, the Spa and Wellness Centre’s discrete atmosphere, attentive staff and state-of-the-art facilities are a welcome addition for the body and spirit alike. The centre includes an indoor pool and a beautifully landscaped outdoor pool overlooking the city. There are four treatment rooms with private showers and flexible space to accommodate both male and female guests. The gym contains aerobic and weight training facilities with TV monitors and CD players, and separate male and female saunas. Best of Jordan


While the whirlpool and steam room offer relaxing alternatives, the centre also offers classes with qualified instructors for those who request it. At the spa, guests can experience the curative powers of the Dead Sea with speciality mud treatments and salt scrubs imbued with the concentrated minerals of this unique lake, enabling visitors to benefit from the restorative and relaxing powers of one of the world’s most extraordinary natural phenomena. Traditional facials and indigenous massages, aromatherapy, and a variety of herbal wraps and holistic therapies are also offered.

H O S P I TA L I T Y & D I N I N G

Travel One

Travel One was established in 1998, at a time when there was a major niche in the market for a specialty travel agency, fully inclusive in its one-stop-shop travel services. There needed to be a professional and dedicated agency which would go the extra mile in customizing travel packages. Consequentially, Nidal Qart capitalized on that market gap, and founded Travel One to embrace all travel necessities, with an objective of concentrating on quality rather than quantity. Here, Nidal gives us a view behind the scenes of fine travel.

You have established wide recognition for your all-inclusive travel arrangements. What range of services does your company cover? Travel One offers a comprehensive range of services. The ticketing and reservations department tends to focus on all details relating to securing the best possible flight options at the most competitive rates. Furthermore, convenient provision of services includes ticket delivery, 24/7 hotline service, advance boarding pass issuance, as well as the catering to any individual special needs and requirements. Then again, if a traveler wants more than just a ticket, Travel One’s Outbound Department provides consultation to honeymooners, leisure 44

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seekers, incentive, religious and official business travelers. Travel One’s experienced staff members work relentlessly on providing the latest and the best travel destinations and bargains. Catering to the individual needs of our clients, we offer various on-line reservations systems connected to a worldwide network of selected hotels, car rental agencies and other land-arrangement service providers. Travel One also caters to the needs of travelers visiting Jordan from abroad. The Inbound Department currently helps tourists coming to Jordan by designing cost-effective tour plans, and arranging all land services necessary for a hassle free, comfortable, and exciting stay in Jordan.

What would you say distinguishes Travel One from other travel service providers? As an authorized International Air Transport Association (IATA) member, Travel One has access to the lowest airfares on all major airlines, and offers discounted airfare tickets to the public and other travel agencies on both retail and wholesale levels. Packages are flexible and cost-effective, tailored to effectively suit our clients’ budgets, without compromising the uniqueness or quality of their travel experience. Our packages come with the guarantee of fulfilling customers’ individual needs, and the best possible options that make traveling with us a truly unforgettable experience. Of course, we also provide information on all destinations from entry permissions to full tourist details

such as best travel seasons, important sites… etc. Furthermore, we keep a part of our budget for our staff to travel on inspection trips to the destinations and hotels we offer. We send our customers to exclusive hotels and destinations we experienced ourselves. Do you introduce seasonal travel deals? Sometimes we do offer good bargains on ticket prices for a limited period of time as we did recently, but we usually don’t encourage introducing the so-called “hot deals of the season” as it is not our specialty. We sell personalized packages that fit individuals. In all cases, we always ensure that our offerings exceed our clients’ expectations.

Best of Jordan


How do you sustain the qualitative continuity of Travel One’s status? Travel One’s success is based on the commitment and dedication of its staff members, who strive to offer the most comprehensive and professional travel services to fulfill each client’s unique needs. Through the dedicated efforts of our experienced travel consultants, the company is known for unequaled integrity, unmatched service, and unsurpassed pricing. CRM and Quality control are also part of Travel One’s strategy in sustaining its quality image and attention to details. We constantly research the latest travel trends, and always take part in travel fairs, FAM trips and hotel inspections worldwide, in the pursuit of always providing customers with the latest travel trends and destinations.

H O S P I TA L I T Y & D I N I N G What scenarios does the future hold for Travel One? There are five major plans that we are currently working on achieving. Firstly, we are working towards opening a regional office, which is a chief step for Travel One, and will be implemented in the near future. Our presence in the market for ten years, coupled with our extensive client base, means that we have formulized systems required for operational expansion in the GCC region. Travel One has also opened its new Head Office in Abdoun area (West Amman) to serve as headquarters for all company operations locally and regionally, and plans for its grand opening during spring of this year. Consequently, the number of employees is also expected to rise with this expansion to a total of 80. Upon

completion of the above, Travel One will be operating in three offices: a fully operational head office for client servicing, a branch office mainly for the Inbound and Marketing & Business Development departments, and a third office that will be used for a new project. Finally, we are happy to publicize that Travel One has established the sister company, Station One, last year. As a first phase, Station One will focus on lower rate airline ticket issuance and on a later stage aims to operate with an Outbound/ Inbound department. The Inbound Department is also expanding at a steady pace; we are currently working on redeveloping our software to further facilitate daily operations. As well, a new website will be up and running shortly to bring our business online.


Best of Jordan

Best of Jordan


“People invest in your ability to deliver to them a more favorable future.� -Jeff Blackman

Banking & Investment CHAPTER THREE


HSBC Jordan 60 Prosperous Years

When HSBC Jordan’s vision of becoming one of the leading banks in Jordan was shaped 60 years ago, it was guided by a few simple values: focusing on a constantly developing business model, a concise financial strategy built on solid fundamentals, and an unwavering commitment to outstanding service for customers no matter how big or small.

With around 9,500 offices in 85 countries and territories, 312,000 employees worldwide, over 125 million customers worldwide, and a total of 35 million customers registered for internet banking, HSBC Group is certainly on track with its vision of becoming the world’s leading financial services company. HSBC Group is one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world, with well-established businesses in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. HSBC has always aspired to be the ‘best place to bank’ for customers the world over. They have identified seven principal areas – which they call ‘global pillars’ – to help improve their operations, products and services offered to customers. Through these pillars, HSBC aims to become more ‘joined up’ and to demonstrate the real benefits that their size and international network bring to their customers. In 1994, the head office of The British Bank of the Middle East was transferred to Jersey ,and in 1999, the bank was renamed HSBC Bank Middle East. The investment in the Egyptian subsidiary was increased to 90 percent in 2001, and the bank was renamed HSBC Bank Egypt S.A.E. The British Arab Commercial Bank Limited (formerly UBAF Bank Limited) is another one of HSBC’s associated companies, in which Midland Bank became a shareholder in 1972. HSBC has pioneered services and products in the region,

building on its international capability and global reach. An innovative range of products, available through HSBC Amanah Finance, allows the Group to provide viable Islamic alternatives to conventional finance. With this range of interests, the Group is rightfully one of the leading banking and financial services organizations in the Middle East. In Jordan, HSBC has been operating since 1949 as one of the very first banks in the Kingdom. Currently, HSBC operates in three full branches, and two Wealth Management Offices in Amman; the new branch launched in 2007 was the first branch to be opened in Jordan in nearly a decade. Moreover, HSBC Jordan is constantly looking for potential locations to expand with their branches both inside as well as outside of Amman. HSBC provides a full range of personal financial and wealth management services in Jordan. These include current and savings accounts, mortgage finance, term deposits and credit cards, financial planning, and investment services. These are delivered to customers through branch network, extensive 14-ATM networks, internationally accessible personal internet banking service, and 24-hour phone banking service. Additionally, HSBC offers a full range of treasury and capital markets, investment, custody and commercial banking services to large companies, institutions and to the Government. 50

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Currently, HSBC serves customers in both Personal and Commercial Banking. In line with the bank’s global practices, and in order to enhance their product offerings, they have launched Credit Card Loyalty Programme, the SME Programme in 2007, and they are considering launching insurance products. Compared to 15 other banks in Jordan, HSBC has the number one ranking in ROE, liquidity, interest ratios and profitability growth as at 30 June 2007. HSBC Jordan offers an extensive assortment of trade financing and transaction management products and solutions, meeting a range of customer needs from vanilla trade products to specialised and structured solutions. HSBC further continues to be a pioneer in providing market leading trade and supply chain solutions, ensuring superior levels of customer satisfaction, and nest in class product development. Significantly, from 2005 to 2008, HSBC Jordan has had a Trade & Supply chain growth rate of 74%. As one of the leading trade banks in Jordan, and in light of strong growth in an evolving market, the delivery of creative and tailored solutions for participants at every stage of the financial supply chain will remain a priority for HSBC. Along with a steady focus on the next generation of trade finance solutions, HSBC will positively continue to add value in Jordan’s ever dynamic industry.

Best of Jordan



HSBC Jordan

HSBC’s first female CEO in the Middle East, Karen Adams, shares her outlook on the bank’s celebrated presence in Jordan for 60 years, along with its latest and future endeavors.

Would you brief us on your background and the progression of your career?

HSBC Bank celebrates 60 years in Jordan. What can you tell us in retrospect?

After finishing my undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Economics, followed by completing my MBA in International Finance, I joined HSBC in 1993 as a Personal Finance Services Officer in Vancouver, Canada. At the time, my work dealt mainly with mortgage lending and branch management. Subsequently, I became a Relationship Manager in Commercial Banking where I managed the portfolios of mid– sized commercial enterprises. After working with HSBC in Canada, I pursued my interest in Global Banking as an international manager. During which, I have lived and worked in Dubai, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Mumbai, Seoul, London and now in Jordan.

The bank has come a long way from its early roots on Salt Street, fostering relationships with both businesses and Jordanians alike. The bank has been one of the main players in the industry, leveraging Jordan’s economic potential. In 1949, the Imperial Bank of Iran was formed in Jordan as an infant market began to be fashioned. Situated in the renowned Amman Club Building on Salt Street, there were only two other banks in the market – the Arab Bank and the Ottoman Bank. Spearheading the financial markets in volatile times, was crucial to building an infrastructure capable of supporting local businesses.


Best of Jordan

In terms of financial growth, what have been its milestones in the last few decades? As financial standards and innovative products emanated over the years, HSBC became greatly reputed for firmly adhering to a policy of prudence, while being at the forefront of introducing various innovative services. In fact, the bank became the cornerstone of lending and investment products, and introduced modern banking practices and services not yet known with many of its competitors in the market. It was the first bank in Jordan to introduce ATM machines as a means to conduct more expedient banking transactions all through the day. HSBC’s distinguished Premier Service has been largely upgraded. What have been the advances? HSBC Premier is the world’s first globally linkedup banking service, enabling customers to explore and seize all the rich opportunities the world has to offer, wherever they may be. Through 250 centres across the globe, HSBC Premier makes the world more accessible whether you are at home or traveling abroad. Whether you are moving to a new country to work, living in two countries or sending your kids abroad to study, HSBC Premier’s international services will help you hit the ground running. Moreover, HSBC Jordan’s Premier Customers enjoy a distinguished area in each branch, in addition to a fully dedicated Premier Centre within HSBC Jordan’s Headquarters located on the 5th circle.

Jordan has witnessed continuous and encouraging economic growth in the past few years. What is your position on Jordan’s economic development, and its effect on the banking sector? Jordan’s economic future remains bright. HSBC Jordan acts as an engine for economic growth, financing infrastructure projects for large corporations and small to medium sized businesses. Jordan has also become a vital hub for the Levant region because of its geographic location, diverse demographics and stability. Historically, HSBC has always exerted great efforts in its communal involvements. Would you brief us on the bank’s corporate sustainability activities? HSBC Jordan has helped strengthen the fundamental social fabric of local Jordanian communities through philanthropic partnerships. The Bank has continuously contributed to sustainable development in Jordan in 3 keyareas: education, environment and the community. One of our landmark environment partnerships was the project in Bayouda village in Al- Balqa Governate, which helped to sustainably create environmentally friendly solutions for their agricultural development. Within local communities, we have continuously been involved in initiatives that support the SOS children’s homes in Aqaba, Bethlahem, and Irbid. We are actively engaged in raising awareness about breast cancer with the National Breast Best of Jordan


Cancer Awareness Campaign. HSBC also has solid involvements with The King Hussein Cancer Foundation, Tkiyet Um Ali, and with Al Hussein Society for Habilitation /Rehabilitation of the Physically Challenged and many more. On an educational side, some of our initiatives include university scholarships (12 in 2007 & 2 more in 2008), support for children from the Holy Land Deaf School, and sponsorship for orphan graduates through Al-Aman Fund. How about the strategic plan for the future of HSBC Jordan? The growing network of HSBC Bank Jordan operations is swiftly expanding. The bank is moving in the right direction in its expansion process, with more branches being opened in significant areas as a key component of its strategy. HSBC has helped Jordanians and Jordanian businesses achieve their financial goals through enduring partnerships. Customers have access to financial planning for their personal finances and businesses. HSBC is committed to continuing the support to the local economy in Jordan, our doors are wide open for business and will always be, so we can carry on the success story that started 60 years ago.


Standard Chartered Bank Leading the Way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Standard Chartered PLC, listed on both the London Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, ranks among the top 25 companies in the FTSE-100 by market capitalisation. The Standard Chartered London-headquartered group has operated for over 150 years in some of the world’s most dynamic markets, leading the way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Standard Chartered’s income and number of employees have more than doubled over the last five years primarily as a result of organic growth supplemented by acquisitions. Standard Chartered aspires to be the best international bank in its markets, through leading by example to be the right partner for its stakeholders. The group employs 75,000 people, nearly half of whom are women, representing 115 nationalities of which 60 are among senior management. Standard Chartered operates from more than 1,700 branches and outlets, located in over 70 countries. The bank derives more than 90 per cent of its operating income and profits from Asia, Africa and the Middle East, with balanced income derived from both Wholesale and Consumer Banking.


Best of Jordan

Standard Chartered the First Bank in Jordan The Right Partner – Leading by Example Standard Chartered is the oldest bank in Jordan, having acquired the operations of Grindlays Bank in Jordan in 2000, which had previously operated as the Ottoman Bank since 1925. Today, Standard Chartered Bank enjoys the largest footprint of any international Bank in Jordan with 6 Branches in Amman, and one in Irbid and Aqaba, serving both retail and corporate customers. The bank offers a wide range of innovative products and services, plus award-winning solutions that suit the needs of the local market, and prides itself on the fact that 99% of employees are Jordanians. As an international bank, they regard that as a great advantage in terms of combining deep local knowledge with global capabilities. Consumer Banking - Outsell, Outserve, Out underwrite Personal Banking services at Standard Chartered Bank Jordan are provided through a network of eight branches along with the Wealth Management Unit, which caters for priority customers and investment services. Personal Banking product offerings include Cash-Backed facilities, Credit Cards (Visa & MasterCard), outward / inward transfers, travelers’ cheques, auto loans, personal loans, mortgages, deposit accounts, ATM Cards services, I-Banking, and Phone Banking service, which includes “Pay-by-Phone” services. Innovative and value adding products and services are continuously being introduced to their product offering pipeline.

Wholesale Banking – Deepen Core Relationships and Add Value to Clients Commercial Banking Origination and Client Coverage provide clients with innovative solutions in cash management, transaction banking, capital markets, corporate and project financing, ratings advisory, private equity/ principle finance, loans and trade finance services through the bank’s strong international network in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Standard Chartered is committed to providing its customers with creative and tailored products that meet with their financial needs. Global Markets Standard Chartered Bank Jordan is one of the leaders in the field of treasury business, providing a broad array of products and services covering foreign exchange, currency options, and currency and interest rate management. The strength of Standard Chartered Bank lies in its extensive Best of Jordan


experience in currency markets, and the ability to provide comprehensive and professional services to customers. The Global Markets team was the first to introduce commodity hedging products to the local market. Principles & Values At Standard Chartered, success is built on teamwork, partnerships and the diversity of people. At the heart of their values lies diversity and inclusion. They are a fundamental part of Standard Chartered’s culture, and constitute a long-term priority in their aim to become the world’s best international bank. They believe that this diversity helps fuel creativity and innovation, supporting the development of exciting, new products and services for the bank’s customers worldwide.


Standard Chartered Leading the Way in Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Standard Chartered Bank Jordan’s CEO, Geoffrey Buchanan, elaborates on the bank’s presence in the Kingdom.

Can you give us some background on yourself and your tenure at the bank? I was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Bank Jordan in November 2007. Prior to this, I had been Chief Integration Officer – Hsinchu International Bank in Taiwan. Since joining the Group in June ’98, I have held various positions including Chief Executive Officer of Standard Chartered Bank Mauritius and Chief Financial Officer of Standard Chartered Bank Zimbabwe. Prior to joining the Bank, I held numerous financial and management roles in various industries in both Zimbabwe and London. There are many new venture opportunities for banks nowadays, which areas do you mainly focus on? We have balanced income growth from both Consumer and Wholesale Banking, and we will continue to invest in both businesses. In Consumer Banking, we will focus on attractive segments including Deposits, Credit Cards, SME business and Mortgage Loans. In Wholesale Banking, we will continue to support our existing customers’ financing and other banking requirements, and grow our share of foreign exchange, cash, capital markets and trading and derivatives activities. Additionally, our advisory services business focuses on selectively developing existing and emerging products (i.e. supplier chain finance, project finance, commodity finance, and advisory services). What is your overview of the banking sector in Jordan? The financial market turmoil has so far had limited impact on the banking sector in Jordan, which whilst not isolated from the global credit and liquidity problems, is insulated to a greater extent than some other countries in the region. The stringent regulatory oversight by the Central Bank of Jordan, including strong capital and liquidity requirements for banks, as well as restrictions on sector concentration will ensure the continued strength of the local banking sector during the crisis. The implementation of Basle II and enhanced capital requirements arising from it will further strengthen the sector. There are 23 banks in Jordan, with a limit on new banking licences that will be issued. We believe that there is likely to be consolidation activity in the banking sector in Jordan in the coming years.


Best of Jordan

What do you believe are the current key drivers in the local banking industry? Jordan has benefited from the implementation of structural reforms including trade liberalization, the establishment of economic zones, and significant inflows of FDI. These factors have all contributed towards an abundance of liquidity in the market and have had a positive effect on the local banking sector. However, growth in the sector will slow as the impact of the financial market turmoil is felt in the sector in 2009. Which tactics do you apply in upholding the bank’s outstanding performance? We have a clear and consistent strategy. We do business in markets we know intimately, with products we fully understand, and with customers we seek to nurture and build relationships with. The diversity of our income streams, the strength of our balance sheet, and our disciplined approach to risk have proven to be a robust platform for growth. We are well positioned to continue to weather the economic uncertainties, and to take advantage of opportunities as they emerge across our broad and diverse network. We apply a strong talent development philosophy, and strive to employ and develop talented individuals at all levels, and to differentiate ourselves from the competition. What figures can you share in terms of financial performance? 2008 has been a year of growth for us in Jordan with good income momentum in both our businesses. H1 2008 Financial Highlights: • Operating income increased by 20% to $31 million in H1 2008 compared to $26 million in H1 2007. • Total assets grew by 13% to $878 million from $779 million in December 2007. • Loans and advances to customers grew by 5% to $398 million from $379 million in December 2007. • Total liabilities grew by 10 % to $783 million from $710 million in December 2007. • Non performing loans ratio was maintained at 3.7%. The Bank continued to make good progress during the second half of 2008, benefiting from being seen as a ‘flight to quality’ bank in difficult times.

Best of Jordan


Standard Chartered enjoys an excellent reputation for its CSR, what can you tell us about this? We are committed to building a long term sustainable business, which focuses on financial performance, good governance, and supporting the communities and the environment in which we operate. In taking a long-term view of the social/environmental impact of our business, we use all resources at our disposal to make a positive contribution to society. We have made a number of commitments in this regard including: • • • •

A staff voluntary work programme enabling staff to contribute directly to their community. Providing university scholarships to ten of the Al-Aman Fund orphans including summer internships, engagement in our sustainability initiatives, and the opportunity of permanent employment with the Bank upon graduation. Provision of facilities to one of the largest microfinance institutions (MFI) in Jordan. This is in line with our Group’s pledge as part of the Global Clinton Initiative to help 400 million people to become economically empowered by 2011 through disbursing $500 million through MFIs. An environmental programme to create awareness amongst staff, customers and the broader community on environmental issues affecting our lives, and reducing the Bank’s direct impact on the environment.

Finally, what are some of the strategic goals for Standard Chartered? Our vision is to be “The Right Partner – Leading by Example’’ to our stakeholders. We aim for continued growth with equal focus on our Consumer and Wholesale banking businesses, while delivering sustainable superior financial performance. In our Consumer Bank we aim to outsell, outserve, out underwrite, and to continue rolling out innovative products. Likewise in Wholesale Banking, we see continued growth in our current markets and new product rollouts. We will continue to focus on becoming the core banker to our existing customers, offering differentiated products by leveraging off our regional and international network.


Jordan Dubai Capital

Established in 2005, Jordan Dubai Capital is currently one of Jordan’s largest investment companies, and is the region’s largest asset manager in power projects. An affiliate of Dubai International Capital (DIC) - a member of the leading investment group, Dubai Holding - JD Capital aims to empower the local economy and elevate it to notable regional levels. Initially funded with JOD 210 million, JD Capital has witnessed groundbreaking growth. Today, the company manages assets exceeding USD 1 billion. JD Capital’s CEO, His Excellency Mr. Samir Al-Rifai, shares his perspective on Jordan’s investment position.


Best of Jordan

In just over two years, JD Capital has expanded immensely. What are the achievement highlights of 2008? 2008 has truly been an eventful year, but if we are to select a few of our most notable achievements across the different sectors we operate in, then one major achievement in the energy sector via JD Energy & Infrastructure (JDE&I), would be the acquisition of the Government shares valued at USD 104 million, in Electricity Distribution Company (EDCO) and Irbid District Electricity Company (IDECO) by Kingdom Electricity Company (KEC), which was established by JDE&I. Another noteworthy development is the transformation of AQARCO into Jordan Dubai Properties, the new investment arm of JD Capital in the real estate and tourism sector, and the increase of its registered capital from JOD 7.5 million to JOD 70 million. We also signed an agreement with the Jordanian Royal Medical Services (JRMS) and the Britishregistered Eastern Holding to launch the Jordan Air Transport & Emergency Medical Evacuation Services Company, the first private Helicopter and Medical Evacuation Operation locally and regionally. In the banking sector, we acquired 52% of Industrial Development Bank (IDB) with the aim of converting it into Jordan Dubai Islamic Bank (JDIB), which will offer a comprehensive package of Shariah-compliant products to the Jordanian market. JD Capital is a rightful chief player in Jordan’s investment field. What is your view of the current investment sector in Jordan? Jordan has always been a prime destination for investment, not only on its burgeoning real estate front, but within other various economic sectors as well. His Majesty King Abdullah II has been particular in his vision of positioning Jordan as one of the Middle East’s top business and tourism destinations, and as such we have witnessed considerable legislation changes, resulting in growth across the Kingdom’s sectors. When that is coupled with Jordan’s stable political, economic and social environments, and its relatively unexploited wealth of business prospects, it makes an excellent destination for innovative investors seeking new opportunities in different locations. Even now in the face of what has been called a global financial crisis, which has triggered tangible upheavals in major markets in the West and some parts of the MENA region, Jordan remains a secure investment environment of maintained economic resilience. How about your general expectations of investment in 2009? The recent economic and financial upheavals resulting from the global financial crisis have undoubtedly affected investment trends around the world, yet its effect across Jordan’s investment scene has been notably mild compared to those exhibited regionally and globally. Jordan’s resilient,

The main verticals of Jordan Dubai Capital are: • Jordan Dubai Energy & Infrastructure (JDEI) – a developer and investor in energy and infrastructure sectors. Currently has over USD 800 million of assets under management. Their largest acquisition in 2007 was the privatization of the Central Electricity Generating Company (CEGCO). investor-friendly environment contributes majorly to the impact level which recent events have had on the Kingdom’s financial and investment institutions, and I am optimistic about the investment progress that will be made in 2009. JDC has the experience, technical expertise, and market insight needed to turn potential challenges into high-paying opportunities, as demonstrated in our company’s investment portfolio and history. We are confident that 2009 shall be a positive year.

• Jordan Dubai Properties (JD Properties) – a master developer and investor in the Jordanian real state & property sector. • Jordan Dubai Financial (JD Financial) – an investor in Shariah and conventional financial institutions, with a key focus on Shariah investments.

JD Capital sustains a greatly diversified operational scope. How do you manage the quality and progression of all divisions under one umbrella? Excellence follows a very simple formula: exceptional human capital, relentless capacity building, enlightened leadership, and a thorough understanding of market needs and trends. Each and every one of our verticals understands and adheres to this. We take great measures to ensure that each part of this equation is met by hiring the best professionals in our verticals’ respective sectors, and by constantly developing and offering high quality services. What does JD Capital ultimately seek to achieve in 2009 and beyond? We look forward to further developing our investments in real estate and tourism, energy and financial sectors among others, and consistently increasing our shareholders’ returns. We are committed to our role in augmenting the increasingly prevailing public-private sector partnership, and as such our future projects will reflect that. Best of Jordan



Jordan Investment Trust PLC - Jordinvest

Jordinvest is a premier investment and merchant banking institution in Jordan and the region. Constantly devoting their efforts to excellence in client service, Jordinvest provides creative approaches, superior financial advice, and execution capabilities based on in-depth research and analysis. Ahmad Tantash, Chief Executive Officer, shares the company’s aspiration to advance as the leading institution with the greatest knowledge of local and regional economies and capital markets. 2008 marked a symbolic milestone for Jordinvest as you celebrated your 10th anniversary. How would you reflect on the past ten years? Over the past decade, we have evolved from a small investment boutique into a financial investment company, offering the full spectrum of investment banking services. This expansion underwent a series of changes to its approach, strategy and outlook. The epicenter of these changes focused on building capacity by recruiting specialized individuals in the area of finance and management. Our boost of services and product lines has since catered to an expanding rainbow of customer base, including institutions and individuals alike. Accordingly, our approach focused on vertical growth in product and service lines, as well as horizontal growth in company footprint in terms of deals, clients, or geographic territory. The adopted strategy focused on finding win-win-win formulas between the client, the service provided in a defined timeframe, and the expansion of Jordinvest reach to new products and markets. Jordinvest’s outlook is revisited yearly to review progress and to adjust to dynamic market conditions. Being an entity of the financial and investment realm, we vitally remain attuned and responsive to daily developments. Therefore, Jordinvest was effective in sketching its short and medium term outlooks, positioning it well to take advantage of the various economic cycles we passed through locally and regionally. Naturally, meeting the expectations of our shareholders is paramount. This came in the form of producing growing profitability and dividend distribution year after year, thus contributing to a robust balance sheet, which has been strengthened and deepened through years of accumulating profits and capital increases. What services has the company pioneered in Jordan? Jordinvest was the first public shareholding company in 1998, acting as a financial


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investment company offering services of asset management and corporate finance. In year 2000, we launched Jordan’s first mutual fund, the First Trust Fund, which is still thriving today. Despite the financial crisis we currently face, the fund today is performing better than the benchmarks and against peers in the region. We also were the first to introduce debt instruments to the Jordanian market in the form of bonds to companies seeking capital. Ultimately as the company matured, Jordinvest was able to raise awareness levels on the importance of the role that investment banks play in contributing to a growing economy. This rise in awareness has helped Jordinvest expand in its product lines and services, hence introducing several functions in order to keep up with the evolution of the regional economies, coupled by being proactive in supporting the culture of openness and creativity. Therefore, we introduced Research, Advisory Brokerage, Brokerage, Structured Products, Private Equity and Merchant Banking Activities. We have also been an active player in the IPO market by taking DAMAC Jordan, AMLAK Jordan, DARAT and Ihdathiat public in the past few years.

Moreover, we met success on the private equity side with a regional company that went public recently in Dubai by the name of DEPA. We have advised, arranged and placed DEPA’s acquisition to a sizable stake in JWICO of Jordan. This has also served our objective of being a player on the regional arena. We become one of the pioneers in Jordan by venturing into the Shariah Islamic products, by launching our first Shariah Islamic all equity fund during 2008. We believe that this field is a growing one in Jordan and the region, and hence it is essential for the company to establish its footing early on in the process. Jordinvest aggressively pursued the merchant banking activities by addressing education and hospitality. We are large stakeholders in a fund that targets regional education, and aims to improve quality of service to the community while serving our financial interests at the time

of exit from the fund. In the same vein, we have created a hospitality fund that also aims to provide quality products to our clients in the field of food and beverages that brings under its umbrella Caribou Coffee, Schlotzky, Cinnabon and Carvel. The aim is to grow this business and leverage on the returns at the time of exit. Your team is widely recognized for its symbolic expertise. Which personnel methods are pertained to protract this quality? Our proud accomplishments would not have been tangible realities without the efforts of our team. We regard Jordinvest’s employees as the company’s key asset, thus we have taken measures to create a positive work environment, and to offer competitive pay packages. We also make sure to recruit high caliber, experienced new members, which have the necessary skills and qualifications to help investors realize and achieve their diverse financial goals. HR development is one of our top priorities; we actively provide inhouse and external training to ensure our staff is abreast of the latest developments, and is able to maintain the high quality service we uphold. What is Jordinvest’s future vision? I am proud of everything we have achieved so far, and I am confident that the future is filled with success. Our assets under management are growing exponentially, our research products are gaining a reputation synonymous with impartial analysis, our corporate finance team is comprised of regional specialists, and our operations are run according to international standards of excellence. In addition to building on these achievements, we continue to envision Jordinvest as an assertive Jordanian entity, with sustained regional growth. As we have been approaching it over the past four years, our model will continue to focus on a blend of strategies that ties local expertise with regional companies entering Jordan, or regional companies outsourcing some of their activities to Jordinvest. As well, this may come in the form of alliances, partnerships, representations, or a service provider. Best of Jordan


“This is a fantastic time to be entering the business world, because business is going to change more in the next 10 years than it has in the last 50.� -Bill Gates

Corporate Company Profiles CHAPTER FOUR


Best of Jordan

Best of Jordan



United Technology Solutions (UTS) Helping Build the Foundations of Jordan’s Technology Infrastructure “We have followed a path that will allow the technological revolution to harness our available talent into productive sectors that can fuel and sustain economic growth” His Majesty King Abdullah II

Daoud Abboud and Raad Al Majali

When his Majesty King Abdullah II embarked on an ambitious technology promotions program in 2004, he described it to the BBC as “big ideas for a little country.” As Jordan ushers in a new era of technology, some of these big ideas will come from United Technology Solutions (UTS). UTS, a leading Jordanian technology solutions firm, plays a major role with its subsidiary companies in the eventual blooming of a world-class economy, backed by a brace of technological foundations.

Four years and countless projects later, the vision has bloomed to reality as UTS has grown from a small firm to a leading player in the country and the region. The pinnacle of these achievements came with UTS’s signing of a strategic framework agreement with the Jordanian government to provide it with Oracle products and services. This was a demonstration of the key role that UTS plays in the national technology agenda, its commitment to advancing technology assets in the country, building local human resources capacities, and advancing highly specialized technology and business applications training. The success of its operations in Jordan has become a foreshadow to eventual achievements in the region as it established a new subsidiary in Saudi Arabia. 66

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Born out of a determined initiative, UTS grew to provide strategic turn-key business and IT designed solutions to a wide spectrum of businesses and industries. UTS’s life mission is to be a pioneer in delivering solutions based on world-class products of international standards. In a mere 4 years, it has fulfilled and surpassed its intended mission by managing to vertically integrate all of its services such as product resale, licensing, business consultancy, software implementation, infrastructure solutions, training and other IT support services. In its relentless pursuit of software development and innovation, UTS has gone further by developing the latest technologies using the Java platform as it acquired MISC.

UTS has a lot to offer to potential clients; 20 years of experience in the information technology industry, strategic alliances with prominent IT suppliers, and a motivated work force. The clients of UTS have included every segment of the economy and the society including the Greater Amman Municipality, Royal Jordanian, Jordan Armed Forces, and the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, as well as entities in the banking, finance, and telecommunication sectors. UTS also provides a variety of supporting technology solutions through its subsidiary companies: CompuBase International, Synaptic, and Convergence.

also has a dedicated Testing and Certification Center, which is authorized by Prometric and VUE. It is also a Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions, an Oracle Authorized Education Partner, and an AutoDesk Training Center.

Synaptic Synaptic is a joint endeavour between UTS and market professionals in the networking industry. Widely regarded as the networking arm for UTS, Synaptic offers myriad networking solutions and services. These services fulfill different vertical and horizontal markets needs, with a focus on exemplary services. As a Cisco Silver-Certified Partner, the company offers total network infrastructure solutions. Other services offered include networking professional services, longhaul fibre optics and services, and structured cabling solutions partnering with world wide industry leaders. Convergence

“Over the last few years, UTS has embraced the broad-sighted view of His Majesty’s vision. We have promoted a human-centric approach that will benefit students across the country, support a new segment of entrepreneurs and technology professionals, assist returning Jordanian expatriates, and transfer skills and knowledge towards a new generation walking on the path of the technological revolution. This makes UTS a critical color of Jordan’s technology scene as we help guide it to a brighter future.” Raad Al Majali - Chairman of the Board at UTS

Convergence Consulting & Technology, a UTS company, has been established to provide the latest Microsoft licensed solutions and services to the local and regional market. As a Microsoft Gold-Certified Partner, Convergence offers its corporate accounts exceptional software deployment and technical support. In addition, as a Large Accounts Reseller (LAR), Convergence provides Enterprise Licensing Solutions and Microsoft Business Consultancy Services. Convergence is committed to developing long term relationships with clients, and to suppling total end-to-end solutions based on Microsoft Business Solutions for small, medium and enterprise level customers. CompuBase A subsidiary of UTS, CompuBase International provides computer training and certification programs through a wide range of courses for beginners, intermediate, and advanced users, as well as IT professionals. This encompasses Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Training, CAD Training, Graphics Design Training, and Soft Business Skills training. CompuBase

Akram Abu Hamdan

“Education comes at the forefront of Jordan’s leadership agenda, through relentless efforts aimed at reforming and developing the country’s human capital. As part of the DIP Fund’s contribution to this initiative, and to further enhance human skills in Jordan through IT training, the DIP Fund and UTS, have capitalized on their know-how and partnered to form a platform that will develop IT skills at the community level through the establishment of the Oracle Academy.” Akram Abu Hamdan – Delegated Board Member of DIP

“Over the last few years, UTS has managed to exceed all expectations by consistently expanding our portfolio of products and services in a desire to provide end-toend services, extend our network of key partners, and increase our market share in Jordan. This has been supported by market coverage to Saudi Arabia. Our future geographical expansion includes North African countries, spanning from Egypt to Morocco. Our motivation is inspired by His Majesty’s vision of building a knowledge based economy, and utilizing local talent which contributes to the national ICT industry.” Daoud Abboud - CEO UTS Technologies

Best of Jordan



Al Tajamouat Group

Al Tajamouat Group was initially born with the establishment of the Specialized Investment Compounds in 1994, aka locally as Al Tajamouat and in the financial market as SPIC. Having started as a real estate development company, Al Tajamouat today is renowned for its specialized industrial parks, as well as residential and commercial projects. Chairman of Al Tajamouat Group, Halim Salfiti, shares the latest on the diversification and expansions of their developments.

Tell us about the establishment and progress of Al Tajamouat Industrial City?

our industries since then have been of limitless value.

Our first and leading project is Al Tajamouat Industrial City, developed in 1997. Our prime function is to build infrastructure, ready made industrial buildings, and tailor made buildings, serving the local market with proper industrial workshop and commercial units. When the QIZ agreement was signed with Jordan and the USA in 1999, Al Tajamouat was designated as a privately owned QIZ area, significantly meaning that it would start providing duty and quota free access for products manufactured within the zone, to be exported to the US market. Hence, Al Tajamouat became one of the first privately owned industrial zones with a QIZ status in Jordan. From there onwards, the QIZ designation paved the way for major business expansion opportunities, seeing an immediate and steady increase in the attraction of foreign and local investors. Consequentially, it became the largest privately owned industrial park locally, and the largest exporter to the US market out of one area in Jordan, with an annual export worth 500 million. Overall, the introduction of the QIZ has exposed us to the largest consumer market in the world - the USA. The new technologies, production standards, and skills transferred to

Tell us about Al Tajamouat Catering and Dormitory Services, and its expansion in Qatar?


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Spinning from the solid progression of Specialized Investment Compounds plc over the past 15 years, the company was organically led to the creation of Al Tajamouat Catering and Dormitory Services (paid up capital of JD10 million); now provides 4,500 meals per day, and houses 8,500 workers. The availability of the on-site dormitory complex and the industrial catering unit led to a success story in attracting local workers from various remote areas of Jordan to join the work force of Al Tajamouat Industrial City, helping create jobs for thousands across Jordan. The company has further expanded in providing its services outside of the industrial zone, and entered into franchise business operating restaurants in Amman; Lina CafÊ. Building on the expertise of this fast progressing division, the company now has a significant presence in the GCC market, namely in Qatar, where labours’ dormitory compounds are built to provide full services for workers in developing projects.

TAJ is being established with our strategic partners in Bahrain - Unicorn Investment Bank, and is the chief project by Al Tajamouat for Touristic Projects (known in the financial market as MERM), which primarily develops shopping malls and touristy projects. Located in the heart of Abdoun, TAJ (currently under final progress) will house an upper scale range of retailers, fine dining, and several innovative entertainment facilities, with an estimated development capital of JD 120 million. TAJ is designed by the prominent architectural house, F&A of California; the same house behind the design of “The Mall of the Emirates” in Dubai, and “Fashion Island” in California to mention a few.

investing in the development of both ready and tailor-made industrial units of different sizes and categories, along with developing commercial, warehouses, office spaces, and labour residential units within the park. Additionally, it includes a comprehensive line of facilitative services in the zone such as industrial catering, security, housekeeping, medical services, engineering support, and a business centre for Al Tajamouat’s investors. Also, several governmental & private sector on-site services will be available to all investors & tenants of Al Tajamouat Industrial Park. Furthermore, it will focus on attracting small to medium industries in several manufacturing & service sectors; options for sale, rent or lease-toown will be offered to potential clients, allowing flexibility for ideally suited options to start up projects within the park.

Al Tajamouat Industrial City in Egypt signifies massive growth. Tell us about it.

What effect have your projects had on Jordan as a whole?

Budding from the achievements of Al Tajamouat Industrial City in Jordan, the Egyptian government invited us to exploit our industrial development know-how in Egypt. Thus currently, the development of 1.1 million square meters of prime industrial land in Egypt is in progress (to be developed over 7 years), under a new company by Al Tajamouat Group established in Egypt for that sole purpose, with a paid up capital of 100 million Egyptian Pounds. Al Tajamouat Industrial ParkEgypt will provide state-of-the-art infrastructure,

In developing our projects, Al Tajamouat’s marketing activities include excessive travelling to global destinations, to promote Jordan as a prime and affable investment environment. Our utmost devotion in promoting our country has resulted in solid contributions to the local socioeconomic development from creating thousands of jobs for local workers, to boosting added value to the industries within the zone. In sequence, the trade balance of Jordan with the USA market has been tremendously enhanced.

There is quite a buzz in Jordan over TAJ Shopping Centre, what’s the scoop?

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Under Al Tajamouat Group Umbrella • Specialized Investment Compounds, Jordan • Al Tajamouat Industrial City, Jordan • Pluto, Jordan • Al Tajamouat for Catering & Housing Company, Jordan • Al Tajamouat for Storage & Logistics Services, Jordan • Al Tajamouat Investment Company, Egypt • Al Tajamouat for Tourism Projects Company, Jordan


Amwal Invest Survival of the Fittest

2008 was a tough year for banks and equity markets. It started with a subprime mortgage crisis that hit the real estate markets in the US, and created a global credit crunch, leading to the withering of investor confidence. In the midst of an unprecedented global financial crisis, a company that has survived the storms of financial turbulence is Amwal Invest. Hailing itself as the premier pilot investment bank in Jordan, Amwal has worked tirelessly in the last few years to differentiate itself as a safe, low-risk, value-driven haven in the increasingly precarious waters of financial investments.

The Jordan Capital Market Conference, held in New York in September 15-19, saw the assembly of the cream de la crop of the Jordanian investment scene. Among powerhouse names such as Arab Bank and Taameer, a smaller Jordanian institution, Amwal Invest, left its mark on the conference through its recent success and its historical precedents. Amwal was started a mere three years ago in 2005 as a public shareholding company specializing in investment banking services. Consequently, Amwal has chartered a phenomenal growth curve to become a leading investment house in Jordan. With a mission to be the leading investment bank that serves institutions’ needs, elevates business standards, honors the shareholders and contributes to the local community, Amwal Invest has made its stand in the market. As a full pledged investment bank, Amwal offers asset management, corporate finance, brokerage, and research and analysis.

The asset management department puts emphasis on long-term perspectives, capital preservation, and optimization of returns. The asset management team has an active management style, which relies heavily on fundamental analysis, use of quantitative techniques, and in-house equity research. The investment process is designed to achieve greater performance through disciplined asset allocation and portfolio construction, market monitoring, and continuous portfolio rebalancing. Secondly, the corporate finance department focuses on public offerings and rights issues as it managed a number of the biggest IPOs and Rights Issue in Jordan including Taameer Holding, First Jordan and Ahlyeh Enterprises. The department also carries out equity evaluation and has completed a record number of Equity Valuation reports. Finally, the research and analysis department caters to the needs of clients with vested interests both locally and regionally by providing daily market reports, weekly local and regional reports, equity reports, sector reports, economic reports and financial analysis. Having rolled into the year 2009, the quality of Amwal’s management, staff and its set strategy will continue to ensure the success of Amwal in the midst of the financial crisis. This is a proof of the foundations it has built in the equity markets in Jordan and a further demonstration of its firm desire to become the leading investment bank in Jordan. 70

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The Arab Financial Investment Company Leaders in the World of Investments

The brokerage arm of Amwal, the Arab Financial Investment Company (AFIN), has been invaluable in giving a helping hand to building investor confidence required for safe investments. The story of AFIN has been of entrepreneurship and superiority; a legacy it has sought in charting its path to building trust.

clients’ base by opening branches across the Kingdom. AFIN has established branches in Zarqa and Irbid, and plans are under way to open a new branch in Aqaba.

AFIN had the distinction of being ranked first among the 69 brokerage firms in Jordan for a number of years. This accomplishment evolved from years of commitment to proficiency and quality of service provided to its clients and the market; a commitment that furthers the strategy directed towards servicing leading local and international investors.

AFIN’s main fields of operations are Brokerage, Margin Trading, Portfolio Management, and Financial Consulting. It provides Margin Trading to its clients, and offers them up to 50% financing to allow for bigger investment capabilities in return for a reasonable interest rate on the borrowed amount. Secondly, AFIN clients are being provided with portfolio engineering on both discretionary and non-discretionary basis by the asset management team. Finally, through partnership with Amwal Invest, AFIN provides clients with advisory and consulting services conducted by a professional team that has capitalized on solid knowledge, developed through daily engagement in stock markets. With these three exceptional operations, and its commitment to quality, AFIN will continue to be the leading brokerage firm in Jordan.

AFIN started as an entrepreneurial excursion that took off in the year 2000 by a motivated, young management that landed the company as the pilot firm that stands out in the market with remarkable achievements and reputable record. From its modest beginnings, the staff at AFIN went on to break market records in volumetraded sets. In 2008, the firm attained 8.7% of total brokerage activity in the whole market and registered a volume trade of over JD 3.5 billion. Due to the impressive quality of its customer services and the high efficiency levels provided by its licensed brokers, AFIN was able to attract global and international institutions & portfolio managers. With its fortified position, AFIN is knocking the retail frontier and broadening its Best of Jordan


“The medium is the message.” -Marshall McLuhan

Media & Marketing CHAPTER FIVE


The International Advertising Association (IAA)

Over the last decade, advertising in Jordan has evolved from an obscure activity practiced by major companies, into an essential fibre of the Jordanian economy. The phenomenal growth of advertising expenditure reflects this new reality, as advertising expenditure in 2008 amounted to a whooping US$303 million. Behind these extraordinary numbers, is the International Advertising Association (IAA), an organization that has traditionally been the advocate for the advertising industry.

The International Advertising Association (IAA) is a one-of-a-kind, strategic partnership which champions the common interests of the full spectrum of disciplines across the marketing communications sector; from advertisers and media companies, to agencies and direct marketing firms, as well as individual practitioners. The IAA has become a brand champion, because all elements which create a brand’s reputation require the freedom to flourish without unwarranted restrictions. With an established history since its founding in 1937, the IAA has an unprecedented international network in over 70 countries. They have 4,000 individual members across corporate, marketing services, organizational and academic sectors – all involved in the branding, communications and marketing disciplines. They also have 56 corporate members, 57 accredited institutes, and 27 organizational members. 76

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Jordan Chapter The IAA Jordan Chapter was reactivated in November 2000 under the Presidency of Mr. Sharif AbuKhadra, and has flourished to become a recognized, highly active and influential organization in the local and regional market place. In February 2009, the IAA Board Members elected four sub-committees to actively pursue its goals. The Membership Development Committee acquires and sustains members interest; The Functions and Awards Committee is responsible for fund-raising and organizing events such as the IAA Awards, Advertising and Marketing Communications Conferences, and

Global Members The global membership is diverse. It comprises of individual members from across the communications value chain that include: • Corporate Sector – including Dow Jones & Company, the Boeing Company, the Procter & Gamble Company, Shell International, Unilever plc. • Organizational / Association Sector – including American Advertising Federation (USA), International Institute of Advertising (Russia). • Agency Sector (including media) – including Young & Rubicam Brands, Dentsu, DDB. • Academic Sector – including Charles Sturt University (Australia) and Emerson College (USA). the Annual Ball; The Legal and Code of Practice Committee follows-up on the legal registration of the IAA, legal matters pertaining to advertising and marketing practices, and upholding a code of ethics and business practices among its members; and The Education and Awareness Committee enhances members’ knowledge of marketing communications issues, and cooperates with universities and colleges to enhance their marketing curriculum. Benefits IAA offers members a platform for industry issues, where they learn about the latest industry trends through publications and events that take place. Members are also exposed to networking opportunities through providing them with proper contacts or introductions. Furthermore, members are offered an educational platform, where IAA has been running their accreditation program for over 20 years now.

Professional Development…Education IAA’s core professional development programs have proven high success rates throughout the years. Over 35,000 students have graduated with IAA’s Diploma in Marketing Communications, through 57 (and growing) accredited institutes. The Diploma provides a sound platform for future careers in the marketing, branding and communications industry, in addition to a university education. Moreover, every year the association runs the IAA InterAd; the global student advertising competition which offers a multitude of other learning opportunities. The diploma and the student advertising competitions provide much more than academic training - they provide a well-rounded, global perspective, and a hands-on learning experience. Through their thorough involvement in the marketing and communications industry, and their solid commitment to the next generation of marketing proffessionals, IAA will strongly continue to reach and tap into widespread and diverse audiences. Best of Jordan


“The greatest wealth is health.” -Publius Vergilius Maro

Health & Wellness CHAPTER SIX

H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S

The Farah Hospital Hope beyond Borders

Lead by Dr. Zaid Kilani since 1978, the Farah Hospital’s distinguished torch of expertise is now shared with the family’s next dynamic generation; Sanad, Sharaf, Farah, and Karam seize the hospital’s proficient, widely prominent medical services. Way far from its start as a small obstetrics and gynaecology clinic, today the Farah Hospital’s full-fledged 12 storey building specializes in Obstetrics, Gynaecology, and Reproductive Medicine, plus other specialties including pediatrics, neonatology, plastic surgery, dental surgery, and general surgery among others. The Farah Hospital’s IVF Centre is rightfully considered one of the largest worldwide, running around 4000 cycles a year. Its introduction to Jordan and the region sums Dr.Zaid’s persona; a man of limitless ambition and a most renowned obstetrician and gynaecologist whose whole life has been dedicated to medicine, and the unwavering welfare of his patients. Here is how his four gifted children share the mantle of The Farah Hospital - a reputed name well beyond borders.

Sanad Kilani With Bachelors in Biomedical Sciences from England (2001), and Bachelors in Medicine from the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin (2006), Sanad’s pursuance of a career in medicine came to him almost organically, having role-modeled his father all his life. From early hospital rounds with his father, to experiencing the operating theatre where he watched surgeries at a later stage, Sanad had always been fascinated by medicine. “My father’s bonding with patients, and his efforts in improving their quality of life beyond excellent medical care, but also by his empathic, sensitive nature, has taught me how to assess situations from diverse perspectives. At the hospital he always arrives first and leaves last, making it a priority to check on every floor from the kitchen all the way to the operating theatres


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and patients wards,” said Sanad on his father’s stamina. Currently, he works at the hospital while commencing residency training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He is involved in research activities mostly relating to the IVF department under Dr.Zaid’s umbrella, labour ward, clinics, and operating theatres, plus executing new medical projects such as the new labour ward on the 10th floor. Additionally, Sanad is involved in the new radiology department, ensuring that all essential details from medical equipment to floor planning are up to par with Dr. Zaid’s firm standards. Sharaf Kilani Having gained his Business BA from Italy in 2004, Sharaf returned to Jordan eager to leap into the hospital’s administrative wing. Since his joining, Sharaf prompted myriad patient care

enhancements which the hospital is increasingly famed for. His upbringing amidst doctors and exposure to hospital particulars, coupled with his perfectionist knack for business, have certainly shaped the foundation for his current position. Today he fills the active role of Deputy General Manager. Along with the hospital’s daily administration and the running of its financial side, he manages Farah’s HR aspects which he regards highly in terms of up-keeping an expanding team of progressive hospital devotees. Most recently however, Sharaf’s endeavors revolve around venturing into manufacturing medical supplies. “Considering the well-established, everadvancing medical field in the Middle East, and in Jordan especially, the sophisticated autonomy of locally manufactured essential supplies will prove greatly resourceful in serving the entire regional market,” commented Sharaf on the plans for a

medical supply factory, which will go in hand in hand with the region’s advanced medical industry. Farah Kilani Farah studied Human Genetics at Nottingham University, then gained a Masters degree in Prenatal Genetics and Fetal Medicine at UCL – London in 2005. She has been working in the hospital’s lab for 3 years, where her responsibilities demand concrete attention to maintaining lab success rates. “To maintain standards, my lab involvement is a daily must; remaining ahead of procedures is an uncompromising priority,” Farah remarked. On her role in the IVF Department she said, “IVF is a field that is continuously improved, so we always aim at matching and implementing its rapid developments. Keeping up-to-date is our foremost tool in offering exceptional

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results.” Out of the 4,000 cycles run at the IVF centre yearly, each case is unique; hence Farah sees that every case is treated individually. Working with devoted staff and having access to state-of-the-art facilities, grants patients with the best treatments, explained Farah, whose biggest inspiration comes from her father. “Witnessing my dad’s wholehearted, tireless work, spontaneously inspires me to take part in what he has started,” Farah passionately spoke of Dr.Zaid. On the rewards of the job she added, “When my phone rings at a random hour and a patient screams ‘I’m Pregnant!’ the hard work crystallizes and I’m reminded that every long hour is worthwhile.” Also, Farah is overseeing the hospital’s new Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) procedure, which offers a chance of a healthy newborns for couples who may be threatened by having babies with diseases such as Thalassemia.

H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S

Karam Kilani Presently attending an international university in Switzerland to obtain a degree in International Management and Finance, Karam aims at joining Farah’s managerial wing in its future activities. Knowing this major would help drive the hospital to its fullest potential from a managerial perspective, Karam believes that the hospital’s success relies heavily on its administrative aspect. “Someone once told me, ‘there’s no bad business there’s bad management,’ and I strongly agree with this. Studying management and finance will enhance


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the breadth of skills that I had started gaining at the hospital from a very young age,” said Karam, who has accompanied his father numerously on day-long hospital rounds. Consequently, Karam is mindful of the hospital’s improvement prospects and essential opportunities, as well as its achievements. On inspiration, Karam commented, “I owe a great deal to my mother who has taught me how to runabout things without compromising my integrity. The future looks bright and I am anticipating my involvement beyond maintaining current hospital standards… as my father always says, ‘One must always be a step ahead.’ ”

Future of the Farah Hospital Under the guidance of Dr. Zeid, and the collective specializations of his children, the Farah Hospital is actively planning implementations of new therapies and research relating to infertility and stem cell, seeking to further increase the success rates in IVF. With these plans underway, the initial results look brightly promising, as the hospital further aims at expanding its departments to offer care for a diversified group of specialties. This advancement is particularly true to the hospital’s obstetrics, gynaecology, assisted reproductive unit, and the inauguration of the advanced imaging department (radiology) in 2009. The Farah Hospital currently enjoys a scientific and moral confidence, as well as vast capabilities with its wealth of experience, diligent accuracy, and modern equipment. Still, Dr. Zaid remains keen on yet added hospital developments, creating the ideal, state-of-the-art medical facility within the walls of Farah for national and global patients alike.

The Farah Hospital: Landmarks in History Early 1980’s: Dr. Zaid introduced IVF or “test-tube” babies locally and regionally. 1987: the first IVF baby was born. 1994: His Majesty the Late King Hussein inaugurated the 4 storey Farah Hospital. 2001: Dr. Zaid further expanded the hospital to a 12 storey building 2007: Inauguration of the new state of the art labour ward. 2009: Inauguration of the new state of the art imaging department. Best of Jordan


H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S

The Anantra Spa at the Kempinski Hotel Ishtar Dead Sea

Kempinski is famed worldwide for its unique hide-away resorts. The Anantra Spa - Kempinski Hotel Ishtar’s keystone - is certainly no exception. Hailed as the largest spa in Middle East, the Anantra is gorgeously modeled as the ideal retreat for those dreaming of a sanctuary to experience ultimate pampering and relaxation, whilst rejuvenating their body and soothing their soul.


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The quintessentially luxurious treatments of the Anantara Spa are enhanced by Ozone-rich air, and mineral-loaded sea water and mud, bringing together century old therapies and the most innovative signature treatments. All treatments at this exclusive spa are performed by highlytrained Far Eastern therapists, making it unique of its nature in Jordan and one to rival spas in other far-flung locations around the world. This is by far one of the most comprehensive and spectacular spas on an international scale.

The Dead Sea organically platforms the perfect environment for the Anantara. With a main focus on the views toward the sea, it is designed to create an empire of tranquility and peacefulness, harmoniously intertwined with nature. The Anantara Spa boasts 20 treatment rooms, and a large studio where guests may learn and practice the art of Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation and Pilates. As well, it includes several breathtaking outdoor therapy lounges, 28 spa suites (Simplex & Duplex), a Moroccan Hammam (with traditional Moroccan treatment), outdoor and indoor Jacuzzis, steam rooms, Ayurveda, natural Dead Sea water pool, Asian therapies and local salt and mud treatments. The spa also includes an installed hydro pool full of bubble seats and wall jets, and a panoramic creative lap pool that features star-sky fiberoptic lighting, complimented by heated beds for relaxation and meditation. A private Watsu pool allows guests to discover ultimate relaxation with a gentle form of body therapy performed in water and combining elements of massage, shiatsu, muscle stretching and dance. Moments of stillness alternate with rhythmical flowing movements, which free the body in ways impossible on land. Watsu provides increased mobility and flexibility, reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep and digestion, and imparts an overall sense of wellbeing.

In addition to the exciting features and facilities, the spa also contains a full-fledged Tennis club, and special Simplex and Duplex Spa Suites have been created within close proximity to the spa itself so that one may commute from room to spa conveniently. The Simplex Spa Suite is over 55 sqm and designed using stone and wood, featuring an all natural stone bathroom with luxury amenities and complimentary Dead Sea bath salts with incredible views overlooking the Dead Sea. The Deluxe Spa Suites are made of similar material and rests over 85 sqm, boasting plasma screen TVs, a spacious living room area and two bathrooms, all designed in contemporary style.

Anantara Spa: • Covers an area of 10,000 sqm • Over 20 Treatment Rooms • Outdoor Therapy Lounges • 28 Spa Suites (simplex and duplex) • Hammam Pools • Outdoor and Indoor Jacuzzi • Watsu Pool (Water Shiatsu) • Steam Room • 2 Dead Sea Pools

Themed by aspects of astronomy, the Spa offers a number of treatments to ensure that every taste and preference finds its satisfaction. Under categories such as Venus, Mercury and Mars, guests may choose from an extensive menu of tantalizing treatments. In all its efforts and all its splendor, the Anantara Spa is dedicated to creating a haven of calm, serenity and rejuvenation.

• Local Salt and Mud Treatments • Light Cosmetic Surgery Best of Jordan


H E A LT H & W E L L N E S S

Latest Food and Nutrition Trends in Jordan

George Abu-Jarur became a Registered Nutritionist (R.Nutr.) with the Nutrition Society, UK, after graduating from Nottingham University. He retired from Medical Nutrition services at Saudi Aramco, after serving for 20 years as a Senior Dietician. He performed in-patient and outpatient consultation duties in the Dhahran Health Center. Here, he shares the latest Food & Nutrition Trends for the food industry.

With the increasing prevalence of obesity and Diabetes type II as a pressing epidemic in many Western and Arab societies, there are growing demands for healthy foods and drinks. More and more consumers in Jordan are concerned about the health benefits of daily food consumptions. The following three mega trends stretch from convenience, lifestyle, and health to age, gender and sensory factors, determining the success and shape of new food products to dominate the market in the near future. Functional Food and Drinks The functional food category has the highest sales potential according to food and drinks industry executives. The world’s ageing population is increasing demand for functional and beauty products, including anti-ageing foods and drinks. All in all, the main demand is energy foods; the biggest functional need which drives food sales across the world. Datamonitor, a producer of 86

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energy foods in the United States, forecasts sales of functional foods to increase to US$ 8.5 billion in 2009. Energy products are concentrated within the confectionary and soft drink categories, but also include other products ranging from fortified peanuts through to nutraceutical flatbreads. Heart health is the second largest category, reflecting millions of Jordanian’s susceptibility towards cardiac problems. Heart health products range from cereal to olive oil, covering all products that reputable food agencies recognize as reducers of coronary heart disease risks. Organic and Natural Food The terms “natural” and organic are not mutually exclusive: many products are marketed as ‘natural’ without organic certification. Likewise, a number of organic products do not incorporate the term ‘natural’ in marketing, or in the brand or product name. Many consumers view terms

such as ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ as indicative of a high quality, healthy product. In line with growing health and nutrition awareness, this sector is expected to go from strength to strength. Recent food scares have raised awareness of the importance of organic foods. These scares are a result of the long-term health impact of pesticide residues on food, unhealthy ingredients such as hydrogenated oils, and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food products. Since organic food is free of all such processed factors, it has been given the status of health foods. In addition to health, concern for the environment is also driving a sect of consumers towards adopting an organic dietary regime. The market of non-dairy, organic beverages is significantly rising due to increased demand for organic juices and drinks, and is set to witness fast growth throughout a 10 year analysis period.

As organics and gourmet seamlessly integrate, indulgent foods such as chocolates, cheeses, and condiments are now available in organic variants. These additions mark an important development in the evolution of organics, where consumers graduate from perceiving organics as merely ‘natural’, to regarding it as a tastier and an even trendier option than mainstream products. Age Awareness When it comes to healthy food products, children remain the prime focus of the industry. The majority of industry executives believe that healthy products for children will have the highest new product development (NPD) activity over the next five years. Seniors will also have a strong NPD focus, however the aging trend involves more than ingredients and formulations. The doubling number of the 65+ years age group by 2030, means an increased need for more userfriendly containers. The logistics involved can Best of Jordan


include everything from packaging redesigns to food safety concerns, based on conflicting needs to create tamper-resistant and sanitary packaging that do not require sophisticated kitchen tools or a magician’s touch to open. Such food and nutrition trends are essential indicators of food production inclinations which will be catching up in Jordan, as with the rest of the world. This year will prove to be an important time for both food producers and consumers, as the increasing emphasis on healthy food becomes the cornerstone of every diet and food sales strategy.

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“The fool wanders, a wise man travels.� -Thomas Fuller, British Author

Tourism Destinations CHAPTER SEVEN


The Royal Society for Conservation of Nature (RSCN) “All that Jordan has accomplished in nature conservation, both at the national and the international level, enables us to enter the new millennium with confidence, supported by the great legacy of King Hussein and of international initiatives to conserve our planet, you [RSCN] are seeking to safeguard our rich natural resources for the welfare of future generations.” - His Majesty King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein

The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) aims to conserve Jordan’s biodiversity, integrate its conservation programs with socio-economic development, and promote wider public support and action for the protection of the natural environment within Jordan and its neighbouring countries. RSCN believes that conservation and economic development can go hand-in-hand, seeing the potential in Jordan’s nature to provide an alternative economy for members of less-privileged rural communities.

Helping people…helping nature RSCN was established in 1966 under the patronage of His Majesty the late King Hussein. An independent, non-profit and non-government organization, the RSCN is devoted to the conservation of Jordan’s natural resources. The Government of Jordan has given RSCN the responsibility of protecting the Kingdom’s natural heritage, making RSCN one of the few voluntary organizations in the Middle East to be granted such public service mandate. As a result of its pioneering conservation work, the Society has achieved international recognition. RSCN’s eco-tourism projects - seen as a model for sustainable development in the Mediterranean region - are bringing several benefits for nature 90

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conservation, namely, substantial income for biodiversity protection, employment and revenue for local communities. This increases support from local people for conservation, as well as garners more support from decision makers and the Jordanian population in general, who are able to see the tangible social and economic value of nature conservation. RSCN accomplishes its role of conserving Jordan’s natural resources by setting up and managing protected areas to safeguard Jordan’s natural environment and biodiversity. Research is also conducted regularly to provide a scientific base in aiding conservation efforts. To raise awareness on environmental issues, in the hopes of raising a nature conscious generation, RSCN invests in educating school students

by establishing nature conservation clubs, providing educational programs in the reserves, and integrating biodiversity concepts in school curricula. The Society also provides training and capacity building for environmental practitioners and other institutions throughout Jordan and the Middle East. RSCN further promotes public action for environmental protection through campaigns and activities organized by an advocacy committee of volunteers from different sectors. RSCN’s Conserving Biodiversity programs include mammals, reptiles & amphibians, birds, invertebrates, and flora. Creating Job Opportunities RSCN creates job opportunities for women who live in and around the nature reserves by setting

up workshops to provide them with technical expertise and designs. The trained women are then offered job opportunities in eco-tourism and product development such as jewelry making. Through these socio-economic programs, RSCN also inspires local communities to protect Jordan’s natural heritage. The finished products are eventually sold through select retail outlets, most notably at Wild Jordan, in Jabal Amman. All in all, RSCN ensures the socio-economic development of rural communities by creating job opportunities through eco-tourism, craft production, and other nature-based businesses. Among the small businesses created to date are hand-crafted silver jewelry, organic jams and fruit leathers, painted ostrich eggs, sandblasted frames, environmental board games, natural 100% olive oils, as well as goat leather nature Best of Jordan


boxes. All of these initiatives are tied to a strong promotional concept that uses the conservation philosophy as the main selling point. Nature Shop The Nature Shop at Wild Jordan offers nature products which come directly from numerous socio-economic projects throughout Jordan’s nature reserves. All products purchased at Wild Jordan contribute directly to the protection of Jordan’s natural heritage. The Nature Shop of RSCN includes: Jewellery, Leather Products, Ostrich Eggs, Orjan Soap, and other miscellaneous products.

T O U R I S M D E S T I N AT I O N S Highlights of RSCN’s Eco-tourism Projects Eco-tourism facilities and activities have been created in four protected areas so far: Dana, Mujib, Ajloun and Azraq. These areas have widely different habitats and landscapes including rugged mountains, Mediterranean forests, and desert wetlands. Set in Wadi Araba’s remote and exceptional landscape, the Feynan Eco-lodge forms the western gateway to the spectacular Dana Biosphere Reserve. Running deep into the arid mountains of Jordan’s Rift Valley, the Feynan Eco-lodge is isolated from paved roads and electricity supplies. The uniquely designed lodge of 26 rooms is completely candle-lit throughout the calm nights of Wadi Araba, creating an unbelievably relaxed atmosphere. All rooms include a private bathroom and spacious terraces alongside a central courtyard. Every room in the lodge has its own special ambiance, making a stay at the lodge an unparalleled experience.


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Established in 1989, the Dana Biosphere is the most developed reserve for tourism, offering a guest house, campsite, and an ecolodge, in addition to a range of trails and tour programs. Hiking is the main activity in Dana, which covers an area of 320 km2 of rugged and beautiful landscape along the face of the Great Rift Valley. Many visitors simply visit to enjoy the amazing mountain scenery and experience the local culture. Dana Biosphere is the only reserve in Jordan that includes the four different bio-geographical zones of the country; Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian, Saharo Arabian and Sudanian penetration. As such, it is the most diverse nature reserve in the Jordan in terms of habitats and species.

Established in 1987, the Mujib Reserve covers an area of 212 km2, bordering the Dead Sea at 416 meters below sea level. At the ever so popular Mujib, RSCN has developed the most exciting water trails in Jordan. These take you through deep gorges of red sandstone lined with palm trees, and down high waterfalls assisted by ropes. A ‘chalet village’ has recently been opened at the edge of the Dead Sea offering overnight accommodation with spectacular sea views. Mujib is also an internationally important passage way for migratory birds such as White Storks, August, Black Storks, Buzzards, Honey Buzzards, and Levant Sparrow Hawks among others. In complete contrast, the Ajloun Forest Reserve which was established in 1987, offers tranquil wooded hills in the north of Jordan, which one can enjoy by staying in a tented lodge or more individual cabins. The Ajloun Reserve consists of a Mediterranean-like country hill with a series of small and medium winding valleys, where a range of trails and tours have been developed for visitors to see important archaeological sites and experience local village culture.

Established by RSCN in 1976, the Azraq Wetland Reserve lies in the Eastern Desert and its oasis is famous for migrating birds. It is distinguished by lush marshland and natural water collections that form glittering pools and streams, giving Azraq its name, which is the Arabic word for ‘blue’. A unique lodge has been created nearby in a renovated 1940’s British Field Hospital that offers a comfortable and very unusual base from which to explore the wetland and the Eastern Desert. It is worth noting that the Azraq wetland is the only oasis in the Arabian Desert with a selfreplenishing system that has allowed it to sustain itself throughout the years. International Partners of the RSCN Birdlife International: RSCN was the first Birdlife International partner in the region, and has worked in association with Birdlife to carry out many national conservation initiatives throughout the years. Birdlife International has partnered with RSCN as a step to fulfilling its main goal to conserve birds and their habitats on an international level. The World Conservation Unit (IUCN): RSCN is a valuable member of IUCN, the largest democratic conservation agency in the world, and through its advocacy efforts, support was instrumental in backing the establishment of IUCN’s regional office in Amman covering West Asia/Middle East (WAME). IUCN WAME signed a memorandum of cooperation with RSCN in 2005. In addition, IUCN is a main partner of RSCN in the implementation of the Jordan Rift Valley Project and are co-financing part of the project through direct technical support. International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW): Since 2006, RSCN has worked in cooperation with IFAW, aiming to enhance biodiversity protection in Jordan. Through this partnership, both have collaborated on several activities such as providing training to build the capacity of regional CITES enforcement officers, and supporting the progress of the rangers and environmental police unit, in addition to annually organizing the Animal Action Week. Best of Jordan



Jordan Tourism Board (JTB) Bringing the World into the Kingdom

Somewhere on a television set at a restaurant in Canada, between the evening film and a cereal commercial, footage of Wadi Rums’ sand-sculpted cliffs and Jerash’s picturesque hills dominate the screen. The advertisement, enticing viewers to visit this mystical land of the Nabataens, accomplishes its intended goals as customers glance from their entrées towards the screen. It is this kind of promotional activity that shows the incredible reach that the Jordan Tourism Board is achieving. The Jordan Tourism Board (JTB) was officially launched in March 1998 as an independent, public – private sector partnership, committed to utilizing marketing strategies in branding, positioning, and promoting the Jordan tourism product as the destination of choice in international travel markets. The adopted strategies are tuned to reflect the true image of Jordan as a cultural, natural, religious, adventurous, and leisurely destination, as well as a prime MICE destination.

Jordan’s main amusement assets. Great comparative advantages of this sector include guaranteed sunshine for eight months of the year, plus a powerful base of unique cultural attractions such as Petra, Jerash, Bethany Beyond the Jordan, and the early Islamic Desert Castles. Further attractions include a wide range of very different, often stunning natural environments that are easily accessible and virtually undiscovered by the tourism industry.

As part of its marketing strategy, JTB plans and executes an integrated program of international promotional activities. This program includes the active participation in trade fairs, trade workshops, trade and consumer road shows, familiarization trips, press trips, brochure and multimedia productions, and media relations. To carry out their goals, JTB utilizes the services of eleven offices in Europe and N. America. The board concentrates its activities into six different categories; fun and adventure, history and culture, eco and nature, leisure and wellness, religion and faith, and conferences and events. The fun and adventure category, the main thrust of any tourist board, is dedicated to promoting


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In the History and Culture category, JTB promotes the vast multitudes of historical sites like Petra, Jerash, Aqaba castles, and Desert castles to name just a few, all of which emphasize Jordan’s richness as a Kingdom steeped in history and culture. In the ecotourism sectors, JTB cooperates with the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) to promote the country’s natural treasures such as the nature reserves of Ajloun, Azraq, Wadi Mujib, and Dana Nature Reserve. In the Leisure and Wellness sectors, the board highlights Jordan’s renowned therapeutic resources like the Dead Sea and other various springs like Hammamat Ma’in with first-class resorts offering a diverse range of amenities. The goal is to promote a unique and relaxing experience catering to tourists’ health, fitness, and beauty needs. In the religion and faith category, JTB concentrates on significant sites which form part of human history by virtue of simple deeds, and profound messages of prophets who walked the land and crossed its rivers during their lives. Many such sites which are believed to have witnessed prophet miracles, have been identified, excavated and protected to ensure convenient access to visitors. Finally, JTB’s dynamic marketing strategies for new establishments such as the Dead Sea Convention Centre, have triggered a steady boost of the MICE sector in Jordan’s tourism industry. Also, JTB coordinates with various Jordanian tourist agencies to pool progressive resources and streamline the country’s tourism operations. Best of Jordan


The board further provides resources such as the Itinerary Generator, which helps tourists plan their holidays in Jordan. The sheer amount of services provided by JTB, and the passion by which it employs its mission, has reaped in the last few years as the numbers of incoming tourists have steadily increased. This displays the resounding success of an organization that will always be considered a vital part of Jordan’s economic fiber.

Visitors to the Touristic Sites



Increase Percentage


581,145 813,267



227,875 351,508



121,600 153,875



122,249 141,869





101,139 207,439


Umqais Wadi Rum



Madaba/ Map

Baptism site

164,044 298,602



Mount Nebo

200,076 326,702



Aqaba The Booming City on the Coast

The trip on the Desert Highway passes to the city of Aqaba, Jordan’s only outlet to the sea. It is an invigorating sight when one sees the clear blue sea; a welcome relief after the long journey. But the city is no longer just a small coastal town cutting the monotony of the desert. As indicated by the massive construction projects underway in the city, Aqaba is quickly becoming a major hub of trade and business. In the last five years, names of huge real estate companies who have climbed the bandwagon of civic development and projects in Aqaba have exponentially increased. Projects like Saraya Aqaba, Ayla Oasis and Talabay have announced massive developments that will turn the red sands of this picturesque city into a new metropolis at the coast of the Red Sea. The reasons behind the interest in this small coastal strip may well go back to the same motivations that inspired past civilizations to set-up in this ancient town. History Since 4000 BC, Aqaba has been an inhabited settlement thanks to its strategic location at the junction of trading routes linking Asia, Africa, and Europe. It was the center of the Arab Nabataeans, 96

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who populated the region extensively. The Ptolemaic Greeks called it Berenice, and the Romans Aila and Aelana. No matter what name it was known as, Aqaba has always served as a key city in the area. During Roman times, the great long distance road, the Via Traiana Nova, led south from Damascus through Amman, and terminated in Aqaba where it connected with a west road leading to Philistia and Egypt. Soon after Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) conquests, the area came under the rule of the Islamic Caliphate, and thereafter passed through the hands of such dynasties as the Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids and Mamluks. The early days of the Islamic era saw the construction of the city of Ayla. During the 12th century, the Crusaders occupied the area in which Aqaba stands and built their fortress of Helim there. By 1170, Aqaba had been re-conquered for Muslim rule by Salahuddin. The Mamluks took over in 1250 and rebuilt the fort of Helim in the 14th century under one of the last

Mamluk sultans, Qansah al-Ghouri. This fort still stands today, as will be discussed in the tourism section. Yet perhaps, the prime reason that Aqaba is booming today is because of a more recent historical event. In August 2000, the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority Law was passed by the Jordanian Parliament. The law established the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) as the statutory institution empowered with regulatory, administrative, fiscal and economic responsibilities within the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ). The Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority Aqaba’s economy is greatly improving because of the economic zone created by the ASEZA, which was inaugurated in 2001 as a bold economic initiative by the government of Jordan. A liberalized, low tax, duty-free and multi–sector development zone, the ASEZ offers multiple investment opportunities in a strategic location on Best of Jordan


the Read Sea covering an area of 375 km², and encompassing the total Jordanian coastline (27 km), the sea-ports of Jordan and an international airport. Striving to turn Aqaba into a world class Red Sea business hub and leisure destination, ASEZA sustains a globally competitive investor –friendly environment, and utilizes entrusted resources in harmony with the Zone’s Master Plan to internationally recognized standards.


The Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC) was launched at the beginning of 2004 by ASEZA and the Government of Jordan as a new private sector corporation to act as the central development body for ASEZ. Ownership of Jordan’s ports, the city’s international airport, strategic parcels of land and their asset development rights, key infrastructure, and utilities have all been transferred to ADC. ADC’s objectives are to develop and manage these strategic zone assets in order to leverage value from this asset base. Since its inception, ADC has attracted over $8 billion worth of committed investments to ASEZ. This included 3 mega tourism projects that are expected to create over 15,000 jobs over the coming 10 years. The South Industrial Zone (SIZ) is one of the prime investment opportunities within ASEZ. Comprising some 12 square kilometres of vacant, readily developable land, it encompasses and surrounds the existing heavy industrial district. It is also directly adjacent to the new site of Aqaba’s seaport to be built over the coming five to seven years. Already present are the marine terminals for import and export of dry bulk and liquid bulk commodities.

SIZ’s development concept is to build an industrial area that provides for the development of existing industries in an orderly manner and related industries downstream. Significantly, SIZ aims to provide a world-class industrial park to enable the progression of new industries. The SIZ concept plans for industrial clusters which meet the demands of existing and new industries, in addition to providing centralized grouping of services such as cooling water, pipelines and conveyors where possible, as well as plans for inter-modal transport centers enabling swift transfer of goods and people. Also, SIZ dedicates part of the area to anchor an integrated agrochemical/fertilizer cluster, using the competitive advantage of Jordan and its neighbours in phosphate, potash and natural gas resources, as well as taking advantage of the existing fertilizer industry and deepwater ports (both existing and under-development). Furthermore, remaining areas have been dedicated for heavy chemical industries.


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The Red Sea and Tourism in Aqaba Visitors will find themselves at the Red Sea resort of Aqaba when desire, sun, and sea meet the mystical atmosphere of antiquity. For water sports and winter warmth, Aqaba is almost unprecedented. The sunny weather and hospitality of the locals create a delightful place for perceptive holidaymakers. The resort city is surrounded with palm trees and lapped by the crystal clear waters of the Gulf of Aqaba. The northern breeze cools the coast while creating the necessary wind to surf on the majestic waves. Of course, Aqaba is also a great base from which to explore Petra and Wadi Rum. Perhaps Aqaba’s greatest asset is the Red Sea itself, where one may experience some of the best snorkelling and diving in the world. The temperate climate and gentle water currents create the ideal environment for the growth of corals and a teeming plethora of marine life. More than 1100 species of fish have been recorded in Aqaba, and around 10% of these are found nowhere else. A dazzling undersea world of coral, fish, and other marline life is just meters off the sandy beaches. Popular water-sports in Aqaba include snorkeling, water skiing, wind surfing, and unsurpassed scuba diving.

There are many historic sites to be explored within the area, including what is believed to be the oldest purpose-built church in the world, The Mameluk Fort. The fort is one of the main historical landmarks of Aqaba, rebuilt by the Mameluks in the sixteenth century. Square in shape and flanked by semicircular towers, the fort is marked with various inscriptions representing the latter period of the Islamic dynasty. Special ancient and medieval archaeological sites include the Castle of Salahuddin on an island in the middle of the gulf, the early Islamic city called Ayla (which includes the Uthman Mosque, built during the caliphate of Uthman bin Affan), the Aqaba Fort, and an impressive museum at the house of Sharif Hussein bin Ali (great grandfather of King Hussein). Whether a tourist destination or a booming business hub, the city of Aqaba will continue to play a critical role in Jordan’s future, as it did in its significant past. Best of Jordan



Wadi Rum The Valley of Civilizations

A stupendous, timeless place, Wadi Rum is virtually untouched by humanity and its destructive forces. Here, it is the weather and winds that have carved the imposing, towering skyscrapers.

Wadi Rum was also known as ‘The Valley of the Moon’ by Prince Faisal Bin Hussein. The Prince and T.E. Lawrence based their headquarters here during the Arab Revolt against the Ottomans in World War I; their exploits are intrinsically woven into the history of this amazing area. Wadi Rum did not merely gain prominence in the 1910s, but rather has always been an essential part of Jordan’s heritage and history. In this timeless place, indications of man’s presence since the earliest known times are everywhere. Wadi Rum has been inhabited by many human civilizations since prehistoric times. Many cultures, including the Nabateans, have left their mark in the form of rock paintings, graffiti, and temples. People have lived in Rum for thousands of years, struggling to survive in its harsh environment. They had been hunters, pastoralists, farmers and traders. Wadi Rum was uncovered as a climbing area in 1984 by Tony Howard, Di Taylor, Mick Shaw, and Al Baker. Howard and Taylor have since written two guidebooks: Treks and Climbs in Wadi Rum and Jordan, and Walks, Treks, Caves, Climbs and


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Canyons, both published by Cicerone Press from the United Kingdom. The Bedouin people that inhabit the area still maintain their semi-nomadic lifestyle. They are famed for their hospitality, often inviting random visitors for coffee or even a meal. The area centered on Wadi Rum is home to the Zalabia Bedouin who made a success of developing eco-adventure tourism, working with climbers and trekkers. The area around Disi, home to the Zuweida Bedouin and erroneously also thought to be part of Wadi Rum by visitors, caters more for Jordanian visitors from Amman, with campsites regularly used by party-goers. One of the most popular party events is the annual Distant Heat. Popular activities in Rum’s desert include camping under the stars, riding Arab horses, hiking, and rock-climbing amongst the massive rock formations. Jabal Rum is the second highest peak in Jordan and the highest peak in central Rum, rising directly above Rum valley opposite Jebel um Ishrin, which is one meter lower. The highest peak in Jordan is south of Rum close to the Saudi border. Named Jebel um Adaami, it is 1840m high and was first located by Defallah Atieq, a Zalabia Bedouin from Rum. On a clear day, it is possible to see the Red Sea and the Saudi border from the top. Recognizing the unique natural and cultural history of Wadi Rum, and the vital importance of its tourism to the local economy, the government of Jordan declared Wadi Rum a protected area in 1998. With support from the World Bank they commissioned the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature to prepare a conservation plan and build a team of local people to manage the area. This team is now under the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority and is pioneering ways to restore and safeguard Rum’s sensitive desert habitats from ever-increasing human pressure. In 2006, Wadi Rum became a UNESCO World Heritage site; a culmination and an indication of its importance not only to Jordan, but to the region as a whole.

Best of Jordan



Petra A World Wonder

“One of the most precious cultural properties of man’s cultural heritage” -UNESCO

The stroll in the Siq of Petra feels like a stroll in history. The site’s glory magnifies at the first sight of the ‘Khazneh’; its glorious façade peeking through the rose-colored canyon, where the legacy of the ancient Nabataeans stands tall more than 2000 years later. It is no wonder that Petra has become a UNESCO world heritage site, and more importantly, voted as one of the world’s new seven wonders in 2007. Somewhere at the crux of time, at the edge of what was once known as the Fertile Crescent, a mighty empire rose to dominate the sifting sands of the area around the Northern Red Sea coast. The empire was historically inhabited by the powerful Nabataeans, who regulated the meager waters of the area into an efficient irrigation system. The sophisticated system had managed to become the envy of competing empires, and would be replicated by others in years to come. The Nabataeans built Petra as a testament to their accomplishment; a city that would survive the test of time and nature’s most grueling elements, to become the shinning jewel of the southern Jordanian desert. Thus, Petra became the capital of the Nabataeans; their most treasured city. The silks of China, spices of India, and perfumes of Arabia all found their way through to the Rose City. Perhaps, in more ways than one, Petra was already a World Wonder. The intermingling of cultures - a result of intercontinental commerce - ultimately produced rich art and architecture in the ancient city. But as with every rise, there must eventually be a fall. The end of Petra as a trading hub came in A.D. 363, when the city was shattered by an earthquake. The depleted shell of the great city was abandoned in the seventh century; stories of its existence confined to mystical legends of local tribes. These circumstances led to Petra’s eventual decline, and the city remained a secret to all except the area’s Bedouin tribes. The ruins of Petra were a mystical object of curiosity in the Middle Ages, and were visited by the Sultan Baibars of Egypt towards the close of the 13th century. Yet it was not until 1812, when the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt rediscovered Petra, that it rose to prominence again. When Burckhardt stumbled into the ancient city, fascinating stories and tales began to circulate in Europe, unveiling the charms of a once forgotten city. Today, Petra is incredibly well preserved, and is by far Jordan’s main tourist attraction. Attracting between 2,500 and 3,000 visitors daily, the ancient city generates a significant amount of revenue for the Kingdom. According to the Ministry of Tourism, a total of 100,000 tourists visited Petra during the month of October 2008 alone, with some 645,000 visitors in the first 10 102

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months of the year. These tourist numbers have spurred a rapid development in the area, seeing the development of major international hotels such as the Petra Marriot in the last few years. In 2007, Petra competed against other grand, global historical sites, such as the pyramids of Egypt for a prized spot in the World’s New Seven Wonders. Petra prevailed and won this distinction, creating a seismic wave in its tourist potential. The picturesque site is also featured in various works of American popular culture such as the movies Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Passion in the Desert, Mortal Kombat: Best of Jordan


Annihilation, Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger, and the Sisters of Mercy music video, Dominion. Petra was also recreated for the video games Spy Hunter, Lego Indiana Jones and Sonic Unleashed, and appeared in the novels Left Behind, Appointment with Death, The Eagle in the Sand and The Red Sea Sharks. Whether as Jordan’s prime tourist site, or as a stunning backdrop for the latest Hollywood movie, Petra will always echo the reminiscent glories of days bygone.


Taybet Zaman Hotel & Resort Village A Timeless Tale

Once upon a time, an ancient village called Taybeh found itself on the brink of extinction, unable to find its place in the modern world. Yet the local mayor, Abu Firas, never lost hope. In an attempt to retain Taybeh’s rich heritage, and secure the livelihoods of its remaining families, Abu Firas presented an astonishingly progressive proposal to transform his village into a world-class resort. His plan was simple: establish a cooperative relationship with a developer who would lease the village, while allowing for locals to participate in its growth. That investor was the Jordan Tourism Investment Group (JTI). Today, Taybet Zaman is an exceptional experience of the best of yesterday, amid the best of today. JTI immediately appreciated that this old farming village is a cultural treasure that must be preserved. The concept of conserving Jordan’s heritage wasn’t new to this group; they had already remodeled a 19th Century estate just outside Amman, creating an instantly successful tourist village called Kan Zaman. Inspired by its winning blend of ancient workshops and contemporary conveniences, JTI organically expanded by taking on Taybeh. As the plans for Taybeh evolved, achieving the perfect balance between past and present became the foremost goal; only then could they create something timeless. And, true to Abu Firas’ vision, the group recognized the importance of Taybeh’s original inhabitants.


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“My father always placed great sentimental value on Jordan’s history and family structures,” explains Yazid Abujaber, Managing Director, JTI. “Accordingly, one of the key principles behind the project was the establishment of a community partnership, which had never really been done to the extent which we proposed. We completely understood though, that it was the best way to preserve Taybeh’s cultural integrity.” By employing Taybeh’s residents, JTI’s social impact is profound. Pioneering this ambitious project proved significant beyond its cultural contributions, as JTI carefully created an environmentally conscious, sustainable resort. From using local stone and recycling programs to locally-made natural soap and food grown at nearby farms - from beginning to endconservation was crucial. “Our intent was always to retain the true roots of this village,” says Abujaber. “Taybeh was nearly lost to us all.” A Happy Ending Taybet Zaman is undoubtedly a unique, modern interpretation of 19th Century Jordan, nestled in a luxurious five-star setting. Ideally situated just 12 km from Petra, Taybet Zaman enjoys breathtaking views of the Sharah Mountain Range, and endless vistas of the valley and sky. Only a 2 ½ hours drive from Amman, and 1 ½ hours travel from the Red Sea port of Aqaba, Taybet Zaman achieves the ideal balance for those wishing to experience the spirit of the 19th Century lifestyle without sacrificing modern comforts. Remarkably, the resort’s 102 guest rooms and suites, as well as the grand royal suite, are all rooms where the original inhabitants once lived. The resort’s thick stone walls magnificently keep cool through harsh summers and warm during winters. The houses’ windows and doors are adorned with rustic shutters of weathered arrowroot wood. Inside, supporting arches are still blackened by fires of days bygone. Furnishings are comfortable, yet faithful to the 19th Century with an exotic dash of Arab indulgence, and luxurious modern amenities complement the rustic accommodations. All of Taybet Zaman’s climate-controlled rooms feature private bathrooms with hairdryers, satellite TV, direct-dial telephones, well-stocked mini-bars, 24-hour room service, and access to safedeposit boxes. Well-tended walkways meander through the resort, ultimately leading to the old village center, with its original water-well and marble benches. Vivid bougainvillea vines cascade over the stone walls and grand archways, creating vibrant natural artwork at every turn. The area comes alive every night, with regular entertainment and a wide variety of food and beverage to fulfill the guests’ every need.

Taybeh Village’s history is always evident, whether at the handicraft souk or the small shop that sells a selection of incense, tea, hand soaps, and body creams. During the warmer months, Taybet Zaman’s refreshing outdoor swimming pool is a welcome respite after exploring the many sights in the area. The resort’s Hammam designed with original Ottoman features - offers professional massage, and traditional Turkish spa rejuvenation and relaxation services. Guests may enjoy a leisurely, evening cocktail, along with Petra’s stunning sunset views at a garden bar decorated with local farming artifacts, and colorful hand-woven cushions. Integral in Taybet Zaman’s five-star rating, are several exceptional restaurants that offer the finest in Arabic and international cuisine. A well-appointed ballroom is also available for special events and can accommodate large groups of up to 300 guests. The Saraya ballroom seats a maximum of 150 theatre-style. • Taybet Zaman is the Global winner of the British Airways Tourism for Tomorrow Award, • Recipient of the Green Global Commendation Award, • The EIBTM Greeting of Business Award, • The Guild of Travel Writer’s Otter Award.

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The Dead Sea The World’s Largest Natural Spa

Not many places in the world could be described as historic, therapeutic and trendy in one sentence, but the Dead Sea can. From historic presence to glitzy hotels, the lowest lake on earth has, and always will, play host to countless tales.

The waters at the lowest point on Earth glisten under the sun almost like a mirage, emerging after the long descend from the hills of Jordan. Long renowned for its unique healing properties, the Dead Sea is a highly saline, mineral rich lake that rests at the bottom of the Dead Sea basin. The highly salty water, as seen by the salt clump formations hugging its shores, makes it impossible for any living organism to live there, hence its dark name. On the other hand, the extremely salty water also makes it famous for its comfortable, distinctive floating experience.


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There are multiple theories as to how the Dead Sea was formed. One of them states that around three million years ago, what is now the valley of the Jordan River, Dead Sea, and Wadi Arabah, or the Rift Valley, was repeatedly swamped by waters from the Mediterranean Sea. The waters flowed in a narrow, crooked bay which was connected to Mediterranean through the Marj Ibn Amer valley. Over the years, the continuous flow caused by seasonal floods and climatic changes created a lake that occupied the Dead Sea Rift Valley, the lowest point on earth. The lake would eventually become 3 meters thick and would develop into the world’s most salline body of water.

The Dead Sea features significantly in the area’s ancient history. In biblical times, the Dead Sea is believed to inhabit the old location of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Greeks knew the Dead Sea as “Lake Asphaltites”, because of the naturally surfacing asphalt. It was a place of refuge for King David and a health resort for Herod the Great; a clear sign that the therapeutic qualities were known a thousand year ago. The lake was given its modern name in the 2nd century when the Greek traveler, Pausanius, dubbed it the “Dead Sea”.

This unique lake has been transformed in the present by the site of luxury hotels that dot the northern shore of the Dead Sea on the Jordanian side. Set amid scenic arid mountains, today the Dead Sea is a popular destination for those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation. The area remains warm throughout the year offering a tranquil haven for harmony and respite. The Dead Sea waters contain more than 20 minerals, 12 of which are unique to the sea and can’t be found anywhere else in the world. Also, because of the low altitude, the atmosphere at the Dead Sea is thicker than anywhere else, and filters out the majority of harmful ultraviolet rays, making it a great place to tan. Thanks to its unique elements of nature, life and quality of life at the Dead Sea are unlike any other place in the world. People of all countries and of all wakes of society make frequent “health and well being pilgrimages” to this region. The climate and the mineral qualities are major features in the variety of its therapeutic qualities, of its beauty treatments and of the menu of bodily pleasures to choose from.

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In recent decades, the Dead Sea has been rapidly shrinking because of diversion of incoming water. The extremely low elevation and scorching heat causes the evaporation levels in the region to reach remarkable levels. Subsequently, the high levels of evaporation are also coupled with groundwater level drop. Although the Dead Sea may never entirely disappear, because evaporation slows down as surface area decreases and salinity increases, it is feared that the Dead Sea may substantially change its characteristics. There have been several proposals for a canal to transport Mediterranean Sea or Red Sea water to the Dead Sea. One of the plans which were suggested as a means to stop the recession of the Dead Sea is to channel water from the Red Sea, either through tunnels or canals. No matter which rescue plan is implemented, the continual survival of the Dead Sea will always be at the top of the Jordanian national agenda.


The Dead Sea Convention Center A Center for the World

When the World Economic Forum - the premier corporate governance institution in the World - held its inaugural annual summit at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center (KHBTCC) in 2005, it did so with an adventurous spirit. After all, it was only a year before this event that the conference center had received its last finishing touches. The echoing success of this global event proved the expediency and grandeur of KHBTCC beyond reasonable doubt. The Meetings, Incentives, Conventions & Exhibitions (MICE) industry has always been dominated by fierce competition, for as an event organizer, the World is your oyster. Over the past years however, despite intense competition, Jordan has seen a sharp rise in the number of events held on its soil. MICE activities are everywhere: from retreats held by top executives of local firms, to NGO meetings and exhibitions. This is accompanied by small business meetings, headlining conferences, and local, regional, and international training courses and brainstorming sessions.


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This recent accomplishment has been partly due to the promotional activities of the country’s various national agencies, but further credit goes to the massive, picturesque structure hugging the shores of the Dead Sea - the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center. It is a romantic ideal that the lowest point on Earth is also the site of one of the top convention centers in the World. It was a vision originally fostered by His Majesty the late King Hussein, and it slowly materialized into a magnificent building on the shores of the Dead Sea. KHBTCC has dedicated itself to set a local and regional benchmark for excellence in managing significant international, regional and local conventions, in addition to educational, cultural and social functions among other events. The exceptional technical services, wide-ranging infrastructures, and dedicated staff, all pay great tribute to KHBTCC’s achievement. The center is part architectural showpiece, part modern art sculpture, and all business. The touches of Islamic design and heritage, as well as the special design features of the area all grace the walls of KHBTCC. With 25 fully equipped conference and meeting halls that vary in size and capacity, the

center is able to accommodate numerous events with different requirements simultaneously. The center incorporates state-of-the-art AV facilities including multimedia projectors, high quality sound systems, translation services, microphone systems, and video conferencing systems. KHBTCC provides myriad event services including security, cleaning services, parking, photography, advertising services, sign production business centers, floral arrangements, gifts, and catering. Also, a PR team is on hand to help events with marketing efforts. Every employee, at every level, is personally committed to delivering a superior meeting experience with the courtesy and genuine goodwill that have become trademarks of KHBTCC. With this comprehensive support network, it is no wonder that the center has become the preferred address for MICE activities in the kingdom.

The increasing popularity and exposure of the center is gradually cementing it as a world-class facility within the MICE industry. KHBTCC is certainly expected to take center stage as prominant international events continue to enter the Jordanian market. Despite rumours that the shores of the Dead Sea are slowly receding, what is known for a fact is that the KHBTCC will be standing tall at the forefront. Best of Jordan


“True charity is the desire to be useful to others without thought of recompense.� -Emanuel Swedenborg




The King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) Leading the Battle Against Cancer

Cancer inflicts one in 2.9 people worldwide. This is an atrocious statistic that has risen due to the rise in global pollution levels, toxic chemicals in consumer goods, and the permeation of carcinogens in every facet of daily life. The high levels of cancer in the general population are also coupled with low life expectancies; on average cancer patients have 3 to 5 years life expectancy. Yet not all hope is gone. An agency which is battling this appalling condition, the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF), works day and night to gift hope to those who had abandoned all of it. Abu Al Fadel Khairi, an Iraqi child, was merely 23-months old when his parents discovered he was afflicted with a malignant brain tumour. He underwent surgery to remove his tumour at one of the private hospitals in Amman, followed by chemotherapy at the King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC). Unfortunately, the tumour remained and he needed additional surgery. Abu Al Fadel’s parents were in a predicament. They had used all of their savings, and were unable to cover the cost of their son’s operation. When it seemed that there were no options left on the table, KHCF came to the rescue by paying for Abu Al Fadel’s operation and medical expenses with funds from the KHCF Iraqi Goodwill Fund. The surgery was successfully performed at the KHCC in March 2007. 112

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Al Fadel’s story is not unique. You would be hard pressed these days to know someone who doesn’t know someone inflicted with cancer. Cancer affects almost every human being; regardless of creed, religion, age, or gender. It has no borders and does not discriminate. The mention of the name alone instigates unmentionable fear in most people; a logical response both because of cancer’s severity and its widespread nature. This is not an exception, as cancer rates have been raising rapidly in Jordan. The King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF), whose purpose is to carry out fundraising activities to support KHCC, provides financial aid for underprivileged patients, builds public awareness on this disease, and works tirelessly to reverse this movement.

About the Foundation The KHCF was established in 1997 as the legal umbrella organization responsible for the KHCC, the medical arm of the foundation. The KHCF is a unique institution. It is non-governmental, and not-for-profit, and currently treats over 3000 new patients each year from all over the Middle East. The success of the center was a dream of His Majesty the late King Hussein who broke all taboos by openly speaking about his cancer, and combating it with great faith and courage. The Foundation is chaired by HRH Princess Ghida (herself a wife of a cancer surviver), and run by a board of trustees comprised of dedicated, prominent volunteers. Knowing first hand the heavy toll that cancer takes on patients and their families, Princess Ghida devoted herself to the fight against cancer, and has become a tireless fund-raiser and advocate for the KHCF. The Foundation is registered as a tax-exempt organization in Jordan as well as the United States. The Director of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation is HRH Princess Dina Mired. As the mother of a cancer survivor, Princess Dina is passionate in her efforts to combat cancer. Since 2003, she has led the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) as Director General. In this capacity, she founded and developed the Fundraising and Development Department of the foundation, making it one of the best fundraising institutions in Jordan and the region. Today, KHCF is the largest source of non-profit funds dedicated to combating cancer in Jordan.

The Services of the KHCF KHCF, through the KHCC, offers comprehensive cancer management to patients with all types of malignancies. This includes recognition of the problem by expert physicians, diagnosis of the disease using excellent laboratory, pathology, and radiology equipment, and treatment protocols following the newest and most advanced standards. The foundation, through its center, offers a variety of specialized treatment programs for primary care and support. This includes stem cell and bone marrow transplantation through the (BMT) Clinic, Gastrointestinal Clinic, Head & Neck Clinic, Neuro-oncology Clinic, and Pulmonary Adult ICU. KHCC also has medical support services which include Infection Control Services, Nutrition Unit, Palliative Care, Patient & Family Education, Paediatric Pain Management Clinic, Physical Rehabilitation, Psycho-oncology, and Support Group Services. Other activities of the center include outpatient services, prevention and early detection, cancer outreach, and education and training. The outpatient services offered by the center include the Day Chemotherapy Units (DCU), Outpatient Phlebotomy Unit, and Outreach Clinics. When treatment protocols permit, The DCU gives adults and child patients the options to receive their treatments in a friendly, comfortable setting and then return home, avoiding the psychological and physical trauma of staying in the hospital overnight. At the Outpatient Phlebotomy Unit, patients wait for their routine blood testing following their treatment sessions, and then are discharged from the center. Finally, the Outreach Clinics incorporates programs in which medical teams are sent to several areas and towns outside Amman, offering medical awareness about cancer and clinical breast exams to women. Best of Jordan


NGOs The Prevention and Early Detection Services provided by the Center include two important facets; smoking cessation and early detection. The smoking cessation clinic was formed to assist people who want to quit smoking. This is an important function considering that recent statistics show that smokers are 128 times more likely to contract lung cancer. A specialized team offers counselling, distributes leaflets and helps with all the necessary means for stopping the bad habit. The Early Detection Services includes PAP smears yearly for women, Mammograms for women above the age of 40 years, yearly occult blood in stools for both sexes above the age of 50 years, and PSA yearly for men above 50 years of age. Through the Cancer Outreach services, educational lectures are given all over the country by the center’s physicians, stressing the importance of early detection and teaching methods of self examination to the public. Media awareness campaigns have been launched, and cancer survivors support groups have been set-up to offer counselling and promote a healthy attitude in support of treatment, care, and life beyond cancer. KHCC has also launched an aggressive advocacy campaign of cancer prevention and control by encouraging healthy life style changes.


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Finally, in addition to providing the highest quality patient care, KHCC is a leader in Jordan and the Middle East in providing training, education, research and other services to physicians, nurses, other healthcare practitioners and administrative personnel. Professional services range from curriculum development to interactive conferences, online training, and a variety of certifications. An important part of the Education and Training services is the Nursing training functions. The KHCC clinical area in the hospital has an assigned clinical instructor who prepares staff nurses to become specialized nurses, capable of providing safe and qualitative nursing care to all of the center’s patients. KHCC also provides a wealth of information for interested individuals on complementary and alternative medicines for treating cancer, coping with cancer strategies, and terminology resources. This is a small example of the vault of educational data offered by the centre.

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Although its services are all-encompassing, the future effectiveness of KHCF depends on the contributions it gathers from Jordanians and from altruistic people and organizations across the globe. The last statistic from the Jordan National Cancer Registry (JNCR) shows that a total of 5,276 patients in Jordan were diagnosed with cancer in 2006 alone. This terrifying number shows the sheer urgency of fighting this malignant disease. Abu al Fadel - a child who was part of that statistic - has now moved forward to live a healthy, happy life. Al Fadel’s story is a clear vindication that the battle against cancer, although difficult, may well have a happy ending with KHCF at its helm. To contribute to the King Hussein Cancer Foundation, and for all other inquiries, contact + (962-6) 554-4960 or visit


Injaz Accomplishing the Possible

The wheels of economy in the Middle East and Jordan have started to accelerate, catching up to the most industrialized countries of the World. Yet the shortage of skills, and the gap between required and available expertise has only widened. Enter Injaz, an NGO that aims at reconciling that discrepancy and building a brighter future for the youth of Jordan.

As the Jordanian economy registers approximately 5% GDP growth yearly, local employers are finding it increasingly difficult to find suitable talent for the highly skilled job vacancies in Jordan’s new knowledge-based economy. Jordan is faced with a problem that plagues most developing countries; an attempt to contend in a global, trade-liberalized world. In Arabic, Injaz means “to accomplish”, foreshadowing the immense feat which it strives to achieve. Initially a project by ‘Save the Children’ with funds from USAID, Injaz spun-off in 2001 to become an independent, not-for-profit organization under the Patronage of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah II. INJAZ has also become a member nation of Junior Achievement Worldwide. Since its inception in 1999, INJAZ has aimed at enhancing the skills of youth and increasing their participation in the economy to help bridge the existing gap between the knowledge acquired through education, and the skills required by the job market. INJAZ does this by enhancing students’ leadership, business entrepreneurial, problem-solving, communication, and soft skills. INJAZ brings various capacity building courses to classrooms in public schools around the Kingdom in full coordination with the Ministry of Education. With the unwavering support of the Ministry of Higher Education and the King Abdullah Fund 116

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for Development (KAFD), INJAZ reaches out to university and college students across Jordan. In the last few years, INJAZ was able to reach out to around 250,000 students throughout Jordan. Its main role has manifested by raising awareness among Jordanian youth on their personal and professional potentials, enhancing the capacities and competitive advantage of Jordanian youth to enable them to enter the job market as qualified employees and business owners, and increasing the involvement of the Jordanian private sector and the society at large in youth development and education. In recent years, the NGO has further focused on organizing key events and job fairs to promote progressive employment, and has worked to liaise between students and potential employers in the market. As part of its job placement programs, INJAZ organizes various events such as the Career Month, which connects 9th and 10th graders with future employers. Moreover, Injaz conducts Job Shadowing programs, where students are provided with the opportunity to “shadow” a business professional in the workplace based on field of interest. All in all, students are offered various internship programs which give them a shot at real life working experiences and at becoming a part of the mainstream workforce.

The hopes and dreams of millions of youth around the country rely on the endeavors of agencies like INJAZ, and their attempts to bridge the gap between required and available talent and expertise. Injaz has and always will be the partner of choice for businesses, educators and policymakers seeking to expand workforce and economic development. With a widely respected and valued role, Injaz is at the center of providing Jordanian youth with the skills and tools they need to stay ahead of the game. Best of Jordan



Zikra Initiative Diminishing Barriers and Redefining Charity

The Zikra Initiative, launched by Rabee’ Zureikat in March 2007, is passionately devoted to carrying hope and a sense of belonging to the underprivileged area of Ghor Al Mazra’a, through creative financial and technical aid. While enhancing the overall social image of the community in Ghor Al Mazra’a, Zikra ultimately aspires to diminish the socio-economic strata through various interactive activities, encouraging citizens from cross corners of the kingdom to unite in heartfelt initiatives.

Zikra’s “Exchange” Concept The Zikra initiative re-defines the traditional concept of donations and volunteering by introducing the “exchange” concept. The “exchange” concept establishes a relationship between the donors and those receiving the donations to spread empathy, understanding and pro-activity. This is realised through a reciprocation methodology, in which those who offer aid to the underprivileged will receive handicrafts, lectures, or reports conducted by members of the local community in return. The origin of the initiative’s name “Zikra,” (the Arabic word for memory) is rooted from the exchange concept. For Zikra “donating” is the act of “Passing a Zikra” (memory) from one person to the other. Such Zikrayat (memories) may include: clothes, toys, utensils, books, workshops (via personal skills and talents). Members are encouraged to pass their memories personally 118

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to the underprivileged communities to build stronger relations with those they aid. The Micro-loan Projects The micro-loan projects carried out by Zikra Initiative are based on providing the local entrepreneurs with the financial support necessary to establish their own business. The project aims at enhancing the local community’s financial status by encouraging self-discipline and financial independence through sustainable income. Although targeted at both genders, the majority of micro-loan holders are now women - because one: it promotes equality amidst a male dominated society, and two: the women are mainly the managers of households. The participation fees of all of Zikra’s events go towards raising funds for the micro-loans. Zikra engages interactively between volunteers and the community producing tangible results for

the volunteers, who are able to see the effect of their contributions firsthand. Once the business breaks even and the loan is repaid through monthly installments, the funds are re-donated to a new family. The progress of the businesses can be seen through videos on Zikra’s youtube channel. The Development through Art Project Zikra Initiative advocates the power of art, the power of self expression, and the power of comradely it brings. Zikra habitually holds workshops of various natures which expose the community to a spectrum of self expression forms. The arts include: handicrafts, painting, theatre, filmmaking, music and much more. Exposing the community at the Ghor to such arts is an eye opening experience, providing them with an opportunity to explore their potential, and a chance of possible financial independence on the long run.

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Voluntourism Zikra Initiative is working towards popularizing Ghor Al Mazr’a as an exciting touristy destination for Jordanian and foreigners alike. The voluntourism program not only combines tourism with volunteer work, but also aids in raising money for the village and the micro-loan program, as well as helps create jobs for the local community. Also, it constitutes a strong tool in breaking cross cultural misconceptions, as it promotes peace and understanding among different cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. The “Bandora Day” (i.e. Tomato Day) for example, is becoming increasingly popular with eager participants from all over Jordan gathering with the village’s locals for a fun and lighthearted orientation tour on tomato harvesting. This encourages healthy intermingling, self confidence and respect for the harvesters, while of course helping to raise funds. Moreover, Zikra’s hiking trips to Seil Weda’a are becoming increasingly popular by the day, with large social groups of either friends or corporations booking well in advance for these exciting, charitable trips.


Rabee’ Zureikat A Young Man with Massive Dreams

Founder of the Zikra Initiative, Rabee’ Zureikat, opens his heart over inspirations, the local community and future aspirations. In November 2008, Rabee’ Zureikat was selected as a social innovator by The Synergos Institute in its Synergos Arab World Social Innovators Program. The highly competitive program selected 22 others, all of whom were chosen from a pool of more than 150 highly qualified candidates from 5 different countries.

Tell us about yourself and your background? I was born in England, and raised in Jordan. I later gained my degree in Advertising & Marketing in Beirut. After I stepped into a career in marketing, although I do enjoy it tremendously, I found that I still wanted to accomplish more in terms of humanitarian fulfilment. What inspired you to start Zikra? First and foremost it is my love for Jordan that inspires everything I do though Zikra. I have always had a passion of discovering our country, really discovering it. Through many trips around the kingdom, I was awestruck by many scenic beauties and charmed by numerous folkloric experiences, but I was also saddened by some truths. With such observations unearthed, I felt inspired to lend a hand, albeit a humble one, to help develop or improve certain areas. After getting involved with a number of local charities, most of my ideas on charity were regarded as non-conforming and therefore mostly dismissed. Starting my own charity eventually became inevitable. I read the book by Peter Gubser, Politics and Change in Al-Karak- Jordan (translated by Dr.Khaid Karaki), and it tremendously inspired me. The book shed light on some serious issues in the area of Ghor Al Mazra’a (one of the 12 poverty pockets of Jordan as declared by the government), and that’s where my heart led me to start working. Zikra for me is my form of expression. Some express by singing, painting, or writing; I found my conveying channel through founding Zikra. How is the Jordanian public responding to Zikra so far? The response has been very well indeed. There are many in Jordan, especially the youth, who 120

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have always been more than ready and willing to get involved in special causes, but many times simply did not know how or where to start. Zikra Initiative has provided a fun, hip and interactive way of contributing to a charitable cause. Besides many individuals, we also have numerous schools and companies on board; it’s just great to see such big and constantly growing numbers in communal involvements. By the day, we receive more and more response. I am really glad and grateful. How is Zikra associated with the Amman Filmmakers Cooperative (AFC)? The Jordan Film Festival, which is organized by the AFC now holds regular activities with us. Hazim Bitar, founder of the AFC has extended great support, carrying out regular workshops in Ghor Al Mazra’a on cinematic and filmmaking arts. For a couple of years now, I have learnt a lot from Hazim in terms of montage and creating short films, all of which has helped me widely gain more publicity for the Zikra’s cause. So far, the short films we have produced include Ya Halawood, Rasha, Hamdan wa Alayyan, Abeer and Wasta.

Furthermore, the Spanish Embassy has been a loyal partner with Zikra, sponsoring some of our “Development through Art” projects such as the art workshop, and including the Ghor community in their cultural initiatives such as sponsoring the miming workshop. Finally what’s in the pipeline for Zikra in 2009? 2009 is going to be an exciting year for us. We are going to continue advancing our Development through Art and Microloan programs, in addition to diversified plans of further expanding and popularizing our Voluntourism programs. Secondly, we are going to concentrate on IT educational programs with monetary benefits; acquisition of such knowledge and skill would generate income while overcoming transportation barriers. Also, we look forward to advancing the community’s artistic capabilities, in order to sell authentic products such as handicrafts in the mainstream market. Finally, in partnership with the Amman Filmmaking Cooperative, we are increasing our innovative film productions.

Have you had any reactions from the private sector? Frankly, we have had very supportive responses from all ends. VARCC Arabian Communications (PR agency) has offered us full services as part of their CSR program. Toyota has regularly provided transportation for our trips of al sizes. Best of Jordan



Ruwwad Pioneers for a Better Amman

The recent success of the home-grown Jordanian movie, Captain Abu Raed, propped the Jordanian movie industry but simultaneously shed light on the dire needs of less privileged communities in Jordan. An organization which has traditionally provided empowerment and support for such communities is Ruwwad, which in Arabic translates literally to Pioneers. Ruwwad has created a platform to activate positive change, while advocating overall lifestyle improvements.

The drive from East Amman to the hills of West Amman can sometimes feel surreal. As the ground elevates so does the quality of life. Reminiscent of Charles Dickens Tale of Two Cities, the trek between each side of the city could feel like a cultural move between two distinctive countries. The humble homes of East Amman give way to the manicured villas and apartments of West Amman. The laughing children pulling their home-made kites in the grimy streets of the East provide a stark contrast to the fancy playgrounds and nurseries in the West sides of the city. Although discrepancies between these two areas can be overwhelming at times, an institution such as Ruwwad works hard to bridge the gaps. Ruwwad is funded solely by individuals and companies from the private sector and was initiated with the purpose of acting as a catalyst for members of marginalized communities to work together meeting the needs of their communities. The community plays a principal role in both the identification and resolution of its developmental needs. People are encouraged to overcome their vulnerable conditions by actively participating in defining and pursuing their objectives. Ruwwad’s two main locations are centered around Jabal Nathif and Beidha projects. Jabal Nathif is a community in East Amman, incorporating the Mohammed Amin refugee camp (not officially recognized as a camp) which remains under-developed and badly constructed. The entire area suffers from high population density, crowded living conditions and lack of certain services. It suffers from 50% higher unemployment than the national average, and 50% fewer higher education graduates.


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When Ruwwad’s project started in 2005, the area lacked the presence of a police station, a health center, a post office and any recreation areas for children. The area suffers from a multitude of social problems including many single-mother families, drug-related violence, a high-level of school delinquency, poor housing conditions and a high birth rate. Ruwwad’s advocacy work with the government and some of its agencies, as well as partnerships with the community have changed the face of the area. Thanks to these efforts, Jabal Nathif now enjoys the services of a police station, health center, and a post office. Ruwwad projects in Jabal Nathif have comfy, almost nostalgic sounding names like Jeeran, Shababeek, and Shams al Jabal Library; all which work concurrently to elevate the hardships of the people in this area and provide educational, financial, cultural, and social resources to its most vulnerable citizens. With initial funding from ARAMEX, Ruwwad spent a year engaging with the community, meeting people, building mutual trust, and understanding people’s views and the factors which influence their lives and thinking. The big room for improvement in Jabal Nathif is abundant in numerous other areas in East Amman. Therefore, such achievements would serve to create a model that can be replicated in similar communities around the country.

The results of Ruwwad’s efforts have been a grassroots approach which directly consulted with the people most affected by the initiatives. These initiatives embody the values of volunteerism, cooperation, self-empowerment and civic engagement, which Ruwwad has become known for in the area, allowing the organization to continuously build more ties and relationships in the community.

The future of the poverty-stricken communities in East Amman still hangs in the blowing wind of this old city. Yet, with agencies like Ruwwad leading the way, visions of a brighter East Amman appear closer to tangible realities. Finally, as the sun sets on the gentle sloping hills of West Amman, common knowledge dictates that the sun always rises in the East. Best of Jordan


“I think cinema, movies, and magic have always been closely associated. The very earliest people who made film were magicians.� -Francis Ford Coppola

Film Making in Jordan CHAPTER NINE


Amman Film Cooperative (AFC) Dreams through the Lens

When Hazim Bitar, founder of the Amman Film Cooperative (AFC), received the phone call, he was in a press event in Russia. The call was from a joyful colleague informing him that his latest movie, The View, had won a Black Pearl award for Best Short Narrative in the Middle East International Film Festival in Abu Dhabi. Initially, Hazim thought it was a bluff. A practical joke played by one of his workers. However it was no joke, the success of the The View and the organization which provided its life blood is no fiction. It is a biographical story of accomplishments against improbable odds.

The movie business worldwide is not an easy industry to break into. Considering the relative cost of creating a film, the logistics of producing, and the realities of marketing and promoting the final creation, there are many hurdles one must jump through. Firstly, Hazim Bitar’s dream was to create an organization that lends disadvantaged minorities a second chance to tell their stories through film. However, the eventual reality of AFC, became a well established one with strong presence, after having struggled through barriers of entry and lack of funding. 50 films, countless nominations, and a few prizes later, the AFC has managed to prove that obstacles can be overcome, and that dreams do come true with unstoppable passion.


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The AFC was started by Hazim Bitar as a cine club in 2002, beginning as a social network of passionate cinema lovers. In 2003, the cooperative started offering filmmaking workshops and production support to indie filmmakers. The AFC viewed cinema as a powerful tool for self-expression, and an effective medium for intercultural communication and for building bridges. The cooperative considers itself as a notfor-profit cultural initiative and talent incubator, which seeks to promote independent Jordanian and Palestinian diaspora filmmaking through training, experimentation, and networking. The AFC is also responsible for the organization of several festivals to promote Jordanian movies including the Jordanian Short Film Festival (JSFF). The JSFF, which runs every November, is a great venue for aspiring filmmakers to display their latest productions. The festival provides an opportunity for filmmakers to receive direct feedback from the public, while moviegoers may sample the latest Jordanian movies. The

AFC also organizes a variety of workshops for the public. These specialized classes include lessons in scriptwriting, documentary filmmaking, fictional filmmaking, directing, cinematography, production management, motion graphics, NLE editing, lighting, and sound design. A number of AFC students produced films and AFC movies which are shown on the YouTube channel online. The various activities that the AFC performs indeed play a significant role in the growth of the Jordanian film industry. As the film industry in the Kingdom develops, the narratives of various marginalized groups in the country will always be professed by the AFC. The task of giving voice to the voiceless, which at times might sound cliché, is nevertheless one which AFC has chosen to undertake. Since 2003, AFC filmmakers who graduated from the cooperative’s educational programs have completed over 50 short films, many of which have been selected to world-class film festivals, such as: • The Academy-certified Huesca International Film Festival-Spain • The Academy-certified Tampere International Short Film FestivalFinland • The Academy-certified SeagateFoyle International Film FestivalNorthern Ireland • The Academy-certified Locarno International Film FestivalSwitzerland Other regional film festivals have included: • The Dubai International Film Festival • The Ismailia Film Festival • The Tangier Film Festival • The Carthage Film Festival • The Dubai Film Festival Best of Jordan



The Royal Film Commission - Jordan (RFC)

Established in 2003, the Royal Film Commission – Jordan (RFC), aims at developing an internationally competitive Jordanian audio-visual industry. The RFC is a financially and administratively independent Jordanian government entity, led by a Board of Commissioners, and chaired by HRH Ali bin Al Hussein.

The first Middle Eastern member of the Association of Film Commissioners International, the RFC is headed by a board of executives from the local production industry, and representatives of the public and private sectors. The RFC works towards building a solid and sustainable local film industry, while facilitating productions in Jordan by providing comprehensive services. It also develops learning environments in cinematic arts across Jordan, and fosters initiatives that help preserve and transfer our rich cultural heritage through audiovisual means. In addition, the RFC organizes thematic screenings throughout the year all over the country, thus enriching the film culture in Jordan. Endorsing Expressions The RFC seeks to empower Jordanians to tell their stories through audio-visual tools, thus contributing to cross-cultural, global understanding, and encouraging freedom of expression. To hearten such expressions locally, the commission regularly creates hands-on 128

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training and educational programs for budding filmmakers working or aspiring to work in the production industry. The Royal Film Commission’s training programs work towards establishing national audio visual and multimedia learning environments, as well as encouraging Jordanians to grow by realizing their dreams. The programs, which target diverse age groups and career levels include: seminars, workshops, multimedia storytelling clubhouses, internships, and kingdom-wide screenings among others. Through environments that encourage freedom of thought and expression, the programs aim at cultivating a population with fluency in multimedia, through nurturing specialized experts. Jordan: an ideal location Positioning Jordan as an ideal location for international audio-visual productions is another chief priority, coupled with offering great locations,

creative resources and technical assistance. Facilitative aspects of the RFC include production assistance, management, and a comprehensive range of support services to local and foreign productions.

with plenty of skilled technical and artistic talent, not to mention English as a second language. The diversity and intensity of faces in the local community have also proved very attractive for the international film industry.

For a multitude of reasons, modern Jordan provides an ideal setting for filming: government support, environmental stability and security, as well as unique historic and multi- religious locations all serve as attractive providential aspects. The vast range of un-spoilt, breathtaking landscapes and eco-systems, coupled with moderate weather year-round provides advantageous options for filmmakers worldwide. Also, the Kingdom’s progressive telecommunication system and infrastructure ensure that all aspects of contemporary requirements are easily available. From a monetary perspective, Jordan offers numerous tempting incentives and benefits, from free-trade agreements with the U.S, Europe, and the Middle East, to a stable currency, all modern financial services are at hand. Moreover, the local society at large is educated and hospitable,

Fostering the Film Culture By organizing regular screenings in the Capital and other various cities which may lack commercial theaters, the RFC showcases quality Arab and international movies, as an oppurtunity for audiences to get an acquainted with quality films that are not shown in commercial theaters or on television. During the screenings, film directors or film critics are often present to discuss the pictures with the public.

Film House An old villa in one of the oldest parts of the capital (1st circle), has recently been acquired by the RFC and turned into Jordan’s first center for audiovisual arts. The Film House, or Bayt alAflam, strives to become a local and regional hub for audiovisual creativity and filmmaking. It is an open space for anyone interested in watching and discussing films, learning about films and filmmaking and eventually making a film.

In summer, the RFC’s scenic outdoor theater is prepared with comfortable cushions, and a large screen for cinema buffs to watch and discuss a variety of films from all over the world. Best of Jordan



The Red Sea Institute of Cinematic Arts (RSICA) Camera, Light, Action: The Birth of a Film School

When the tiny white house blew up in the usually quiet town of Madaba, the shepherd tending his flock nearby barely flinched. The shepherd understood that the explosion was not the beginning of a foreign military invasion, but rather a much more ambivalent type of invasion. The sound emanated from the motion picture shooting of Brian De Palma’s critically acclaimed film, Redacted. The last few years have seen an increasing number of films being shot in Jordan, and simultaneously Jordanian movies have started to receive exposure in film festivals around the globe. As Jordan hails in a new era of film making and cinematography, institutions like the Red Sea Institute of Cinematic Arts (RSICA) lead the way. At the recommendation of Steven Spielberg to His Majesty King Abdullah II, collaboration was formed between the Royal Film Commission of Jordan and the University of Southern California (USC). Home to the oldest and most successful cinema program in the United States, the USC School of Cinematic Arts has over 10,000 alumni who are among the entertainment industry’s most distinguished professionals. A mere four years later, this collaborative agreement bloomed in the shape of the Middle East’s very first graduate film school on the coast of Aqaba; the Red Sea Institute of Cinematic Arts (RSICA), inaugurated in September 2008. The protégé of USC, RSICA’s graduate program promises to be a key catalyst in propelling the Jordanian and Middle Eastern movie industry forward at a world-class standard.

Working together, the RFC and USC designed RSICA as an advanced graduate-level media training program, drawing on Jordan’s unique strengths, history and position in the region. RSICA’s goal is to stimulate media business development in the Middle Eastern region. This includes preparing a highly-trained pool of exceptional media makers, attracting production to the area, and stimulating distribution of Middle Eastern media both regionally and internationally. RSICA offers advanced professional education in cinema and television, as well as a wide range of dynamic screen-based media. It is mentored by an outstanding international faculty which supports career development for high-level media making. 130

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The Masters of Fine Arts in Cinematic Arts program offered by RSICA is a full time two-year degree program, with an optional third year for the development of an advanced, specialized project. Initially admitting only up to 25 highly qualified students per year, the school’s capacity is set to expand to 150 students annually. At its centre, the MFA in Cinematic Arts has four teamtaught elements, starting with the Production Workshop that provides students with an opportunity to perform key collaborative roles in digital media, documentary, film and television productions. At the foundation of the course is Screenwriting and Narrative Storytelling; the art of ‘telling’ stories with sound and moving images. This workshop emphasizes screenwriting, as well as research and interview skills, script writing techniques, and the primary principles of visual storytelling. Also at the ongoing heart of the two year program, is Producing and Business of the Media Industry which includes the stages of production, budgeting and scheduling, the roles of the producer, director and other key talents in film making, as well as location management, marketing and distribution fundamentals and requirements. Students will learn how to pitch ideas, negotiate deals, and pursue opportunities. Last but not least, the Cinema Studies, which equips students with critical studies of international film, television, and new media from diverse historical and theoretical perspectives, with particular attention to the region.

While its future permanent campus is being built, currently RSICA is centrally housed on the upper three floors of a contemporary professional building in downtown Aqaba. Its facilities include a 5.1 professional screening room with Surround Sound and High Definition projection that comfortably seats 50, a 21 seat Avid Post Production Lab networked with Unity, a Sound Stage with permanent set for studio work, a Cinema Library with extensive books, as well as periodical and DVD resources covering a wide range of international cinema and much more. Best of Jordan


The immense effort that RSICA is investing towards building its foundations, is a reflection of the powerful contributions it will have in building the foundations of the Jordanian movie industry.


Captain Abu-Raed Jordanian Filmmaking Takes Off to New Heights

Amongst the glitz and glamour of the Sundance Festival in Utah, a small independent film from Jordan managed to tug at the hearts of the judges. Captain Abu Raed, a universal story of dreams, friendship, forgiveness and sacrifice was the first Jordanian film to win the World Cinema Audience Awards at Sundance. A resounding success for the cast and makers of Captain Abu Raed, the achievement is also a clear indication of the new heights that Jordanian cinema has reached. A grey-bearded, elderly man holds two bags filled with fresh fruit as he achingly climbs the equally old steps of East Amman. The protagonist has the warm look of a caring grandfather, his hopeful eyes reflecting years of living. He settles on top of the hill, on the rocks of a citadel built a long time ago. The neighbourhood children gather around him, excited to hear stories of cities which they would never likely see. The old janitor starts to tell them stories of Paris, London, and Madrid as their looks of boredom and apathetic hopelessness turn into bright smiles of hope and ecstasy. At the airport where he worked, he is simply known as Abu Raed, but to the cheerful youngsters he is known as Captain Abu Raed. “Captain Abu Raed” is a straightforward hearttugging melodrama that feels like an oldfashioned Italian or French picture in emotional tenor. The movie is a tale of an elderly airport janitor mistaken for a glamorous international pilot by his neighborhood kids. Nadim Sawalha, a prominent Jordanian actor, plays the role of the altruistic janitor. One of the film’s most welcome achievements is its casually diverse portrait of Amman, rarely seen in cinema. In an everyday, non-touristic way, the pictures provide a strong impression of many districts across various economic strata. We see glimpses of East Amman interposed with views of the modern areas of Western Amman, seamlessly interplaying into the movie’s critical moments.


Best of Jordan

The Sundance Film Festival was not the only place where Captain Abu-Raed managed to impress the critics. From Helsinki to Newport Beach, the movie has steamrolled to win one award after another, collecting a total of 25 in over 35 countries so far on its path to cinema glory. Yet its success has not been limited to independent movie ceremonies across the world; it has also enjoyed widespread appeal in the European and American markets. On November 6, 2008, Captain Abu Raed received US theatrical distribution from NeoClassics Films along with the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and South Africa, making it the first Jordanian film to do so. The film will be released in April/May 2009 starting with New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Captain Abu-Raed was submitted to the Academy Awards in November 2008; proof that its success was neither fluke nor an anomaly. The film’s ability to transcend different cultures can be credited to its universalistic message, excellent acting by the cast, and Amin Matalqa’s ingenious directing.

Amin Matalqa, the Jordanian director behind Captain Abu-Raed, has become a household name in the Jordanian movie industry, and increasingly in the international film scene. The film was shot on location in Salt and East Amman in 23 days with a budget of $2 million. The majority of the crew was Jordanian, while the 90-persons crew further represented 14 nationalities combining the talents of Tunisian, Lebanese and Moroccan filmmakers, along with Americans and Canadians. The children in the movie are neither famous personalities nor actors by trade. Matalqa and Jordanian producer Nadine Toukan traveled throughout Jordan to cast the right mix of boys and girls,

who were selected from charity-run summer camps. The Royal Film Commission (RFC), which was created in 2003 to stimulate growth in Jordan’s film industry, was instrumental in helping production crews secure locations. As Jordan continues to reach for new heights in developing a film-production industry, movies like “Captain Abu Raed” and establishments like the Royal Film Commission will always be remembered as having led the way. Best of Jordan


“Life beats down and crushes the soul, and art reminds you that you have one.� -Stella Adler



Suzanne Abu Jaber

A pioneer in the vibrant world of Interior Architecture in Jordan, Suzanne Abu Jaber’s profession dawned when she was literally among just a handful of interior designers in town. Today, a multitude of eminent governmental, commercial and residential projects continue to crown the dynamics of her career path. From conceptual consultation to full design implementation, Suzanne’s company, Design Corner, brings a new flair to interior space. Footsteps Suzanne Abu Jaber completed high school with honours, achieving 5th placement in the Science stream across Jordan. To the disappointment of many at the time, she had decided to study Interior Design as opposed to the clichéd expectancy of pursuing a “medical” or “engineering” degree as typified in our culture back then. She gained her BA degree from The City of Birmingham Polytechnic Aston University in Birmingham, England. When interior design boomed in Jordan during the early 1980s, Suzanne emerged at the centre of its buzz, embarking upon her career with a concentration on residential projects. Soon enough, her scope of work expanded to include commercial ventures as well; all of which gained her a rightful standing over the next two decades as a professional and gifted Interior Architect / Designer, with an utterly unique vision of her own. Towards the year 2000, Suzanne achieved principal milestones as she dynamically moved 136

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into sizable commercial and governmental projects; most notably, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry. Challenges An excited Suzanne had returned from England with immense dreams and aspirations. Although she was faced with many challenges as a young, and later a married female, she never allowed anything to slow her down despite the burden. Initially, learning to deal with labourers and comprehending their lingo was a challenge by itself. On a daily basis, Suzanne strived to prove herself amidst a mainly male dominated circle of engineers, architects, and potential clients. Musing over the past she said, “Allowing a setback to stand in my way quite simply wasn’t an option, as I have always thrived on challenges. Once I put my mind to something, I have to make it succeed.” On switching from a freelancer to an entrepreneur she said, “When I opened my



own business, Design Corner, the challenges simultaneously expanded. The adjustment from running a “one man show” to running a full fledged establishment was enormous, but every strain-full moment was rewarded with countless others of success,” she said before concluding with a smile, “Well you pain no gain…”

a harmonious design flow inside out (with few exceptions to this rule).” Suzanne typically adapts to her client’s tastes, complimenting their chosen style with her seasoned experience to perfect the result; albeit sometimes feels inclined to advise them differently if their preferences deviate from the concept of the overall design.

The Passion of Design & Architecture

Interior Design in Jordan; Now and Then

Suzanne had primarily aspired to become an architect, however streamed into Interior Architecture all the same. Immensely clued-up on the ins and outs of technicalities such as the electrical and mechanical details of structural design, her passion is palpable in her channel of communications. On design styles and preferences, Suzanne stresses, “Successful designers must respect the architecture of the space in which they are working .I always remain faithful to the external architecture, ensuring

“In the early 1980s, the general perception of Interior Design in Jordan was regarded as ‘uncalled for luxury’. Today thankfully, there is a realization that Interior Design is a necessary prerequisite for the establishment of successfully functional interior space initially, and the blossoming of business consequently,” explained Suzanne with relief. Towards the late 1990s, Jordan saw a great leap in the importance and appreciation of Interior Design; biggest witness to that being its penetration into eminent


After Best of Jordan


governmental projects. Referring to her work with a multitude of international clients such as the US Aid and JICA projects, Suzanne expressed her gratitude for the solid recognition of Jordanian talent in due course. In terms of practicality, the local supply of materials had been very limiting, and the variety was always restricted to merchants’ personal tastes. Suzanne recalls that many design aspirations had been crippled with this shortage; however this fact had also pushed her to make do in the most imaginative, original ways. With a factual tone she concluded, “All in all I now realise, that every shortage and stumble back then has paid tribute to all the design elements and creativity which distinguish my work today. We are after all a sum of our experiences.”


Darat Al Funun The House that Art Built

Great Art picks up where Nature ends.

-Marc Chagall

Marc Chagall’s profound quote rang true during the untold suffering of World War II. Yet, it has a lot of relevance when one looks at Darat al Funun, a prominent establishment that supports arts in Jordan. Nestled in the hills of East Amman, the acre of terraced gardens gives way to an old Byzantine Church, the site of Darat al Funun. Supporting arts through advocacy and training, while serving as an exhibitions site, Darat al Funun has become an artistic and cultural icon of Jordan.

Since its founding in 1993, Darat al Funun has come to realize its vision of bringing together various forms of artistic expressions, and revealing the dynamism of contemporary ideas and art practices. Within Darat al Funun’s perimeters, creative art and critical discourse are fostered endlessly. Its indoor and outdoor exhibition areas, workshops, and artists-in-residence programs provide a platform for visual arts. The mounting of innovative exhibitions, film screenings, live performances, and multidisciplinary activities create an environment conducive to intercultural, artistic exchange. All the buildings at Darat al Funun have histories synonymous with an artistic, cultural past. Until 1938, the two-storey structure of Darat al Funun served as the official residence of the British commander of the Arab Legion, Colonel F. G. Peake. After extensive renovations, the main 138

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building offers three large exhibition halls and a specialized library. The Blue House building was originally built by workers from Jordan’s Circassian community for Ismail Haqqi Abdo (the former governor of Akka). In its front courtyard, a fountain surrounded by trees creates the perfect atmosphere for a small café where visitors, students, and artists meet. Another house, named Dar Khalid in 2002, dates from the same period as the other buildings, and was once home to Sheikh Fouad al Khateeb, poet and advisor at the court of Emir Abdullah. Today, Dar Khalid is a museum dedicated to the memory and legacy of Darat al Funun’s founder and art patron, the late Khalid Shoman. His art works from his private collection are on display alongside temporary exhibitions, emphasizing the need to preserve the work and aesthetic expressions of Arab artists for future generations.

Also in 2002, Darat al Funun was incorporated into the non-profit Khalid Shoman Foundation.

harmonious collision with many other imaginative forms of self- expression.

At Darat al Funun, visiting and resident artists produce and exhibit artworks in a variety of media; from painting to printmaking, sculpture to installation, and photography to video art. The screening of films on history of art, and the specialized reference publications of the library are invaluable resources for those interested in serious research on art, from ancient to contemporary times. Moreover, guided tours are specially organized for students and groups around the exhibitions, in addition to regularly programmed literary meetings and book signings. Amid rows of illuminated Roman columns, a variety of performing arts shows are frequently staged. Today, Darat al Funun is a living, blooming meeting point where the public are invited to experience visual arts, in

As artists create new visual languages that explore regional or universal issues, and draw inspiration from exchange with one another, the world of contemporary Arab art thrives. For some artists, Darat al Funun may be their steppingstone to greater exposure; for Arab artists living abroad, it may serve as a vital link with their homeland. In more ways than one, everyday, Darat al Funun’s aspiration to become a haven of art is being fulfilled.

Best of Jordan



Omar Al Abdallat Jordan’s First International Artist

Omar Al Abdallat’s celebrated style of upbeat, traditional folk music saw his quick rise to fame as an authentic artist of Jordanian songs and music. Always seizing to develop himself and his music from one height to the next, he ultimately became a household name in the Arab world at large. An envoy of Jordan’s melodic wealth, he has managed to popularize the treasure of traditional music amidst pop consumed communities.

Omar Al Abdallat’s innate passion and talent strengthened the boarding of his very early, yet very persistent start. From the very young age of 12, Al Abdallat attracted sizable attention for his powerful, often nostalgic voice. Today, his patent presence in the Arabic music scene continues to shine straight into the hearts of many. His music embraces the essence of Jordanian folk, and blends it with subtle, contemporary tempos; eventually producing catchy tunes which have come to be admired by fans the world over. A combination of his charming voice, authentic style, and clever approach over the years carried him to the center point of the region’s most popular festivals, satellite channels, and leading media. At the very forefront of sustaining Al Abdallat’s zest for his musical career, has been the continuous support of the Royal Hashemite family, as well as the unwavering encouragement of the Jordanian media and loyal fans. Among his most notable career benchmarks, is the honor of receiving “Al Hussein Decoration for Distinguished Contribution” from His Majesty King Abdullah, in recognition for his special


Best of Jordan

efforts of conserving elements of Jordan’s culture and tradition through his songs. Al Abdallat’s many released albums are known to express the deepest emotions of national, traditional, and even romantic songs. The intensity of his music has always been complimented by his collaborations with the some of the industry’s greatest poets, composers, and arrangers in Jordan and the Arab world, as well as, of course, his own compositions. It is worth noting that few of his most popular albums have solely and famously voiced love and admiration for the Kingdom. Omar Al Abdallat has filmed a number of his romantic songs in video clips which aimed to match the tastes and expectations of his fans. Also, through most of his music videos, he always focuses on revealing Jordan’s natural beauty, cultures, and traditions. The first Jordanian artist to perform individual shows in both local and international festivals, Al Abdallat’s thriving career has taken him to multi festivals and concerts across the world. He has performed throughout most of the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia to substantial numbers of fans.

Omar Al Abdallat is widely identified for using his established position in more than a few humane initiatives. His involvements have stretched to include support for diversified charity associations and cultural centers, with emphasis on support for children’s cancer treatments, brain paralysis, diabetes, and retardation. His communal involvements have further adopted myriad youth issues through awareness and educational campaigns. Also, he has participated in official Jordanian initiatives; most recently in Her Majesty Queen Rania’s “Ahl il Himmeh” Campaign. Al Abdallat has also ventured into his first acting experience through his starring role in the Bedouintelevision show, Teeran Al Bawadi, which was considered the first musical, Bedouin show to hit the silver screen.

Omar Al Abdallat’s Festival Performances include: Jerash Festival / Kartaj Festival / Babel Festival / Tadmar Festival / Dubai Shopping Festival / Al Qarm Festival - Oman / Spring Festival – Al Ein / Sabsatieh Festival – Palestine / Al Dar Al Baida Festival / Salala Festival – Muscat / First Orbit Festival / The Arab Child Festival / Al Fuheis Festival / Al Azraq Festival / Al Karak / Global Village Festival / Jordan Festival / Amman Summer Festival / Akkath Festival / Alexandria Festival. Prominent Collaborations with Arab Song Poets Include: Prince Khaled Al Faisal / Sheikh Nahyan Bin Zayed / Dr. Saleh Al Shadi / Talal Al Saeed / Salem Seif Al Khaldi / Ali Al Kilani / Ali Msa’ed / Kareem Al Iraqi / Bin Abboud / Majed Zureikat / Yaseen Al Lozi / Kathem Al Saadi / Naser Harbi / Ali Al Khwar / Saado Al Deeb / Ahmad Al Thba’ee / Waleed Ibrahim / Suleiman Al Mashini. Collaborations with Most Prominent Arab Composers Include: Anwar Abdullah / Al Yafe’ / Fareed Al Breiki / Majed Al Muhandes / Juma Al Arabi / Hasan Faleh / Abdullah Seif / Naser Al Harbi / Shaker Hasan / Ahmad Al Hilu / Saado Al Deeb. Omar Al Abdallat’s Compositions for Jordanian and Arab Stars Include: Abdullah Rwaished / Asalah Nasri / Zikra / Sumaya Hasan / Ali Abd Al Sattar / Ghada Rajab / Fulla Al Jazaeriyyah / Diana Karazon / Ghada Abbasi / Zein Awad / Abdullah Bilkheir / Sa’doun Jaber / May Kassab / Asma’ Al Manwar / Nahawand / Miteb Al Saqqar / Amal Shibli / Samira Al Asali / Mahmoud Al Khayyat. Collaborations with Most Prominent Music Arrangers in Jordan and the Arab World Include: Hisham Nayyaz / Omar Abd Al Aziz / Ayman Abdullah / Hamid Al Shaeri / Mustapha Abd Al Nabi / Ibrahim Radio / Wael Al Sharqawi.

Best of Jordan



iPlay Musicenter Playing the Majestic

The sounds of the piano ensemble reverberate from the walls of the New English School auditorium, arousing the spirits of the audience within the confines of the building. The angelic vocals resonate throughout the halls while the sounds of guitars and violins create the perfect climax to a musical evening. This canopy of musical experiences came from the first annual students concert organized by iPlay Musicenter; reflecting the dedication and accomplishments of this truly Jordanian musical institution.

The quest for musical genius starts at a young age. In Jordan, the training and facilities available for fostering and nurturing young musical minds have always been few and far in between. Enter iPlay Musicenter, one man’s solutions to this shortage. Founded by Shady Khashram in 2007, iPlay is a haven of support and promotion to the music industry and society in Jordan. Centrally located in Sweifieh, the center is quickly becoming an important part of the musical chord in Jordan. Shady Khashram is head of the Guitar Department at Jordan University and a BA teacher for students at the Jordan Academy of Music. The music aficionado was motivated to establish iPlay to serve as a meeting point for aspiring musicians, a training center for young prodigies, a venue for the exchange of ideas, and a jamming site for more proficient artists. As far as its original purposes are concerned, iPlay has been a resounding success. It accomplishes this by providing three essential services; a 142

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music academy, a showroom with maintenance services, and various events. The showroom sells a huge variety of musical instruments. The majority of brands found in the showroom can only be found in this distinctive location. This includes the world-renowned Ibanez, Washburn and Takamine electric and acoustic guitars, Kawai pianos, Pearl and Tama drum sets among others. The facility also provides maintenance services for most musical instruments. This comprises piano tuning, piano transportation and moving services, piano rentals, and the repair of all kinds of musical instruments including guitars and drums. iPlay’s Music academy is one of the most progressive schools in the region, aiming to provide its patrons with a unique, customized teaching process that takes into account all student needs. The academy is affiliated with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music in the UK through the NMC, perhaps one of the most prominent names in music training centres in the world. The staff of the school travel to Jordan twice a year in April and November, to test and certify students of iPlay. The representatives from the Royal Schools of Music endorse students from grade 1 through to grade 8, and award diplomas to students of more advanced grades. The Music Academy provides both theoretical and practical education to over 200 students including piano, vocals, guitars, drums, oud, string instruments, and wind instruments training. The school’s facilities include ten fully-equipped training rooms and 20 highly qualified instructors. The Academy also provides teachers to schools such as Choufeit and ICS for conducting afterschool musical training sessions. iPlay holds a variety of events throughout the year that serve both as cultural and musical affairs, and lucrative opportunities. The center organizes for professional musicians to perform at a spectrum of functions including private parties, weddings, corporate events, and conferences. Such entertainment includes diverse styles such as classical, 80s, Spanish, retro, and modern. Also, the center organizes two annual events in winter and spring, showcasing talents of its students. These concerts are an echoing testament to the development of the fine talents that iPlay Musicenter has nurtured.

Tel: +96265868676 Best of Jordan



Tareq Al Nasser and Rum Group Music that Transcends Boundaries

• Tareq Al Nasser has composed more than 55 musical pieces. • Developed more than 33 rearrangements for local & international folkloric songs. • “Rum Group” has built an impressive record that includes holding 125 concerts through its participations in international festivals in more than 40 cities worldwide and working with 200 musicians from different nationalities. • RUM had the honour of being selected by the Hashemite Royal Court to participate in many private events including performances during visits of Foreign Presidents and Royalties such as the King of Sweden, the King of Spain, the President of Ireland, and the President of Bulgaria.

“Rum .. A project to create music that exceeds the geographical boundaries in all its deep human meanings and expressions”

-Arab al Yawm describing the performance of Tareq al Nasser’s group, Rum, after listening in to one of their magnificent concerts.

Tareq Al Nasser, a pioneer in the creation of a new movement in modern Arabic music, has become a distinguished Jordanian music symbol in an increasingly global world. In many ways, Tareq’s music is an embodiment of the country as a whole; a desire to modernize while maintaining a stout respect for past traditions. Musical achievement has always been a difficult hill to climb for most artists in Jordan. While the advanced music industries in neighbouring countries may create the ideal environment for talents to bloom, the much smaller market and fewer relative strengths in supporting the music industry in Jordan create significant barriers of entry to most aspiring musicians. Yet, far from the canopy of struggling musicians, Tareq al Nasser has uniquely broken through and created a lasting reputation in the region. Tareq al Nasser sits on his black grand piano as he meticulously weaves an orchestral number; the keys of his instrument reverberating in the glitzy studios at his Amman headquarters. Al Nasser’s accomplishments have gained appreciation way further than the local music scene, reaching to increasingly wide prominence 144

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and audiences beyond borders. His mesmerising compositions have been featured in many of the Bedouin-themed television series that are regularly broadcast in the Arab world. Al Nasser’s innovative talents take varied forms including musical composition, arrangement, & rearrangement of old pieces and folk songs of music. His work bears witness to his capacity in dealing with musical compositions; retaining their original spirit while adding personal elements of foresight, modernism, and creativity. He approaches musical arrangements from an engineering perspective. For him, re-arranging musical heritage is a responsibility we should hold and care for, as it is an accumulation of a series of musical experiences.

Tareq Al Nasser’s most important works include sound tracks and musical scores of popular Arab TV drama series such as: Nihayat Rajul Shouja’a (The End of a Brave Man) Al Jawareh’ (The Predators), Al Kawaser (The Accipitridae), Ekhwat Al Tourab (Brothers of the Earth), Yawmiyat Modir Aa’mm (Diaries of a General Director), Akher Ayyam Al Tout (The last days of the Mulberry), and Oures Al Saker (The Falcon’s Wedding) among many others. Moreover, Al Nasser composed and arranged the sound track of the film Jordan: A Royal Tour, presented by His Majesty King Abdullah II and produced by Travel Channel (2001). Not to mention the compositions and arrangements for “Arts Protects Children from Abuse” Album (2003) produced by Jordan River Foundation, in cooperation with of the Ministry of Education in Jordan, and the British Council. Recently, Tareq completed the rearrangement of 17 folkloric Palestinian songs for Ramallah Folklore Group in addition to 10 Jordanian chants and folklore songs. “Rum Tareq Al Nasser Musical Group” is an independent, non-profit, and nongovernmental organization founded in early 1998, which has rapidly gained a celebrated position in Jordan and the whole region. The group started with nine professional and amateur musicians that grew

into an entity of over 20 members. Rum aims to contribute through blending the spirit of original Jordanian music with the music of world heritage, creating a new line of musical experiences. The group continues to expand with more visions and experiences in the attempt to reach the perfect musical combination. The typical diversity of instruments ranging from Oriental to Western, forms a new listening and imaginative experience every time.

Tareq Al Nasser is from a different generation than most of today’s young, struggling musicians, in many ways, his struggle was even more difficult. The increasingly active musical and film industry in Jordan, albeit not as big as its competitors in Egypt and Lebanon, is just beginning to flourish. The boundaries of entry which existed in the past are slowly dissolving; still the odds are stacked against the aspiring artist. One of Tareq al Nasser’s greatest achievements, perhaps, is proving that persistence and great talent are the strongest bridge between dreams and reality. Best of Jordan



Anees Maani Sculpting a Jordanian Masterpiece

While strolling through the Jordanian National Gallery of Fine Arts Park, one can see children play in what appears to be a bean bag chair and a horizontal ladder. The meticulously crafted, abstract sculptures are the works of Anees Maani, an aspiring Jordanian sculptor who has made his mark on this forgotten art.

Sculpting is no walk in the park. It is an art that requires the dedication of both hand and mind. The process of designing the perfect piece requires proper research and sketching, before it could be transferred over to the manual labour of building the structure. This whole process can take substantial time, as most projects take countless hours to craft. The method requires a theoretical understanding of this complex art; a prerequisite that Anees Maani met when he attended the Building Academy in Volgograd, Russia. A motivated Maani returned to Amman with an adamant fixation of taking his interest and talent in sculpting to new levels. In 1996, he started a two-year apprenticeship under the supervision of the Jordanian sculptor, Nazih Owais. A lot can happen in ten years, and in the case of Anees Maani it certainly has. The artist who started with a chisel and a dream, is now receiving an increasing amount of exposure as his unique work displays in various venues. The sculptures he creates are not limited to stone forms, but also include wood and bronze creations. Some sculptures are created directly by finding or carving, while others are assembled, built-up and fired, welded, molded, or cast. Anees Maani’s work takes a Picasso type modernism, and a Nabataen minimalist approach. His constructions are fashioned by combining disparate objects and materials into one assembled piece of sculpture. Maani refuses to name his creations; a prevailing characteristic of modern art which gives the viewer space to think and imagine each piece’s meaning. Maani’s biggest influence is the weathered, rough landscape of Jordan - a fact that permeates throughout most of his creations. Anees’s contribution to the art community in Jordan is not limited to sculpture. He is also heavily involved in different forms of painting including acrylic on wood and pencil on paper. Maani is also concerned with supporting art projects such as the book Field Guide to Jordan, which documents different areas of the Kingdom’s varied terrain through maps, colour photography and informative descriptions of 146

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sites to visit. Besides sculpting and painting, he also designs copper jewellery, mostly inspired by the art of the Nabataen civilization among others. Anees Maani has participated in many artists’ gatherings from the Triangle Trust Workshops in Shatana, North Jordan, and Scotland, to the Mahres Festival in Tunisia. Since 2007, Anees Maani also entered the flourishing movie industry of Jordan. He played several roles including a props buyer, assistant art director, and art director for films and T.V. commercials. This included Redacted, the critically acclaimed film about the Iraq War by Brian D. Palma, and The Hurt Locker, another critically acclaimed movie about Iraq by Kathryn Bigelow. In 2008, Anees Maani achieved the critical milestone of every aspiring artist and held his first solo exhibition at the Zara Center. The highly successful event was perhaps a foreshadow into the bright future that Anees Maani will eventually sculpt.

Best of Jordan



Badr Ad-Duja Arts & Crafts Since 1999, Badr Ad-Duja Arts & Crafts Gallery has stood as the ultimate showcase in folkloric beauty. In Arabic, Badr Ad-Duja literally means “the full moon at night”; the arts housed within it truly shine just as brilliantly as the implication in the name. More than just a gallery, this space will take you back to a glorious time amid its mesmerising oriental treasures.

The founder of Badr Ad-Duja, May Khoury, has always been a fervent antiques collector, passionately devoted to preserving and promoting the richness of Arabian folk and heritage. To meet May Khoury, is to encounter the sheerest and most tender sense of Arabian pride and individualism - traits you’ll find reflected in each of her original creations. This sense of perceptible pride in May Khoury, is certainly contagious. Whether you come from an Arab origin or other, you’ll find yourself in awe of yesterday’s magnificence. May Khoury’s participation in several international handicraft festivals, has given her a chance to introduce her famed modern-antique, Jordanian creations to several countries worldwide. She also attended and participated in numerous conferences and workshops held globally, aimed at preserving cultural heritages through arts and crafts, and providing the financial instruments needed for women entrepreneurs to develop their small handicraft businesses. Badr Ad-Duja has indeed given “traditional” a novel name in all its innovative designs, as May uses and transforms antique elements derived from Arabian and Oriental culture, into a rainbow of modern works of art and function. Offering an extensive range of jewellery, home furnishings and decorative accessories as well as costumes, you’ll find everything at display has been revived with arty flairs. In our modern day, fast paced lives, there is no doubt that places like Badr AdDuja call for the awakening, celebration, and remembrance of our rich heritage.


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All the housed creations seem to share an underlying degree of quality, grace and refinement which could only surface with time and age. Most striking in the gallery, is perhaps the incredibly imaginative incorporation of mixed media in many, if not in most of the pieces. The outcome of subtly blending ethnic fabrics, pottery, metal and wood among others, creates unique masterpieces, albeit always sincere to their inherited spirit. Working closely with over 30 talented local artisans, May Khoury is an energetically hands on artist, ensuring that everything she sees in her mind’s eye comes to life exactly as envisioned. Hence, on another note, the continuity of Badr Ad-Duja means a stability of income for over 30 devoted artisans and their families, while preserving creative craftsmanship in the heritage field from one generation to the next.

• May Khoury won 2nd Place at a UNESCO Crafts Contest in 2002 • One of May Khoury’s chairs is at displayed at the UNESCO museum in Paris. • One of her chairs was bought by the iconic fashion designer, Roberto Cavalli

From renowned hotels and VIPs, to newlyweds and art collectors, Badr Ad-Duja daily attracts a wide spectrum of customers and art lovers into its most unconventional and charming gallery. Every corner in Badr Ad-Duja reintroduces the visitor to new visages of long forgotten ancestral treasures. The wonderment of Badr Ad-Duja transpires way beyond its contemporized ethnic arts and crafts; it further comes to light in the manifestation of olden stories told through culture and tradition, harmoniously meshing texture and colour into every piece at display. The wonderment of Badr Ad-Duja is the power of conveying national legacy through modern use of designs. Best of Jordan


“Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.� -William A. Ward

Sports & Leisure CHAPTER ELEVEN


His Royal Highness Prince Hamzah Ibn Al-Hussein Honorary President; Jordan Basketball Federation (JBF) For the Love of the Game

In 1999 HRH Prince Hamzah consented to become the Honorary President of the Jordan Basketball Federation (JBF), in support of Jordan’s ever so popular sport. Since then, HRH has worked vigorously to promote the youth of Jordan in general, and basketball in particular in more ways than one.

Besides Prince Hamzah’s Honorary Presidency of the Jordanian Basketball Federation, HRH heads the Royal Advisory Committee on the Energy Sector, and is the President of Al Shajarah (Tree) Foundation. HRH further chairs The Trustees Council of the Royal Automobile Museum and the Royal Air Sports Club. The Jordan Basketball Federation’s eight-year plan aims to elevate basketball - already the Kingdom’s second most popular sport - by substantially increasing the financial resources of 152

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the Federation. An innovative national program, The Dunk Initiative, was launched in December 2001, to engage the private sector through sponsorships and sports marketing vehicles, to provide clubs with support needed to promote the game, and to deliver professional teams competing at the highest international levels. It is Prince Hamzah’s wish and JBF’s plan to spread basketball and enhance its popularity across the country, starting with youth centers. The initial emphasis is on training teachers and coaches of young players, continuing through to university and club levels. The new sources of support also work to improve training and incentives for the national teams at various levels, sponsor local events, and finance their participation in regional and international events. As specified by Prince Hamzah, all JBF support is strictly performance-based, with built-in incentives to motivate individual players, coaches, referees and their clubs. Teams will be able to hire professional, international coaches and benefit from the latest training techniques and improved game strategies that will create Jordan’s first fully professional, competitive teams. At Prince Hamzah’s directive, non-Jordanian players will also be permitted to join the club teams for the first time, as part of developing the sport in Jordan. On the technical side, amending regulations and improved officiating and coaching will help boost the game. The Jordanian Basketball Federation, established in 1957 Mr. Abdullah Abu Nawar, became affiliated to the International Basketball Federation in that same year of its establishment. Increasingly, basketball in Jordan continues to attract players and fans of both genders and of all ages. In 2003, Basketball/ Jordan was transformed from an amateur to a professional sport, with the mission of including activities necessary for the development of a comprehensive national basketball program. Athletes are walked through a comprehensive basketball program, and mentored and taught skills of taking charge of their sports careers from early years all the way through to professional years. The Federation safeguards the interest of the players and the sport at large, as well as working to broaden the game to reach all members of the greater Jordanian community.

As many accumulative initiatives continue to unfold, ultimately, under the honorary presidency of HRH Prince Hamzah, the Jordan Basketball Federation is dedicated to the development of Jordan as a center of excellence in basketball, and to evolving the Kingdom into an exciting basketball destination for all game enthusiasts in the region.

HRH Prince Hamzah Ibn Al Hussein • Born in Amman on 29th March 1980 • Attended elementary school in Amman and later studied in Harrow College the United Kingdom. • In December 1999, HRH graduated from the Royal British Military College, Sand Hurst, where he received the Sword of Honor; the loftiest appreciation non-British officers could achieve. He also won Prince Saud Bin Abdullah’s Award which is granted to non-British officers for the best marks in Academic studies. • In the year 2006, HRH graduated from Harvard University, upon completion of higher studies. • On August 29, 2003, Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein married Princess Noor Bint Asem Bin Nayef. The Royal Couple have one daughter, Princess Haya, born on April 18th, 2007. Best of Jordan



The Jordan Rally A Distinctive Car Race in a Unique Landscape

The Federation of Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), the governing body for world motor sports and the federation of the world’s leading motoring organizations, took a significant decision to include the Jordan Rally into the World Rally Championship rounds in 2008 . This historic choice came as a result of cumulative successful years in organizing the Jordan Rally. More importantly, it signaled the dawn of further success in the coming years.

The revving sounds of exhaust were heard in the desert almost in unison, the distinctive harmony of 5400 RPMs of sport cars created a mechanical over drive. The crowds cheered at the sides of the track in anticipation of the cutting-edge automobiles preparing for the starting bell. The cars were about to embrace the howling desert wind and embark in the recently crowned World Rally Championship round (WRC) - the Jordan Rally. The Jordan Rally’s inclusion into the official WRC listing made it the first Arab country to do so. The rally is based 50km away from Amman. While the location is sandy, gravel stages were placed around the Dead Sea and Jordan Valley areas. This is a rally of extremes, from scorching temperatures - which can top 40 degrees C - to the awesome desert landscapes which the stages snaked through. Unlike any other event in the WRC rounds, the Jordan Rally is a unique race in the captivating, sifting landscape of Jordan. The sizable exposure it had achieved across the globe lately, comes as no surprise at all. 154

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Watched by nearly one billion people through extensive television coverage, the three-day event was viewed in over 190 countries across six continents. Enthusiasts of motor sports all over the world watched as cars weaved and turned in the hilly Jordanian deserts, forests, and the Dead Sea. Yet, the significance of the event goes beyond garnering international recognition and viewership. Its economic and cultural implications cannot be understated. The rally’s economic impact injected more than 30 million dollars into the local economy during the rally week alone, with longer-term benefits to be reaped for years to come. To prepare for the event, heavy investment was poured into impoverished areas of the Dead Sea and Jordan Valley. Currently, the rally routes now connect Bedouin communities to main road networks all year round. As well as a memorable triumph for Jordan, it was a personal achievement for HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein, Chairman of Jordan Motorsport, who campaigned tirelessly with the

FIA family to realise the event in Jordan. “It was a wonderful occasion that all of us in Jordan were proud of,” HRH Prince Feisal said. “It was the culmination of 50 years of motor sports being organized since the days when my father King Hussein started it here in the Kingdom.” Although Jordan will be taking a break from the world championship in 2009, it will be back on the calendar again from April 8-10, 2010, to once again witness the world’s very best converging on the sun kissed shores of the Dead Sea for an event to remember. In the meantime, Jordan will host the event that provided the stepping stone to world standards – the FIA Middle East Rally Championship. From October 29-31, 2009, the region’s best will take part in the event which has made an annual jaunt to the Kingdom since 1981. The WRC routes will be used, as will the state-of-art service park and rally HQ to ensure rally fans enjoy their unbroken, annual dose of petrol-fuelled thrills and spills. Some have already started speculating who will win the 2010 rally in Jordan. However, what is undisputable - if history is any indication - is that the next event will be a great success. Best of Jordan



Dead Sea Ultra Marathon (DSUM) Every April, the grounds at the lowest point on Earth reverberate with the sounds of a thousand trampling feet; a testimony to the impending finish of one of the most unique races in the World. The Dead Sea Ultra Marathon (DSUM), one of Jordan’s main sporting events, has become a legacy. Under the patronage of HRH Prince Raad Bin Zeid, the Dead Sea Marathon is an eclectic experience of thousands of people from tens of nationalities, running for a good cause.

The DSUM is a scenic trek from the western hills of Jordan down to the Dead Sea, curving and bending on the hills. The event, open for all ages and skill levels, usually gathers an abundance of corporate sponsorship and interest from the public. The DSUM is held annually, every April on the first or second Friday, from Amman to the Dead Sea. It is the main fund raising event for the Society for the Care of Neurological Patients (SCNP), which provides neurological patients with medical aid and covers the costs of necessary surgeries for the needy. The marathon consists of 5 runs: the Ultra Marathon track (48.7Km long) starts from Amman International Motor Show road and ends at the Dead Sea, the Marathon track (42Km long) starts at the Salam gas station and ends at the Dead Sea, the Half Marathon track (21Km long) starts from the Hanna Coffee shop and ends at the Dead Sea, the Fun Run (10km long) begins and ends at the Dead Sea, and, the Junior Marathon run (4.2Km long) also begins and ends at the Dead Sea.


Best of Jordan

So far, the Society has contributed to the treatment of 940 cases at a value of nearly 600.000 JDs. The SCNP is funded by generous donations from individuals, public and private companies, in addition to annual membership fees and proceeds of sports events. The Society anticipates expanding its role in the treatment of neurological patients, and becoming a developmental organization—creating social and technical programs in cooperation with related official and non-official sectors. Since it started, the DSUM has always maintained a successful record of accomplishment. The participation of several world record runners and champions, and the 2007 record-breaking marathon marked a new turning point for the

future of the event beyond borders. Above all, the charitable aspect of the event continues its cause through the support of Jordanian organizations and over 2100 runners representing 48 nationalities. Participants interested in future marathons may register either by visiting the Society for Care of Neurological Patients Headquarters in Shemisani (open daily from 9:00 am till 2:00 pm), or online via the marathon’s official website (www. The 20Km trek might seem overwhelming, but the final destination which meets the serene waters of the Dead Sea, and the critical funding for neurological patients is well worth the effort. Best of Jordan



Cycling Jordan A Ride to the Wild Side

At a secluded gas station in the middle of the Jordan Valley, a lonely attendant glances briefly from his newspaper to see the implausible sight of a group in tight bike shorts speeding towards him. He rubs his eye to make sure that the scorching noon sun was not affecting his judgment, but to no avail. The unlikely sight is no mirage. In fact, what he saw was the weekly activity outing of Cycling Jordan, a small group of dedicated bike adventurers.

Cycling, for many a natural part of their childhood, usually brings reminiscences of an age of innocence when the two, or three wheeled vehicle was our best friend. But for Cycling Jordan, cycling is not just an afternoon activity or a childhood nostalgic fantasy, it is an exhilarating tool to explore Jordan’s stunning landscapes. Established in the last five years, Cycling Jordan offers an ideal way to immerse in an unforgettable experience in Jordan while sweating a great workout. The expert cycling guides at Cycling Jordan will take you on a journey you will never forget. 158

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The Cycling Jordan experience usually starts out on a Friday or a Saturday morning before 9:00am, sometimes at the first glimpse of dawn. The organizational outlet, located in Sweifieh, is the meeting point, registration module, and the staging ground for the start of the club’s rides. The trip usually commences as the Cycling Jordan bus pulls out from the parking lot, pacing along the highway. The fresh air of the countryside typically takes hold when the bus starts speeding towards its destination. all bikers would agree that the mood inside the bus gets cheery as the sights and sounds of concrete and pavement are replaced with the more natural sights of plantations, fields, and wild critters. The club takes its members to a variety of locations around the country. From the majestic mountains of the north, to the tranquil valleys of the central regions, and the shifting deserts of the south, the destinations never fail to impress. Cycling Jordan’s trails include paths in Mount Nebo, Qatarneh, Jordan Valley, Wasfi Tal Forest, Wadi Al-Butum, and Madaba. The rides are not simply journeys through the country side, but rather an all-encompassing experience that gives the participants a chance to engross themselves fully in Jordan’s cultural, archeological, and social atmosphere. The riders interact directly with the communities of each of the visited areas, giving a first-hand chance to experience the less commercialized Jordan that most urban citizens

and tourists don’t ever see. The excursions also involve thrilling trails along Jordan’s magnificent ruins from centuries past, including GrecoRoman and Nabataean architectural remnants. The trips are graded for beginners, intermediate, and advanced levels. Beginner rides are normally around 10km on flat road, lasting for approximately one hour. Intermediate rides are for riders with some previous experience, and last around 20km with a few minor hills. Advanced rides cover distances of 35km or more, and require practiced skill and endurance. In all three levels, only first rate equipment is used, considering Cycling Jordan’s adamant approach to safety assurances such as helmets among others. The trips are always guided by professional guides, dedicated to creating a smooth and trouble-free experience, rich in its adventure fulfillment to the last minute. Beyond cycling, the excursions ultimately turn out to be highly sociable affairs. Many friends return week after week, and some have even been regulars for months on end. Cycling Jordan attracts outgoing, open-minded, and active people who want to get as much out of their weekends as possible. The trips usually involve a meal (lunch or buffet), and some excursions are occasionally coupled with DJ parties at the club’s private farms. All in all, the trips turn out to be a fully Jordanian experience characterized by new exciting destinations on a weekly basis. Best of Jordan



Jordan Olympic Committee (JOC) A Regional Center of Excellence

The Olympics in China allowed the East Asian, rising superpower to flex its muscles on a world stage. Yet, in the sidelines, another success story was also being born. The 2008 Olympics witnessed the participation of seven of Jordan’s most talented athletes in Beijing. While in the Paralympics, Jordan won 2 silvers and 2 bronzes - its best showing ever. The majority of those achievements’ credit goes to the Jordan Olympic Committee, which in the past decades had struggled tirelessly to realise Jordan’s sport aspirations.

The Jordan Olympic Committee (JOC), a group umbrella of more than 34 sports federations, has the stimulating task of promoting sports in Jordan. Since his election as President of the JOC in 2003, HRH Prince Feisal Al Hussein has endeavoured to use sports to engage in the lives of youth, not only in the Kingdom, but across the region. Five years on, Jordan has made incredible progress. So much so that it is now widely regarded as one of the leading National Olympic Committees in Asia, and HRH Prince Feisal is recognised as a visionary leader at the cutting edge of sports development. The JOC has become a model for administrative excellence, as it continuously ensures sport plays a greater role in the every day life of Jordanians. Prior to HRH Prince Feisal’s election, Jordan had yet to host world championships.Today, as well as the five which the country has now hosted, the country has also welcomed the prestigious International Olympic Committee (IOC) World Conference on Women and Sport. The 2008 event was attended by world leading sports figures including the powerful, Jacques Rogge, President of the IOC. All such events pay tribute


Best of Jordan

to Jordan’s recognition as a regional sporting power. The role of the JOC goes beyond preparing and mentoring Jordan’s athletes for global sporting events, it also takes a proactive role in promoting all sports in Jordan. As part of that mission, myriad initiatives have had the dual role of developing sport leadership and providing social responsibility functions. A prominent example of those initiatives is Generations for Peace launched in 2007, which aims to use sport as a vehicle for bringing smiles back to the faces of divided communities. Since its 2007 inaugural, Generations for Peace has become a serious initiative, widely respected by sporting institutions across the world. A second camp in November 2008, welcomed youth leaders from 16 countries that have been ravaged by internal strife. A third camp was held in Abu Dhabi featuring 11 countries in March 2009. The youth leaders returned to their own communities to cascade the new skills and techniques gained through their own camps and projects. To date, thousands of youngsters from places like Iraq and Afghanistan, and Southern Sudan have benefited from Generations for Peace.

The JOC have also carried out initiatives to promote sports for women. As part of that agenda, the JOC is at the forefront of ensuring the treatment of women on an equal footing as men across all sectors in the Arab World. Jordan’s talented female athletes have been winning medals internationally for many years, and are taking a bigger role within the administration and organization of sports in Jordan. It is worth noting, that over 50% of JOC’s current staff comprises of females. Furthermore, the JOC also takes an active role in promoting environmentally conscious initiatives. The committee has formed strategic

alliances with numerous entities across Jordan, to ensure that sport plays its role in protecting and enhancing the world we live in.

as a committee that proudly sets new sporting standards for the region.

The upcoming year will see the emergence of new events sponsored by the JOC, and the pioneering of new firsts. In 2009, the Kingdom hosted Athletics’ biggest winter outdoor event, the IAAF World Cross Country Championships, where, more than 1,000 of the world’s best long distance runners and coaches from 70 countries competed together in Jordan. With accomplishments as such under its belt, the JOC looks ahead to an ever-promising future Best of Jordan


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