ISSUE NO 4 • 2018
Sverige magasinet Sweden’s BIGGEST magazine
on tourism and pleasures
In this issue:
Music,Opera & Festivals
Folk Song festival at Holmön Musical drama with Per Gessle music Västerås – one of Swedens oldest cities
DIE FLEDERMAUS Anders Larsson’s success at Wermland Opera
Upplev Sveriges största konstglassamling.
Experience the largest collection of art glass in Sweden. Spännande utställningar. Familjeaktiviteter. Exciting exhibitions. Family activities. Glasblåsning i hyttan.Shopping. Shopping.Coffee Glassblowing in the hotshop. Storgatan 65Glassworks Boda glasbruk Storgatan 5, 360 565, 360 Boda 0471-249360,, +46 471–24 93 60,,
Underbara resor med Go Slow! Skottland, den vilda skönheten Följ med på vår resa där vi besöker whiskydestilleri, åker båt på Loch Lomond, ser Mackintoshs verk i Glasgow, besöker det nya V&A museum i Dundee, vandrar på the Royal Mile i Edinburgh och lite till!
Umbrien, en smakrik resa i Italiens gröna hjärta Det klassiska Umbrien med sina medeltida byar omgivna av lantlig miljö och en matlagningskonst som är omtalad för sin utsökta enkelhet. Vi besöker Assisi, Spoleto, Spello och Montefalco, njuter av skönhet i forntida arkitektur och konst samt regionens olika delikatesser.
Västerbotten, en kul-tur-resa från kust till fjäll Ett leende landskap som bjuder på fjäll, skogar, forsar och havskust men också ett mångbottnat kulturliv och prisbelönt gastronomi. Matprofilen Ella Nilsson är vår ciceron.
Läs mer på För kontakt: 08-717 90 70 eller
info & biljetter
»Dido & Aeneas – Offend the Gods and Love obey« samt Den Förbjudna Stadens orkester från Beijing 15 augusti 19.00 Tomtens kalkbrott, Falköping
Bachs solocellosviter med Mime Brinkman 16 augusti 19.00 S:t Olofs kyrka, Falköping
Dolcezza di Morte med Göteborg Baroque 17 augusti 19.00 Varnhems klosterkyrka
Maskeradbal med Höör Barock 18 augusti 18.00 Kråks herrgård, Skara
Sommarnattskonsert med trumpetare 18 augusti 22.00 Skara Domkyrka
»Then Svenska Mässan« med Göteborg Baroque 19 augusti 18.00 Varnhems klosterkyrka Biljetter från 1 maj
Upplev Andris Nelsons och Gewandhausorchester Leipzig – Unikt gästspel på Malmö Live! Mästerlige Andris Nelsons leder den anrika orkestern i höstens mest spännande konsert. Under turnén som kröner orkesterns 275-årsjubileum ger Gewandhausorchester Leipzig en exklusiv konsert på Malmö Live torsdagen den 11 oktober 2018 under ledning av stjärndirigenten Andris Nelsons. Orkestern framför Mahlers magnifika Symfoni nr 5 och Nobody knows the trouble I see av Zimmermann. Solist under gästspelet är Håkan Hardenberger – rankad som världens bäste trumpetare.
*Biljettpris: 100-995 kr. Grupprabatt 15% vid bokning av grupp om minst tio personer. Biljetter på
Cernitol Novum kan hjälpa män med prostatabesvär
Frekventa trängningar, svårigheter att kissa och efterdropp orsakade av en godartad prostataförstoring är vanliga problem för många män över 50 år.Men prostatabesvären behöver inte styra och begränsa tillvaron. Med Cernitol kan du erhålla god hjälp mot dessa besvär och få tillbaka friheten i vardagen. Cernitol Novum är ett växtbaserat läkemedel med avsvällande och antiinflammatoriska egenskaper. Läs bipacksedeln noga före användning. För mer information, se Kontakta läkare innan behandling för att inte missa eventuell bakomliggande allvarlig sjukdom (prostata- eller urinblåsecancer). Om besvären förvärras eller kvarstår i mer än 6 månader ska läkare kontaktas för förnyad bedömning. AB Cernelle, telefon 042–69 230.
av frekventa trängningar såväl dag som natt, svårigheter att kissa med en känsla av ofullständig blåstömning samt irriterande efterdropp. Ofta beror problemen på en förstorad prostata. För många resulterar det i såväl störd nattsömn som en evig jakt efter närmsta toalett. Problemen uppfattas ofta som en naturlig del av åldrandet och något man får leva med i det tysta. Endast ett fåtal män väljer därför att behandla sina symptom idag, trots att effektiv behandling finns. I Sverige beräknas minst 25 procent av alla män mellan 55-75 år ha så mycket besvär på grund av godartade förändringar i prostatan att de behöver en aktiv medicinsk behandling. Cernitol Novum är godkänt som ett receptfritt växtbaserat läkemedel i Sverige för behandling av godartad prostataförstoring. – Cernitol har avsvällande, inflammationshämmande effekter på prostatan och verkar avslappnande på urinrörets muskulatur, vilket gör blåstömningen lättare och toalettbesöken färre, berättar Ken Tinebo, VD på Cernelle. Cernitol har funnits på marknaden i över 60 år och med mer än 50 miljoner dygnsdoser per år är Cernitol ett av världens mest använda läkemedel vid godartade prostatabesvär. Nyligen godkändes Cernitol för behandling av godartad prostataförstoring i Frankrike och målet är att kunna nå ut till ännu fler. – Vi vill att Cernitol ska vara en naturlig rutin och hjälp i vardagen, som lindrar prostatabesvären och ger män en bättre vardag och ett friare liv, säger Ken Tinebo. ånga män besväras
Läs mer om Cernitol Novum på
Hur mycket vi än ser att du besöker oss i Östermalmshallen så förstår vi också att din tid inte alltid räcker till. Det är därför Lisa Elmqvists e-handel finns. Med fantastiska färska råvaror, färdiglagat, fisk, kött, menyer, matkassar, presenter, recept, förslag med mera så kan du handla on-line och få leverans till bostaden, kontoret, jobbet eller t o m utomlands. Vår e-handel, Mat Online, hittar du genom vår hemsida: Det är lätt och lustfyllt att handla där, precis som vi vill att det ska vara hos oss i verkliga livet. Och tro inte att kunskapen och kvaliteten uteblir bara för att du handlar på nätet. Tvärtom, den finns där dygnet runt. När det passar dig.
SUDERSAND Fårö, Gotland
Sudersand Resort är Fårös största semesteranläggning. Boende för alla - camping, hotell, stugor, strandvillor m.m. Det finns bl.a. en stor lekplats för barnen, pool, äventyrsgolf samt en 3 km lång & fantastisk sandstrand! Läs mer på vår hemsida och boka ditt boende idag! | 0046 (0)498 223536
”Get used to being noticed”
24 Contents 36 82
DIE FLEDERMAUS Anders Larssons star performance in Johan Strauss Jr’s classic at Wermland Opera.
Issue no 4 • 2018
UNIQUE PERFORMANCE IN MALMÖ World famous conductor Andris Nelsons and The Gewandhausorchester Leipzig perform at Malmö Live this fall. Get your ticket now!
55 74
INDUSTRIAL CREATIVITY One of the country’s oldest cities has brought industrial heritage into modern times. Welcome to Västerås.
PUERTO DE MOGAN The Gem of Gran Canaria. Flower splendour and delicious food in the islands most beautiful harbour quarter.
94 108
40 COSY HOTELS A classic collection of charming castles, impressive mansions, lovely inns and stylish design hotels. Countryside Hotels is like a bag of sweets.
ANNA BÅGSTAM She is a lawyer in the Swedish Parliament during the daytime. In the evenings, she writes disturbed crime fiction. Meet a writer with a plan.
NATIONAL MUSEUM IN JÄMTLAND On Sunday 17th of June, the National Museum opens its gates in the residential town of Östersund. Yet another reason to visit Jämtland Härjedalen! SVERIGEMAGASINET
April is like thursday April. Contemplate the word. The first quarter of the year is gone. Winter is formally over – here comes spring! Hurray! And then comes summer! Or … maybe not. April can be very deceptive – especially here in southern Sweden. One day it rains, the next it’s snowing, on the third day it’s sloppy, on the fourth it’s slippery, and on the fifth the sun shines like never before. And whenever the sun decides to peek out behind the clouds, all is forgiven. We shed our heavy winter clothes, revive our bikes from their winter hibernation, and we’re off with a broad smile. – Spring is here! we burst out, panting and delighted at the same time with the hard headwinds. Now it’s only a matter of time before summer arrives! But, we might have spoken too soon. In a matter of one day, the temperature can entirely and unexpectedly fall below zero again. And then we bite our tongues, stumble to the basement and retrieve our coats and jackets again. The garden also behaves somewhat irrationally. One day the flower bench is overflown with snowdrops and crocus, the next day they’re all but disappeared under a thick bed of lethal snow. Yet. We are still hoping. April is a little bit like Thursday. It’s not yet weekend, but it is in sight. We only need a little bit of patience. Every garden will start to bloom and so will the fragrance of lilacs. And then finally, a long and beautiful summer awaits. However unreal that might sound today. We wish you a wonderful spring and a pleasant reading. Wherever you are!
Tony Manieri, hopeless spring romantic
Sverige magasinet Sweden’s BIGGEST magazine
on tourism and pleasures
APRIL 2018 Mail-/visiting address: Grindsgatan 27, 118 57 Stockholm Web: E-mail: Invoices: Order your copy at:
Editorial Contact individual employees at (respective) first EDITOR IN CHIEF & PUBLISHER: Marie Tillman
Veganchoklad – smakar och gör gott! För dig som bryr dig lite extra. Allt fler upptäcker vår naturligt goda veganchoklad.
LAYOUT: Tony Manieri PROJECT MANAGER: Charlotte Lindmark CONTRIBUTORS: Torbjörn Karlgren, Charlotte Lindmark (CL), Marie Tillman (MT), Tony Manieri (TM), Anna Ekberg (AE), Rebecca Manieri, Olivia Collin, Birgitta Jacobsson, Christina Gutiérrez Malmbom TRANSLATION: Jina Sitthirot/Reidar Tillman COVER: Die Fledermaus PHOTO: Mats Bäcker
Market and sales SALES MANAGER: Marie Tillman Phone: +46 (0)707 17 30 50 PROJECT MANAGER: Charlotte Lindmark Phone: +46 (0)706 25 71 78 ADVERTISING: Sara Ericsson Phone: +46 (0)766 08 09 07 Reidar Tillman Phone: +46 (0)708 19 80 70 Jona Näs Phone: +46 (0)735 63 22 18 Sverigemagasinet is produced and published by Lännersta Industrier HB, Stockholm PRINT: Printall, Estonia
Noterat Malmö’s wildest place
Welcome to an exotic tour of a tropical world in the middle of Malmö. Malmö Reptilcenter is 500 square meters of jungle. Animal parks play an important role in today’s society to increase awareness of animals and nature. The Terrarium in the Malmö People’s Park opened in 1983 and has become famous for their good breeding results. It is possible to book guided tours for schools and other events such as hen or stag parties. Malmö Reptilcenter also offers companies and individuals to become pet caregivers in their exhibition. ED
Relax in Skultuna Skultuna is located in the centre of Mälardalen and is one of Västmanland’s most prominent tourist destinations, a mile north of Västerås. It has a beautifully preserved environment, where Swedish brass has been manufactured for almost 400 years. In 1607, the brass industry, founded by King Karl IX, was to become the foundation of Skultuna brass foundry. At the Brass foundry, the Museum and factory shops are well worth a visit! Stay overnight at the magnificent Skultuna hotel, which has been carefully renovated into an inviting hotel and conference centre with a well-reputed bar of around 200 single malt whiskeys. At the hotel, you can enjoy coffee, lunch and fine dinners. The hotel’s latest addition - a cosy relaxation area - includes two different saunas, a bathtub and an outdoor Jacuzzi with its garden and a gazebo. At the hotel, you can also order massage by a certified Thai masseuse. The hotel’s homely atmosphere is highly recommended for relaxation. ED
Life is a Dylan song Dylansällskapet is played until the 5th of May at Intiman in the English park in Malmö, (next to Malmö Opera). It’s a drama-comedy about four men in the panic-age brought together by the love of Bob Dylan. The play is written by Dennis Magnusson (who wrote for theatre, TV, and film earlier). To Kill a Tivoli and Zlatan’s Smile are examples of two of his plays played at the Malmö City Theatre. Played by Göran Dyrssen, Hans-Peter Edh, Erik Olsson and Håkan Paaske. Markus, Konrad and Bror meet three times a year to talk about their ”God” Bob Dylan. Together, they cook, drink wine and worship their idol. A Dylan song can explain everything in life. They even have a Dylan record for every woman in their lives. Bob Dylan follows them through divorces, middle-age crises, new love, and unexpected deaths. They stick to Dylan, despite everything else falling apart. One day, a fourth member joins the dinner, Erik. He is going to meet with Dylan the upcoming week before a concert, and he has paid a high amount to shake hands with the master … ED PHOTO: Malmö Stadsteater
Noterat Hot summer nights Out on the roads this summer? Continue past the border of Sweden to the city of Raseborg in Finland. Raseborg city is situated one hour from Helsinki. You will get there by car, bus, train or boat. The town offers magnificent archipelago views, idyllic small-town atmosphere, and unique, well-preserved old ironworks. The highlights are the summer theatres in Raseborg Palace ruin and Svartå Castle, antique markets in Fiskars and Billnäs, and not to mention Ekenäs summer concerts. Raseborg Summer Theatre is the largest summer theatre in Sweden-Finland with over 1000 fixed seats. This year’s musical is West Side Story, a modern version of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. From the very first tones to the last, West Side Story is a fantastic tale of love. This story of a loving couple trying to cope with a world of hatred, violence, and prejudices is one of the most innovative, heart-breaking and significant musical dramas of our time. The play is as applicable today as when it was performed sixty years ago. In the musical, more than thirty amateur actors participate and an orchestra with an ensemble of seven. The premiere at Raseborg Summer Theatre is on 28th of June, and there will be 20 performances until 5th August. AE
Hercules in Ystad For twenty years, the Summer Theatre in Ystad has performed for an audience of all ages, with entertainment that focuses on relevant social issues. This year, Hercules, a newly written musical is performed, and the play will not disappoint the tradition. Hercules is played between July and August 5th, and the audience in Öberg’s garden will follow Hercules through his life’s greatest adventure. Together with Hercules, we will struggle with questions about, among others, assimilaton and to what cost. We will also be reminded of the importance of being authentic and genuine to ourselves and others. On this journey, we will meet the greatest gods and goddesses, as well as explore everything between heaven and below the earth. The play takes place in ancient Greece where we meet Hercules. Ever since birth, he has known that he is different, but it is not until a very special birthday that he learns why. Hercules is a demi-god, with a mortal mother and a divine father, he is forced to confront himself in a way he never had to do before. Will Hercules be able to keep his feet on the ground, or will his journey lead him a bit too close to the sun? AE
In the summer of 2016, The Sound of Music set a new record with over 20 300 spectators. In the picture all the children of Captain von Trapps sing together with Maria, played by Sarah Nedergård. Photo: Emilia Nyberg
PHOTO: Bo Håkansson
A real laughing party at Vallarna
The summer theatre in Vallarna in Falkenberg, outside Gothenburg, gives us the play Pilsner and Penseldrag (Beer and Brush strokes). It premieres July 1st and the performance will play until August 12th. So far, over 1,2 million people have visited Vallarna, an impressive figure, making it Sweden’s most visited open-air theatre. How about 18,000 cups of coffee? That’s how many are served every summer! If you find the idea of a crazy careerist, a confused aunt and add two love-sick bachelors, interesting, then we warmly welcome you to the inner courtyard 57. Here, a crowd of the most hearty and talented characters come together and create the most unforgettable evening on Vallarnas classic outdoor scene. The theatre offers love, laughter, and a lot of singing- with Sweden’s most brilliant band on stage. Featured in the ensemble are Claes Månsson, Jojje Jönsson, Siw Carlsson, Mikael Riesebeck, and many others. A E SVERIGEMAGASINET
PHOTO: Nöjesteatern
Annie in Malmö The musical Annie premiers on Nov 30th, at the Amusement Theatre in Malmö. A classic family musical with beautiful music, colourful dance scenes, and a touching story. In the 1930’s New York, we meet orphan Annie who lives in a children’s home, the principal, Miss Hannigan does not like children and Annie miserably wonders whether tomorrow will be a happier day. Directing the play is Eva Rydberg, who in 2005 did the role of Miss Hannigan at the same stage. In 2018, Nanne Grönvall will shape the role of Miss Hannigan. Thomas Järvheden plays Mr Warbucks, Anna Sahlene plays Grace, and Kalle Rydberg plays Rooster. On stage, there will also be a big ensemble and a happy bunch of children from an orphanage to entertain together with the dog Sandy. ED
Summer is saved! Barebells launched in 2016 and offers a wide range of protein-rich options for snacks, breakfast, and desserts with amazing flavours. Soon, they will also launch protein ice cream for ice cream lovers who prefer a healthier alternative. The new editions are ice cream consisting of Barebell’s popular protein bars and two brand new Ice Cream Sticks. Sweden’s most beloved protein bars Barebells Caramel Cashew and Salty Peanut can now be enjoyed as ice creams. Also, two soft and two creamy Ice Cream Sticks are presented in the flavours of Strawberry Vanilla and Chocolate Caramel. They are loaded with protein and without added sugar. ED
PHOTO: Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo
Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo in Sweden It all began in the 1970s in New York on Off-Off Broadway. A group of ballet enthusiasts wanted to give a playful and entertaining version of the traditional classical dance and started the Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, today they are one of the great sensations in the world of dance.
On 26 may, the entertainment centre in Malmö presents a show consisting solely of men who playfully create humour in the classical ballet tradition. Trockadero has been touring worldwide in 34 countries and more than 600 cities. The repertoire consists of a varied selection
of classical ballet and modern dance, such as The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Don Quixote, Giselle and many others. Trockadero is a guaranteed success for those who do not know anything about ballet and an absolute must for those who know the original. ED
The challenger Erik Höglund The exhibition at Blekinge Museum in Karlskrona shows a rich selection of unique works and objects from Erik Höglund’s Collection. We meet his works of all possible materials; wrought iron, glass, granite, bronze, and painting. Erik Höglund had depth and breadth in his creation, and he was a challenger throughout his life. During the period of Boda Glasbruk 1953-73, he accepted challenges that radically changed the Swedish glass industry. As a painter, he expressed himself in strong colours, and throughout his artistic path, the colourful choices seemed to be the driving force. He made about 150 major works for the public environment. In his hometown Karlskrona, Fiskargumman (The fisher woman) at Fisktorget is a well-known work for most of us. The exhibition will be displayed until further notice. MT Erik Höglund in his studio, working on Fiskargumman in Karlskrona. PHOTO: Manfred Kieber SVERIGEMAGASINET
Noterat Democracy on tour in Gävleborg The Folk Theatre in Gävleborg makes a significant effort during this election year with four premieres and a touring culture festival. The culture festival Dreams and Democracy is a festival of talks, art, and theatre. The events adapt to the place or the city where the festival visits during its spring tour. An election year easily becomes an arena for political debate and issues about the economy, but with Dreams and Democracy, the Folk theatre in Gävleborg wants to enable an open and reflective conversation about what kind of world we want to live in. This is done through three new performances: the bombastic and dreamy SAD Symphony by Tove Sahlin about community’s limits and possibilities, Utopia by Erik Uddenberg about the search for new worlds to live in, and Brotherhood by Jens Peter Karlsson, a story about how thick bloodlines run when challenged by increasingly polarised views. In addition, the festival presents a dreamy string concert called Dream Quake, which is the result of a collaboration between Görgen Antonsson and a string quartet from the Gävle Symphony Orchestra. ED PHOTO: Henrik Dahl
Gessle and the love for Halland Theatre Halland gives the performance Halland Love Stories, a musical with Per Gessle’s music, about love in Halland, based on the personal stories of the citizens which Theatre Halland has collected through emails and social media. During March and April, the show will take place throughout Halland. It’s about that feverish feeling that takes over. The heat, the passion, the agony. The wait and the pleasures that overflow. To feel chosen, loved and invincible. And about the great excruciating pain when it is over and the bottomless despair. Anna Sjövall, Theatre Manager at Theatre Halland: How did you come up with the idea of a musical about love in Halland with Per Gessle’s music? – We want to approach our audience, get to know them and get the audience to get to know us. We, therefore, wanted to make a performance where the stories came from the audience and then the topic of love came up because it is something that engages us all in different ways. Based on these love stories, we hope to make a performance that tells about our society today. The music idea emerged when one actor was singing all day, and as for Per Gessle, it felt obvious since we are here in Halland. It’s great fun to be able to make a musical with all his hits. ED PHOTO: Annika von Hauswolff
Noterat Historical novels about swedish emigrants
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Sid. 40.
Anita Hammarstedt likes to write about real people. Four generations of women (1808-1945) and From Rörstrand to Rio (1880-1892) are novellas about her relatives. In her works, Anita does thorough research and weaves Sweden’s history into action, then she spices it up with a significant portion of imagination. Below, she talks about her fifth book with the name. Those who returned, which is a continuation of From Rörstrand to Rio. – Many asked what happened afterwards when they read about the family who emigrated to Brazil, says Anita. I also wondered and started doing investigations, and soon I started writing. Lars Johan Eriksson returned to Sweden in July 1892 together with three of his children. A broken and low-income family. But the friends in Sweden remained and helped them get started and slowly returned to a form of ”normal” life. Lars Johan got a job as a carpenter and could soon gather his little family in his own home. A family that became larger and smaller throughout the years. – I don’t want to reveal too much, but my research has taken me from Stockholm to Oil City and Jamestown in America, and in these three places, the story will essentially play out. Mostly, it is in Stockholm, a city that went from being Europe’s filthiest to one of the cleanest. Old wooden houses were torn down, and large stone houses were built, and the streets got new names. Most people probably don’t know where Luzerngatan and Lilla and Stora Badstugatan were, but if I say Kungsgatan and Sveavägen, it becomes more familiar. The horse-drawn carriages were crowded with cars that soon took over the streets of the city. Electric trolleys replaced the horse trams. An exciting time, Anita Hammarstedt concludes. RED
Salieri vs Mozart and Satayagraha at Folkoperan, Stockholm Folkoperan is an opera house driven by the desire to develop and renew the opera art, to make it accessible while creating new perspectives through exciting expressions and unexpected meetings. Salieri vs Mozart is something so odd as a comic show of jealousy with fatal outcome. It is followed by a reprint of the success Satyagraha by Philip Glass in collaboration with Cirkus Cirkör. But the little opera house is also going out into the world; Satyagraha guest plays in Copenhagen and the United States. In the autumn, Folkoperan gives way to a normative interpretation of Massenet’s opera Don Quixote. The knight of the sad creature, which despite mockery, violence, and adversity never doubts himself, love and the goodness of men. SALIERI VS MOZART: Frida Österberg (the Author) and Loa Falkman (Salieri). PHOTO: Markus Gårder SVERIGEMAGASINET
Festival Noterat
Iron Maiden (above) och The Darkness (below) – two of the main attractions at Sweden Rock.
Sweden Rock: Scandinavia’s biggest hard rock festival
The festival is held in Sölvesborg, near the sea. Sweden Rock runs from 6-7-8-9 June. Here is something for everyone. We find artists such Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Judas Priest and Nazareth. Every year, the event attracts visitors from around 50 different countries where they are invited to 80 concerts with a mix of classic rock, hard rock, and metal. Plenty of sites for camping and caravans. Sweden Rock is known for keeping a high level of service, and the friendly atmosphere has become a hallmark. ED
Västerås Rock festival Västerås Rockfest is a new festival which premieres at Bombardier Arena in Västerås on 28th June. It is exciting that new rock festivals are still founded. Arranged in collaboration with Gain/Sony and Karlsson & Norberg. The headliner is the Swedish-Danish metal band Amaranthe. Corroded, Smash into Pieces and Lillasyster are also playing. AE
Drömhus. PHOTO: Universal Music
We love the 90’s Famous artists play the most popular 90’s songs in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö three Saturdays between 7 and 21 July. Participants are national and international artists, including Scooter, E-Type, The Outhere Brothers, Daddaway, DR Alban, C + C Music, Factory and Dream House. ED
PHOTO: Karlssons Musik
World Accordion Day!
PHOTO: Thorbjørn Hansen/ROCKPHOTO
Roskilde Festival June 30th - July 7th, Roskilde Denmark. At Roskilde, we find artists like Nine Inch Nails, Fever Ray, My Bloody Valentine, Black Star, Sampha and Four Tet and many more. The festival lasts for eight days and has 130,000 visitors and 175 artists. Everything is as usual well organised in the festival area. Likewise, there are opportunities for several alternative housings. ED
May the 6th. Same day is celebrated every year on the World Accordion Day - Day of accordion worldwide. At Karlsson’s Music in Fjärås, about four miles outside Gothenburg, they celebrate this day with open house and invite you to performances by artists like Marco Lo Russo from Italy and Søren Brix from Denmark. Marco Lo Russo is an award-winning musician and composer. He has been touring with many of Italy’s greatest artists and is now coming to Sweden for the first time and will visit Fjärås. Søren Brix is one of Denmark’s absolute top accordion player. He has played on the radio and television in many countries, participated in several CD- productions and competed as Denmark’s representative in the Accordion World Cup. For those of you who are accordion enthusiasts, you can read more about World Accordion Day on their Facebook page, where you can also see pictures of the artists, comment, and get further updates about this event and more. ACCORDION MUSEUM
One thing is for sure - if you’re celebrating the Day of the Accordion, you’ll also need to visit the unique accordion museum that Karlsson’s music runs. There are about a hundred accordions to see. For a true accordion lover, the museum will a blissful experience. Throughout the day, there will be special offers on instruments, accessories, books, and CDs of various kinds. CL
Helgeå –Swedens cosiest festival The Helgeå Festival in Knislinge, July 5th to 7th, attracting artists like Backyard Babies, Dan Reed Network and Takida, which is one of the most wanted bands for the Helgeå Festival and now they are finally heading from Ånge to Knislinge, states the Helgeå Festival in a press release. Good news for all punk lovers is that they have released four punk bands for this year’s festival. Dia Psalma, Mimikry, Charta 77 and The Headlines. ED Takida. PHOTO: Ville Juurikkala
Sweden’s darkest festival Thrash, Death and Black Metal, the hardest of the hard music. Gefle Metal Festival, which focuses on the more extreme forms of hard rock, is a metal and hard rock festival in Gävle, held for the first time in 2016. The festival takes place in gasklocke-area in the Brynäs district of central Gävle. This year’s festival is scheduled for 13-14 July. The festival boasts one of the world’s largest death metal bands; Cannibal Corpse has sold over two million discs. Heavy
and influential with rock hard music and ultra-brutal texts. Some of the other bands that play are Polish Behemoth, who makes their only Swedish appearance this summer at the festival, Finnish Children of Bodom, German Sodom, other bands mentioned include Venom, Coroner, Lacuna Coil, Once Human and The Lurking Fear. For two days there will be 36 bands on stage. RED
A hefty program at the Dala-Floda Opera-fest
In the amazing, beautiful Dala-Floda, only 30 minutes from Leksand, opera is sung in every corner for a few days in August. Professionals, amateurs, old, and young - yes, everyone is welcome to join. – Together, we create a festival that does not resemble anything else, says Roine Wassberg, spokesman of the Dala-Floda Opera-fest. Roine adds that Anna Eklund Tarantino, the festival’s artistic director, started the festival eight years ago. In addition to opera at ICA supermarket and opera in the open air, the opera Cavalleria Rusticana is set up with four performances. Paulina Pfeiffer, Mathias Zachariassen, Linus Flogell, Ulrika Tenstam, Maria Sveingunsen are participating. Dala-Floda Opera choir and an orchestra under the leadership of Sven-Olof Juvas are also performing. There will also be two performances of Cosi fan tutti with Opera Vox from Stockholm. In the church, there will be an opera and romance concert with Ann Hallenberg. The Opera party ends with a gala concert with the orchestra Dalasinfoniettan, Joa Helgesson, Paulina Pfeiffer and Mathias Zachriassen. The performances are held on the old dance hall at Strandbackens Folkets Park, which has walls and ceilings - and fantastic acoustics. AE
Paulina Pfeiffer. PHOTO: Studio Avant
Mathias Zachariassen. PH: Sten Andersson
Joa Helgesson. PHOTO: Yuli Gates
Mustasch. PHOTO: Lagerstam Event
Mustasch and Hardcore Superstar at the Rock Party in Kungsträdgården!
wo legendary sounds. 18 albums and over 70 million streams. Mustasch and Hardcore Superstar have at least one heavy thing in common. Of course, they are coming to the Rock party in Kungsträdgården and are two of the ten acts for the summer festival, where there is a free entrance. Individually, Mustasch and Hardcore Superstar are heavy. Together, they become mega-heavy. They are appearing in Kungsträdgården’s festival which is held for the fourth consecutive year, with free entrance for everyone. HEAVY?
Definitely. Mustasch has built an impressive CV since the start of 1998 with Grammy nominations and tours with bands like Motörhead and Gluecifer. Hardcore Superstar who did not take the easy road but pushed thrash metal and sleaze rock into one end of the tube, got its characteristic sound in the other. Others who will also attend the Rockfest are Spiders, the rock band from Gothenburg with the charismatic lead singer Ann-Sofi Hoyles. Their new album ”Killer Machine” released in March and is the band’s third album since their debut in 2012. 20-21 July are the dates you’re going to tattoo on your lower back so that you won’t forget the Rock party, and if you need more reasons to join, other than Mustasch, Hardcore Superstar, and Spiders, there are seven more here: Dead By April, The Hawkins, Violet Janine, Sparzanza, Ballbreaker (AC / DC Tribute), O.T.C. ”Ozzy Tribute Coverband” and Smash Into Pieces. Now you have the entire impressive band list for the Rock party. Have you been here before? You do know that it’s a popular place with great food, right in the heart of Stockholm? Thousands of beautiful rockers, Stockholm and Kungsträdgården at their best and with music that hits the heart, brain, and stomach at the same time. If you haven’t been here before, we’ll see you in July! TEXT: Torbjörn Karlgren
Hardcore Superstar. PHOTO: Lagerstam Event SVERIGEMAGASINET
Opera THE BAT (Swedish “Läderlappen”) is an operetta in three parts with music by Johann Strauss Jr. The operetta takes place in Vienna around 1870. The wealthy Gabriel von Eisenstein has been sentenced to a short prison sentence. Unexpectedly Dr Falke, a close friend of Eisenstein’s enters, he persuades his friend that instead of waiting for transport to prison, to accompany him to a feast at Prince Orlofsky’s house with the promises of a plethora of women and champagne. Falke, however, intends to dupe his friend Eisenstein as a vengeance for something Falke was exposed to several years ago while drunk and dressed only in bat wings, abandoned outside the Opera by Eisenstein. Falke’s “leap of revenge” is to be played out tonight ...
The Bat 3.0
Johann Strauss’ operetta from 1874 transforms into a hilarious and significant Batman. Wermland Opera produces the classical opera in a burlesque comic book version with the world-class singer Anders Larsson as the lead role as the tragic character Falke.
The photo: The second act’s masquerade party at Orlovskij. Eisenstein (Anton Lundqvist) is dressed as a butterfly while Falke (Anders Larsson) is dressed up as a bat. Orlovsky (Richard Hamrin) in the middle, controls the party from his chariot.
Falke (the Bat) is disgraced by his friend Eisenstein at the party. Now the Bat wants revenge!
n the early 1870’s, Johann Strauss is at the height of his career. His waltz, polkas, and gallops are played, not only in Vienna but worldwide. During this time, Jaques Offenbach celebrates his triumphs with his satirical and clever operas in Paris. The director of “Theater an der Wien” suggests that Strauss shall start writing music drama. By then, the forty-something-year-old composer never thought about it before. “Words are words,” he used to say, “and best served without sauce.” But he was prepared to try. The theatre directorate is directed towards Paris where they play La Revillon with great success. The play had some sexual undertones that could have caused problems with the Catholic-influenced Austrian censorship. However, with some rework and with Johann Strauss’ music, the operetta had its premiere on 5th April 1874 at Theater an der Wien. In the Bat, the growing bourgeoisie, or the middle class as we would call it, witnessed something that was happening here and now and that was about them. And ever since, The Bat has become Johann Strauss’ most famous operetta and has always been on the repertoire. THIRD TIME AT WERMLAND OPERA
It’s the third time the performance is set on Wermland Opera’s scene. This time, the choice has fallen on the English producer team director Sam Brown and stage designer Annemarie Woods. In 2011, they became the first Regi / scenography couple who won the two international competitions for young promising production team; They won both The Ring Award in Graz and The European Opera Directing Prize. In Graz, Wermland Opera’s chief Ole Wiggo Bang was one of the jury members
Dr. Falke examines Eisenstein and gives him an extra shot …
and it was the first time that he saw Sam Brown’s first act of the operetta Läderlappen. Annemarie Woods made both the scenography and the costume for the performance, and now, seven years later, they have returned to the piece and together they have also developed act two and three. TRANSFER TO VIENNA 1945
In their interpretation, we move to Vienna in 1945 when the World War II has just ended. The Austrian capital has been divided into four parts between the victory forces; French, English American and Soviet part. Several of the famous characters in the show have therefore new nationalities. For example, Alfred, Rosalinda’s lover, is an American GI Joe who is courting her with love, sausages and other desirable goods from the black market. Vienna has been famished for years, and luxury items such as chocolate, nylon stockings, and real meat have been scarce, or downright impossible to get hold of. The dominant party in the second act, which the entire opera circles around, is in the original operetta hosted by Prince Orlofsky. In this interpretation, Orlovskij has changed the spelling of his name and become a commander of Vienna’s Soviet sector. At the party the guests are treated to extravagances that the Viennese haven’t seen in a long time; chocolate from the United States, whiskey from the UK, oysters from France and vodka from the Soviet Union! Several of the other characters are also “ordinary” Austrians who had been collaborating with the Nazis during the war, but as soon as the war ended, they quickly had a change of hearts. Dr. Falke (Anders Larsson), the driving force and intrigue of the show, had become one of the thousands of Jews who lived in Vienna before 1938, but who was eliminated during the war. Falke’s best friends Gabriel and Rosalinda Eisenstein
Opera moved into Falke’s apartment during the war and hid him under the floorboards during all those years. Dr. Falke calls himself “The Last Jew in Vienna.” Of course, he is grateful to the Eisenstein’s who helped to hide him. However, they do not have the slightest intention of giving the apartment back to Falke. Instead, they consider it as their own. This is a reality too many have experienced throughout the centuries!
course, the experience will be optimal - both for the audience and for us who perform.
– The music is amazing! You would have to steel yourself not to be touched by Tosca, whether you like opera or not. I would think that Tosca goes straight to the heart for most people. Every number is good. In other pieces, maybe every third song is good, but Puccini was very special in that regard.
The scenography and costumes are reminiscent of the world of comic books. The comics’ enhancement and exaggeration fit well with the drastically and uproarious characteristics of Läderlappen. The audience may see the intersection of a rented house that has been damaged by the war and, apparently, seen better days. The different rooms, side by side in a row, on several floors - with their irregularities – have the similarities of comic strips. This is enhanced by the patterned wallpaper, garish colors and there is hardly a single right angle on either walls or floors. The costumes are either 1940’s fashion or imaginative masquerade costumes, such as Falke’s flattering muscle costume. The resemblance to Batman is striking! TEXT: Tony Manieri PHOTO: Mats Bäcker
Anders Larsson – Baritone with all of Europe as a work field Anders Larsson takes the lead role as Falke in Wermland Opera’s production of The Bat (Läderlappen in swedish). He has appeared on the major scenes around Europe since 1995 and is considered one of the primary singers in the country. Anders Larsson has performed on stages such as the Royal Opera in Stockholm, Gothenburg Opera, The Royal Opera in Copenhagen, Glyndebourne Opera, La Monnaie in Brussels, Oper Frankfurt, Staatsoper Berlin, Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona and Theatrical Real in Madrid in roles such as the Count of Figaro’s wedding, Guglielmo in Così fan tutte, Belcorein the Love Drink, Silvio in Pajazzo, Marcello in La Bohème, Sharpless in Madama Butterfly, Lescaut in Manon Lescaut, Don Alvaro on Trip to Reims, Escamillo in Carmen, Valentine in Faust, Lindorf / Coppelius / Miracle / Dapertutto in Hoffmann’s Adventure, Germont in La Traviata, Posa in Don Carlos, Ford in Falstaff, Falke in The Bat, Count in Capriccio, Mandryka in Arabella, Fernando in Fidelio and the title role of Ullmann’s Emperor of Atlantis, Eugen Onegin and Daniel Börtz Goya. In other words, he is an incredibly experienced artist. Sverigemagasinet meets Anders Larsson for a chat.
You have performed almost everything one can think of in terms of classical works, but you mentioned that you dream of the role of Scarpia in Puccini’s Tosca. What is it with this particular opera that is so enticing?
What does the future look like for Anders Larsson, after The Bat? – Next comes an exciting dramatization of the Norrmalmstorg’s drama in Vattnäs Concert Hall this summer. Vattnäs, located outside Mora, has Dalarna’s only concert hall and as for the music, one of Europe’s most interesting composers, Swedish Albert Schnelzer, will make his debut as an opera composer. It feels incredibly inspiring. It’s also alluring to be involved in a premiered performance, not to be compared or to compare with previous productions. Normally, we work with pieces that were written several hundred years ago which, of course, have been featured on a variety of scenes by many amazing singers. It will be like an unwritten page, which feels exciting. And the same thing for the audience, you will experience a piece of music that no one else has ever heard. One could say that there’s a different take on the production of The Bat in Wermland Opera. That must also feel inspiring. – Absolutely! It’s the third time I perform The Bat, and in the past, it was about traditional sets with traditional costumes and decor. This time, the opera is placed in a modern context with a kind of comic book- character, which will be exciting both for us on stage and hopefully for the audience as well! TM
What do you value most? To perform different opera sets or to act on different scenes around the world? – It’s probably a combination of being able to sing in acoustically very good opera houses with extraordinarily talented and inspired conductors, directors and colleagues. What makes singing abroad so appealing is probably that one can select the raisins from the cake; choose the pieces that match your voice and an ensemble that is inspiring. – I am thinking especially of the Brussels Opera, which has fantastic acoustics and Barcelona’s opera house. It’s fun to sing there just because it sounds as good as it ever can. You need good acoustics to be able to sing well. A while ago I was in Norway and sang at Kristiansand’s opera house, and there they have managed to get the perfect acoustic space. Of
Västerås 7/4, Luleå 11/4, Östersund 12/4, Örnsköldsvik 13/4, Halmstad 19/4, Kalmar 21/4, Växjö 22/4, Vara 28/4 Biljetter:, På
Visfestival Holmön 27–29 JULI 2018
På Turné Missa inte en av landets mest omtyckta visfestivaler på Sveriges soligaste ö. Ett besök på Holmön är en magisk upplevelse – speciellt under festivalen. På hemsidan kan du snart boka vår populära Visresa – buss från Umeå centrum, färja till Holmön och konserbiljett.
Västerås 7/4, Luleå 11/4, Östersund 12/4 Programmet växer13/4, snart fram på: Halmstad 19/4, Örnsköldsvik Kalmar 21/4, Växjö 22/4, Vara 28/4 Biljetter:,
ALE MÖLLER BAND THE REAL GROUP JONAS KULLHAMMAR & EKDAHL/BAGGE BIG BAND MAGNUS LINDGREN & STOCKHOLM UNDERGROUND MIRIAM AIDA AMANDA GINSBURG ADELN THOU SHALT SWING Världsarvsjazzen är en festival i det lilla formatet för dig som gillar vacker miljö, god mat och riktigt bra jazz och folkmusik. Här är allt nära; hälsingenaturen, världsarvet, maten och framför allt; artisterna och musiken. Mer information om artister, biljetter, avgångstider för festivalbussar med mera finns på www.varldsar
”Seriöst och vackert… en fullträff. ” DN ”… helt kongenialt…” SVD ”...oemotståndligt” SVT Kulturnyheterna
O PE RA AV M USO RG S K I J En djärv, intensiv och praktfull opera om hur en karismatisk man lyckas lura massorna, ett ständigt aktuellt tema. Regissören Peter Konwitschnys tolkning är en omskakande upplevelse, kritisk mot konsumtionssamhället och dagens politiska klimat.
21 APR IL – 1 3 M A J Köp biljetter och boka bord i GöteborgsOperans Restaurang 031-13 13 00, goteborgsoperan GOdanskompani
The music never goes silent in Västerbotten The dynamic music scenes in Västerbotten are alive all year round. There are festivals, concerts and performances; opera, hardcore, pop, punk, rock, blues, jazz, folk music and unexpected fusions. And an absolute world class guitar museum!
ästerbotten always creates its own soundtrack an exciting music region with a particular wide music register. Norrlandsoperan together with a symphony orchestra offers a generous repertoire of music and art performances. There are also modern world-known artists from Västerbotten such as Refused, Jonas Knutsson, Mats Öberg and Morgan Ågren, Meshuggah and The Wannadies, all of them raised in the county’s genuine music culture. Jazz, pop, and hardcore have been strong genres for decades, but even rap music has gained an energetic and youthful voice throughout the county. Everything from Cleo to Gonza-Ra, from the hip-hop collective Random Bastards - all of whom are good representations of the atmosphere that characterizes the county’s
cultural, and predominantly, music life. Pop is still strong, not least through Deportees, who has for many years been acclaimed as one of Sweden’s best live performers whose album is celebrated by music reviewers and music lovers alike. Umeå also boasts the unique “Guitars - The Museum,” a museum where music history is narrated by guitars. Over the years, the Åhdén twins have exchanged and sold everything from classic American cars to precious guitars so that the most spectacular guitars can be part of the collection. There are over 400 guitars at the museum, once played by artists such as ZZ Top to band members by Elvis Presley. FESTIVALS AND MARKETS
Brännbollsyran is one of Sweden’s biggest festivals in Västerbotten, which focuses on modern dance music. Yran has gone against the currents of mainstream and grown into a large
gathering place, a manifestation for live music. Brännbollsyran is held on campus in Umeå the last weekend of May every year. In the picturesque Nordanå area of Skellefteå, the Trästock Festival is organized at the end of July - Sweden’s largest free festival and folk party that offers live music, performances, and food during the day. The motivation behind the festival, which has been around for 26 years, is to create the opportunity for everyone to partake in the cultural folk festival, regardless of one’s wallet size. Västerbotten also has one of Sweden’s largest markets, Åsele Market, which grew from an ordinary market to Sweden’s largest folk festival. For four days, the place fills up with nearly 150,000 visitors and a full-featured program where the most current and favorite Swedish artists take to the stage. Skellefteå also has its own festival. For five days, the streets of the city are transformed
Festival into the festivities. The well-established City Party focuses on music and attracts nearly 100,000 visitors annually. On stage, famous artists perform their music - Avicii, Agnes, and Airbourne are just a few of the almost 300 artists who have attended the festival. The street festival offers something for everyone, and there is an ongoing program until sunrise. It’s a city that never sleeps. At idyllic Holmön, artists such as Eldmøln, Lill-Babs, and Helen Sjöholm, among many others, performed during the unique Visfestival (ballad festival). A festival with the vision to visualize and increase the status of ballads. Here, less famous talents are given an opportunity to perform, and perhaps this makes it Sweden’s most coequal festival. Make yourself comfortable on the grass, eat al fresco and enjoy the art of ballads on Sweden’s sunniest island. Västerbotten is not only the county of folktales - but it’s also the county of music. The varied and dynamic palette of various musical acts and scenes alone, make it worth a visit. TEXT: Olivia Collin
Previous page: Rippin’ it at the festival. PHOTO: Ludwig Eriksson Left: Trästock. PHOTO: Ludwig Eriksson Above: Adam Lindberg. PHOTO: Emil Hägglund Below: Joel Sundholm. PHOTO: Emil Hägglund
Anna Ternheim. PHOTO: Lagerstam Event
Thomas Stenström. PHOTO: Lagerstam Event
Timo Räisänen. PHOTO: Lagerstam Event
On the Raft – a summer with floating concerts A custom-built raft is the scene for the floating concerts during five magical Wednesdays. Meet artists such as Anna Ternheim, Thomas Stenström and Timo Räisänen with his tribute “Timo singing Ted”.
n the Raft in Karlskoga, had its premiere with great success in the summer of 2017. Five magical Wednesdays on a floating and beautiful scene anchored in Lake Möckeln. An enthusiastic crowd at the beach, food, drinks and Swedish summer at its finest. On the Raft is now back, not once, not twice- but five times. New for this year is a twoday festival, which marks the end of the summer concert. ”A fantastic concept and so many happy people made us realize quite soon that we would do On the Raft again,” says organizer Niclas Lagerstam. And so, not only will there be five exciting Wednesday evenings at Gamla Båthamnen in Karlskoga, but also the Great Festival one weekend in August. The first artist On the Raft this summer is Timo Räisänen, with his acclaimed ”Timo singing Ted.” The experience illustrates how sun, wind, and water together sum up a typical Swedish summer with love and warmth. Timo will offer many amazing Gärdestad’s classics such as ”Heaven is innocent blue” and ”For love.” And then there will be time for some rockabilly with John Lindberg
Trio and after that, perhaps the most significant highlight of this summer, Anna Ternheim (Play Shoreline!). The next artist in line is Pernilla Andersson, who will take the boat out to the raft. Then finally, last out are Thomas Stenström and Hanna Järver on 1st of August. Contrary to last year, the party On the Raft doesn’t end there. You know what it’s like to try something and love it so much that you just want more of it? Of course you do. So, this year there will be a great festival On the Raft, premiering a weekend in August and with the same arrangement as On the Raft for Wednesdays, but with so much more. The artists of the Great Festival will be presented later this spring. TEXT: Torbjörn Karlgren THE ARTISTS ON THE RAFT THIS SUMMER!
July 4 Timo sings Ted July 11 John Lindberg Trio July 18 Anna Ternheim July 25 Pernilla Andersson August 1 Thomas Stenström & Hanna Järver SVERIGEMAGASINET
Unique performance in Sweden Gewandhausorchester Leipzig performs under the direction of star-conductor Andris Nelsons
Concert Malmö Live has had several international artists attending, such as London Symphony Orchestra & Yuja Wang, world-famous Juan Diego Flórez and the legend Philip Glass, but it does not stop there. Now, the Swedish audience can look forward to yet another famous artist: Andris Nelsons and Gewandhaus orchestra Leipzig performs at Malmö Live this fall.
he Gewandhaus orchestra Leipzig is considered one of the world’s top orchestras and is also one of the oldest. The sought-after orchestra celebrates 275 years and gives an exclusive concert 11th October at Malmö Live during its anniversary tour. The Malmö’s own famous star, the trumpet soloist Håkan Hardenberger will also be participating. The Gewandhaus Orchestra Leipzig, performed by Beethoven, Schumann, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Bruckner, and Wagner, performs only at the largest concert halls around the world. From the United States to Japan, they receive standing ovations for their skills and unique sound, colored by the 275-year-old tradition that the orchestra maintains. The new director of the orchestra is the charismatic conductor Virtuoso Andris Nelsons, one of the highest ranked conductors in the world. Nelsons, born in Riga, had recently taken over as the orchestra’s twenty-first Gewandhauskapellmeister and thus entered the line of predecessors such as the great Arthur Nikisch, Wilhelm Furwängler, Bruno Walter and Herbert Blomstedt, all of whom made the orchestra so successful. During a twelve-year period, 1835-1847, the composer Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy was the orchestra’s Kappelmeister. GEWANDHAUS ORCHESTRA LEIPZIG
With a history dating back to the 15th century, Gewandhaus orchestra Leipzig is one of the oldest orchestras in the world. The orchestra’s residence since 1781 is Gewandhaus in Leipzig, but the orchestra is also featured in the opera in Leipzig and St. Thomas church and tours all over the world. The name Gewandhaus originates from 1498 and refers to the ”clothing house”, which was built as a trade fair for fabric and clothing sales in old Leipzig. In 1743, a concert association was founded by a group of wealthy merchants in the city and an orchestra of sixteen players formed. For the initial 38 years, concerts were given in various buildings, but from 1781 the concert activities were moved
to a fabric storehouse which could hold an audience of five hundred people, and that’s how the orchestra got its present name. In time for the orchestra’s 100th anniversary, the Gewandhaus - building was expanded and enabled an audience of a thousand people. In conjunction with the rebuilding, a quote was imprinted on the building’s façade, which would serve as a motto for the orchestra: Res severa verum gaudium (True joy is a serious matter). The motto was taken seriously and in this first Gewandhaus, Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 3, the ”Emperor Concert”, was performed as well as Schubert’s C-hour symphony, Schumann’s Symphony No. 1, 2 and 4, Mendelssohn’s violin concert and his third symphony, the ”Scottish”, Wagner Master Singers in Nuremberg, and Brahms’ violin concert and Ein deutsches Rechiem. TWO NEW CONCERT HOUSES
Between 1882 and 1884, a new concert hall in Leipzig was built which was named Neues Gewandhaus and was able to receive 1,700 concert visitors in the main concert hall and 650 people in the chamber music hall. Even here in this new building, the motto of the orchestra was given a place of honor. The concert hall was mostly destroyed during World War II, and it took many years before plans for a third Gewandhaus took shape. The orchestra had to search for temporary concert venues for almost 40 years until it finally got a new residence. In 1981, a third Gewandhaus was finally ready, and the inauguration could take place. The concert hall is located opposite the opera house in Leipzig and can hold 1,900 visitors. The opening program included Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. This time, the orchestra’s motto was imprinted on the organ’s platform. In today’s Gewandhaus, Europe’s grandest ceiling painting, Gesang vom Leben (Song of life) can be found, painted by Sighard Gille on an area of 714 square meters.
The Music Director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Kapellmeister of Gewandhaus orchestra Leipzig. Andris Nelsons is one of the leading international conductors of our days. Nelsons also has a long-term collaboration with Vienna Philharmonic to document Beethoven’s symphonies and with this orchestra, he makes a tour to China this season. Other orchestras that he regularly returns to are Berliner Philharmonic and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. PHOTO: Marco Borggreve
Cavalleria Rusticana Cosi fan tutti Konsert med Ann Hallenberg Galakonsert med Dalasinfoniettan Biljetter: 0771–62 62 62 från 2 maj
Den lilla festivalen med det stora hjärtat Smålandsoperan ger Georges Bizets Opera
Libretto av Henri Meilhac och Ludovic Halévy
I regi av Åsa Elmgren och Björn Elmgren
Åseda Folkets Park 21.7–12.8 2018
Biljetter eller hos Uppvidinge kommun 0474-470 00 Biljetter kan även köpas hos våra ombud: Hotell Cardinal 0470-72 28 00 Hotell Olof 0474-108 36, Opera-menyer – se
Solen och Nordstjärnan OPÉRA-BALLET POUR LOUIS XIV ET CHARLES XII VADSTENA SLOTT · 20 JULI – 8 AUGUSTI Musikalisk ledare: Dan Laurin · Regi och koreografi: Karin Modigh
Kammarmusik-Akademien, Riddartornet, Sommarkonserter, SON, Master Class Foto: Markus Gårder och Vadstena-Akademien
Dido & Aeneas. PHOTO: Gรถteborg Baroque
The Forbidden City
chamber orchestra in Gรถteborg
Opera In the beautiful Vallebygden, the annual Baroque Music Festival will be held again in its 7th year. Valle Baroque usually offers experiences beyond the usual. The Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra will make a guest appearance from Beijing. Everything points to an unforgettable night.
n 15-19 August, Gothenburg Baroque sets up the baroque opera in the old limestone quarry in Broddetorp just outside Falköping. The evening begins with Chinese music from the last 1000 years. For the first time during the Valle Baroque, there will be a concert by a solo artist. Mime Brinkmann on the cello, who will play Bach›s well-known and beloved suites for solo cello. At the same time, there is the famous Masquerade ball in Skara, why not take the opportunity to dress up in baroque costumes and learn some new dances during the evening? Guests will also be treated to one of the most famous and played operas in the history of music, Dido and Aeneas by composer Henry Purcell. The last concert is usually given in the Varnhems Monastery church with Gothenburg Baroque and along with participants from the choir course, which continues throughout the festival. This year, the Swedish fair by Roman plays as the ending music. FANTASTIC WORKING ENVIRONMENT
Gothenburg Baroque starts with Valle Baroque›s 15th anniversary as an ensemble. Since its inception, the ensemble has toured in Europe, recorded award-winning albums and got great reviews in the media. Valle Baroque is a way for the ensemble to have the opportunity to play at the fantastic venues that Skara, Varnhem and Falköping offer with ancient, medieval churches and other venues where locally-produced food and beautiful nature meet. Keep track of the website to get updates about concerts during the festival. There sure will be something for everyone, from children›s concerts to pub nights. From heartfelt cello music to the masquerade ball at Krååk Manor in Skara. TEXT: Charlotte Lindmark
Mime Brinkmann. PHOTO: Göteborg Baroque
FACTS: Baroque music is music written 1600-1750. The end of that period is what is called high baroque, and that›s when the beautiful clothes made their entrance. Composers under the baroque include Bach, Händel and Vivaldi. Gothenburg Baroque plays on instruments that are historically accurate that are either original from that time or copy. They have a different sound, and for wind instruments, there are less assistance in the form of flaps or valves compared to its modern counterparts.
Not everything is Evert Taube Amid the cold winter, we need some sunshine to look forward to, and we start thinking about summer with all that it entails. Summer is a time for festivals. What could be lovelier than a gathering of friends, listening to amazing artists and socialise?
n many places in Sweden, ballad-festivals are organised during the summer months. The music can vary, but often it›s a soft pace combined with food and in a beautiful enclosing. Not surprisingly, you will often find interpretations of known Swedish poets such as Taube, Åkerström or Vreeswijk, but there are also performers with contemporary ballads and some performances in English. A visit could be planned or be spontaneous. You might see a sign on the road, step on the brake and join the festivities! It could be a memorable evening. VISFESTIVAL HOLMÖN
There are several famous festivals that return annually, and they become more popular all the
time. One of them is the Visfestival Holmön. Holmön is located 2.5 miles north of Umeå and 1 mile into the sea to where you can travel by ferry. The Visfestival is always arranged last weekend in July - easy to remember. For this year it means 27-28 July. The festival offers a relaxed family environment with a lovely village- feel, suited for young and old. It is merely a perfect destination for a group of different ages. Some wish to sit comfortably under the big roof. Others prefer to be seated on the grass with their picnic baskets. TRAVEL TO HOLMÖN
The organiser sells a package called Visresan. The advantage of Visresan is that it includes bus travel from central Umeå and a trip to the ferry, return ticket - plus entrance tickets of course. Perhaps you take the ferry early in the morning to stroll on the fine sandy beach and
have a look at all the boats. After that, you can stroll towards the festival area about 500 meters away. EXPECT SURPRISES
This year you will meet new young artists such as Natalie Carrion, an interesting artist with Sami roots, and Olov Antonsson, the man who writes songs about Umeå. Also, Frida Selander will be releasing her new album just in time for the festival. Whenever you follow your feelings, you will always be on time. Frida sounds like a mix of Nina Simone and Jeff Buckley, but with lyrics in Swedish. Anna Stadling will make an appearance, she is called Sweden›s best country singer and is compared to Emmylou Harris. Last year, she released the album “After the storm” - with the amazing duet “This song is for you”. You will also meet Mikael Wiehe, who has a large and faithful
Festival audience - and who received a lot of new fans after the success of the TV program “So much better”. In addition, Lise & Gertrud will perform, and play everything from the Beatles, Bowie and Vreeswijk, to U2 and Ulla-Carin Nyquist. As the cherry on top, the festival closes with the group Östen med Resten, so be prepared for both humour and sadness with a nice twist. TEXT: Birgitta Jacobson PHOTO: Kalle Prorok
This summer at Holmön Vis Festival Holmön is, of course, the highlight of the summer, but there’s so much more happening on the sunny island. MIDSUMMER, JUNE 22
At Holmögården, there is a traditional Midsummer celebration with dancing around the maypole. POSTRODD, JUNE 29-30
The Postrodden, which goes across Kvarken, is the historic transport route between Björkö and Holmön. SUMMER THEATRE, JULY 7–11
This year›s play took place in the 1980s when submarines were sailed in both Holmögadd and Bergudden. It is of course fiction - with some grain of truth. SEA JAZZ, JULY 14-15
A small, beautiful jazz festival with talented performers and enjoyable atmosphere. MUSIC, SUMMER EVENING IN CHURCH, JULY 4 (PRE) HOLMÖ WEEK, JULY 16-21
Exhibitions, music, Swedish fika, baking in baking chalets, clay pigeon shooting, visit an old-fashioned «fishing sauna» and story evening at the Boat Museum. MUSIC, SUMMER EVENING IN CHURCH, JULY 18 (PRE) PRE-FESTIVAL WITH HOLMÖN BALLADS, 25 JULY 25 VISFESTIVAL HOLMÖN, JULY 27-28 CHURCH SERVICE IN THE SIGN OF THE BALLAD, JULY 19 LIGHTHOUSE DAY, AUGUST 18 OR 19
Shipwrecks and beach findings throughout the summer. This summer, the museum shows an exhibition of shipwrecks and beach findings. The exhibition has not yet been named. SVERIGEMAGASINET
Världens roligaste föreställning kommer till Malmö!
Världens roligaste föreställning kommer till Malmö och Göteborg!
Regi, översättning och manusbearbetning: Sven Melander
WINNER WINNERCorneliusWINNER WINNER WINNThorson Med Andreas T Olsson • Niklas Jönsson• Löfmark • Susanne ER Sanna Persson Halapi • Robin Stegmar • Simon “Chippen” Svensson • Regi, översättning och manusbearbetning: Sven Melander RobertCornelius RydbergLöfmark • Susanne Thorson Med Andreas T Olsson • Niklas Jönsson• WHATSONSTAGE.COM AWARD 2014
Sanna Persson Halapi • Robin Stegmar • Simon “Chippen” Svensson • Robert Rydberg
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8 november–15 december
14 september–4 november
Boka biljetter:, Info:
Stor ensemble & orkester • Regi: Eva Rydberg Miss Hannigan: Nanne Grönvall • Mr Warbucks: Thomas Järvheden • Grace: Anna Sahlene Rooster Hannigan: Kalle Rydberg • Lily: Nina Pressing • President Roosevelt: Fredrik Dolk
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Beloved Carmen! For the most part, she is depicted as a seductress, a Romani woman, a second-class citizen, someone who disrupts the traditional conventions and does whatever she pleases, but in the end, does not win. When she dies, the audience rejoices.
målandsoperan moves the theatre scene for the next three years and its summer opera to Åseda Folkets Park, a 40-minute drive from Växjö. This Summer, Carmen premiers on 21st of July. The viewers are tickled by the spectacularly beautiful tones, get challenged a bit, and finally, they can return home knowing that order has been restored. The bull and Carmen are dead. We love to play with the idea of an unrestricted and ardent love that does not comply with conventions or rules. Perhaps Carmen is the embodiment of an underdog whose death, confirms the beautiful, but the impossibilities within the concept of freedom. The audience is given the opportunity to dream of truths and freedom, and then to be returned to a reality where the order is restored.
Carmen is a woman, a Romani and does not belong in the privileged world. News reports about the Romani beggars, who are forced to beg outside supermarkets and shops in Sweden, confirms the exposure of the population. Questioning the situation of the Romani makes the play unpleasantly relevant today. Carmen is a safe card. We already know how the story goes, we are aware, and we know we can relate. ”You wanted rubbish, and that’s what you’ve got,” is what composer Bizet allegedly had said about Toreadorarian. As one of the world›s most famous arias, the statement feels like a slap targeted at the audience. “Are we hearing it wrong?” one who fell in love with the melodies might be wondering. “Sing beautifully, in guttural strings”, the skald Fröding sang. “Sing beautifully about love anyway”.
Undeniably, Carmen does just that. She sings very beautifully about love in a mezzo mode, which is a crime against the conventions where the primadonna of opera is to be a soprano. Carmen is, in many ways a cataclysmic and contradictory opera, while being classical and predictable. Because we know how it goes. The question is, what emotions stir in us when we watch Carmen’s journey towards a violent death? And how do we deal with ourselves once we understand that what we mainly long for, is not what is expected nor rewarded by our society? George Bizet never got to witness the success that Carmen yield. He died of a heart attack merely 36 years old. Today, Carmen is a classic opera piece that has survived for generations. That, in itself, is a great achievement in an ever-changing world. TEXT: Christina Gutiérrez Malmbom PHOTO: Linda Himsel
The Opera festival extra everything Soloists suspended on hooks, siren songs in medieval, Croatian ensembles, all dressed in rabbit heads, vampire opera and opera for children. Sverigemagasinet meets Hedvig Jalhed, the artistic director of Halland Opera & Vocal Festival where innovative opera is at the centre. Words by Marie Tillman
PHOTO: WramĂŠn/ThorbjĂśrnsson
he concept is a summer festival in Halland with Swedish and international ensembles and soloists, where the innovative opera is at the centre of the year 2013. Shortly after the idea began to take form at the office of Kultur Halland, Hedvig Jalhed entered the scene as she was offered the assignment as the artistic director. – It sounded like an exciting project because I focused on contemporary and innovative forms of opera! I also saw it as an opportunity to differentiate the Halland Opera & Vocal Festival to something very special, says Hedvig. The festival premiered for the first time in summer 2014 at Halmstad Theatre. Afterwards, it grew and arranged at several places in Laholm during the 2016 edition. This year, Thursday July 5th to Saturday July 7th, the Halland Opera and Vocal Festival sets up again in Halmstad. Moreover, the festival is expanded for the first time with Academy Week, one week of interesting courses and workshops in Laholm, July 2-7th. Tell us about this year’s festival! – For the first time we are working on a festival theme, and the common thread is People & Creatures! To me, it’s a theme of humanity. What is being human and what is the opposite of being human? From the bestial, pleasure-driven and spontaneous to the artificial and controlled, we explore human and her gods and monsters. To what extent do we control the artificial, our demons and spirits, and to what extent do they control us? Are we not all partially humans and freaks? The festival program is still a secret and will be released shortly, but couldn’t you reveal something about what the audience will experience during this year›s festival? – We will experience an opening ceremony where we get acquainted with characters from the Swedish opera and romance literature. One of the more spectacular pieces explores how we cope with and control pain. The soloists are suspended by the skin by means of hooks, which is called body suspension. There will also be a vampire opera (!) and more. Who would appreciate the Halland Opera & Vocal Festival? – The festival is aimed at anyone interested in exciting experiences on stage, contemporary music and opera. There are points on the agenda for different ages, even children and family. We offer both calm music, sensual experiences, great drama and astounding experiments. Everything with the human voice in focus.
PHOTO: Anna W. Thorbjörnsson
What else do you do except working with the opera festival in Halland? – Primarily, I am a classically trained opera singer and have performed solo performances at, among other places, Royal Opera and Malmö Opera. I was born and raised in Halmstad, moved away for some time, but now I am once again back and live in Mellbystrand, outside Laholm. I have been running a new opera company, Operation Opera, for many years and graduated two years ago with a PhD in theatrical design at Högskolan for scene and music in Gothenburg. What is the best thing about working as an artistic director? – The best part is that I have the opportunity to join and create a platform for the remarkable diversity of artistic vocal expressions that exist out there. To put together an international program with groups and artists from different traditions. To me, it is about artistic diversity and about taking the opera, not just into the future without placing it in our present time! Many view the opera primarily as cultural heritage rather than a living and versatile art form. Today, opera does not have to be ’just’ performed by classical singers. Certainly, we can set up wonderful old works in new forms, but we should also create new works from our era.
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En liten station på landsbygden kan göra stor skillnad för bygden, det vet vi alla. Det möjliggörs tack vare att man gör sina tankningar på den lokala orten. Tillsammans kan vi på så sätt hålla hela Sverige levande. Tack för din lojalitet!
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Caravan Club är en ideell förening för alla Klubben bildades 1958 och har idag fler än 30.000 medlemsfamiljer. Grunden för verksamheten är ett aktivt fritids- och friluftsliv med många aktiviteter, omfattande träffverksamhet, utbildningar, teknisk rådgivning mm. Caravan Club är dessutom Sveriges största privata campingplatsägare med campingplatser från Vindeln i Västerbotten till Sturkö i söder.
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Historical views at Anundshög. PHOTO: Clifford Shirley
Västerås – industrial history meets the future The city initially rose from the sea and became one of the country’s most important industrial centres with a rising development curve. Welcome to Västerås, one of the oldest cities in the country, which has brought the industrial heritage into modern times.
ts original name Västra Aros, with its second part meaning estuary, is not a coincidence. During the Neolithic period, when humans were barely settled, the city lay under water. Svartån is a remaining memory and has always been a prerequisite for the development of the town. Västerås is one of the country›s oldest cities. Archaeologists have found traces of settlements and grave cairns from the Bronze Age. The town was adorned with its own seal at the end of the 13th century. The location at the most significant harbour in the Nordic region has made Västerås one of the country›s most prominent industrial cities throughout the centuries. Two of Europe›s largest companies in the field of electricity and power transmission, Asea (present ABB) and Swedish Metalworks, were established here in the early 20th century.
Västerås’ industrialisation culture brought about the founding of the large companies, food chain ICA and clothing company Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) in the city. The entrepreneurial spirit has continued to contribute to the growth of the population, which still caters to the development today. Factory and manufacture rooms have been preserved to be reused for different activities. One example is The Steam hotel, 18 floors high with 227 rooms, two restaurants, conference rooms and spa, built in a one-hundred-year-old steam-electric power station, which previously supplied Västerås and other parts of the country with electricity. In the same building, there is also the water park Kokpunkten, housed in eight floors. SKULTUNA BRUKSHOTELL EXPANDS
One of the latest additions in the reuse of industrial premises is the SVERIGEMAGASINET
Sightseeing expansion of Skultuna Brukshotell into the 400-year-old brass factory›s former workshop premises. A whole new conference section has thus been created with the ambition to carefully maintain the capital of the old industrial premises. The ”Brännhyttan” premises were previously used by the famous Skultuna designer Pierre Forssell. Today, an exhibition of miniature houses that are imitations of local historical buildings can be found here. A result of close cooperation with Hembygdsföreningen. Perhaps this is an event that stems from the idea that ancient monuments can be found just a few hundred yards away. CREATION IN THE WALLS
The new conference facility also includes a team building studio. A place where meeting activities in creative creation, such as taking a course, are held by a local artist. – When you arrive at Skultuna at a conference, you not only walk into a conference room but also to a piece of Swedish cultural history. The atmosphere in the beautiful environment around Svartån is unique. Visitors who choose to participate in some of our team building activities or visit the Hembygdsföreningens museum will get even more out of the visit, says Tord Haugli, owner of Skultuna Brukshotell. Creative activities in ancient workshops are a sign of the times and perhaps even a motto for modern Västerås. Once so effectively raised from the water. With great effects on the past, present and future. TEXT: Anna Ekberg Västerås Cathedral, built 1271. PHOTO: Leon Grimaldi
Picturesque settings at Svartå, the pulse of the city. PHOTO: Clifford Shirley
The Hotell Hackspett is like no other. PHOTO: Clifford Shirley
Tips and attractions in Västerås The former Västra Aros is located at the northern shore of Lake Mälaren, about 10 miles west of Stockholm. About 120,000 people live here, making Västerås the fifth largest city in the country. Västerås is an Episcopal see. The mighty cathedral with its 92-meter-tall tower opened in 1271 and is considered one of the city›s most important sights. Here, Erik XIV has been buried since the late 16th century. The official explanation for why his feet were knocked off and laid next to the coffin is that it was too short. The unofficial one, however, is that it was a way to prevent the dead from being able to walk again. In other words, haunting … Sweden’s largest burial Tumulus Anundshög, nine meters high, 64 meters in diameter and dated back to 500-700 CE, is another famous tourist destination. The ancient cultural heritage indicates Västerås as the core of a clear power centre as early as the Iron Age. Västerås is also one of the oldest cities in the country. A measure of high cultural value is that Gustav Vasa held the Reformation parliament in 1527 and the Heritage parliament 1544. Two meetings that shaped new
conditions for the future of Sweden. Furthermore, the country›s first high school was founded in the early 1623s. The first pizza in the country was said to have been served in Västerås, in 1947. Västerås currently offers entertainment, shopping and experiences at the highest level. Mälaren›s beaches invite you to swim and all the imaginable summer activities. A public highlight is one of Europe’s biggest car events, Västerås Summer Meet. The meeting takes place on 5th July at Johannisberg Airfield for the three days, with tens of thousands of car enthusiastic visitors. One who discovers creative living in trees and underwater does not see incorrectly. The artist Mikael Genberg›s world-famous installations including hotels – Utter Inn, Hackspett and Ooops, are well-known to be obstinate. Hotel Hackspett is located in a tree. Ooops is created in the form of a seemingly sinking house in Lake Mälaren, with lodging underwater. The Hotel Utter Inn has a 25-square-foot floating bridge and also offers exciting under water accommodation! SVERIGEMAGASINET
DÄR DÅTID MÖTER FRAMTID OCH ALLT DÄREMELLAN Ett besök på Västmanlands läns museum är roligt både för dig som är stor och för dig som är lite mindre. Kom och upplev våra interaktiva och lekfulla utställningar om Västmanlands historia från forntid fram till modern tid som alltid står hos oss. Mellan den 21 april - 19 augusti kan du se Folkhemmets rum, en utställning med 135 fotografier ur Nordiska museets samlingar. Bilderna visar boendeideal från folkhemsperioden 1930-1960-tal. Västmanlands läns museum kompletterar utställningen med folkhemsbostadens typiska möbler och föremål. Välkommen in för en stunds tankeväckande nostalgi!
Alltid fri entré • Karlsgatan 2, Västerås • 021-39 32 22 •
Västerås domkyrka Medeltida altarskåp av högsta kvalitet, kung Erik XIVs grav, Sveriges rikaste bestånd av epitafier från den svenska stormaktstiden och den alldeles egna Skattkammaren. Här möts du av historiens vingslag och spår av en tusenårig historia. Öppet alla dagar kl 9-17. Fri entré! Visning varje söndag kl 12.30 samt dagligen under sommarsäsong.
Öppnar 2018 i Konsistoriehuset vid Västerås domkyrka.
foto: henrik mill, emil atak, johan fors
Öppet alla dagar kl 9-17. Fri entré!
Orgelmatiné Kort orgelkonsert varje helgfri lördag kl 12. Fri entré! Hela musikprogrammet hittar du på webben.
DRÖMMER DU OM ATT SE AFRIKAS BIG 5? Följ med oss på safari och få en upplevelse för livet! Vi skräddarsyr safariresor till Afrika, och vår specialitet är östra Afrika. I Tanzania bor du på våra egna bekväma tältcamper som ligger i de djurrikaste delarna av Serengeti. Kombinera gärna safarin med avkopplande sol och bad på Zanzibar, Pemba Island eller Seychellerna. Vi har även resor till bland annat Kenya, Uganda, Sydafrika, Botswana och Madagaskar. Läs mer på Ella Johanson Rustad är ansvarig för Kenzan Tours resor till Afrika. Hon hjälper dagligen resenärer att uppfylla sina drömmar om att åka på safari. – För att våra kunder ska få se så mycket som möjligt av Afrikas fantastiska djurliv har vi egna camper i Serengeti. Camperna flyttas under året enligt djurens migration genom parken. På så sätt ökar chanserna att få se många vilda djur, oavsett när under året man åker dit. Vi sätter också ihop safaripaket med flera olika parker i norra Tanzania så att man får se ett varierat djurliv. Det unika med Kenzan Tours safariresor är också att kunderna, i samråd med guiden, styr över dagarna med safari. Om de vill ha en heldag med djurskådning eller ta en lunchpaus på campen, det bestämmer de själva. En safari är ett oförglömligt äventyr, och vi vill att fler ska få uppleva det.
Vill du veta mer om våra safariresor till Afrika, ring eller mejla mig så berättar jag mer. Tel: 021-18 16 17 Email:
BO PÅ NORRLANDS STÖRSTA HOTELL NÄR DU BESÖKER UMEÅ Vi har fantastiska rumspriser, stora familjerum och helgbuffé ingår i priset. Vi har fantastiska helg och sommarpriser med middag som ingår i rumspriset. Ring Bokningen på 0046 90 108721 Ring bokningen på 0046 90 108721 Vi ses ses på Björken! Vi påHotell Björken!
Life Quality
Ready for new challenges? Time to move on to a new vocation? If so, have a look at what the various adult education centres offer. There is a wide range of music, theatre and other aesthetic lines. There are courses that prepare you for a specific occupation or to complement gaps in your education for further studies.
verigemagasinet has met Ida Berglund, 27. Ida has a really exciting year behind her. She has taken General Course with Spanish Orientation at Braheskolan where half of the education was given on the idyllic Visingsö in Sweden and the other half in Barcelona. What made you choose General Course with Spanish at Braheskolan? – After working for a couple of years, I felt I wanted to try something new in life, gain new experiences and the opportunity to gather new thoughts and broaden my view of life. You were reading part-time at Visingsö and part-time in Barcelona, how is it to live in Visingsö? – Visingsö is in Vättern and is a beautiful place with oak forests and ancient monuments. We had our own rooms but shared the bathroom and the lounge which was an experience in itself, but it worked well. And how was it in Barcelona? – It’s a fantastic city with charming areas
and many nice things to see. A big positive part of this education is to feel comfortable about already knowing your classmates when moving to Barcelona, the staff at the school gave a lot of support throughout the entire study period. How do the studies work? – Because it is an adult education school, the focus is on the individual and that you develop based on your level and conditions. We have not had any tests without regular mentor conversations to reflect on how everything has worked out. The teachers are incredibly instructive and knowledgeable, and it is noticeable that they spend a lot of time planning the lessons according to our abilities and to have fun and learn a lot. Do you have any advice for those who will take the course? – Have fun and socialise with the people you meet at Visingsö because you will be like a family and that’s nice to have in Barcelona. Make the best of your time and see and get involved in a lot of what’s happening, both in Visingsö and Barcelona because these are two special places and the time goes fast. TEXT: Anna Ekberg FOTO: Braheskolan
Sweden has 154 adult education centres run by grassroots movements, non-profit organisations, foundations or associations and county councils and regions. BRAHESKOLAN
The school is politically and religiously independent and located on Visingsö in the centre of Vättern. You can get here by boat from Gränna. The school works with areas of internationalisation, language and culture and the social perspective. Here, you can also study general courses that give you high school proficiency. Braheskolan organises courses both in Sweden and abroad. Principal: Folk University INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS BARCELONA
International Schools in Barcelona arrange classes, courses and school trips with the Spanish language, focusing on Spanish culture and Spanish social life. Braheskolan is part of the International Schools Foundation, which is the Folk University›s foreign department. International Schools Barcelona›s teaching facilities are located in Barcelona’s old town, Barrio Gótico (Gothic Quarter), a few minutes walk from Plaça Catalunya and 15 minutes from the beach.
Oss hittar du mellan Västerås och Enköping. Butiken med allt från vintage till modern design. I vårt café kan du njuta av gofika och smarriga smörgåsar, samtidigt som du får inspiration till inredning och utemiljö. Galleriet erbjuder fina konstupplevelser under året.
Säsongen har startat!
Vårt galleri har många spännande utställare detta år. Nyfiken på att se vilka det ärvilka? Gå in på Välkomna att besöka oss under året!
Broby Gård Tillinge Broby Gård 2, 74594 Enköping Följ oss på facebook och instagram Öppet lör, sön kl 12-16, övriga tider bokning av grupper
PHOTO: United Stage
Long way home for Kikki
”Sometimes you must travel far to find your way home,” someone wrote when Kikki Danielsson released ”Portrait of a painted lady”, the third part of the suite someone called a ”self-help country”. Meet this strong woman. On an electric bike.
irst, it was Ranelid and the car. Then came Kikki Danielsson and the electric bike. When the Swedish buyers’ and sellers’ website Blocket was to market itself, it was done with the author Björn Ranelid and then with Kikki Danielsson, known as the crowd-pleaser. But Kikki would not have been Kikki had she not quickly said that her best deal at Blocket was something completely different. – My best deal to date was when I sold an infra-sauna and a marble table to the same person,” says Kikki Danielsson. And of course, that does say something about her- this much cherished public figure- as she puts ads on sales’ sites to get rid of the ”junk” in the basement like the rest of us. But then again, she has lasted and lived long beyond the Schlager chorus and headlines, year after year, and perhaps Aftonbladet’s reviewer gave an explanation to that after her premier recently: ”When Kikki Danielsson starts her tour, it becomes country, dance band and many jokes. But the strongest of all is her personality - the woman who on the stage
declares that she prefers tap water is single and shares self-esteem and life-wisdom: You should never run after boys or buses. There will always come a new one.” In 2015, the artist with ”Good Vibrations” and ”Papaya Coconut” came out with ”A painted lady”, which became a country trilogy with her most personal songs so far. She threw herself out of the scene without a safety net - and the whole crowd stood still, received her and declared their love. When the last trilogy CD is finished with Marianne Faithful’s ”The Ballad of Lucy Jordan”, every tone, every breath, is so authentic and the experiences of a whole lifetime flow out of the speakers. It is from Visseltofta to Nashville in 65 years. Or three minutes. On an electric bike. Do not miss Kikki Danielsson if she passes by a scene near you this spring and summer. TEXT: Torbjörn Karlgren
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MASSAKERGUDEN Rakbladsvass satir och träffsäker komik av Yasmina Reza
Ditt vardagsrum i Askersund
Mellansveriges nyaste scenkonstarena i fantastisk skärgårdsmiljö, belägen precis mitt emellan Stockholm och Göteborg
VÄRLDSPREMIÄR !! Sjöängen, Askersund 30 juni & 1 Juli 2018
Kom och delta i något unikt i sommar. Världens första allsångsdeckare tar plats på Sjöängen och innehåller både en helknasig mordhistoria och allsång tillsammans med artister och publik. Skuld och gröna skogar är skriven av Monica Forsberg och Peter Flack vilka båda ingår i ensemblen på scenen tillsammans med Hasse ”Kvinnaböske” Andersson, Marie Kühler, Peter Kjellström och Amanda Flack. Välkomna!
Zinkgruvan Mining AB Huvudsponsor scenkonst
Biljetter och information :
Photos from the rehearsals of Molière’s classic comedy Tartuffe, which is premiering 13 April at Theatre Västernorrland.
Locally produced drama with humour and excitement With the home-stage in Sundsvall and a mission to tour throughout the county, it is seldom quiet on the premises of the Västernorrland theatre. The ambition is to produce performances that both create recognition and challenge the audience.
ith the home-stage in Sundsvall and a mission to tour throughout the county, it is seldom quiet on the premises of the Västernorrland theatre. The ambition is to produce performances that both create recognition and challenge the audience. It is crowded in workshops and studios. A decor painter puts his last touch on what looks exactly like a chess- marble floor. In the atelier, a crinoline hangs on a dummy and in the next room, they are trying out wigs. 13 April is the premiere of this spring’s big initiative Tartuffe. – We manufacture everything for all performances here in the house. It is truly a pleasure to be surrounded by such great creators and artists daily, says theatre director Lena Engqvist Forslund. TARTUFFE – A SERIOUSLY FUNNY SHOW
Tartuffe is a comedy of high pace which tackles with moral and double standards, right and wrong, written and unwritten rules, laughter and seriousness. This version is also played in a Commedia clown form. This means that the actors first repeat the entire play as usual and then leave it to the masks. The masks do what they want, and the actors must dare to let go and let them do the roles. Perhaps remark on what’s being said on stage and what’s happening in the audience. – The mask-work is based on the classic Commedia del’arte masks, but my ambition has been to make them more Swedish and let the actors’ artform and faces and bodies influence the final result, explains the director Claes Åström. Creating masks is a long process that begins early on. The mask designer Johanna Ruben reads the manuscript carefully
looks for inspiration and sketches. It is about creating a clear picture of what to be told, and above all - what each individual character should tell. – The mask has an important part in strengthening the personality traits of characters, but it can also tell something about the relationships of the characters, says Johanna Ruben. AUTUMN AT THEATRE VÄSTERNORRLAND
In autumn, Family Feelings is a warm comedy for all ages with a high recognition factor. In addition to the other performances at Sundsvall’s theatre, the show is touring in Västernorrland. This year’s grand family show, Pelle Svansløse - the musical, premiers 26th December. It will be a tremendous performance with a lot of temperament for both young and old. AN INCREASED FOCUS ON THE YOUNG AUDIENCE
During 2018, the Theatre Västernorrland switches up the activities for children and young people with a focus on participation in the repertoire. Together with class 5 at Hellbergsskolan in Sundsvall, the idea of the ”Fyra Spänn City” (Four buck city) performance has taken form, with a spring premiere in 2019. A big dose of humour and friendship is promised. – It is not difficult for us to make relevant productions from within the perspective of children and young people. We are working on a new class every semester to contribute with ideas to the performances, Kristoffer says, project leader for children and young people. TEXT: Redaktionen PHOTO: Lia Jacobi
»Taube today – en kärleksförklaring till den fria konsten« VLT
>> PR EMIÄR 1 8 A P R I L , S T O R A S C E N E N
Rapid pace in classical comedy at Borås Stadsteater Expect a razor-sharp satire and a hit when Borås City Theatre sets up Yasmina Reza’s award-winning and critically acclaimed comedy, Massakerguden.
he drama was filmed in 2001 by Roman Polanski under the name ”Carnage”, with Kate Winslet, Jodie Foster, John C. Reilly and Christoph Waltz. The performance is directed by Bengt Larsson Heppling who recently directed the comedy ”Nobody is perfect” on the Stora stage at Borås City Theatre in spring 2017. The performance is about Lille Ferdinand who has smashed the front teeth of his classmate Bruno. Now, the parents meet so that they can, in a civilized and peaceful manner, resolve the conflict over a cup of coffee in one of the couple’s perfect home. Soon, the civilized façade is crumbling down, the espresso is replaced with rum, and after only a few drinks later the accusations start to explode. It do-
esn’t take long before the tone between the parents sharpens, and all hell breaks loose, mobile phones are drowned in flower vases, expensive art books are vomited on, tulips are torn in pieces, and when pets are to be killed, there is no return. At a furious pace, they struggle with and towards each other to maintain the perfect surface, while the immaculate apartment increasingly starts to resemble school chaos. But above all, everybody struggles to maintain their self- images, as an adult, well-bred and successful. It’s not going very well. One thing is for sure: nobody is the same when the comedy is over. TEXT: Anna Ekberg PHOTO: Borås Stadsteater
Massakerguden, by Yasmina Reza. Translation: Anders Bodegård. Regi: Bengt Larsson Heppling. Scenography/costume design: Richard Andersson. Roles: Eva Claar, Gunilla Rydholm-Eriksson, Lennart Eriksson, Mats Jäderlund
Välkomna till en föreställning fylld av musik glädje o kärlek!
27/4 UMEÅ Folkets hus FÅTAL KVAR!
13/4 GÖTEBORG Konserthus SLUTSÅLT!
28/4 SUNDSVALL Tonhallen
29/4 UPPSALA Konsert & Kongress
15/4 NORRKÖPING Konserthus
ÖREBRO Conventum
19/4 KALMAR Kalmarsalen
20/4 VÄXJÖ Konserthus SLUTSÅLT!
VÄSTERÅS Konserthus
Mer info och biljettförsäljning se eller på respektive konserthus.
The world’s funniest performance comes to Malmö and Gothenburg!
he Folk university’s theatre company sets up The Play that goes wrong, a classic murder mystery that takes place in 1920s England, but as the title suggests - everything that can go wrong does! The unfortunate actors struggle against all the odds to get through the performance. Un-
expected events result in insane consequences and more than once it is uncertain whether the performance can be carried out! Five stars from The Daily Mail, mentioned as the ”Gut-busting hit” by the New York Times, and declared as ”the funniest show we’ve seen!” If you can get a ticket, what are you waiting for? The performance strikes on its fourth catastrophic year and its first year in Sweden. Premiers in Malmö on 14th September and
2017 Broadway World Winner for Best New Play 2017 Winner Favourite New Play 2015 Olivier Award Winner for Best New Comedy 2015 BroadwayWorld UK Winner for Best New Play 2014 WhatsOnStage Award Winner for Best New Comedy
Gothenburg on 8th November. We can’t promise that it will go the way it should, but The Play that goes wrong will guarantee to leave bitterly painful laughter. TEXT: Charlotte Lindmark PHOTO: Nöjesteatern
Direction, translation ond script: Sven Melander Roles: Andreas T Olsson, Niklas Jönsson, Cornelius Löfmark Susanne Thorsson, Sanna Persson, Robin Stegmar Simon “Chippen” Svensson, Robert Rydberg
Konst Kultur Natur Magi
Sommarutställning 19 maj - 16 september, öppet dagligen kl. 11-18 Gunillaberg Säteri, 56597 Bottnaryd/Entré SEK 130/Facebook @gunillabergofficial/
Puerto de Mogán – the gem of Gran Canaria
A visit to Gran Canaria is not complete before you visit the island’s most beautiful place. Here, you come to enjoy the elegant atmosphere and flan between canals, small bridges, colourful alleys and everything from first-class restaurants to cosy nooks.
It’s easy to understand why Puerto de Mogán is called Spain’s Venice …
Bougainvillaea, hibiscus, acacia and rose bushes grow everywhere in the charming alleys around the harbour.
pain surpassed the United States last year and went second on the international list of the most popular countries to vacation in. France is still number one, but when it comes to holidays with sun and beaches, good food and friendly people there›s nothing in Europe that can compete with Spain›s crown jewels of the Canary Islands. Ever since charter travel became popular in Sweden in the 1960s, the islands have been the most beloved travel destination during the winter season for sun-craving Swedes. And if you come to Gran Canaria, you should not miss the lovely little harbour Puerto de Mogán! The village is on the southwest side of the island and reminiscent of a Spanish Venice in miniature. Here you can stroll around the narrow alleys among low white houses with overgrown bougainvillaea and hibiscus. Amazingly beautiful, romantic and cosy! Close to the waterfront and the harbour promenade, there are small restaurants and bars intimately mixed with souvenir shops. Along the quayside in the small marina, sailors from all over the world gather with sport fishing boats ready to take tourists on day trips. And judging by the amount of fish swimming around in the crystal-clear waters, there is probably a good chance of catching one! There is also an underwater boat that takes tourists to view the seabed. Puerto de Mogán has been the centre of marine photo contests on several occasions, and it is a goal that no divers who come to Gran Canaria should miss! The seabed along the coast in this area is a general secret that all divers know. Scattered on the bottom lies remnants of shipwrecks, which have met their fate for several centuries ago. The bay with the beach is well protected from wind and currents and is lined with palm trees with a small canal at one end. The beach is child-friendly with golden brown sand, which is great for play and rest. Every Friday morning, a popular market is held at the marina where you can buy everything from local craft, spices to souvenirs, clothes, fruit and more. The fair begins at the bus stop and stretches all the way to the end of the harbour. In short - Puerto de Mogán has something for everyone! TEXT: Rebecca & Tony Manieri PHOTO: Adobe Stock
The traditional Spanish paella with freshly caught fish and seafood is served in the cosy restaurants along the quayside of the harbour.
A beautiful little sandy beach. There are plenty of sun loungers and parasols for rent. The water is clear and around the breakwater, it’s great to snorkel. Here you can see many different types of fish and shellfish.
Getting to Puerto de Mogán is easy. Local buses run from Las Palmas and Playa Ingles. There are also plenty of taxis and if you have your own car, just follow GC1 south.
Gran Canaria has a mild and pleasant climate with about 300 days of sunshine a year. During the winter months the daytime temperature is around 20 degrees and during the summer around 30 degrees. SVERIGEMAGASINET
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Mellan dröm och verklighet. Vill du uppleva hjärtat av det vackraste Värmland? Då är du välkommen till Dömle Herrgård. Konferens, bröllop, fest, aktiviteter och mycket skratt. Eller bara avkoppling, njutning och lyx i lugn och ro. Allt i en helt sagolik miljö. Egen strand i änden på vår vackra herrgårdspark, jacuzzis utomhus eller kanske en drink på Frugårdens soldäck. Mat av absolut toppklass i
herrgårdens vackra matsal, kanske efter en tur till Lerins museum eller Lagerlöfs Mårbacka. Eller varför inte gå runt hörnet, till den vackra 18-håls golfbanan. Kanske ta en tur med kanot eller cykel? Allt finns nära. Bo i topprenoverade dubbelrum eller i en svit. Hos oss är det du som väljer. Ring oss på 0552-41750 eller läs mer och boka på
Dömle Herrgård i hjärtat av Värmland • • +46 552 417 50 •
A candy bag of experiences
Pleasures The Countryside Hotels association was founded in 1983 and are an association of around 40 hotels from Skåne in the south to Dalarna in the north. The hotel is a brilliant collection of ancient castles, magnificent mansions, charming inns, stylishly designed hotels and cosy guesthouses. The common denominator is to create an experience beyond the usual. There is something here for everyone.
ountryside hotels are owned jointly by the affiliated member facilities, and together they actively work for a vivid rural area. The hotels often serve as important employers in their regions, and most of the dishes served in the restaurants are produced by small local suppliers. Sverigemagasinet meets Anna Madsen, Marketing Manager at Countryside Hotels, to talk about quality time spent in beautiful environments. What is the main reason for choosing to stay at Countryside Hotels? – You get an experience that is something beyond the ordinary. You are met by fantastic hosts, the people who run the hotels are real enthusiasts, and their drive permeates the whole experience, from how the pillows are placed in the rooms to which wine is served for dinner. Many of our hotel owners are cooks themselves, and it is important that the dining experience is as unique as possible. When travelling over a weekend, food and drink are an important part of the experience. Often, the hotels have three and five-course menus that are included in the packages, and several also offer wine tasting, gourmet packages or champagne weekends, Anna Madsen says. – Other things that permeate the business of our hotels are the attention to detail and the personal atmosphere. Something that you may not be able to get at a larger hotel. For ex-
ample, all our hotel rooms look different - there are no two rooms that look the same. Today, about 40 hotels are connected to Countryside Hotels. How do you choose the hotels? – We regularly visit hotels that have contacted us for membership. We have some basic requirements, such as Wi-Fi, you must have at least three stars and some other, but it’s usually a formality. For us, the most important question is how the sensation is when we visit the hotel. Is this a hotel that also meets the softer values is it a homely feeling, is there a great commitment among the owners, is the dining experience high level? These things matter to us and are more important than that all bathrooms are fully tiled or that there is a TV in all rooms with lots of channels, says Anna Madsen. Do you have a range of exciting packages, which will certainly attract many to try a stay with you? – Absolutely! We primarily sell ready packages with a special theme, and that is something that other hotels don’t offer. We always have something extra; It may be a bottle of champagne that’s included, a spa treatment included, or anything else that enhances the experience. Moreover, many of our hotels are located by watercourses which makes the surroundings beautiful and inviting for walks and being in nature. Why not go canoeing or kayaking or rent mountain bikes, as many of the hotels offer. – Our mission is to give a golden edge to people’s lives. That you as a guest can spend
quality time in the best way possible with someone you care about and together enjoy a wonderful experience. What would you say is the main reason a hotel chooses to join you? – Many of our hotels are very small and don’t have extensive human resources. Every effort is made to ensure that the level of the hotels, rooms and food are as high as possible. There isn’t really the time or opportunity to focus on marketing and administration. Therefore, it is a great advantage to stay together with the other hotels in Countryside Hotels and have a shared booking and be able to exchange thoughts and ideas about new exciting package deals for guests and other similar things. You become part of a family where everyone strives for the same common goal: That Countryside Hotels are the leading option for the private traveller who wishes to book selected and personalised rural hotels focusing on food, environment and experiences. – Countryside Hotels is like a candy bag there is something sweet for everyone! concludes Anna Madsen with a smile. TEXT: Tony Manieri PHOTO: Countryside Hotels
3 cosy examples of weekend-packages to enjoy Private romantic weekend It has been said that we only need three things in life: something to look forward to, something to do and someone to love. With good food and drinks on a romantic weekend, you combine all three! A private romantic weekend at one of Sweden’s most romantic hotels. Doesn’t it sound wonderful? When you leave your everyday life behind and check in at one of our designated romantic hotels, there’s nothing you need to take care of, except each other.
Spa-weekend and Spa-package The hotels that have their own spa and relaxation facilities offer a wide variety of health and spa-weekends. The variations of beneficial treatments for both body and mind are as varied as the hotels themselves. Booking a spa-weekend or a spa-package is one of the best ways to disconnect from everyday stress and obligations. Bring your best friend, partner, family, or come alone for some pampering you-time.
Indulging gourmet package A gourmet weekend at our hotels is a temptation for all the senses, to either long for or dream back to. Perhaps you’re looking forward to celebrating a birthday, a wedding or simply just want a gastronomic experience. Countryside Hotels Kitchen has received awards from, amongst others, White Guide, Chaine des Rôtisseurs and Sveriges Bästa Bord - which speaks for itself. Treat yourself to a dining experience beyond the usual!
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Your home away from home Ett hem hemifrån Precis intill sjön Vidöstern i Småland ligger Toftaholm Herrgård, The en fristad med drygt sexhundraårig historia. Toftaholm Herrgård is situated by the Småland lake Vidöstern. mansion is aensancutary with a history that stretches more than six hundred years back. Through the centuries we have welcomed both Kings and Nobel Price Här upplever du lugn, tystnad och en utpräglad gästfrihet. Genom tiderna har vi gästats av såväl kungar laureats och as well as world famous Welcome to Välkommen our lovely home about our mer. rich history. nobelpristagare somdesigners. berömda formgivare. hemand till learn oss såmore ska vi berätta Historic Historic moments moment
Wellness Wellness
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Aherrgårdsupplevelse special treat with first En med class foodmat in six förstklassig i enhundred miljö med years old surroundings. drygt sexhundra års historia.
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Foto: Tommy Andersson
Välkomna till Dalarna och Fryksås Hotell & Gestgifveri
Hos oss kan du bo, äta och koppla av i en underbar fäbomiljö med härlig utsikt över Orsasjön och Siljan. Efter en skön dag i naturen njuter du av en gourmetmiddag lagad av utvalda närproducerade råvaror av högsta kvalitet.
Vår, sommar och höst, perfekt för utomhus aktiviteter Foto: Klemner Studio
Våren och försommaren är perfekt för MBT träning och andra aktiviteter. Cyklingen i skogarna runt Orsa Grönklitt och Fryksås erbjuder stor variation. Välj mellan rejäla backar både uppför och utför, eller lättcyklade skogsstigar och mysiga grillplatser. Se våra erbjudanden på 0250 – 460 00, 460 20
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Fyrstjärnigt hotell med slottsrestaurang, vid södra Mälaren, 70 minuter från Stockholm.
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Champagneweekend Afternoon tea, vinprovning med sommelier, fyrarätters middag, logi och frukost:
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Business or pleasure? BUSINESS AND PLEASURE!
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Which is your
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Business or pleasure? or pleasure? Business or pleasure? Business or pleasure? Business AND PLEASURE! BUSINESS ANDBUSINESS PLEASURE! BUSINESS AND PLEASURE! BUSINESS AND PLEASURE!
Experience 1,300 km of inland Sweden by train. Pass the Arctic Circle.
Villa Källhagen, som på landet fast ändå inte. • 08-665 03 00 •
Villa Källhagen är perfekt anpassat för beresta människor med höga förväntninga Man sover gott i sköna sängar, äter gott i den klassiska restaurangen eller den lev lobbybaren. Bra förbindelser och snabb trådlös uppkoppling. Bemanning dygnet runt och matservering alla dagar i veckan. Promenadavstånd från Strandvägen el Karlaplan. Buss precis utanför dörren, lätt att få taxi och utmärkta parkeringsmöjl Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 10, 115 27 Stockholm
Business or pleasure? BUSINESS AND PLEASURE!
Business pleasure? Business or or pleasure? BUSINESS PLEASURE! BUSINESS AND AND PLEASURE!
Villa Källhagen är perfekt anpassat för beresta människor med höga förväntningar. Man sover gott i sköna sängar, äter gott i den klassiska restaurangen eller den levande lobbybaren. Bra förbindelser och snabb trådlös uppkoppling. Bemanning dygnet runt och matservering alla dagar i veckan. Promenadavstånd från Strandvägen eller Karlaplan. Buss precis utanför dörren, lätt att få taxi och utmärkta parkeringsmöjligheter.
Selected package tours or adventurous hop on/hop off.
Business or pleasure? Villa är anpassat beresta människor med höga förväntning Villa Källhagen är perfekt anpassat förKällhagen beresta med högaför förväntningar. Villa Källhagen är perfekt anpassatmänniskor förperfekt beresta människor med höga förväntningar. AND PLEASURE! Mangott sover gott igott sköna sängar, äter gott den levande klassiska restaurangen eller den lei Villa som på landet fast ändå Man soverKällhagen, gott i sköna äter i den klassiska restaurangen elleri den Man soversängar, gottBUSINESS i sköna sängar, äter i den klassiska restaurangen eller den levande
lobbybaren. förbindelser och snabb trådlös uppkoppling. lobbybaren. Bra förbindelser snabb trådlös uppkoppling. Bemanning dygnet lobbybaren. Braoch förbindelser ochBra snabb trådlös uppkoppling. Bemanning dygnetBemanning dygne ochdagar matservering dagar veckan. från Promenadavstånd från Strandvägen e runt och matservering alla dagarrunt i veckan. Promenadavstånd från iStrandvägen eller runt och matservering alla i veckan.alla Promenadavstånd Strandvägen eller Karlaplan. Buss precis dörren, lätt att fåparkeringsmöjligheter. taxi och utmärkta parkeringsmö Karlaplan. Buss precis utanför dörren, lätt att få taxi ochutanför utmärkta parkeringsmöjligheter. Karlaplan. Buss precis utanför dörren, lätt att få taxi och utmärkta
Villa Källhagen, som på inte. landet fast ändå Villa Källhagen är perfekt anpassat för beresta människor med höga förväntningar. Villa Källhagen, som på landet fast ändå Villa Källhagen, som på landet fast ändå inte. Man sover gott i sköna sängar, äter gott klassiskamänniskor restaurangen eller den levande Villa Källhagen är perfekt anpassat föri den beresta med höga förväntningar. Man sover gott i sköna sängar, äter gott i den klassiska restaurangen eller den levande lobbybaren. Bra förbindelser och snabb trådlös uppkoppling. Bemanning dygnet Man sover gott iBra sköna sängar, i den klassiska restaurangen lobbybaren. förbindelser ochäter snabbgott trådlös uppkoppling. Bemanning dygnet eller den levande runt och matservering alla dagar i veckan. Promenadavstånd från Strandvägen eller runt ochBra matservering alla dagar i veckan. Promenadavstånd från Strandvägen eller Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 10, 115 27 Stockholm lobbybaren. förbindelser och snabb trådlös uppkoppling. Bemanning dygnet Karlaplan. Buss precis utanför dörren, lätt att få taxi och utmärkta parkeringsmöjligheter. Karlaplan. Buss precis utanför dörren, lätt att få taxi och utmärkta parkeringsmöjligheter. runt och matservering alla dagar i veckan. Promenadavstånd från Strandvägen eller • 08-665 03 00 • Karlaplan. Buss precis utanför dörren, lätt att få taxi och utmärkta parkeringsmöjligheter. Villa Källhagen är perfekt anpassat för beresta människor med höga förväntningar.
Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 10, 115 27 Stockholm Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 10, 115 27 Stockholm Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 10, 115 27 Stockholm Villa landet fast fast ändå ändå inte. inte. Villa Källhagen, Källhagen, som som på på landet • 08-665 03 00 • • 08-665 03•00 • 08-665 03 00 •
Villa Källhagen, som på landet fast ändå inte. Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 10, 115 115 27 27 Stockholm Stockholm Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 10,
Villa Källhagen är perfekt anpassat för beresta människor med höga förväntningar. Man sover gott i sköna sängar, äter gott i den klassiska restaurangen eller den levande lobbybaren. Bra förbindelser och snabb trådlös uppkoppling. Bemanning dygnet
Rom med Florens & Venedig
Upplev det antika Rom, konststaden Florens och kanalernas Venedig. Vi färdas genom underbara landskap, fascineras av folklivet och njuter av kokkonst och viner i världsklass.
Med ett keltiskt arv, charmiga fiskebyar och härliga sandstränder väntar Bretagne på att upptäckas. En region med en stark koppling till havet, karaktär och en alldeles egen identitet.
ALLT DET TA INGÅR: Resa i komfortbuss med Scandoramaguide . 8 övernattningar i dubbelrum . 8 frukostar . 2 middagar
Flygresa till Rom och hem från Venedig . Bussrundresa med Scandoramaguide . 7 övernattningar i dubbelrum . 7 frukostar . 1 middag
AVRESOR: Köpenhamn Stockholm Oslo
26/5, 9/6, 21/7, 18/8, 15/9, 29/9, 13/10 26/5, 9/6, 21/7, 18/8, 29/9, 13/10 14/4, 13/10
AVRESOR: Bussresa från Malmö: 21/4, 19/5, 23/6, 21/7, 22/9 Anslut enkelt från 100 orter!
England & Skottland
Baltikum Runt
Följ med och upplev underbara England och mytomspunna Skottland! Bli hänförd av Lake District’s skönhet och låt dig imponeras av Skottlands dramatiska landskap.
Huvudstäderna Vilnius, Riga och Tallinn bjuder på sSpännande shopping i pittoreska gränder, litauisk middag i det roterande TV-tornet. Slott, medeltida murar, tinnar och torn upplever vi tillsammans på vår resa i Polen, Litauen, Lettland och Estland. ALLT DET TA INGÅR: Resa i komfortbuss med Scandoramaguide . 7 övernattningar i dubbelrum . 1 övernattning i dubbelhytt . 7 frukostar . 2 middagar . 1 utflykt
ALLT DET TA INGÅR: Flygresa till London samt hem från Edinburgh . Bussrundresa med Scandoramaguide . 7 övernattningar i dubbelrum . 7 frukostar . 2 middagar . 4 utflykter
AVRESOR: Köpenhamn
10/5, 24/5, 5/7, 26/7, 30/8, 20/9
Stockholm Oslo
Läs mer om allt som ingår och boka på:
10/5, 24/5, 5/7, 26/7, 30/8, 20/9 30/8
eller boka på din resebyrå! • 040-600 00 00
Bussresa från Malmö: 21/4, 12/5, 26/5, 9/6, 14/7, 4/8, 8/9, 22/9 Anslut enkelt från 100 orter!
d gu Alltid me
Steam locomotive with a time machine
In 1959, a few railway enthusiasts began to run steam locomotives with 600mm track-width on a brickworks railroad outside Södertälje. This was Sweden’s first Railway Museum, and it was called Östra Södermanlands Railroad, ÖSlJ.
n 1964, SJ ended its traffic route Mariefred - Leggesta. ÖSlJ then had the opportunity to take over and rebuild the 11-kilometre-long track to 600mm slim track and started traffic for the public. By the late 1990s, the state railway between Södertälje and Eskilstuna was built. In connection with this, ÖSlJ was able to acquire the disused Nedesta-Taxinge-Näsby route, which was then rebuilt to the 600mm track width. Today, ÖSlJ runs passenger traffic every day during the summer season and on Saturdays and Sundays during spring and autumn. THE SLIMMEST TRACKS
The Museum Association Östra Södermanland Railway is a non-profit association that works with collecting, renovating, preserving and operating show- locomotives and wagons from the country’s slimmest railways, those with 600- mm track width. There have been seven such railways with passenger traffic in Sweden,
but also many industrial railroads. The first of the seven was the Kosta-Lessebo Railroad, which opened in 1888. The 600- lanes with passenger traffic had its golden period in the early 20th century. Most closed down in the 1930’s when competition from buses and cars became too strong. BREAKFAST WITH KING OSCAR II OF SWEDEN
The station in Mariefred is built in Art Nouveau, and at the inauguration of the railroad between Mariefred and Leggesta on 30th September 1895, King Oscar II had lunch in the waiting room. The station house currently has the railway operation on the ground floor and the library and staff areas upstairs. The station clock, a clock with a pendulum, was made in 1893 for Jönköping-Gripenberg Railway. Before it came to Mariefred in 1966, the clock could be found at the Jönköping East Station. The station house in Leggesta was also built in 1895 in a style that was then common for smaller stations in the countryside regions. ÖSlJ has restored the station and returned the waiting room to its former glory.
Taxinge Näsby station was also built in 1895 but a stepped gable fashion from Skåne. The then owner of Taxinge Castle, the Earl Arvid Posse, from Skåne, paid for the station house and let his son Fredrik Posse, a well-known railway builder, to influence the drawings. In the house, ÖSlJ own ticket shop is installed and outside is an old-fashioned semaphore. LIKE A TIME MACHINE
If you travel by railway, there is a spoken route description via the mobile phone. Through the app ”Time Machine”, the traveller receives a continuous description of what you see through the train window on the trip between Mariefred and Taxinge. An unexpectedly modern meeting between past and present. TEXT: Marie Tillman PHOTO: Östra Sörmlands Järnväg
ÖSlJ has about 1500 members who support the business with its annual fees. About 130 of them work actively and voluntarily on the track with traffic and with the renovation and maintenance of the materials in their workshops. ÖSlJ has eleven steam locomotives, nine engine locomotives, an electric accumulator locomotive, a multiple-unit train, 17 passenger cars and over 30 goods wagons. Most of the equipment is in working condition. More information about the passenger carrying 600-track can be found at an exhibition at the Jernvägscaféet, on the wall panels in the station house in Mariefred.
Tjurvas Erik Höglund. Foto Morgan Karlsson. Tillstånd Ingrid Höglund.
I utställningen på Blekinge museum i Karlskrona, visas ett rikt urval av unika verk och bruksföremål.
Varje smycke är unikt
Vem sade att en flicka inte blir lyckligare av ett personligt smycke? Vackra handgjorda smycken med stil i silver finns hos Ursula Klasén. Inget är det andra likt.
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Jamtli Welcome to
in Östersund
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Jul -Aug Sep -Apr Maj -Jun
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10 -18 12 -18
Välkommen att besöka den nya utställningen kommen att besöka den nya utställningen i Stenhuset i Ädelfors. Bergsbruk, arbetarnas enhuset i Ädelfors. Bergsbruk, arbetarnas och gruvägarnas historia är Välkommen att besöka den och nyasägner utställningen någraoch teman i utställningen. gruvägarnas historia sägner är i Stenhuset i Ädelfors. Bergsbruk, arbetarnas ra teman i utställningen. och gruvägarnas historia och sägner är FÖR ÖPPETTIDER OCH MER INFO:
några teman i utställningen.
Välkommen att besöka den nya utställningen i Stenhuset i Ädelfors. Bergsbruk, arbetarnas och gruvägarnas historia och sägner är några teman i utställningen. FÖR ÖPPETTIDER OCH MER INFO:
Anna Bågstam
– from law in the Parliament house to disturbed and innovative fiction in tiny Lerviken in Skåne.
Litterature Anna Bågstam has been working as a lawyer for many years now in the Swedish Parliament. The idea of the successful debut, the audiobook series Stockholm Psycho, was born under a writing course at Folkuniversitetet. Now she debuts ”for real” with the novel Eyewitness and tells about the difference between writing for the Swedish Parliament during the day and thrillers in the evenings.
tockholm Psycho is an audio book-series in ten episodes, an hour each. Dramaturgically, they are built as a TV- series: a clear storyline that runs through all episodes, and each episode ends with a cliffhanger. The idea is, of course, that you want to listen to the next episode. A new genre that appeals more and more to people. Anna Bågstam’s audiobook debut got a big impact and was nominated in the category ”Crime fiction of the Year” with the motivation ”innovative, screwed up and exciting”. Now comes her first novel, and through it, Anna is testing how she’s doing amongst traditional suspenselovers. What was the first step from your work as a lawyer to ”Stockholm Psycho”?
You could also risk becoming very detailed about topics that you are well engaged in. How do you handle the risk of becoming a ”public educator” in areas you are familiar with? – I try to focus a lot on the thrill and dramaturgy, and not to get too detailed when it comes to facts, for example. It’s important that there’s a flow in the story, although the reader will get a correct picture of how, for example, the police work. At the same time, you don’t want the reader to get caught up in factual errors in the story, because that can destroy the whole reading experience. It’s all about the balance. But my goal has always been to write an exciting and enticing story as possible and not get stuck on descriptions or explanations. For example, I have chosen to focus a lot on relationships - both in Harriet’s professional and private life. What does the future look like for you and Harriet?
– I attended a course at Folk University and had not written fiction earlier. It’s a language that I don’t use in my daily work as a lawyer in the Swedish Parliament. The thought I got was to write something fun, something a bit disturbed because I like that kind of film and literature myself. When I finished the script, I was told that Storytel launched a new audiobook series that would be a bit like Netflix, like episodes of about an hour. Then I sent my script to them, and they liked it.
– The idea is that the Eyewitness is the first part in a series of books about Harriet. You will get to follow her in a few episodes. Now, a conscience question: If you could quit your day job and become a full-time writer, would you do it? – I would, absolutely. Now that I have tried to write fiction and created a kind of fantasy world to live in, it feels fantastic. It is something so very different from the world I’ve been living in for the last twenty years professionally. Should it turn out that full-time writing is possible, then I’d love to do that. In my work, a lot is about being formal and correct, and now that I have had the opportunity to write in a more relaxed way, it feels extremely enticing!
Audiobook series is somewhat a new phenomenon, and you were one of the first ones to be published in that format. And now comes the Eyewitness, both in paper form and as an audiobook series. – Yes, Storytel was first in the country with that concept, so it was very exciting to take part in that journey right from the start. The initial idea of was to find a format that was easy to listen to and adapted so that you can listen to a section on your way to and from work or while jogging. There are often linear narratives that run chronologically, with a clear perspective from the main character. – In the Eyewitness, it’s my character Harriet you follow, and I think you get into the story quite quickly and live through her situation. There are not so many flashforwards or flashbacks, but you are following the story in a straight timeline. I think it makes it easy to listen. In your daily work, you are very far from what’s happening in your stories. Are there any common elements that you can take advantage of ? – No more than the fact that I’m used to writing, and I read a lot. But, I have previously worked in court and gained quite a broad experience of how the judicial system is built in Sweden. That’s something I know is appreciated among those who read crime fiction. You would want to know the details about a crime scene investigation or how the police work. Since I have a lot of contacts, I also have the opportunity to keep the story up-to-date in that regard.
TEXT: Tony Manieri PHOTO: Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin
Anna’s three favourites on Netflix: 1. HOUSE OF CARDS
The epic tale of the Presidential couple Underwood’s odd methods to achieve maximum power in the White House. 2. BREAKING BAD
The chemist Walter White suffers from cancer and decides to create financial safety for the family by starting to produce and sell methamphetamine with the help of his former student Jesse. 3. GYPSY
Psychological drama about the therapist Jean Holloway, who begins to cross the lines and walk on the dark side when the big middle-age crisis hits.
Literature Sverigemagasinet is publishing an excerpt from Anna Bågstams novel ’The Eyewitness’ in agreement with Norstedts Agency.
The Eyewitness 1 Sunday, August 27, 2017 Margareta must be crazy. Start a new job on a Sunday? Since when do criminal investigators work on weekends? She reads the text message again. Harriet, I tried to call earlier but your phone seems to be turned off. Can you come in tomorrow? Best wishes, Margareta Bladh. Sent at 22.37, Saturday night. Either her new boss is a workaholic or working weekends has become the norm for Skåne police since the restructuring. Harriet puts the phone back in her bag. It’s early morning and the pennant in their neighbour Yvonne’s garden is fluttering high up on its pole. Out at sea, white geese are flying overhead and the wind is carrying a faint smell of rotting seaweed in from the harbour. Carefully, Harriet pushes the front door closed and sneaks along the paved garden path. A click sounds as she unlocks the silver-coloured Saab on the driveway. She glances back one last time at her father’s lime-washed house. Once upon a time it had been a fisherman’s cottage, but as the family grew, the house had been extended lengthways as was the tradition in the south of Sweden. It forms a black and white contour against the grass, where the land falls steeply down to the beach. Hollyhocks almost as tall as the house itself obscure its windows, but Harriet can see that it is still dark inside. Neither her father Eugen nor his Alsatian Kato are awake. She takes her phone out again. Typical that her new boss couldn’t phone. The mobile coverage barely extends down to Lerviken, where her father lives. Messages are OK, but calls almost never go through. Nothing happens here anyway, as Yvonne likes to say as she nods lovingly at Eugen over their customary afternoon coffee in the garden, the summer’s day edging towards evening. Yvonne has lived in the rosy-red brick house next to Eugen for as long as Harriet can remember, but is not yet fifty. She must have been very young when Harriet was small, but Harriet thought she seemed so much older than her mother, Jorun. Perhaps because Yvonne always said the kinds of things older people said, and liked the same things too. A quiet life, that’s what we have here, Eugen, me and the others. In Lerviken, we slow down when the lights turn to amber, we don’t speed up. She reaches the country road and steps flat on the accelerator, leaving the little village behind her. In less than fifteen minutes she will be outside the police station in Landskrona. Inland, the fields spread out before her and glimpses of farms are to be had between the leaves and branches that mark the boundaries between them. The fields have already been harvested and the landscape reminds her of a patchwork quilt. Harriet turns onto the highway that runs parallel to the sea. The coastline is edged with fishing villages: Ålabodarna, Sundvik and Borstahusen. And Lerviken of course, named after the clay works that serviced the local brick factory for all of the previous century. All that is left now are the deep, water-filled pits that serve as the only reminder of that time. This is the most beautiful place on earth, maybe in the whole universe, Harriet thinks. She made the right choice and it’s going to be great. For a second she allows her eyes to move from the white centre line and slide out over the grassy valley. A collection of brown and white cows are grazing on
the slope down to the sea. There, sitting on the horizon in the middle of the rolling sound, are the wind turbines and beyond them, just visible, the contours of the bridge to Denmark. The south’s big investment in civil investigators was her chance to do something new, something other than burglaries and troubled youth that made up the majority of her work in Stockholm. She had something to prove since disappointing her father by quitting her law degree and switching to sociology. She will never be a professor like her father, but a fixed-term contract as criminal investigator in Landskrona is a step up. Something he might be proud of, even. And it would give her the chance to spend the next six months living with him in his little fishing village by the sea. I would have been so mad at you if you had refused. This will for sure lead to something that will make me totally jealous, and we will get to hang out more often, Lisa had said. The memory makes Harriet smile. Lisa is her best friend and Harriet knows what she was hinting at; Lisa loves men in uniform. She lives in Malmö now after selling her apartment in Stockholm and moving in with a highly dubious man that she marathon-dated for exactly 67 hours over Midsummer weekend in the Stockholm archipelago. Harriet is not as adventurous, but she is brave. Not that Lerviken is new to her. She spent every summer here as a child. She hasn’t been back in recent years, only because her brother Paul has occupied the house for ten weeks every summer with his wife Eva-Lena and their three sons. After spending her precious days off jumping over inflatable arm rings and dinners interrupted by cries of, “Wipe me, I’m done!”, only to be used as a free babysitter on top of that, Harriet has given up. She loves her brother dearly, but that doesn’t mean she wants to be adopted into a household with small children, nor constantly have to play the mad aunt with no boyfriend, no permanent job, and a bad character. And yet here I am, Harriet thinks. She and Paul had both agreed that it would be good if someone could stay with Eugen for a bit. Parents need more looking after when they approach eighty, Paul had said. And that someone would be Harriet, obviously. He had taken off to Bali with the family and dumped the dog with their father. The way Paul always did. He is a master of starting things and then disappearing. I think a pet is just what Eugen needs, so that he’s not so alone, Paul had declared as if the decision had been made out of concern for their father. Harriet could hear her sister-in-law’s voice ring through the words the moment Paul called their father by his first name. But Harriet knows that is has nothing to do with Eugen being old. He’s always been old. Paul needs to get away to repair his marriage. And someone has to look after the unruly Alsatian that they never have time for. She shifts her grip on the steering wheel and switches down a gear. The thought makes her feel a bit guilty. Her brother is kind-hearted, but sometimes it’s as if his only commitment is to Eva- Lena and the children and Harriet’s free time is less precious because she doesn’t have a family of her own. She turns into Rådhusgatan and parks the Saab outside the pizzeria opposite the Landskrona police station. The beautiful turn-of-the-century buildings, Danish red-brick houses, and trolleybuses create a town with an almost exotic feel. She folds down the sun shade and examines herself in the mirror. Her brown curls are knotted and the tip of her nose is red after being blasted by the wind. A more commanding face would have been nice, but it can’t be helped. At almost 29 years old, she still has the cheeks and thighs of a teenager. Her phone buzzes and Harriet lunges forward. It’s from Lisa. Welcome to the south, Harry. Good luck with the new job, I’m crossing my fingers that the station is crawling with hunks. Get in touch as soon as you can. Harriet smiles. Lisa’s mental image of your typical police officer consists entirely of tattooed upper arms, a bad hamburger habit, and a penchant for using handcuffs, even when not on the job. What’s not to love, as Lisa would have said. She must try to call her before she returns into the mobile phone black hole that is Lerviken. Harriet types a quick reply.
Literature Thanks. Do you think they play hockey in uniform, or bare-chested? She knows it will make Lisa laugh. Harriet straightens her jeans and steps out of the car. This is it.
2 There is no bell outside the police station’s big, black glass doors. Hands trembling, she taps Margareta’s number into her phone. A booming voice answers after just one ring: “I’m coming down to let you in.” A few seconds later, a middle-aged woman dressed in black appears on the other side of the door. She looks completely different to how Harriet had imagined her. She was expecting someone blonde and athletic. But Margareta is tall and thin, her grey hair is cut into a severe bob. Definitely not the kind to buy a two-pack of almond cakes -- one for now and one for a little treat later. Harriet can almost hear the empty plastic packaging taunting her in the bottom of her bag after yesterday’s train journey. Margareta greets her with a firm handshake and Harriet notes her perfectly manicured, but natural-looking nails. She quickly pulls her hand back and hopes Margareta hasn’t noticed the chipped polish on hers. Harriet should have wiped it off, but Eugen doesn’t keep a stash of nail varnish remover at home. “I’m so glad you could start right away. It’s chaos here after the restructuring. But you’ll get used to it,” Margareta adds quickly, leading Harriet through a dim corridor behind the reception. “Lena, who mans the reception, will provide you with a card and all that tomorrow,” she continues as they pass. “But you may have to remind her. She’s the kind of person who tends to hit trouble when she has to think.” Harriet doesn’t have time to answer but notes the many shades of post-it notes plastered around Lena’s computer screen. “The emergency services received a call late last night about a body, I want you in on it from the beginning,” Margareta continues, watching her as she talks. “We’re short on people and cases once handled by the specialist department in Malmö have now been thrust upon us. We have to be on call, even at weekends.” They arrive in a staff room with bright birch tables and sofas in a splendid 90s purple. Margareta quickly grabs a paper mug and hands one to Harriet, before continuing with the details of the new restructuring. The coffee machine is so loud that Harriet can barely make out Margareta’s words above the hiss. “What’s your background?” she asks suddenly, once the machine has fallen silent. “I wasn’t part of the recruitment process, so you’ll have to fill me in.” “I studied social work. I have worked with teenagers and vulnerable families, and more recently with misdemeanours,” Harriet replies quickly as she pulls down her T-shirt which has bunched up under her bomber jacket. Should she perhaps have mentioned that she started a law degree, that her father is a professor of Civil Law and has ties to the judiciary? That might have sounded good. Margareta takes a gulp of coffee. The wrinkles around her mouth look like spider legs. “I meant your background as a criminal investigator. You don’t learn to solve cases at university. Have you ever been part of a murder investigation?” Harriet fiddles with her cup. “No, but I’ve been working as an investigator for almost four years,” she says finally. And I’m brave, perceptive and analytical, she would have liked to add, because that’s what her former boss used to say about her. Which is more important than having studied a bit of law. Margareta’s face doesn’t move.
“Come on, let’s go to my office. Yours isn’t ready yet. We are going to set up a special investigation room in here, unless Malmö takes over the case, but I don’t think that’s likely. All their resources are focused on the shootings,” she concludes tersely before leading Harriet down the corridor to the only lit opening. It’s a nice room. A desk, two overflowing bookshelves full of files, an armchair and a sofa, above which hangs a picture of Landskrona Citadel. Margareta settles at the desk and nods to Harriet to sit in a chair opposite. “We can go into more detail over lunch if we have time, I’m not much into small talk. I’ll put you on the case right away,” she continues. She switches on her computer before adding, “I didn’t think you’d be so young.” Harriet crosses her legs and leans on the armrest. She is having a hard time finding a comfortable position in the hard chair. “A female body was found on a large estate outside Landskrona last night. Home care raised the alarm. Nobody opened when they called and when they saw a bag of food still hanging on the door, they realised something must be wrong. They rushed around the house and did a search. She was lying in the barn, seemingly beaten to death. Forensics are out there now. I have contacted them and asked if we can come.” Harriet clears her throat. She has known Margareta for ten minutes and they’ve already been thrown together on a murder investigation. “We haven’t gone to the media with it yet. The victim’s husband still hasn’t been informed. According to the population register, he too lives on the estate, but no one has seen him. I’ve managed to get the witness from social services to keep quiet, at least until Monday. It’s very important that this doesn’t get out.” Margareta’s eyes rest on the picture above Harriet’s head while she talks. “The first twenty-four hours are crucial if we are going to succeed in finding the perpetrator. It’s almost always someone known to the victim, and if there are signs of domestic abuse, then in eighty per cent of cases, it’s the husband. But you’ve probably read all about that in your textbooks, just like everyone else. I’m keen to get this resolved as quickly as possible so that we don’t have to deal with any outside interference,” Margareta continues. She keeps talking, as if the Citadel on the wall behind Harriet is fiercely taking notes. “The prosecutor has demanded that the husband be located, but we have no idea where he is. They sent out a text message from a protected number to his mobile but he doesn’t appear to have received it. It’s probably switched off. I wouldn’t be surprised if he panicked and has already left the country by now.” Margareta opens a desk drawer, produces an unscented lip balm and proceeds to lubricate her lips. “We will find him. We always do,” she says. “What do we know about the victim and her husband?” Harriet asks carefully. “The victim is 53 and doesn’t work. The husband is 72 and has owned the estate since 1982. His income last year amounted to around 4.5 million crowns while hers is, in principle, nonexistent. He has assets in Sweden of around 128 million and the farm has a valuation for tax purposes of almost 75 million. There are no children or other relatives.” Margareta pauses and places the lip balm on the desk. “Which is good. They won’t be ringing.” No photographs of children and grandchildren on Margareta’s desk and no wedding band on her finger either, Harriet notes. “He has been convicted of domestic abuse on two separate occasions in the past. The prosecutor could just as well have arrested him in absentia, if you ask me. But the prosecutor is green,” she continues. “Lennart, the forensic investigator in charge, has promised to show us the crime scene. He will call as soon as he can when he’s finished with the most important stuff. I have requested that we get access before the news leaks. Because then it will be chaos.” “Where is the estate?” Harriet asks. SVERIGEMAGASINET
Literature “About ten kilometres north, a few kilometres inland. Just outside a fishing village called Lerviken, if you’re familiar with this part of the country.” Harriet chokes on her coffee and begins to cough. “The coast here is lined with bijoux little fishing villages. Lerviken used to be a place for the working class, but now it’s been turned into the area’s Millionaire’s Row.” That’s not true, Harriet thinks, but Margareta’s face is wearing such a look of contempt that she stops herself. “What’s the victim’s name?” she manages to say. “Laura Andersson. Wife to the financier Douglas Andersson. He bought the estate from a noble family but has never farmed the land himself. The fields are fallow.” Damn it, she knows them. The Anderssons. Everyone in Lerviken knows them. It’s been a few years since she last saw them, but she remembers them from her childhood summers. They drove a large, shiny car, maybe a Jaguar, which they used to park at the small guest marina before walking down to the beach in crisp white robes for their morning dip. The village was always gossiping about them. Laura was much younger than Douglas, with long, bright red hair and the grace of a movie star. Beautiful, mysterious and enigmatic. But she had a strange walk. Limped, as if she had injured a leg. A shrill ringing breaks the silence. “That’ll be forensics. They’ve been on location since last night, but it looks like we can go,” Margareta says and moves quickly. “I’m in charge of this investigation. I just want to remind you.” Harriet’s eyes fall to the ground. What does she mean by that? Does she think Harriet will make a fool of herself? Behave like a typical fresh graduate and run around quoting from her textbooks? Eugen sometimes jokes about students of his who do that. Wear suits and talk in a self-important tone, and have no clue that Eugen thinks their essays are only barely better than mediocre. But her father is too kind to say so. Margareta, on the other hand, would certainly let her thoughts be known. Harriet shouldn’t have mentioned her academic background. She should have understood that it would provoke her. There isn’t a single police officer who doesn’t find it irritating that some people earn more just because they studied for longer. Were she to admit that she also lives in so-called Millionaire’s Row, her boss would only judge her even more harshly as a spoiled brat who doesn’t know the meaning of the word struggle. As soon as Margareta pulls out of the underground parking park, she puts the phone to her ear. It sounds as if she is talking to the officers at the scene. “I’ve had it with the Chief Superintendent,” she says. “I’m trying to get sniffer dogs out there, but apparently they’re outside Olofström because some pensioner wandered off this weekend. This is what happens when you divide the force up into districts.” She shakes her head. Harriet keeps her eyes focused on her jeans. How is she going to break it to Margareta that she actually lives in the village? Just as she is about to start, Margareta dials the number to the prosecutor on duty. “I need a decision on a cellphone tower dump, Henrikehill 330 degrees.” She lets her eyes wander from the road and turns to Harriet as she talks. “The closest tower,” she adds. Harriet knows Henrikehill well, a manor house on a hill a few kilometres from the bay. The Big Hotel, as it’s known in the village. “Konrad, the permanent prosecutor, will order the sweep tomorrow anyway. We may as well ask for it now and save some time. You can start with the list when it comes,” Margareta whispers, as if it should be a secret that there is someone with her. Just before Lerviken Margareta turns onto a narrow dirt road between the fields. Sund Manor lies a kilometre further on, well-hidden among the trees. The wind has gathered pace, shaking the leaves. Two police cars and a large silver-coloured people carrier are parked on the gravel drive and four
uniformed officers are guarding the cordon. The house has been plastered and painted a beautiful, warm yellow with white trims around the tall windows. It looks just as Harriet remembered it, except for blue and white POLICE tape that has been swathed around the garden, two barns and the park, glimpses of which she can see behind the large outbuildings. “Hello!” A man covered from head-to-toe in white protective clothing steps out from one of the buildings carrying a brown paper bag. His heavy shoes crunch through the gravel. He walks purposely towards them, pulls off a large face mask, unsheathes a hand from a purple latex glove and stretches it out towards Harriet. “Lennart Mattson, Forensics. I’ll show you around. Margareta said you wanted to see the scene. Are you the new investigator?” Lennart’s eyes are friendly. “You’ll be walking the prosecutor through it all later, but I want us to get going straight away,” Margareta interrupts curtly. Lennart smiles slightly. “You’d be wise to keep on her good side, especially if she hasn’t had her morning coffee yet,” he says, nodding at Margareta. But Margareta doesn’t appear to take offence. “I have spare protective clothing for you. Wait here.” Lennart disappears into the silver vehicle. “We’ll start in the barn.” Harriet and Margareta pull on their overalls. “She’s still in there. They’re coming to collect her now, but they’ve been delayed. There were several shootings in Malmö last night,” he adds. They start walking towards one of two long, white outbuildings with black doors and neatly tiled roofs. A cool gust sweeps over the front of the house. Harriet warms her hands in her pockets. Margareta is unmoved, she notes. It’s hard to imagine that this woman is a police officer. She looks like the wind could blow her over. How did this thin, slight waif of a woman pass the physical? The door creaks and an odour of diesel assails her nostrils. Inside, tractors and combine harvesters have been parked neatly in a row. Harriet sees her straight away. A pair of legs, peeping out from behind one of the vehicles. She is lying on her back, wearing a light-coloured dress. Barefoot. Her skin is yellow and her toenails are painted red, the same shade as her long locks. Her right leg is broken, its position unnatural, the big toe pointing downwards. She approaches. It’s darker the further in she goes. A large, blackish-red stain blooms on the dirty concrete floor, just by the tractor’s left front wheel. “She bled heavily from the head,” Lennart says. The door creaks and another person in white Michelin clothes enters. He greets them with a nod. “Any weapons or instruments?” Margareta asks and scans the room. Her eyes look black in the dim light. “No, nothing that we can link to the body. We’ve bagged up some tools and equipment that we found here in the barn,” Lennart replies. “You’ll have access to the pictures later. We’ve taken close to three hundred.” Harriet bends down and peeks under the tractor. Lennart turns on a torch and directs the beam so that she can get a better look. Her gaze fixes on the twisted, lifeless body.
10–13 maj 2018 Karlskronas internationella litteraturfestival
Lyssna och njut av Ramona Franssons verklighetsbaserade trilogi uppläst av Gunilla Leining, vinnare av Storytels Stora Ljudbokspris. Finns att laddas ner som Mp3 ljudbok eller E-bok hos samtliga näthandlare eller bibliotek samt
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Varje smycke är unikt
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Originalet sedan 1912. Säljs till förmån för synskadade.
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Fyra generationer kvinnor Succéroman av Anita Hammarstedt
Succéroman av Anita Hammarstedt
BEGYNNELSEN utkommer hösten 2017
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Gå in på vår hemsida och se filmen
Gå in på vår hemsida/nyheter och se trailern Fotograf: Linda Lundquist
Läs den spännande historien där vi får följa fyra kvinnor från tidigt 1800-tal och 150 år framåt. Deras öden blandas med Sveriges utveckling och historien utspelar sig i Sörmland och Stockholm. Christina föddes i Malmköping 1808 och fick sex oäkta barn. Hon var Anitas farmors mormors mor. Du beställer via AVH förlag eller via telefon till Anita (0709-820016) Förutom signering ingår en broschyr med foton bl a på verklighetens kvinnor.
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Discover Africa on safari! Tired of everyday life? Here is the solution! For most people, a safari is exotic, something you only experience once in a lifetime. Once you have decided to make such a trip, it should be done properly.
enzan Tours is a Swedish travel agency specialising in tailormade trips to the world’s most exotic locations. – It doesn’t matter where you want to go, says travel agent Ella Johanson Rustad. We can make your dreams come true. Unlike most travel agencies, Kenzan Tours use a team of experts, all with their unique skills, equipped to best help you to tailor your trip with special wishes and requirements. Johanson Rustad is a specialist in Tanzania, one of the company’s most popular destinations. In Tanzania, Kenzan Tours operate its safari activity, Kenzan Wildlife Safaris, which means that they can be very flexible when arranging a safari trip to Tanzania. – We tailor travel for both small and larger companies, and with the number of safari days they want. We also run our own tent camps in Serengeti. One is located on the Mara River in the north and is open July-October, during the great migration. It is a wonderful place to observe the big flocks of wild animals in action. – We also have a mobile tent camp that we set up in two different areas of Serengeti, depending on what time of the year it is, says Johanson Rustad. During June-November there it’s in northern Serengeti. From December to April, the herds move south, and so we set up the tent camp in southern Serengeti. The fact that we have two set-places makes it irrelevant as to when you travel. No matter the time of the year, there is a great chance that you will see many of Africa’s majestic animals, including the famous Big K FIVE: lions, elephants, buffalo, leopards and rhinos.
According to Johanson Rustad, the safari is usually so exciting and thrilling that people typically want to finish their journey on the beach in Zanzibar or Seychelles. But Kenzan Tours does not like to generalise. The company accommodates differently to all customers, and together they decide on a trip that suits everyone. Everything from flight to accommodation is arranged. – If you compare with other travel agencies, we are not cheapest, but we are the best, Ella concludes. TEXT: Marie Tillman PHOTO: Ola Sjögren, Kenzan Tours
More exciting adventures await! For those who want more experience in addition to animal safaris and travelling with children, there are other compelling destinations at Kenzan Tours, like Costa Rica and Cuba. • COSTA RICA - THE GREEN PARADISE
Costa Rica is a green paradise that is suitable for the whole family. Explore the tropical rainforest, hang out on adventure activities or relax on the Pacific Ocean’s beautiful beaches. • CUBA - THE AUTHENTIC CARIBBEAN
Do you dream of a trip to the Caribbean with more than just beautiful beaches? Travel to colourful Cuba and experience its charm and unique atmosphere of history and joy, music and dance.
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National Museum opens in Jamtli
– yet another reason to travel to Östersund
The National Museum building in Stockholm closed in 2013 for comprehensive renovation work, and now it is in its final stage. Parallel with the work, a new exciting building in an entirely different location, 50 miles from Blasieholmen in Stockholm, has been in progress. On Sunday, 17 June at 2 pm, the National Museum opens its doors to a completely new and permanent museum in the residential town of Östersund together with Jamtli, a regional museum in Jämtland Härjedalen.
t all began around eight years ago. As the trend in the rest of Europe, plans of a branch, a permanent museum in a different city, started to take shape. As a result, the National museum’s mission was to make its collections accessible throughout the country. A solid mission since Sweden is both elongated and demographically unbalanced. The National Museum and Jamtli have collaborated for a long time on hiking exhibitions, other temporary exhibitions and longterm loans of art pieces. Discussions on a more formalised and long-term partnership have also been in the works. It resulted in the construction of an art museum in connection with Jamtli’s existing buildings and in
December 2016 it started. The fact that the choice fell on Jamtli has to do with its award-winning cultural heritage education activities, but also its geographical location in the middle of Sweden with Åre /Trondheim in the west and Sundsvall in the east. FIRST OUT
Under the name of the National Museum of Jamtli, exhibitions of works from the National museum’s collections will be displayed. The first exhibition ”Six centuries of contemporary” will feature key pieces from the National museum’s collections with artists like Rembrandt, Rubens, Jenny Nyström, Carl Larsson, Alexander Roslin, Ulrica Fredrika Pasch, to name just a few. The exhibition reflects the National Museum’s pres-
Portrait of an old lady (1655), Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. The National Museum.
In connection with Jamtli’s existing exhibition halls, the National Museum is building its first branch outside of Stockholm, the National Museum of Jamtli. The opening ceremony is scheduled for 17 June 2018. Illustration: Henning Larsen Architects.
Above: The Study Corner. Esbjörn. (1912), Carl Larsson, The National Museum. Below: Moldovan Princess (1777), Alexander Roslin, The National Museum.
entation of collections in Stockholm and the rich program and art education activities as Jamtli’s hallmark. The art museum contains Jamtli’s art studio with space for creative creation and reflection with the current exhibition as a starting point. The artefacts for each exhibition are selected from the National Museum collections consisting of more than 700,000 objects, containing arts and crafts, design and portraits from the 16th century onwards. The exhibition ”Six centuries of contemporary” consists of more than 100 items and continues until spring 2019. It will then be replaced by a new exhibition. EXPECT INTERESTING ENCOUNTERS
Every summer, the Jamtlis open-air museum wakes up with role-plays in the cultural-historical houses and farms. Guests can make a time trip and meet people 1785 until modern society of 1975. The actors live their everyday life as it was done during their present time. How about an encounter with the artist Alexander Roslin at the National Museum of Jamtli? If you want to know more about the National Museum of Jamtli, you can visit Jamtli’s website and the National Museum’s. TEXT: Gustav Kron PHOTO: Nationalmuseum SVERIGEMAGASINET
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Originalet sedan 1912. Säljs till förmån för synskadade.
08-39 90 70 •
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It’s easy to find your dream vacation at the seaside! Many associate vacations with travelling to the sea. Morning walks along the beach, relaxing days in the sun, maybe a fishing trip or a cycling tour? is a new booking portal that makes it easy for you to find and book vacation houses that are located 1000 meters from the sea.
oday, most people book their vacations and accommodations online. It could be through websites, social media and reviews and for those who want to live near the sea, the location with proximity to the sea is especially important. By specialising in accommodation facilities that are located maximum 1000 meters from the sea, has done the heavy work for you. On the booking site, there are also tips for various activities and a selection of attractions for each region. With 20 years of experience in tourism, Gunilla Söderlund and her team know what makes a successful holiday. To her booking portal, only those houses that have 1000 meters to the sea are featured - or shorter! A walk of no more than 15 minutes. With such a seaside vacation it will be easy to get to the beach.
– You may want to stay in a hotel, but then you find accommodation in an old merchant house that you fall in love with. Coastal communities are an important part of Swedish history, we have always searched for water and travelled on water, says Gunilla Söderlund. Since the Stone Age, the sea has been a part of forming Sweden. Still to this day, the sea has a special attraction, and for many, a vacation with seas nearby is a necessity. FROM LUXURY TO SIMPLE LIVING
Along the 2400-kilometre-long coast of Sweden, there are many types of accommodations. Do you want to camp on scenic Gotland or in Bohuslän’s idyllic archipelago? Perhaps you prefer to live in a luxurious tent outside Stockholm? Whatever you choose, the ocean is the common denominator. On you will find hundreds of accommodation units today, each of which has its character, and the number is increasing!
TEXT: Charlotte Lindmark PH OTO: Bo vid Havet
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Glasförpackningskomprimering Reducerar volym till vikt Glasförpackningskomprimering Reducerar volym till vikt
”Med en flask Crusher, kan personalen volymreducera flaskor direkt i baren. Perfekt för pubar, restauranger och hotell. Installera ”Baby Jaws ” i barer. Inget mer vinglande med flaskor till lagerplatser genom trånga ”Med en flask Crusher, kan personalen volymreducera flaskor direkt i barer. Barpersonalen är bakom disken hela natten. baren. Perfekt för pubar, restauranger och hotell. Installera ”Baby Jaws ” i Vi gör så att Ni tjänar mer pengar och sparar samtidigt på miljön! barer. Inget mer vinglande med flaskor till lagerplatser genom trånga barer. Barpersonalen är bakom disken hela natten. Vi gör så att Ni tjänar mer pengar och sparar samtidigt på miljön!
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Scanwaste Scanwaste Komprimering för återvinning
Komprimering för återvinning
Enkla lösningar på växande problem
Res med oss i Värmland!
Behandla med Grön-Fri och låt regnet göra jobbet. Så enkelt är det att bli fri från alger och lav på tak, fasader och markytor. Hitta din närmsta butik på grö
The Green Guide boosts Skåne’s gardens 120
Garden The sun is looking down through the dense foliage of a huge mulberry tree, and its small fruits are not yet mature. The fragrance of roses blends well with a mild sea breeze from Öresund, less than a hundred yards away. We are in the garden of Paul Jönska’s Farm, an enchanted place in Viken, north of Helsingborg.
ere, a wealthy sea captain had a peasantry garden constructed in the late 1800’s. Curling gravel paths, flowerbeds surrounded by low hedges, a swarm of roses, perennials, summer flowers and fruit trees can be found here. The beautiful thing about the Paul Jönska’s farm is that there is a small gate that is always open on the north side of the garden. A non-profit association cares for this preserved treasure and invites visitors, seven days a week without compensation. The old captain›s farm can also be shown by a guide for an entrance fee. Many lovely garden tips like this are given by the newly started The Green Guide, a small travel company that knows their Skåne. The garden journalist and author Christina Högardh-Ihr have collected popular parks, castle gardens, private garden, cafes and green farm shops in a guide. Christina and her colleagues want to share their favourite places and show them as well. – What’s so fantastic about doing a garden trip is that all your senses get filled up, Christina says. You get knowledge, insight, beautiful experiences, scent and taste sensations. In Skåne you can spend several days visiting gardens, walking in wonderful nature, visit a castle and combining it with eating. Skåne is what you could call Sweden’s pantry and here you will find an incredible range of delicious products with organic flavours from organic vegetables, fruit and berries, bread and pastries, cheese and charcuterie, and apple juice and wine! FLOWER SHOW IN MALMÖ
Skåne’s garden history began during the Renaissance when Skåne belonged to Denmark, and many castles and court gardens were built. Today, several of these castles and parks are not all lost memories but open for public visits. The shape and design of the gardens find inspiration from Denmark, Germany, England and Italy, but has also developed its own Skåne character. A garden in Skåne is often like the Paul Jönska’s Farm, dense, lush and surrounded by hedges. Here is a mix of pleasure and work, vegetables and flowers. In Skåne, there is also a great desire to show off the gardens and arrange flower-shows. The Malmö Garden Show has become Malmö’s own “Chelsea Flower Show” and is a popular, beautiful large collection of flowers, balcony competitions, music, food and much more. In Helsingborg, they celebrate the roses and its most intense flowering annually at Fredriksdal. And last weekend in August, there is the celebration of the Sofiero season with a focus on harvest and taste.
concept in these countries, and there are many different concepts around it. The Green Guide believes in the garden- tourism in Sweden and Skåne, and that it is time for us to invite visitors from other European countries. – And of course, it’s time for us Swedes to discover our gardentourism destinations, Christina continues. BEAUTIFUL FLOWER SPLENDOUR
During the spring, the Skåne Gardens and the surroundings are in their most beautiful flowers. Thousands of beech leaves in Söderåsen National Park and the Kullaberg Nature Reserve shine in brightest green, water glitters in streams and ponds and the birds’ chirp is intense. Lilacs, magnolias, fruit trees, rhododendron and azaleas bloom beautifully, bees and bumblebees hum, and in all the vegetable gardens small sprouts are peeking out. TEXT: Christina Högardh-Ihr PHOTO: The Green Guide BEAUTIFUL SKÅNE VISITS!
The Green Guide shares tips on many beautiful Scandinavian destinations mainly in the Öresund region. They also arrange package-tours by bus, entrances to gardens, good food & fine hotel deals as well as expert guidance. Welcome to visit
In Helsingborg and its surrounding areas, there are open gardenweekend where anyone who wants to have a unique chance to peek in behind the fence of a private flower dream or maybe an allotment garden, is welcome. – Big castle parks are exciting and interesting in every way, but the absolute most beautiful thing is to meet a true enthusiast at home in their green spaces, to get ideas that you may implement yourself, says Christina. Swedish enthusiasts have been travelling to countries such as England, Ireland, France and Italy for many years. Garden tourism is a SVERIGEMAGASINET
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Summer tips
You can earn extra money on your cottage
Summer tips
Do you have a wonderful cabin that is empty when you›re not there? Then you can make up to SEK 50,000 tax-free in the summer! Stugsommar will help you to rent your cabin in a smooth and safe manner so that you get some in your pocket and more people get the opportunity to enjoy a lovely vacation home.
To rent out your private home may feel a bit uncertain. Therefore, it may be smart to turn to Stugsommar, which not only takes care of everything for you but also gives you a level of security that is difficult to match. – For example, we are alone in Sweden to offer completely free inventory insurance. In addition, we have the market’s most generous insurance against late cancellations, says Lena Börtin at Stugsommar. – A focus on building all relationships on good cooperation also makes you feel confident in the deal. With about 15 local representatives, you›re never far away from your personal contact, Lena Börtin continues.
payment is the first day of the month, for bookings that occur during the current month, Lena Börtin concludes. Some testimonials from homeowners who already cooperate with Stugsommar: Ingrid Wieselgren, Löa, Kopparberg: – Stugsommar is more active in their marketing, and it gives results!”. Ingrid says that bookings have increased since she signed an agreement with Stugsommar. The family cottage in Bergslagen is beautifully situated by a lake, and it is good that the house is also utilised during periods when it would otherwise be empty. Ingrid thinks that the great international support of guests is one of the benefits of Stugsommar and she is looking forward to the next season’s success. – It’s easy and convenient to rent through Stugsommar, says Ingrid. A thoughtful and professional concept and we are being treated nicely. The information on the web is also very good. In addition, we have always had nice and attentive guests. Per and Monica Isaksson, Lerdala: – We fulfilled our dream of buying a vacation home with the best location on Öland and financed it by renting our house through Stugsommar”. Per and Monica have rented out through Stugsommar since 1996, and now they have no less than eight houses for rent. The profit has been reinvested and made their old dream of a vacation home on Öland possible. – The contact with the guests is very good and, in many cases, this has led to lasting relationships, such as changing homes with each other during the holiday. Guests come from all over Europe, one of them was Germany’s best-known radio host, who lived for a while in their house. – Stugsommar is a reliable partner, and we know that we will get quick help with any problems. An easy, fun and very profitable way to rent your house.
TEXT: Anna Rein
ookings for 2018 is in full swing when it is popular to vacation in Sweden and the demand for holiday homes increases closer to the summer season. Our beautiful nature and idyllic surroundings attract so many people as they instead of staying in a hotel are looking for more personal accommodation. However, the availability of houses is limited, so it’s a good idea to rent your extra home for the weeks of the year when you don’t utilise it. STUGSOMMAR DOES THE WORK
Stugsommar has over 60 years of experience in helping cabin owners to pass their holiday homes to many satisfied customers. The most common customer is a family of children from Sweden and Germany, but thanks to an extensive network, your cabin is not just marketing in Sweden, but also throughout Europe. By using Stugsommar, you do not have to keep an eye on everything yourself. Instead, they handle everything from marketing and customer contact to payment and administration. In other words, you do not have to exert much effort and yet you earn money. SAFE AND SECURE
On average, most earn about 25,000 kronor per year, but some receive twice that amount. Also, you earn up to 50,000 tax-free per year. – We understand that it is important for the customer to feel financial security in their choice of collaborating partner. Therefore, the advance
PHOTO: Södra Bohuslän Turism
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Hjälp för barnrädda hundar!
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Dags att planera!
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Eldsjälar runt ringen
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Gillar du att läsa om hundar? Som medlem i en av Svenska Kennelklubbens länsklubbar får du två spännande hundtidningar i brevlådan Vår medlemstidning Hundsport har fått ett nytt utseende och uppdaterat innehåll! Som medlem får du den hem i brevlådan åtta gånger per år. Där kan du läsa om allt som rör hund; om nya hundsporter och roliga prylar för hunden till det senaste inom hundforskningen. Dessutom får du en helt ny bilaga, Hundsport Utställning, som är fullspäckad med intressant läsning för dig som är nyfiken på vad som händer i utställningsringar runtom i landet.
Utöver tidningarna som skickas direkt hem till dig kan du läsa fler titlar ur vår växande tidningsfamilj digitalt. En av dessa är Hundsport Special som fördjupar sig i ämnen som rör avel, hundens beteende och hälsa. Lagom till jaktsäsongen är det premiär för ytterligare en bilaga, Hundsport Jakthund. Den vänder sig till dig som har jakt och jakthundsraserna som sitt stora intresse.
Som medlem i Svenska Kennelklubben kan du tävla i roliga hundsporter, delta på aktiviteter med din hund och få rabatt på bland annat försäkring och resor. Samtidigt bidrar du till att stärka hundens roll i samhället. Välkommen som medlem du också!
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matt linoljefärg inomhus för naturligt vackra rum ”Äntligen en linoljefärg för inomhusbruk som varken är hälsoskadlig eller miljöfarlig! Med linolja som bindemedel är vår matta linoljefärg ett naturligt och hållbart val. För en sund inomhusmiljö, fri från plast. Färgen fäster på de flesta underlag och ger en tålig och vacker yta.”
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TR É! N FR IE 4/7
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