Passeri light book

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M a d e i n IT a l y

Light- Book Soluzioni d i I l l u m i n a z i o n e e d A r r e da m e n to

Lighting and furnishing solutions




La nostra azienda nata nel centro storico di Firenze, produce lampadari, e complementi d’arredo in ferro battuto stile fiorentino, gestita e curata dalla famiglia PASSERI. I nostri prodotti sono realizzati e decorati interamente a mano, arricchiti con particolari in foglia oro, o argento, come richiede la tradizione Fiorentina, abbinando i migliori complementi in vetro di Murano, Strass Swarovski, Shuller, Bohemia, etc. Oggi grazie alla nostra esperienza possiamo garantire la qualità dei nostri prodotti in ogni dettaglio. Tutti i nostri articoli sono conformi alla normative “CE”, “UL” e “Gost-R” unendo la sicurezza con la tradizione artistica. Siamo inoltre specializzati, nella realizzazione di oggetti particolari anche su disegno personalizzato, grazie al nostro personale qualificato, per poter soddisfare ogni esigenza del cliente.

Our company was born in the Florence’s historical center in 1961. The factory is owned and managed directly by the PASSERI family, and produces forged iron chandeliers and furnishing complements in perfect Florentine Style. Our products are entirely made and decorated by hand, using typical Florentine details such as gold and silver leaves, and also Murano glass, Strass Swarovski, Shuller crystal, Bohemia glass, etc. Today, thanks to our experience, we are able to guarantee the quality of our products in every small detail. All our articles are in compliance with the norms “CE” ,“UL” and “Gost-R”, so that we are able to merge security with artistic tradition. Thanks to our qualified personnel we are also specialized in realizing specific requests, such us works made from personalized projects or drawings.

Famiglia PASSERI

PASSERI family

Фабрика, которой старательно и заботливо управляет семья Пáссери, возникла в 1961 году в историческом центре Флоренции и с тех пор производит светильники и предметы интерьера из кованого железа во флорентийском стиле. В полном соответствии с флорентийской традицией наши изделия изготовлены и окрашены непосредственно на фабрике вручную, украшены деталями в золотой или серебряной потали и дополнены лучшими декорами из муранского стекла, стразов Swarovski, хрусталя Shuller, Bohemia и т.д. Сегодня благодаря нашему опыту мы можем гарантировать высокое качество изделий вплоть до мельчайших деталей. Вся наша продукция соответствуют нормам CE,UL, ГОСТ, являясь синтезом безопасности и художественных традиций. Мы также специализируемся на изготовлении нестандартных предметов по индивидуальному эскизу и благодаря нашему квалифицированному персоналу можем удовлетворить любые запросы клиента. Семья Пáссери

dal 1961

since 1961

I d e a z i o n e e p r o d u z i o n e d i o g g e t t i i n fe r r o b a t t u t o Creation and production of items in wrought iron

L. 7685/12

Ø 100 h. 110 12x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 + Viola CR

L. 7685/6

Ø 80 h. 90 6x40w hal G9

PL. 7665/12 Ø 80 prof. 60 12x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 + Viola CR

PL. 7665/6 Ø 55 prof. 50 6x40w hal G9

LP. 7685/1/B Ø 20 h 18 1x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 + Viola CR



PL. 7765/7

135x40 prof. 50 7x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 + Viola CR

PL. 7765/5

100x40 prof. 50 5x40w hal G9

PL. 7765/3 85x35 prof. 40 3x40w hal G9

A. 7685/2

35x20 prof. 25 2x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 + Viola CR



L. 7700/8 + 4 Ø 100 h.70 12x40w E14 Dec.095 + Nero CR - PT

A. 7580/6

70x90 prof. 20 6x40w hal G9 Dec.095 + Blue

L. 7700/8 Ø 100 h.65 8x40w E14

A. 7580/3

L. 7700/6

40x55 prof. 20 3x40w hal G9

Ø 80 h.65 6x40w E14

PL. 7675/6

Ø 90 prof. 20 6x40w hal G9 Dec.095 + Blue

PL. 7675/3

Ø 60 prof. 20 3x40w hal G9



P. 7680/2

35x25 h. 170 2x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 + Blue PPT

S. 7670/4

Ă˜ 37 h. 92 Dec. 095 + Blue CT

SP. 7600

70x110 prof. 3 Dec.095 + Blue SM



L. 7750/8

80x65 h. 80 8x40w E14 Dec.095 + Rame CR - PT

A. 7750/2/P 45x60 prof. 16 2x40w E14 Dec.095 + Rame PT - CR

A 7750/2/G 65x60 prof. 16 2x40w E14


P. 7755/2

65x35 h. 180 2x60w E14 Dec.095 + Rame PT - CR


L. 7715/8

Ø 85 h. 80 8x40w hal G9 Dec. 044 + Rame CR - SH - PV

L. 7715/6

Ø 70 h. 65 6x40w hal G9

A. 7715/2

45x55 prof. 25 2x40w hal G9 Dec. 044 + Rame CR - SH - PV



PL. 7720/8

130x95 prof. 40 8x40w hal G9 Dec. 044 + Rame CR - SH

PL. 7720/6

110x85 prof. 40 6x40w hal G9

PL. 7745/7

135x35 prof. 60 7x40w hal G9 Dec. 044 + Rame CR - SH

PL. 7745/5

100x35 prof. 60 5x40w hal G9

PL. 7745/3

85x30 prof. 60 3x40w hal G9



L. 7705/12

Ø 90 h. 120 12x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 + Fucsia CR - SH

L. 7705/6

Ø 75 h. 100 6x40w hal G9

PL. 7710/12

Ø 100 prof. 75 12x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 + Fucsia CR-SH

PL 7710/6

Ø 85 prof. 65 6x40w hal G9

A. 7705/2

45x55 prof. 20 2x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 + Fucsia CR - SH



L. 5105/18 + 9 Ø 150 h. 110 27x40w E14 Dec. 05 PT

L. 5105/18 Ø 150 h. 90 18x40w E14



A. 7585/6

70x90 prof. 20 6x40w hal G9 Dec. 05 + Rosso VM

A. 5105/2

30x38 prof. 14 2x40w E14 Dec. 095 + Fucsia

A 7585/3

40x55 prof. 20 3x40w hal G9

A. 5105/1

20x38 prof. 18 1x40w E14

SP. 7640

Ø 40 prof. 12 Dec. 05 OTT

A. 7760/2

30x50 prof. 20 2x40w E14 Dec. 095 + Fucsia CR - PT

At. 7775/6

Ø 50 h. 180 Dec. 095 + Fucsia



L. 5105/12/Galv. Ø 110 h. 65 12x40w E14 Dec. 044 + Cromo

L. 5105/8/Galv. Ø 80 h. 55 8x40w E14

L. 5105/6/Galv. Ø 60 h. 50 6x40w E14

L. 7825/8

Ø 85 h. 50 8x40w hal G9 Dec. 017 VM

L. 7825/6

Ø 65 h. 45 6x40w hal G9

A. 5105/2/Galv.

30x38 prof. 14 2x40w E14 Dec. 094 + Oro Galvanico

A. 5105/1/Galv.

20x38 prof. 18 1x40w E14



a. 7880/2

31x25 prof. 22 1x5w Power led Dec. 05 Ott.

Ab. 8085

26x44 prof. 8 Dec. 05

a. 7880/1

12x25 prof. 22 1x3w Power led

Ab. 8080

18x24 prof. 14 Dec. 05

SP. 8055

45X60 prof. 8 Dec. 05

Ab. 8090 55x18 prof. 7 Dec. 05

AB. 8065 ab. 8070

15x26 prof. 12 Dec. 05

lp. 7955/1

14x22 prof. 12 Dec. 05

Ă˜ 20 h. 30 1x3w Power led Dec. 05 OTT

Ab. 8075

14x20 prof. 15 Dec. 05

C. 8060

70x23 prof. 28 Dec. 05



L. 7605/4

20x20 h.45 4x40w E14 Dec. 02 + 066 OTT

L. 7605/1 11x11 h. 28 1x40w E14

A. 7650/2

30x15 prof. 25 2x40w E14 Dec. 01 + 085 OTT

A. 7650/1

20x15 prof. 25 1x40w E14

LP. 7645/1 Ø 20 h. 30 1x40w E14 Dec. 01 + 085 OTT

SP. 7635

Ø 40 prof. 12 Dec. 01 + 02 OTT

A. 7610/4

30x50 prof. 55 4x40w E14 Dec. 02 + 066 OTT

A. 7610/1

15x32 prof. 25 1x40w E14



L. 7630/4

20x20 h. 45 4x40w E14 Dec. 01 + 079 OTT

L. 7615/4 20x20 h. 45 4x40w E14 Dec. 01 + 02 OTT

L. 7625/4 L. 7620/1 11x11 h. 28 1x40w E14 Dec. 01 + 02 OTT


20x20 h. 45 4x40w E14 Dec. 095 + Blue OTT


L. 7660/6

Ø 60 h. 65 6x40w E14 Dec. 067 SW - CR - VB - SH - VM

L. 7655/5

Ø 55 h. 60 5x40w E14 Dec. 092 SW - CR - VB - SH



PL. 7695/8 95x85 prof. 40 8x40w E14 Dec. 067 + 095 SH - VM

PL. 7695/6 85x65 prof. 40 6x40w E14

L. 7690/8

95x85 h. 70 8x40w E14 Dec. 067 + 095 SH - CR - PT

LM. 7950/1/L Ø 30 h. 58 1x60w E27 Dec. 095 CR - PT - OTT

L. 7690/6 85x65 h. 65 6x40w E14

LP. 7950/1/B Ø 25 h. 37 1x40w E14 Dec. 095 CR - PT - OTT



L. 7770/8

Ø 85 h. 105 8x40w E14 Dec. 081 + Rame SH - CR - PT

L. 7770/6 Ø 65 h. 90 6x40w E14

A. 7885/2

30X45 prof. 15 2x40w E14 Dec. 01 + 02 SH - CR - PT - OTT

A. 7770/2

50x70 prof. 20 2x40w E14 Dec. 081 + Rame SH - CR - PT


L. 7885/12 + 3 Ø 80 h. 130 15x40w E14 Dec. 01 + 02 SH - CR - PT - OTT


L. 7740/8 Ø 75 h. 75 8x40w E14 Dec. 095 SH - CR - PT

L. 7740/6 Ø 65 h. 65 6x40w E14

PL. 7735/3 Ø 28 prof. 35 3x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 SH

PL. 7725/3

Ø 28 prof. 35 3x40w hal G9 Dec. Fucsia lucido SH


PL. 7805/3

Ø 28 prof. 80 3x40w E14 Dec. 039 + Giallo SH - CR


L. 7815/10

Ø 70 h. 85 10x40w hal G9 Dec. 044 + Glitter viola CR

L. 7730/12

Ø 65 h. 115 12x40w hal G9 Dec. 095 + Verde CR

L. 7730/6

Ø 50 h. 100 6x40w hal G9

L. 7730/3

Ø 28 h. 80 3x40w hal G9



L. 7820/12

Ø 65 h. 90 12x40w hal G9 Dec. 02 SW - SH - VM

L. 7820/8

Ø 45 h. 70 8x40w hal G9

L. 7820/6

Ø 35 h. 60 6x40w hal G9


L. 7100/6

Ø 30 h. 85 6x40w E14 Dec. 01 + 079 SH - VB


L. 7870/6

L. 6775/8

Ø 60 h. 50 6x5w Power led Dec. 01 + 040 VM - OTT

Ø 95 h. 110 8x40w E14 Dec. 02 SH

L. 6775/6 Ø 80 h. 100 6x40w E14

L. 6775/5 Ø 60 h. 75 5x40w E14

A. 7870/2

A. 7875/1

18x20 prof. 20 1x3w Power led Dec. 01 + 040 VM - OTT

30x35 prof. 30 2x5w power led Dec. 01 + 040 VM - OTT

A. 6775/2

40 x 50 prof. 16 2x40w E14 Dec. 02 SH



L. 7590/6

Ø 75 h. 65 6x40w E14 Dec. 01 + 085 SW - CR - OTT

L. 7595/6

Ø 70 h. 55 6x40w E14 Dec. 01 + 099 SW - VB - CR - OTT

f. 7830/1

Ø 10 prof. 8 1x50w hal GZ10 Dec. 096 SH - OTT


f. 7835/1

Ø 12 prof. 10 1x50w hal GZ10 Dec. 096 SH - OTT


I nuovi colori - The new colours

f. 7845/1

10x10 prof. 12 1x50w hal GZ10 Dec. 02 CR - OTT

f. 7860/1

10X10 prof. 15 1x50w hal GZ10 Dec. 01 SH - CR - OTT


f. 7850/1

Ø 12 prof. 12 1x50w hal GZ10 Dec. 02 CR - OTT

f. 7865/1

Ø 12 prof. 15 1x50w hal GZ10 Dec. 01 SH - CR - OTT

Dec. 017 Dec. 017

Dec. 044 + Cromo Dec. 044 + Chrome

Dec. 044 + Glitter viola Dec. 095 + Violet glitter

Dec. 044 + Rame Dec. 044 + Copper

Dec. 081 + Rame Dec. 081 + Copper

Dec. 092 Dec. 092

Dec. 094 + Oro galvanico Dec. 094 + Galvanic gold

Dec. 095 + Blu Dec. 095 + Blue

Dec. 095 + Fucsia Dec. 095 + Fucsia

Dec. Fucsia lucido Dec. Shining fucsia

Dec. 095 + Nero Dec. 095 + Black

Dec. 095 + Rame Dec. 095 + Copper

Dec. 095 + Verde Dec. 095 + Green

Dec. 095 + Viola Dec. 095 + Violet

Dec. 095 Dec. 095

f. 7840/1

Ø 12 prof. 12 1x50w hal GZ10 Dec. 02 CR - OTT

f. 7855/1

Ø 10 prof. 15 1x50w hal GZ10 Dec. 01 SH - CR - OTT

Paralume liscio (fatto a mano) Smooth shade (hand made)

Paralume plissè (fatto a mano) Plissè shade (hand made)

Mezza ventola (fatto a mano) Half shade (hand made)

Misure/Size Ø 14/20/25/30/35/40/50/60

Misure/Size Ø 14/20/25/30/35/40/50/60

Misura/Size 9x13

Colori a richiesta Colours on request

Colori a richiesta Colours on request

Colori a richiesta Colours on request

Paralume in vetro Glass shade Nero Black

Paralume in vetro Glass shade Bianco White

Paralume in vetro Glass shade Avorio Ivory

Paralume in vetro Glass shade Ametista Amethyst


Indice degli articoli - Index of items Articolo





A. L. L. L. A. A. L. L. A. L. L. L. L. A. A. A A. L. L. SP. L. L. A.

5105/1/Galv. 5105/12/Galv. 5105/18 5105/18 + 9 5105/2 5105/2/Galv. 5105/6/Galv. 5105/8/Galv. 6775/2 6775/5 6775/6 6775/8 7100/6 7580/3 7580/6 7585/3 7585/6 7590/6 7595/6 7600 7605/1 7605/4 7610/1

23 22 19 19 20 23 22 22 42 42 42 42 41 7 7 21 21 45 44 9 27 27 27

Articolo A. L. L. L. L. SP. SP. LP. A. A. L. L. PL. PL. S. PL. PL. P. LP. A. L. L. L. L.

7610/4 7615/4 7620/1 7625/4 7630/4 7635 7640 7645/1 7650/1 7650/2 7655/5 7660/6 7665/6 7665/12 7670/4 7675/3 7675/6 7680/2 7685/1/B 7685/2 7685/6 7685/12 7690/6 7690/8

pag. 27 28 28 29 29 27 21 26 26 26 30 31 2 2 8 7 7 8 2 5 3 3 33 33

Articolo PL. PL. L. L. L. A. L. L. PL PL. A. L. L. PL. PL. PL. L. L. L. PL. L. L. PL. PL.

7695/6 7695/8 7700/6 7700/8 7700/8 + 4 7705/2 7705/6 7705/12 7710/6 7710/12 7715/2 7715/6 7715/8 7720/6 7720/8 7725/3 7730/3 7730/6 7730/12 7735/3 7740/6 7740/8 7745/3 7745/5

Sigla prodotto - products A. AB. AT. B. C. F. L. LG. LM. LP. P. PC. PL. S. SP. SS. T.

pag. 32 32 6 6 6 16 17 17 16 16 12 13 13 14 14 37 38 38 38 37 36 36 15 15

Articolo PL. A A. L. P. A. PL. PL. PL. A.. L. L. AT. PL. L. L. L. L. L. L. F. F. F. F.

7745/7 7750/2/G 7750/2/P 7750/8 7755/2 7760/2 7765/3 7765/5 7765/7 7770/2 7770/6 7770/8 7775/6 7805/3 7815/10 7820/6 7820/8 7820/12 7825/6 7825/8 7830/1 7835/1 7840/1 7845/1

pag. 15 11 11 10 11 20 4 4 4 34 34 34 20 37 39 40 40 40 23 23 44 44 46 46



F. F. F. F. A. L. A. A. A. A. L. LP. LM. LP. SP. C.

7850/1 7855/1 7860/1 7865/1 7870/2 7870/6 7875/1 7880/1 7880/2 7885/2 7885/12 + 3 7950/1/B 7950/1/L 7955/1 8055 8060

46 46 46 46 43 43 43 25 25 35 35 32 32 24 25 25


8065 8070 8075 8080 8085 8090

25 25 24 24 24 24

Sigla materiale - materials

Appliques - Wall sconce Acessori bagno - Bathroom accessory Attaccapanni - Clothes-hanger Bilancere - Balance chandelier Consolle - Console Faretto - Spot Lampadario - Chandelier Lampada grande - Big table lamp Lampada media - Medium table lamp Lampada piccola - Little table lamp Piantana - Floor lamp Portachiavi - Key-ring Plafoniera - Ceiling lamp Sedia - Chair Specchiera - Mirror Sospensione - Suspension Tavolo - Table


Cristallo molato - Crystal cut Cuscino in tessuro - Woven pillow Legno - Wood Mezza ventola in tessuto - Half cloth shade Ottone - Brass Paralume in pergamena - Parchment shade Pietra - Stone Paralume in tessuto - Cloth shade Paralume in vetro - Glass shade Scholer Crystals - Scholer Crystals Specchio molato - Cut mirror Strass Swarovski - Strass Swarovski Vetro - Glass Vetro di Bohemia - Bohemia glass Vetro fumè - Smoke glass Vetro di Murano - Murano glass Vetro sp.12 m/m Molato - Cut glass 12 m/m Vetro decorato scavo - Antique glass Vetro satinato - Satiny glass

Tutte le misure degli nostri articoli sono espressi in centimetri All measures of our items are in centimeters Все размеры наших изделий приведены в сантиметрах. Tutti nostri prodotti sono certificati ”CE” , “UL” e “GOST-R”. All our articles are in compliance with the norms “ CE” , “UL” and “GOST-R”. Все наши изделия имеют сертификаты CE, UL, ГОСТ. Tutti gli articoli della ditta Passeri International srl sono prodotti in Italia, decorati a mano secondo le tradizioni fiorentine, arricchiti con materiali ricercati e rifiniture preziose. All items of Passeri International srl company are made in Italy, decorated by hand in traditional florentine style using precious materials and finishings. Все изделия фирмы Passeri international srl произведены в Италии, окрашены вручную в соответствие с флорентийскими традициями, декорированы изысканными материалами и ценными видами отделок.

Passeri International srl

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