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Time Capsule

Time Capsule


Summer days are warm and bright with the scent of BBQ and bonfires wafting through the air, and the laughter of children rolling across the lake. With the fourth of July just around the corner let’s take a minute to talk about the Fireworks laws here in Michigan and guests to our wonderful community.


Michigan Firework Safety Act

In 2012 Governer Snyder signed into effect the Michigan Fireworks Safety Act, this act made the sale, use, and possession of “consumer fireworks” legal. While some Michigan counties, cities, villages, or townships chose to enact their own fireworks ordinance, we here in Mecosta County have adopted the State laws. What does this mean for us here in Canadian Lakes?

It means that it is legal to use fireworks on your private property (on authorized days), it is not legal to use fireworks on any common property including roadways, greenbelts and beaches with out written permission from the General Manager. Fireworks can not be used before 11am or after 11:45pm except on December 31 (1:00am).

Fireworks are allowed on the following days:

• December 31st until 1:00am on January 1st

• The Saturday and Sunday before Memorial day

• June 29th to July 4th

• July 5th only if it falls on a Friday or Saturday

• The Saturday and Sunday right before Labor day.

Guests To Canadian Lakes

Just a quick reminder that “The CLPOC Member is responsible for the conduct of a family member and/or invited guest(s). This includes , but is not limited to a tenant, renter, lessee and any other short-term or long-term user of private property included within the membership of the CLPOC. The CLPOC member is, at times, liable to the CLPOC for any and all damage to CLPOC property caused by these individuals.” Make sure to stop in the office and pick up guest passes for all your guests and educate them as to the rules of our wonderful community. We all wish you a Safe and Happy Summer season!

Summer Storms

The warm weather here in Michigan, often times brings with it severe storms. Immediately following the storms we ask that members and their guests refrain from unnessecary travel throught the community as we evaluate the status of the roads, downed trees, and power outages. Status updates on road and building closures will be sent out via email and Facebook. If you loose power please contact your respective power company to report the outage and check for restoral updates. If you come across trees down across Canadian Lakes roadways please make note of the location giving the closest cross street or address and contact safety, you may leave a voice mail if we are unable to answer. We will work as quickly and as safely as possible to clear the roads, this often means piling the debris on the side and coming back for it later. If you come across a tree down with yellow caution tape on it, we have it on our list! Please do not cross or touch any downed power lines as you will not be able to tell if they are live.

As always, we on the safety team want to thank the wonderful volunteers of mobile watch, without your dedication our job would be much more difficult. Your safety in the community is our top priority!

231-288-0148 spankky@charter.net

Your Canadian Lakes Mobile Watch wrapped up the 2022/2023 Winter Watch (formerly referred to as the Red Lights) coverage effective April 1, 2023. It was a busy year with hundreds of homes on the list at one time or another. When you see Mobile Watch patrollers, please give them a hearty thanks for their excellent work this past winter. I know that some of our residents are very thankful for the vigilance and timely red-light reporting which helped alleviate potential problems due to malfunctioning furnaces.

House Number Signs

For those of you who have already installed reflective house numbers in the front yard, the Mobile Watch and Safety Department thank you. These reflective green and white address numbers are a significant help. They easily identify the house

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