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Focus on Fishing

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Outdoor Mysteries

Dale Doepker

For questions about the Fishing Club or about fishing in Canadian Lakes, contact Dale Doepker at dtroutman97@aol.com or 231-972-8663


Riding Safe on Boats

HERE IS A QUOTE from the Michigan Handbook of Boating Laws and Responsibilities, page 37: “While operating at greater than Slow no Wake Speed, persons on a motorboat may not sit, stand, or walk on any portion of a motorboat not designed for that purpose. This includes riding on the gunwale.”

Sitting at the front of a pontoon with legs in the water is extremely unsafe at any speed! Also, sitting on the back of a seat is not permitted. In other words, sit only in the seats. Remember that except for West and Main Lakes, all other lakes within Canadian Lakes are “No Wake” slow speed only, at all times.

Please use courtesy at lake bridges. When approaching a bridge on the lakes in your vessel, always approach it from the right and when leaving head towards the right. This common courtesy will better let boaters on the other side see you.

Winners Group from the Bass Tournament on June 18. Canadian Lakes Bass Tournament Results

SATURDAY, JUNE 18 was a great day for bass fishing and 23 boats were entered, but the fishing was tough. First place went to Brian & Mark Lee, with 18.06 pounds for five bass, plus they had the 2nd largest bass at 4.70 pounds. Second was Jason & Ross Snyder with 17.25 pounds. Third was Frank & Brian Cornevale with 16.49 pounds. Fourth was Jim Kelly & Denny McCallister with 15.24 pounds. Fifth was Ed & Jon Dyer, with 14.07 pounds.

First with largest bass was Greg & Chris Gracyk at 4.89 pounds. The total winning weight of five fish was lower than recent years, but the two largest fish were larger than last year. Most boats brought in five fish, and they were all released live. Thanks again to Jason Snyder for being director of this event.

Loon Report

After being driven off their first nest by flies, all three pair re-nested. East Lake hatched two baby loons. Lake of the Clouds loons failed to produce babies this year. At Far West Lake, the loons sat on the re-nest for an excessive amount of time, but finally gave up because apparently the egg was not fertilized. Nine baby loons have been reported from other lakes in Mecosta County.

20th Annual Young Angler’s Contest Results

Cade Hooper, age 6, with the fi rst place fi sh in the 2-6 age group

Patrick Fox, fi rst place winner in the 7-9 year old group

THE YOUNG ANGLER’S CONTEST was very successful again this year, with over 70 kids registering for the fi shing and awards. We gave out 70 gift bags and 27 awards to kids who fi shed. Included in the gift bag, donated by Ace Hardware, was an MDNR fi sh poster and MUCC Tracks magazine, a small fl ag from Coldwell Banker, a poster showing how to clean fi sh, a poster showing knots, a card with the two most common fi shing knots, and a Ziploc bag for their fi sh entry. Th e Mecosta County Optimist Club generously provided a picnic lunch and refreshments.

Th e largest bluegill entered was 8 ounces by Patrick Fox, 7 years old in the 7- to 9-yearold group. Second largest was 7.23 ounces, by 13-year-old, Ashtin Snyder, in the 13- to 16-year-old group. Pierce Mooney won fi rst place in the 10- to 12-year-old group with 7.02 ounces. In the 2- to 6-year-old group, Cade Hooper took fi rst place with 6.8 ounces. We sold Canadian Lakes Fishing Club tee shirts and caps, along with some donated fi shing tackle, and generous donations from attendees. A hearty thank you to all of the volunteers from the Fishing and Optimists Clubs who gave their time and eff orts to make this annual event a success.

17th Annual Bullhead Tournament

FISHING BEGINS AT 8:00 p.m. Friday night, August 5 and ends at 2:00 a.m., Saturday August 6, in any of the Canadian Lakes waters. (Shore fi shing is usually best.) Th e entry fee is $10/person, with youth 16 and under free, but not eligible for the normal prizes. Weigh-in is at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, August 6 at the Pines Pavilion.

Forty percent of the money collected will be deducted fi rst to cover the cost of food and refreshments. Bullhead wrangler awards come fi rst and pay three places for heaviest fi sh: 15%, 10%, 5%. Bullhead master award for most total weight, 9 inches and over only, pays three places: 15%, 10%, 5%. One award per person, with the tie breaker being the heaviest in the other category. For youth, there will be separate prizes for most total weight and heaviest fi sh.

All Canadian Lakes members, families and members’ guests are welcome to participate. Anglers may fi sh together, but weigh-in is individual so the fi sh caught must be kept separate. Gear is restricted to MDNR fi shing regulations—three rods and two hooks per rod. Th e minimum size is nine inches to qualify; release all smaller fi sh caught. Please measure each fi sh to help at weigh-in. Pack all fi sh on ice in a cooler for the weigh-in.

Th is is a catch and keep tournament. All fi sh kept will be cleaned and cooked for the participants to enjoy. All participants must bring in their fi sh, regardless of number!

Entries must be received by Friday, August 6 by 4:00 p.m. Mail or deliver names and money to Sue Glazier, 8339 West Royal, 231-679-1938. Checks should be made payable to Sue Glazier. A bulletin with full details is available on the CLA website, canadianlakesassociation.org or in the kiosk at the CLPOC Offi ce.

Photography by Di Schwartz

Osprey Report

Our Canadian Lakes Osprey nest on Buchanan Road appears to have hatched two baby ospreys, who likely left the nest by the time this Canadian Laker published.

19th Annual Pike Tournament

Saturday, September 10

THIS EVENT IS from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Canadian Lakes members, families, and guests are eligible. Registration deadline is 6:00 p.m. Friday, September 9. Any legal number may be in a boat, but this is an individual tournament. Th e entry fee is $20/ angler and free for children 16 and under.

Th e tournament begins and ends at Pierce Beach on West Lake, with a check-in meeting at 7:45 a.m. and results submittal at 2:00 p.m. Only artifi cial lures are allowed, one rod fi shed at a time for each angler, with trolling permitted. If you do not boat from Pierce Beach, you must still check-in at Pierce Beach and return there by 2:00 p.m.

All pike and muskies caught are to be measured, documented on a form provided, and released immediately. Photo evidence is required for all fi sh over 24 inches long. Pizza and bottled water will be provided at 2 p.m.

Cash prizes awarded to paid participants include longest pike/muskie, second longest, most total inches of pike/ muskie 24 inches and over, and most total pike/muskie any size. Prizes can be won in combination. Th e tournament director is ineligible for prizes.

Submit $20 per angler and participant names to Jeff or Natalie Abel, 9325 Edgewater Drive, 231-2871899 by September 9. A bulletin with full details is available on the CLA website, canadianlakesassociation.org or in the kiosk at the CLPOC Offi ce.

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